def render(self, mode='human', close=False): if self.screen is not None: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: close = True if close: pygame.display.close() pygame.close() self.screen = None self.ball.render() self.enemyPaddle.render() self.aiPaddle.render() if self.screen is not None: if self.draw_grid: #Draw grid here for x in range(self.grid_size): xx = x * self.grid_w pygame.draw.line(self.screen, [255] * 3, (xx, 0), (xx, self.h)) for y in range(self.grid_size): yy = y * self.grid_h pygame.draw.line(self.screen, [255] * 3, (0, yy), (self.w, yy)) pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(60) self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) return
def playTheSoundFile(self, fileName, *args): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() clock.tick(10) while pygame.event.poll() clock.tick(10) pygame.close() pygame.mixer.close()
def connect(self, a=True, b=None): if not a: self.add_log("Connecting...") ip, port, login, password, length = open_config() num = self.comboBox.currentIndex() self.add_log("IP: " + ip[num]) self.add_log("Port: " + str(port[num])) self.add_log("Login: "******"Password: "******"Connecting...") ip, port, login, password, length = open_config() self.add_log("IP: " + ip[num]) self.add_log("Port: " + str(port[num])) self.add_log("Login: "******"Password: "******"Joystick is connected") self.add_log("Number of connected joysticks: " + str(pygame.joystick.get_count())) else: self.add_log("Joystick is uninitialized or not connected") return try: joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick( 0) # создаем новый объект joystick с id = 0 except pygame.error: self.add_log("Joystick is uninitialized or not connected") pygame.close() return joystick.init() # инициализация джойстика self.add_log("Joystick system name: " + joystick.get_name()) # вывод имени джойстика # есть три попытки для подключения к камере mycam = None attempts = 3 while mycam is None: self.add_log("Connecting to the camera...") try: mycam = ONVIFCamera(ip[num], port[num], login[num], password[num]) # инициализация камеры except ONVIFError: self.add_log("Connection failed") attempts -= 1 if attempts == 0: del mycam pygame.quit() return self.add_log("Camera is connected") self.connectBtn.setDisabled(True) self.disconnectBtn.setEnabled(True) media = mycam.create_media_service() # создание media service ptz = mycam.create_ptz_service() # создание ptz service image = mycam.create_imaging_service() # создание imaging service media_profile = media.GetProfiles()[0] # достаем медиа-профиль камеры # достаем ptz configuration options request = ptz.create_type('GetConfigurationOptions') request.ConfigurationToken = media_profile.PTZConfiguration.token ptz_configuration_options = ptz.GetConfigurationOptions(request) ptz_configurations_list = ptz.GetConfigurations() ptz_configuration = ptz_configurations_list[0] # создание запроса continuous move для настройки движения камеры request = ptz.create_type('ContinuousMove') request.ProfileToken = media_profile.token request.Velocity = media_profile.PTZConfiguration.DefaultPTZSpeed # поиск структуры Velocity # преобразование структуры Velocity request.Velocity.Zoom.x = 0.0 = '' = '' ptz.Stop({'ProfileToken': media_profile.token }) # остановка камеры на случай, если она двигалась # создание запроса set preset для сохранения пресетов камеры prequest = ptz.create_type('SetPreset') prequest.ProfileToken = media_profile.token # создание запроса go to preset для перехода между пресетами камеры grequest = ptz.create_type('GotoPreset') grequest.ProfileToken = media_profile.token # создание запроса set configuration для настройки скорости движения камеры srequest = ptz.create_type('SetConfiguration') # создание запроса set imaging settings для настройки изображения с камеры irequest = image.create_type('SetImagingSettings') video_token = media.GetVideoSourceConfigurationOptions( ).VideoSourceTokensAvailable[0] img_settings = image.GetImagingSettings(video_token) global XMAX, XMIN, YMAX, YMIN, ZMAX, ZMIN # получение числового диапазона осей X, Y, Z XMAX = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[ 0].XRange.Max XMIN = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[ 0].XRange.Min YMAX = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[ 0].YRange.Max YMIN = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[ 0].YRange.Min ZMAX = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousZoomVelocitySpace[ 0].XRange.Max ZMIN = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousZoomVelocitySpace[ 0].XRange.Min s = -1 while s < 1: print("%2g maps to %g" % (s, maprange((-1, 1), (XMIN, XMAX), s))) s += 0.1 global throttle isMoving = False OX = False OY = False OZ = False self.done = False while not self.done: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.done = True throttle = (-(joystick.get_axis(THR_AXIS))) / 2 + 0.5 thread = threading.Thread(, args=()) thread.daemon = True thread.start() ptz_configuration.DefaultPTZSpeed.PanTilt.x = throttle * XMAX ptz_configuration.DefaultPTZSpeed.PanTilt.y = throttle * YMAX ptz_configuration.DefaultPTZSpeed.Zoom.x = throttle * ZMAX srequest.PTZConfiguration = ptz_configuration srequest.ForcePersistence = False ptz.SetConfiguration(srequest) grequest.Speed = ptz_configuration.DefaultPTZSpeed grequest.Speed.PanTilt.x = throttle grequest.Speed.PanTilt.y = throttle grequest.Speed.Zoom.x = throttle irequest.VideoSourceToken = video_token irequest.ImagingSettings = img_settings irequest.ForcePersistence = False if joystick.get_axis(X_AXIS) > 0.1 or joystick.get_axis( X_AXIS) < -0.1: move_horizontal(ptz, request, joystick) print( str( maprange((-1, 1), (XMIN, XMAX), joystick.get_axis(X_AXIS)))) isMoving = True OX = True if joystick.get_axis(Y_AXIS) > 0.2 or joystick.get_axis( Y_AXIS) < -0.2: move_vertical(ptz, request, joystick) print( str( maprange((-1, 1), (YMIN, YMAX), joystick.get_axis(Y_AXIS)))) isMoving = True OY = True if joystick.get_axis(Z_AXIS) > 0.3 or joystick.get_axis( Z_AXIS) < -0.3: zoom(ptz, request, joystick) print( str( maprange((-1, 1), (ZMIN, ZMAX), joystick.get_axis(Z_AXIS)))) isMoving = True OZ = True if isMoving: if -0.1 <= joystick.get_axis(X_AXIS) <= 0.1 and OX: ptz.Stop({'ProfileToken': request.ProfileToken}) isMoving = False OX = False if -0.2 <= joystick.get_axis(Y_AXIS) <= 0.2 and OY: ptz.Stop({'ProfileToken': request.ProfileToken}) isMoving = False OY = False if -0.3 <= joystick.get_axis(Z_AXIS) <= 0.3 and OZ: ptz.Stop({'ProfileToken': request.ProfileToken}) isMoving = False OZ = False ptz = mycam.create_ptz_service() if joystick.get_button(6): self.disconnect1(2) if joystick.get_button(7): self.disconnect1(4) if joystick.get_button(0) == 1: if self.focusMode: self.focusMode = False self.add_log("Entering Brightness / Contrast mode...") else: self.focusMode = True self.add_log("Entering Focus mode...") if joystick.get_button(2) == 1: if self.preset1 == 1: prequest.PresetName = "1" prequest.PresetToken = '1' preset = ptz.SetPreset(prequest) self.add_log("Setting preset #1...") self.preset1 = 0 if self.preset2 == 1: prequest.PresetName = "2" prequest.PresetToken = '2' preset = ptz.SetPreset(prequest) self.add_log("Setting preset #2...") self.preset2 = 0 if self.preset3 == 1: prequest.PresetName = "3" prequest.PresetToken = '3' preset = ptz.SetPreset(prequest) self.add_log("Setting preset #3...") self.preset3 = 0 if self.preset4 == 1: prequest.PresetName = "4" prequest.PresetToken = '4' preset = ptz.SetPreset(prequest) self.add_log("Setting preset #4...") self.preset4 = 0 if self.preset5 == 1: prequest.PresetName = "5" prequest.PresetToken = '5' preset = ptz.SetPreset(prequest) self.add_log("Setting preset #5...") self.preset5 = 0 if self.preset6 == 1: prequest.PresetName = "6" prequest.PresetToken = '6' preset = ptz.SetPreset(prequest) self.add_log("Setting preset #6...") self.preset6 = 0 if self.preset7 == 1: prequest.PresetName = "7" prequest.PresetToken = '7' preset = ptz.SetPreset(prequest) self.add_log("Setting preset #7...") self.preset7 = 0 if self.preset8 == 1: prequest.PresetName = "8" prequest.PresetToken = '8' preset = ptz.SetPreset(prequest) self.add_log("Setting preset #8...") self.preset8 = 0 if self.preset1 == 1: grequest.PresetToken = '1' ptz.GotoPreset(grequest) self.add_log("Going to preset #1...") self.preset1 = 0 if self.preset2 == 1: grequest.PresetToken = '2' ptz.GotoPreset(grequest) self.add_log("Going to preset #2...") self.preset2 = 0 if self.preset3 == 1: grequest.PresetToken = '3' ptz.GotoPreset(grequest) self.add_log("Going to preset #3...") self.preset3 = 0 if self.preset4 == 1: grequest.PresetToken = '4' ptz.GotoPreset(grequest) self.add_log("Going to preset #4...") self.preset4 = 0 if self.preset5 == 1: grequest.PresetToken = '5' ptz.GotoPreset(grequest) self.add_log("Going to preset #5...") self.preset5 = 0 if self.preset6 == 1: grequest.PresetToken = '6' ptz.GotoPreset(grequest) self.add_log("Going to preset #6...") self.preset6 = 0 if self.preset7 == 1: grequest.PresetToken = '7' ptz.GotoPreset(grequest) self.add_log("Going to preset #7...") self.preset7 = 0 if self.preset8 == 1: grequest.PresetToken = '8' ptz.GotoPreset(grequest) self.add_log("Going to preset #8...") self.preset8 = 0 # настройка изображения if not self.focusMode: # увеличение яркости (6 кнопка) if self.brightnessWasPressed == 1: if img_settings.Brightness < 100: img_settings.Brightness += 10 if img_settings.Brightness > 100: img_settings.Brightness = 100 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Increasing brightness to " + str(img_settings.Brightness) + "...") print("Increasing brightness to {}".format( img_settings.Brightness)) self.brightnessWasPressed = 0 # уменьшение яркости (4 кнопка) if self.brightnessWasPressed == -1: if img_settings.Brightness > 0: img_settings.Brightness -= 10 if img_settings.Brightness < 0: img_settings.Brightness = 0 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Reducing brightness to " + str(img_settings.Brightness) + "...") print("reducing brightness to {}".format( img_settings.Brightness)) self.brightnessWasPressed = 0 #увеличение резкости if self.sharpnessWasPressed == 1: if img_settings.Sharpness < 100: img_settings.Sharpness += 10 if img_settings.Sharpness > 100: img_settings.Sharpness = 100 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Increasing sharpness to " + str(img_settings.Sharpness) + "...") print("Increasing sharpness to {}".format( img_settings.Sharpness)) self.sharpnessWasPressed = 0 #уменьшение резкости if self.sharpnessWasPressed == -1: if img_settings.Sharpness > 0: img_settings.Sharpness -= 10 if img_settings.Sharpness < 0: img_settings.Sharpness = 0 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Reducing sharpness to " + str(img_settings.Sharpness) + "...") print("Reducing sharpness to {}".format( img_settings.Sharpness)) self.sharpnessWasPressed = 0 #увеличение насыщености if self.saturWasPressed == 1: if img_settings.ColorSaturation < 100: img_settings.ColorSaturation += 10 if img_settings.ColorSaturation > 100: img_settings.ColorSaturation = 100 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Increasing Color Saturation to " + str(img_settings.ColorSaturation) + "...") print("Increasing Color Saturation to {}".format( img_settings.ColorSaturation)) self.saturWasPressed = 0 #уменьшение насыщености if self.saturWasPressed == -1: if img_settings.ColorSaturation > 0: img_settings.ColorSaturation -= 10 if img_settings.ColorSaturation < 0: img_settings.ColorSaturation = 0 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Reducing Color Saturation to " + str(img_settings.ColorSaturation) + "...") print("Reducing Color Saturation to {}".format( img_settings.ColorSaturation)) self.saturWasPressed = 0 # увеличение контрастности (5 кнопка) if self.contrastWasPressed == 1: if img_settings.Contrast < 100: img_settings.Contrast += 10 if img_settings.Contrast > 100: img_settings.Contrast = 100 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Increasing contrast to " + str(img_settings.Contrast) + "...") self.contrastWasPressed = 0 # уменьшение контрастности (3 кнопка) if self.contrastWasPressed == -1: if img_settings.Contrast > 0: img_settings.Contrast -= 10 if img_settings.Contrast < 0: img_settings.Contrast = 0 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Reducing contrast to " + str(img_settings.Contrast) + "...") self.contrastWasPressed = 0 else: # включение автофокуса (6 кнопка) if joystick.get_button(5) == 1: img_settings.Focus.AutoFocusMode = 'AUTO' self.add_log("Turning on AUTO focus...") # включение ручного фокуса (5 кнопка) if joystick.get_button(4) == 1: img_settings.Focus.AutoFocusMode = 'MANUAL' self.add_log("Turning on MANUAL focus...") irequest.ImagingSettings = img_settings image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) # переключение режима цветового баланса if joystick.get_button(1) == 1: img_settings = image.GetImagingSettings(video_token) if img_settings.WhiteBalance.Mode == 'AUTO': img_settings.WhiteBalance.Mode = 'MANUAL' self.add_log("Switching to MANUAL white balance mode...") img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain = 80 # оптимальные настройки CbGain img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain = 30 # оптимальные настройки CrGain else: img_settings.WhiteBalance.Mode = 'AUTO' self.add_log("Switching to AUTO white balance mode...") irequest.ImagingSettings = img_settings image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) img_settings = image.GetImagingSettings(video_token) if img_settings.WhiteBalance.Mode == 'MANUAL': # увеличение CbGain if joystick.get_hat(0) == (1, 0): if img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain < 100: img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain += 5 if img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain > 100: img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain = 100 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Increasing CbGain to " + str(img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain) + "...") # уменьшение CbGain if joystick.get_hat(0) == (-1, 0): if img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain > 0: img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain -= 5 if img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain < 0: img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain = 0 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Reducing CbGain to " + str(img_settings.WhiteBalance.CbGain) + "...") # увеличение CrGain if joystick.get_hat(0) == (0, 1): if img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain < 100: img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain += 5 if img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain > 100: img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain = 100 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Increasing CrGain to " + str(img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain) + "...") # уменьшение CrGain if joystick.get_hat(0) == (0, -1): if img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain > 0: img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain -= 5 if img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain < 0: img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain = 0 image.SetImagingSettings(irequest) self.add_log("Reducing CrGain to " + str(img_settings.WhiteBalance.CrGain) + "...") self.listWidget.scrollToBottom() del mycam self.connectBtn.setEnabled(True) self.disconnectBtn.setDisabled(True) pygame.quit()
def _del(self): if self.screen is not None: pygame.display.close() pygame.close() self.screen = None return
import pygame as pg run = True pg.init() while run: # Keyboard for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: run = False # User let up on a key (we do not care if he pressed it down) if event.type == pg.KEYUP: if event.key == pg.K_f: if(pg.key.get_pressed()[pg.K_RSHIFT] or pg.key.get_pressed()[pg.K_LSHIFT]): print "F" else: print "f" if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE: run = False pg.close()
def close(self): pygame.close()