def main(): args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) add_filename_and_parser_argparse_arguments(args_parser) add_visualizers_argparse_arguments(args_parser) args_parser.add_argument( "--position", type=float, nargs="+", default=[], help="A list of positions which must be the same length as the number " "of positions in the sdf model. Note that most models have a " "floating-base joint by default (unless the sdf explicitly welds " "the base to the world, and so have 7 positions corresponding to " "the quaternion representation of that floating-base position.") # TODO(eric.cousineau): Support sliders (or widgets) for floating body # poses. # TODO(russt): Once floating body sliders are supported, add an option to # disable them too, either by welding via GetUniqueBaseBody #9747 or by # hiding the widgets. args_parser.add_argument( "--test", action='store_true', help="Disable opening the slider gui window for testing.") args = args_parser.parse_args() # NOTE: meshcat is required to create the JointSliders. args.meshcat = True filename, make_parser = parse_filename_and_parser(args_parser, args) update_visualization, connect_visualizers = parse_visualizers( args_parser, args) builder = DiagramBuilder() scene_graph = builder.AddSystem(SceneGraph()) # Construct a MultibodyPlant. # N.B. Do not use AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph because we want to inject our # custom pose-bundle adjustments for the sliders. plant = MultibodyPlant(time_step=0.0) plant.RegisterAsSourceForSceneGraph(scene_graph) # Add the model from the file and finalize the plant. make_parser(plant).AddModelFromFile(filename) update_visualization(plant, scene_graph) plant.Finalize() meshcat = connect_visualizers(builder, plant, scene_graph) assert meshcat is not None, "Meshcat visualizer not created but required." # Add sliders to set positions of the joints. sliders = builder.AddSystem(JointSliders(meshcat=meshcat, plant=plant)) to_pose = builder.AddSystem(MultibodyPositionToGeometryPose(plant)) builder.Connect(sliders.get_output_port(0), to_pose.get_input_port()) builder.Connect( to_pose.get_output_port(), scene_graph.get_source_pose_port(plant.get_source_id())) if len(args.position): sliders.SetPositions(args.position) # Make the diagram and run it. diagram = builder.Build() simulator = Simulator(diagram) if args.test: simulator.AdvanceTo(0.1) else: simulator.set_target_realtime_rate(1.0) simulator.AdvanceTo(np.inf)
def test_joint_sliders(self): # Load up an acrobot. acrobot_file = FindResourceOrThrow( "drake/multibody/benchmarks/acrobot/acrobot.urdf") builder = DiagramBuilder() plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, 0.0) parser = Parser(plant) parser.AddModelFromFile(acrobot_file) plant.Finalize() # Construct a sliders system, using every available option. meshcat = Meshcat() dut = JointSliders( meshcat=meshcat, plant=plant, initial_value=[0.1, 0.2], lower_limit=[-3.0, -6.0], upper_limit=[3.0, 6.0], step=[0.25, 0.50], ) # Various methods should not crash. dut.get_output_port() dut.Delete() # The constructor also accepts single values for broadcast (except for # the initial value). dut = JointSliders( meshcat=meshcat, plant=plant, initial_value=[0.1, 0.2], lower_limit=-3.0, upper_limit=3.0, step=0.1, ) dut.Delete() # The constructor also accepts None directly, for optionals. dut = JointSliders( meshcat=meshcat, plant=plant, initial_value=None, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None, step=None, ) dut.Delete() # The constructor has default values, in any case. dut = JointSliders(meshcat, plant) # The Run function doesn't crash. builder.AddSystem(dut) diagram = builder.Build() dut.Run(diagram=diagram, timeout=1.0)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "--target_realtime_rate", type=float, default=1.0, help="Desired rate relative to real time. See documentation for " "Simulator::set_target_realtime_rate() for details.") parser.add_argument("--duration", type=float, default=np.inf, help="Desired duration of the simulation in seconds.") parser.add_argument( "--hardware", action='store_true', help="Use the ManipulationStationHardwareInterface instead of an " "in-process simulation.") parser.add_argument("--test", action='store_true', help="Disable opening the gui window for testing.") parser.add_argument( '--setup', type=str, default='manipulation_class', help="The manipulation station setup to simulate. ", choices=['manipulation_class', 'clutter_clearing', 'planar']) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--open-window", dest="browser_new", action="store_const", const=1, default=None, help="Open the MeshCat display in a new browser window.") args = parser.parse_args() builder = DiagramBuilder() # NOTE: the meshcat instance is always created in order to create the # teleop controls (joint sliders and open/close gripper button). When # args.hardware is True, the meshcat server will *not* display robot # geometry, but it will contain the joint sliders and open/close gripper # button in the "Open Controls" tab in the top-right of the viewing server. meshcat = Meshcat() if args.hardware: # TODO(russt): Replace this hard-coded camera serial number with a # config file. camera_ids = ["805212060544"] station = builder.AddSystem( ManipulationStationHardwareInterface(camera_ids)) station.Connect(wait_for_cameras=False) else: station = builder.AddSystem(ManipulationStation()) # Initializes the chosen station type. if args.setup == 'manipulation_class': station.SetupManipulationClassStation() station.AddManipulandFromFile( "drake/examples/manipulation_station/models/" + "061_foam_brick.sdf", RigidTransform(RotationMatrix.Identity(), [0.6, 0, 0])) elif args.setup == 'clutter_clearing': station.SetupClutterClearingStation() ycb_objects = CreateClutterClearingYcbObjectList() for model_file, X_WObject in ycb_objects: station.AddManipulandFromFile(model_file, X_WObject) elif args.setup == 'planar': station.SetupPlanarIiwaStation() station.AddManipulandFromFile( "drake/examples/manipulation_station/models/" + "061_foam_brick.sdf", RigidTransform(RotationMatrix.Identity(), [0.6, 0, 0])) station.Finalize() geometry_query_port = station.GetOutputPort("geometry_query") DrakeVisualizer.AddToBuilder(builder, geometry_query_port) meshcat_visualizer = MeshcatVisualizerCpp.AddToBuilder( builder=builder, query_object_port=geometry_query_port, meshcat=meshcat) if args.setup == 'planar': meshcat.Set2dRenderMode() pyplot_visualizer = ConnectPlanarSceneGraphVisualizer( builder, station.get_scene_graph(), geometry_query_port) if args.browser_new is not None: url = meshcat.web_url(), new=args.browser_new) teleop = builder.AddSystem( JointSliders(meshcat=meshcat, plant=station.get_controller_plant())) num_iiwa_joints = station.num_iiwa_joints() filter = builder.AddSystem( FirstOrderLowPassFilter(time_constant=2.0, size=num_iiwa_joints)) builder.Connect(teleop.get_output_port(0), filter.get_input_port(0)) builder.Connect(filter.get_output_port(0), station.GetInputPort("iiwa_position")) wsg_buttons = builder.AddSystem(SchunkWsgButtons(meshcat=meshcat)) builder.Connect(wsg_buttons.GetOutputPort("position"), station.GetInputPort("wsg_position")) builder.Connect(wsg_buttons.GetOutputPort("force_limit"), station.GetInputPort("wsg_force_limit")) # When in regression test mode, log our joint velocities to later check # that they were sufficiently quiet. if args.test: iiwa_velocities = builder.AddSystem(VectorLogSink(num_iiwa_joints)) builder.Connect(station.GetOutputPort("iiwa_velocity_estimated"), iiwa_velocities.get_input_port(0)) else: iiwa_velocities = None diagram = builder.Build() simulator = Simulator(diagram) # This is important to avoid duplicate publishes to the hardware interface: simulator.set_publish_every_time_step(False) station_context = diagram.GetMutableSubsystemContext( station, simulator.get_mutable_context()) station.GetInputPort("iiwa_feedforward_torque").FixValue( station_context, np.zeros(num_iiwa_joints)) # If the diagram is only the hardware interface, then we must advance it a # little bit so that first LCM messages get processed. A simulated plant is # already publishing correct positions even without advancing, and indeed # we must not advance a simulated plant until the sliders and filters have # been initialized to match the plant. if args.hardware: simulator.AdvanceTo(1e-6) # Eval the output port once to read the initial positions of the IIWA. q0 = station.GetOutputPort("iiwa_position_measured").Eval(station_context) teleop.SetPositions(q0) filter.set_initial_output_value( diagram.GetMutableSubsystemContext(filter, simulator.get_mutable_context()), q0) simulator.set_target_realtime_rate(args.target_realtime_rate) simulator.AdvanceTo(args.duration) # Ensure that our initialization logic was correct, by inspecting our # logged joint velocities. if args.test: iiwa_velocities_log = iiwa_velocities.FindLog(simulator.get_context()) for time, qdot in zip(iiwa_velocities_log.sample_times(), # TODO(jwnimmer-tri) We should be able to do better than a 40 # rad/sec limit, but that's the best we can enforce for now. if qdot.max() > 0.1: print(f"ERROR: large qdot {qdot} at time {time}") sys.exit(1)