def __init__(self, parent, tool_bar, image_cache, item, controller, show_labels): """ Creates a new tool bar tool for an action item. """ self.item = item self.tool_bar = tool_bar # Create an appropriate tool depending on the style of the action. action = self.item.action # If the action has an image then convert it to a bitmap (as required # by the toolbar). if action.image is not None: image = action.image.create_image() path = action.image.absolute_path bmp = image_cache.get_bitmap(path) else: from pyface.api import ImageResource image = ImageResource('foo') bmp = image.create_bitmap() self.control_id = 1 self.control = None if controller is not None: self.controller = controller controller.add_to_toolbar(self) return
def __init__(self, parent, tool_bar, image_cache, item, controller, show_labels): """ Creates a new tool bar tool for an action item. """ self.item = item self.tool_bar = tool_bar # Create an appropriate tool depending on the style of the action. action = self.item.action # If the action has an image then convert it to a bitmap (as required # by the toolbar). if action.image is not None: image = action.image.create_image() path = action.image.absolute_path bmp = image_cache.get_bitmap(path) else: from pyface.api import ImageResource image = ImageResource("foo") bmp = image.create_bitmap() self.control_id = 1 self.control = None if controller is not None: self.controller = controller controller.add_to_toolbar(self)
def show_minibuffer(self, minibuffer, **kwargs): # minibuffer_pane_info is stored in the TaskWindow instance because all # tasks use the same minibuffer pane in the AUI manager try: info = self.window.minibuffer_pane_info except AttributeError: panel = wx.Panel(self.window.control, style=wx.NO_BORDER) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) close_image = ImageResource('cancel') bmp = close_image.create_bitmap() close = wx.BitmapButton(panel, -1, bmp, size=(bmp.GetWidth()+10, bmp.GetHeight()+10), style=wx.NO_BORDER) close.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_hide_minibuffer_or_cancel) sizer.Add(close, 0, wx.EXPAND) panel.SetSizer(sizer) info = self.create_minibuffer_info() self.window._aui_manager.AddPane(panel, info) # info.window is set to panel in the AUI code self.window.minibuffer_pane_info = info repeat = False if info.minibuffer is not None: if info.minibuffer.is_repeat(minibuffer): log.debug("Reusing old minibuffer control: %s" % info.minibuffer.control) repeat = True else: log.debug("Removing old minibuffer control: %s" % info.minibuffer.control) info.window.GetSizer().Hide(0) info.window.GetSizer().Remove(0) info.minibuffer.destroy_control() log.debug("Children: %s" % info.window.GetSizer().Children) if not repeat: minibuffer.create_control(info.window) info.window.GetSizer().Insert(0, minibuffer.control, 1, wx.EXPAND) info.window.GetSizer().Layout() minibuffer.focus() info.minibuffer = minibuffer log.debug("Window: %s, info: %s" % (self.window, info)) else: info.minibuffer.focus() info.minibuffer.repeat(minibuffer) # Include new minibuffer if not info.IsShown(): info.Show() self.window._aui_manager.Update()
def __init__(self, parent, id, icon_name, pressed=False, tooltip_prefix="Toggle", *args, **kwargs): buttons.GenBitmapToggleButton.__init__(self, parent, -1, None, style=wx.BORDER_NONE) self.SetValue(pressed) self.tooltip_prefix = tooltip_prefix img = ImageResource(icon_name) bmp = img.create_bitmap() self.SetBitmapLabel(bmp) self.SetInitialSize() self.set_tooltip()
def __init__(self, parent, tool_bar, image_cache, item, controller, show_labels): """ Creates a new tool bar tool for an action item. """ self.item = item self.tool_bar = tool_bar # Create an appropriate tool depending on the style of the action. action = self.item.action label = # Tool bar tools never have '...' at the end! if label.endswith('...'): label = label[:-3] # And they never contain shortcuts. label = label.replace('&', '') # If the action has an image then convert it to a bitmap (as required # by the toolbar). if action.image is not None: image = action.image.create_image( self.tool_bar.GetToolBitmapSize()) path = action.image.absolute_path bmp = image_cache.get_bitmap(path) else: from pyface.api import ImageResource image = ImageResource('foo') bmp = image.create_bitmap() kind = _STYLE_TO_KIND_MAP[] tooltip = action.tooltip longtip = action.description if not show_labels: label = '' else: self.tool_bar.SetSize((-1, 50)) self.control_id = wx.NewId() self.control = tool_bar.AddLabelTool(self.control_id, label, bmp, wx.NullBitmap, kind, tooltip, longtip, None) # Set the initial checked state. tool_bar.ToggleTool(self.control_id, action.checked) if hasattr(tool_bar, 'ShowTool'): # Set the initial enabled/disabled state of the action. tool_bar.EnableTool(self.control_id, action.enabled) # Set the initial visibility tool_bar.ShowTool(self.control_id, action.visible) else: # Set the initial enabled/disabled state of the action. tool_bar.EnableTool(self.control_id, action.enabled and action.visible) # Wire it up. wx.EVT_TOOL(parent, self.control_id, self._on_tool) # Listen for trait changes on the action (so that we can update its # enabled/disabled/checked state etc). action.on_trait_change(self._on_action_enabled_changed, 'enabled') action.on_trait_change(self._on_action_visible_changed, 'visible') action.on_trait_change(self._on_action_checked_changed, 'checked') if controller is not None: self.controller = controller controller.add_to_toolbar(self)
def __init__(self, parent, tool_bar, image_cache, item, controller, show_labels): """ Creates a new tool bar tool for an action item. """ self.item = item self.tool_bar = tool_bar # Create an appropriate tool depending on the style of the action. action = self.item.action label = # Tool bar tools never have '...' at the end! if label.endswith('...'): label = label[:-3] # And they never contain shortcuts. label = label.replace('&', '') # If the action has an image then convert it to a bitmap (as required # by the toolbar). if action.image is not None: image = action.image.create_image( self.tool_bar.GetToolBitmapSize() ) path = action.image.absolute_path bmp = image_cache.get_bitmap(path) else: from pyface.api import ImageResource image = ImageResource('foo') bmp = image.create_bitmap() kind = _STYLE_TO_KIND_MAP[] tooltip = action.tooltip longtip = action.description if not show_labels: label = '' else: self.tool_bar.SetSize((-1, 50)) self.control_id = wx.NewId() self.control = tool_bar.AddLabelTool( self.control_id, label, bmp, wx.NullBitmap, kind, tooltip, longtip, None ) # Set the initial checked state. tool_bar.ToggleTool(self.control_id, action.checked) if hasattr(tool_bar, 'ShowTool'): # Set the initial enabled/disabled state of the action. tool_bar.EnableTool(self.control_id, action.enabled) # Set the initial visibility tool_bar.ShowTool(self.control_id, action.visible) else: # Set the initial enabled/disabled state of the action. tool_bar.EnableTool( self.control_id, action.enabled and action.visible) # Wire it up. wx.EVT_TOOL(parent, self.control_id, self._on_tool) # Listen for trait changes on the action (so that we can update its # enabled/disabled/checked state etc). action.on_trait_change(self._on_action_enabled_changed, 'enabled') action.on_trait_change(self._on_action_visible_changed, 'visible') action.on_trait_change(self._on_action_checked_changed, 'checked') if controller is not None: self.controller = controller controller.add_to_toolbar(self)
def show_minibuffer(self, minibuffer, **kwargs): # minibuffer_pane_info is stored in the TaskWindow instance because all # tasks use the same minibuffer pane in the AUI manager try: info = self.window.minibuffer_pane_info log.debug("minibuffer pane exists: %s" % info) except AttributeError: panel = wx.Panel(self.window.control, name="minibuffer_parent", style=wx.NO_BORDER) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) close_image = ImageResource('cancel') bmp = close_image.create_bitmap() close = wx.BitmapButton(panel, -1, bmp, size=(bmp.GetWidth() + 10, bmp.GetHeight() + 10), style=wx.NO_BORDER) close.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_hide_minibuffer_or_cancel) sizer.Add(close, 0, wx.EXPAND) panel.SetSizer(sizer) info = self.create_minibuffer_info() self.window._aui_manager.AddPane(panel, info) # info.window is set to panel in the AUI code self.window.minibuffer_pane_info = info info.close_button = close log.debug("created minibuffer pane: %s" % info) repeat = False if info.minibuffer is not None: if info.minibuffer.is_repeat(minibuffer): log.debug("Reusing old minibuffer control: %s" % info.minibuffer.control) repeat = True else: log.debug("Removing old minibuffer control: %s" % info.minibuffer.control) info.window.GetSizer().Hide(0) info.window.GetSizer().Remove(0) info.minibuffer.destroy_control() log.debug("Children: %s" % info.window.GetSizer().Children) force_update = False if not repeat: minibuffer.create_control(info.window) info.close_button.Show(minibuffer.show_close_button) info.window.GetSizer().Insert(0, minibuffer.control, 1, wx.EXPAND) # force minibuffer parent panel to take min size of contents of # minibuffer. Apparently this doesn't happen automatically. # # FIXME: or maybe it does. Removing all the min size stuff now # seems to work. Maybe because prior I had been setting the min # size after the Fit? min_size = minibuffer.control.GetMinSize() # info.window.SetMinSize(min_size) # info.BestSize(min_size) # Force minibuffer height, just in case info.window.Fit() # Fit instead of Layout to prefer control size minibuffer.focus() info.minibuffer = minibuffer log.debug("Window: %s, info: %s, size: %s" % (self.window, info, info.best_size)) force_update = True else: log.debug("Repeat: %s, info: %s" % (self.window, info)) info.minibuffer.focus() info.minibuffer.repeat(minibuffer) # Include new minibuffer if not info.IsShown(): info.Show() force_update = True if force_update: self.window._aui_manager.Update() log.debug("size after update: %s best=%s min=%s" % (info.window.GetSize(), info.best_size, info.min_size))