文件: utils.py 项目: bdb112/pyfusion
def make_title(formatstr, input_data, channum=None, at_dict = {}, min_length=3, raw_names=False):
    """ Return a string describing the shot number, channel name etc using
    a formatstr which refers to items in a dictionary (at_dict), assembled in
    this routine, based on input_data and an optional dictionary which
    contains anything not otherwise available in input_data

##    at_dict.update({'shot': input_data.meta['shot']})
    exception = () if pyfusion.DBG() > 3 else Exception
        at_dict.update(input_data.meta)  # this gets all of it!

        if channum is None:
            name = ''
            if  isinstance(input_data.channels, list):
                chan = input_data.channels[channum]
                chan = input_data.channels
            if raw_names:
                name = chan.name
                name = chan.config_name
        at_dict.update({'name': name})
# replace internal strings of non-numbers with a single .  a14_input03 -> 14.03
        last_was_number = False
        for c in name:  # start from the first char
            if c>='0' and c<='9': 
                short_name += c
                if last_was_number: short_name += '.'
                else: discarded += c

        if len(short_name) <= min_length: 
            # if it fits, have the lot
            if len(name)<8: short_name=name
            # else allow 4 more chars - makes about 6-8 chars
            else: short_name = discarded[-4:] + short_name

        at_dict.update({'short_name': short_name})

    except exception as ex:
        warn('in make_title for format="%s", at_dict=%s' % (formatstr, at_dict),
文件: plots.py 项目: bdb112/pyfusion
def set_axis_if_OK(ax, xlims, ylims):
    set axes if they containg at least a bit of the plot
    originally meant to be used when forcing specific axes, to allow
    for attempt to force axes suitable for LHD on HJ data for example
    from pyfusion.utils.utils import warn
    if overlap(ax.get_xlim(), xlims) and overlap(ax.get_ylim(), ylims):
        ax.axis(xlims[0], xlims[1], ylims[0], ylims[1])
        warn('suppressed attempt to set axis outside ranges\n{att:s} cf {act:s}'
             .format(att=(xlims,ylims), act=(ax.get_xlim(),ax.get_ylim())))
文件: plots.py 项目: bdb112/pyfusion
def set_axis_if_OK(ax, xlims, ylims):
    set axes if they containg at least a bit of the plot
    originally meant to be used when forcing specific axes, to allow
    for attempt to force axes suitable for LHD on HJ data for example
    from pyfusion.utils.utils import warn
    if overlap(ax.get_xlim(), xlims) and overlap(ax.get_ylim(), ylims):
        ax.axis(xlims[0], xlims[1], ylims[0], ylims[1])
            'suppressed attempt to set axis outside ranges\n{att:s} cf {act:s}'
            .format(att=(xlims, ylims), act=(ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim())))
def subdivide_interval(pts, overlap=None, debug=0):
    """ return several intervals which straddle pts
    with overlap of ov
    The lowest x value is special - the point of division is much closer
    to that x then zero.
    overlap is a tuple (minoverlap, max), and describes the total overlap 
    if overlap == None:
        overlap = [np.max(pts) / 50, np.max(pts) / 20]
    if len(overlap) == 1:
        warn("overlap should have a min and a max")
        overlap = [overlap / 3.0, overlap]

    if (np.diff(pts) < 0).any():
        warn("points out of order - reordering")
    pts = np.sort(pts)
    begins = []
    ends = []
    for (i, x) in enumerate(pts):
        if i == 0:
            divider = x * 0.8 - overlap[1] / 2.0
            divider = (x + pts[i - 1]) / 2.0

        if i == 0:
            ends.append(divider + overlap[1] / 2.0)
            this_overlap = min(max((divider - last_divider) / 20, overlap[0]), overlap[1]) / 2.0
            begins.append(last_divider - this_overlap)
            ends.append(divider + this_overlap)
        last_divider = divider

    if debug > 1:
        print(begins, pts, ends)
    if debug > 2:
        import pylab as pl

        for i in range(len(pts)):
            pl.plot([begins[i], ends[i]], [i, i])
            if i > 0:
                pl.plot([pts[i - 1], pts[i - 1]], [i, i], "o")
            pl.ylim(-1, 20)
    return (begins, ends)
def subdivide_interval(pts, overlap=None, debug=0):
    """ return several intervals which straddle pts
    with overlap of ov
    The lowest x value is special - the point of division is much closer
    to that x then zero.
    overlap is a tuple (minoverlap, max), and describes the total overlap 
    if overlap is None: overlap = [np.max(pts) / 50, np.max(pts) / 20]
    if len(overlap) == 1:
        warn('overlap should have a min and a max')
        overlap = [overlap / 3.0, overlap]

    if (np.diff(pts) < 0).any():
        warn('points out of order - reordering')
    pts = np.sort(pts)
    begins = []
    ends = []
    for (i, x) in enumerate(pts):
        if i == 0:
            divider = x * 0.8 - overlap[1] / 2.
            divider = (x + pts[i - 1]) / 2.

        if i == 0:
            ends.append(divider + overlap[1] / 2.)
            this_overlap = min(max(
                (divider - last_divider) / 20, overlap[0]), overlap[1]) / 2.
            begins.append(last_divider - this_overlap)
            ends.append(divider + this_overlap)
        last_divider = divider

    if debug > 1: print(begins, pts, ends)
    if debug > 2:
        import pylab as pl
        for i in range(len(pts)):
            pl.plot([begins[i], ends[i]], [i, i])
            if i > 0: pl.plot([pts[i - 1], pts[i - 1]], [i, i], 'o')
            pl.ylim(-1, 20)
    return (begins, ends)
def make_title(formatstr, input_data, channum=None, dict={}, min_length=3):
    """ return a string describing the shot number, channel name etc using a formatstr
    which referes to items in a dictionary, assembled in this routine, based on input_data
    and an optional dictionary which contains anything not otherwise available in input_data
    ##    dict.update({'shot': input_data.meta['shot']})
        dict.update(input_data.meta)  # this gets all of it!

        if channum == None:
            name = ""
                name = input_data.channels[channum].name
                name = input_data.channels.name

        dict.update({"name": name})
        # replace internal strings of non-numbers with a single .  a14_input03 -> 14.03
        short_name = ""
        last_was_number = False
        for c in name:
            if c >= "0" and c <= "9":
                short_name += c
                last_was_number = True
                if last_was_number:
                    short_name += "."
                last_was_number = False

        if len(short_name) <= min_length:
            short_name = name
        dict.update({"short_name": short_name})

        return formatstr % dict
    except Exception as ex:
        warn('in make_title for format="%s", dict=%s' % (formatstr, dict), exception=ex)
        return ""
def make_title(formatstr, input_data, channum=None, dict={}, min_length=3):
    """ return a string describing the shot number, channel name etc using a formatstr
    which referes to items in a dictionary, assembled in this routine, based on input_data
    and an optional dictionary which contains anything not otherwise available in input_data
    ##    dict.update({'shot': input_data.meta['shot']})
        dict.update(input_data.meta)  # this gets all of it!

        if channum == None:
            name = ''
                name = input_data.channels[channum].name
                name = input_data.channels.name

        dict.update({'name': name})
        # replace internal strings of non-numbers with a single .  a14_input03 -> 14.03
        short_name = ''
        last_was_number = False
        for c in name:
            if c >= '0' and c <= '9':
                short_name += c
                last_was_number = True
                if last_was_number: short_name += '.'
                last_was_number = False

        if len(short_name) <= min_length: short_name = name
        dict.update({'short_name': short_name})

        return (formatstr % dict)
    except Exception as ex:
        warn('in make_title for format="%s", dict=%s' % (formatstr, dict),
        return ('')
def get_basic_diagnostics(diags=None,
    """ return a list of np.arrays of normally numeric values for the 
    times given, for the given shot.
    Will access server if env('IGETFILE') points to an exe, else accesses cache

    global HJ_summary
    # if no exception given and we are not debugging
    # note - exception=None is a valid entry, meaning tolerate no exceptions
    # so the "default" we use is False
    if exception == False and debug == 0: exception = Exception

    if diags is None: diags = "<n_e19>,b_0,i_p,w_p,dw_pdt,dw_pdt2".split(',')
    if len(np.shape(diags)) == 0: diags = [diags]
    # LHD only    if delay is None: delay = get_delay(shot)

    if times is None:
        times = np.linspace(0, 4, 4000)

    times = np.array(times)
    vals = {}
    # create an extra time array to allow a cross check
    vals.update({'check_tm': times})
    vals.update({'check_shot': np.zeros(len(times), dtype=np.int) + shot})
    debug_(pyfusion.DEBUG, 2, key='get_basic')
    for diag in diags:
        if not (diag in file_info):
            warn('diagnostic {0} not found in shot {1}'.format(diag, shot),
            vals.update({diag: np.nan + times})
            debug_(pyfusion.DEBUG, 2, key='get_basic')
            info = file_info[diag]
            varname = info['name']
            infofmt = info['format']
            subfolder = infofmt.split('@')[0]
            filepath = os.path.sep.join(
                [localigetfilepath, subfolder, infofmt])
            if ':' in varname: (oper, varname) = varname.split(':')
            else: oper = None

            if '(' in varname:
                    left, right = varname.split('(')
                    varname, rest = right.split(')')
                    raise ValueError(
                        'in expression {v} - parens?'.format(varname))
            if infofmt.find('.npz') > 0:
                    test = HJ_summary.keys()
                    csvfilename = acq_HJ + '/' + infofmt
                    if pyfusion.DBG() > 1:
                        print('looking for HeliotronJ summary in' +
                    print('reloading {0}'.format(csvfilename))
                    HJ_summary = np.load(csvfilename)

                val = HJ_summary[varname][shot]
                valarr = np.double(val) + (times * 0)
            elif 'get_static_params' in infofmt:
                pdicts = eval(infofmt.format(shot=shot))
                if len(pdicts) == 0:
                    print('empty dictionary returned')

                val = pdicts[varname]
                valarr = np.double(val) + (times * 0)
            else:  # read signal from data system
                debug_(max(pyfusion.DEBUG, debug), level=4, key='find_data')
                    #get HJparams
                    channel = info['name']
                    outdata = np.zeros(1024 * 2 * 256 + 1)
                    channel_length = (len(outdata) - 1) / 2
                    # outdfile only needed for opt=1 (get data via temp file)
                    # with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="pyfusion_") as outdfile:
                    ierror, getrets = gethjdata.gethjdata(shot,

                    if ierror != 0:
                        raise LookupError('data not found for {s}:{c}'.format(
                            s=shot, c=channel))
                    ch = Channel(info['name'], Coords('dummy', (0, 0, 0)))
                    # timebase in secs (was ms in raw data)
                    dg = TimeseriesData(timebase=Timebase(1e-3 *
                except exception as reason:
                    if debug > 0:
                        print('exception running gethjdata {r} {a}',
                              format(r=reason, a=reason.args))
                    dg = None
                    #break  # give up and try next diagnostic
                if dg is None:  # messy - break doesn't do what I want?
                    valarr = None
                    nd = 1  # initially only deal with single channels (HJ)
                    # get the column(s) of the array corresponding to the name
                    w = [0]
                    if (oper in 'sum,average,rms,max,min'.split(',')):
                        if oper == 'sum': op = np.sum
                        elif oper == 'average': op = np.average
                        elif oper == 'min': op = np.min
                        elif oper == 'std': op = np.std
                            raise ValueError(
                                'operator {o} in {n} not known to get_basic_diagnostics'
                                .format(o=oper, n=info['name']))
                        # valarr = op(dg.data[:,nd+w],1)
                        valarr = op(dg.data[:, nd + w], 1)
                        if len(w) != 1:
                            raise LookupError(
                                'Need just one instance of variable {0} in {1}'
                                .format(varname, dg.filename))
                        dg.data = dg.signal  # fudge compatibility
                        if len(np.shape(dg.data)) != 1:  # 2 for igetfile
                            raise LookupError(
                                'insufficient data for {0} in {1}'.format(
                                    varname, dg.filename))

                        #valarr = dg.data[:,nd+w[0]]

                    #tim =  dg.data[:,0] - delay
                    valarr = dg.signal
                    tim = dg.timebase

                    # fudge until we can gete the number of points
                    valarr = valarr[:np.argmax(tim)]
                    tim = tim[:np.argmax(tim)]

                    if oper == 'ddt':  # derivative operator
                        valarr = np.diff(valarr) / (np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = (tim[0:-1] + tim[1:]) / 2.0

                    if oper == 'ddt2':  # abd(ddw)*derivative operator
                        dw = np.diff(valarr) / (np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        ddw = np.diff(dw) / (np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = tim[2:]
                        valarr = 4e-6 * dw[1:] * np.abs(ddw)

                    if (len(tim) < 10) or (np.std(tim) < 0.1):
                        raise ValueError('Insufficient points or degenerate'
                                         'timebase data in {0}, {1}'.format(
                                             varname, dg.filename))

                    valarr = (stineman_interp(times, tim, valarr))
                    w = np.where(times > max(tim))
                    valarr[w] = np.nan

            if valarr is not None: vals.update({diag: valarr})
    debug_(max(pyfusion.DEBUG, debug), level=5, key='interp')
    return (vals)
def get_basic_diagnostics(diags=None,
    """ return a list of np.arrays of normally numeric values for the 
    times given, for the given shot.
    Will access server if env('IGETFILE') points to an exe, else accesses cache

    global lhd_summary
    # if no exception given and we are not debugging
    # note - exception=None is a valid entry, meaning tolerate no exceptions
    # so the "default" we use is False
    if exception == False and debug == 0: exception = Exception

    if diags is None: diags = "<n_e19>,b_0,i_p,w_p,dw_pdt,dw_pdt2".split(',')
    if len(np.shape(diags)) == 0: diags = [diags]
    if delay is None: delay = get_delay(shot)

    if times is None:
        times = np.linspace(0, 4, 4000)

    times = np.array(times)
    vals = {}
    # create an extra time array to allow a cross check
    vals.update({'check_tm': times})
    vals.update({'check_shot': np.zeros(len(times), dtype=np.int) + shot})
    for diag in diags:
        if diag not in file_info:
            warn('diagnostic {0} not found in shot {1}'.format(diag, shot),
            vals.update({diag: np.nan + times})
            info = file_info[diag]
            varname = info['name']
            subfolder = info['format'].split('@')[0]
            filepath = os.path.sep.join(
                [localigetfilepath, subfolder, info['format']])
            if ':' in varname: (oper, varname) = varname.split(':')
            else: oper = None

            if info['format'].find('.csv') > 0:
                    test = lhd_summary.keys()
                    csvfilename = acq_LHD + '/' + info['format']
                    if pyfusion.DBG() > 1:
                        print('looking for lhd summary in' + csvfilename)
                    if not os.path.exists(csvfilename):
                        csvfilename += ".bz2"
                    print('reloading {0}'.format(csvfilename))
                    lhd_summary = read_csv_data(csvfilename, header=3)
                    # should make this more formal - last shots
                    # from an 'extra' file, and finally, from shot info
                if shot > 117000:  # fudge to get latest data
                    lhd_summary = np.load(acq_LHD +
                    print('loading newer shots from a separate file - fix-me')
                    #  val = lhd_summary[varname][shot-70000]    # not needed
                #  else:
                val = lhd_summary[varname][shot]
                valarr = np.double(val) + (times * 0)
                debug_(max(pyfusion.DBG(), debug), level=4, key='find_data')

                    dg = igetfile(filepath, shot=shot, debug=debug - 1)
                except IOError:
                        dg = igetfile(filepath + '.bz2',
                                      debug=debug - 1)
                    except IOError:
                            dg = igetfile(filepath + '.gz',
                                          debug=debug - 1)
                        except exception as details:
                            if debug > 0:
                                print('diag at {fp} not found'.format(
                            print(details, details.args)
                            dg = None
                            #break  # give up and try next diagnostic
                if dg is None:  # messy - break doesn't do what I want?
                    valarr = None
                    nd = dg.vardict['DimNo']
                    if nd != 1:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Expecting a 1 D array in {0}, got {1}!'.format(
                                dg.filename, nd))

                    # pre re. w = np.where(np.array(dg.vardict['ValName'])==varname)[0]
                    matches = [
                        re.match(varname, nam) != None
                        for nam in dg.vardict['ValName']
                    w = np.where(np.array(matches) != False)[0]
                    # get the column(s) of the array corresponding to the name
                    if (oper in 'sum,average,rms,max,min'.split(',')):
                        if oper == 'sum': op = np.sum
                        elif oper == 'average': op = np.average
                        elif oper == 'min': op = np.min
                        elif oper == 'std': op = np.std
                            raise ValueError(
                                'operator {o} in {n} not known to get_basic_diagnostics'
                                .format(o=oper, n=info['name']))
                        valarr = op(dg.data[:, nd + w], 1)
                        if len(w) != 1:
                            raise LookupError(
                                'Need just one instance of variable {0} in {1}'
                                .format(varname, dg.filename))
                        if len(np.shape(dg.data)) != 2:
                            raise LookupError(
                                'insufficient data for {0} in {1}'.format(
                                    varname, dg.filename))

                        valarr = dg.data[:, nd + w[0]]

                    tim = dg.data[:, 0] - delay

                    if oper == 'ddt':  # derivative operator
                        valarr = np.diff(valarr) / (np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = (tim[0:-1] + tim[1:]) / 2.0

                    if oper == 'ddt2':  # abd(ddw)*derivative operator
                        dw = np.diff(valarr) / (np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        ddw = np.diff(dw) / (np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = tim[2:]
                        valarr = 4e-6 * dw[1:] * np.abs(ddw)

                    if (len(tim) < 10) or (np.std(tim) < 0.1):
                        raise ValueError('Insufficient points or degenerate'
                                         'timebase data in {0}, {1}'.format(
                                             varname, dg.filename))

                    valarr = (stineman_interp(times, tim, valarr))
                    w = np.where(times > max(tim))
                    valarr[w] = np.nan

            if valarr != None: vals.update({diag: valarr})
    debug_(max(pyfusion.DBG(), debug), level=5, key='interp')
    return (vals)
def get_basic_diagnostics(diags=None, shot=54196, times=None, delay=None, exception=False, debug=0):
    """ return a list of np.arrays of normally numeric values for the 
    times given, for the given shot.

    global lhd_summary
    # if no exception given and we are not debugging
    # note - exception=None is a valid entry, meaning tolerate no exceptions
    # so the "default" we use is False
    if exception==False and debug==0: exception=Exception

    if diags == None: diags = "<n_e19>,b_0,i_p,w_p,dw_pdt,dw_pdt2".split(',')
    if len(np.shape(diags)) == 0: diags = [diags]
    if delay == None: delay = get_delay(shot)

    if times == None: 
        times = np.linspace(0,4,4000)

    times = np.array(times)
    vals = {}
    # create an extra time array to allow a cross check
    for diag in diags:
        if not(file_info.has_key(diag)):
            warn('diagnostic {0} not found in shot {1}'.format(diag, shot),stacklevel=2)
            vals.update({diag: np.nan + times})
            info = file_info[diag]
            varname = info['name']
            subfolder = info['format'].split('@')[0]
            filepath = os.path.sep.join([localigetfilepath,subfolder,info['format']])
            if ':' in varname: (oper,varname) = varname.split(':')
            else: oper = None

            if info['format'].find('.csv') > 0:
                    print('reloading {0}'.format(info['format']))
                    lhd_summary = read_csv_data(acq_LHD+'/'+info['format'], header=3)

                val = lhd_summary[varname][shot]    
                valarr = np.double(val)+(times*0)
                debug_(max(pyfusion.DEBUG, debug), level=4, key='find_data')

                    dg = igetfile(filepath, shot=shot, debug=debug-1)
                except IOError:
                        dg = igetfile(filepath+'.bz2', shot=shot, debug=debug-1)
                    except IOError:
                            dg = igetfile(filepath + '.gz', shot=shot, debug=debug-1)
                        except exception:
                            if debug>0: print('diag at {fp} not found'
                            #break  # give up and try next diagnostic
                if dg==None:  # messy - break doesn't do what I want?
                    if nd != 1:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Expecting a 1 D array in {0}, got {1}!'
                            .format(dg.filename, nd))

                    # pre re. w = np.where(np.array(dg.vardict['ValName'])==varname)[0]
                    matches = [re.match(varname,nam) 
                               != None for nam in dg.vardict['ValName']]
                    w = np.where(np.array(matches) != False)[0]
                    # get the column(s) of the array corresponding to the name
                    if (oper in 'sum,average,rms,max,min'.split(',')):
                        if oper=='sum': op = np.sum
                        elif oper=='average': op = np.average
                        elif oper=='min': op = np.min
                        elif oper=='std': op = np.std
                        else: raise ValueError('operator {o} in {n} not known to get_basic_diagnostics'
                                               .format(o=oper, n=info['name']))
                        valarr = op(dg.data[:,nd+w],1)
                        if len(w) != 1:
                            raise LookupError(
                                'Need just one instance of variable {0} in {1}'
                                .format(varname, dg.filename))
                        if len(np.shape(dg.data))!=2:
                           raise LookupError(
                                'insufficient data for {0} in {1}'
                                .format(varname, dg.filename))
                        valarr = dg.data[:,nd+w[0]]

                    tim =  dg.data[:,0] - delay

                    if oper == 'ddt':  # derivative operator
                        valarr = np.diff(valarr)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = (tim[0:-1] + tim[1:])/2.0

                    if oper == 'ddt2':  # abd(ddw)*derivative operator
                        dw = np.diff(valarr)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        ddw = np.diff(dw)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = tim[2:]
                        valarr = 4e-6 * dw[1:] * np.abs(ddw)

                    if (len(tim) < 10) or (np.std(tim)<0.1):
                        raise ValueError('Insufficient points or degenerate'
                                         'timebase data in {0}, {1}'
                                         .format(varname, dg.filename))

                    valarr = (stineman_interp(times, tim, valarr))
                    w = np.where(times > max(tim))
                    valarr[w] = np.nan

            if valarr != None: vals.update({diag: valarr})
    debug_(max(pyfusion.DEBUG, debug), level=5, key='interp')
def get_basic_diagnostics(diags=None, file_info=file_info, shot=54196, times=None, delay=None, exception=False, debug=0):
    """ return a list of np.arrays of normally numeric values for the 
    times given, for the given shot.
    Will access server if env('IGETFILE') points to an exe, else accesses cache
    This is the first version to specifically allow for access through pyfusion.cfg
    There are two types of access:
       I/  single diag on its own timebase
       II/ the original multi diag on a given timebase (i.e. that from flucstrcs)
    Stage 1 puts the file_info into .cfg file just for I/ single diag access.
    Ideally the file_info for II/ sho;d be in .cfg also.
    For stage I/, we call it with a  file_info dict constructed on the spot
    as a dictionary with one just entry (for diags[0]).

    global lhd_summary
    # if no exception given and we are not debugging
    # note - exception=None is a valid entry, meaning tolerate no exceptions
    # so the "default" we use is False
    if exception==False and debug==0: exception=Exception

    if diags is None: diags = "<n_e19>,b_0,i_p,w_p,dw_pdt,dw_pdt2".split(',')
    if len(np.shape(diags)) == 0: diags = [diags]
    if delay is None: delay = get_delay(shot)

    if times is None: 
        if len(diags)>1:
            times = np.linspace(0,4,4000)  # this is a crude guess.
        # else leave it None
        # make sure it is an array
        times = np.array(times)


    vals = {}

    for diag in diags:
        if not(diag in file_info):
            warn('diagnostic {0} not found in shot {1}'.format(diag, shot),stacklevel=2)
            vals.update({diag: np.nan + times})
            info = file_info[diag]
            varname = info['name']  # refers to name for igetfile - can contain ':' 
            subfolder = info['format'].split('@')[0]
            filepath = os.path.sep.join([localigetfilepath,subfolder,info['format']])
            if ':' in varname: (oper,varname) = varname.split(':')
            else: oper = None

            if info['format'].find('.csv') > 0:
                    csvfilename = acq_LHD+'/'+info['format']
                    if pyfusion.DBG() > 1: print('looking for lhd summary in' + csvfilename)
                    if not os.path.exists(csvfilename):
                        csvfilename += ".bz2"
                    print('reloading {0}'.format(csvfilename))
                    lhd_summary = read_csv_data(csvfilename, header=3)
                    # should make this more formal - last shots
                    # from an 'extra' file, and finally, from shot info
                if shot>117000: # fudge to get latest data
                    lhd_summary = np.load(acq_LHD+'/LHD_summary.npz')['LHD'].tolist()
                    print('loading newer shots from a separate file - fix-me')
                    #  val = lhd_summary[varname][shot-70000]    # not needed
                #  else:
                val = lhd_summary[varname][shot]    
                valarr = np.double(val)+(times*0)
                try: # now igetfile checks for .gz etc
                    dg = igetfile(filepath, shot=shot, debug=debug-1)
                except exception as details:
                    if debug>0: print('diag at {fp} not found'
                    #break  # give up and try next diagnostic
                if dg is None:  # messy - break doesn't do what I want?
                    if nd != 1:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Expecting a 1 D array in {0}, got {1}!'
                            .format(dg.filename, nd))

                    # pre re. w = np.where(np.array(dg.vardict['ValName'])==varname)[0]
                    matches = [re.match(varname,nam) 
                               != None for nam in dg.vardict['ValName']]
                    w = np.where(np.array(matches) != False)[0]
                    # get the column(s) of the array corresponding to the name
                    if (oper in 'sum,average,rms,max,min'.split(',')):
                        if oper=='sum': op = np.sum
                        elif oper=='average': op = np.average
                        elif oper=='min': op = np.min
                        elif oper=='std': op = np.std
                        else: raise ValueError('operator {o} in {n} not known to get_basic_diagnostics'
                                               .format(o=oper, n=info['name']))
                        valarr = op(dg.data[:,nd+w],1)
                        if len(w) != 1:
                            raise LookupError(
                                'Need just one instance of variable {0} in {1}'
                                .format(varname, dg.filename))
                        if len(np.shape(dg.data))!=2:
                           raise LookupError(
                                'insufficient data for {0} in {1}'
                                .format(varname, dg.filename))
                        valarr = dg.data[:,nd+w[0]]

                    tim =  dg.data[:,0] - delay

                    if oper == 'ddt':  # derivative operator
                        valarr = np.diff(valarr)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = (tim[0:-1] + tim[1:])/2.0

                    if oper == 'ddt2':  # abd(ddw)*derivative operator
                        dw = np.diff(valarr)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        ddw = np.diff(dw)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = tim[2:]
                        valarr = 4e-6 * dw[1:] * np.abs(ddw)

                    if (len(tim) < 10) or (np.std(tim)<0.1):
                        raise ValueError('Insufficient points or degenerate'
                                         'timebase data in {0}, {1}'
                                         .format(varname, dg.filename))

                    if times is not None:
                        debug_(max(pyfusion.DEBUG, debug), level=5, key='interp')
                        valarr = (stineman_interp(times, tim, valarr))
                        w = np.where(times > max(tim))
                        valarr[w] = np.nan
                        times = tim
            if valarr is not None: vals.update({diag: valarr})
    # create an extra time array to allow a cross check

def get_basic_diagnostics(diags=None, shot=54196, times=None, delay=None, exception=False, debug=0):
    """ return a list of np.arrays of normally numeric values for the 
    times given, for the given shot.
    Will access server if env('IGETFILE') points to an exe, else accesses cache

    global HJ_summary
    # if no exception given and we are not debugging
    # note - exception=None is a valid entry, meaning tolerate no exceptions
    # so the "default" we use is False
    if exception==False and debug==0: exception=Exception

    if diags is None: diags = "<n_e19>,b_0,i_p,w_p,dw_pdt,dw_pdt2".split(',')
    if len(np.shape(diags)) == 0: diags = [diags]
    # LHD only    if delay is None: delay = get_delay(shot)

    if times is None: 
        times = np.linspace(0,4,4000)

    times = np.array(times)
    vals = {}
    # create an extra time array to allow a cross check
    for diag in diags:
        if not(diag in file_info):
            warn('diagnostic {0} not found in shot {1}'.format(diag, shot),stacklevel=2)
            vals.update({diag: np.nan + times})
            info = file_info[diag]
            varname = info['name']
            infofmt = info['format']
            subfolder = infofmt.split('@')[0]
            filepath = os.path.sep.join([localigetfilepath,subfolder,infofmt])
            if ':' in varname: (oper,varname) = varname.split(':')
            else: oper = None

            if '(' in varname:  
                    left,right = varname.split('(')
                    raise ValueError('in expression {v} - parens?'.format(varname))
            if infofmt.find('.npz') > 0:
                    csvfilename = acq_HJ+'/'+infofmt
                    if pyfusion.DBG() > 1: print('looking for HeliotronJ summary in' + csvfilename)
                    print('reloading {0}'.format(csvfilename))
                    HJ_summary = np.load(csvfilename)

                val = HJ_summary[varname][shot]
                valarr = np.double(val)+(times*0)
            elif 'get_static_params' in infofmt:
                pdicts = eval(infofmt.format(shot=shot))
                if len(pdicts)==0:
                    print('empty dictionary returned')

                val = pdicts[varname]
                valarr = np.double(val)+(times*0)
            else:    # read signal from data system
                debug_(max(pyfusion.DEBUG, debug), level=4, key='find_data')
                    #get HJparams
                    channel = info['name']
                    channel_length =(len(outdata)-1)/2
                    # outdfile only needed for opt=1 (get data via temp file)
                    # with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="pyfusion_") as outdfile:
                    ierror, getrets=gethjdata.gethjdata(shot,channel_length,
                                                        verbose=VERBOSE, opt=1,
                                                        outdata=outdata, outname='')

                    if ierror != 0:
                        raise LookupError('data not found for {s}:{c}'.format(s=shot, c=channel))
                    ch = Channel(info['name'], Coords('dummy', (0,0,0)))
                    # timebase in secs (was ms in raw data)
                    dg = TimeseriesData(timebase=Timebase(1e-3 * getrets[1::2]),
                                        signal=Signal(getrets[2::2]), channels=ch)
                except exception as reason:
                    if debug>0:
                        print('exception running gethjdata {r} {a}', format(r=reason, a=reason.args))
                            #break  # give up and try next diagnostic
                if dg is None:  # messy - break doesn't do what I want?
                    nd = 1   # initially only deal with single channels (HJ)
                    # get the column(s) of the array corresponding to the name
                    w = [0]
                    if (oper in 'sum,average,rms,max,min'.split(',')):
                        if oper=='sum': op = np.sum
                        elif oper=='average': op = np.average
                        elif oper=='min': op = np.min
                        elif oper=='std': op = np.std
                        else: raise ValueError('operator {o} in {n} not known to get_basic_diagnostics'
                                               .format(o=oper, n=info['name']))
                        # valarr = op(dg.data[:,nd+w],1)
                        valarr = op(dg.data[:,nd+w],1)
                        if len(w) != 1:
                            raise LookupError(
                                'Need just one instance of variable {0} in {1}'
                                .format(varname, dg.filename))
                        dg.data = dg.signal # fudge compatibility
                        if len(np.shape(dg.data))!=1:  # 2 for igetfile
                           raise LookupError(
                                'insufficient data for {0} in {1}'
                                .format(varname, dg.filename))
                        #valarr = dg.data[:,nd+w[0]]

                    #tim =  dg.data[:,0] - delay
                    valarr = dg.signal
                    tim = dg.timebase

                    # fudge until we can gete the number of points
                    valarr = valarr[:np.argmax(tim)]
                    tim = tim[:np.argmax(tim)]

                    if oper == 'ddt':  # derivative operator
                        valarr = np.diff(valarr)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = (tim[0:-1] + tim[1:])/2.0

                    if oper == 'ddt2':  # abd(ddw)*derivative operator
                        dw = np.diff(valarr)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        ddw = np.diff(dw)/(np.average(np.diff(tim)))
                        tim = tim[2:]
                        valarr = 4e-6 * dw[1:] * np.abs(ddw)

                    if (len(tim) < 10) or (np.std(tim)<0.1):
                        raise ValueError('Insufficient points or degenerate'
                                         'timebase data in {0}, {1}'
                                         .format(varname, dg.filename))

                    valarr = (stineman_interp(times, tim, valarr))
                    w = np.where(times > max(tim))
                    valarr[w] = np.nan

            if valarr is not None: vals.update({diag: valarr})
    debug_(max(pyfusion.DEBUG, debug), level=5, key='interp')
def make_mask(NA, norm_passband, norm_stopband, input_data, taper):
    """  works well now, except that the stopband is adjusted to be
    symmetric about the passband (take the average of the differences
    The problem with crashes (zero mask) was solved by shifting the 
    mask before and after integrating, also a test for aliasing (on the
    mask before integration).
    mask = np.zeros(NA)
    # define the 4 key points
    #         /npblow-------------npbhi\
    # ___nsbl/                          \nsbhi____
    n_sb_low = int(norm_stopband[0] * NA / 2)
    n_pb_low = int(norm_passband[0] * NA / 2)
    n_pb_hi = int(norm_passband[1] * NA / 2)
    n_sb_hi = int(norm_stopband[1] * NA / 2)

    dt = float(np.average(np.diff(input_data.timebase)))
    if n_sb_hi >= len(mask):
        raise ValueError('Filter frequency too high for data - units '
                         'problem? - sample spacing is {dt:.2g}'.format(dt=dt))

    # twid is the transition width, and should default so that the sloped part is the same width as the flat?
    # !!! twid is not an input - !!!! doesn't do that yet.
    # make the transition width an even number, and the larger of the two
    # need to pull this code out and be sure it works.
    twid = 2 * (1 + max(n_pb_low - n_sb_low, n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi) // 2)
    if (twid > (n_pb_low - n_sb_low) * 3) or (twid > (n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi) * 3):
            '*********** Warning - unbalanced cutoff rate between high and low end'
            ' will cause the cutoff rates to be equalised widening one and reducing the other'
            ' difference between stop and pass bands should be similar ar both ends.'
    if (twid < 4):  # or (n_sb_low < 0):  #< not requ since fixed
        if taper == 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'taper 2 requires a bigger margin between stop and pass')
        elif taper is None:
            warn('defaulting taper to 1 as band edges are sharp: twid={twid}'.
            taper = 1
        if taper is None:
            taper = 2

    if taper == 1:
        #          _____
        #         /     \
        #        /       \
        # ______/         \___
        # want 0 at sb low and sb high, 1 at pb low and pb high
        # present code does not quite do this.
        # try to prevent zero width or very narrow (DC only) filters.
        if n_sb_low < 0: n_sb_low = 0
        if n_pb_low < 0: n_pb_low = 0
        if n_pb_hi < 1: n_pb_hi = 1
        if n_sb_hi <= n_pb_hi: n_sb_hi = n_pb_hi + 1
        for n in range(n_sb_low, n_pb_low + 1):
            if n_sb_low == n_pb_low:  # allow for pass=stop on low side
                mask[n] = 1.
                mask[n] = float(n - n_sb_low) / (n_pb_low - n_sb_low
                                                 )  # trapezoid
        for n in range(n_pb_hi, n_sb_hi + 1):
            mask[n] = float(n_sb_hi - n) / (n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi)  # trapezoid
        for n in range(n_pb_low, n_pb_hi + 1):
            mask[n] = 1
    elif taper == 2:
        # Note - must symmetrise (so that cumsum works)
        #          _
        #         / \
        #        |   |
        #  ______/   \___
        # want 0 at sb low and sb high, 1 at pb low and pb high
        # this means that the peak of the mask before integration is halfway between sb_low and pb_low
        # and pb_low - sb_low is an even number
        # present code does not quite do this.

        n_sb_low = n_pb_low - twid  # sacrifice the stop band, not the pass
        n_sb_hi = n_pb_hi + twid

        low_mid = n_pb_low - twid // 2
        high_mid = n_pb_hi + twid // 2
        for n in range(n_sb_low, low_mid):
            mask[n] = float(n - n_sb_low) / (low_mid - 1 - n_sb_low
                                             )  # trapezoid
            mask[2 * low_mid - n - 1] = mask[n]  #down ramp - repeat max
        #wid_up = n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi
        for n in range(n_pb_hi, high_mid):  # negative tri
            mask[n] = float(n_pb_hi - n) / (high_mid - n_pb_hi - 1
                                            )  # trapezoid
            mask[2 * high_mid - n - 1] = mask[n]
        before_integration = mask
        # after running filters.py, this should be OK
        # make_mask(512, [0.8,.93], [0.9,.98],dat,2)
        # but changing 0.98 to 0.99 will give aliasing error.
        if np.max(np.abs(mask[NA // 2 - 4:NA // 2 + 4])) > 0:
            raise ValueError('mask aliasing error')
        # note: ifftshift is only different for an odd data length
        # the fftshifts were necessary to avoid weirdness if the
        # stopband went below zero freq.
        mask = np.fft.ifftshift(np.cumsum(np.fft.fftshift(mask)))  # integrate
        if pyfusion.DBG() > 1:
            nonr = 0.5 / dt
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            ax1.plot(np.arange(len(mask)) / dt / float(NA), mask, '.-')
            ax1.plot(np.arange(len(mask)) / dt / float(NA), before_integration)
                'real freq. units, (norm on top scale), npoints={NA}, norm/real = {nonr}'
                .format(NA=NA, nonr=nonr))
            ax2 = ax1.twiny()
            # this is my hack - it should be OK, but may be a little out
            ax2.set_xlim(np.array(ax1.get_xlim()) / nonr)
                'mask before normalisation - twid={twid}'.format(twid=twid))

        if np.max(mask) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'zero mask, '
                'norm_passband = {pb}, norm_stopband={sb}, taper {t}'.format(
                    pb=norm_passband, sb=norm_stopband, t=taper))
        mask = mask / np.max(mask)
    # reflection only required for complex data
    # this even and odd is not totally thought through...but it seems OK
    if np.mod(NA, 2) == 0: mask[:NA / 2:-1] = mask[1:(NA / 2)]  # even
    else: mask[:1 + NA / 2:-1] = mask[1:(NA / 2)]  # odd
    return (mask)
def filter_fourier_bandpass(input_data, passband, stopband, taper=None, debug=None):
    Note: Is MUCH (2.2x faster) more efficient to use real ffts, (implemented April)
    Use a Fourier space taper/tophat or pseudo gaussian filter to perform 
    narrowband filtering (much narrower than butterworth).  
    Problem is that bursts may generate ringing. (should be better with taper=2)  
    >>> tb = dummytb(np.linspace(0,20,512))
    >>> w = 2*np.pi* 1  # 1 Hertz
    >>> dat = dummysig(tb,np.sin(w*tb.timebase)*(tb.timebase<np.max(tb.timebase)/3))
    >>> fop = filter_fourier_bandpass(dat,[0.9,1.1],[0.8,1.2],debug=2).signal[0]

    if debug == None: debug = pyfusion.DEBUG
# normalising makes it easier to think about - also for But'w'h 
    norm_passband = input_data.timebase.normalise_freq(np.array(passband))
    norm_stopband = input_data.timebase.normalise_freq(np.array(stopband))
    NS = len(input_data.signal[0])
    NA = next_nice_number(NS)
    # take a little more to speed up FFT

    mask = np.zeros(NA)
    # define the 4 key points 
    #         /npblow-------------npbhi\
    # ___nsbl/                          \nsbhi____
    n_sb_low = int(norm_stopband[0]*NA/2)
    n_pb_low = int(norm_passband[0]*NA/2)
    n_pb_hi = int(norm_passband[1]*NA/2)
    n_sb_hi = int(norm_stopband[1]*NA/2)

    wid = max(n_pb_low - n_sb_low,n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi)
    if wid < 4: 
        if taper == 2: 
            raise ValueError(
            'taper 2 requres a bigger margin between stop and pass') 
        elif taper == None:
            warn('defaulting taper to 1 as band edges are sharp')
            taper = 1
        if taper == None:
            taper = 2

    if taper==1:
        for n in range(n_sb_low,n_pb_low+1):
            if n_pb_low == n_sb_low:  # allow for pass=stop on low side
                mask[n] = float(n - n_sb_low)/(n_pb_low - n_sb_low) # trapezoid
        for n in range(n_pb_hi,n_sb_hi+1):
            mask[n] = float(n_sb_hi - n)/(n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi) # trapezoid
        for n in range(n_pb_low,n_pb_hi+1):
            mask[n] = 1
    elif taper == 2:
        # symmetrise (so that cumsum works)

        n_pb_low = n_sb_low+wid
        n_sb_hi = n_pb_hi+wid

        for n in range(n_sb_low,n_pb_low+1):
            mask[n] = float(n - n_sb_low)/(n_pb_low - n_sb_low) # trapezoid
            mask[2*n_pb_low-n+1] = mask[n] #down ramp
        wid_up = n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi
        for n in range(n_pb_hi,n_sb_hi+1):
            mask[n] = -float(n_sb_hi - n)/(n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi) # trapezoid
            mask[2*n_pb_hi - n - 1] = mask[n]
        mask = np.cumsum(mask) # integrate
        mask = mask/np.max(mask)
    # reflection only required for complex data
    # this even and odd is not totally thought through...but it seems OK
    if np.mod(NA,2)==0: mask[:NA/2:-1] = mask[1:(NA/2)]   # even
    else:            mask[:1+NA/2:-1] = mask[1:(NA/2)] # odd 
    output_data = copy.deepcopy(input_data)  # was output_data = input_data

    if (pyfusion.fft_type == 'fftw3'):
        # should migrate elsewhere
        import pyfftw
        tdtype = np.float32
        fdtype = np.complex64
        # this could be useful to cache.
        simd_align =  pyfftw.simd_alignment  # 16 at the moment.
        tdom = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros(NA,dtype=tdtype), simd_align)
        FT = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(NA/2+1, simd_align, fdtype)
        ids = [[id(tdom),id(FT)]]  # check to see if it moves out of alignment
        fwd = pyfftw.FFTW(tdom, FT, direction='FFTW_FORWARD',
        rev = pyfftw.FFTW(FT, tdom, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD',
        tdtype = np.float32
        tdom = np.zeros(NA,dtype=tdtype)

        # example of tuning
        #pyfusion.fftw3_args= {'planning_timelimit': 50.0, 'threads':1, 'flags':['FFTW_MEASURE']}

    for i,s in enumerate(output_data.signal):
        #if len(output_data.signal) == 1: print('bug for a single signal')

        #time run -i  pyfusion/examples/plot_svd.py "dev_name='LHD'" start_time=.497 "normalise='r'" shot_number=90091 numpts=512 diag_name=MP2010HMPno612 "filter=dict(centre=8e3,bw=5e3,taper=2)" plot_mag=1 plot_phase=1 separate=1 closed=0 time_range=[0.0000,4.]
        # 4.5 cf 15.8diag_name=MP2010HMPno612, time_range=[0.0000,2.80000] 
        # 0, 4.194304 2**21 samples, 21.8 cf 6.8 1thr
        # (0,2)secs 90091 =2000000 samples 17 np, 5.73 2thread, nosimd, 6.1 1thread (mem bw?) 3.2 sec no filt
        # note - the above are on an intermeittently loaded E4300 2 processor, below on 4 core 5/760
        # 0, 4.194304 2**21 samples, 10.9 cf 3.16 thr2 3.47 1thr and 2.0 secs no filter
        # for 17 fft/ifft takes about 1.16 sec 2 threads - should be (27.5ms+28.6)*17 = 952ms (14.2 2thr) OK
        # duplicate the fft execute lines  4.3(3.47)  2thr 3.7(3.16) extra 810ms (expect 14.2ms * 2 * 17) =482
        # the difference between 2 and 1thr should be 14*2*17 ms 500ms.
        # orignall - 90ms/channel extra in reverse trasnform - maybe the 50 sec limit stopped optimization
        # next _nice: 5.74 for 10 sec lenny 
        #  E4300: 1thr  9.3 (39np) for 10 sec 90091;    5.5 for 4 sec (19.6 np)
        if (pyfusion.fft_type == 'fftw3'):  # fftw3 nosim, no thread 2.8s cf 10s
            tdom[0:NS]=s  # indexed to make sure tdom stays put
            if NS != NA: tdom[NS:]=0.
            FT[:] = FT * mask[0:NA/2+1] # 12ms
            output_data.signal[i] = tdom[0:NS]

        else: # default to numpy
            tdom[0:NS] = s
            FT = np.fft.fft(tdom)
            IFT = np.fft.ifft(mask*FT)
            if np.max(np.abs(IFT.imag)) > 1e-6*np.max(np.abs(IFT.real)):
                pyfusion.logger.warning("inverse fft imag part > 1e-6")

            output_data.signal[i] = IFT.real[0:NS]
    if debug>2: print('ids of fftw3 input and output: {t}'.format(t=ids))
    if debug>0: 
        import pylab as pl
    debug_(debug, 2, key='filter_fourier')
    if np.max(mask) == 0: raise ValueError('Filter blocks all signals')
    return output_data
文件: fetch.py 项目: bdb112/pyfusion
     # has [...].  Figure out  why. (...probably because  original signal
     # uses a build_signal function)
     if len(dim) == 1:
          dim = dim[0]
     timebase = Timebase(dim)
     output_data = TimeseriesData(timebase=timebase, signal=signal, channels=ch)
     output_data.config_name = fetcher.config_name   #bdb config_name fix
     return output_data

# Don't import in the header, so that .npz files can be used - e.g. JSPF_tutorial example1
     import MDSplus
except ImportError:
     warn(' No MIT MDSplus software found - will only work on local .npz data'
          '   Try easy_install mdsplus, or see the ubuntu/redhat... mdsplus distros '
          'http://www.mdsplus.org '
          'if you wish to access native MDSplus data')

class MDSPlusDataFetcher(BaseDataFetcher):
     """Determine which access mode should be used, and fetch the MDSplus data."""

     def setup(self):
          self.mds_path_components = get_tree_path(self.mds_path)
          if hasattr(self.acq, '%s_path' %self.mds_path_components['tree']):
               self.tree = MDSplus.Tree(self.mds_path_components['tree'],
               self.fetch_mode = 'local_path_mode'  # this refers to access by _path e.g. h1data_path
                                         # bdb wants to call it local_path_mode, but maybe
                                         # TestNoSQLTestDeviceGetdata fails

          elif self.acq.server_mode == 'mds':
def filter_fourier_bandpass(input_data,
    Note: Is MUCH (2.2x faster) more efficient to use real ffts, (implemented April)
    Use a Fourier space taper/tophat or pseudo gaussian filter to perform 
    narrowband filtering (much narrower than butterworth).  
    Problem is that bursts may generate ringing. (should be better with taper=2)  
    >>> tb = dummytb(np.linspace(0,20,512))
    >>> w = 2*np.pi* 1  # 1 Hertz
    >>> dat = dummysig(tb,np.sin(w*tb.timebase)*(tb.timebase<np.max(tb.timebase)/3))
    >>> fop = filter_fourier_bandpass(dat,[0.9,1.1],[0.8,1.2],debug=2).signal[0]

    if debug == None: debug = pyfusion.DEBUG
    # normalising makes it easier to think about - also for But'w'h
    norm_passband = input_data.timebase.normalise_freq(np.array(passband))
    norm_stopband = input_data.timebase.normalise_freq(np.array(stopband))
    NS = len(input_data.signal[0])
    NA = next_nice_number(NS)
    # take a little more to speed up FFT

    mask = np.zeros(NA)
    # define the 4 key points
    #         /npblow-------------npbhi\
    # ___nsbl/                          \nsbhi____
    n_sb_low = int(norm_stopband[0] * NA / 2)
    n_pb_low = int(norm_passband[0] * NA / 2)
    n_pb_hi = int(norm_passband[1] * NA / 2)
    n_sb_hi = int(norm_stopband[1] * NA / 2)

    wid = max(n_pb_low - n_sb_low, n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi)
    if wid < 4:
        if taper == 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'taper 2 requres a bigger margin between stop and pass')
        elif taper == None:
            warn('defaulting taper to 1 as band edges are sharp')
            taper = 1
        if taper == None:
            taper = 2

    if taper == 1:
        for n in range(n_sb_low, n_pb_low + 1):
            if n_pb_low == n_sb_low:  # allow for pass=stop on low side
                mask[n] = 1.
                mask[n] = float(n - n_sb_low) / (n_pb_low - n_sb_low
                                                 )  # trapezoid
        for n in range(n_pb_hi, n_sb_hi + 1):
            mask[n] = float(n_sb_hi - n) / (n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi)  # trapezoid
        for n in range(n_pb_low, n_pb_hi + 1):
            mask[n] = 1
    elif taper == 2:
        # symmetrise (so that cumsum works)

        n_pb_low = n_sb_low + wid
        n_sb_hi = n_pb_hi + wid

        for n in range(n_sb_low, n_pb_low + 1):
            mask[n] = float(n - n_sb_low) / (n_pb_low - n_sb_low)  # trapezoid
            mask[2 * n_pb_low - n + 1] = mask[n]  #down ramp
        wid_up = n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi
        for n in range(n_pb_hi, n_sb_hi + 1):
            mask[n] = -float(n_sb_hi - n) / (n_sb_hi - n_pb_hi)  # trapezoid
            mask[2 * n_pb_hi - n - 1] = mask[n]
        mask = np.cumsum(mask)  # integrate
        mask = mask / np.max(mask)
    # reflection only required for complex data
    # this even and odd is not totally thought through...but it seems OK
    if np.mod(NA, 2) == 0: mask[:NA / 2:-1] = mask[1:(NA / 2)]  # even
    else: mask[:1 + NA / 2:-1] = mask[1:(NA / 2)]  # odd
    output_data = copy.deepcopy(input_data)  # was output_data = input_data

    if (pyfusion.fft_type == 'fftw3'):
        # should migrate elsewhere
        import pyfftw
        tdtype = np.float32
        fdtype = np.complex64
        # this could be useful to cache.
        simd_align = pyfftw.simd_alignment  # 16 at the moment.
        tdom = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros(NA, dtype=tdtype), simd_align)
        FT = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(NA / 2 + 1, simd_align, fdtype)
        ids = [[id(tdom), id(FT)]]  # check to see if it moves out of alignment
        fwd = pyfftw.FFTW(tdom,
        rev = pyfftw.FFTW(FT,
        tdtype = np.float32
        tdom = np.zeros(NA, dtype=tdtype)

        # example of tuning
        #pyfusion.fftw3_args= {'planning_timelimit': 50.0, 'threads':1, 'flags':['FFTW_MEASURE']}

    for i, s in enumerate(output_data.signal):
        #if len(output_data.signal) == 1: print('bug for a single signal')

        #time run -i  pyfusion/examples/plot_svd.py "dev_name='LHD'" start_time=.497 "normalise='r'" shot_number=90091 numpts=512 diag_name=MP2010HMPno612 "filter=dict(centre=8e3,bw=5e3,taper=2)" plot_mag=1 plot_phase=1 separate=1 closed=0 time_range=[0.0000,4.]
        # 4.5 cf 15.8diag_name=MP2010HMPno612, time_range=[0.0000,2.80000]
        # 0, 4.194304 2**21 samples, 21.8 cf 6.8 1thr
        # (0,2)secs 90091 =2000000 samples 17 np, 5.73 2thread, nosimd, 6.1 1thread (mem bw?) 3.2 sec no filt
        # note - the above are on an intermeittently loaded E4300 2 processor, below on 4 core 5/760
        # 0, 4.194304 2**21 samples, 10.9 cf 3.16 thr2 3.47 1thr and 2.0 secs no filter
        # for 17 fft/ifft takes about 1.16 sec 2 threads - should be (27.5ms+28.6)*17 = 952ms (14.2 2thr) OK
        # duplicate the fft execute lines  4.3(3.47)  2thr 3.7(3.16) extra 810ms (expect 14.2ms * 2 * 17) =482
        # the difference between 2 and 1thr should be 14*2*17 ms 500ms.
        # orignall - 90ms/channel extra in reverse trasnform - maybe the 50 sec limit stopped optimization
        # next _nice: 5.74 for 10 sec lenny
        #  E4300: 1thr  9.3 (39np) for 10 sec 90091;    5.5 for 4 sec (19.6 np)
        if (pyfusion.fft_type == 'fftw3'
            ):  # fftw3 nosim, no thread 2.8s cf 10s
            tdom[0:NS] = s  # indexed to make sure tdom stays put
            if NS != NA: tdom[NS:] = 0.
            FT[:] = FT * mask[0:NA / 2 + 1]  # 12ms
            output_data.signal[i] = tdom[0:NS]
            ids.append([id(tdom), id(FT)])

        else:  # default to numpy
            tdom[0:NS] = s
            FT = np.fft.fft(tdom)
            IFT = np.fft.ifft(mask * FT)
            if np.max(np.abs(IFT.imag)) > 1e-6 * np.max(np.abs(IFT.real)):
                pyfusion.logger.warning("inverse fft imag part > 1e-6")

            output_data.signal[i] = IFT.real[0:NS]

    if debug > 2: print('ids of fftw3 input and output: {t}'.format(t=ids))
    if debug > 0:
        import pylab as pl
        pl.plot(mask, 'r.-', label='mask')
        pl.plot(np.abs(FT) / len(mask), label='FT')
        pl.plot(input_data.signal[0], label='input')
        pl.plot(output_data.signal[0], label='output')
    debug_(debug, 2, key='filter_fourier')
    if np.max(mask) == 0: raise ValueError('Filter blocks all signals')
    return output_data
        raise ValueError('sel and csel must have the same length')

    if oldclusterfile != clusterfile:
    print('using previous clusterfile data' 
          ' - set oldclusterfile=None to prevent')
    print('loading cluster data from {cf}'.format(cf=clusterfile))
    cldata = np.load(clusterfile)
    oldclusterfile = clusterfile
    oldsel = sel
    for k in cldata.keys(): exec("{v}=cldata['{k}']".format(v=k,k=k))
    if np.shape(sel) != np.shape(oldsel) or (sel != oldsel).any(): 
        warn('sel value tried to change from {o} to {n} - i.e. cldata has different sel, '
             .format(o=oldsel, n=sel))
        sel = oldsel
    if csel is not None:
# this contrivance allows us to test on uniformly distributed phases
if uniform_random is not None:
    print('evaluating {ur}'.format(ur=uniform_random))
    phases = eval(uniform_random)
    shot = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[shot[0]])
    freq = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[freq[0]])
    frlow = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[0])
    frhigh = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[9e9])
    t_mid = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[t_mid[-1]])

cc5 = []  # cluster centres
for cl in cls:
        raise ValueError('sel and csel must have the same length')

    if oldclusterfile != clusterfile:
    print('using previous clusterfile data' 
          ' - set oldclusterfile=None to prevent')
    print('loading cluster data from {cf}'.format(cf=clusterfile))
    cldata = np.load(clusterfile)
    oldclusterfile = clusterfile
    oldsel = sel
    for k in cldata.keys(): exec("{v}=cldata['{k}']".format(v=k,k=k))
    if np.shape(sel) != np.shape(oldsel) or (sel != oldsel).any(): 
        warn('sel value tried to change from {o} to {n} - i.e. cldata has different sel, '
             .format(o=oldsel, n=sel))
        sel = oldsel
    if csel is not None:
# this contrivance allows us to test on uniformly distributed phases
if uniform_random is not None:
    print('evaluating {ur}'.format(ur=uniform_random))
    phases = eval(uniform_random)
    shot = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[shot[0]])
    freq = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[freq[0]])
    frlow = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[0])
    frhigh = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[9e9])
    t_mid = np.array(np.shape(phases)[0]*[t_mid[-1]])

cc5 = []  # cluster centres
for cl in cls:
def make_title(formatstr,
    """ Return a string describing the shot number, channel name etc using
    a formatstr which refers to items in a dictionary (at_dict), assembled in
    this routine, based on input_data and an optional dictionary which
    contains anything not otherwise available in input_data

    ##    at_dict.update({'shot': input_data.meta['shot']})
    exception = () if pyfusion.DBG() > 3 else Exception
        at_dict.update(input_data.meta)  # this gets all of it!

        if channum is None:
            name = ''
            if isinstance(input_data.channels, list):
                chan = input_data.channels[channum]
                chan = input_data.channels
            if raw_names:
                name = chan.name
                name = chan.config_name

        try:  #  remove leading W7X_  LHD_ etc from channel labels.
            if 'device' in input_data.params.values()[0]['params']:
                device = input_data.params.values()[0]['params']['device']
                name = name.replace(device + '_', '')
        at_dict.update({'units': chan.units})
        at_dict.update({'name': name})
        # replace internal strings of non-numbers with a single .  a14_input03 -> 14.03
        short_name = ''
        last_was_number = False
        discarded = ''
        debug_(pyfusion.DEBUG, 4, key='make_title')
        for c in name:  # start from the first char
            if c >= '0' and c <= '9':
                short_name += c
                last_was_number = True
                if last_was_number: short_name += '.'
                else: discarded += c
                last_was_number = False

        if len(short_name) <= min_length:
            # if it fits, have the lot
            if len(name) < 8:
                short_name = name
                # else allow 4 more chars - makes about 6-8 chars
                short_name = discarded[-4:] + short_name

        at_dict.update({'short_name': short_name})
        return (formatstr.format(**at_dict))
    except exception as ex:
        warn('in make_title for format="%s", at_dict=%s' %
             (formatstr, at_dict),
        return ('')
文件: fetch.py 项目: bdb112/pyfusion
    if len(dim) == 1:
        dim = dim[0]
    timebase = Timebase(dim)
    output_data = TimeseriesData(timebase=timebase, signal=signal, channels=ch)
    output_data.config_name = fetcher.config_name  #bdb config_name fix
    output_data.meta.update({'shot': fetcher.shot})
    return output_data

# Don't import in the header, so that .npz files can be used - e.g. JSPF_tutorial example1
    import MDSplus
except ImportError:
        ' No MIT MDSplus software found - will only work on local .npz data'
        '   Try easy_install mdsplus, or see the ubuntu/redhat... mdsplus distros '
        'http://www.mdsplus.org '
        'if you wish to access native MDSplus data')

class MDSPlusDataFetcher(BaseDataFetcher):
    """Determine which access mode should be used, and fetch the MDSplus data."""
    def setup(self):
        self.mds_path_components = get_tree_path(self.mds_path)
        if hasattr(self.acq, '%s_path' % self.mds_path_components['tree']):
            self.tree = MDSplus.Tree(self.mds_path_components['tree'],
            self.fetch_mode = 'local_path_mode'  # this refers to access by _path e.g. h1data_path
            # bdb wants to call it local_path_mode, but maybe
            # TestNoSQLTestDeviceGetdata fails
        for idx in ord:
            t_seg = ord_segs[idx]
            if np.isnan(np.sum(t_seg.signal)):  # if signal is missing, skip
            if max_bands > 1:  # keep it simple if one band
                (ipk, fpk, apk) = find_signal_spectral_peaks(t_seg.timebase,
                w_in_range = np.where(fpk < fmax)[0]
                (ipk, fpk, apk) = (ipk[w_in_range], fpk[w_in_range],
                if len(ipk) > max_bands:
                    if pyfusion.DBG() > 0:
                        # in python3 at least, the traceback info is
                        # out one level.
                        warn('too many peaks - choosing largest {mb}'.format(

                    fpk = np.sort(fpk[np.argsort(apk)[-(max_bands + 1):]])

                (lfs, hfs) = subdivide_interval(np.append(fpk, fmax),
                                                overlap=(df / 2, df * 2))
            elif max_bands == 1:  # these two compare with and without fourier filter
                (lfs, hfs) = ([0], [fmax * 0.99])
                (lfs, hfs) = ([0], [fmax])

            for i in range(len(lfs)):
                (frlow, frhigh) = (lfs[i], hfs[i])
                if max_bands > 0:
                    f_seg = t_seg.filter_fourier_bandpass(
        if fmax is None:
            fmax = 0.5/np.average(np.diff(ord_segs[0].timebase)) - df

        timeinfo('beginning flucstruc loop')

        for idx in ord:
            t_seg = ord_segs[idx]
            if max_bands>1:              # keep it simple if one band
                (ipk, fpk, apk) = find_signal_spectral_peaks(t_seg.timebase, t_seg.signal[0],minratio=0.1)
                w_in_range = np.where(fpk < fmax)[0]
                (ipk, fpk, apk) = (ipk[w_in_range], fpk[w_in_range], apk[w_in_range])
                if len(ipk)>max_bands: 
                    if pyfusion.DBG() > 0:
                        # in python3 at least, the traceback info is
                        # out one level.
                        warn('too many peaks - choosing largest {mb}'.format(mb=max_bands))

                    fpk = np.sort(fpk[np.argsort(apk)[-(max_bands+1):]])

                (lfs, hfs) = subdivide_interval(np.append(fpk, fmax), debug=0, overlap=(df/2,df*2))
            elif max_bands == 1:       # these two compare with and without fourier filter  
                (lfs,hfs) = ([0],[fmax*0.99])
                (lfs,hfs) = ([0],[fmax])

            for i in range(len(lfs)):
                (frlow,frhigh)= (lfs[i],hfs[i])
                if max_bands > 0:
                    f_seg = t_seg.filter_fourier_bandpass(

        ord_segs = []
        for ii, t_seg in enumerate(sections):
        ord = argsort([average(t_seg.timebase) for t_seg in ord_segs])
        if fmax == None:
            fmax = 0.5 / np.average(np.diff(ord_segs[0].timebase)) - df

        for idx in ord:
            t_seg = ord_segs[idx]
            (ipk, fpk, apk) = find_signal_spectral_peaks(t_seg.timebase, t_seg.signal[0], minratio=0.1)
            w_in_range = np.where(fpk < fmax)[0]
            (ipk, fpk, apk) = (ipk[w_in_range], fpk[w_in_range], apk[w_in_range])
            if len(ipk) > max_bands:
                warn("too many peaks - reducing to {mb}".format(mb=max_bands))
                fpk = np.sort(fpk[np.argsort(apk)[-(max_bands + 1) :]])

            (lfs, hfs) = subdivide_interval(np.append(fpk, fmax), debug=0, overlap=(df / 2, df * 2))
            for i in range(len(lfs)):
                (frlow, frhigh) = (lfs[i], hfs[i])
                f_seg = t_seg.filter_fourier_bandpass([lfs[i], hfs[i]], [lfs[i] - df, hfs[i] + df])
                fs_set = f_seg.flucstruc(method=method, separate=separate)
                for fs in fs_set:
                    if count == 0:
                        # show history if info says to, and avoid starting line with a digit
                        if info > 0:
                            print("< " + fs.history.replace("\n201", "\n< 201"))
                            "Shot    time         SVS    freq  Amp    a12   p    H     frlow frhigh     {np:2d} Phases".format(
        except: pass    

        ord_segs = []
        for ii,t_seg in enumerate(sections):
        ord = argsort([average(t_seg.timebase) for t_seg in ord_segs])
        if fmax == None:
            fmax = 0.5/np.average(np.diff(ord_segs[0].timebase)) - df

        for idx in ord:
            t_seg = ord_segs[idx]
            (ipk, fpk, apk) = find_signal_spectral_peaks(t_seg.timebase, t_seg.signal[0],minratio=0.1)
            w_in_range = np.where(fpk < fmax)[0]
            (ipk, fpk, apk) = (ipk[w_in_range], fpk[w_in_range], apk[w_in_range])
            if len(ipk)>max_bands: 
                warn('too many peaks - reducing to {mb}'.format(mb=max_bands))
                fpk = np.sort(fpk[np.argsort(apk)[-(max_bands+1):]])

            (lfs, hfs) = subdivide_interval(np.append(fpk, fmax), debug=0, overlap=(df/2,df*2))
            for i in range(len(lfs)):
                (frlow,frhigh)= (lfs[i],hfs[i])
                f_seg = t_seg.filter_fourier_bandpass(
                    [lfs[i],hfs[i]], [lfs[i]-df,hfs[i]+df]) 
                fs_set = f_seg.flucstruc(method=method, separate=separate)
                for fs in fs_set:
                    if count==0: 
                        # show history if info says to, and avoid starting line with a digit
                        if info > 0: print('< '+fs.history.replace('\n201','\n< 201'))
                        print('Shot    time         SVS    freq  Amp    a12   p    H     frlow frhigh     {np:2d} Phases'.format(np=len(fs.dphase)))
                    count += 1
                    if fs.H < max_H and fs.p>0.01 and len(fs.svs())>=min_svs: