def on_render(self, g): # Touch if self.show_touch:, self.color, (int(self.touchx), int(self.touchy)), 10) rect = Rect(0, 0, 40, 40) rect.width = 40 rect.height = 40 rect.centerx = self.aimx rect.centery = self.aimy pygame.draw.arc(g.surface, (0, 0, 255), rect, 0, 360, 5) from giantplay import cfg pygame.draw.line( g.surface, (0, 0, 255), (int(cfg.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2), int(cfg.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)), (int(cfg.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + self.axisx * 100), int(cfg.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)), 5) pygame.draw.line( g.surface, (0, 0, 255), (int(cfg.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2), int(cfg.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)), (int(cfg.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2), int(cfg.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + self.axisy * 100)), 5)
def getEndGameSplash(winnerName = None, winnerColor = None): """If winningName and winnerColor are both None, display a tie game screen. """ screen = Display.get_surface() splashGroup = SpriteGroup() if(winnerName != None and winnerColor != None): # Create winning bomberman image fatalityRect = Rect((0, 0, 500, 500)) fatalityRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx fatalityRect.centery = screen.get_rect().centery fatalityAnimation = WorldlessWidget(Surface((500, 500)), fatalityRect) fatalImage = pygame.image.load('images/fatality.png').convert() fatalImage.set_colorkey(LAVENDER) bmanColor = Surface((fatalImage.get_width(), fatalImage.get_height())) bmanColor.fill(winnerColor) bmanColor.blit(fatalImage, bmanColor.get_rect()) winnerFrames = createFrames(bmanColor) fatalityAnimation.startAnimation(winnerFrames, 0, 12) splashGroup.add(fatalityAnimation) # Create text for winning player winnerText = TextBar(winnerName + \ ' Wins!', (0, 0, 200, 50), 50) imgWidth = winnerText.image.get_width() winnerText.rect.left = (screen.get_size()[X]-imgWidth)/2 splashGroup.add(winnerText) else: tieText = TextBar('TIE GAME!', (0, 20, 250, 50), 35) imgWidth = tieText.image.get_width() tieText.rect.left = (screen.get_size()[X]-imgWidth)/2 splashGroup.add(tieText) escMessage = TextBar("Press Escape to exit.", (0, 60, 250, 50), 25) imgWidth = escMessage.image.get_width() escMessage.rect.left = (screen.get_size()[X] - imgWidth) / 2 splashGroup.add(escMessage) pressKeyText = TextBar('Press a key or button when ready. Next round will start when everyone is ready.', (0, 90, 250, 50), 25) imgWidth = pressKeyText.image.get_width() pressKeyText.rect.left = (screen.get_size()[X] - imgWidth) / 2 splashGroup.add(pressKeyText) return splashGroup
def getEndGameSplash(winnerName=None, winnerColor=None): """If winningName and winnerColor are both None, display a tie game screen. """ screen = Display.get_surface() splashGroup = SpriteGroup() if winnerName != None and winnerColor != None: # Create winning bomberman image fatalityRect = Rect((0, 0, 500, 500)) fatalityRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx fatalityRect.centery = screen.get_rect().centery fatalityAnimation = WorldlessWidget(Surface((500, 500)), fatalityRect) fatalImage = pygame.image.load("images/fatality.png").convert() fatalImage.set_colorkey(LAVENDER) bmanColor = Surface((fatalImage.get_width(), fatalImage.get_height())) bmanColor.fill(winnerColor) bmanColor.blit(fatalImage, bmanColor.get_rect()) winnerFrames = createFrames(bmanColor) fatalityAnimation.startAnimation(winnerFrames, 0, 12) splashGroup.add(fatalityAnimation) # Create text for winning player winnerText = TextBar(winnerName + " Wins!", (0, 0, 200, 50), 50) imgWidth = winnerText.image.get_width() winnerText.rect.left = (screen.get_size()[X] - imgWidth) / 2 splashGroup.add(winnerText) else: tieText = TextBar("TIE GAME!", (0, 20, 250, 50), 35) imgWidth = tieText.image.get_width() tieText.rect.left = (screen.get_size()[X] - imgWidth) / 2 splashGroup.add(tieText) escMessage = TextBar("Press Escape to exit.", (0, 60, 250, 50), 25) imgWidth = escMessage.image.get_width() escMessage.rect.left = (screen.get_size()[X] - imgWidth) / 2 splashGroup.add(escMessage) pressKeyText = TextBar( "Press a key or button when ready. Next round will start when everyone is ready.", (0, 90, 250, 50), 25 ) imgWidth = pressKeyText.image.get_width() pressKeyText.rect.left = (screen.get_size()[X] - imgWidth) / 2 splashGroup.add(pressKeyText) return splashGroup
def adjust_rect(rect: Rect, x: int, y: int, align: str = "center", vertical_align: str = "middle") -> Rect: if align == "left": rect.left = x elif align == "right": rect.right = x else: rect.centerx = x if vertical_align == "top": = y elif vertical_align == "bottom": rect.bottom = y else: rect.centery = y return rect
def draw(self, screen): super().draw(screen) mark_rect = Rect(self.absolute_bounds.x, self.absolute_bounds.y, self.mark_size, self.mark_size) for unit in shape = unit.cls_dict.get('mark_shape', 'quad') pos = self.worldpos_to_minimap(unit.pos.x, unit.pos.y) mark_rect.centerx = self.absolute_bounds.x + pos[0] mark_rect.centery = self.absolute_bounds.y + pos[1] if shape == 'circle': pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, self.mark_color, mark_rect) pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, unit.team_color, mark_rect, 2) if shape == 'quad': pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.mark_color, mark_rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen, unit.team_color, mark_rect, 3) camera_rect = Rect( ( - * self.world_ratio_width, ( - * self.world_ratio_height, config['screen']['size'][0] * self.world_ratio_width, config['screen']['size'][1] * self.world_ratio_height ) pygame.draw.rect(screen, Color('yellow'), camera_rect.move(self.absolute_bounds.x, self.absolute_bounds.y), 1)
def startGame(): background = pygame.surface.Surface(RESOLUTION) background = pygame.image.load(BACKGROUND).convert() screen.blit(background, ((0, 0),RESOLUTION)) # Create title from image titleSize = ((int(RESOLUTION[0] * .75)), (int(RESOLUTION[0] * .3))) titleRect = Rect((0, 0), titleSize) titleRect.midtop = (screen.get_rect().centerx, 20) titleSurf = pygame.surface.Surface(titleSize) title = Widget(titleSurf, titleRect) tempImage = pygame.image.load('images/title.png').convert() tempImage = pygame.transform.scale(tempImage, titleSize) tempImage.set_colorkey(PUCE, RLEACCEL) title.image = tempImage # Create animated bomb on screen bombRect = Rect((0, 0), (200, 200)) bombRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx bombRect.centery = screen.get_rect().centery bombSurf = pygame.surface.Surface((200, 200)) bomb = Widget(bombSurf, bombRect) tempImage = pygame.image.load('images/bomb/bomb_strip_title.png').convert() bombFrames = createFrames(tempImage) bomb.image = bombFrames[0] # Create 'Press any Key' message from image pressKeySize = ((int(RESOLUTION[0] * .75)), (int(RESOLUTION[0] * .15))) pressKeySurf = pygame.surface.Surface(pressKeySize) pressKeyRect = Rect((0, 0), pressKeySize) pressKeyRect.midbottom = screen.get_rect().midbottom pressKey = Widget(pressKeySurf, pressKeyRect) tempImage = pygame.image.load('images/press_key.png').convert() tempImage = pygame.transform.scale(tempImage, pressKeySize) tempImage.set_colorkey(PUCE, RLEACCEL) pressKey.image = tempImage myGroup = SpriteGroup() myGroup.add(title) myGroup.add(bomb) myGroup.add(pressKey) pygame.display.flip() i = 0 MaxFR = 15 lastUpdate = t.time() frameTime = 1.0 / float(MaxFR) while 1: pygame.event.pump() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN: return if event.type == QUIT: s.exit() bomb.image = bombFrames[i] myGroup.clear(screen, background) myGroup.update() dirty = myGroup.draw(screen) pygame.display.update(dirty) if t.time() > lastUpdate + frameTime: i = (i+1) % 4 lastUpdate = t.time()