"""This example shows how you can parallelize ODE integration of a generated
ODE function using joblib. The example shows how you can both evaluate the
right hand side function and integrate the equations of motion with
different model parameters while spreading the independent computations over
the number of CPUs on the computer. For example, this could be useful in
genetic algorithm optimization routines to parallelize the evaluation of the
cost function at each iteration."""

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from pydy.models import n_link_pendulum_on_cart

print('Generating equations of motion')
sys = n_link_pendulum_on_cart(10, False, False)

print('Defining numerical values')
x = np.random.random(len(sys.states))
t = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 100000)
p_set = np.random.random((16, len(sys.constants_symbols)))

print('Generating the ODE function')
rhs = sys.generate_ode_function(generator='cython')

print('Defining wrapper functions')
# These two wrapper functions seem to be required for things to pickle in
# Joblib and I'm not sure why. This is not the case if the rhs function was
# defined as a normal Python function instead of being generated with
# lambdify or cython.
import os
import time
import sys
sys.path = ["../sympy", "../pydy", "../symengine.py"] + sys.path

import sympy
import symengine
import pydy
from pydy.models import n_link_pendulum_on_cart


if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
    n = int(sys.argv[1])
    n = 4

start = time.time()
sys = n_link_pendulum_on_cart(n, cart_force=False)
end = time.time()

print("%s s" % (end-start))

def run_benchmark(max_num_links, num_time_steps=1000):
    """Runs the n link pendulum derivation, code generation, and integration
    for each n up to the max number provided and generates a plot of the

    methods = ['lambdify', 'theano', 'cython']

    link_numbers = range(1, max_num_links + 1)

    derivation_times = zeros(len(link_numbers))
    integration_times = zeros((max_num_links, len(methods)))
    code_generation_times = zeros_like(integration_times)

    for j, n in enumerate(link_numbers):

        title = "Pendulum with {} links.".format(n)
        print('=' * len(title))

        start = time.time()
        sys = n_link_pendulum_on_cart(n, cart_force=False)

        m = symbols('m:{}'.format(n + 1))
        l = symbols('l:{}'.format(n))
        g = symbols('g')

        derivation_times[j] = time.time() - start
        print('The derivation took {:1.5f} seconds.\n'.format(derivation_times[j]))

        # Define the numerical values: parameters, time, and initial conditions
        arm_length = 1. / n
        bob_mass = 0.01 / n
        parameter_vals = [9.81, 0.01 / n]
        for i in range(n):
            parameter_vals += [arm_length, bob_mass]

        times = linspace(0, 10, num_time_steps)
        sys.times = times

        x0 = hstack(
             pi / 2 * ones(len(sys.coordinates) - 1),
             1e-3 * ones(len(sys.speeds))))
        sys.initial_conditions = dict(zip(sys.states, x0))

        constants = [g, m[0]]
        for i in range(n):
            constants += [l[i], m[i + 1]]

        sys.constants = dict(zip(constants, array(parameter_vals)))

        for k, method in enumerate(methods):

            subtitle = "Generating with {} method.".format(method)
            print('-' * len(subtitle))
            start = time.time()
            code_generation_times[j, k] = time.time() - start
            print('The code generation took {:1.5f} seconds.'.format(
                code_generation_times[j, k]))

            start = time.time()
            integration_times[j, k] = time.time() - start
            print('ODE integration took {:1.5f} seconds.\n'.format(
                integration_times[j, k]))

        del sys

    # plot the results
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)

    ax[0].plot(link_numbers, derivation_times)
    ax[0].set_title('Symbolic Derivation Time')

    ax[1].plot(link_numbers, code_generation_times)
    ax[1].set_title('Code Generation Time')
    ax[1].legend(methods, loc=2)

    ax[2].plot(link_numbers, integration_times)
    ax[2].set_title('Integration Time')
    ax[2].legend(methods, loc=2)

    for a in ax.flatten():
        a.set_ylabel('Time [s]')

    ax[-1].set_xlabel('Number of links')


文件: time_rhs.py 项目: Nitin216/pydy
The script outputs the average time taken to numerically
evaluate the right hand side of the first order differential
equation for each of the 12 permutations.


import timeit

import numpy as np
import sympy as sm

from pydy import models
from pydy.codegen.ode_function_generators import LambdifyODEFunctionGenerator

sys = models.n_link_pendulum_on_cart(3, True, True)

right_hand_side = sys.eom_method.rhs()

constants = list(sm.ordered(sys.constants_symbols))

specifieds = list(sm.ordered(sys.specifieds_symbols))

constants_arg_types = ['array', 'dictionary']
specifieds_arg_types = ['array', 'function', 'dictionary']

p_array = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0])
p_dct = dict(zip(constants, p_array))

p = {}
文件: time_rhs.py 项目: zizai/pydy
The script outputs the average time taken to numerically
evaluate the right hand side of the first order differential
equation for each of the 12 permutations.


import timeit

import numpy as np
import sympy as sm

from pydy import models
from pydy.codegen.ode_function_generators import LambdifyODEFunctionGenerator

sys = models.n_link_pendulum_on_cart(3, True, True)

right_hand_side = sys.eom_method.rhs()

constants = list(sm.ordered(sys.constants_symbols))

specifieds = list(sm.ordered(sys.specifieds_symbols))

constants_arg_types = ['array', 'dictionary']
specifieds_arg_types = ['array', 'function', 'dictionary']

p_array = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0])
p_dct = dict(zip(constants, p_array))

p = {}
def run_benchmark(max_num_links, num_time_steps=1000):
    """Runs the n link pendulum derivation, code generation, and integration
    for each n up to the max number provided and generates a plot of the

    methods = ['lambdify', 'theano', 'cython']

    link_numbers = range(1, max_num_links + 1)

    derivation_times = zeros(len(link_numbers))
    integration_times = zeros((max_num_links, len(methods)))
    code_generation_times = zeros_like(integration_times)

    for j, n in enumerate(link_numbers):

        title = "Pendulum with {} links.".format(n)
        print('=' * len(title))

        start = time.time()
        sys = n_link_pendulum_on_cart(n, cart_force=False)
        derivation_times[j] = time.time() - start
        print('The derivation took {:1.5f} seconds.\n'.format(derivation_times[j]))

        # Define the numerical values: parameters, time, and initial conditions
        arm_length = 1. / n
        bob_mass = 0.01 / n
        parameter_vals = [9.81, 0.01 / n]
        for i in range(n):
            parameter_vals += [arm_length, bob_mass]

        # odeint arguments
        x0 = hstack((0, pi / 2 * ones(len(results[3]) - 1), 1e-3 *
        args = {'constants': dict(zip(results[2], array(parameter_vals)))}
        t = linspace(0, 10, num_time_steps)

        for k, method in enumerate(methods):

            subtitle = "Generating with {} method.".format(method)
            print('-' * len(subtitle))
            start = time.time()
            evaluate_ode = generate_ode_function(*results,
            code_generation_times[j, k] = time.time() - start
            print('The code generation took {:1.5f} seconds.'.format(
                code_generation_times[j, k]))

            start = time.time()
            odeint(evaluate_ode, x0, t, args=(args,))
            integration_times[j, k] = time.time() - start
            print('ODE integration took {:1.5f} seconds.\n'.format(
                integration_times[j, k]))

        del results, evaluate_ode

    # clean up the cython crud
    files = glob.glob('multibody_system*')
    for f in files:

    # plot the results
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)

    ax[0].plot(link_numbers, derivation_times)
    ax[0].set_title('Symbolic Derivation Time')

    ax[1].plot(link_numbers, code_generation_times)
    ax[1].set_title('Code Generation Time')
    ax[1].legend(methods, loc=2)

    ax[2].plot(link_numbers, integration_times)
    ax[2].set_title('Integration Time')
    ax[2].legend(methods, loc=2)

    for a in ax.flatten():
        a.set_ylabel('Time [s]')

    ax[-1].set_xlabel('Number of links')


def run_benchmark(max_num_links, num_time_steps=1000):
    """Runs the n link pendulum derivation, code generation, and integration
    for each n up to the max number provided and generates a plot of the

    methods = ['lambdify', 'theano', 'cython']

    link_numbers = range(1, max_num_links + 1)

    derivation_times = zeros(len(link_numbers))
    integration_times = zeros((max_num_links, len(methods)))
    code_generation_times = zeros_like(integration_times)

    for j, n in enumerate(link_numbers):

        title = "Pendulum with {} links.".format(n)
        print('=' * len(title))

        start = time.time()
        sys = n_link_pendulum_on_cart(n, cart_force=False)

        m = symbols('m:{}'.format(n + 1))
        l = symbols('l:{}'.format(n))
        g = symbols('g')

        derivation_times[j] = time.time() - start
        print('The derivation took {:1.5f} seconds.\n'.format(derivation_times[j]))

        # Define the numerical values: parameters, time, and initial conditions
        arm_length = 1. / n
        bob_mass = 0.01 / n
        parameter_vals = [9.81, 0.01 / n]
        for i in range(n):
            parameter_vals += [arm_length, bob_mass]

        times = linspace(0, 10, num_time_steps)
        sys.times = times

        x0 = hstack(
             pi / 2 * ones(len(sys.coordinates) - 1),
             1e-3 * ones(len(sys.speeds))))
        sys.initial_conditions = dict(zip(sys.states, x0))

        constants = [g, m[0]]
        for i in range(n):
            constants += [l[i], m[i + 1]]

        sys.constants = dict(zip(constants, array(parameter_vals)))

        for k, method in enumerate(methods):

            subtitle = "Generating with {} method.".format(method)
            print('-' * len(subtitle))
            start = time.time()
            code_generation_times[j, k] = time.time() - start
            print('The code generation took {:1.5f} seconds.'.format(
                code_generation_times[j, k]))

            start = time.time()
            integration_times[j, k] = time.time() - start
            print('ODE integration took {:1.5f} seconds.\n'.format(
                integration_times[j, k]))

        del sys

    # plot the results
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)

    ax[0].plot(link_numbers, derivation_times)
    ax[0].set_title('Symbolic Derivation Time')

    ax[1].plot(link_numbers, code_generation_times)
    ax[1].set_title('Code Generation Time')
    ax[1].legend(methods, loc=2)

    ax[2].plot(link_numbers, integration_times)
    ax[2].set_title('Integration Time')
    ax[2].legend(methods, loc=2)

    for a in ax.flatten():
        a.set_ylabel('Time [s]')

    ax[-1].set_xlabel('Number of links')

