def setup_dirs(save_location: str, workflow_name: str, config_file: str, config_id: str) -> None: """ Sets up the directories for a new workflow run. This function uses the config specified in the given ``config_file`` to determine what step directories to create. In addition, this function initializes the .params file in the main directory of the workflow. The .params file records the path to the config file and the config_id. :param save_location: the location to setup the new workflow :param workflow_name: the name of the workflow :param config_file: the config file for the workflow :param config_id: the config ID for the workflow :return: None :raises FileExistsError: if the specified workflow directory already exists """ save_location = Path(save_location) main_dir = save_location / workflow_name # read/validate config file config = FlowConfig(config_file=config_file, config_id=config_id) # try to make main workflow directory try: main_dir.mkdir() except FileExistsError: message = "The directory {} already exists".format(main_dir.as_posix()) raise FileExistsError(message) # make directories for all of the workflow steps for step_id in config.get_step_ids(): step_dir = main_dir / step_id step_dir.mkdir() # make directory for initial, unoptimized PDB files unopt_pdbs = main_dir / "unopt_pdbs" unopt_pdbs.mkdir() # write config filename and config ID to .params file in workflow directory flow_instance_config_file = main_dir / WORKFLOW_PARAMS_FILENAME flow_instance_config = { "config_file": str(Path(config_file).resolve()), "config_id": str(config_id), "num_waves": 1 } with"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(flow_instance_config, indent=4)) print("Successfully set up workflow directory '{}'".format(workflow_name))
def __init__(self, step_id: str, wave_id: int, attempt_restart: bool = False, flow_config: FlowConfig = None, workflow_dir: Path = None): """ Constructs a FlowRunner object which handles setting up and submitting workflow steps. This involves setting up input files and submissions scripts and submitting them to the Slurm queue. :param step_id: the ID of the current workflow step :param wave_id: the current wave ID :param attempt_restart: if True, the specified step and wave ID will attempt to be restarted :param flow_config: a workflow configuration object :param workflow_dir: the main directory of the workflow """ if flow_config is None: workflow_params = flow_utils.load_workflow_params() config_file = workflow_params["config_file"] config_id = workflow_params["config_id"] self.flow_config = FlowConfig(config_file, config_id) else: self.flow_config = flow_config if workflow_dir is None: workflow_params_file = upsearch( flow_utils.WORKFLOW_PARAMS_FILENAME) self.workflow_dir = workflow_params_file.parent else: self.workflow_dir = workflow_dir self.attempt_restart = attempt_restart self.current_step_id = step_id self.current_wave_id = wave_id self.current_step_config = self.flow_config.get_step(step_id) self.current_step_dir = self.workflow_dir / self.current_step_id self.current_wave_dir = self.current_step_dir / "wave_{}_calcs".format( wave_id) self.step_program = self.flow_config.get_step(step_id)["program"]
def request_step_program(step_id: str) -> str: """ Asks the user to input a step program through the command line. :param step_id: the step for which the program is being selected :return: the step program input by the user """ valid_step_program = False while not valid_step_program: select_program_msg = "Please select the QC program for step '{}': ".format( step_id) step_program = str(input(select_program_msg)).lower() valid_step_program = FlowConfig.valid_step_program(step_program) if not valid_step_program: print("'{}' is an invalid QC program.".format(step_program)) return step_program
def request_step_id() -> str: """ Asks the user to input a step ID through the command line. :return: the step ID input by the user """ valid_step_id = False while not valid_step_id: step_id = str(input("Please specify a step ID: ")) valid_step_id = FlowConfig.valid_step_id(step_id) if not valid_step_id: print( "'{}' is an invalid step ID (step IDs should be at least " "one character long and cannot start with an underscore)". format(step_id)) return step_id
def begin_step(step_id: str = None, show_progress: bool = False, wave_id: int = 1, attempt_restart: bool = False, do_not_track: bool = False) -> None: """ Starts running the specified workflow step. :param step_id: the ID of the step to start running :param show_progress: displays command-line progress bar if True, no progress bar otherwise :param wave_id: the ID of the wave to submit :param attempt_restart: if True, restarts the specified wave, otherwise submits a new wave :param do_not_track: if True, does not track the workflow in the tracked_workflows.csv file :return: None """ # try to find workflow .params file workflow_params_file = upsearch( WORKFLOW_PARAMS_FILENAME, message="Please execute this script in a workflow directory.") # read config_file and config_id from .params file workflow_params = load_workflow_params() workflow_main_dir = workflow_params_file.parent workflow_id = config_file = Path(workflow_params["config_file"]) config_id = workflow_params["config_id"] flow_config = FlowConfig(config_file, config_id) # validate step_id if step_id is None: step_id = flow_config.get_initial_step_id() elif step_id not in flow_config.get_step_ids(): message = "Flow config defined in {} does not have a step '{}'".format( config_file, step_id) raise AttributeError(message) # do stuff on first step (tracking, workflow params modification) if flow_config.get_initial_step_id( ) == step_id and wave_id == 1 and not attempt_restart: if not do_not_track: try: FlowTracker.track_new_flow(config_file=config_file, config_id=config_id, workflow_main_dir=workflow_main_dir) except ValueError as e: do_not_track_msg = "Note: if you would like to avoid tracking this workflow," \ " add the --do_not_track flag when you run 'pyflow begin'" print("Workflow error: {}\n{}".format(e, do_not_track_msg)) sys.exit(1) show_progress = True else: FlowTracker.update_progress(workflow_id) # setup and start running workflow flow_runner = FlowRunner(flow_config=flow_config, wave_id=wave_id, step_id=step_id, workflow_dir=workflow_main_dir, attempt_restart=attempt_restart)
def build_config(config_file: str, config_id: str, verbose: bool = False) -> None: """ Method for helping the user build a flow configuration file for a custom workflow. Asks the user a series of command-line queries to construct the configuration file. :return: None """ def request_step_id() -> str: """ Asks the user to input a step ID through the command line. :return: the step ID input by the user """ valid_step_id = False while not valid_step_id: step_id = str(input("Please specify a step ID: ")) valid_step_id = FlowConfig.valid_step_id(step_id) if not valid_step_id: print( "'{}' is an invalid step ID (step IDs should be at least " "one character long and cannot start with an underscore)". format(step_id)) return step_id def request_step_program(step_id: str) -> str: """ Asks the user to input a step program through the command line. :param step_id: the step for which the program is being selected :return: the step program input by the user """ valid_step_program = False while not valid_step_program: select_program_msg = "Please select the QC program for step '{}': ".format( step_id) step_program = str(input(select_program_msg)).lower() valid_step_program = FlowConfig.valid_step_program(step_program) if not valid_step_program: print("'{}' is an invalid QC program.".format(step_program)) return step_program def convert_type(value: str, desired_type: Any) -> Any: """ Converts the given string value to the desired type. :param value: some string value :param desired_type: the desired type :return: the value with its type converted """ if desired_type == bool: if value.lower() == "true": return True elif value.lower() == "false": return False else: raise ValueError( "Value '{}' cannot be cast to type <bool>".format(value)) else: return desired_type(value) def add_step(step_id: str = None, step_program: str = None, config: dict = None) -> dict: """ Adds a step to the the given config. If the given config is None, creates a new config with the specified step as the initial step. :param step_id: the new step ID to add :param step_program: the step program for the new step ID :param config: the config to add the step to :return: """ if step_id is None: step_id = request_step_id() if step_program is None: step_program = request_step_program(step_id) if config is None: config = {"initial_step": step_id, "steps": {}} # create default dictionary of step parameters step_params = copy.deepcopy(FlowConfig.SUPPORTED_STEP_PARAMS["all"]) for k, v in copy.deepcopy( FlowConfig.SUPPORTED_STEP_PARAMS[step_program]).items(): step_params[k] = v step_params["program"] = step_program # request values for required step parameters for p in FlowConfig.REQUIRED_STEP_PARAMS[step_program]: value_type = type(step_params.pop(p)) value = convert_type( input("Please specify a value for parameter '{}': ".format(p)), value_type) step_params[p] = value # customize step parameters print("Current parameters for step '{}':\n{}".format( step_id, json.dumps(step_params, indent=4))) custom_params_msg = "Please specify a comma-separated list of parameters " \ "and desired values for step '{}' (e.g., param1=val1, param2=val2)," \ " otherwise press Return to use default values:\n".format(step_id) new_vals = str(input(custom_params_msg)) if len(new_vals.strip()) > 0: new_vals = [new_val.strip() for new_val in new_vals.split(",")] for val in new_vals: k, v = val.split("=") if k in step_params: value_type = type(step_params[k]) step_params[k] = convert_type(v, value_type) config["steps"][step_id] = step_params # add dependent steps dependents = str( input( "Please specify a comma-separated list of dependent step IDs for step '{}'," " otherwise, press Return to finish building this step:\n". format(step_id))) if len(dependents.strip()) > 0: dependents = [ dependent.strip() for dependent in dependents.split(",") ] step_params["dependents"] = dependents for d in dependents: add_step(step_id=d, config=config) return config # check if config_file exists config_file = Path(config_file) if config_file.exists(): if not FlowConfig.valid_config_file(config_file): raise IOError( "'{}' already exists but is an invalid config_file".format( config_file)) with"r") as f: existing_config = json.load(f) if config_id in existing_config: print( "The config_id '{}' already exists in config_file '{}'".format( config_id, config_file)) sys.exit(1) else: print( "Appending new workflow configuration with ID '{}' to config file '{}'" .format(config_id, config_file)) else: existing_config = {} print("Initial step configuration:") new_config = add_step() existing_config[config_id] = new_config if verbose: print(json.dumps(new_config, indent=4)) with"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(existing_config, indent=4)) print("Workflow configuration written to '{}'".format(config_file))
class FlowRunner: """ Class which handles running workflow steps. """ PROGRAM_INFILE_EXTENSIONS = {"gaussian16": "com", "gamess": "inp"} PROGRAM_OUTFILE_EXTENSIONS = {"gaussian16": "log", "gamess": "o"} PROGRAM_OPENBABEL_IN_FORMATS = {"gaussian16": "com", "gamess": "inp"} PROGRAM_OPENBABEL_OUT_FORMATS = {"gaussian16": "log", "gamess": "gam"} PROGRAM_INPUT_WRITER = { "gaussian16": GaussianWriter, "gamess": GamessWriter } PROGRAM_COMMANDS = {"gaussian16": "g16", "gamess": "rungms"} SAVE_OUTPUT_LOCATION = Path("/work/lopez/workflows") def __init__(self, step_id: str, wave_id: int, attempt_restart: bool = False, flow_config: FlowConfig = None, workflow_dir: Path = None): """ Constructs a FlowRunner object which handles setting up and submitting workflow steps. This involves setting up input files and submissions scripts and submitting them to the Slurm queue. :param step_id: the ID of the current workflow step :param wave_id: the current wave ID :param attempt_restart: if True, the specified step and wave ID will attempt to be restarted :param flow_config: a workflow configuration object :param workflow_dir: the main directory of the workflow """ if flow_config is None: workflow_params = flow_utils.load_workflow_params() config_file = workflow_params["config_file"] config_id = workflow_params["config_id"] self.flow_config = FlowConfig(config_file, config_id) else: self.flow_config = flow_config if workflow_dir is None: workflow_params_file = upsearch( flow_utils.WORKFLOW_PARAMS_FILENAME) self.workflow_dir = workflow_params_file.parent else: self.workflow_dir = workflow_dir self.attempt_restart = attempt_restart self.current_step_id = step_id self.current_wave_id = wave_id self.current_step_config = self.flow_config.get_step(step_id) self.current_step_dir = self.workflow_dir / self.current_step_id self.current_wave_dir = self.current_step_dir / "wave_{}_calcs".format( wave_id) self.step_program = self.flow_config.get_step(step_id)["program"] def run(self, show_progress: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True) -> None: """ Sets up the current workflow step by creating input files and submission scripts, and submits array for calculation. :param show_progress: if True, displays progress bars in CLI :param overwrite: if True, will overwrite existing input files :return: None """ if self.needs_restart(): self.current_wave_id = self.get_next_wave_id() self.current_wave_dir = self.current_step_dir / "wave_{}_calcs".format( self.current_wave_id) elif self.attempt_restart: print("No jobs to restart for wave {} of step '{}'.".format( self.current_wave_id, self.current_step_id)) sys.exit(0) self.setup_wave_dir() self.setup_input_files(show_progress, overwrite) num_input_files = self._create_job_list_file() sbatch_file = self.setup_sbatch_file(array_size=num_input_files) job_id = sbatch_file.submit() print("Submitted step '{}' with job ID {} (wave {})".format( self.current_step_id, job_id, self.current_wave_id)) self.queue_dependents(job_id) def is_first_step(self) -> bool: """ Determines if the current step (``self.current_step_id``) is the first step in the workflow. :return: True if the current step is the first, False otherwise """ return self.current_step_id == self.flow_config.get_initial_step_id() def needs_restart(self) -> bool: """ Determines if the current step and wave needs to be restarted by checking to see if there are any failed jobs in the wave's calculation directory. :return: True if a restart is required, False otherwise """ if self.attempt_restart: outfile_ext = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_OUTFILE_EXTENSIONS[ self.step_program] search_pattern = str(self.current_wave_dir / "failed" / "*.{}".format(outfile_ext)) num_failed_jobs = len(glob(search_pattern)) return num_failed_jobs > 0 return False def setup_wave_dir(self) -> None: """ Creates the current wave's calculation directory, including the completion/failure subdirectories. :return: None """ self.current_wave_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) sub_dirs = self.flow_config.get_step_directories(self.current_step_id) for d in sub_dirs: sub_dir_path = self.current_wave_dir / d sub_dir_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) def get_prev_step_id(self) -> str: """ Returns the ID of the previous step. :return: the ID of the previous step """ return self.flow_config.get_previous_step_id(self.current_step_id) def get_source_structures(self) -> List[Path]: """ Returns a list of structure files that will be used to generate the input files for the current step. If the current step is the the first step in the workflow, the source structures are found in the ``unopt_pdbs`` folder of the workflow. Otherwise, the source structures are found in the ``completed`` folder of the preceding step. If ``self.attempt_restart`` is True, the structures are taken from the failed folder of the previous wave in the current step. :return: a list of Path objects to the source structures """ if self.is_first_step() and not self.attempt_restart: source_structures_path = self.workflow_dir / "unopt_pdbs" source_file_extension = "pdb" file_pattern = "*.{}".format(source_file_extension) elif not self.attempt_restart: # determine the previous step prev_step_id = self.get_prev_step_id() prev_program = self.flow_config.get_step(prev_step_id)["program"] source_structures_path = self.get_prev_step_wave_dir( ) / "completed" source_file_extension = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_OUTFILE_EXTENSIONS[ prev_program] file_pattern = "*_{}*.{}".format(prev_step_id, source_file_extension) else: source_structures_path = self.get_prev_wave_dir() / "failed" source_file_extension = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_OUTFILE_EXTENSIONS[ self.step_program] file_pattern = "*_{}*.{}".format(self.current_step_id, source_file_extension) structure_files = source_structures_path.glob(file_pattern) if not self.is_first_step(): structure_files = self.filter_conformers(list(structure_files)) return structure_files def get_prev_step_wave_dir(self) -> Path: """ Gets the corresponding wave directory from the previous step. :return: a Path object to the previous step's corresponding wave folder """ prev_step_id = self.get_prev_step_id() return self.workflow_dir / prev_step_id / "wave_{}_calcs".format( self.current_wave_id) def get_prev_wave_dir(self) -> Path: """ Gets the last run wave directory for the current step. :return: a Path object to the last wave directory that ran in the current step """ wave_dirs = [ Path(d) for d in glob(str(self.current_step_dir / "wave_*_calcs")) ] wave_ids = [int("_")[1]) for d in wave_dirs] wave_ids.remove(self.current_wave_id) prev_wave_id = max(wave_ids) prev_wave_dir = self.current_step_dir / "wave_{}_calcs".format( prev_wave_id) return prev_wave_dir def get_input_filenames(self, structure_files: List[Path], structure_dest: Path) -> List[Tuple[Path, Path]]: """ Returns a list of 2-tuples where the first element is a Path object to an input file for the next step in the workflow, and the second element is a Path object to the corresponding output file from the previous step. :param structure_files: a list of output files from the previous step :param structure_dest: the destination directory for the new input files :return: a list of 2-tuples of Path objects """ input_file_extension = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_INFILE_EXTENSIONS[ self.step_program] input_filenames = [] for structure in structure_files: inchi_key = structure.stem.split("_")[0] if self.current_step_config["conformers"]: conf_id = structure.stem.split("_")[-1] input_filename = structure_dest / "{}_{}_{}.{}".format( inchi_key, self.current_step_id, conf_id, input_file_extension) else: input_filename = structure_dest / "{}_{}.{}".format( inchi_key, self.current_step_id, input_file_extension) filename_and_structure = (input_filename, structure) input_filenames.append(filename_and_structure) return input_filenames def setup_input_files(self, show_progress: bool, overwrite: bool) -> None: """ Sets up input files for the current workflow step. :param show_progress: displays progress bar in CLI if True :param overwrite: will automatically overwrite existing input files if True :return: None """ structure_files = self.get_source_structures() structure_dest = self.current_wave_dir if not self.attempt_restart: if self.is_first_step(): source_structure_format = "pdb" else: prev_step_id = self.flow_config.get_previous_step_id( self.current_step_id) prev_program = self.flow_config.get_step( prev_step_id)["program"] source_structure_format = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_OPENBABEL_OUT_FORMATS[ prev_program] input_writer = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_INPUT_WRITER[self.step_program] input_filenames = self.get_input_filenames(structure_files, structure_dest) if show_progress: desc = "Setting up {} input files".format(self.current_step_id) input_filenames = tqdm(input_filenames, desc=desc) for f in input_filenames: input_filename = f[0] source_geometry = f[1] inchi_key = input_filename.stem.split("_")[0] unopt_pdb_file = self.get_unopt_pdb_file(inchi_key) input_writer = input_writer.from_config( step_config=self.current_step_config, filepath=input_filename, geometry_file=source_geometry, geometry_format=source_structure_format, smiles_geometry_file=unopt_pdb_file, smiles_geometry_format="pdb", overwrite=overwrite) input_writer.write() else: failed_input_files = self.get_prev_wave_failed_input_files() output_file_ext = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_OUTFILE_EXTENSIONS[ self.step_program] failed_files = [] for input_file in failed_input_files: output_file = input_file.with_suffix( ".{}".format(output_file_ext)) failed_files.append((input_file, output_file)) for files in failed_files: input_file = files[0] output_file = files[1] if self.update_input_file(input_file, output_file, structure_dest): input_file.unlink() output_file.unlink() def get_prev_wave_failed_input_files(self) -> List[Path]: """ Gets the input files from the previous wave's failed folder. :return: a list of Path objects to the previous wave's failed input files """ input_files_source = self.get_prev_wave_dir() / "failed" input_file_ext = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_INFILE_EXTENSIONS[ self.step_program] file_pattern = "*_{}*.{}".format(self.current_step_id, input_file_ext) input_files = [Path(f) for f in input_files_source.glob(file_pattern)] return input_files def get_next_wave_id(self) -> int: """ Gets the next wave ID and increments the number of waves in the .params file. :return: the next wave ID """ params = flow_utils.load_workflow_params() next_wave_id = params["num_waves"] + 1 self.update_num_waves(next_wave_id) return next_wave_id def update_num_waves(self, num_waves: int) -> None: """ Changes the ``num_waves`` parameter in the .params file with the given ``num_waves``. :param num_waves: the new number of waves :return: None """ flow_utils.update_workflow_params(num_waves=num_waves) def get_unopt_pdb_file(self, inchi_key: str) -> Path: """ Gets the unoptimized PDB file corresponding to the given ``inchi_key``. :param inchi_key: the InChIKey of the molecule :return: a Path object to the unoptimized PDB file """ return self.workflow_dir / "unopt_pdbs" / "{}_0.pdb".format(inchi_key) def need_lowest_energy_confs(self) -> bool: """ Determines if the lowest energy conformers need to be isolated at this point in the workflow. :return: True if the lowest energy conformers are necessary, False otherwise """ try: prev_step_id = self.flow_config.get_previous_step_id( self.current_step_id) return self.flow_config.get_step(prev_step_id)["conformers"] and not \ self.flow_config.get_step(self.current_step_id)["conformers"] except ValueError: return False def filter_conformers(self, source_files: List[Path]) -> List[Path]: """ Filters the conformers based on various workflow step parameters. The list of Path objects is filtered by removing failed conformers and/or by removing all but the lowest energy conformers. :param source_files: a list of Path objects to filter :return: a filtered list of Path objects """ prev_step_id = self.get_prev_step_id() if self.flow_config.get_step(prev_step_id)["conformers"]: if not self.is_first_step(): if not self.flow_config.get_step( prev_step_id)["proceed_on_failed_conf"]: source_files = self.remove_failed_confs(source_files) if self.need_lowest_energy_confs(): source_files = self.get_lowest_energy_confs(source_files) return source_files def remove_failed_confs(self, source_files: List[Path]) -> List[Path]: """ Returns a list of Path objects where the molecules for which all conformers have not successfully completed are removed. :param source_files: a list of Path objects from which to remove failed molecules :return: a filtered list of Path objects """ completed_confs = {} for f in source_files: inchi_key = f.stem.split("_")[0] if inchi_key not in completed_confs: completed_confs[inchi_key] = 1 else: completed_confs[inchi_key] += 1 filtered_source_files = [] for f in source_files: inchi_key = f.stem.split("_")[0] num_conformers = flow_utils.get_num_conformers(inchi_key) if completed_confs[inchi_key] == num_conformers: filtered_source_files.append(f) return filtered_source_files def get_lowest_energy_confs(self, source_files: List[Path]) -> List[Path]: """ Returns a list of the lowest energy conformers from the given list of output files. :param source_files: list of Path objects :return: a list of Path objects to the lowest energy conformers """ prev_step_id = self.get_prev_step_id() prev_program = self.flow_config.get_step(prev_step_id)["program"] source_file_ext = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_OUTFILE_EXTENSIONS[prev_program] # compile energies for the conformers uniq_inchi_keys = set() conf_energies = {} # inchi_key: List[(conf_id, energy)] for f in source_files: stem = f.stem.split("_") inchi_key = stem[0] conf_id = stem[-1] uniq_inchi_keys.add(inchi_key) energy = get_energy(str(f), format=prev_program) if inchi_key in conf_energies: conf_energies[inchi_key].append((conf_id, energy)) else: conf_energies[inchi_key] = [(conf_id, energy)] # determine the lowest energy conformers lowest_energy_confs = [] for inchi_key, confs in conf_energies.items(): sorted_confs = sorted(confs, key=lambda x: x[1]) lowest_energy_conf_id = sorted_confs[0][0] lowest_energy_confs.append("{}_{}_{}.{}".format( inchi_key, prev_step_id, lowest_energy_conf_id, source_file_ext)) lowest_energy_source_files = [] for f in source_files: if in lowest_energy_confs: lowest_energy_source_files.append(f) return lowest_energy_source_files def setup_sbatch_file(self, array_size: int) -> SbatchWriter: """ Creates an array sbatch file for the current workflow step and writes the sbatch file. :return: an SbatchWriter object """ sbatch_filename = "{}_wave_{}.sbatch".format(self.current_step_id, self.current_wave_id) sbatch_filepath = self.current_wave_dir / sbatch_filename sbatch_commands = self.get_array_commands() jobname = "{}_{}_wave-{}".format(, self.current_step_id, self.current_wave_id) sbatch_writer = SbatchWriter.from_config( step_config=self.current_step_config, filepath=sbatch_filepath, jobname=jobname, array=array_size, commands=sbatch_commands, cores=self.current_step_config["nproc"], output="%A_%a.o", error="%A_%a.e", overwrite=True) sbatch_writer.write() return sbatch_writer def get_array_commands(self) -> str: """ Retrieves the command strings used to create the Slurm submission script for the current step. The commands make calls to ``pyflow`` to both run calculations and handle outputs. :return: a string of commands to run """ run_command = Commands.get_run_command( step_id=self.current_step_id, wave_id=self.current_wave_id, time=self.current_step_config["time"]) job_handling = Commands.get_handle_command( step_id=self.current_step_id, wave_id=self.current_wave_id) commands = [run_command, job_handling] command_string = "\n".join(commands) return command_string def _create_job_list_file(self) -> int: """ Creates a file named input_files.txt in the current workflow step directory. This text file is used by the array submission script to determine which input files to run. :return: the number of jobs in the array """ input_file_extension = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_INFILE_EXTENSIONS[ self.step_program] input_files = self.current_wave_dir.glob( "*.{}".format(input_file_extension)) input_files = [ for f in input_files] input_files.sort() input_files_string = "\n".join(input_files) input_files_string += "\n" job_list_file = self.current_wave_dir / "input_files.txt" job_list_file.write_text(input_files_string) return len(input_files) def queue_dependents(self, job_id: int) -> None: """ Submits the dependent jobs for the currently running step with ID ``self.current_step_id``. The dependent jobs have a dependency on the given ``job_id``. This method also queues the wave restarter if the ``attempt_restart`` parameter is set to True for the current step. :param job_id: the job ID for the currently running step :return: None """ dependents = self.flow_config.get_dependents(self.current_step_id) for dependent_id in dependents: sbatch_filename = "{}_wave_{}_submitter.sbatch".format( dependent_id, self.current_wave_id) sbatch_filepath = self.workflow_dir / dependent_id / sbatch_filename sbatch_commands = Commands.get_begin_step_command( step_id=dependent_id, wave_id=self.current_wave_id) jobname = "{}_{}_wave-{}_submitter".format(, dependent_id, self.current_wave_id) sbatch_writer = SbatchWriter(jobname=jobname, commands=sbatch_commands, filepath=sbatch_filepath, output="/dev/null", error="/dev/null", dependency_id=job_id, dependency_type="afterany", overwrite=True) sbatch_writer.write() sbatch_writer.submit() # restart queueing if self.current_step_config["attempt_restart"]: sbatch_filename = "{}_wave_{}_restarter.sbatch".format( self.current_step_id, self.current_wave_id) sbatch_filepath = self.current_step_dir / sbatch_filename sbatch_commands = Commands.get_begin_step_command( step_id=self.current_step_id, wave_id=self.current_wave_id, attempt_restart=True) jobname = "{}_{}_wave-{}_restarter".format(, self.current_step_id, self.current_wave_id) sbatch_writer = SbatchWriter(jobname=jobname, commands=sbatch_commands, filepath=sbatch_filepath, output="/dev/null", error="/dev/null", dependency_id=job_id, dependency_type="afterany", overwrite=True) sbatch_writer.write() sbatch_writer.submit() @staticmethod def print_slurm_report() -> None: """ Prints a dictionary containing values of various SLURM environment variables which is useful for troubleshooting cluster or partition issues. :return: None """ username = getuser() info = OrderedDict([ ("CLUSTER_NAME", os.getenv("SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME")), ("SLURM_JOB_ID", os.getenv("SLURM_JOB_ID")), ("SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID", os.getenv("SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID")), ("SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID", os.getenv("SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID")), ("PARTITION", os.getenv("SLURM_JOB_PARTITION")), ("JOB_NAME", os.getenv("SLURM_JOB_NAME")), ("SLURM_JOB_NODELIST", os.getenv("SLURM_JOB_NODELIST")), ("GROUPS", [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if username in g.gr_mem]), ("SUBMISSION_TIME", str( ]) print(json.dumps({"SLURM_REPORT": info}, indent=4)) @staticmethod def run_array_calc(step_id: str, wave_id: int, time: int = None) -> None: """ Static method for running a calculation as part of an array. This method should only be called from within a Slurm array submission script as it relies on the ``$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID`` environment variable to determine which array calculation to run. :param step_id: the step ID to run :param wave_id: the wave ID to run :param time: time limit in minutes :return: None """ FlowRunner.print_slurm_report() flow_runner = FlowRunner(step_id=step_id, wave_id=wave_id) input_file = flow_runner.get_input_file() flow_runner.run_quantum_chem(input_file, time) def get_input_file(self) -> Path: """ Determines the input file to run based on the ``$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID`` environment variable. :return: a Path object pointing to the input file """ task_id = int(os.environ["SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"]) job_list_file = str(self.current_wave_dir / "input_files.txt") input_file = Path(getline(job_list_file, task_id).strip()).resolve() return input_file def run_quantum_chem(self, input_file: Path, time: int = None) -> None: """ Runs a quantum chemistry calculation as a subprocess. :param input_file: the input file to run :param time: time limit in minutes :return: None """ qc_command = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_COMMANDS[self.step_program] working_dir = input_file.parent updated_env = self._update_qc_environment() if time is not None: time = time * 60 process =[qc_command,], timeout=time, cwd=working_dir, env=updated_env) def _update_qc_environment(self) -> dict: """ Updates the current environment (``os.environ``) by adding additional, program-specific environment variables. :return: a dict of environment variables """ env = os.environ.copy() return env def is_complete(self, output_file: Path) -> bool: """ Determines if the given output file completed successfully. :param output_file: a Path object pointing to the output file :return: True if successful, False otherwise :raises AttributeError: if this method doesn't support the current step program """ output_filepath = Path(output_file).resolve() if self.step_program == "gaussian16": num_matches = len( find_string(output_filepath, "Normal termination")) opt_freq = sum([ self.current_step_config["opt"], self.current_step_config["freq"] ]) if opt_freq > 0: return num_matches == opt_freq elif self.current_step_config["single_point"]: return num_matches == 1 elif self.step_program == "gamess": num_matches = len( find_string(output_filepath, "GAMESS TERMINATED NORMALLY")) return num_matches == sum([self.current_step_config["opt"]]) else: raise AttributeError("Unknown program: {}".format( self.step_program)) @staticmethod def handle_array_output(step_id: str, wave_id: int) -> None: """ Static method for handling the output of an array calculation in a workflow. The method determines if the calculation completed, and moves the input/output files to the completed or failed directory accordingly. :param step_id: the step ID to handle :param wave_id: the wave ID to handle :return: None """ flow_runner = FlowRunner(step_id=step_id, wave_id=wave_id) input_file = flow_runner.get_input_file() in_file_ext = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_INFILE_EXTENSIONS[ flow_runner.step_program] out_file_ext = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_OUTFILE_EXTENSIONS[ flow_runner.step_program] output_file = str(input_file).replace(in_file_ext, out_file_ext) output_file = Path(output_file).resolve() FlowRunner._rename_array_files(output_file.stem) if flow_runner.is_complete(output_file): completed_dest = flow_runner.current_wave_dir / "completed" if flow_runner.current_step_config["save_output"]: flow_runner.save_output(output_file) # move completed input/output files for f in glob("{}*".format(output_file.with_suffix(""))): shutil.move(f, str(completed_dest)) flow_runner.clear_scratch_files(input_file.stem) else: failed_dest = flow_runner.current_wave_dir / "failed" # move completed input/output files for f in glob("{}*".format(output_file.with_suffix(""))): shutil.move(f, str(failed_dest)) def clear_scratch_files(self, filename: str) -> None: """ Removes the scratch files corresponding to the given filename (without a suffix). :param filename: the file whose scratch files to remove :return: None """ if self.step_program == "gamess": try: scratch_dir = Path(os.environ["SCRATCH"]).resolve() gamess_scr = scratch_dir / "scr" scratch_files = [ Path(f) for f in glob(str(gamess_scr / "{}*.*".format(filename))) ] for f in scratch_files: f.unlink() except ValueError: return None def update_input_file(self, input_file: Path, output_file: Path, dest: Path) -> bool: """ Updates the given failed or timed-out ``input_file`` to be restarted. The method uses the results in the ``output_file`` to determine how to update the input file. The updated input file is then moved to the specified ``dest``. :param input_file: the input file to update :param output_file: the failed or timed-out output file :param dest: the destination for the updated input file :return: True if the input file has been updated, False otherwise """ if self.step_program == "gaussian16": from pyflow.flow.gaussian_restarter import GaussianRestarter inchi_key ="_")[0] unopt_pdb_file = self.get_unopt_pdb_file(inchi_key) print("ATTEMPTING TO RESTART", input_file) restarter = GaussianRestarter(input_file, output_file) new_route = restarter.get_new_route() if new_route is not None: new_step_config = dict(self.current_step_config) new_step_config["route"] = new_route input_writer = GaussianWriter.from_config( step_config=new_step_config, filepath=dest /, geometry_file=output_file, geometry_format="log", smiles_geometry_file=unopt_pdb_file, smiles_geometry_format="pdb", overwrite=True) input_writer.write() return True return False else: msg = "Restarting '{}' calculations is not yet supported.".format( self.step_program) raise NotImplementedError(msg) @staticmethod def _remove_array_files() -> None: """ Removes .o and .e files corresponding to the current ``$SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID`` and ``$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID``. :return: None """ array_id = os.environ["SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID"] task_id = os.environ["SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"] for ext in ["o", "e"]: f = Path("{}_{}.{}".format(array_id, task_id, ext)) f.unlink() @staticmethod def _rename_array_files(name: str) -> None: """ Renames the .o and .e files corresponding to the current ``$SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID`` and ``$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID`` with the given name. :param name: the new name for the array files :return: None """ array_id = os.environ["SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID"] task_id = os.environ["SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"] for ext in ["o", "e"]: f = Path("{}_{}.{}".format(array_id, task_id, ext)) f.rename("{}.{}".format(name, ext)) def save_output(self, output_file: Path) -> None: """ Creates a copy of the given output file in /work/lopez/workflows. :param output_file: the output file to save :return: None """ workflow_params = flow_utils.load_workflow_params() config_file = Path(workflow_params["config_file"]) config_id = workflow_params["config_id"] dest = FlowRunner.SAVE_OUTPUT_LOCATION / config_file.stem / config_id / self.workflow_dir os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(str(output_file), str(dest /
def check_progress(verbose: bool = True) -> float: """ Checks the progress of the current workflow directory and prints a progress report to the command line (if ``verbose == True``). Returns a float representing the completion rate for the workflow (calculated as the quotient of the total number of completed calculations and the total number of expected calculations). :param verbose: if True, prints progress report to command line :return: the percentage of completed calculations for the current workflow directory """ def format_percentage(total: int, percentage: float) -> str: """Formats total count and percentage into a string""" percentage_str = "({}%)".format(round(percentage * 100, 1)) return "{0:<3} {1:>8}".format(total, percentage_str) # ensure user is in a workflow directory try: workflow_params_file = upsearch(WORKFLOW_PARAMS_FILENAME) workflow_dir = workflow_params_file.parent except FileNotFoundError: msg = "Unable to find workflow directory." raise FileNotFoundError(msg) from pyflow.flow.flow_config import FlowConfig from pyflow.flow.flow_runner import FlowRunner workflow_params = load_workflow_params() config_file = workflow_params["config_file"] config_id = workflow_params["config_id"] results_header = [ "Step ID", "Completed", "Incomplete", "Running", "Failed" ] results_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=results_header) config = FlowConfig(config_file, config_id) num_molecules = len(glob(str(workflow_dir / "unopt_pdbs" / "*0.pdb"))) num_structures = len(glob(str(workflow_dir / "unopt_pdbs" / "*.pdb"))) total_num_completed = 0 total_num_calcs = 0 for step_id in config.get_step_ids(): step_config = config.get_step(step_id) step_dir = workflow_dir / step_id / "wave_*_calcs" completed_dir = step_dir / "completed" failed_dir = step_dir / "failed" output_file_ext = FlowRunner.PROGRAM_OUTFILE_EXTENSIONS[ step_config["program"]] if step_config["conformers"]: num_jobs = num_structures else: num_jobs = num_molecules total_num_calcs += num_jobs num_completed = len( glob(str(completed_dir / "*.{}".format(output_file_ext)))) completion_rate = num_completed / num_jobs total_num_completed += num_completed num_failed = len( glob(str(failed_dir / "*.{}".format(output_file_ext)))) failure_rate = num_failed / num_jobs num_incomplete = num_jobs - num_completed incompletion_rate = num_incomplete / num_jobs running_jobs = [] for f in glob(str(step_dir / "*.{}".format(output_file_ext))): mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(f)) now = time_since_mtime = now - mtime if time_since_mtime.seconds < (5 * 60): running_jobs.append(f) num_running = len(running_jobs) running_rate = num_running / num_jobs if verbose: result_entry = { "Step ID": step_id, "Completed": format_percentage(num_completed, completion_rate), "Incomplete": format_percentage(num_incomplete, incompletion_rate), "Running": format_percentage(num_running, running_rate), "Failed": format_percentage(num_failed, failure_rate) } results_table = results_table.append(result_entry, ignore_index=True, sort=False) total_completion_rate = round( 100 * (total_num_completed / total_num_calcs), 1) if verbose: current_time_str = "[{}]".format("%b %d %Y %X")) print("\nProgress report for workflow '{}' {}".format(, current_time_str)) print("Num. Molecules: {} ({})".format(num_molecules, num_structures)) print( tabulate(results_table, headers="keys", tablefmt='psql', showindex=False)) print("Overall completion rate: {}/{} ({}%)".format( total_num_completed, total_num_calcs, total_completion_rate)) return total_completion_rate