def readsnapshot(snapshot, PATH='snapshotdata/snapdir_'): """ A program to read in gadget-2 snapshot data with filename 62.5_dm_XXX.k . :param snapshot: The number of the snapshot as a string (e.g. '001'). :param PATH: The filepath to the snapshot data directory. :return: A list for each variable in the snapshot data no longer split into files, along with the relevant header data. """ # Read in the header data and assign to variables head = readheader(PATH + snapshot + '/62.5_dm_' + snapshot, 'header') npart = head.get('npartTotal')[1] # number of particles in snapshot z = head.get('redshift') # redshift of snapshot t = head.get('time') # time of snapshot (age) h = head.get('h') boxsize = head.get('boxsize') # size of simulation box rhocrit = head.get('rhocrit') # critical density at time t # Read in the snapshot data and assign to variable for returning pos = readsnap(PATH + snapshot + '/62.5_dm_' + snapshot, 'pos', 1) vel = readsnap(PATH + snapshot + '/62.5_dm_' + snapshot, 'vel', 1) pid = readsnap(PATH + snapshot + '/62.5_dm_' + snapshot, 'pid', 1) pmass = readsnap(PATH + snapshot + '/62.5_dm_' + snapshot, 'mass', 1)[0] return pid, pos, vel, npart, z, t, boxsize, rhocrit, pmass, h
def snapHeader(basePath, snapNum, chunkNum=None): """ Return snapshot header """ if chunkNum is None: chunkNum = 0 fname = snapPath(basePath, snapNum, chunkNum) header = pyg.readheader(fname, 'header') return header
def down_sample(outpath, dmpath, DSF): #Create the directories to put the down-sampling output os.system("mkdir -p %s" % outpath + "/down_sampled_dm/") print "Down sampling on file: %s" % dmpath print "\tDSF = %d" % DSF Ndm = pgr.readheader(dmpath, "dmcount") Nds = Ndm / DSF DSpath = outpath + "/down_sampled_dm/down_sampled_dm_DSF%d" % DSF if os.path.exists(DSpath): print "Down sampled DM catalog already exists." else:
def get_starsnhalos(pathname,hnum,res,ver,snap_ind,xcen,ycen,zcen,rvir): #Simple function to get 2D scatter plots of star particles with circles to denote rvir of halos at z=0 global conv for i in np.arange(8): fname = '/nobackup/afitts/Gadget-2.0.7/production/mfm%s%s_giz%s_raw_output/snapdir_184/snapshot_184.%d.hdf5'%(hnum,res,ver,i) bsize = pg.readheader(fname, 'boxsize') if bsize > 25: #mfm007 is in kpc while everything else (even gizdm007) is in Mpc. This standardizes all that. kfix = 1 else: kfix = 1000 a = h5py.File(fname,'r') if i == 0: pos = a['PartType4']['Coordinates'] masstot = a['PartType4']['Masses'] else: pos = np.vstack((pos,a['PartType4']['Coordinates'])) masstot = np.concatenate((masstot,a['PartType4']['Masses']),0) xtot = pos[:,0]/h* kfix ytot = pos[:,1]/h* kfix ztot = pos[:,2]/h* kfix for w in np.arange(16): temph = glob.glob(pathname+'analysis/ahf_snap%03d/ahf.snap_%03d.%04d.z*.*.AHF_halos'%(snap_ind,snap_ind,w)) temph = str(temph).strip('[]').replace("'","") halo = np.loadtxt(temph,usecols=(0,3,5,6,7,11,64,63)) for k in np.arange(len(halo)): halodiff = np.sqrt((xcen-halo[k,2]/h)**2+(ycen-halo[k,3]/h)**2+(zcen-halo[k,4]/h)**2) try: if halo[k,5] > 5 and halo[k,7]>10 and halodiff>20 and halodiff<100 or halodiff==0:# and halodiff<rvir or halodiff==0: ans = np.vstack((ans,(halo[k,1],halo[k,6]))) x = np.append(x,halo[k,2]/h) y = np.append(y,halo[k,3]/h) z = np.append(z,halo[k,4]/h) rad = np.append(rad,halo[k,5]/h) bobob += halo[k,6] print halo[k,0], halo[k,1],halo[k,6] except: if halo[k,5] > 5 and halo[k,7]>10 and halodiff>20 and halodiff<100 or halodiff==0:#and halodiff<rvir or halodiff ==0: ans = np.array([[halo[k,1],halo[k,6]]]) x = np.array([halo[k,2]])/h y = np.array([halo[k,3]])/h z = np.array([halo[k,4]])/h rad = np.array([halo[k,5]])/h bobob = halo[k,6] print halo[k,0], halo[k,1],halo[k,6] return xtot,ytot,ztot,x,y,z,rad
def stellar_age(pathname,snum,main_part): #Add stellar creation time h0 = 71 om_l = 0.734 om_m = 0.266 conv = 3.085677581e+19 age = pg.readsnap(pathname+'snapdir_%03d/snapshot_%03d'%(snum,snum),'age','star') test = pg.readheader(pathname+'snapdir_%03d/snapshot_%03d'%(snum,snum),'time') print age[age>test] for i in np.arange(len(age)): age[i] = scipy.integrate.quad(_a_dot_recip, 0,age[i], (h0, om_m, om_l))[0]*conv test = scipy.integrate.quad(_a_dot_recip, 0,test, (h0, om_m, om_l))[0]*conv #age = np.array([age]) #So that we can easily take the transpose of age to concatenate with mass_progen pid = pg.readsnap(pathname+'snapdir_%03d/snapshot_%03d'%(snum,snum),'pid','star') bob = age[np.in1d(pid, main_part[:,0].astype('int'))] main_part[np.argsort(main_part[:,0].astype('int')),11] = bob[np.argsort(pid[np.in1d(pid, main_part[:,0].astype('int'))])]/3600/24/365/1e9 #print main_part[np.argsort(main_part[:,0].astype('int')),0],main_part[np.argsort(main_part[:,0].astype('int')),11] #main_part[np.argsort(main_part[np.in1d(main_part[:,0].astype('int'),bob[:,0].astype('int')),0])= bob[np.argsort(bob[np.in1d(bob[:,0].astype('int'),bob[:,0].astype('int')),0]) return main_part
def find_simulation_properties(self): """ This finds the attributes of the simulation such as side length, number of DM paticles, number of DM JK files, the redshift, the hubble constant. TODO: figure out the cosmology. """ print "Reading the snapshot header." import pygadgetreader as pgr header = pgr.readheader(self.dm_files,"header") self.pgrheader = header self.particle_mass = max(header['massTable']) self.side_length = header['boxsize'] self.dm_count = header['ndm'] self.ndm_jks = header['nfiles'] self.ndm_ndivs = int(round(self.ndm_jks**(1./3.))) self.redshift = header['redshift'] self.hubble_const = header['h'] print "\tSnapshot header read. Simulation properties saved." return
import numpy as np from matplotlib import rc import pylab as plt import sys import struct import pygadgetreader as pg import random def getRad(array): return pow(pow(array[0], 2) + pow(array[1], 2) + pow(array[2], 2), 0.5) filename = "original_nfw" nparts = pg.readheader(filename, "dmcount") dmmass = pg.readsnap(filename, "mass", 'dm')[0] bins = [0 + i / 5.0 for i in range(20)] pos = pg.readsnap(filename, "pos", "dm") vel = pg.readsnap(filename, "vel", "dm") radii = [] vels = [] for i in range(nparts): radii.append(getRad(pos[i])) vels.append(getRad(vel[i])) M = [0.0 for i in range(len(bins))] N = [0 for i in range(len(bins))]
import sys import struct import pygadgetreader as pg import random import math infile = 'icsBIG_random' outfile = 'cone_BIG' with open(infile, mode='rb') as file: filecontent = file.close() f=0 rbump=372.448 Mmove=8.2 N=pg.readheader(infile,"dmcount") M=struct.unpack("dddddd",filecontent[28:28+8*6])[1] Nmove=int(Mmove/M) PPos=[] PVel=[] PID=[] PMass=[] for i in range(N): #Read Everything #The positions start at byte 268 (264-268 is an int 12*N) position=struct.unpack("fff",filecontent[268+12*i:268+12*i+12]) PPos.append([p-1000.0 for p in position]) #The velocities start at byte 276+12*N (8 previous bytes are 12*N, repeated twice) PVel.append(filecontent[276+12*N+12*i:276+12*N+12*i+12]) #The particle IDs start at byte 284+24*N (8 previous bytes are 12*N then 4*N) PID.append(filecontent[284+24*N+4*i:284+24*N+4*i+4])
def create_df(pathname,hist,hnum,dm): h0 = 71 om_l = 0.734 om_m = 0.266 conv = 3.085677581e+19 numcores = 16 numsnaps = 185 massp = 1.67262178e-24 #in grams gamma = 5./3. kb = 1.3806e-26 #in km^2*g/s^2 for i in np.arange(len(hist)): print i if hist[184-i,1] != 0: switch = 0 for j in np.arange(numcores): #Bring together all the AHF files for the snapshot temph = glob.glob(pathname+'analysis/ahf_snap%03d/ahf.snap_%03d.%04d.z*.*.AHF_halos'%(i,i,j)) temph = str(temph).strip('[]').replace("'","") h = np.genfromtxt(temph) temppr = glob.glob(pathname+'analysis/ahf_snap%03d/ahf.snap_%03d.%04d.z*.*.AHF_profiles'%(i,i,j)) temppr = str(temppr).strip('[]').replace("'","") p = np.genfromtxt(temppr) if switch == 0 and len(h) >0: halo = h switch = 1 if switch == 1: try: halo = np.vstack((halo,h)) except: print "nothing there" for j in np.arange(len(halo)): #Find our halo from all the halos of the snapshot try: if halo[j,0] == hist[184-i,1]: mvir = halo[j,3]/.71 vmax = halo[j,16] xcen = halo[j,5]/1000. #Grab relevant data (can always add more later) ycen = halo[j,6]/1000. zcen = halo[j,7]/1000. rvir = halo[j,11]/1000./.71 rmax = halo[j,12]/1000./.71 rhalf = 0 sname = "%ssnapdir_%03d/snapshot_%03d"%(pathname,i,i) bsize = pg.readheader(sname, 'boxsize') if bsize > 25: #mfm007 is in kpc while everything else (even gizdm007) is in Mpc. This standardizes all that. kfix = 1000 else: kfix = 1 red = pg.readheader(sname, 'redshift') a = pg.readheader(sname, 'time') yr = scipy.integrate.quad(_a_dot_recip, 0,a, (h0, om_m, om_l))[0]*conv/(60*60*24*365*1e9) dpid = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pid', 'dm') dmass = pg.readsnap(sname, 'mass', 'dm')*1.e10/.71 dpos = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pos', 'dm')/kfix dvel = pg.readsnap(sname, 'vel', 'dm') ddiff = np.sqrt((dpos[:,0]-xcen)**2+(dpos[:,1]-ycen)**2+(dpos[:,2]-zcen)**2)/.71 dpos = dpos[ddiff<rvir] dvel = dvel[ddiff<rvir] dmass = dmass[ddiff<rvir] dpid = dpid[ddiff<rvir] ddiff = ddiff[ddiff<rvir] rhalf = 0 hdf = pd.HDFStore('%sanalysis/dataframes/halo%s%s_giz%s_snap%03d.h5'%(pathname,hnum,res,ver,i)) hdf.put('particles/dm',pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((dpos,np.matrix(ddiff).T,np.matrix(dmass).T)), index = dpid, columns = (['x','y','z','r','mass']))) if dm == 0: mstar = halo[j,64]/.71 zarray = pg.readsnap(sname, 'zarray', 'gas') he_mf = zarray[:,1] #Helium mass fraction y_he = he_mf/(4*(1-he_mf)) ne = pg.readsnap(sname, 'ne', 'gas') #Electron Abundance mu = (1+4*y_he)/(1+y_he+ne) mmw = mu*massp #mean molecular weight u = pg.readsnap(sname,'u','gas') #specific internal energy in km^2/s^2 temp = mmw * (gamma-1.)*u/kb #temperature of gas gpid = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pid', 'gas') spid = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pid', 'star') gmass = pg.readsnap(sname, 'mass', 'gas')*1.e10/.71 smass = pg.readsnap(sname, 'mass', 'star')*1.e10/.71 gpos = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pos', 'gas')/kfix spos = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pos', 'star')/kfix gvel = pg.readsnap(sname, 'vel', 'gas')/kfix svel = pg.readsnap(sname, 'vel', 'star')/kfix sfr = pg.readsnap(sname, 'sfr', 'gas') sft = pg.readsnap(sname, 'age', 'star') tmp = np.array([0,0]) gdiff = np.sqrt((gpos[:,0]-xcen)**2+(gpos[:,1]-ycen)**2+(gpos[:,2]-zcen)**2)/.71 sdiff = np.sqrt((spos[:,0]-xcen)**2+(spos[:,1]-ycen)**2+(spos[:,2]-zcen)**2)/.71 gpos = gpos[gdiff<rvir] gvel = gvel[gdiff<rvir] gmass = gmass[gdiff<rvir] temp = temp[gdiff<rvir] sfr = sfr[gdiff<rvir] gpid = gpid[gdiff<rvir] gdiff = gdiff[gdiff<rvir] spos = spos[sdiff<rvir] svel = svel[sdiff<rvir] smass = smass[sdiff<rvir] sft = sft[sdiff<rvir] spid = spid[sdiff<rvir] sdiff = sdiff[sdiff<rvir] sortsdiff = sdiff[np.argsort(sdiff)] cumsmass = np.cumsum(smass[np.argsort(sdiff)]) q = 0 print len(sortsdiff), mstar, max(cumsmass) while (cumsmass[q]<=mstar/2): rhalf = sortsdiff[q] q = q+1 hdf.put('particles/gas',pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((gpos,np.matrix(gdiff).T,np.matrix(gmass).T,np.matrix(temp).T,np.matrix(sfr).T)), index = gpid, columns = (['x','y','z','r','mass','temp','sfr']))) hdf.put('particles/star',pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((spos,np.matrix(sdiff).T,np.matrix(smass).T,np.matrix(sft).T)), index = spid, columns = (['x','y','z','r','mass','sft']))) props = np.array([[xcen,ycen,zcen,rvir,rhalf,rmax,vmax,red,yr]]) hdf.put('props',pd.DataFrame(props,index = [halo[j,0]], columns = (['halox','haloy','haloz','rvir','rhalf','rmax','vmax','redshift','time']))) hdf.close() except Exception,f: print f props = np.array([[xcen,ycen,zcen,rvir,rhalf,rmax,vmax,red,yr]]) print halo[j,0], props hdf = pd.HDFStore('%sanalysis/dataframes/halo%s%s_giz%s_snap%03d.h5'%(pathname,hnum,res,ver,i)) hdf.put('props',pd.DataFrame(props,index = [halo[j,0]], columns = (['halox','haloy','haloz','rvir','rhalf','rmax','vmax','redshift','time']))) hdf.close() print "MISS"
def radpro(pathname,sname,hist,dmo,rhalf,rmax): global i, grain, clr, count,conv numcores = 16 massp = 1.67262178e-24 #in grams gamma = 5./3. kb = 1.3806e-26 #in km^2*g/s^2 G = 4.3e-6 #in kpc/M_sun (km/s)^2 switch = 0 for j in np.arange(numcores): #Bring together all the AHF files for the snapshot temph = glob.glob(pathname+'ahf_snap%03d/ahf.snap_%03d.%04d.z*.*.AHF_halos'%(i,i,j)) temph = str(temph).strip('[]').replace("'","") h = np.genfromtxt(temph) temppr = glob.glob(pathname+'ahf_snap%03d/ahf.snap_%03d.%04d.z*.*.AHF_profiles'%(i,i,j)) temppr = str(temppr).strip('[]').replace("'","") p = np.genfromtxt(temppr) if switch == 0: halo = h switch = 1 if switch == 1: try: halo = np.vstack((halo,h)) except: print "nothing there" for j in np.arange(len(halo)): #Find our halo from all the halos of the snapshot if halo[j,0] == hist[184-i,1]: mstar = halo[j,64] mvir = halo[j,3] vmax = halo[j,16] xcen = halo[j,5] #Grab relevant data (can always add more later) ycen = halo[j,6] zcen = halo[j,7] rvir = halo[j,11]/.71 bsize = pg.readheader(sname, 'boxsize') if bsize > 25: #mfm007 is in kpc while everything else (even gizdm007) is in Mpc. This standardizes all that. kfix = 1 else: kfix = 1000 mass = pg.readsnap(sname, 'mass', 'dm')*1.e10/.71 pos = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pos', 'dm')*kfix tmp = np.array([0,0]) diff = np.sqrt((pos[:,0]-xcen)**2+(pos[:,1]-ycen)**2+(pos[:,2]-zcen)**2)/.71 mass = mass[diff<=rvir] diff = diff[diff<=rvir] cum = np.cumsum(mass[np.argsort(diff)]) print xcen,ycen,zcen, rvir,pos binz = np.logspace(np.log10(.06),np.log10(rvir),grain) massall, bin_edge = np.histogram( diff,bins=binz, weights =mass) x = 10**(np.log10(binz[1:])-np.log10(binz[1]/binz[0])/2) if dmo == 0: rmax = halo[j,12]/.71 gmass = pg.readsnap(sname, 'mass', 'gas')*1.e10/.71 smass = pg.readsnap(sname, 'mass', 'star')*1.e10/.71 gpos = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pos', 'gas')*kfix spos = pg.readsnap(sname, 'pos', 'star')*kfix sdiff = np.sqrt((spos[:,0]-xcen)**2+(spos[:,1]-ycen)**2+(spos[:,2]-zcen)**2)/.71 gdiff = np.sqrt((gpos[:,0]-xcen)**2+(gpos[:,1]-ycen)**2+(gpos[:,2]-zcen)**2)/.71 smass = smass[sdiff<=rvir] gmass = gmass[gdiff<=rvir] sdiff = sdiff[sdiff<=rvir] gdiff = gdiff[gdiff<=rvir] scum = np.cumsum(smass[np.argsort(sdiff)]) gcum = np.cumsum(gmass[np.argsort(gdiff)]) totdiff = np.append(np.append(diff,sdiff),gdiff) totmass = np.append(np.append(mass,smass),gmass) totcum = np.cumsum(totmass[np.argsort(totdiff)]) irhalf = abs(scum-sum(smass)/2).argmin() rhalf = sdiff[np.argsort(sdiff)][irhalf] itotrhalf = abs(np.sort(totdiff)-rhalf).argmin() print 'rhalf is %f'%rhalf irmax = np.sqrt(G*totcum/np.sort(totdiff)).argmax() rmax = totdiff[np.argsort(totdiff)][irmax] print 'rmax is %f'%rmax #print len(sdiff), binz, len(smass) gmassall, bin_edge = np.histogram( gdiff,bins=binz, weights =gmass) smassall, bin_edge = np.histogram( sdiff,bins=binz, weights =smass) #irhalf = (abs(bin_edge-max(bin_edge[np.cumsum(smassall)<=sum(smassall)/2]))).argmin() #print bin_edge[np.cumsum(smassall)<=sum(smassall)/2],rvir,sum(smassall)#sum(smassall), np.cumsum(smassall) #x[irhalf],np.sqrt(G*sum(massall[:irhalf+1])/x[irhalf]) ax1.scatter(rhalf,np.sqrt(G*totcum[itotrhalf]/rhalf),marker='s',s = 80,color='%s'%clr[count],label='%s'%(hnum[w])) #ax1.scatter(rmax,np.sqrt(G*totcum[irmax]/rmax),marker='D',s = 80,color='%s'%clr[count],label='%s Rmax'%(hnum)) return massall, gmassall, smassall, x, rhalf,rmax else: massall = 0.83120300751*massall irhalf = (abs(np.sort(diff)-rhalf)).argmin() irmax = (abs(np.sort(diff)-rmax)).argmin() print np.sqrt(G*cum[irhalf]/rhalf), np.sqrt(G*cum[irmax]/rmax) ax1.scatter(rhalf,np.sqrt(G*cum[irhalf]/rhalf),marker='^',s = 80,color='%s'%clr[count],label='%s DMO'%(hnum[w])) #ax1.scatter(rmax,np.sqrt(G*cum[irmax]/rmax),marker='v',s = 80,color='%s'%clr[count],label='%s DMO Rmax'%(hnum)) count +=1 return massall, x
def gather_particles(main_progen,pathname,snum,hnum,fnum): #Use progenitors array to gather all their star particles in AHF particle files into the main particle array (now we have each particles' ID, position, velocity and whether they were part of the main progenitor or from a merger) global switch h0 = 71 om_l = 0.734 om_m = 0.266 conv = 3.085677581e+19 fix = 1 mainhaloid, mainprogenid, progen = gather_progen(pathname,snum,hnum) my_cols = ['id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz'] for i in np.arange(fnum): temp = glob.glob(pathname+'analysis/ahf_snap%03d/ahf.snap_%03d.%04d.z*.*.AHF_particles'%(snum-1,snum-1,i)) temp = str(temp).strip('[]').replace("'","") prev_particles = pd.read_csv(temp, names=my_cols, sep='\t') prev_particles['main'] = pd.Series(2*np.ones(len(prev_particles)),index=prev_particles.index) # append a new column that denotes whether the particle is in the main halo (1), is from a merger(0) or is undetermined (2). prev_particles['r_form'] = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(prev_particles)),index=prev_particles.index) prev_particles['atime'] = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(prev_particles)),index=prev_particles.index) prev_particles['ctime'] = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(prev_particles)),index=prev_particles.index) prev_particles['mass'] = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(prev_particles)),index=prev_particles.index) for j,e in enumerate(prev_particles['id']): # Search through particle file to find instances where the first column contains two numbers (acts as a header for each halo). if type(e)==types.StringType and len(e.split())==2 and (int(e.split()[1]) in progen)==True: # Make sure the halo id is in the progenitor array haloid = int(e.split()[1])# e.split()[0] is the number of particles, [1] is the halo ID numpart = int(e.split()[0]) halostars =np.array(prev_particles.ix[j+1:j+numpart][prev_particles.ix[j+1:j+numpart,'type']==4]) if len(halostars>0): try: if haloid == mainprogenid: #Main progenitor? if switch == 0: halostars[:,8] = 1 halostars = formation_radius(pathname,snum,i,mainprogenid,halostars) switch = 1 else: halostars[np.logical_not(np.in1d(halostars[:,0].astype('int'),main_progen[:,0].astype('int'))),8] = 3 #Mark particles in halostars that arent in main_progen as 3. main_progen[np.logical_not(np.in1d(main_progen[:,0].astype('int'),halostars[:,0].astype('int'))),8] = 3 # Mark particles in main_progen that arent in halostars as 3. This is just in case the main progenitor did not contribute ALL of its particles to the daughter. hstar_und = halostars[:,8]==2 #Undetermined particles remaining in the halostars array (need their flags from main_progen) <---this might be overkill but its good to have regardless main_need = main_progen[:,8]!=3 #Cuts out all the particles that did not participate in merger halostars[np.argsort(halostars[hstar_und,0].astype('int')),8] = main_progen[np.argsort(main_progen[main_need,0].astype('int')),8] halostars[np.argsort(halostars[hstar_und,0].astype('int')),9] = main_progen[np.argsort(main_progen[main_need,0].astype('int')),9] halostars[np.argsort(halostars[hstar_und,0].astype('int')),10] = main_progen[np.argsort(main_progen[main_need,0].astype('int')),10] halostars[np.argsort(halostars[hstar_und,0].astype('int')),11] = main_progen[np.argsort(main_progen[main_need,0].astype('int')),11] halostars[np.argsort(halostars[hstar_und,0].astype('int')),12] = main_progen[np.argsort(main_progen[main_need,0].astype('int')),12] else:# Then Merger. halostars[:,8] = 0 #Now the last column becomes a zero to denote that the particle came from a merger MAY NEED TO EDIT THIS. CLEARLY THE COLUMNS ARE BEING PUT IN OUT OF ORDER. atime = pg.readheader(pathname+'snapdir_%03d/snapshot_%03d'%(snum,snum),'time') atime = scipy.integrate.quad(_a_dot_recip, 0,atime, (h0, om_m, om_l))[0]*conv/3600/24/365/1e9 halostars[:,10] = atime# SET EQUAL TO ACCRETION TIME. ALTER C TIME TO 11 AND MASS FOR 12!!!!! progen_part = np.vstack((progen_part, halostars)) #Add the id of particle, the type (only allow stars at this point), position, velocity and main or merger flag. except Exception,f: print f if haloid == mainprogenid: if switch == 0: halostars[:,8] = 1 halostars = formation_radius(pathname,snum,i,mainprogenid,halostars) switch = 1 else: halostars[np.logical_not(np.in1d(halostars[:,0].astype('int'),main_progen[:,0].astype('int'))),8] = 3 main_progen[np.logical_not(np.in1d(main_progen[:,0].astype('int'),halostars[:,0].astype('int'))),8] = 3 hstar_und = halostars[:,8]==2 #Undetermined particles remaining in the halostars array (need their flags from main_progen) <---this might be overkill but its good to have regardless main_need = main_progen[:,8]!=3 #Cuts out all the particles that did not participate in merger if len(halostars[hstar_und])>0: halostars[np.argsort(halostars[hstar_und,0].astype('int')),8] = main_progen[np.argsort(main_progen[main_need,0].astype('int')),8] else: halostars[:,8] = 0 progen_part = halostars
import numpy as np from matplotlib import rc import pylab as plt import sys import struct import pygadgetreader as pg import random original='icsMED' outfile='icsMED_random' with open(original, mode='rb') as file: filecontent = file.close() N=pg.readheader(original,"dmcount") print N print struct.unpack("dddddd",filecontent[28:28+8*6]) head=filecontent[0:268] PPos=[] PVel=[] PID=[] PMass=[] for i in range(N): #Read Everything #The positions start at byte 268 (264-268 is an int 12*N) PPos.append(filecontent[268+12*i:268+12*i+12]) #The positions start at byte 276+12*N (8 previous bytes are 12*N, repeated twice) PVel.append(filecontent[276+12*N+12*i:276+12*N+12*i+12]) #The particle IDs start at byte 284+24*N (8 previous bytes are 12*N then 4*N) PID.append(filecontent[284+24*N+4*i:284+24*N+4*i+4])
import numpy as np from matplotlib import rc import pylab as plt import sys import struct import pygadgetreader as pg import random with open('cube1e12', mode='rb') as file: filecontent = file.close() f = 0 N = pg.readheader('cube1e12', "dmcount") PPos = [] PVel = [] PID = [] PMass = [] for i in range(N): #Read Everything #The positions start at byte 268 (264-268 is an int 12*N) PPos.append(filecontent[268 + 12 * i:268 + 12 * i + 12]) #The velocities start at byte 276+12*N (8 previous bytes are 12*N, repeated twice) PVel.append(filecontent[276 + 12 * N + 12 * i:276 + 12 * N + 12 * i + 12]) #The particle IDs start at byte 284+24*N (8 previous bytes are 12*N then 4*N) PID.append(filecontent[284 + 24 * N + 4 * i:284 + 24 * N + 4 * i + 4]) #This is followed by 4 bytes, 4*N. The particle mass array is not present in the file. #PMass.append(filecontent[280+28*N+4*i:280+28*N+4*i+4]) PPos2 = '' PVel2 = ''
#add it to the lists #A key point to note is that the format of the file differs a bit from what's in the documentation. Each block (Header, Pos, Vel, Id) is bracketed by a 4-byte integer before and after equal to the number of bytes in that block. So the header, for example, does not go from 0-256, but rather 4-260, with 0-4 and 260-264 both being the integer 256. I can't find mention of this in the documentation. #The positions start at byte 268 (264-268 is an int 12*N) PPos = PPos + filecontent[268 + 12 * n:268 + 12 * n + 12] #The positions start at byte 276+12*N (8 previous bytes are 12*N, repeated twice) PVel = PVel + filecontent[276 + 12 * N[1] + 12 * n:276 + 12 * N[1] + 12 * n + 12] #The particle IDs start at byte 284+24*N (8 previous bytes are 12*N then 4*N) PID = PID + filecontent[284 + 24 * N[1] + 4 * n:284 + 24 * N[1] + 4 * n + 4] #This is followed by 4 bytes, 4*N. The particle mass array is not present in the file. #PMass = PMass+filecontent[280+28*N[1]+4*n:280+28*N[1]+4*n+4] #Create the new file, packing up and concatenating all the data filecontentnew = filecontent[:4] + packN + packM + filecontent[ 76:100] + packN + filecontent[124:264] + struct.pack( 'i', Ndm * 12) + PPos + struct.pack('i', Ndm * 12) + struct.pack( 'i', Ndm * 12) + PVel + struct.pack('i', Ndm * 12) + struct.pack( 'i', Ndm * 4) + PID + struct.pack('i', Ndm * 4) with open('output', mode='wb') as file: file.write(filecontentnew) file.close() #This just checks to make sure the file completed correctly filename = 'output' print pg.readheader(filename, "dmcount") print pg.readheader(filename, "starcount") print pg.readsnap(filename, "mass", 'dm')[0]
with open(infile, mode='rb') as file: filecontent = file.close() #f is the SIDM fraction, Ndm is the total number of particles you want. This script takes the random NFW profile (as input) and makes half the dark matter particles non-interacting. It then adjusts the masses so as to give the desired SIDM fraction (by mass). f = float(sys.argv[1]) Ndm = -1 #-1 for default (leave total number of particles unchanged). This removes the random sampling. #This array lists the number of particles of each species N = struct.unpack("iiiiii", filecontent[4:28]) print N if (Ndm == -1): #This leaves the number of particles unchanged, and therefore we don't rely on the random sampling. Ndm = N[1] packN = struct.pack('iiiiii', 0, int(Ndm * 0.5), 0, 0, Ndm - int(Ndm * 0.5), 0) M = struct.unpack("dddddd", filecontent[28:28 + 8 * 6]) print M packM = struct.pack('dddddd', 0, 2 * f * M[1], 0, 0, 2 * (1 - f) * M[1], 0) filecontentnew = filecontent[:4] + packN + packM + filecontent[ 76:100] + packN + filecontent[124:] with open(outfile, mode='wb') as file: file.write(filecontentnew) file.close() #This just checks to make sure the file completed correctly print pg.readheader(outfile, "dmcount") print pg.readheader(outfile, "starcount") print pg.readsnap(outfile, "mass", 'dm')[0]