class DynamicSimulation:
     DynamicSimulation is the interface class used for running fiber amplifier simulations with arbitrarily varying input
     powers. It also supports reflective boundary conditions and thus modeling of simple CW, gain-switched or Q-switched
     fiber lasers. With constant input powers, the result converges to the steady state simulation result. Setting
     multiple ion populations is also supported. The class defines the fiber, boundary conditions and optical channels
     used in the simulation.
    def __init__(self, max_time_steps):
        self.fiber = None
        self.channels = Channels()
        self.max_time_steps = int(max_time_steps)
        self.backends = self._get_available_backends()
        self._use_backend(self._fastest_backend())  # use fastest available backend by default

    def _get_available_backends():
        """ Returns available dynamic simulation backends ordered from the fastest to the slowest. """
        backends = []
            from pyfiberamp.dynamic.dynamic_solver_cpp import DynamicSolverCpp
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            from pyfiberamp.dynamic.dynamic_solver_pythran import DynamicSolverPythran
        except ImportError:
            from pyfiberamp.dynamic.dynamic_solver_numba import DynamicSolverNumba
        except ImportError:
        return backends

    def _fastest_backend(self):
        return self.backends[0]

    def use_python_backend(self):
        Sets the simulation to use the slow Python finite difference solver. Using one of the faster solvers instead
        is highly recommended.

    def use_cpp_backend(self):
        Sets the simulation to use the C++ backend if available.

    def use_pythran_backend(self):
        Sets the simulation to use the pythran backend if available.

    def use_numba_backend(self):
        Sets the simulation to use the numba backend if available.

    def _use_backend(self, backend_name):
        if backend_name not in self.backends:
            default_backend = self._fastest_backend()
            logging.warning('Backend {} is not available!\nDetected backends: [{}]\nDefaulting to: {}'
                            .format(backend_name, ', '.join(self.backends), default_backend))
            if backend_name == 'cpp':
                from pyfiberamp.dynamic.dynamic_solver_cpp import DynamicSolverCpp
                self.backend = DynamicSolverCpp
            elif backend_name == 'pythran':
                from pyfiberamp.dynamic.dynamic_solver_pythran import DynamicSolverPythran
                self.backend = DynamicSolverPythran
            elif backend_name == 'numba':
                from pyfiberamp.dynamic.dynamic_solver_numba import DynamicSolverNumba
                self.backend = DynamicSolverNumba
            elif backend_name == 'python':
                self.backend = DynamicSolverPython

    def get_time_coordinates(self, fiber, z_nodes, dt='auto'):
        Returns the time coordinates used in the simulation. Useful for setting time-varying input powers.

        :param fiber: The fiber used in the simulation
        :type fiber: Subclass of FiberBase
        :param z_nodes: Number of spatial nodes used in the simulation.
        :type z_nodes: int
        :param dt: Time step size. The 'auto' option uses realistic time step calculated from the Courant condition \
        based on the speed of light in glass and the spatial step size. Larger (and physically unrealistic) time steps \
        can be used to drastically speed up the convergence of steady state simulations.
        :type dt: float
        :returns: Time coordinate array
        :rtype: numpy float array

        dz = fiber.length / (z_nodes - 1)
        if dt == 'auto':
            cn = c / DEFAULT_GROUP_INDEX
            dt = dz / cn
            assert dt < self.fiber.spectroscopy.upper_state_lifetime, 'Even for steady state simulation, the time step'\
                                                                      'should be below the upper state life time.'
        return np.linspace(0, self.max_time_steps, self.max_time_steps, endpoint=False) * dt

    def add_forward_signal(self, wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth=0.0, mode_shape_parameters=None, label="",
                           reflection_target='', reflectance=0):
        """Adds a new forward-propagating signal to the simulation.

        :param wl: Wavelength of the signal
        :type wl: float
        :param input_power: Input power of the signal at the beginning of the fiber
        :type input_power: float or numpy array
        :param wl_bandwidth: Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Finite bandwidth means including ASE.
        :type wl_bandwidth: float
        :param mode_shape_parameters: Defines the mode field shape. Allowed key-value pairs:
         *functional_form* -> one of ['bessel', 'gaussian', 'tophat']  \
         *mode_diameter* -> float \
         *overlaps* -> list of pre-calculated overlaps between the channel and the ion populations
        :type mode_shape_parameters: dict
        :param label: Optional label for the channel (required to receive reflected power from another channel)
        :type label: str
        :param reflection_target: Label of the channel receiving reflection from this channel
        :type reflection_target: str
        :param reflectance: Reflectance R [0,1] from this channel to the target channel
        self._check_input(wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth, mode_shape_parameters, label, reflection_target, reflectance)
        self.channels.add_forward_signal(wl, wl_bandwidth, input_power, mode_shape_parameters, label, reflection_target,

    def add_backward_signal(self, wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth=0.0, mode_shape_parameters=None, label="",
                            reflection_target='', reflectance=0):
        """Adds a new backward-propagating signal to the simulation.

        :param wl: Wavelength of the signal
        :type wl: float
        :param input_power: Input power of the signal at the beginning of the fiber
        :type input_power: float or numpy array
        :param wl_bandwidth: Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Finite bandwidth means including ASE.
        :type wl_bandwidth: float
        :param mode_shape_parameters: Defines the mode field shape. Allowed key-value pairs:
         *functional_form* -> one of ['bessel', 'gaussian', 'tophat']  \
         *mode_diameter* -> float \
         *overlaps* -> list of pre-calculated overlaps between the channel and the ion populations
        :type mode_shape_parameters: dict
        :param label: Optional label for the channel (required to receive reflected power from another channel)
        :type label: str
        :param reflection_target: Label of the channel receiving reflection from this channel
        :type reflection_target: str
        :param reflectance: Reflectance R [0,1] from this channel to the target channel
        self._check_input(wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth, mode_shape_parameters, label, reflection_target, reflectance)
        self.channels.add_backward_signal(wl, wl_bandwidth, input_power, mode_shape_parameters, label, reflection_target,

    def add_forward_pump(self, wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth=0.0, mode_shape_parameters=None, label="",
                         reflection_target='', reflectance=0):
        """Adds a new forward-propagating pump to the simulation.

        :param wl: Wavelength of the signal
        :type wl: float
        :param input_power: Input power of the signal at the beginning of the fiber
        :type input_power: float or numpy array
        :param wl_bandwidth: Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Finite bandwidth means including ASE.
        :type wl_bandwidth: float
        :param mode_shape_parameters: Defines the mode field shape. Allowed key-value pairs:
         *functional_form* -> one of ['bessel', 'gaussian', 'tophat']  \
         *mode_diameter* -> float \
         *overlaps* -> list of pre-calculated overlaps between the channel and the ion populations
        :type mode_shape_parameters: dict
        :param label: Optional label for the channel (required to receive reflected power from another channel)
        :type label: str
        :param reflection_target: Label of the channel receiving reflection from this channel
        :type reflection_target: str
        :param reflectance: Reflectance R [0,1] from this channel to the target channel
        self._check_input(wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth, mode_shape_parameters, label, reflection_target, reflectance)
        self.channels.add_forward_pump(wl, wl_bandwidth, input_power, mode_shape_parameters, label, reflection_target,

    def add_backward_pump(self, wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth=0.0, mode_shape_parameters=None, label='',
                          reflection_target='', reflectance=0):
        """Adds a new backward-propagating pump to the simulation.

        :param wl: Wavelength of the signal
        :type wl: float
        :param input_power: Input power of the signal at the beginning of the fiber
        :type input_power: float or numpy array
        :param wl_bandwidth: Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Finite bandwidth means including ASE.
        :type wl_bandwidth: float
        :param mode_shape_parameters: Defines the mode field shape. Allowed key-value pairs:
         *functional_form* -> one of ['bessel', 'gaussian', 'tophat']  \
         *mode_diameter* -> float \
         *overlaps* -> list of pre-calculated overlaps between the channel and the ion populations
        :type mode_shape_parameters: dict
        :param label: Optional label for the channel (required to receive reflected power from another channel)
        :type label: str
        :param reflection_target: Label of the channel receiving reflection from this channel
        :type reflection_target: str
        :param reflectance: Reflectance R [0,1] from this channel to the target channel
        self._check_input(wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth, mode_shape_parameters, label, reflection_target, reflectance)
        self.channels.add_backward_pump(wl, wl_bandwidth, input_power, mode_shape_parameters, label, reflection_target,

    def add_ase(self, wl_start, wl_end, n_bins):
        """Adds amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) channels.
        Using more channels improves accuracy, but incurs a heavier computational cost to the simulation.

        :param wl_start: The shorted wavelength of the ASE band
        :type wl_start: float
        :param wl_end: The longest wavelength of the ASE band
        :type wl_end: float
        :param n_bins: The number of simulated ASE channels.
        :type n_bins: positive int

        self.channels.add_ase(wl_start, wl_end, n_bins)

    def run(self, z_nodes, dt='auto', P=None, N2=None, stop_at_steady_state=False,
            steady_state_tolerance=1e-4, convergence_checking_interval=10000):
        Runs the simulation.

        :param z_nodes: Number of spatial nodes used in the simulation.
        :type z_nodes: int
        :param dt: Time step size. The 'auto' option uses realistic time step calculated from the Courant condition \
        based on the speed of light in glass and the spatial step size. Larger (and physically unrealistic) time steps \
        can be used to drastically speed up the convergence of steady state simulations.
        :type dt: float or str
        :param P: Pre-existing powers in the fiber, useful when chaining multiple simulations.
        :type P: numpy float array
        :param N2: Pre-existing upper state excitation in the fiber, useful when chaining multiple simulations.
        :type N2: numpy float array
        :param stop_at_steady_state: If this flag parameter is set to True, the simulation stops when the excitation \
        reaches a steady state (does not work if the excitation fluctuates at a specific frequency).
        :type stop_at_steady_state: bool
        :param steady_state_tolerance: Sets the relative change in excitation that is used to detect the steady state.
        :type steady_state_tolerance: float
        :param convergence_checking_interval: If aiming for steady state, the simulation checks convergence always after \
        this number of iterations and prints the average excitation. In truly dynamic simulations, only prints the \
        :type convergence_checking_interval: positive int


        solver = self.backend(self.channels, self.fiber, z_nodes, self.max_time_steps, dt, P, N2,
                              stop_at_steady_state, steady_state_tolerance, convergence_checking_interval)
        res = solver.run()
        return res

    def _check_input(self, wl, input_power, wl_bandwidth, mode_shape_parameters,
                     label, reflection_target, reflection_coeff):
        assert isinstance(wl, (float, int)) and wl > 0, 'Wavelength must be a positive number.'
        assert isinstance(wl_bandwidth, float) and wl_bandwidth >= 0, 'Wavelength bandwidth must be a positive float.'
        assert isinstance(label, str), 'Label must be a string.'
        assert isinstance(reflection_target, str), 'Reflection target label must be a string.'
        assert 0 <= reflection_coeff <= 1, 'Reflectance must be between 0 and 1.'

    def _check_input_power(self, input_power):
        assert (isinstance(input_power, (float, int)) and input_power >= 0) or \
               (isinstance(input_power, np.ndarray) and input_power.shape == (self.max_time_steps,))
class SteadyStateSimulation:
    SteadyStateSimulation is the main class used for running steady state Giles model simulations \
    without Raman scattering. Only one ion population is supported. The class defines the fiber, boundary conditions and
    optical channels used in the simulation.
    def __init__(self):
        self.fiber = None
        self.model = GilesModel
        self.boundary_conditions = BasicBoundaryConditions
        self.initial_guess = InitialGuessFromParameters()
        self.channels = Channels()
        self.solver_verbosity = 2

    def add_cw_signal(self,
        """Adds a new forward propagating single-frequency CW signal to the simulation.

        :param wl: Wavelength of the signal
        :type wl: float
        :param power: Input power of the signal at the beginning of the fiber
        :type power: float
        :param wl_bandwidth: Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Finite bandwidth means including ASE.
        :type wl_bandwidth: float
        :param mode_shape_parameters: Defines the mode field shape. Allowed key-value pairs:
         *functional_form* -> one of ['bessel', 'gaussian', 'tophat']  \
         *mode_diameter* -> float \
         *overlaps* -> list of pre-calculated overlaps between the channel and the ion populations
        :type mode_shape_parameters: dict
        :param label: Optional label for the channel
        :type label: str

        self.channels.add_forward_signal(wl, wl_bandwidth, power,
                                         mode_shape_parameters, label)

    def add_forward_pump(self,
        """Adds a new forward propagating single-frequency pump to the simulation.

        :param wl: Wavelength of the signal
        :type wl: float
        :param power: Input power of the signal at the beginning of the fiber
        :type power: float
        :param wl_bandwidth: Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Finite bandwidth means including ASE.
        :type wl_bandwidth: float
        :param mode_shape_parameters: Defines the mode field shape. Allowed key-value pairs:
         *functional_form* -> one of ['bessel', 'gaussian', 'tophat']  \
         *mode_diameter* -> float \
         *overlaps* -> list of pre-calculated overlaps between the channel and the ion populations
        :type mode_shape_parameters: dict
        :param label: Optional label for the channel
        :type label: str

        self.channels.add_forward_pump(wl, wl_bandwidth, power,
                                       mode_shape_parameters, label)

    def add_backward_pump(self,
        """Adds a new backward propagating single-frequency pump to the simulation.

        :param wl: Wavelength of the signal
        :type wl: float
        :param power: Input power of the signal at the beginning of the fiber
        :type power: float
        :param wl_bandwidth: Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Finite bandwidth means including ASE.
        :type wl_bandwidth: float
        :param mode_shape_parameters: Defines the mode field shape. Allowed key-value pairs:
         *functional_form* -> one of ['bessel', 'gaussian', 'tophat']  \
         *mode_diameter* -> float \
         *overlaps* -> list of pre-calculated overlaps between the channel and the ion populations
        :type mode_shape_parameters: dict
        :param label: Optional label for the channel
        :type label: str

        self.channels.add_backward_pump(wl, wl_bandwidth, power,
                                        mode_shape_parameters, label)

    def add_ase(self, wl_start, wl_end, n_bins):
        """Adds amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) channels.
        Using more channels improves accuracy, but incurs a heavier computational cost to the simulation.

        :param wl_start: The shorted wavelength of the ASE band
        :type wl_start: float
        :param wl_end: The longest wavelength of the ASE band
        :type wl_end: float
        :param n_bins: The number of simulated ASE channels.
        :type n_bins: float

        self.channels.add_ase(wl_start, wl_end, n_bins)

    def run(self, tol=1e-3):
        """Runs the simulation, i.e. calculates the steady state of the defined fiber amplifier. ASE or raman
        simulations might require higher tolerance than the default value.
        It is best to decrease the tolerance until the result no longer changes.

        :param tol: Target error tolerance of the solver.
        :type tol: float

        if self.fiber.num_ion_populations > 1:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Use DynamicSimulation for calculations with multiple transverse ion populations.'
        boundary_condition_residual = self.boundary_conditions(self.channels)
        model = self.model(self.channels, self.fiber)
        rate_equation_rhs, upper_level_func = model.make_rate_equation_rhs()

        guess = self.initial_guess.as_array()
        sol = solve_bvp(rate_equation_rhs,
        assert sol.success, 'Error: The solver did not converge.'
        return self._finalize(sol, upper_level_func)

    def set_guess_parameters(self, guess_parameters):
        """Overrides the default initial guess parameters.

        :param guess_parameters: Parameters used to create the initial guess array
        :type guess_parameters: Instance of GuessParameters class


        from pyfiberamp import GuessParameters, GainShapes
        params = GuessParameters()


        self.initial_guess.params = guess_parameters

    def set_guess_array(self, array, force_node_number=None):
        """Use an existing array as the initial guess. Typically this array is the result of a previous simulation
        with sligthly different parameters. Note that the number of simulated beams/channels must be the same.

        :param array: The initial guess array
        :type array: numpy array
        :param force_node_number: The new number of columns in the resized array.
        :type force_node_number: int, optional


        self.initial_guess = InitialGuessFromArray(array, force_node_number)

    def set_number_of_nodes(self, N):
        """Override the default number of nodes used by the solver. The solver will increase the number of nodes if

         :param N: New starting number of nodes used by the solver.
         :type N: int

        self.initial_guess.npoints = N

    def _start_z(self):
        """Creates the linear starting grid."""
        return np.linspace(0, self.fiber.length, self.initial_guess.npoints)

    def _finalize(self, sol, upper_level_func):
        """Creates the SimulationResult object from the solution object."""
        res = SimulationResult(z=sol.x,
        return res