def test_ucsc_gencode_gtf():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        gtf = GTF(UCSC_GENCODE_PATH, cache_directory_path=tmpdir)
        df = gtf.dataframe(save_to_disk=False)
        exons = df[df["feature"] == "exon"]
        # expect 12 exons from the dataframe
        assert len(exons) == 12, "Expected 12 exons, got %d: %s" % (len(exons), exons)
        df2 = gtf.dataframe(save_to_disk=True)
        assert len(df) == len(df2), "Got different length DataFrame"
        assert list(df.columns) == list(df2.columns)
def test_ucsc_gencode_gtf():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        gtf = GTF(UCSC_GENCODE_PATH, cache_directory_path=tmpdir)
        df = gtf.dataframe(save_to_disk=False)
        exons = df[df["feature"] == "exon"]
        # expect 12 exons from the dataframe
        assert len(exons) == 12, \
            "Expected 12 exons, got %d: %s" % (len(exons), exons)
        df2 = gtf.dataframe(save_to_disk=True)
        assert len(df) == len(df2), "Got different length DataFrame"
        assert list(df.columns) == list(df2.columns)
def test_ucsc_refseq_gtf():
    Test GTF object with a small RefSeq GTF file downloaded from
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        gtf = GTF(UCSC_REFSEQ_PATH, cache_directory_path=tmpdir)
        df = gtf.dataframe(save_to_disk=False)
        exons = df[df["feature"] == "exon"]
        # expect 16 exons from the GTF
        assert len(exons) == 16, "Expected 16 exons, got %d: %s" % (len(exons), exons)
        df2 = gtf.dataframe(save_to_disk=True)
        assert len(df) == len(df2), "Got different length DataFrame"
        assert list(df.columns) == list(df2.columns)
def test_ucsc_refseq_gtf():
    Test GTF object with a small RefSeq GTF file downloaded from
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        gtf = GTF(UCSC_REFSEQ_PATH, cache_directory_path=tmpdir)
        df = gtf.dataframe(save_to_disk=False)
        exons = df[df["feature"] == "exon"]
        # expect 16 exons from the GTF
        assert len(exons) == 16, \
            "Expected 16 exons, got %d: %s" % (
                len(exons), exons)
        df2 = gtf.dataframe(save_to_disk=True)
        assert len(df) == len(df2), "Got different length DataFrame"
        assert list(df.columns) == list(df2.columns)
def test_gtf_creates_csv_files_in_cache_dir():
    Make sure that GTF obeys the cache_dir argument by creating all of its
    index files there.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        gtf_object = GTF(gtf_path, cache_directory_path=tmpdir)
        csv_path = gtf_object.data_subset_path()
        assert tmpdir in csv_path, \
            "Expected CSV path %s to contain cache_dir" % csv_path
        search_pattern = join(tmpdir, "*mouse*")
        assert len(glob(search_pattern)) == 0, \
            "Temporary directory should be empty"
        # creating the dataframe should have the effect of triggering
        # GTF parsing and then saving the parsed results in a csv file
        assert len(glob(search_pattern)) > 0, \
            "Expected GTF to save files in cache_dir"
def test_gtf_creates_csv_files_in_cache_dir():
    Make sure that GTF obeys the cache_dir argument by creating all of its
    index files there.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        gtf_object = GTF(gtf_path, cache_directory_path=tmpdir)
        csv_path = gtf_object.data_subset_path()
        assert tmpdir in csv_path, \
            "Expected CSV path %s to contain cache_dir" % csv_path
        search_pattern = join(tmpdir, "*mouse*")
        assert len(glob(search_pattern)) == 0, \
            "Temporary directory should be empty"
        # creating the dataframe should have the effect of triggering
        # GTF parsing and then saving the parsed results in a csv file
        assert len(glob(search_pattern)) > 0, \
            "Expected GTF to save files in cache_dir"