def generate_temporal_vtk(output_path):
    for dtype in ("mesh", "particles"):
        group = VtkGroup("{}/pseudo_temporal_{}".format(output_path, dtype))
        dfiles = sorted(glob.glob("{}/{}*".format(output_path, dtype)))
        for t, df in enumerate(dfiles):
            group.addFile(filepath = df, sim_time = t)
def generate_temporal_vtk(output_path):
    for dtype in ("mesh", "particles"):
        group = VtkGroup("{}/pseudo_temporal_{}".format(output_path, dtype))
        dfiles = sorted(glob.glob("{}/{}*".format(output_path, dtype)))
        for t, df in enumerate(dfiles):
            group.addFile(filepath=df, sim_time=t)
def continue_last_sim():
    folders = listdir("./results")
    max_num1 = 0
    for i in folders:
        num = [int(s) for s in i.split() if s.isdigit()][0]
        if num > max_num1:
            max_num1 = num

    sim_folder = "./results/simulation " + str(max_num1) + "/csv/"
    files = listdir(sim_folder)
    max_num2 = 0
    for i in files:
        num = int(i.split("_")[1].replace(".csv", ""))
        if num > max_num2:
            max_num2 = num

    return [
        csv_to_dict(sim_folder + "iter_" + str(max_num2 - 1) + ".csv"),
        max_num2 - 1, "./results/simulation " + str(max_num1),
        VtkGroup("./results/simulation " + str(max_num1) + "/moving_particles")
def get_paths(main_folder):
    '''Make directories and return the paths for the vtk, group and csv folders'''

    Path(main_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    path = main_folder

    folders = listdir(path)

    num = 1

    if not folders:
        foldername = 'simulation 1/'
        for string in folders:
            if [int(s) for s in string.split() if s.isdigit()][0] > num:
                num = [int(s) for s in string.split() if s.isdigit()][0]

        foldername = 'simulation ' + str(num + 1) + '/'

    Path(path + foldername + '/csv').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    Path(path + foldername + '/vtk').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    group = VtkGroup(path + foldername + 'moving_particles')

    return [path + foldername + '/vtk', group, path + foldername + '/csv']
displacement_x.shape = -1, node_number
displacement_y.shape = -1, node_number
displacement_x = displacement_x[time_select][::skip_step]
displacement_y = displacement_y[time_select][::skip_step]

# Coordinates
radius_axis = numpy.arange(0, radius_length + 0.1 * radius_delta, radius_delta)
angle_axis = numpy.arange(0, angle_length + 0.1 * angle_delta, angle_delta)

x = numpy.zeros((radius_number + 1, angle_number + 1, node_number))
y = numpy.zeros((radius_number + 1, angle_number + 1, node_number))
z = numpy.zeros((radius_number + 1, angle_number + 1, node_number))

# Group
vtk_group = VtkGroup("cylinder/RiserGroup")
# cnt=0
for time_index in range(time.size):
    for k in range(node_number):
        # Nodal displacement
        x_deviation = displacement_x[time_index][k]
        y_deviation = displacement_y[time_index][k]
        z_deviation = k/float(node_number) * length
        # Trans
        for j in range(angle_number + 1):
            for i in range(radius_number + 1):
                rad = numpy.radians(angle_axis[j])
                x[i, j, k] = radius_axis[i] * numpy.cos(rad) + x_deviation
                y[i, j, k] = radius_axis[i] * numpy.sin(rad) + y_deviation
                z[i, j, k] = z_deviation
def main():
    output_path = "D:\PyStokes\low_contrast"
    #output_path = "/home/luke/Working Grounds/PyStokes/low_contrast"
    output_time_interval = 0.1
    output_timestep_interval = 1000
    logging = False

    domain = {"xmin": 0., "xmax": 2., "nx": 41,
              "ymin": 0., "ymax": 2., "ny": 41}
    domain = create_domain(domain)

    domain["gravity"] = [0., -1.]

    dt = 0.0001
    nt = 50000
    max_time = 20
    nit = 50

    c = 0.01
    rho = 1.

    u = create_variable_mesh(domain)
    v = create_variable_mesh(domain)
    p = create_variable_mesh(domain)

    particles = generate_particles(domain)

    timestep = 0
    current_time = 0
    dt_since_output = 0
    mesh_group = VtkGroup("{}/temporal_mesh".format(output_path))
    particles_group = VtkGroup("{}/temporal_particles".format(output_path))

    while timestep < nt and current_time < max_time:
        print current_time,
        nu = interp_particles_to_mesh(particles, domain)

        u, v, p = solve_flow(u, v, dt, p, rho, nu, nit, domain)
        p -= np.min(p)  # set min pressure to be 0

        dt = calc_dt(c, u, v, domain)
        current_time += dt
        dt_since_output += dt

        # Interpolate velocities back to particles
        particles = interp_mesh_to_particles(particles, u, v, domain)

        # Advect particles
        particles = advect_particles_rk2(dt, particles, u, v, domain)

        if timestep % output_timestep_interval == 0 or dt_since_output > output_time_interval:
            point_data = {"visc" : nu[:,:,np.newaxis],
                          "u" : u[:,:,np.newaxis],
                          "v" : v[:,:,np.newaxis]}
            write_mesh(output_path, timestep, domain, point_data, mesh_group, current_time)
            write_particles(output_path, timestep, particles, particles_group, current_time)

            dt_since_output = 0

        timestep += 1


    return 0
def main():
    output_path = "D:\PyStokes\low_contrast"
    #output_path = "/home/luke/Working Grounds/PyStokes/low_contrast"
    output_time_interval = 0.1
    output_timestep_interval = 1000
    logging = False

    domain = {
        "xmin": 0.,
        "xmax": 2.,
        "nx": 41,
        "ymin": 0.,
        "ymax": 2.,
        "ny": 41
    domain = create_domain(domain)

    domain["gravity"] = [0., -1.]

    dt = 0.0001
    nt = 50000
    max_time = 20
    nit = 50

    c = 0.01
    rho = 1.

    u = create_variable_mesh(domain)
    v = create_variable_mesh(domain)
    p = create_variable_mesh(domain)

    particles = generate_particles(domain)

    timestep = 0
    current_time = 0
    dt_since_output = 0
    mesh_group = VtkGroup("{}/temporal_mesh".format(output_path))
    particles_group = VtkGroup("{}/temporal_particles".format(output_path))

    while timestep < nt and current_time < max_time:
        print current_time,
        nu = interp_particles_to_mesh(particles, domain)

        u, v, p = solve_flow(u, v, dt, p, rho, nu, nit, domain)
        p -= np.min(p)  # set min pressure to be 0

        dt = calc_dt(c, u, v, domain)
        current_time += dt
        dt_since_output += dt

        # Interpolate velocities back to particles
        particles = interp_mesh_to_particles(particles, u, v, domain)

        # Advect particles
        particles = advect_particles_rk2(dt, particles, u, v, domain)

        if timestep % output_timestep_interval == 0 or dt_since_output > output_time_interval:
            point_data = {
                "visc": nu[:, :, np.newaxis],
                "u": u[:, :, np.newaxis],
                "v": v[:, :, np.newaxis]
            write_mesh(output_path, timestep, domain, point_data, mesh_group,
            write_particles(output_path, timestep, particles, particles_group,

            dt_since_output = 0

        timestep += 1


    return 0