class Plot_PZ(QWidget): # incoming, connected in sender widget (locally connected to self.process_sig_rx() ) sig_rx = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, parent): super(Plot_PZ, self).__init__(parent) self.needs_calc = True # flag whether filter data has been changed self.needs_draw = False # flag whether whether figure needs to be drawn # with new limits etc. (not implemented yet) self.tool_tip = "Pole / zero plan" self.tab_label = "P / Z" self._construct_UI() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def process_sig_rx(self, dict_sig=None): """ Process signals coming from the navigation toolbar and from sig_rx """ logger.debug("Processing {0} | needs_draw = {1}, visible = {2}"\ .format(dict_sig, self.needs_calc, self.isVisible())) if self.isVisible(): if 'data_changed' in dict_sig or 'home' in dict_sig or self.needs_calc: self.draw() self.needs_calc = False self.needs_draw = False if 'view_changed' in dict_sig or self.needs_draw: self.update_view() self.needs_draw = False else: if 'data_changed' in dict_sig: self.needs_calc = True if 'view_changed' in dict_sig: self.needs_draw = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _construct_UI(self): """ Intitialize the widget, consisting of: - Matplotlib widget with NavigationToolbar - Frame with control elements """ self.chkHf = QCheckBox("Show |H(f)|", self) self.chkHf.setToolTip( "<span>Display |H(f)| around unit circle.</span>") self.chkHf.setEnabled(True) self.chkHfLog = QCheckBox("Log. Scale", self) self.chkHfLog.setToolTip("<span>Log. scale for |H(f)|.</span>") self.chkHfLog.setEnabled(True) self.diaRad_Hf = QDial(self) self.diaRad_Hf.setRange(2., 10.) self.diaRad_Hf.setValue(2) self.diaRad_Hf.setTracking(False) # produce less events when turning self.diaRad_Hf.setFixedHeight(30) self.diaRad_Hf.setFixedWidth(30) self.diaRad_Hf.setWrapping(False) self.diaRad_Hf.setToolTip( "<span>Set max. radius for |H(f)| plot.</span>") self.lblRad_Hf = QLabel("Radius", self) self.chkFIR_P = QCheckBox("Plot FIR Poles", self) self.chkFIR_P.setToolTip("<span>Show FIR poles at the origin.</span>") self.chkFIR_P.setChecked(True) layHControls = QHBoxLayout() layHControls.addWidget(self.chkHf) layHControls.addWidget(self.chkHfLog) layHControls.addWidget(self.diaRad_Hf) layHControls.addWidget(self.lblRad_Hf) layHControls.addStretch(10) layHControls.addWidget(self.chkFIR_P) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ### frmControls ### # # This widget encompasses all control subwidgets #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.frmControls = QFrame(self) self.frmControls.setObjectName("frmControls") self.frmControls.setLayout(layHControls) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ### mplwidget ### # # main widget, encompassing the other widgets #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mplwidget = MplWidget(self) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.addWidget(self.frmControls) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.setLayout(self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl) self.init_axes() self.draw() # calculate and draw poles and zeros #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.sig_rx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.sig_tx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) self.chkHf.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.chkHfLog.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.diaRad_Hf.valueChanged.connect(self.draw) self.chkFIR_P.clicked.connect(self.draw) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def init_axes(self): """ Initialize and clear the axes (this is only run once) """ if len(self.mplwidget.fig.get_axes()) == 0: # empty figure, no axes = self.mplwidget.fig.subplots() #.add_subplot(111) # remove axis ticks on top # remove axis ticks right #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def update_view(self): """ Draw the figure with new limits, scale etcs without recalculating H(f) -- not yet implemented, just use draw() for the moment """ self.draw() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def draw(self): self.chkFIR_P.setVisible(fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'FIR') self.draw_pz() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def draw_pz(self): """ (re)draw P/Z plot """ p_marker = params['P_Marker'] z_marker = params['Z_Marker'] zpk = fb.fil[0]['zpk'] # add antiCausals if they exist (must take reciprocal to plot) if 'rpk' in fb.fil[0]: zA = fb.fil[0]['zpk'][0] zA = np.conj(1. / zA) pA = fb.fil[0]['zpk'][1] pA = np.conj(1. / pA) zC = np.append(zpk[0], zA) pC = np.append(zpk[1], pA) zpk[0] = zC zpk[1] = pC [z, p, k] = self.zplane(z=zpk[0], p=zpk[1], k=zpk[2],, plt_poles=self.chkFIR_P.isChecked() or fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR', mps=p_marker[0], mpc=p_marker[1], mzs=z_marker[0], mzc=z_marker[1])'Pole / Zero Plot')'Real axis')'Imaginary axis') self.draw_Hf(r=self.diaRad_Hf.value()) self.redraw() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def redraw(self): """ Redraw the canvas when e.g. the canvas size has changed """ self.mplwidget.redraw() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def zplane(self, b=None, a=1, z=None, p=None, k=1, pn_eps=1e-3, analog=False, plt_ax=None, plt_poles=True, style='square', anaCircleRad=0, lw=2, mps=10, mzs=10, mpc='r', mzc='b', plabel='', zlabel=''): """ Plot the poles and zeros in the complex z-plane either from the coefficients (`b,`a) of a discrete transfer function `H`(`z`) (zpk = False) or directly from the zeros and poles (z,p) (zpk = True). When only b is given, an FIR filter with all poles at the origin is assumed. Parameters ---------- b : array_like Numerator coefficients (transversal part of filter) When b is not None, poles and zeros are determined from the coefficients b and a a : array_like (optional, default = 1 for FIR-filter) Denominator coefficients (recursive part of filter) z : array_like, default = None Zeros When b is None, poles and zeros are taken directly from z and p p : array_like, default = None Poles analog : boolean (default: False) When True, create a P/Z plot suitable for the s-plane, i.e. suppress the unit circle (unless anaCircleRad > 0) and scale the plot for a good display of all poles and zeros. pn_eps : float (default : 1e-2) Tolerance for separating close poles or zeros plt_ax : handle to axes for plotting (default: None) When no axes is specified, the current axes is determined via plt.gca() plt_poles : Boolean (default : True) Plot poles. This can be used to suppress poles for FIR systems where all poles are at the origin. style : string (default: 'square') Style of the plot, for style == 'square' make scale of x- and y- axis equal. mps : integer (default: 10) Size for pole marker mzs : integer (default: 10) Size for zero marker mpc : char (default: 'r') Pole marker colour mzc : char (default: 'b') Zero marker colour lw : integer (default: 2) Linewidth for unit circle plabel, zlabel : string (default: '') This string is passed to the plot command for poles and zeros and can be displayed by legend() Returns ------- z, p, k : ndarray Notes ----- """ # TODO: # - polar option # - add keywords for color of circle -> **kwargs # - add option for multi-dimensional arrays and zpk data # make sure that all inputs are arrays b = np.atleast_1d(b) a = np.atleast_1d(a) z = np.atleast_1d(z) # make sure that p, z are arrays p = np.atleast_1d(p) if b.any(): # coefficients were specified if len(b) < 2 and len(a) < 2: logger.error( 'No proper filter coefficients: both b and a are scalars!') return z, p, k # The coefficients are less than 1, normalize the coefficients if np.max(b) > 1: kn = np.max(b) b = b / float(kn) else: kn = 1. if np.max(a) > 1: kd = np.max(a) a = a / abs(kd) else: kd = 1. # Calculate the poles, zeros and scaling factor p = np.roots(a) z = np.roots(b) k = kn / kd elif not (len(p) or len(z)): # P/Z were specified logger.error('Either b,a or z,p must be specified!') return z, p, k # find multiple poles and zeros and their multiplicities if len(p) < 2: # single pole, [None] or [0] if not p or p == 0: # only zeros, create equal number of poles at origin p = np.array(0, ndmin=1) # num_p = np.atleast_1d(len(z)) else: num_p = [1.] # single pole != 0 else: #p, num_p = sig.signaltools.unique_roots(p, tol = pn_eps, rtype='avg') p, num_p = unique_roots(p, tol=pn_eps, rtype='avg') # p = np.array(p); num_p = np.ones(len(p)) if len(z) > 0: z, num_z = unique_roots(z, tol=pn_eps, rtype='avg') # z = np.array(z); num_z = np.ones(len(z)) #z, num_z = sig.signaltools.unique_roots(z, tol = pn_eps, rtype='avg') else: num_z = [] ax = plt_ax #.subplot(111) if analog == False: # create the unit circle for the z-plane uc = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius=1, fill=False, color='grey', ls='solid', zorder=1) ax.add_patch(uc) if style == 'square': #r = 1.1 #ax.axis([-r, r, -r, r]) # overridden by next option ax.axis('equal') # ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') # ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') # ax.spines['right'].set_visible(True) # ax.spines['top'].set_visible(True) else: # s-plane if anaCircleRad > 0: # plot a circle with radius = anaCircleRad uc = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius=anaCircleRad, fill=False, color='grey', ls='solid', zorder=1) ax.add_patch(uc) # plot real and imaginary axis ax.axhline(lw=2, color='k', zorder=1) ax.axvline(lw=2, color='k', zorder=1) # Plot the zeros ax.scatter(z.real, z.imag, s=mzs * mzs, zorder=2, marker='o', facecolor='none', edgecolor=mzc, lw=lw, label=zlabel) # and print their multiplicity for i in range(len(z)): logger.debug('z: {0} | {1} | {2}'.format(i, z[i], num_z[i])) if num_z[i] > 1: ax.text(np.real(z[i]), np.imag(z[i]), ' (' + str(num_z[i]) + ')', va='top', color=mzc) if plt_poles: # Plot the poles ax.scatter(p.real, p.imag, s=mps * mps, zorder=2, marker='x', color=mpc, lw=lw, label=plabel) # and print their multiplicity for i in range(len(p)): logger.debug('p:{0} | {1} | {2}'.format(i, p[i], num_p[i])) if num_p[i] > 1: ax.text(np.real(p[i]), np.imag(p[i]), ' (' + str(num_p[i]) + ')', va='bottom', color=mpc) # ============================================================================= # # increase distance between ticks and labels # # to give some room for poles and zeros # for tick in ax.get_xaxis().get_major_ticks(): # tick.set_pad(12.) # tick.label1 = tick._get_text1() # for tick in ax.get_yaxis().get_major_ticks(): # tick.set_pad(12.) # tick.label1 = tick._get_text1() # # ============================================================================= xl = ax.get_xlim() Dx = max(abs(xl[1] - xl[0]), 0.05) yl = ax.get_ylim() Dy = max(abs(yl[1] - yl[0]), 0.05) ax.set_xlim((xl[0] - Dx * 0.05, max(xl[1] + Dx * 0.05, 0))) ax.set_ylim((yl[0] - Dy * 0.05, yl[1] + Dy * 0.05)) return z, p, k #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def draw_Hf(self, r=2): """ Draw the magnitude frequency response around the UC """ # suppress "divide by zero in log10" warnings old_settings_seterr = np.seterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore') self.chkHfLog.setVisible(self.chkHf.isChecked()) self.diaRad_Hf.setVisible(self.chkHf.isChecked()) self.lblRad_Hf.setVisible(self.chkHf.isChecked()) if not self.chkHf.isChecked(): return ba = fb.fil[0]['ba'] w, H = sig.freqz(ba[0], ba[1], worN=params['N_FFT'], whole=True) H = np.abs(H) if self.chkHfLog.isChecked(): H = np.clip(np.log10(H), -6, None) # clip to -120 dB H = H - np.max(H) # shift scale to H_min ... 0 H = 1 + (r - 1) * (1 + H / abs(np.min(H))) # scale to 1 ... r else: H = 1 + (r - 1) * H / np.max(H) # map |H(f)| to a range 1 ... r y = H * np.sin(w) x = H * np.cos(w), y, label="|H(f)|") uc = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius=r, fill=False, color='grey', ls='dashed', zorder=1) xl = xmax = max(abs(xl[0]), abs(xl[1]), r * 1.05) yl = ymax = max(abs(yl[0]), abs(yl[1]), r * 1.05), xmax)), ymax)) np.seterr(**old_settings_seterr)
class Plot_3D(QWidget): """ Class for various 3D-plots: - lin / log line plot of H(f) - lin / log surf plot of H(z) - optional display of poles / zeros """ # incoming, connected in sender widget (locally connected to self.process_sig_rx() ) sig_rx = pyqtSignal(object) # sig_tx = pyqtSignal(object) # outgoing from process_signals def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.zmin = 0 self.zmax = 4 self.zmin_dB = -80 self.cmap_default = 'RdYlBu' self.data_changed = True # flag whether data has changed self.tool_tip = "3D magnitude response |H(z)|" self.tab_label = "3D" self._construct_UI() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def process_sig_rx(self, dict_sig=None): """ Process signals coming from the navigation toolbar and from ``sig_rx`` """ # logger.debug("Processing {0} | data_changed = {1}, visible = {2}"\ # .format(dict_sig, self.data_changed, self.isVisible())) if self.isVisible(): if 'data_changed' in dict_sig or 'home' in dict_sig or self.data_changed: self.draw() self.data_changed = False else: if 'data_changed' in dict_sig: self.data_changed = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _construct_UI(self): self.but_log = PushButton("dB", checked=False) self.but_log.setObjectName("but_log") self.but_log.setToolTip("Logarithmic scale") self.but_plot_in_UC = PushButton("|z| < 1 ", checked=False) self.but_plot_in_UC.setObjectName("but_plot_in_UC") self.but_plot_in_UC.setToolTip("Only plot H(z) within the unit circle") self.lblBottom = QLabel(to_html("Bottom =", frmt='bi'), self) self.ledBottom = QLineEdit(self) self.ledBottom.setObjectName("ledBottom") self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.ledBottom.setToolTip("Minimum display value.") self.lblBottomdB = QLabel("dB", self) self.lblBottomdB.setVisible(self.but_log.isChecked()) self.lblTop = QLabel(to_html("Top =", frmt='bi'), self) self.ledTop = QLineEdit(self) self.ledTop.setObjectName("ledTop") self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) self.ledTop.setToolTip("Maximum display value.") self.lblTopdB = QLabel("dB", self) self.lblTopdB.setVisible(self.but_log.isChecked()) self.plt_UC = PushButton("UC", checked=True) self.plt_UC.setObjectName("plt_UC") self.plt_UC.setToolTip("Plot unit circle") self.but_PZ = PushButton("P/Z ", checked=True) self.but_PZ.setObjectName("but_PZ") self.but_PZ.setToolTip("Plot poles and zeros") self.but_Hf = PushButton("H(f) ", checked=True) self.but_Hf.setObjectName("but_Hf") self.but_Hf.setToolTip("Plot H(f) along the unit circle") modes = ['None', 'Mesh', 'Surf', 'Contour'] self.cmbMode3D = QComboBox(self) self.cmbMode3D.addItems(modes) self.cmbMode3D.setObjectName("cmbShow3D") self.cmbMode3D.setToolTip("Select 3D-plot mode.") self.cmbMode3D.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cmbMode3D.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.but_colormap_r = PushButton("reverse", checked=True) self.but_colormap_r.setObjectName("but_colormap_r") self.but_colormap_r.setToolTip("reverse colormap") self.cmbColormap = QComboBox(self) self._init_cmb_colormap(cmap_init=self.cmap_default) self.cmbColormap.setToolTip("Select colormap") self.but_colbar = PushButton("Colorbar ", checked=False) self.but_colbar.setObjectName("chkColBar") self.but_colbar.setToolTip("Show colorbar") self.but_lighting = PushButton("Lighting", checked=False) self.but_lighting.setObjectName("but_lighting") self.but_lighting.setToolTip("Enable light source") self.lblAlpha = QLabel(to_html("Alpha", frmt='bi'), self) self.diaAlpha = QDial(self) self.diaAlpha.setRange(0, 10) self.diaAlpha.setValue(10) self.diaAlpha.setTracking(False) # produce less events when turning self.diaAlpha.setFixedHeight(30) self.diaAlpha.setFixedWidth(30) self.diaAlpha.setWrapping(False) self.diaAlpha.setToolTip( "<span>Set transparency for surf and contour plots.</span>") self.lblHatch = QLabel(to_html("Stride", frmt='bi'), self) self.diaHatch = QDial(self) self.diaHatch.setRange(0, 9) self.diaHatch.setValue(5) self.diaHatch.setTracking(False) # produce less events when turning self.diaHatch.setFixedHeight(30) self.diaHatch.setFixedWidth(30) self.diaHatch.setWrapping(False) self.diaHatch.setToolTip("Set line density for various plots.") self.but_contour_2d = PushButton("Contour2D ", checked=False) self.but_contour_2d.setObjectName("chkContour2D") self.but_contour_2d.setToolTip("Plot 2D-contours at z =0") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LAYOUT for UI widgets # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- layGControls = QGridLayout() layGControls.addWidget(self.but_log, 0, 0) layGControls.addWidget(self.but_plot_in_UC, 1, 0) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblTop, 0, 2) layGControls.addWidget(self.ledTop, 0, 4) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblTopdB, 0, 5) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblBottom, 1, 2) layGControls.addWidget(self.ledBottom, 1, 4) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblBottomdB, 1, 5) layGControls.setColumnStretch(5, 1) layGControls.addWidget(self.plt_UC, 0, 6) layGControls.addWidget(self.but_Hf, 1, 6) layGControls.addWidget(self.but_PZ, 0, 8) layGControls.addWidget(self.cmbMode3D, 0, 10) layGControls.addWidget(self.but_contour_2d, 1, 10) layGControls.addWidget(self.cmbColormap, 0, 12, 1, 1) layGControls.addWidget(self.but_colormap_r, 1, 12) layGControls.addWidget(self.but_lighting, 0, 14) layGControls.addWidget(self.but_colbar, 1, 14) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblAlpha, 0, 15) layGControls.addWidget(self.diaAlpha, 0, 16) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblHatch, 1, 15) layGControls.addWidget(self.diaHatch, 1, 16) # This widget encompasses all control subwidgets self.frmControls = QFrame(self) self.frmControls.setObjectName("frmControls") self.frmControls.setLayout(layGControls) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # mplwidget # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the plot pane widget, encompassing the other widgets self.mplwidget = MplWidget(self) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.addWidget(self.frmControls) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.setContentsMargins(*params['mpl_margins']) self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.a_he.setEnabled(True) = "manual/plot_3d.html" self.setLayout(self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl) self._init_grid() # initialize grid and do initial plot # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL SIGNALS & SLOTs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.sig_rx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.but_log.clicked.connect(self._log_clicked) self.ledBottom.editingFinished.connect(self._log_clicked) self.ledTop.editingFinished.connect(self._log_clicked) self.but_plot_in_UC.clicked.connect(self._init_grid) self.plt_UC.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.but_Hf.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.but_PZ.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.cmbMode3D.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.draw) self.but_colbar.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.cmbColormap.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.draw) self.but_colormap_r.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.but_lighting.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.diaAlpha.valueChanged.connect(self.draw) self.diaHatch.valueChanged.connect(self.draw) self.but_contour_2d.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.sig_tx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) # self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.enable_plot(state = False) # disable initially # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _init_cmb_colormap(self, cmap_init): """ Initialize combobox with available colormaps and try to set it to `cmap_init` Since matplotlib 3.2 the reversed "*_r" colormaps are no longer contained in `cm.datad`. They are now obtained by using the `reversed()` method (much simpler!) `cm.datad` doesn't return the "new" colormaps like viridis, instead the `colormaps()` method is used. """ self.cmbColormap.addItems( [m for m in colormaps() if not m.endswith("_r")]) idx = self.cmbColormap.findText(cmap_init) if idx == -1: idx = 0 self.cmbColormap.setCurrentIndex(idx) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _init_grid(self): """ Initialize (x,y,z) coordinate grid + (re)draw plot.""" phi_UC = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 400, endpoint=True) # angles for unit circle self.xy_UC = np.exp(1j * phi_UC) # x,y coordinates of unity circle steps = 100 # number of steps for x, y, r, phi # cartesian range limits self.xmin = -1.5 self.xmax = 1.5 self.ymin = -1.5 self.ymax = 1.5 # Polar range limits rmin = 0 rmax = 1 # Calculate grids for 3D-Plots dr = rmax / steps * 2 # grid size for polar range dx = (self.xmax - self.xmin) / steps dy = (self.ymax - self.ymin) / steps # grid size cartesian range if self.but_plot_in_UC.isChecked(): # Plot circular range in 3D-Plot [r, phi] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(rmin, rmax, dr), np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, steps, endpoint=True)) self.x = r * cos(phi) self.y = r * sin(phi) else: # cartesian grid [self.x, self.y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.xmin, self.xmax, dx), np.arange(self.ymin, self.ymax, dy)) self.z = self.x + 1j * self.y # create coordinate grid for complex plane self.draw() # initial plot # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def init_axes(self): """ Initialize and clear the axes to get rid of colorbar The azimuth / elevation / distance settings of the camera are restored after clearing the axes. See """ self._save_axes() self.mplwidget.fig.clf() # needed to get rid of colorbar self.ax3d = self.mplwidget.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # self.ax3d = self.mplwidget.fig.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, projection='3d') self._restore_axes() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _save_axes(self): """ Store x/y/z - limits and camera position """ try: self.azim = self.ax3d.azim self.elev = self.ax3d.elev self.dist = self.ax3d.dist self.xlim = self.ax3d.get_xlim3d() self.ylim = self.ax3d.get_ylim3d() self.zlim = self.ax3d.get_zlim3d() except AttributeError: # not yet initialized, set standard values self.azim = -65 self.elev = 30 self.dist = 10 self.xlim = (self.xmin, self.xmax) self.ylim = (self.ymin, self.ymax) self.zlim = (self.zmin, self.zmax) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _restore_axes(self): """ Restore x/y/z - limits and camera position """ if self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.a_lk.isChecked(): self.ax3d.set_xlim3d(self.xlim) self.ax3d.set_ylim3d(self.ylim) self.ax3d.set_zlim3d(self.zlim) self.ax3d.azim = self.azim self.ax3d.elev = self.elev self.ax3d.dist = self.dist # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _log_clicked(self): """ Change scale and settings to log / lin when log setting is changed Update min / max settings when lineEdits have been edited """ if self.sender().objectName( ) == 'but_log': # clicking but_log triggered the slot if self.but_log.isChecked(): self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin_dB)) self.zmax_dB = np.round(20 * log10(self.zmax), 2) self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax_dB)) self.lblTopdB.setVisible(True) self.lblBottomdB.setVisible(True) else: self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.zmax = np.round(10**(self.zmax_dB / 20), 2) self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) self.lblTopdB.setVisible(False) self.lblBottomdB.setVisible(False) else: # finishing a lineEdit field triggered the slot if self.but_log.isChecked(): self.zmin_dB = safe_eval(self.ledBottom.text(), self.zmin_dB, return_type='float') self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin_dB)) self.zmax_dB = safe_eval(self.ledTop.text(), self.zmax_dB, return_type='float') self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax_dB)) else: self.zmin = safe_eval(self.ledBottom.text(), self.zmin, return_type='float') self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.zmax = safe_eval(self.ledTop.text(), self.zmax, return_type='float') self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) self.draw() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def draw(self): """ Main drawing entry point: perform the actual plot """ self.draw_3d() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def draw_3d(self): """ Draw various 3D plots """ self.init_axes() bb = fb.fil[0]['ba'][0] aa = fb.fil[0]['ba'][1] zz = np.array(fb.fil[0]['zpk'][0]) pp = np.array(fb.fil[0]['zpk'][1]) wholeF = fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType'] != 'half' # not used f_S = fb.fil[0]['f_S'] N_FFT = params['N_FFT'] alpha = self.diaAlpha.value() / 10. cmap = cm.get_cmap(str(self.cmbColormap.currentText())) if self.but_colormap_r.isChecked(): cmap = cmap.reversed() # use reversed colormap # Number of Lines /step size for H(f) stride, mesh, contour3d: stride = 10 - self.diaHatch.value() NL = 3 * self.diaHatch.value() + 5 surf_enabled = qget_cmb_box(self.cmbMode3D, data=False) in {'Surf', 'Contour'}\ or self.but_contour_2d.isChecked() self.cmbColormap.setEnabled(surf_enabled) self.but_colormap_r.setEnabled(surf_enabled) self.but_lighting.setEnabled(surf_enabled) self.but_colbar.setEnabled(surf_enabled) self.diaAlpha.setEnabled(surf_enabled or self.but_contour_2d.isChecked()) # cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=values[-1]) # scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate H(w) along the upper half of unity circle # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [w, H] = sig.freqz(bb, aa, worN=N_FFT, whole=True) H = np.nan_to_num(H) # replace nans and inf by finite numbers H_abs = abs(H) H_max = max(H_abs) H_min = min(H_abs) # f = w / (2 * pi) * f_S # translate w to absolute frequencies # F_min = f[np.argmin(H_abs)] plevel_rel = 1.05 # height of plotted pole position relative to zmax zlevel_rel = 0.1 # height of plotted zero position relative to zmax if self.but_log.isChecked(): # logarithmic scale # suppress "divide by zero in log10" warnings old_settings_seterr = np.seterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore') bottom = np.floor(max(self.zmin_dB, 20 * log10(H_min)) / 10) * 10 top = self.zmax_dB top_bottom = top - bottom zlevel = bottom - top_bottom * zlevel_rel if self.cmbMode3D.currentText( ) == 'None': # "Poleposition": H(f) plot only plevel_top = 2 * bottom - zlevel # height of displayed pole position plevel_btm = bottom else: plevel_top = top + top_bottom * (plevel_rel - 1) plevel_btm = top np.seterr(**old_settings_seterr) else: # linear scale bottom = max(self.zmin, H_min) # min. display value top = self.zmax # max. display value top_bottom = top - bottom # top = zmax_rel * H_max # calculate display top from max. of H(f) zlevel = bottom + top_bottom * zlevel_rel # height of displayed zero position if self.cmbMode3D.currentText( ) == 'None': # "Poleposition": H(f) plot only #H_max = np.clip(max(H_abs), 0, self.zmax) # make height of displayed poles same to zeros plevel_top = bottom + top_bottom * zlevel_rel plevel_btm = bottom else: plevel_top = plevel_rel * top plevel_btm = top # calculate H(jw)| along the unity circle and |H(z)|, each clipped # between bottom and top H_UC = H_mag(bb, aa, self.xy_UC, top, H_min=bottom, log=self.but_log.isChecked()) Hmag = H_mag(bb, aa, self.z, top, H_min=bottom, log=self.but_log.isChecked()) # =============================================================== # Plot Unit Circle (UC) # =============================================================== if self.plt_UC.isChecked(): # Plot unit circle and marker at (1,0): self.ax3d.plot(self.xy_UC.real, self.xy_UC.imag, ones(len(self.xy_UC)) * bottom, lw=2, color='k') self.ax3d.plot([0.97, 1.03], [0, 0], [bottom, bottom], lw=2, color='k') # =============================================================== # Plot ||H(f)| along unit circle as 3D-lineplot # =============================================================== if self.but_Hf.isChecked(): self.ax3d.plot(self.xy_UC.real, self.xy_UC.imag, H_UC, alpha=0.8, lw=4) # draw once more as dashed white line to improve visibility self.ax3d.plot(self.xy_UC.real, self.xy_UC.imag, H_UC, 'w--', lw=4) if stride < 10: # plot thin vertical line every stride points on the UC for k in range(len(self.xy_UC[::stride])): self.ax3d.plot([ self.xy_UC.real[::stride][k], self.xy_UC.real[::stride][k] ], [ self.xy_UC.imag[::stride][k], self.xy_UC.imag[::stride][k] ], [ np.ones(len(self.xy_UC[::stride]))[k] * bottom, H_UC[::stride][k] ], linewidth=1, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # =============================================================== # Plot Poles and Zeros # =============================================================== if self.but_PZ.isChecked(): PN_SIZE = 8 # size of P/N symbols # Plot zero markers at |H(z_i)| = zlevel with "stems": self.ax3d.plot(zz.real, zz.imag, ones(len(zz)) * zlevel, 'o', markersize=PN_SIZE, markeredgecolor='blue', markeredgewidth=2.0, markerfacecolor='none') for k in range(len(zz)): # plot zero "stems" self.ax3d.plot([zz[k].real, zz[k].real], [zz[k].imag, zz[k].imag], [bottom, zlevel], linewidth=1, color='b') # Plot the poles at |H(z_p)| = plevel with "stems": self.ax3d.plot(np.real(pp), np.imag(pp), plevel_top, 'x', markersize=PN_SIZE, markeredgewidth=2.0, markeredgecolor='red') for k in range(len(pp)): # plot pole "stems" self.ax3d.plot([pp[k].real, pp[k].real], [pp[k].imag, pp[k].imag], [plevel_btm, plevel_top], linewidth=1, color='r') # =============================================================== # 3D-Plots of |H(z)| clipped between |H(z)| = top # =============================================================== m_cb = cm.ScalarMappable( cmap=cmap) # normalized proxy object that is mappable m_cb.set_array(Hmag) # for colorbar # --------------------------------------------------------------- # 3D-mesh plot # --------------------------------------------------------------- if self.cmbMode3D.currentText() == 'Mesh': # fig_mlab = mlab.figure(fgcolor=(0., 0., 0.), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) # self.ax3d.set_zlim(0,2) self.ax3d.plot_wireframe(self.x, self.y, Hmag, rstride=5, cstride=stride, linewidth=1, color='gray') # --------------------------------------------------------------- # 3D-surface plot # --------------------------------------------------------------- # elif self.cmbMode3D.currentText() == 'Surf': if MLAB: # Mayavi surf =, self.y, H_mag, colormap='RdYlBu', warp_scale='auto') # Change the visualization parameters. = 'phong' = 0.1 = 5 # s = mlab.contour_surf(self.x, self.y, Hmag, contour_z=0) else: if self.but_lighting.isChecked(): ls = LightSource(azdeg=0, altdeg=65) # Create light source object rgb = ls.shade( Hmag, cmap=cmap) # Shade data, creating an rgb array cmap_surf = None else: rgb = None cmap_surf = cmap # s = self.ax3d.plot_surface(self.x, self.y, Hmag, # alpha=OPT_3D_ALPHA, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cmap, # linewidth=0, antialiased=False, shade=True, facecolors = rgb) # s.set_edgecolor('gray') s = self.ax3d.plot_surface(self.x, self.y, Hmag, alpha=alpha, rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, facecolors=rgb, cmap=cmap_surf, shade=True) s.set_edgecolor(None) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # 3D-Contour plot # --------------------------------------------------------------- elif self.cmbMode3D.currentText() == 'Contour': s = self.ax3d.contourf3D(self.x, self.y, Hmag, NL, alpha=alpha, cmap=cmap) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # 2D-Contour plot # TODO: 2D contour plots do not plot correctly together with 3D plots in # current matplotlib 1.4.3 -> disable them for now # TODO: zdir = x / y delivers unexpected results -> rather plot max(H) # along the other axis? # TODO: colormap is created depending on the zdir = 'z' contour plot # -> set limits of (all) other plots manually? if self.but_contour_2d.isChecked(): # self.ax3d.contourf(x, y, Hmag, 20, zdir='x', offset=xmin, # cmap=cmap, alpha = alpha)#, vmin = bottom)#, vmax = top, vmin = bottom) # self.ax3d.contourf(x, y, Hmag, 20, zdir='y', offset=ymax, # cmap=cmap, alpha = alpha)#, vmin = bottom)#, vmax = top, vmin = bottom) s = self.ax3d.contourf(self.x, self.y, Hmag, NL, zdir='z', offset=bottom - (top - bottom) * 0.05, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha) # plot colorbar for suitable plot modes if self.but_colbar.isChecked() and ( self.but_contour_2d.isChecked() or str(self.cmbMode3D.currentText()) in {'Contour', 'Surf'}): self.colb = self.mplwidget.fig.colorbar(m_cb, ax=self.ax3d, shrink=0.8, aspect=20, pad=0.02, fraction=0.08) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set view limits and labels # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.a_lk.isChecked(): self.ax3d.set_xlim3d(self.xmin, self.xmax) self.ax3d.set_ylim3d(self.ymin, self.ymax) self.ax3d.set_zlim3d(bottom, top) else: self._restore_axes() self.ax3d.set_xlabel('Re') #(fb.fil[0]['plt_fLabel']) self.ax3d.set_ylabel( 'Im' ) #(r'$ \tau_g(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} \Omega}) / T_S \; \rightarrow $') # self.ax3d.set_zlabel(r'$|H(z)|\; \rightarrow $') self.ax3d.set_title( r'3D-Plot of $|H(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} \Omega})|$ and $|H(z)|$') self.redraw() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def redraw(self): """ Redraw the canvas when e.g. the canvas size has changed """ self.mplwidget.redraw()
class Plot_PZ(QWidget): # incoming, connected in sender widget (locally connected to self.process_sig_rx() ) sig_rx = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.needs_calc = True # flag whether filter data has been changed self.needs_draw = False # flag whether whether figure needs to be drawn # with new limits etc. (not implemented yet) self.tool_tip = "Pole / zero plan" self.tab_label = "P / Z" self.cmb_overlay_items = [ "<span>Add various overlays to P/Z diagram.</span>", ("none", "None", ""), ("h(f)", "|H(f)|", "<span>Show |H(f)| wrapped around the unit circle between 0 resp. -120 dB " "and max(H(f)).</span>"), ("contour", "Contour", "<span>Show contour lines for |H(z)|</span>"), ("contourf", "Contourf", "<span>Show filled contours for |H(z)|</span>"), ] self.cmb_overlay_default = "none" # default setting self.cmap = "viridis" # colormap self.zmin = 0 self.zmax = 2 self.zmin_dB = -80 self.zmax_dB = np.round(20 * np.log10(self.zmax), 2) self._construct_UI() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def process_sig_rx(self, dict_sig: dict = None) -> None: """ Process signals coming from the navigation toolbar and from sig_rx """ #"Processing {0} | needs_draw = {1}, visible = {2}"\ # .format(dict_sig, self.needs_calc, self.isVisible())) if self.isVisible(): if 'data_changed' in dict_sig or 'home' in dict_sig or self.needs_calc: self.draw() self.needs_calc = False self.needs_draw = False elif 'view_changed' in dict_sig or self.needs_draw: self.update_view() self.needs_draw = False elif 'ui_changed' in dict_sig and dict_sig['ui_changed'] == 'resized': self.draw() else: if 'data_changed' in dict_sig: self.needs_calc = True elif 'view_changed' in dict_sig: self.needs_draw = True elif 'ui_changed' in dict_sig and dict_sig['ui_changed'] == 'resized': self.needs_draw = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _construct_UI(self): """ Intitialize the widget, consisting of: - Matplotlib widget with NavigationToolbar - Frame with control elements """ self.lbl_overlay = QLabel(to_html("Overlay:", frmt='bi'), self) self.cmb_overlay = QComboBox(self) qcmb_box_populate( self.cmb_overlay, self.cmb_overlay_items, self.cmb_overlay_default) self.but_log = PushButton(" Log.", checked=True) self.but_log.setObjectName("but_log") self.but_log.setToolTip("<span>Log. scale for overlays.</span>") self.diaRad_Hf = QDial(self) self.diaRad_Hf.setRange(2, 10) self.diaRad_Hf.setValue(2) self.diaRad_Hf.setTracking(False) # produce less events when turning self.diaRad_Hf.setFixedHeight(30) self.diaRad_Hf.setFixedWidth(30) self.diaRad_Hf.setWrapping(False) self.diaRad_Hf.setToolTip("<span>Set max. radius for |H(f)| plot.</span>") self.lblRad_Hf = QLabel("Radius", self) self.lblBottom = QLabel(to_html("Bottom =", frmt='bi'), self) self.ledBottom = QLineEdit(self) self.ledBottom.setObjectName("ledBottom") self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.ledBottom.setMaximumWidth(qtext_width(N_x=8)) self.ledBottom.setToolTip("Minimum display value.") self.lblBottomdB = QLabel("dB", self) self.lblBottomdB.setVisible(self.but_log.isChecked()) self.lblTop = QLabel(to_html("Top =", frmt='bi'), self) self.ledTop = QLineEdit(self) self.ledTop.setObjectName("ledTop") self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) self.ledTop.setToolTip("Maximum display value.") self.ledTop.setMaximumWidth(qtext_width(N_x=8)) self.lblTopdB = QLabel("dB", self) self.lblTopdB.setVisible(self.but_log.isChecked()) self.but_fir_poles = PushButton(" FIR Poles ", checked=True) self.but_fir_poles.setToolTip("<span>Show FIR poles at the origin.</span>") layHControls = QHBoxLayout() layHControls.addWidget(self.lbl_overlay) layHControls.addWidget(self.cmb_overlay) layHControls.addWidget(self.but_log) layHControls.addWidget(self.diaRad_Hf) layHControls.addWidget(self.lblRad_Hf) layHControls.addWidget(self.lblTop) layHControls.addWidget(self.ledTop) layHControls.addWidget(self.lblTopdB) layHControls.addWidget(self.lblBottom) layHControls.addWidget(self.ledBottom) layHControls.addWidget(self.lblBottomdB) layHControls.addStretch(10) layHControls.addWidget(self.but_fir_poles) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ### frmControls ### # # This widget encompasses all control subwidgets # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.frmControls = QFrame(self) self.frmControls.setObjectName("frmControls") self.frmControls.setLayout(layHControls) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ### mplwidget ### # # main widget, encompassing the other widgets # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mplwidget = MplWidget(self) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.addWidget(self.frmControls) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.a_he.setEnabled(True) = "manual/plot_pz.html" self.setLayout(self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl) self.init_axes() self._log_clicked() # calculate and draw poles and zeros # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL SIGNALS & SLOTs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.sig_rx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.sig_tx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) self.cmb_overlay.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.draw) self.but_log.clicked.connect(self._log_clicked) self.ledBottom.editingFinished.connect(self._log_clicked) self.ledTop.editingFinished.connect(self._log_clicked) self.diaRad_Hf.valueChanged.connect(self.draw) self.but_fir_poles.clicked.connect(self.draw) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _log_clicked(self): """ Change scale and settings to log / lin when log setting is changed Update min / max settings when lineEdits have been edited """ # clicking but_log triggered the slot or initialization if self.sender() is None or self.sender().objectName() == 'but_log': if self.but_log.isChecked(): self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin_dB)) self.zmax_dB = np.round(20 * np.log10(self.zmax), 2) self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax_dB)) else: self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.zmax = np.round(10**(self.zmax_dB / 20), 2) self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) else: # finishing a lineEdit field triggered the slot if self.but_log.isChecked(): self.zmin_dB = safe_eval( self.ledBottom.text(), self.zmin_dB, return_type='float') self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin_dB)) self.zmax_dB = safe_eval( self.ledTop.text(), self.zmax_dB, return_type='float') self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax_dB)) else: self.zmin = safe_eval( self.ledBottom.text(), self.zmin, return_type='float') self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.zmax = safe_eval(self.ledTop.text(), self.zmax, return_type='float') self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) self.draw() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_axes(self): """ Initialize and clear the axes (this is only run once) """ self.mplwidget.fig.clf() # needed to get rid of colorbar if len(self.mplwidget.fig.get_axes()) == 0: # empty figure, no axes = self.mplwidget.fig.subplots() # .add_subplot(111) # remove axis ticks on top # remove axis ticks right # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_view(self): """ Draw the figure with new limits, scale etcs without recalculating H(f) -- not yet implemented, just use draw() for the moment """ self.draw() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw(self): self.but_fir_poles.setVisible(fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'FIR') contour = qget_cmb_box(self.cmb_overlay) in {"contour", "contourf"} self.ledBottom.setVisible(contour) self.lblBottom.setVisible(contour) self.lblBottomdB.setVisible(contour and self.but_log.isChecked()) self.ledTop.setVisible(contour) self.lblTop.setVisible(contour) self.lblTopdB.setVisible(contour and self.but_log.isChecked()) if True: self.init_axes() self.draw_pz() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_pz(self): """ (re)draw P/Z plot """ p_marker = params['P_Marker'] z_marker = params['Z_Marker'] zpk = fb.fil[0]['zpk'] # add antiCausals if they exist (must take reciprocal to plot) if 'rpk' in fb.fil[0]: zA = fb.fil[0]['zpk'][0] zA = np.conj(1./zA) pA = fb.fil[0]['zpk'][1] pA = np.conj(1./pA) zC = np.append(zpk[0], zA) pC = np.append(zpk[1], pA) zpk[0] = zC zpk[1] = pC [z, p, k] = self.zplane( z=zpk[0], p=zpk[1], k=zpk[2],, plt_poles=self.but_fir_poles.isChecked() or fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR', mps=p_marker[0], mpc=p_marker[1], mzs=z_marker[0], mzc=z_marker[1]) # enable minor ticks # enable minor ticks'Pole / Zero Plot')'Real axis')'Imaginary axis') overlay = qget_cmb_box(self.cmb_overlay) self.but_log.setVisible(overlay != "none") self.draw_Hf(r=self.diaRad_Hf.value(), Hf_visible=(overlay == "h(f)")) self.draw_contours(overlay) self.redraw() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def redraw(self): """ Redraw the canvas when e.g. the canvas size has changed """ self.mplwidget.redraw() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def zplane(self, b=None, a=1, z=None, p=None, k=1, pn_eps=1e-3, analog=False, plt_ax=None, plt_poles=True, style='equal', anaCircleRad=0, lw=2, mps=10, mzs=10, mpc='r', mzc='b', plabel='', zlabel=''): """ Plot the poles and zeros in the complex z-plane either from the coefficients (`b,`a) of a discrete transfer function `H`(`z`) (zpk = False) or directly from the zeros and poles (z,p) (zpk = True). When only b is given, an FIR filter with all poles at the origin is assumed. Parameters ---------- b : array_like Numerator coefficients (transversal part of filter) When b is not None, poles and zeros are determined from the coefficients b and a a : array_like (optional, default = 1 for FIR-filter) Denominator coefficients (recursive part of filter) z : array_like, default = None Zeros When b is None, poles and zeros are taken directly from z and p p : array_like, default = None Poles analog : boolean (default: False) When True, create a P/Z plot suitable for the s-plane, i.e. suppress the unit circle (unless anaCircleRad > 0) and scale the plot for a good display of all poles and zeros. pn_eps : float (default : 1e-2) Tolerance for separating close poles or zeros plt_ax : handle to axes for plotting (default: None) When no axes is specified, the current axes is determined via plt.gca() plt_poles : Boolean (default : True) Plot poles. This can be used to suppress poles for FIR systems where all poles are at the origin. style : string (default: 'scaled') Style of the plot, for `style == 'scaled'` make scale of x- and y- axis equal, `style == 'equal'` forces x- and y-axes to be equal. This is passed as an argument to the matplotlib `ax.axis(style)` mps : integer (default: 10) Size for pole marker mzs : integer (default: 10) Size for zero marker mpc : char (default: 'r') Pole marker colour mzc : char (default: 'b') Zero marker colour lw : integer (default: 2) Linewidth for unit circle plabel, zlabel : string (default: '') This string is passed to the plot command for poles and zeros and can be displayed by legend() Returns ------- z, p, k : ndarray Notes ----- """ # TODO: # - polar option # - add keywords for color of circle -> **kwargs # - add option for multi-dimensional arrays and zpk data # make sure that all inputs are (at least 1D) arrays b = np.atleast_1d(b) a = np.atleast_1d(a) z = np.atleast_1d(z) p = np.atleast_1d(p) if b.any(): # coefficients were specified if len(b) < 2 and len(a) < 2: logger.error('No proper filter coefficients: both b and a are scalars!') return z, p, k # The coefficients are less than 1, normalize the coefficients if np.max(b) > 1: kn = np.max(b) b = b / float(kn) else: kn = 1. if np.max(a) > 1: kd = np.max(a) a = a / abs(kd) else: kd = 1. # Calculate the poles, zeros and scaling factor p = np.roots(a) z = np.roots(b) k = kn/kd elif not (len(p) or len(z)): # P/Z were specified logger.error('Either b,a or z,p must be specified!') return z, p, k # find multiple poles and zeros and their multiplicities if len(p) < 2: # single pole, [None] or [0] if not p or p == 0: # only zeros, create equal number of poles at origin p = np.array(0, ndmin=1) num_p = np.atleast_1d(len(z)) else: num_p = [1.] # single pole != 0 else: # p, num_p = sig.signaltools.unique_roots(p, tol = pn_eps, rtype='avg') p, num_p = unique_roots(p, tol=pn_eps, rtype='avg') # p = np.array(p); num_p = np.ones(len(p)) if len(z) > 0: z, num_z = unique_roots(z, tol=pn_eps, rtype='avg') # z = np.array(z); num_z = np.ones(len(z)) # z, num_z = sig.signaltools.unique_roots(z, tol = pn_eps, rtype='avg') else: num_z = [] if analog is False: # create the unit circle for the z-plane uc = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius=1, fill=False, color='grey', ls='solid', zorder=1) plt_ax.add_patch(uc) plt_ax.axis(style) # ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') # ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') # ax.spines['right'].set_visible(True) # ax.spines['top'].set_visible(True) else: # s-plane if anaCircleRad > 0: # plot a circle with radius = anaCircleRad uc = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius=anaCircleRad, fill=False, color='grey', ls='solid', zorder=1) plt_ax.add_patch(uc) # plot real and imaginary axis plt_ax.axhline(lw=2, color='k', zorder=1) plt_ax.axvline(lw=2, color='k', zorder=1) # Plot the zeros plt_ax.scatter(z.real, z.imag, s=mzs*mzs, zorder=2, marker='o', facecolor='none', edgecolor=mzc, lw=lw, label=zlabel) # and print their multiplicity for i in range(len(z)): logger.debug('z: {0} | {1} | {2}'.format(i, z[i], num_z[i])) if num_z[i] > 1: plt_ax.text(np.real(z[i]), np.imag(z[i]), ' (' + str(num_z[i]) + ')', va='top', color=mzc) if plt_poles: # Plot the poles plt_ax.scatter(p.real, p.imag, s=mps*mps, zorder=2, marker='x', color=mpc, lw=lw, label=plabel) # and print their multiplicity for i in range(len(p)): logger.debug('p:{0} | {1} | {2}'.format(i, p[i], num_p[i])) if num_p[i] > 1: plt_ax.text(np.real(p[i]), np.imag(p[i]), ' (' + str(num_p[i]) + ')', va='bottom', color=mpc) # ============================================================================= # # increase distance between ticks and labels # # to give some room for poles and zeros # for tick in ax.get_xaxis().get_major_ticks(): # tick.set_pad(12.) # tick.label1 = tick._get_text1() # for tick in ax.get_yaxis().get_major_ticks(): # tick.set_pad(12.) # tick.label1 = tick._get_text1() # # ============================================================================= xl = plt_ax.get_xlim() Dx = max(abs(xl[1]-xl[0]), 0.05) yl = plt_ax.get_ylim() Dy = max(abs(yl[1]-yl[0]), 0.05) plt_ax.set_xlim((xl[0]-Dx*0.02, max(xl[1]+Dx*0.02, 0))) plt_ax.set_ylim((yl[0]-Dy*0.02, yl[1] + Dy*0.02)) return z, p, k # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_contours(self, overlay): if overlay not in {"contour", "contourf"}: return # normally, the correct aspect is only set when plotting xl = yl = # logger.warning(xl) # logger.warning(yl) [x, y] = np.meshgrid( np.arange(xl[0], xl[1], 0.01), np.arange(yl[0], yl[1], 0.01)) z = x + 1j*y # create coordinate grid for complex plane if self.but_log.isChecked(): H_max = self.zmax_dB H_min = self.zmin_dB else: H_max = self.zmax H_min = self.zmin Hmag = H_mag(fb.fil[0]['ba'][0], fb.fil[0]['ba'][1], z, H_max, H_min=H_min, log=self.but_log.isChecked()) if overlay == "contour":, y, Hmag, 20, alpha=0.5, cmap=self.cmap) else:, y, Hmag, 20, alpha=0.5, cmap=self.cmap) m_cb = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=self.cmap) # normalized proxy object that is m_cb.set_array(Hmag) # mappable for colorbar (?) self.col_bar = self.mplwidget.fig.colorbar( m_cb,, shrink=1.0, aspect=40, pad=0.01, fraction=0.08) # Contour plots and color bar somehow mess up the coordinates: # restore to previous settings # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_Hf(self, r=2, Hf_visible=True): """ Draw the magnitude frequency response around the UC """ self.diaRad_Hf.setVisible(Hf_visible) self.lblRad_Hf.setVisible(Hf_visible) if not Hf_visible: return # suppress "divide by zero in log10" warnings old_settings_seterr = np.seterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore') ba = fb.fil[0]['ba'] w, H = sig.freqz(ba[0], ba[1], worN=params['N_FFT'], whole=True) H = np.abs(H) if self.but_log.isChecked(): H = np.clip(np.log10(H), -6, None) # clip to -120 dB H = H - np.max(H) # shift scale to H_min ... 0 H = 1 + (r-1) * (1 + H / abs(np.min(H))) # scale to 1 ... r else: H = 1 + (r-1) * H / np.max(H) # map |H(f)| to a range 1 ... r y = H * np.sin(w) x = H * np.cos(w), y, label="|H(f)|") uc = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius=r, fill=False, color='grey', ls='dashed', zorder=1) xl = xmax = max(abs(xl[0]), abs(xl[1]), r*1.05) yl = ymax = max(abs(yl[0]), abs(yl[1]), r*1.05), xmax)), ymax)) np.seterr(**old_settings_seterr)