def runNeuroMAnalysis(path): fullState = files.loadState(usePathOrPick(path)) # NOTE: need to load one image, so set up volume size _IMG_CACHE.handleNewUIState(fullState.uiStates[0]) print("Loaded %d trees" % len(fullState.trees)) result = neuroMAnalysisForNeurons(fullState) print(result)
def runFiloTipCluster(path): fullState = files.loadState(usePathOrPick(path)) # Process each tree in order: for treeIdx, tree in enumerate(fullState.trees): branchIDList = util.sortedBranchIDList([tree]) # Find the types of each branch: filoTypes, _, _, _, _, _ = addedSubtractedTransitioned([tree]) # Keep only interstitial filo... interstitialFiloIDs = [] for branchID, filoType in zip(branchIDList, filoTypes[0]): if filoType == FiloType.INTERSTITIAL: interstitialFiloIDs.append(branchID) print("%d Interstitial Filos detected" % (len(interstitialFiloIDs))) # and map to the points at their tip: tipPoints = [] for branch in tree.branches: if in interstitialFiloIDs: if len(branch.points) > 0: tipPoints.append(branch.points[-1]) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("Interstitial Filo Tip clustering for [%d]" % (treeIdx + 1)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02, bottom=0.07, right=0.98, top=0.9, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.2) # 3D plot showing where the filo tips are on the branches. ax3D = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d') ax3D.set_title("3D positions") for branch in tree.branches: if branch.parentPoint is not None: points = [branch.parentPoint] + branch.points ax3D.plot(*tree.worldCoordPoints(points), c=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)) ax3D.scatter(*tree.worldCoordPoints(tipPoints)) # 2D plot comparing spatial distance to tree distance sDs, tDs = [], [] ax2D = fig.add_subplot(122) ax2D.set_title("Spatial distance vs Tree Distance") ax2D.set_xlabel("Spatial Distance (uM)") ax2D.set_ylabel("Tree Distance (uM)") for i, p1 in enumerate(tipPoints): for p2 in tipPoints[i + 1:]: spatialDist, treeDist = tree.spatialAndTreeDist(p1, p2) sDs.append(spatialDist) tDs.append(treeDist) if len(sDs) > 0 and len(tDs) > 0: ax2D.scatter(sDs, tDs) ax2D.plot([0, np.max(sDs)], [0, np.max(sDs)], '--', c=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7))
def doCleanups(path): origPath = usePathOrPick(path) fullState = files.loadState(origPath) cleanupEmptyBranches(fullState) # TODO - add more cleanups here cleanPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(origPath), "clean." + os.path.basename(origPath)) files.saveState(fullState, cleanPath) print("State saved to %s" % cleanPath)
def testImportNoChange(path='data/localFirst.dyn.gz'): print("Testing no motility changes after nodes copied...") fullState = files.loadState(path) assert len(fullState.trees) == 1 treeA = fullState.trees[0] # NOTE: old trees sometimes have empty branches: emptyBranches = [b for b in treeA.branches if len(b.points) == 0] for emptyBranch in emptyBranches: treeA.removeBranch(emptyBranch) treeB = Tree() treeB.clearAndCopyFrom(treeA, fullState) treeB._parentState = treeA._parentState # Copy branch and point IDs: for i in range(len(treeA.branches)): treeB.branches[i].id = treeA.branches[i].id for j in range(len(treeA.branches[i].points)): treeB.branches[i].points[j].id = treeA.branches[i].points[j].id trees = [treeA, treeB] print("\nResults:\n---------") # TDBL the same for identical trees allTDBL = [ TDBL(tree, excludeAxon=True, excludeBasal=False, includeFilo=False, filoDist=5) for tree in trees ] # print (allTDBL) assert allTDBL[0] == allTDBL[1] print("🙌 TDBL match!") filoTypes, added, subtracted, transitioned, masterChanged, masterNodes = \ addedSubtractedTransitioned(trees, excludeAxon=True, excludeBasal=False, terminalDist=5, filoDist=5) assert not np.any(added) assert not np.any(subtracted) assert not np.any(transitioned) print("🙌 Nothing added, subtracted or transitioned!") motilities, filoLengths = motility(trees, excludeAxon=True, excludeBasal=False, terminalDist=5, filoDist=5) mot = motilities['raw'][0] assert np.all(np.logical_or(mot == 0, np.isnan(mot))) assert np.all( np.logical_or(filoLengths[0] == filoLengths[1], np.isnan(filoLengths[0]))) assert np.array_equal(filoTypes[0], filoTypes[1]) print("🙌 Filotypes, filo lengths match!")
def openFromFile(self, filePath=""): print("File: '%s'" % filePath) if filePath == "": filePath, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open dynamo save file", "", "Dynamo files (*.dyn.gz)") if filePath != "": self.fullState = loadState(filePath) self.history = History(self.fullState) self.fullActions = FullStateActions(self.fullState, self.history) self.autoSaver = AutoSaver(self.fullState) BranchToColorMap().initFromFullState(self.fullState) self.initialMenu.hide() self.makeNewWindows()
def testParents(): fullState = files.loadState( "pydynamo_brain/pydynamo_brain/test/files/example2.dyn.gz") fullID = id(fullState) for uiState in fullState.uiStates: assert id(uiState.parent()) == fullID h = History(fullState) h.pushState() h.undo() for uiState in fullState.uiStates: assert id(uiState.parent()) == fullID print("Full State history passed! 🙌")
def allTrees(stateOrPath: Union[FullState, str], funcs: List[Callable[..., pd.DataFrame]], **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: # Load state first if provided as a string. fullState = None if isinstance(stateOrPath, FullState): fullState = stateOrPath else: assert isinstance(stateOrPath, str) fullState = files.loadState(stateOrPath) assert fullState is not None # Merge all results into one dataframe. result = pd.DataFrame(index=list(range(len(fullState.trees)))) for func in funcs: result = result.join(func(fullState, **kwargs)) return result
def allPuncta(stateOrPath: Union[FullState, str], funcs: List[Callable[..., pd.DataFrame]], **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: # Load state first if provided as a string. fullState = None if isinstance(stateOrPath, FullState): fullState = stateOrPath else: assert isinstance(stateOrPath, str) fullState = files.loadState(stateOrPath) assert fullState is not None # Merge all results into one dataframe. sortedPunctaIDs = util.sortedPunctaIDList(fullState.puncta) result = pd.DataFrame(index=sortedPunctaIDs) for func in funcs: result = result.join(func(fullState, sortedPunctaIDs, **kwargs)) return result
def calculateResults(path='data/movie5local.mat'): results = {} if path.endswith('.mat'): # Keep orphans around, to match against old matlab analysis fullState = files.importFromMatlab(path, removeOrphanBranches=False) else: assert path.endswith('.dyn.gz') fullState = files.loadState(path) trees = fullState.trees TERM_DIST = 5 FILO_DIST = 5 allTDBL = [ TDBL(tree, excludeAxon=True, excludeBasal=False, includeFilo=False, filoDist=FILO_DIST) for tree in trees ] results['tdbl'] = np.array([allTDBL]) filoTypes, added, subtracted, transitioned, masterChanged, masterNodes = \ addedSubtractedTransitioned(trees, excludeAxon=True, excludeBasal=False, terminalDist=TERM_DIST, filoDist=FILO_DIST) results['filotypes'] = filoTypes results['added'] = added results['subtracted'] = subtracted results['transitioned'] = transitioned results['masterChanged'] = masterChanged results['masterNodes'] = masterNodes motilities, filoLengths = motility(trees, excludeAxon=True, excludeBasal=False, terminalDist=TERM_DIST, filoDist=FILO_DIST) results['filolengths'] = filoLengths return fullState, results
def run(path='pydynamo_brain/pydynamo_brain/test/files/example2.dyn.gz'): tree = files.loadState(path).trees[0] pointX, pointY = calculatePositions(tree) # TODO: Verify X and Y positions return True