def test_multiple_getter_with_conversion():
    # test N successive coordinate conversions
    N = 500

    # get list of available coordinate systems
    coords = Coordinates()
    systems = coords._systems()

    # get reference points in cartesian coordinate system
    points = [
        'positive_x', 'positive_y', 'positive_z', 'negative_x', 'negative_y',
    pts = np.array([systems['cart']['right'][point] for point in points])

    # init the system
    coords.set_cart(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], pts[:, 2])

    # list of domains
    domains = list(systems)

    for ii in range(N):
        # randomly select a coordinate system
        domain = domains[np.random.randint(len(domains))]
        conventions = list(systems[domain])
        convention = conventions[np.random.randint(len(conventions))]
        # convert points to selected system
        pts = eval(f"coords.get_{domain}('{convention}', convert=True)")
        # get the reference
        ref = np.array(
            [systems[domain][convention][point] for point in points])
        # check
        npt.assert_allclose(pts, ref, atol=1e-15)
        # print
        print(f"Tolerance met in iteration {ii}")
def test_coordinates_init_val_no_convention_no_unit():
    # get list of available coordinate systems
    coords = Coordinates()
    systems = coords._systems()

    # test constructor with all systems, units, and convention=None
    for domain in systems:
        Coordinates(0, 0, 0, domain)
def test_coordinates_init_val_no_convention():
    # get list of available coordinate systems
    coords = Coordinates()
    systems = coords._systems()

    # test constructor with all systems, units, and convention=None
    for domain in systems:
        convention = list(systems[domain])[0]
        for unit in systems[domain][convention]['units']:
            Coordinates(0, 0, 0, domain, unit=unit[0][0:3])
def test_coordinates_init_val_and_system():
    # get list of available coordinate systems
    coords = Coordinates()
    systems = coords._systems()

    # test constructor with all systems
    for domain in systems:
        for convention in systems[domain]:
            for unit in systems[domain][convention]['units']:
                Coordinates(0, 0, 0, domain, convention, unit[0][0:3])
def test_setter_and_getter_with():
    # get list of available coordinate systems
    coords = Coordinates()
    systems = coords._systems()
    # test points contained in system definitions
    points = [
        'positive_x', 'positive_y', 'positive_z', 'negative_x', 'negative_y',

    # test setter and getter with all systems and default unit
    for domain_in in list(systems):
        for convention_in in list(systems[domain_in]):
            for domain_out in list(systems):
                for convention_out in list(systems[domain_out]):
                    for point in points:
                        # for debugging
                        print(f"{domain_in}({convention_in}) -> "
                              f"{domain_out}({convention_out}): {point}")
                        # in and out points
                        p_in = systems[domain_in][convention_in][point]
                        p_out = systems[domain_out][convention_out][point]
                        # empty object
                        c = Coordinates()
                        # --- set point ---
                        eval(f"c.set_{domain_in}(p_in[0], p_in[1], p_in[2], \
                        # check point
                        p = c._points
                        npt.assert_allclose(p.flatten(), p_in, atol=1e-15)
                        # --- test without conversion ---
                        p = eval(f"c.get_{domain_out}('{convention_out}')")
                        # check internal and returned point
                        npt.assert_allclose(p.flatten(), p_out, atol=1e-15)
                        # check if system was converted
                        assert c._system["domain"] == domain_in
                        assert c._system["convention"] == convention_in
                        # --- test with conversion ---
                        p = eval(f"c.get_{domain_out}('{convention_out}', \
                        # check point
                        npt.assert_allclose(p.flatten(), p_out, atol=1e-15)
                        # check if system was converted
                        assert c._system["domain"] == domain_out
                        assert c._system["convention"] == convention_out
def test_coordinate_names():
    # check if units agree across coordinates that appear more than once

    # get all coordinate systems
    c = Coordinates()
    systems = c._systems()

    # get unique list of coordinates and their properties
    coords = {}
    # loop across domains and conventions
    for domain in systems:
        for convention in systems[domain]:
            # loop across coordinates
            for cc, coord in enumerate(
                # units of the current coordinate
                cur_units = [
                    u[cc] for u in systems[domain][convention]['units']
                # add coordinate to coords
                if coord not in coords:
                    coords[coord] = {}
                    coords[coord]['domain'] = [domain]
                    coords[coord]['convention'] = [convention]
                    coords[coord]['units'] = [cur_units]

    # check if units agree across coordinates that appear more than once
    for coord in coords:
        # get unique first entry
        units = coords[coord]['units'].copy()
        units_ref, idx = np.unique(units[0], True)
        units_ref = units_ref[idx]
        for cc in range(1, len(units)):
            # get nex entry for comparison
            units_test, idx = np.unique(units[cc], True)
            units_test = units_test[idx]
            # compare
            assert all(units_ref == units_test), \
                f"'{coord}' has units {units_ref} in "\
                f"{coords[coord]['domain'][0]} "\
                f"({coords[coord]['convention'][0]}) but units {units_test} "\
                f"in {coords[coord]['domain'][cc]} "\
def test__systems():
    # get all coordinate systems
    coords = Coordinates()
    systems = coords._systems()

    # check object type
    assert isinstance(systems, dict)

    # check completeness of systems
    for domain in systems:
        for convention in systems[domain]:
            assert "description_short" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'description_short'"
            assert "coordinates" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'coordinates'"
            assert "units" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'units'"
            assert "description" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'description'"
            assert "positive_x" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'positive_x'"
            assert "positive_y" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'positive_y'"
            assert "negative_x" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'negative_'"
            assert "negative_y" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'negative_y'"
            assert "positive_z" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'positive_z'"
            assert "negative_z" in systems[domain][convention], \
                f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry 'negative_z'"
            for coord in systems[domain][convention]['coordinates']:
                assert coord in systems[domain][convention], \
                    f"{domain} ({convention}) is missing entry '{coord}'"
                assert systems[domain][convention][coord][0] in \
                    ["unbound", "bound", "cyclic"], \
                    f"{domain} ({convention}), {coord}[0] must be 'unbound', "\
                    "'bound', or 'cyclic'."