def test_zz_quickstart_usage(self):
        import json
        import httplib
        import numpy
        from pydvid import voxels, general
        # Open a connection to DVID
        connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( "localhost:8000", timeout=5.0 )
        # Get detailed dataset info: /api/datasets/info
        dataset_details = general.get_repos_info( connection )
        # print json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 )
        # Create a new remote volume
        uuid = 'abcde'
        voxels_metadata = voxels.VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata( (4,0,0,0), numpy.uint8, 'cxyz', 1.0, "" )
        voxels.create_new( connection, uuid, "my_volume", voxels_metadata )
        # Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume     
        dvid_volume = voxels.VoxelsAccessor( connection, uuid, "my_volume" )
        # print dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex, dvid_volume.shape
        # Add some data
        updated_data = numpy.ones( (4,100,100,100), dtype=numpy.uint8 ) # Must include all channels.
        dvid_volume[:, 10:110, 20:120, 30:130] = updated_data
        # OR:
        dvid_volume.post_ndarray( (0,10,20,30), (4,110,120,130), updated_data )
        # Read from it (First axis is channel.)
        cutout_array = dvid_volume[:, 10:110, 20:120, 30:130]
        # OR:
        cutout_array = dvid_volume.get_ndarray( (0,10,20,30), (4,110,120,130) )
        assert isinstance(cutout_array, numpy.ndarray)
        assert cutout_array.shape == (4,100,100,100)
def is_dataset_in_dvid(connection, uuid, dataset):
    dataset_details = general.get_repos_info(connection)
    for dataset_uuid in dataset_details.keys():
        if dataset_uuid.startswith(uuid):
            return dataset in dataset_details[dataset_uuid][
    return False
 def test_query_datasets_info(self):
     info = general.get_repos_info( self.client_connection )
     items = sorted(info.items())
     first_item = items[0][1]
     assert first_item["DAG"]["Root"] == "abcde"
     assert first_item["DAG"]["Nodes"]["abcde"]["Parents"] == []
     assert first_item["DAG"]["Nodes"]["abcde"]["Children"] == []
     assert first_item["DataInstances"][self.data_name]["Base"]["Name"] == self.data_name
 def test_query_datasets_info(self):
     info = general.get_repos_info(self.client_connection)
     items = sorted(info.items())
     first_item = items[0][1]
     assert first_item["DAG"]["Root"] == "abcde"
     assert first_item["DAG"]["Nodes"]["abcde"]["Parents"] == []
     assert first_item["DAG"]["Nodes"]["abcde"]["Children"] == []
     assert first_item["DataInstances"][
         self.data_name]["Base"]["Name"] == self.data_name
    def test_zz_quickstart_usage(self):
        import json
        import httplib
        import numpy
        from pydvid import voxels, general

        # Open a connection to DVID
        connection = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:8000", timeout=5.0)

        # Get detailed dataset info: /api/datasets/info
        dataset_details = general.get_repos_info(connection)
        # print json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 )

        # Create a new remote volume
        uuid = 'abcde'
        voxels_metadata = voxels.VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata(
            (4, 0, 0, 0), numpy.uint8, 'cxyz', 1.0, "")
        voxels.create_new(connection, uuid, "my_volume", voxels_metadata)

        # Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume
        dvid_volume = voxels.VoxelsAccessor(connection, uuid, "my_volume")
        # print dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex, dvid_volume.shape

        # Add some data
        updated_data = numpy.ones(
            (4, 100, 100, 100),
            dtype=numpy.uint8)  # Must include all channels.
        dvid_volume[:, 10:110, 20:120, 30:130] = updated_data
        # OR:
        dvid_volume.post_ndarray((0, 10, 20, 30), (4, 110, 120, 130),

        # Read from it (First axis is channel.)
        cutout_array = dvid_volume[:, 10:110, 20:120, 30:130]
        # OR:
        cutout_array = dvid_volume.get_ndarray((0, 10, 20, 30),
                                               (4, 110, 120, 130))

        assert isinstance(cutout_array, numpy.ndarray)
        assert cutout_array.shape == (4, 100, 100, 100)
import json
import httplib
import numpy
from pydvid import voxels, general

connection = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:8001", timeout=5.0)

# Get detailed dataset info: /api/datasets/info
dataset_details = general.get_repos_info(connection)
# print json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 )

# Create a new remote volume
uuid = "25eb4d877a0d4f8391014fe1237ada8a"
voxels_metadata = voxels.VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata(
    (4, 0, 0, 0), numpy.uint8, "cxyz", 1.0, "")
# voxels.create_new( connection, uuid, "my_volume", voxels_metadata )
# Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume
dvid_volume = voxels.VoxelsAccessor(connection, uuid, "my_volume")
print(dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex,

# Add some data
updated_data = numpy.ones((4, 100, 100, 100),
                          dtype=numpy.uint8)  # Must include all channels.
# dvid_volume[:, 10:110, 20:120, 30:130] = updated_data
# OR:
dvid_volume.post_ndarray((0, 10, 20, 30), (4, 110, 120, 130), updated_data)

# Read from it (First axis is channel.)
cutout_array = dvid_volume[:, 10:110, 20:120, 30:130]
# OR: