def run (): drawtypes = [ draw_rect, draw_circle, draw_arc, draw_line, draw_aaline, draw_lines, draw_aalines, draw_polygon, draw_aapolygon, draw_ellipse ] curtype = 0 video.init () screen = video.set_mode (640, 480) screen.fill (white) draw_rect (screen) screen.flip () okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN and ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: curtype += 1 if curtype >= len (drawtypes): curtype = 0 screen.fill (white) drawtypes[curtype] (screen) screen.flip () video.quit ()
def run (): methods = [ draw_checked, draw_striped, draw_flipped, draw_mixed, draw_zoomed, draw_replaced, draw_extracted, draw_extracted2] curmethod = -1 video.init () screen = video.set_mode (320, 240, 32) screen.fill (black) surface = image.load_bmp (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("array.bmp")) surface = surface.convert (flags=sdlconst.SRCALPHA) screen.blit (surface) screen.flip () okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN and ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: curmethod += 1 if curmethod >= len (methods): curmethod = 0 screen.fill (black) screen.blit (surface) methods[curmethod](screen) screen.flip () video.quit ()
def run (): drawtypes = [ draw_aacircle, draw_circle, draw_filledcircle, draw_box, draw_rectangle, draw_arc, draw_line, draw_aaline, draw_hline, draw_vline, draw_polygon, draw_aapolygon, draw_filledpolygon, draw_texturedpolygon, draw_ellipse, draw_aaellipse, draw_filledellipse, draw_aatrigon, draw_trigon, draw_filledtrigon, draw_bezier, draw_pie, draw_filledpie, ] curtype = 0 video.init () screen = video.set_mode (640, 480, 32) screen.fill (white) drawtypes[0] (screen) screen.flip () okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN and ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: curtype += 1 if curtype >= len (drawtypes): curtype = 0 screen.fill (white) drawtypes[curtype] (screen) screen.flip () video.quit ()
def run(): video.init () freetype.init (8) font = freetype.Font (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("sans.ttf")) screen = video.set_mode (800, 600) screen.fill (colors["grey_light"]) sf, w, h = font.render("Hello World", colors["red"], colors['grey_dark'], ptsize=64, style=ftconstants.STYLE_UNDERLINE|ftconstants.STYLE_ITALIC) screen.blit (sf, (32, 32)) font.render("abcdefghijklm", colors["grey_dark"], colors["green"], ptsize=64, dest=(screen, 32, 128)) font.vertical = True font.render("Vertical?", colors["blue"], ptsize=32, dest=(screen, 32, 190)) font.vertical = False font.render("Let's spin!", colors["red"], ptsize=48, rotation=55, dest=(screen, 64, 190)) font.render("All around!", colors["green"], ptsize=48, rotation=-55, dest=(screen, 150, 270)) font.render("and BLEND", pygame2.Color(255, 0, 0, 128), ptsize=64, dest=(screen, 250, 220)) font.render("or BLAND!", pygame2.Color(0, 0xCC, 28, 128), ptsize=64, dest=(screen, 258, 237)) text = "I \u2665 Unicode" if sys.version_info[0] < 3: text = "I " + unichr(0x2665) + " Unicode" font.render(text, pygame2.Color(0, 0xCC, 0xDD), ptsize=64, dest=(screen, 298, 320)) text = "\u2665" if sys.version_info[0] < 3: text = unichr(0x2665) font.render(text, colors["grey_light"], colors["red"], ptsize=148, dest=(screen, 480, 32)) font.render("...yes, this is a SDL surface", pygame2.Color(0, 0, 0), ptsize=24, style=ftconstants.STYLE_BOLD, dest=(screen, 380, 380)) screen.flip () okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == constants.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == constants.KEYDOWN and ev.key == constants.K_ESCAPE: okay = False video.quit ()
def run (): black = pygame2.Color (0, 0, 0) white = pygame2.Color (255, 255, 255) green = pygame2.Color (0, 255, 0) red = pygame2.Color (255, 0, 0) curcolor = black pressed = False lastpos = 0, 0 video.init () screen = video.set_mode (640, 480) screen.fill (white) screen.flip () wm.set_caption ("Mouse demo") okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN and ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.MOUSEMOTION: if pressed: x, y = ev.pos lastpos = ev.pos screen.fill (curcolor, pygame2.Rect (x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5)) screen.flip () elif ev.type == sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if ev.button == 1: pressed = True elif ev.button == 4: x, y = lastpos[0], lastpos[1] - 2 screen.fill (green, pygame2.Rect (x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5)) lastpos = x, y screen.flip () elif ev.button == 5: x, y = lastpos[0], lastpos[1] + 2 screen.fill (red, pygame2.Rect (x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5)) lastpos = x, y screen.flip () elif ev.type == sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if ev.button == 1: pressed = False elif ev.button == 3: if curcolor == white: curcolor = black screen.fill (white) else: curcolor = white screen.fill (black) screen.flip () video.quit ()
def run (): video.init () freetype.init () font = freetype.Font (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("sans.ttf")) fpsmanager = sdlgfx.FPSmanager (2) screen = video.set_mode (640, 480) wm.set_caption ("FPSmanager example") screenrect = pygame2.Rect (640, 480) screen.fill (black) screen.flip () okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN: framerate = fpsmanager.framerate if ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False elif ev.key in (sdlconst.K_PLUS, sdlconst.K_KP_PLUS): framerate = min (framerate + 1, gfxconst.FPS_UPPER_LIMIT) fpsmanager.framerate = framerate elif ev.key in (sdlconst.K_MINUS, sdlconst.K_KP_MINUS): framerate = max (framerate - 1, gfxconst.FPS_LOWER_LIMIT) fpsmanager.framerate = framerate screen.fill (black) prev = time.time () fpsmanager.delay () last = time.time () millis = ((last - prev) * 1000) fpstext = "FPS: %d" % fpsmanager.framerate timetext = "time (ms) passed since last update: %.3f" % millis surfacef, w, h = font.render (fpstext, white, ptsize=28) surfacet, w2, h2 = font.render (timetext, white, ptsize=28) blitrect = pygame2.Rect (w, h) = screenrect.centerx, screenrect.centery - h screen.blit (surfacef, blitrect.topleft) blitrect = pygame2.Rect (w2, h2) = screenrect.centerx, screenrect.centery + h screen.blit (surfacet, blitrect.topleft) screen.flip () video.quit ()
def run (): filltypes = [ fill_solid, fill_rgba, fill_min, fill_rgba_min, fill_max, fill_rgba_max, fill_add, fill_rgba_add, fill_sub, fill_rgba_sub, fill_mult, fill_rgba_mult, fill_and, fill_rgba_and, fill_or, fill_rgba_or, fill_xor, fill_rgba_xor, fill_diff, fill_rgba_diff, fill_screen, fill_rgba_screen, fill_avg, fill_rgba_avg, ] curtype = 0 video.init () screen = video.set_mode (760, 300, 32) surface = image.load_bmp (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("logo.bmp")) surface = surface.convert (flags=sdlconst.SRCALPHA) color = white screen.fill (color) screen.blit (surface, (40, 50)) screen.flip () okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN and ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: curtype += 1 if curtype >= len (filltypes): curtype = 0 if color == black: color = white else: color = black screen.fill (color) screen.blit (surface, (40, 50)) filltypes[curtype] (screen) screen.flip () video.quit ()
def run (): white = pygame2.Color (255, 255, 255) black = pygame2.Color (0, 0, 0) fontmap = [ "0123456789", "ABCDEFGHIJ", "KLMNOPQRST", "UVWXYZ ", "abcdefghij", "klmnopqrst", "uvwxyz ", ",;.:!?-+()" ] video.init () imgfont = image.load_bmp (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("font.bmp")) bmpfont = BitmapFont (imgfont, (32, 32), fontmap) screen = video.set_mode (640, 480) screen.fill (white) center = (320 - bmpfont.surface.w / 2, 10) screen.blit (bmpfont.surface, center) screen.flip () wm.set_caption ("Keyboard demo") x = 0, 0 pos = (310, 300) area = pygame2.Rect (300, 290, 50, 50) okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN: if ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False elif bmpfont.contains (ev.unicode): screen.fill (white) screen.fill (black, area) screen.blit (bmpfont.surface, center) bmpfont.render_on (screen, ev.unicode, pos) screen.flip () video.quit ()
def run (): blittypes = [ blit_solid, blit_min, blit_max, blit_add, blit_sub, blit_mult, blit_and, blit_or, blit_xor, blit_diff, blit_screen, blit_avg, blit_rgba, blit_rgba_min, blit_rgba_max, blit_rgba_add, blit_rgba_sub, blit_rgba_mult, blit_rgba_and, blit_rgba_or, blit_rgba_xor, blit_rgba_diff, blit_rgba_screen, blit_rgba_avg ] curtype = 0 video.init () screen = video.set_mode (640, 480, 32) color = white imgdir = os.path.dirname (os.path.abspath (__file__)) logo = None if hassdlimage: logo = image.load (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("logo.gif")) else: logo = image.load_bmp (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("logo.bmp")) screen.fill (color) screen.blit (logo, (-10, 140)) blit_solid (screen) screen.flip () okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN and ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: curtype += 1 if curtype >= len (blittypes): curtype = 0 if color == black: color = white else: color = black screen.fill (color) screen.blit (logo, (-10, 140)) blittypes[curtype] (screen) screen.flip () video.quit ()
def run(): video.init() surface = None if hassdlimage: surface = image.load(pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get("logo.gif")) else: surface = image.load_bmp(pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get("logo.bmp")) screen = video.set_mode(surface.w + 10, surface.h + 10) screen.fill(pygame2.Color(255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(surface, (5, 5)) screen.flip() okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get(): if ev.type == constants.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == constants.KEYDOWN and ev.key == constants.K_ESCAPE: okay = False video.quit()
def run (): freetype.init () video.init () sdlmixer.init () sdlmixer.open_audio (sdlmixerconst.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, sdlmixerconst.DEFAULT_FORMAT, sdlmixerconst.DEFAULT_CHANNELS, 1024) print ("Detected decoders: %s" % sdlmixer.get_decoders ()) sound = sdlmixer.Chunk (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("house_lo.wav")) channel_sound = sdlmixer.Channel (1) font = freetype.Font (pygame2.examples.RESOURCES.get ("sans.ttf")) surfaces = get_help (font) screen = video.set_mode (640, 480) wm.set_caption ("SDL_mixer sound example") screenrect = pygame2.Rect (640, 480) screen.fill (black) yoff = 100 for (sf, w, h) in surfaces: screen.blit (sf, (100, yoff)) yoff += h + 10 screen.flip () okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False if ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN: # play, pause, resume if ev.key == sdlconst.K_SPACE: if channel_sound.paused: print ("Resuming") channel_sound.resume () elif channel_sound.playing: print ("Pausing") channel_sound.pause () else: print ("Starting") (sound, -1) if ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: # exit the application okay = False elif ev.key in (sdlconst.K_PLUS, sdlconst.K_KP_PLUS): # increase volume channel_sound.volume = min (channel_sound.volume + 1, sdlmixerconst.MAX_VOLUME) print ("Volume is now: %d" % channel_sound.volume) elif ev.key in (sdlconst.K_MINUS, sdlconst.K_KP_MINUS): # decrease volume channel_sound.volume = max (channel_sound.volume - 1, 0) print ("Volume is now: %d" % channel_sound.volume) screen.flip () freetype.quit () video.quit () sdlmixer.close_audio () sdlmixer.quit ()
def keepLooping(): for e in event.get(): if (e.type == K.KEYUP and e.key == K.K_ESCAPE) \ or (e.type == K.QUIT): return False return True
def run (): video.init () joystick.init () if joystick.num_joysticks () == 0: print ("No joysticks found. Exiting.") return screen = video.set_mode (640, 480) screen.fill (white) screen.flip () wm.set_caption ("Joystick demo") crect = pygame2.Rect (400, 300) srect = pygame2.Rect (640, 480) = joyrect = pygame2.Rect (4, 4) = joy = joystick.Joystick (0) btndict = {} xoff, yoff = 50, for i in range (joy.num_buttons): btndict[i] = [False, pygame2.Rect (xoff, yoff, 20, 20)] yoff += 25 xpart = ((crect.width - joyrect.width) / 2) / 32768.0 ypart = ((crect.height - joyrect.height) / 2) / 32768.0 okay = True while okay: for ev in event.get (): if ev.type == sdlconst.QUIT: okay = False elif ev.type == sdlconst.KEYDOWN and ev.key == sdlconst.K_ESCAPE: okay = False elif ev.type == sdlconst.JOYAXISMOTION and == joy.index: if ev.axis == 0: # x axis movement if ev.value == 0: joyrect.centerx = crect.centerx else: joyrect.centerx = crect.centerx + ev.value * xpart elif ev.axis == 1: # y axis movement if ev.value == 0: joyrect.centery = crect.centery else: joyrect.centery = crect.centery + ev.value * ypart elif ev.type == sdlconst.JOYBUTTONDOWN and == joy.index: btndict[ev.button][0] = True elif ev.type == sdlconst.JOYBUTTONUP and == joy.index: btndict[ev.button][0] = False elif ev.type == sdlconst.JOYHATMOTION and == joy.index: pass elif ev.type == sdlconst.JOYBALLMOTION and == joy.index: pass draw.rect (screen, black, crect) draw.line (screen, white, crect.midtop, crect.midbottom) draw.line (screen, white, crect.midleft, crect.midright) draw.rect (screen, green, joyrect) for (state, rect) in btndict.values(): if state: draw.rect (screen, green, rect) else: draw.rect (screen, black, rect) screen.flip () video.quit ()