def set_mode(resolution=(0, 0), flags=0, depth=0):
    """ set_mode(resolution=(0,0), flags=0, depth=0) -> Surface
    Initialize a window or screen for display
    w, h = unpack_rect(resolution)
    if w < 0 or h < 0:
        raise SDLError("Cannot set negative sized display mode")

    if flags == 0:
        flags = sdl.SDL_SWSURFACE

    if not get_init():

    # depth and double buffering attributes need to be set specially for OpenGL
    if flags & sdl.SDL_OPENGL:
        if flags & sdl.SDL_DOUBLEBUF:
            gl_set_attribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1)
            gl_set_attribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 0)
        if depth:
            gl_set_attribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, depth)

        c_surface = sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, depth, flags)
        if c_surface and gl_get_attribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER):
            c_surface.flags |= sdl.SDL_DOUBLEBUF

        if depth == 0:
            flags |= sdl.SDL_ANYFORMAT
        c_surface = sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, depth, flags)

    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()

    title = ffi.new("char*[1]")
    icon = ffi.new("char*[1]")

    sdl.SDL_WM_GetCaption(title, icon)
    if not title:
        sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption("pygame window", "pygame")

    # pygame does this, so it's possibly a good idea

    global _display_surface
    _display_surface = SurfaceNoFree._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
    # TODO: set icon stuff
    return _display_surface
def set_mode(resolution=(0, 0), flags=0, depth=0):
    """ set_mode(resolution=(0,0), flags=0, depth=0) -> Surface
    Initialize a window or screen for display
    w, h = unpack_rect(resolution)
    if w < 0 or h < 0:
        raise SDLError("Cannot set negative sized display mode")

    if flags == 0:
        flags = sdl.SDL_SWSURFACE

    if not get_init():

    # depth and double buffering attributes need to be set specially for OpenGL
    if flags & sdl.SDL_OPENGL:
        if flags & sdl.SDL_DOUBLEBUF:
            gl_set_attribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1)
            gl_set_attribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 0)
        if depth:
            gl_set_attribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, depth)

        c_surface = sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, depth, flags)
        if c_surface and gl_get_attribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER):
            c_surface.flags |= sdl.SDL_DOUBLEBUF

        if depth == 0:
            flags |= sdl.SDL_ANYFORMAT
        c_surface = sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, depth, flags)

    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()

    title = ffi.new("char*[1]")
    icon = ffi.new("char*[1]")

    sdl.SDL_WM_GetCaption(title, icon)
    if not title:
        sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption("pygame window", "pygame")

    # pygame does this, so it's possibly a good idea

    global _display_surface
    _display_surface = SurfaceNoFree._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
    # TODO: set icon stuff
    return _display_surface
    def __init__(self, size, flags=0, depth=0, masks=None):
        w, h = unpack_rect(size)

        if isinstance(depth, Surface):
            if masks:
                raise ValueError(
                    "cannot pass surface for depth and color masks")
            surface = depth
            depth = 0
            surface = None
            depth = int(depth)

        if depth and masks:
            Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = masks
            bpp = depth

        elif surface is None:
            if depth:
                bpp = depth
                Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = \
                    self._get_default_masks(bpp, False)
            elif sdl.SDL_GetVideoSurface():
                pix = sdl.SDL_GetVideoSurface().format
                bpp = pix.BitsPerPixel
                Amask = pix.Amask
                Rmask = pix.Rmask
                Gmask = pix.Gmask
                Bmask = pix.Bmask
            elif sdl.SDL_WasInit(sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO):
                pix = sdl.SDL_GetVideoInfo().vfmt
                bpp = pix.BitsPerPixel
                Amask = pix.Amask
                Rmask = pix.Rmask
                Gmask = pix.Gmask
                Bmask = pix.Bmask
                bpp = 32
                Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = \
                    self._get_default_masks(32, False)
            # the alpha mask might be different - must update
            if flags & sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA:
                Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = \
                    self._get_default_masks(bpp, True)

        # depth argument was a Surface object
            pix = surface._c_surface.format
            bpp = pix.BitsPerPixel
            if flags & sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA:
                Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = \
                    self._get_default_masks(bpp, True)
                Amask = pix.Amask
                Rmask = pix.Rmask
                Gmask = pix.Gmask
                Bmask = pix.Bmask

        self._c_surface = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(flags, w, h, bpp, Rmask,
                                                   Gmask, Bmask, Amask)
        self._format = self._c_surface.format
        self._w = self._c_surface.w
        self._h = self._c_surface.h

        if not self._c_surface:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()

        if masks:
            Confirm the surface was created correctly (masks were valid).
            Also ensure that 24 and 32 bit surfaces have 8 bit fields
            (no losses).
            format = self._format
            Rmask = (0xFF >> format.Rloss) << format.Rshift
            Gmask = (0xFF >> format.Gloss) << format.Gshift
            Bmask = (0xFF >> format.Bloss) << format.Bshift
            Amask = (0xFF >> format.Aloss) << format.Ashift
            bad_loss = format.Rloss or format.Gloss or format.Bloss
            if flags & sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA:
                bad_loss = bad_loss or format.Aloss
                bad_loss = bad_loss or format.Aloss != 8
            if (format.Rmask != Rmask or format.Gmask != Gmask
                    or format.Bmask != Bmask or format.Amask != Amask
                    or (format.BytesPerPixel >= 3 and bad_loss)):
                # Note: don't free _c_surface here. It will
                # be done in __del__.
                raise ValueError("Invalid mask values")
    def __init__(self, size, flags=0, depth=0, masks=None):
        w, h = unpack_rect(size)

        if isinstance(depth, Surface):
            if masks:
                raise ValueError("cannot pass surface for depth and color masks")
            surface = depth
            depth = 0
            surface = None
            depth = int(depth)

        if depth and masks:
            Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = masks
            bpp = depth

        elif surface is None:
            if depth:
                bpp = depth
                Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = \
                    self._get_default_masks(bpp, False)
            elif sdl.SDL_GetVideoSurface():
                pix = sdl.SDL_GetVideoSurface().format
                bpp = pix.BitsPerPixel
                Amask = pix.Amask
                Rmask = pix.Rmask
                Gmask = pix.Gmask
                Bmask = pix.Bmask
            elif sdl.SDL_WasInit(sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO):
                pix = sdl.SDL_GetVideoInfo().vfmt
                bpp = pix.BitsPerPixel
                Amask = pix.Amask
                Rmask = pix.Rmask
                Gmask = pix.Gmask
                Bmask = pix.Bmask
                bpp = 32
                Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = \
                    self._get_default_masks(32, False)
            # the alpha mask might be different - must update
            if flags & sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA:
                Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = \
                    self._get_default_masks(bpp, True)

        # depth argument was a Surface object
            pix = surface._c_surface.format
            bpp = pix.BitsPerPixel
            if flags & sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA:
                Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask = \
                    self._get_default_masks(bpp, True)
                Amask = pix.Amask
                Rmask = pix.Rmask
                Gmask = pix.Gmask
                Bmask = pix.Bmask

        self._c_surface = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(flags, w, h, bpp,
                                                   Rmask, Gmask,
                                                   Bmask, Amask)
        self._format = self._c_surface.format
        self._w = self._c_surface.w
        self._h = self._c_surface.h

        if not self._c_surface:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()

        if masks:
            Confirm the surface was created correctly (masks were valid).
            Also ensure that 24 and 32 bit surfaces have 8 bit fields
            (no losses).
            format = self._format
            Rmask = (0xFF >> format.Rloss) << format.Rshift
            Gmask = (0xFF >> format.Gloss) << format.Gshift
            Bmask = (0xFF >> format.Bloss) << format.Bshift
            Amask = (0xFF >> format.Aloss) << format.Ashift
            bad_loss = format.Rloss or format.Gloss or format.Bloss
            if flags & sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA:
                bad_loss = bad_loss or format.Aloss
                bad_loss = bad_loss or format.Aloss != 8
            if (format.Rmask != Rmask or format.Gmask != Gmask or
                format.Bmask != Bmask or format.Amask != Amask or
                (format.BytesPerPixel >= 3 and bad_loss)):
                # Note: don't free _c_surface here. It will
                # be done in __del__.
                raise ValueError("Invalid mask values")