def test_pub_sub_msgs(): tcp = ('', 9001) pub = zmq.Pub(tcp) sub = zmq.Sub(['test'], tcp) msgs = [ Msgs.Vector(), Msgs.Quaternion(), Msgs.Array(), Msgs.IMU(), Msgs.Dictionary(), Msgs.Odom(), Msgs.Joystick(), Msgs.Twist(), Msgs.Wrench() ] for tmsg in msgs: while True: print(tmsg)'test', tmsg) topic, msg = sub.recv() if msg: assert msg == tmsg assert topic == b'test' break
def grab(self): if not print('Error: camera not setup, run init() first') return Msg.Odom() try: # get values from last run pp = self.pp focal = self.focal p0 = self.p0 R = self.R t = self.t R_f = self.R_f t_f = self.t_f # try this??? # R = R_f.copy() # t = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float) R = self.R t = self.t old_im = self.old_im ret, raw = # end of video if not ret: print('video end') draw(save_pts) # break exit() ################################################ # only for development ... delete! # roi = (0,479,210,639) # im = raw[roi[0]:roi[1],roi[2]:roi[3]] im = raw ################################################ if ret: cv2.imshow('debug', im) cv2.waitKey(1) # Not enough old points, p0 ... find new ones if p0.shape[0] < 50: print('------- reset --------') p0 = self.featureDetection(old_im) # old_im instead? if p0.shape[0] == 0: print('bad image') # continue return # p0 - old pts # p1 - new pts p0, p1 = self.featureTrack(im, old_im, p0) # not enough new points p1 ... bad image? if p1.shape[0] < 50: print('------- reset p1 --------') print('p1 size:', p1.shape) self.old_im = im self.p0 = p1 # continue return # drawKeyPoints(im, p1) # since these are rectified images, fundatmental (F) = essential (E) # E, mask = cv2.findEssentialMat(p0,p1,focal,pp,cv2.FM_RANSAC) # retval, R, t, mask = cv2.recoverPose(E,p0,p1,R_f,t_f,focal,pp,mask) E, mask = cv2.findEssentialMat(p0, p1, focal, pp, cv2.FM_RANSAC, 0.999, 1.0) retval, R, t, mask = cv2.recoverPose(E, p0, p1, R, t, focal, pp, mask) # print retval,R # Now update the previous frame and previous points # self.old_im = im.copy() # p0 = p1.reshape(-1,1,2) # p0 = p1 # print 'p0 size',p0.shape # print 'p1 size',p1.shape # print 't',t # dt = t - t_prev # scale = np.linalg.norm(dt) # print scale scale = 1.0 R_f = # t_f = t t_f = t_f + scale * # t_prev = t # t_f = t_f/t_f[2] # dist += np.linalg.norm(t_f[:2]) # num = np.array([t_f[0]/t_f[2],t_f[1]/t_f[2]]) # num = t_f print('position:', t_f) # print 'distance:', dist # R_f = R*R_f # print 'R:',R_f,'t:',t_f # print t_f save_pts.append(t_f) # save all self.p0 = p1 self.R_f = R_f self.t_f = t_f self.old_im = im.copy() self.t = t self.R = R # create message odom = Msg.Odom() odom['position']['position']['x'] = t_f[0] odom['position']['position']['y'] = t_f[1] odom['position']['position']['z'] = t_f[2] odom['position']['orientation']['x'] = 0.0 # FIXME: 20160529 do rotation to quaternion conversion odom['position']['orientation']['y'] = 0.0 odom['position']['orientation']['z'] = 0.0 odom['position']['orientation']['w'] = 1.0 odom['velocity']['linear']['x'] = 0.0 odom['velocity']['linear']['y'] = 0.0 odom['velocity']['linear']['z'] = 0.0 odom['velocity']['angular']['x'] = 0.0 odom['velocity']['angular']['y'] = 0.0 odom['velocity']['angular']['z'] = 0.0 return odom except KeyboardInterrupt: print('captured interrupt') exit()
def run(self): str( + '[' + str( + '] started on' + str( + ':' + str(self.port) + ', Daemon: ' + str(self.daemon)) sub_imu = zmq.Sub('imu', (, self.port)) sub_vo = zmq.Sub('vo', (, self.port)) pub = zmq.Pub(('localhost', '9100')) #'Openned camera: '+str(self.camera_num)) v = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) gps = ecef(39.0, 104.7, 1000.0) x = np.array(gps) q = np.array([1.0, 0., 0., 0.0]) X = np.hstack((v, x, q)) w = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.epoch = # x_init = np.array([1, 1]) ekf = EKF(1, 1) Q = np.diag([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) R = np.diag([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) ekf.init(X, kf_eqns, R, Q) def printX(x, q): print('------------------------------------------------') print('pos: {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}'.format(*x[0:3])) print('vel: {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}'.format(*x[3:6])) print('qua: {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}'.format(*x[6:])) print('qu2: {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}'.format(*q)) try: # ans = {} while True: topic, imu = sub_imu.recv() if imu: # print(imu) # get this from imu x = imu['linear_acceleration']['x'] y = imu['linear_acceleration']['y'] z = imu['linear_acceleration']['z'] f = np.array([x, y, z]) x = imu['angular_velocity']['x'] y = imu['angular_velocity']['y'] z = imu['angular_velocity']['z'] w = np.array([x, y, z]) qw = imu['orientation']['w'] qx = imu['orientation']['x'] qy = imu['orientation']['y'] qz = imu['orientation']['z'] # integrate navigation EoM u = np.hstack((f, w)) X = self.eom.step(X, u) printX(X, [qw, qx, qy, qz]) topic, vo = sub_vo.recv() if vo: # self.kf.predict() # self.kf.?? print('wtf ... not implemented yet') else: vo = None if 0: u = np.array([0, 0]) z = np.array([0, 0]) ekf.predict(u) ekf.update(z) # xar.append(X[3]) # yar.append(X[4]) # plot(fig, li, xx, yy) # [odom]----------------------------------------------------- # pose(position[vector], orientation[quaternion]) # twist(linear[vector], angular[vector]) odom = msg.Odom() odom['position']['position']['x'] = X[3] odom['position']['position']['y'] = X[4] odom['position']['position']['z'] = X[5] odom['position']['orientation']['x'] = X[6] odom['position']['orientation']['y'] = X[7] odom['position']['orientation']['z'] = X[8] odom['position']['orientation']['z'] = X[9] odom['velocity']['linear']['x'] = X[0] odom['velocity']['linear']['y'] = X[1] odom['velocity']['linear']['z'] = X[2] odom['velocity']['angular']['x'] = w[0] odom['velocity']['angular']['y'] = w[1] odom['velocity']['angular']['z'] = w[2] # print(odom)'/nav', odom) # time.sleep(0.05) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Navigation: shutting down ...')