    def update(self, Tij, Pi=None):
        r""" Updates the transition matrix and recomputes all derived quantities """
        # EMMA imports
        from pyemma.msm import analysis as msmana

        # save a copy of the transition matrix
        self._Tij = np.array(Tij)
        assert msmana.is_transition_matrix(self._Tij), "Given transition matrix is not a stochastic matrix"
        assert self._Tij.shape[0] == self._nstates, "Given transition matrix has unexpected number of states "

        # initial / stationary distribution
        if Pi is not None:
            assert np.all(Pi >= 0), "Given initial distribution contains negative elements."
            Pi = np.array(Pi) / np.sum(Pi)  # ensure normalization and make a copy

        if self._stationary:
            pT = msmana.stationary_distribution(self._Tij)
            if Pi is None:  # stationary and no stationary distribution fixed, so computing it from trans. mat.
                self._Pi = pT
            else:  # stationary but stationary distribution is fixed, so the transition matrix must be consistent
                assert np.allclose(Pi, pT), (
                    "Stationary HMM requested, but given distribution is not the "
                    "stationary distribution of the given transition matrix."
                self._Pi = Pi
            if Pi is None:  # no initial distribution given, so use stationary distribution anyway
                self._Pi = msmana.stationary_distribution(self._Tij)
                self._Pi = Pi

        # reversible
        if self._reversible:
            assert msmana.is_reversible(Tij), "Reversible HMM requested, but given transition matrix is not reversible."

        # try to do eigendecomposition by default, because it's very cheap for hidden transition matrices
        from scipy.linalg import LinAlgError

            if self._reversible:
                self._R, self._D, self._L = msmana.rdl_decomposition(self._Tij, norm="reversible")
                # everything must be real-valued
                self._R = self._R.real
                self._D = self._D.real
                self._L = self._L.real
                self._R, self._D, self._L = msmana.rdl_decomposition(self._Tij, norm="standard")
            self._eigenvalues = np.diag(self._D)
            self._spectral_decomp_available = True
        except LinAlgError:
                "Eigendecomposition failed for transition matrix\n"
                + str(self._Tij)
                + "\nspectral properties will not be available"
            self._spectral_decomp_available = False
def plot_markov_model(P,
    r"""Network representation of MSM transition matrix

    This visualization is not optimized for large matrices. It is meant to be
    used for the visualization of small models with up to 10-20 states, e.g.
    obtained by a HMM coarse-graining. If used with large network, the automatic
    node positioning will be very slow and may still look ugly.

    P : ndarray(n,n) or MSM object with attribute 'transition matrix'
        Transition matrix or MSM object
    pos : ndarray(n,2), optional, default=None
        User-defined positions to draw the states on. If not given, will try
        to place them automatically.
    state_sizes : ndarray(n), optional, default=None
        User-defined areas of the discs drawn for each state. If not given,
        the stationary probability of P will be used.
    state_colors : string, ndarray(n), or list, optional, default='#ff5500' (orange)
        string :
            a Hex code for a single color used for all states
        array :
            n values in [0,1] which will result in a grayscale plot
        list :
            of len = nstates, with a color for each state. The list can mix strings, RGB values and hex codes,
            e.g. :py:obj:`state_colors` = ['g', 'red', [.23, .34, .35], '#ff5500'] is possible.
    state_labels : list of strings, optional, default is 'auto'
        A list with a label for each state, to be displayed at the center
        of each node/state. If left to 'auto', the labels are automatically set to the state indices.
    minflux : float, optional, default=1e-6
        The minimal flux (p_i * p_ij) for a transition to be drawn
    arrow_scale : float, optional, default=1.0
        Relative arrow scale. Set to a value different from 1 to increase
        or decrease the arrow width.
    arrow_curvature : float, optional, default=1.0
        Relative arrow curvature. Set to a value different from 1 to make
        arrows more or less curved.
    arrow_labels : 'weights', None or a ndarray(n,n) with label strings. Optional, default='weights'
        Strings to be placed upon arrows. If None, no labels will be used.
        If 'weights', the elements of P will be used. If a matrix of strings is
        given by the user these will be used.
    arrow_label_format : str, optional, default='%10.2f'
        The numeric format to print the arrow labels
    max_width = 12
        The maximum figure width
    max_height = 12
        The maximum figure height
    figpadding = 0.2
        The relative figure size used for the padding
    show_frame: boolean (default=False)
        Draw a frame around the network.
    textkwargs : optional argument for the text of the state labels.
        See http://matplotlib.org/api/text_api.html#matplotlib.text.Text for more info

    fig, pos : matplotlib.Figure, ndarray(n,2)
    a Figure object containing the plot and the positions of states. 
    Can be used later to plot a different network representation (e.g. the flux)

    >>> P = np.array([[0.8,  0.15, 0.05,  0.0,  0.0],
    ...              [0.1,  0.75, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05],
    ...              [0.05,  0.1,  0.8,  0.0,  0.05],
    ...              [0.0,  0.2, 0.0,  0.8,  0.0],
    ...              [0.0,  0.02, 0.02, 0.0,  0.96]])
    >>> plot_markov_model(P) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    (<matplotlib.figure.Figure..., array...)

    from pyemma.msm import analysis as msmana
    if isinstance(P, np.ndarray):
        P = P.copy()
        # MSM object? then get transition matrix first
        P = P.transition_matrix.copy()
    if state_sizes is None:
        state_sizes = msmana.stationary_distribution(P)
    if minflux > 0:
        F = np.dot(np.diag(msmana.stationary_distribution(P)), P)
        I, J = np.where(F < minflux)
        P[I, J] = 0.0
    plot = NetworkPlot(P, pos=pos)
    ax = plot.plot_network(state_sizes=state_sizes,
    return ax, plot.pos
文件: api.py 项目: greglever/PyEMMA
def tpt(T, A, B, mu=None, qminus=None, qplus=None, rate_matrix=False):
    r""" Computes the A->B reactive flux using transition path theory (TPT)  
    T : (M, M) ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix
        Transition matrix (default) or Rate matrix (if rate_matrix=True)
    A : array_like
        List of integer state labels for set A
    B : array_like
        List of integer state labels for set B
    mu : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Stationary vector
    qminus : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Backward committor for A->B reaction
    qplus : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Forward committor for A-> B reaction
    rate_matrix = False : boolean
        By default (False), T is a transition matrix. 
        If set to True, T is a rate matrix.
    tpt: pyemma.msm.flux.ReactiveFlux object
        A python object containing the reactive A->B flux network
        and several additional quantities, such as stationary probability,
        committors and set definitions.
    The central object used in transition path theory is
    the forward and backward comittor function. 

    TPT (originally introduced in [1]) for continous systems has a
    discrete version outlined in [2]. Here, we use the transition
    matrix formulation described in [3].

    See also
    pyemma.msm.analysis.committor, ReactiveFlux

    .. [1] W. E and E. Vanden-Eijnden.
        Towards a theory of transition paths. 
        J. Stat. Phys. 123: 503-523 (2006)
    .. [2] P. Metzner, C. Schuette and E. Vanden-Eijnden.
        Transition Path Theory for Markov Jump Processes. 
        Multiscale Model Simul 7: 1192-1219 (2009)
    .. [3] F. Noe, Ch. Schuette, E. Vanden-Eijnden, L. Reich and
        T. Weikl: Constructing the Full Ensemble of Folding Pathways
        from Short Off-Equilibrium Simulations.
        Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 19011-19016 (2009)
    import pyemma.msm.analysis as msmana

    if len(A) == 0 or len(B) == 0:
        raise ValueError('set A or B is empty')
    n = T.shape[0]
    if len(A) > n or len(B) > n or max(A) > n or max(B) > n:
        raise ValueError('set A or B defines more states, than given transition matrix.')
    if (rate_matrix is False) and (not msmana.is_transition_matrix(T)):
        raise ValueError('given matrix T is not a transition matrix')
    if (rate_matrix is True):
        raise NotImplementedError('TPT with rate matrix is not yet implemented - But it is very simple, so feel free to do it.')
    # we can compute the following properties from either dense or sparse T
    # stationary dist
    if mu is None:
        mu = msmana.stationary_distribution(T)
    # forward committor
    if qplus is None:
        qplus = msmana.committor(T, A, B, forward=True)
    # backward committor
    if qminus is None:
        if msmana.is_reversible(T, mu=mu):
            qminus = 1.0-qplus
            qminus = msmana.committor(T, A, B, forward=False, mu=mu)
    # gross flux
    grossflux = flux_matrix(T, mu, qminus, qplus, netflux = False)
    # net flux
    netflux = to_netflux(grossflux)
    # construct flux object
    from reactive_flux import ReactiveFlux
    F = ReactiveFlux(A, B, netflux, mu=mu, qminus=qminus, qplus=qplus, gross_flux=grossflux)
    # done
    return F
文件: api.py 项目: ismaelresp/PyEMMA
def tpt(T, A, B, mu=None, qminus=None, qplus=None, rate_matrix=False):
    r""" Computes the A->B reactive flux using transition path theory (TPT)  
    T : (M, M) ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix
        Transition matrix (default) or Rate matrix (if rate_matrix=True)
    A : array_like
        List of integer state labels for set A
    B : array_like
        List of integer state labels for set B
    mu : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Stationary vector
    qminus : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Backward committor for A->B reaction
    qplus : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Forward committor for A-> B reaction
    rate_matrix = False : boolean
        By default (False), T is a transition matrix. 
        If set to True, T is a rate matrix.
    tpt: pyemma.msm.flux.ReactiveFlux object
        A python object containing the reactive A->B flux network
        and several additional quantities, such as stationary probability,
        committors and set definitions.
    The central object used in transition path theory is
    the forward and backward comittor function. 

    TPT (originally introduced in [1]) for continous systems has a
    discrete version outlined in [2]. Here, we use the transition
    matrix formulation described in [3].

    See also
    pyemma.msm.analysis.committor, ReactiveFlux

    .. [1] W. E and E. Vanden-Eijnden.
        Towards a theory of transition paths. 
        J. Stat. Phys. 123: 503-523 (2006)
    .. [2] P. Metzner, C. Schuette and E. Vanden-Eijnden.
        Transition Path Theory for Markov Jump Processes. 
        Multiscale Model Simul 7: 1192-1219 (2009)
    .. [3] F. Noe, Ch. Schuette, E. Vanden-Eijnden, L. Reich and
        T. Weikl: Constructing the Full Ensemble of Folding Pathways
        from Short Off-Equilibrium Simulations.
        Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 19011-19016 (2009)
    import pyemma.msm.analysis as msmana

    if len(A) == 0 or len(B) == 0:
        raise ValueError('set A or B is empty')
    n = T.shape[0]
    if len(A) > n or len(B) > n or max(A) > n or max(B) > n:
        raise ValueError('set A or B defines more states, than given transition matrix.')
    if (rate_matrix is False) and (not msmana.is_transition_matrix(T)):
        raise ValueError('given matrix T is not a transition matrix')
    if (rate_matrix is True):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'TPT with rate matrix is not yet implemented - But it is very simple, so feel free to do it.')

    # we can compute the following properties from either dense or sparse T
    # stationary dist
    if mu is None:
        mu = msmana.stationary_distribution(T)
    # forward committor
    if qplus is None:
        qplus = msmana.committor(T, A, B, forward=True)
    # backward committor
    if qminus is None:
        if msmana.is_reversible(T, mu=mu):
            qminus = 1.0 - qplus
            qminus = msmana.committor(T, A, B, forward=False, mu=mu)
    # gross flux
    grossflux = flux_matrix(T, mu, qminus, qplus, netflux=False)
    # net flux
    netflux = to_netflux(grossflux)

    # construct flux object
    from reactive_flux import ReactiveFlux

    F = ReactiveFlux(A, B, netflux, mu=mu, qminus=qminus, qplus=qplus, gross_flux=grossflux)
    # done
    return F
def _pcca_connected(P, n, return_rot=False):
    PCCA+ spectral clustering method with optimized memberships [1]_
    Clusters the first n_cluster eigenvectors of a transition matrix in order to cluster the states.
    This function assumes that the transition matrix is fully connected.
    P : ndarray (n,n)
        Transition matrix.
    n : int
        Number of clusters to group to.
    chi by default, or (chi,rot) if return_rot = True
    chi : ndarray (n x m)
        A matrix containing the probability or membership of each state to be assigned to each cluster.
        The rows sum to 1.
    rot_mat : ndarray (m x m)
        A rotation matrix that rotates the dominant eigenvectors to yield the PCCA memberships, i.e.:
        chi = np.dot(evec, rot_matrix

    [1] S. Roeblitz and M. Weber, Fuzzy spectral clustering by PCCA+: 
        application to Markov state models and data classification.
        Adv Data Anal Classif 7, 147-179 (2013).

    # test connectivity
    from pyemma.msm.estimation import connected_sets

    labels = connected_sets(P)
    n_components = len(
    )  # (n_components, labels) = connected_components(P, connection='strong')
    if (n_components > 1):
        raise ValueError(
            "Transition matrix is disconnected. Cannot use pcca_connected.")

    from pyemma.msm.analysis import stationary_distribution

    pi = stationary_distribution(P)
    # print "statdist = ",pi

    from pyemma.msm.analysis import is_reversible

    if not is_reversible(P, mu=pi):
        raise ValueError(
            "Transition matrix does not fulfill detailed balance. "
            "Make sure to call pcca with a reversible transition matrix estimate"
    # TODO: Susanna mentioned that she has a potential fix for nonreversible matrices by replacing each complex conjugate
    #      pair by the real and imaginary components of one of the two vectors. We could use this but would then need to
    #      orthonormalize all eigenvectors e.g. using Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization. Currently there is no theoretical
    #      foundation for this, so I'll skip it for now.

    # right eigenvectors, ordered
    from pyemma.msm.analysis import eigenvectors

    evecs = eigenvectors(P, n)

    # orthonormalize
    for i in range(n):
        evecs[:, i] /= math.sqrt(np.dot(evecs[:, i] * pi, evecs[:, i]))
    # make first eigenvector positive
    evecs[:, 0] = np.abs(evecs[:, 0])

    # Is there a significant complex component?
    if not np.alltrue(np.isreal(evecs)):
        raise Warning(
            "The given transition matrix has complex eigenvectors, so it doesn't exactly fulfill detailed balance "
            "forcing eigenvectors to be real and continuing. Be aware that this is not theoretically solid."
    evecs = np.real(evecs)

    # create initial solution using PCCA+. This could have negative memberships
    (chi, rot_matrix) = _pcca_connected_isa(evecs, n)

    #print "initial chi = \n",chi

    # optimize the rotation matrix with PCCA++.
    rot_matrix = _opt_soft(evecs, rot_matrix, n)

    # These memberships should be nonnegative
    memberships = np.dot(evecs[:, :], rot_matrix)

    # We might still have numerical errors. Force memberships to be in [0,1]
    # print "memberships unnormalized: ",memberships
    memberships = np.maximum(0.0, memberships)
    memberships = np.minimum(1.0, memberships)
    # print "memberships unnormalized: ",memberships
    for i in range(0, np.shape(memberships)[0]):
        memberships[i] /= np.sum(memberships[i])

    # print "final chi = \n",chi

    return memberships
文件: pcca.py 项目: ismaelresp/PyEMMA
def _pcca_connected(P, n, return_rot=False):
    PCCA+ spectral clustering method with optimized memberships [1]_
    Clusters the first n_cluster eigenvectors of a transition matrix in order to cluster the states.
    This function assumes that the transition matrix is fully connected.
    P : ndarray (n,n)
        Transition matrix.
    n : int
        Number of clusters to group to.
    chi by default, or (chi,rot) if return_rot = True
    chi : ndarray (n x m)
        A matrix containing the probability or membership of each state to be assigned to each cluster.
        The rows sum to 1.
    rot_mat : ndarray (m x m)
        A rotation matrix that rotates the dominant eigenvectors to yield the PCCA memberships, i.e.:
        chi = np.dot(evec, rot_matrix

    [1] S. Roeblitz and M. Weber, Fuzzy spectral clustering by PCCA+: 
        application to Markov state models and data classification.
        Adv Data Anal Classif 7, 147-179 (2013).

    # test connectivity
    from pyemma.msm.estimation import connected_sets

    labels = connected_sets(P)
    n_components = len(labels)  # (n_components, labels) = connected_components(P, connection='strong')
    if (n_components > 1):
        raise ValueError("Transition matrix is disconnected. Cannot use pcca_connected.")

    from pyemma.msm.analysis import stationary_distribution

    pi = stationary_distribution(P)
    # print "statdist = ",pi

    from pyemma.msm.analysis import is_reversible

    if not is_reversible(P, mu=pi):
        raise ValueError("Transition matrix does not fulfill detailed balance. "
                         "Make sure to call pcca with a reversible transition matrix estimate")
    # TODO: Susanna mentioned that she has a potential fix for nonreversible matrices by replacing each complex conjugate
    #      pair by the real and imaginary components of one of the two vectors. We could use this but would then need to
    #      orthonormalize all eigenvectors e.g. using Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization. Currently there is no theoretical
    #      foundation for this, so I'll skip it for now.

    # right eigenvectors, ordered
    from pyemma.msm.analysis import eigenvectors

    evecs = eigenvectors(P, n)

    # orthonormalize
    for i in range(n):
        evecs[:, i] /= math.sqrt(np.dot(evecs[:, i] * pi, evecs[:, i]))
    # make first eigenvector positive
    evecs[:, 0] = np.abs(evecs[:, 0])

    # Is there a significant complex component?
    if not np.alltrue(np.isreal(evecs)):
        raise Warning(
            "The given transition matrix has complex eigenvectors, so it doesn't exactly fulfill detailed balance "
            + "forcing eigenvectors to be real and continuing. Be aware that this is not theoretically solid.")
    evecs = np.real(evecs)

    # create initial solution using PCCA+. This could have negative memberships
    (chi, rot_matrix) = _pcca_connected_isa(evecs, n)

    #print "initial chi = \n",chi

    # optimize the rotation matrix with PCCA++. 
    rot_matrix = _opt_soft(evecs, rot_matrix, n)

    # These memberships should be nonnegative
    memberships = np.dot(evecs[:, :], rot_matrix)

    # We might still have numerical errors. Force memberships to be in [0,1]
    # print "memberships unnormalized: ",memberships
    memberships = np.maximum(0.0, memberships)
    memberships = np.minimum(1.0, memberships)
    # print "memberships unnormalized: ",memberships
    for i in range(0, np.shape(memberships)[0]):
        memberships[i] /= np.sum(memberships[i])

    # print "final chi = \n",chi

    return memberships
 def test_statdist(self):
     P = self.bdc.transition_matrix()
     mu = self.bdc.stationary_distribution()
     mun = stationary_distribution(P)
     assert_allclose(mu, mun)
 def test_statdist(self):
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mu, mun))