文件: atlas.py 项目: adamsutton/PyEPG
 def _cmp ( a, b ):
   t = a['broadcasts'][0]['transmission_time']\
     - b['broadcasts'][0]['transmission_time']
   t = util.total_seconds(t)
   if t < 0: return -1
   if t > 0: return 1
   return 0
文件: atlas.py 项目: neopack1/PyEPG
 def _cmp(a, b):
     t = a['broadcasts'][0]['transmission_time']\
       - b['broadcasts'][0]['transmission_time']
     t = util.total_seconds(t)
     if t < 0: return -1
     if t > 0: return 1
     return 0
文件: atlas.py 项目: adamsutton/PyEPG
def grab ( epg, channels, start, stop ):
  import multiprocessing as mp

  # Filter the channel list (only include those we have listing for)
  channels = filter_channels(channels)
  days     = util.total_seconds(stop - start) / 86400
  channels = sorted(channels, cmp=lambda a,b: cmp(a.number,b.number))
  log.info('atlas - epg grab %d channels for %d days' % (len(channels), days))

  # Config
  grab_thread_cnt = conf.get('atlas_grab_threads', 32)
  data_thread_cnt = conf.get('atlas_data_threads', 0)
  if grab_thread_cnt <= 0:
    grab_thread_cnt = len(channels)
  if data_thread_cnt <= 0:
    data_thread_cnt = mp.cpu_count() * 2
  data_thread_cnt = min(data_thread_cnt, len(channels))
  grab_thread_cnt = min(grab_thread_cnt, len(channels))

  # Create input/output queues
  inq  = ChannelQueue(channels)
  outq = DataQueue(len(channels))

  # Create grab threads
  grab_threads = []
  for i in range(grab_thread_cnt):
    t = GrabThread(i, inq, outq, start, stop)

  # Create data threads
  data_threads = []
  for i in range(data_thread_cnt):
    t = DataThread(i, outq, epg)

  # Start threads
  for t in grab_threads: t.start()
  for t in data_threads: t.start()

  # Wait for completion (inq first)
  ins = outs = len(channels)
  while True:
    s = inq.remain()
    if s != ins:
      ins = s
      log.info('atlas - grab %3d/%3d channels remain' % (s, len(channels)))
    s = outq.remain()
    if s != outs:
      outs = s
      log.info('atlas - proc %3d/%3d channels remain' % (s, len(channels)))
    if not ins and not outs: break
    # Safety checks
    i = 0
    for t in grab_threads:
      if t.isAlive(): i = i + 1
    if not i and ins:
      log.error('atlas - grab threads have died prematurely')
    i = 0
    for t in data_threads:
      if t.isAlive(): i = i + 1
    if not i and outs:
      log.error('atlas - proc threads have died prematurely')
文件: atlas.py 项目: neopack1/PyEPG
def grab(epg, channels, start, stop):
    import multiprocessing as mp

    # Filter the channel list (only include those we have listing for)
    channels = filter_channels(channels)
    days = util.total_seconds(stop - start) / 86400
    channels = sorted(channels, cmp=lambda a, b: cmp(a.number, b.number))
    log.info('atlas - epg grab %d channels for %d days' %
             (len(channels), days))

    # Config
    grab_thread_cnt = conf.get('atlas_grab_threads', 32)
    data_thread_cnt = conf.get('atlas_data_threads', 0)
    if grab_thread_cnt <= 0:
        grab_thread_cnt = len(channels)
    if data_thread_cnt <= 0:
        data_thread_cnt = mp.cpu_count() * 2
    data_thread_cnt = min(data_thread_cnt, len(channels))
    grab_thread_cnt = min(grab_thread_cnt, len(channels))

    # Create input/output queues
    inq = ChannelQueue(channels)
    outq = DataQueue(len(channels))

    # Create grab threads
    grab_threads = []
    for i in range(grab_thread_cnt):
        t = GrabThread(i, inq, outq, start, stop)

    # Create data threads
    data_threads = []
    for i in range(data_thread_cnt):
        t = DataThread(i, outq, epg)

    # Start threads
    for t in grab_threads:
    for t in data_threads:

    # Wait for completion (inq first)
    ins = outs = len(channels)
    while True:
        s = inq.remain()
        if s != ins:
            ins = s
            log.info('atlas - grab %3d/%3d channels remain' %
                     (s, len(channels)))
        s = outq.remain()
        if s != outs:
            outs = s
            log.info('atlas - proc %3d/%3d channels remain' %
                     (s, len(channels)))
        if not ins and not outs: break

        # Safety checks
        i = 0
        for t in grab_threads:
            if t.isAlive(): i = i + 1
        if not i and ins:
            log.error('atlas - grab threads have died prematurely')
        i = 0
        for t in data_threads:
            if t.isAlive(): i = i + 1
        if not i and outs:
            log.error('atlas - proc threads have died prematurely')