def create_dateline(timeseries, plot_name="", as_title=False): """ timeseries: A list of tuples. Tuple : (datetime object, integer) Should either be in increasing or decreasing order """ if as_title: dateline = pygal.DateTimeLine(x_label_rotation=25, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%b %Y'), title=plot_name) else: dateline = pygal.DateTimeLine(x_label_rotation=25, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%b %Y')) # Calculate x_labels x_labels = [] months_span = abs((timeseries[-1][0] - timeseries[0][0]).days//30) + 1 # print(months_span) start_date = min(timeseries[0][0], timeseries[-1][0]) x_labels.append(start_date) _next_date = start_date for _ in range(months_span): _next_date += datetime.timedelta(days=30) x_labels.append(_next_date) # More than 10 x_labels gets hard to read, so space them out if len(x_labels) > 10: new_x_labels = [] new_x_labels.append(x_labels[0]) jump_length = (len(x_labels) - 2)//(10 - 2) # Two fixed labels are the first and last index = jump_length + 1 while(index < len(x_labels) - 1): new_x_labels.append(x_labels[index]) index += jump_length new_x_labels.append(x_labels[-1]) dateline.x_labels = new_x_labels else: dateline.x_labels = x_labels if as_title: dateline.add("", timeseries) else: dateline.add(plot_name, timeseries) return dateline
def home(): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='inetSpeed') # cursor = cnx.cursor() now ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') past = ( - timedelta(hours=24)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cursor.execute( "SELECT date_time, speed_down, speed_up FROM inetLog WHERE date_time BETWEEN %s AND %s", (past, now)) # cursor.execute("SELECT datetime, speed_down, speed_up FROM inetLog WHERE datetime BETWEEN %s AND %s;", (past, now)) downData = list() upData = list() for i in cursor: downData.append((i[0], i[1])) upData.append((i[0], i[2])) line_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=75, truncate_label=-1, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M')) line_chart.add("Down Ave Hour", downData) line_chart.add("Up", upData) return line_chart.render_response() except Exception: return (str(Exception))
def get_placed_orders_chart(self, hours=48): bid_points = [] ask_points = [] placed_orders = self.botplacedorder_set.filter( time__gte=now() - datetime.timedelta(hours=hours)).exclude( price_usd__isnull=True).order_by('time') for order in placed_orders: if order.order_type == 'sell': ask_points.append((order.time, order.price_usd)) if order.order_type == 'buy': bid_points.append((order.time, order.price_usd)) datetimeline = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, x_title='Date', y_title='Price (USD)', truncate_label=-1, legend_at_bottom=True, value_formatter=lambda x: '${:.8f}'.format(x), x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), style=CleanStyle(font_family='googlefont:Raleway', ), ) datetimeline.add("Buy", bid_points, dots_size=2) datetimeline.add("Sell", ask_points, dots_size=2) return datetimeline.render_data_uri()
def graph_temperature(): chart_list = [] graph_data = None sensor_name_list, start, end, group_by, function_list, sensor_type, group_by_prefix = _get_interval( request.args) config = __config_graph("{} by {}".format(sensor_type, group_by), start, end) config.x_value_formatter = lambda dt: dt.strftime('%S') datetimeline = pygal.DateTimeLine(config=config) for sensor_name in sensor_name_list.split(';'): for function in function_list: records = _get_sensor_records(group_by, function, sensor_name, start, end, sensor_type, group_by_prefix) # if len(records) > 20: # datetimeline.show_minor_x_labels = False # datetimeline.x_labels_major_every = abs(len(records)/20) serie = [] for i in records: serie.append((100 * i.prefix +, i.value)) datetimeline.add( "{} [{}]".format(sensor_name, function._FunctionGenerator__names[0]), serie) graph_data = datetimeline.render_data_uri() chart_list.append(graph_data) result = render_template('chart/chart-generic.html', chart_list=chart_list) return result, 'buba mica buba mare'
def plotBalanceVsTime(data, outDir): """ Plots the total balance against time for multiple lines where each line represents a category within the data. :param data: A list containing a title and a DataFrame object for each category. :param outDir: The output directory to store the generated plot file. """ # Initialising beautiful plot format config = pygal.Config() config.human_readable = True config.legend_at_bottom = True config.x_label_rotation = 35 config.x_value_formatter = lambda dt: dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') config.value_formatter = lambda y: "{:.0f} GBP".format(y) config.title = "Immediate Expense Vs Time" plot = pygal.DateTimeLine(config) def prepareDFPlot(df): plotData = [] for i, row in df.iterrows(): d = row["DATES"] b = row["AMOUNT"] plotData.append((d, b)) return plotData # Preparing all data frames for plotting for title, df in data: plot.add(title, sorted(prepareDFPlot(df))) # Save the plot to a file plot.render_to_file(os.path.join(outDir, 'balance_vs_time.svg'))
def get_rank_chart(self): """ Use Pygal to generate a chart of the rank movements :return: """ ranks = [(now(), self.rank)] for match in self.matches.order_by('-played'): if self.user == match.winner: ranks.insert(0, (match.played, match.winner_rank)) else: ranks.insert(0, (match.played, match.loser_rank)) if self.user == match.challenger: ranks.insert(0, (match.played, match.challenger_rank)) else: ranks.insert(0, (match.played, match.opponent_rank)) chart = pygal.DateTimeLine( title='Rank Movements', x_label_rotation=35, x_title='Date Played', y_title='Rank', range=(1, UserProfile.objects.filter(active=True).aggregate( max_rank=Max('rank'))['max_rank']), inverse_y_axis=True, show_legend=False, truncate_label=-1, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%b. %d, %Y, %I:%M %p'), style=CleanStyle(font_family='googlefont:Raleway', ), ) chart.add('', ranks) return chart.render_data_uri()
def get_graph(self): data = self.get_data() if data: max_value = max([value[1] for value in data if value[1] is not None]) else: max_value = 0.5 my_style = DefaultStyle() my_style.font_family = 'googlefont:Roboto' my_style.foreground = 'black' my_style.foreground_strong = 'white' my_style.title_font_size = 18 my_style.background = "#4285f4" if max_value <= 1 and max_value >= 0.5: my_range = (0, 1) else: my_range = (0, max_value * 2) graph = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M:%S'), range=my_range, title="{} \n From {} to {}".format(self.field_name, self.start, self.end), style = my_style, show_legend = False, interpolate = 'cubic', dots_size=2 ) graph.add(self.field, data) return graph.render_django_response()
def display_HddGraph(strMac, argGraph): # Récupére les infos de la BDD concernant cette adresse MAC rowsMbTotal = str_to_dateTime(bddH.getHddMbTotalByMac(strMac)) rowsMbUse = str_to_dateTime(bddH.getHddMbUseByMac(strMac)) rowsPcUse = str_to_dateTime(bddH.getHddPcUseByMac(strMac)) # Initialise les données du graph graph = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime(DATE_PATTERN)) if argGraph == 'e': graph.add("Total (Mb)", rowsMbTotal) graph.add("Utilisation (Mb)", rowsMbUse) elif argGraph == 'r': graph.add("Utilisation (%)", rowsPcUse) else: graph.add("Total (Mb)", rowsMbTotal) graph.add("Utilisation (Mb)", rowsMbUse) graph.add("Utilisation (%)", rowsPcUse) # Display graph path_img = TMP_FOLDER + '/graph.png' graph.render_to_png(path_img)["eog", path_img])
def plot_timeseries_pygal(dates, allseries, key, title, region): datetimeline = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1, title=f"COVID {title}", x_title=None, y_title=None, height=300, show_x_guides=True, show_y_guides=False, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%b %d')) # Don't add title (1st arg) here: it adds it as a legend on the left side # which then messes up the alignment of the three charts. datetimeline.add(None, list(zip(dates, allseries[key]))) datetimeline.x_labels = date_labels(dates[0], dates[-1]) outfile = f'{DATA_DIR}/covid-{key}-{region}.svg' # datetimeline.render_to_file(outfile) svg = datetimeline.render() # pygal loads a script from github and has no option to change that. # # Load it locally instead evil_redirect = b'' svg = svg.replace(evil_redirect, b'pygal-tooltips.min.js') with open(outfile, 'wb') as outfp: outfp.write(svg) if verbose: print("Saved to", outfile)
def get(self, request, pk, attribute, **kwargs): import pygal from import DarkSolarizedStyle object = Model.objects.get(pk=pk) chartline = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1, style=DarkSolarizedStyle, fill=True, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%d, %b %Y at %I:%M:%S %p'), ) fieldname = 'rctl_' + attribute dots = [ (i.created, i.value[fieldname]) for i in Transaction.objects.filter( instance=object, - timedelta(hours=6) ).order_by('id') if (fieldname in i.value) and (i.value[fieldname] is not None) ] dots.append((, object.as_dict()[fieldname])) chartline.add(attribute, dots) for rule in RctlRule.objects.filter(jail=object, resource=attribute).all(): chartline.add( rule.action,[(, rule.amount), (, rule.amount)] ) return http.HttpResponse(chartline.render(), content_type='image/svg+xml')
def _make_chart(self, filepath, title, data): datetimeline = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%d, %b %Y')) datetimeline.title = title datetimeline.add('', data) datetimeline.render_to_file(filepath)
def generate_graph(filename, hostname, info, categories): datetimeline = pygal.DateTimeLine(x_label_rotation=35, title=hostname) for category in categories: if category in info: i = [(date, i) for date, i in zip(info['dates'], info[category])] datetimeline.add(category, i) datetimeline.render_to_file(filename)
def plot_timeseries_pygal(key, loclist): locnames = ", ".join([l["county"] for l in loclist]) tot = sum([covid_data[l['locationID']][key][-1] for l in loclist]) # Integer or float? if int(tot) == tot: title = f"{tot} {key} in {locnames}" else: # XXX Is there a way to say "no more than 2 decimal places" # while leaving an option for less? title = f"{tot:.2f} {key} in {locnames}" datetimeline = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1, title=title, x_title=None, y_title=None, height=300, show_x_guides=True, show_y_guides=False, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%b %d')) # Don't add title (1st arg) here: it adds it as a legend on the left side # which then messes up the alignment of the three charts. for locdict in loclist: locID = locdict["locationID"] # The first argument to add() is the name of the plot, # which will be used for the legend. # But for a single county, the legend just takes away space # from the plot and doesn't add anything, so make the name # empty in that case. if len(loclist) > 1: locname = locdict["county"] if locname.endswith(" County"): locname = locname[:-7] else: locname = None datetimeline.add(locname, list(zip(dates, covid_data[locID][key]))) datetimeline.x_labels = date_labels(dates[0], dates[-1]) outfile = f'{DATA_DIR}/covid-{key}.svg' # datetimeline.render_to_file(outfile) svg = datetimeline.render() # pygal loads a script from github and has no option to change that. # # Load it locally instead evil_redirect = b'' svg = svg.replace(evil_redirect, b'pygal-tooltips.min.js') with open(outfile, 'wb') as outfp: outfp.write(svg) if verbose: print("Saved to", outfile)
def prepare_readings_chart(attribute, attribute_name, readings, x_label_count, y_min, y_max, x_label, y_label, line_colour, logarithmic): style = Style(font_family="Arial", colors=[line_colour], background='transparent') temp_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine(x_label_rotation=20, range=(y_min, y_max), show_minor_x_labels=False, show_major_x_labels=True, x_labels_major_count=x_label_count, show_legend=False, style=style, x_title=x_label, y_title=y_label, logarithmic=logarithmic, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%H:%M %p')) temp_chart.add(attribute_name, [(datetime.fromtimestamp(i.time), getattr(i, attribute)) for i in readings]) chart = temp_chart.render_data_uri() return chart
def __init__(self): self.chart = pygal.DateTimeLine( title='Quotes over Time', x_label_rotation=90, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%b %Y'), margin=20, show_legend=False, show_dots=False, fill=True, style=style)
def pygal_graph(self): self.datetimeline = pygal.DateTimeLine() #self.datetimeline.add("Serie", self.df[1]) #self.datetimeline.add("Serie2", self.dataFrame()[2].replace({ None})) #self.datetimeline.add("Serie2", self.dataFrame()[2]) self.datetimeline.add("Seriet", [(self.df[1]), self.dataFrame()[2].replace({ None})]) return self.datetimeline
def get_date_xy_chart(self, **kwargs): default_data = {} default_path = 'date_xy_chart.svg' data = kwargs.pop('data', default_data) path = kwargs.pop('path', default_path) datetimechart = pygal.DateTimeLine(stroke=False, dots_size=10) for category in data: datetimechart.add(category, data[category]) datetimechart.render_to_file(path) return path
def get_graph_data(): graph = pygal.DateTimeLine(x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1) for x in range(1, len(User.query.all())+1): if Solved.query.filter_by(user_id=x).first() is None: continue data = [(User.query.filter_by(id=x).first().date_created, 0)] for y in range(1, len(list(Solved.query.filter_by(user_id=x)))+1): row = Solved.query.filter_by(user_id=x)[y-1] data.append((row.timestamp, float(Challenge.query.filter_by(id=row.channel_id).first().points)+float(data[y-1][1]))) graph.add(User.query.filter_by(id=x).first().username, data) graph_data = graph.render_data_uri() return graph_data
def gyroscope(self): """ the gravity page """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta date_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine(x_label_rotation=20) mydata = self.get_data_upper("Gyroscope") print(mydata) date_chart.add("Gyroscope", mydata) output = date_chart.render().decode() template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('gyroscope.html') template_values = {"graph": output} return template.render(template_values)
def plot_data(series, labels, is_cpu=False): line_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S'), show_dots=False) line_chart.title = 'CPU' if is_cpu else 'Memory' for idx, val in enumerate(series): line_chart.add(labels[idx], val) # line_chart.render_to_png('cpuGraph.png' if is_cpu else 'memoryGraph.png') line_chart.render_in_browser()
def _render_chart(chart: _Chart, chart_type: str, fields: list, datas: list): options = {} if chart.title == "Multi-tablers" and chart_type == 'last_24': pyg_chart = pygal.StackedLine() elif chart_type in ['spark', 'last_24']: pyg_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine() else: pyg_chart = pygal.Bar() if chart_type == 'spark': pyg_chart.fill = True pyg_chart.width = 100 pyg_chart.height = 20 pyg_chart.show_dots = False pyg_chart.show_legend = False pyg_chart.show_x_labels = False pyg_chart.show_y_labels = False pyg_chart.spacing = 0 pyg_chart.margin = 0 pyg_chart.min_scale = 1 pyg_chart.max_scale = 2 pyg_chart.explicit_size = True pyg_chart.no_data_text = '' pyg_chart.js = () elif chart_type == 'last_24': pyg_chart.title = chart.title pyg_chart.fill = True pyg_chart.show_dots = False pyg_chart.legend_at_bottom = True pyg_chart.show_x_guides = True pyg_chart.spacing = 20 pyg_chart.margin = 20 pyg_chart.x_label_rotation = 45 pyg_chart.x_labels_major_count = 15 pyg_chart.x_value_formatter = lambda dt: dt.strftime('%H:%M') pyg_chart.show_minor_x_labels = False elif chart_type == 'by_hour': pyg_chart.title = chart.title pyg_chart.x_labels = [value[0] for value in datas[0]] else: pyg_chart.title = chart.title pyg_chart.x_labels = ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'] for field, data in zip(fields, datas): if chart_type in ['spark', 'last_24']: pyg_chart.add(field.label, data) else: pyg_chart.add(field.label, [value[1] for value in data]) return pyg_chart.render(is_unicode=True)
def lineara(self): """ the Linear Acceleration page """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta date_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine(x_label_rotation=20) mydata = self.get_data_upper("Accelerometer") print(mydata) date_chart.add("Linear Acceleration", mydata) output = date_chart.render().decode() template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('lineara.html') template_values = {"graph": output} return template.render(template_values)
def linechart(): '''plots line chart''' xy_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine(x_label_rotation=35, show_legend=False) xy_chart.title = "/r/singapore daily thread comment count 1st Jan - 6 Mar 18" xy_chart.x_title = "Date" xy_chart.y_title = "Comments" #create list of dict for values to plot values = [] for index, item in df.iterrows(): value = (item['created_utc'], item['num_comments']) label = 'Score: {0}'.format(item['score']) values.append({'value': value, 'label': label, 'xlink': item['url']}) xy_chart.add('series', values) xy_chart.render_in_browser()
def scatter(): '''plots scatter chart''' xy_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine(stroke=False, show_legend=False, x_label_rotation=35) xy_chart.title = "/r/singapore daily thread post count 1st Jan - 6 Mar 18" xy_chart.x_title = "Date" xy_chart.y_title = "Comments" for index, item in df.iterrows(): xy_chart.add(item['created_utc'], [{ 'value': (item['created_utc'], item['num_comments']), 'label': 'Score: {0}'.format(item['score']), 'xlink': item['url'] }]) xy_chart.render_in_browser()
def plot_profit_history(device_id, device_profit_history): line_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%d, %b %Y'), show_dots=False, y_title='USD/Day') line_chart.title = 'Device {} Profit'.format(device_id) max_profits = defaultdict(int) for coin in device_profit_history: line_chart.add(coin, device_profit_history[coin]) for t, p in device_profit_history[coin]: max_profits[t] = max(max_profits[t], p) line_chart.add('Max Profit', sorted(list(max_profits.items()), key=lambda x: x[0])) line_chart.render_to_file('profit_{}.html'.format(device_id))
def chartTimedData(data, username=""): chart = pygal.DateTimeLine( fill=True, show_legend=False, show_x_labels=False, show_y_labels=False, width=1024, x_label_rotation=25, truncate_label=-1, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%m/%d/%y-%Hh%M'), chart.add("block weight % / Ѧ1000 vote", [(d, round(1000 * 100 * v, 4)) for d, v in data]) chart.render_to_file( os.path.join(zen.ROOT, "app", "static", "ctd_%s.svg" % username))
def render_chart(environ, start_response): data = list(bp_perf._block_summaries) series_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for summary in data: time_slot = _round_timestamp(summary.timestamp, 10) series_data[summary.producer][time_slot].append(not summary.produced) chart = pygal.DateTimeLine(width=1200, height=600) chart.title = "Missed Slots" for producer, series in series_data.items(): chart.add( producer, [ (time_slot, 100 * sum(missed) / len(missed)) for time_slot, missed in series.items() ] ) start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'image/svg+xml')]) return [chart.render()]
def create_popularity_chart(domain): line_chart = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=45, height=200, width=1000, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%b %d, %Y')) line_chart.title = "Number of top 1000 GitHub projects using this library on given date" end_date = MetricsEntry.objects.latest('created_on').created_on start_date = end_date - relativedelta(years=1) libraries = domain.libraries.all( ) #('created_on')# data_set.filter(run_time__gte=start_date).filter(run_time__lte=end_date).order_by('year').order_by('month') domain_dic = {} for library in libraries: metrics = library.metrics.filter(created_on__gte=start_date).filter( created_on__lte=end_date).order_by('created_on') if metrics == None: continue for metric in metrics: if in domain_dic.keys(): domain_dic[].append( (, metric.popularity)) else: popularity_data_arr = [] popularity_data_arr.append( (, metric.popularity)) domain_dic[] = popularity_data_arr #line_chart.x_labels = map(str, create_date_range(start_date,end_date)) for key, value in domain_dic.items(): line_chart.add(key, value) data = line_chart.render_data_uri() saveData(data, + '_popularity_chart.pkl') save_chart_in_db(line_chart, domain, metric_name="popularity")
def get(self, request, pk, **kwargs): import pygal from import DarkSolarizedStyle chartline = pygal.DateTimeLine( x_label_rotation=35, truncate_label=-1, style=DarkSolarizedStyle, logarithmic=True, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%d, %b %Y at %I:%M:%S %p'), dots_size = 1, interpolate='hermite', interpolation_parameters={'type': 'cardinal', 'c': .75}, ) object = Model.objects.get(pk=pk) used = [ (i.created, i.value['used']) for i in Transaction.objects.filter( instance=object, - timedelta(hours=3) ).order_by('id') if hasattr(i, 'value') and 'used' in i.value and i.value['used'] is not None ] used.append((, object.used)) avail = [ (i.created, i.value['avail']) for i in Transaction.objects.filter( instance=object, - timedelta(hours=3) ).order_by('id') if hasattr(i, 'value') and 'avail' in i.value and i.value['avail'] is not None ] avail.append((, object.avail)) refer = [ (i.created, i.value['refer']) for i in Transaction.objects.filter( instance=object, - timedelta(hours=3) ).order_by('id') if hasattr(i, 'value') and 'refer' in i.value and i.value['refer'] is not None ] refer.append((, object.refer)) chartline.add('USED', used, fill=True) chartline.add('AVAIL', avail, fill=True) chartline.add('REFER', refer, fill=True) return http.HttpResponse(chartline.render(), content_type='image/svg+xml')
def main(): temps = [] config = SafeConfigParser()'config.ini') fetch_hours = float(config.get('MAIN', 'WEB_UI_HOURS')) db = sqlite3.connect(database_file) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( ''' SELECT * FROM Temps WHERE timestamp > ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC ''', (int(time.time()) - int(fetch_hours * 60 * 60), )) current_temps = None inside_temps = [] outside_temps = [] for row in cursor: date = datetime.fromtimestamp(row[3]) date_string = date.strftime("%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M") inside_temps.append((date, row[1])) outside_temps.append((date, row[2])) if current_temps is None: current_temps = [str(row[1]), str(row[2])] temps.append( dict(temp_in=str(row[1]), temp_out=str(row[2]), date=date_string)) table = TempsTable(temps) threshold_temp_low = float(config.get('MAIN', 'THRESHOLD_TEMP_LOW')) threshold_temp_high = float(config.get('MAIN', 'THRESHOLD_TEMP_HIGH')) graph = pygal.DateTimeLine( width=1000, height=500, legend_at_bottom=True, show_dots=False, style=DefaultStyle, x_value_formatter=lambda dt: dt.strftime('%H:%M')) graph.y_labels_major = [threshold_temp_low, threshold_temp_high] graph.add("Inside Temp (\u2109)", inside_temps) graph.add("Outside Temp (\u2109)", outside_temps) graph_data = graph.render_data_uri() return render_template( "index.html", inside_temp="None" if current_temps is None else current_temps[0], outside_temp="None" if current_temps is None else current_temps[1], graph_data=graph_data, table=table.__html__())