def load_values(fileid, varid, vartype, start, count, out=None):
    # Map the netCDF types to a numpy type
    # NOTE: character type not supported
    from ctypes import c_long
    from pygeode.tools import point
    import numpy as np
    if out is None: out = np.empty(count, dtype=numpy_type[vartype])
    f = {
        1: lib.nc_get_vara_schar,
        2: lib.nc_get_vara_text,
        3: lib.nc_get_vara_short,
        4: lib.nc_get_vara_int,
        5: lib.nc_get_vara_float,
        6: lib.nc_get_vara_double,
        7: lib.nc_get_vara_uchar,
        8: lib.nc_get_vara_ushort,
        9: lib.nc_get_vara_uint,
        10: lib.nc_get_vara_longlong,
        11: lib.nc_get_vara_ulonglong
    A = c_long * len(start)
    _start = A(*start)
    _count = A(*count)
    ret = f[vartype](fileid, varid, _start, _count, point(out))
    if ret != 0: raise IOError(lib.nc_strerror(ret))
    return out
def get_attributes(obj_id, natts):
    from ctypes import create_string_buffer, c_long, byref
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import point
    atts = {}
    for i in range(natts):
        name = create_string_buffer(256)
        type = c_long()
        count = c_long()
        ret = lib.SDattrinfo(obj_id, i, name, byref(type), byref(count))
        assert ret == 0
        # Can only handle strings (type=3 or 4?) for now.
        # Note: should find HDF4 files that actually have numerical attributes before doing this
        name = str(name.value.decode())
        count = count.value
        type = type.value
        if type in (3, 4):
            value = create_string_buffer(count)
            ret = lib.SDreadattr(obj_id, i, value)
            assert ret == 0
            value = str(value.value.decode())
            value = np.empty([count], dtype=numpy_type[type])
            ret = lib.SDreadattr(obj_id, i, point(value))
            assert ret == 0
            if len(value) == 1: value = value[0]
        atts[name] = value
    return atts
文件: netcdf.py 项目: neishm/pygeode
def put_attributes (fileid, varid, atts, version):
# {{{
  from numpy import asarray
#  from ctypes import c_long
  from pygeode.tools import point
  from warnings import warn
  for name, value in atts.items():
    # String?
    if isinstance(value, str):
      vtype = 2
      ret = put_att_f[vtype](fileid, varid, name.encode('ascii'), len(value), value.encode('ascii'))
      assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
      oldvalue = value
      value = asarray(value)
      # Numpy likes to use int64's a lot - force the arrays back down to int32?
      if isinstance(oldvalue,int) and oldvalue >= -2147483648 and oldvalue <= 2147483647:
        value = asarray(value, dtype='int32')
      # Drop unsupported data types
      if value.dtype.name.startswith('string'):
        warn ("no support for writing attributes containing an array of strings", stacklevel=3)
      if value.dtype.name not in nc_type[version]:
        warn ("skipping attribute %s = %s  (unsupported type %s)"%(name,value,value.dtype.name), stacklevel=3)
      # Scalar?
      if value.shape == (): value = value.reshape([1])
      vtype = nc_type[version][value.dtype.name]
      # Get the dtype again, but this time it should be compatible with the function we're writing to
      # (in case there is an implicit cast involved, i.e. int64's need to be cast to something else for netcdf)
      dtype = numpy_type[vtype]
      value = asarray(value, dtype=dtype)
      ret = put_att_f[vtype](fileid, varid, name.encode('ascii'), vtype, len(value), point(value))
      assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
文件: hdf4.py 项目: neishm/pygeode
def get_attributes (obj_id, natts):
  from ctypes import create_string_buffer, c_long, byref
  import numpy as np
  from pygeode.tools import point
  atts = {}
  for i in range(natts):
    name = create_string_buffer(256)
    type = c_long()
    count = c_long()
    ret = lib.SDattrinfo(obj_id, i, name, byref(type), byref(count))
    assert ret == 0
    # Can only handle strings (type=3 or 4?) for now.
    # Note: should find HDF4 files that actually have numerical attributes before doing this
    name = str(name.value.decode())
    count = count.value
    type = type.value
    if type in (3,4):
      value = create_string_buffer(count)
      ret = lib.SDreadattr(obj_id, i, value)
      assert ret == 0
      value = str(value.value.decode())
      value = np.empty([count], dtype=numpy_type[type])
      ret = lib.SDreadattr(obj_id, i, point(value))
      assert ret == 0
      if len(value) == 1: value = value[0]
    atts[name] = value
  return atts
def load_values(sds_id, start, count, out):
    import numpy as np
    from ctypes import c_int
    from pygeode.tools import point
    A = c_int * len(start)
    _start = A(*start)
    _stride = A(*([1] * len(start)))
    _count = A(*count)
    ret = lib.SDreaddata(sds_id, _start, _stride, _count, point(out))
    assert ret == 0, 'HDF4 read error: SDreaddata returned code %d' % ret
    return out
文件: hdf4.py 项目: neishm/pygeode
def load_values (sds_id, start, count, out):
  import numpy as np
  from ctypes import c_int
  from pygeode.tools import point
  A = c_int * len(start)
  _start = A(*start)
  _stride = A(*([1]*len(start)))
  _count = A(*count)
  ret = lib.SDreaddata(sds_id, _start, _stride, _count, point(out))
  assert ret == 0, 'HDF4 read error: SDreaddata returned code %d'%ret
  return out
def get_attributes(fileid, varid):
    # {{{
    from ctypes import create_string_buffer, c_int, c_long, byref
    from pygeode.tools import point
    from numpy import empty
    natts = c_int()

    # Global attributes?
    if (varid < 0):
        ret = lib.nc_inq_natts(fileid, byref(natts))
        assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)

    # Variable attributes?
        ret = lib.nc_inq_varnatts(fileid, varid, byref(natts))
        assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)

    natts = natts.value

    atts = {}

    name = create_string_buffer(NC_MAX_NAME)
    vtype = c_int()
    size = c_long()

    # Loop over all attributes
    for n in range(natts):
        ret = lib.nc_inq_attname(fileid, varid, n, name)
        assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
        ret = lib.nc_inq_att(fileid, varid, name, byref(vtype), byref(size))
        assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
        # String?
        if vtype.value == 2:
            valstr = create_string_buffer(size.value)
            ret = get_att_f[vtype.value](fileid, varid, name, valstr)
            assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
            value = str(valstr.value.decode())
            valnp = empty([size.value], numpy_type[vtype.value])
            ret = get_att_f[vtype.value](fileid, varid, name, point(valnp))
            assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
            value = valnp
            if value.size == 1: value = value[0]

        atts[str(name.value.decode())] = value

    return atts
文件: netcdf.py 项目: neishm/pygeode
def get_attributes (fileid, varid):
# {{{
  from ctypes import create_string_buffer, c_int, c_long, byref
  from pygeode.tools import point
  from numpy import empty
  natts = c_int()

  # Global attributes?
  if (varid < 0):
    ret = lib.nc_inq_natts(fileid, byref(natts))
    assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)

  # Variable attributes?
    ret = lib.nc_inq_varnatts (fileid, varid, byref(natts))
    assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)

  natts = natts.value

  atts = {}

  name = create_string_buffer(NC_MAX_NAME)
  vtype = c_int()
  size = c_long()

  # Loop over all attributes
  for n in range(natts):
    ret = lib.nc_inq_attname(fileid, varid, n, name);
    assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
    ret = lib.nc_inq_att (fileid, varid, name, byref(vtype), byref(size))
    assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
    # String?
    if vtype.value == 2:
      valstr = create_string_buffer(size.value)
      ret = get_att_f[vtype.value](fileid, varid, name, valstr);
      assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
      value = str(valstr.value.decode())
      valnp = empty([size.value], numpy_type[vtype.value])
      ret = get_att_f[vtype.value](fileid, varid, name, point(valnp))
      assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
      value = valnp
      if value.size == 1: value = value[0]

    atts[str(name.value.decode())] = value

  return atts
文件: netcdf.py 项目: neishm/pygeode
def load_values (fileid, varid, vartype, start, count, out=None):
  # Map the netCDF types to a numpy type
  # NOTE: character type not supported
  from ctypes import c_long
  from pygeode.tools import point
  import numpy as np
  if out is None: out = np.empty(count, dtype = numpy_type[vartype])
  f = {1:lib.nc_get_vara_schar, 2:lib.nc_get_vara_text, 3:lib.nc_get_vara_short,
       4:lib.nc_get_vara_int, 5:lib.nc_get_vara_float,
       6:lib.nc_get_vara_double, 7:lib.nc_get_vara_uchar,
       8:lib.nc_get_vara_ushort, 9:lib.nc_get_vara_uint,
      10:lib.nc_get_vara_longlong, 11:lib.nc_get_vara_ulonglong}
  A = c_long * len(start)
  _start = A(*start)
  _count = A(*count)
  ret = f[vartype](fileid, varid, _start, _count, point(out))
  if ret != 0: raise IOError(lib.nc_strerror(ret))
  return out
def put_attributes(fileid, varid, atts, version):
    # {{{
    from numpy import asarray
    #  from ctypes import c_long
    from pygeode.tools import point
    from warnings import warn
    for name, value in atts.items():
        # String?
        if isinstance(value, str):
            vtype = 2
            ret = put_att_f[vtype](fileid, varid, name.encode('ascii'),
                                   len(value), value.encode('ascii'))
            assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
            oldvalue = value
            value = asarray(value)
            # Numpy likes to use int64's a lot - force the arrays back down to int32?
            if isinstance(
                    oldvalue, int
            ) and oldvalue >= -2147483648 and oldvalue <= 2147483647:
                value = asarray(value, dtype='int32')
            # Drop unsupported data types
            if value.dtype.name.startswith('string'):
                    "no support for writing attributes containing an array of strings",
            if value.dtype.name not in nc_type[version]:
                warn("skipping attribute %s = %s  (unsupported type %s)" %
                     (name, value, value.dtype.name),
            # Scalar?
            if value.shape == (): value = value.reshape([1])
            vtype = nc_type[version][value.dtype.name]
            # Get the dtype again, but this time it should be compatible with the function we're writing to
            # (in case there is an implicit cast involved, i.e. int64's need to be cast to something else for netcdf)
            dtype = numpy_type[vtype]
            value = asarray(value, dtype=dtype)
            ret = put_att_f[vtype](fileid, varid, name.encode('ascii'), vtype,
                                   len(value), point(value))
            assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
def save(filename,
    # {{{
    from ctypes import c_int, c_long, byref
    from pygeode.view import View
    from pygeode.tools import combine_axes, point
    from pygeode.axis import Axis, DummyAxis
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.progress import PBar, FakePBar
    from pygeode.formats import finalize_save
    from pygeode.dataset import asdataset

    assert isinstance(filename, str)

    in_dataset = asdataset(in_dataset)
    dataset = finalize_save(in_dataset, cfmeta, pack)

    # Version?
    if compress: version = 4
    assert version in (3, 4)

    fileid = c_int()

    vars = list(dataset.vars)
    # The output axes
    axes = combine_axes(v.axes for v in vars)

    # Include axes in the list of vars (for writing to netcdf).
    # Exclude axes which don't have any intrinsic values.
    vars = vars + [a for a in axes if not isinstance(a, DummyAxis)]

    # Variables (and axes) must all have unique names
    assert len(set([v.name for v in vars])) == len(
        vars), "vars must have unique names: %s" % [v.name for v in vars]

    if unlimited is not None:
        assert unlimited in [a.name for a in axes]

    # Functions for writing entire array
    allf = {
        1: lib.nc_put_var_schar,
        2: lib.nc_put_var_text,
        3: lib.nc_put_var_short,
        4: lib.nc_put_var_int,
        5: lib.nc_put_var_float,
        6: lib.nc_put_var_double,
        7: lib.nc_put_var_uchar,
        8: lib.nc_put_var_ushort,
        9: lib.nc_put_var_uint,
        10: lib.nc_put_var_longlong,
        11: lib.nc_put_var_ulonglong

    # Functions for writing chunks
    chunkf = {
        1: lib.nc_put_vara_schar,
        2: lib.nc_put_vara_text,
        3: lib.nc_put_vara_short,
        4: lib.nc_put_vara_int,
        5: lib.nc_put_vara_float,
        6: lib.nc_put_vara_double,
        7: lib.nc_put_vara_uchar,
        8: lib.nc_put_vara_ushort,
        9: lib.nc_put_vara_uint,
        10: lib.nc_put_vara_longlong,
        11: lib.nc_put_vara_ulonglong

    # Create the file
    if version == 3:
        ret = lib.nc_create(filename.encode('ascii'), 0, byref(fileid))
        if ret != 0: raise IOError(lib.nc_strerror(ret))
    elif version == 4:
        ret = lib.nc_create(filename.encode('ascii'), 0x1000,
                            byref(fileid))  # 0x1000 = NC_NETCDF4
        if ret != 0: raise IOError(lib.nc_strerror(ret))
    else: raise Exception

        # Define the dimensions
        dimids = [None] * len(axes)
        for i, a in enumerate(axes):
            dimids[i] = c_int()
            if unlimited == a.name:
                ret = lib.nc_def_dim(fileid, a.name.encode('ascii'), c_long(0),
                ret = lib.nc_def_dim(fileid, a.name.encode('ascii'),
                                     c_long(len(a)), byref(dimids[i]))
            assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)

        # Define the variables (including axes)
        chunks = [None] * len(vars)
        varids = [None] * len(vars)
        for i, var in enumerate(vars):
            t = nc_type[version][var.dtype.name]
            # Generate the array of dimension ids for this var
            d = [dimids[list(axes).index(a)] for a in var.axes]
            # Make it C-compatible
            d = (c_int * var.naxes)(*d)
            varids[i] = c_int()
            ret = lib.nc_def_var(fileid, var.name.encode('ascii'), t,
                                 var.naxes, d, byref(varids[i]))
            assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
            # Compress the data? (only works for netcdf4 or (higher?))
            if compress:
                ret = lib.nc_def_var_deflate(fileid, varids[i], 1, 1, 2)
                assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)

        # Write the attributes

        # global attributes
        put_attributes(fileid, -1, dataset.atts, version)

        # variable attributes
        for i, var in enumerate(vars):
            # modify axes to be netcdf friendly (CF-compliant, etc.)
            put_attributes(fileid, varids[i], var.atts, version)

        # Don't pre-fill the file
        oldmode = c_int()
        ret = lib.nc_set_fill(fileid, 256, byref(oldmode))
        assert ret == 0, "Can't set fill mode: %s (error %d)" % (
            lib.nc_strerror(ret), ret)
        # Finished defining the variables, about to start writing the values
        ret = lib.nc_enddef(fileid)
        assert ret == 0, "Error leaving define mode: %s (error %d)" % (
            lib.nc_strerror(ret), ret)

        # Relative progress of each variable
        sizes = [v.size for v in vars]
        prog = np.cumsum([0.] + sizes) / np.sum(sizes) * 100

        #  print "Saving '%s':"%filename
        pbar = PBar(message="Saving '%s':" % filename)
        #  pbar = FakePBar()
        # Write the data
        for i, var in enumerate(vars):
            t = nc_type[version][var.dtype.name]
            dtype = numpy_type[t]

            #    print 'writing', var.name

            # number of actual variables (non-axes) for determining our progress
            N = len([v for v in vars if not isinstance(v, Axis)])
            varpbar = pbar.subset(prog[i], prog[i + 1])

            views = list(View(var.axes).loop_mem())
            for j, v in enumerate(views):

                vpbar = varpbar.part(j, len(views))
                #      print '???', repr(str(v))

                # Should always be slices (since we're looping over whole thing contiguously?)
                for sl in v.slices:
                    assert isinstance(sl, slice)
                for sl in v.slices:
                    assert sl.step in (1, None)

                start = [sl.start for sl in v.slices]
                count = [sl.stop - sl.start for sl in v.slices]

                start = (c_long * var.naxes)(*start)
                count = (c_long * var.naxes)(*count)

                if isinstance(var, Axis):
                    assert len(start) == len(count) == 1
                    data = var.values
                    data = data[
                        start[0]:start[0] +
                        count[0]]  # the above gives us the *whole* axis,
                    # but under extreme conditions we may be looping over smaller pieces
                    data = v.get(var, pbar=vpbar)

                # Ensure the data is stored contiguously in memory
                data = np.ascontiguousarray(data, dtype=dtype)
                ret = chunkf[t](fileid, varids[i], start, count, point(data))
                assert ret == 0, "Error writing var '%s' to netcdf: %s (error %d)" % (
                    var.name, lib.nc_strerror(ret), ret)

        # Finished
文件: netcdf.py 项目: neishm/pygeode
def save (filename, in_dataset, version=3, pack=None, compress=False, cfmeta = True, unlimited=None):
# {{{
  from ctypes import c_int, c_long, byref
  from pygeode.view import View
  from pygeode.tools import combine_axes, point
  from pygeode.axis import Axis, DummyAxis
  import numpy as np
  from pygeode.progress import PBar, FakePBar
  from pygeode.formats import finalize_save
  from pygeode.dataset import asdataset

  assert isinstance(filename,str)

  in_dataset = asdataset(in_dataset)
  dataset = finalize_save(in_dataset, cfmeta, pack)

  # Version?
  if compress: version = 4
  assert version in (3,4)

  fileid = c_int()

  vars = list(dataset.vars)
  # The output axes
  axes = combine_axes(v.axes for v in vars)

  # Include axes in the list of vars (for writing to netcdf).
  # Exclude axes which don't have any intrinsic values.
  vars = vars + [a for a in axes if not isinstance(a,DummyAxis)]

  # Variables (and axes) must all have unique names
  assert len(set([v.name for v in vars])) == len(vars), "vars must have unique names: %s"% [v.name for v in vars]

  if unlimited is not None:
    assert unlimited in [a.name for a in axes]

  # Functions for writing entire array
  allf = {1:lib.nc_put_var_schar, 2:lib.nc_put_var_text, 3:lib.nc_put_var_short,
       4:lib.nc_put_var_int, 5:lib.nc_put_var_float,
       6:lib.nc_put_var_double, 7:lib.nc_put_var_uchar,
       8:lib.nc_put_var_ushort, 9:lib.nc_put_var_uint,
      10:lib.nc_put_var_longlong, 11:lib.nc_put_var_ulonglong}

  # Functions for writing chunks
  chunkf = {1:lib.nc_put_vara_schar, 2:lib.nc_put_vara_text, 3:lib.nc_put_vara_short,
       4:lib.nc_put_vara_int, 5:lib.nc_put_vara_float,
       6:lib.nc_put_vara_double, 7:lib.nc_put_vara_uchar,
       8:lib.nc_put_vara_ushort, 9:lib.nc_put_vara_uint,
      10:lib.nc_put_vara_longlong, 11:lib.nc_put_vara_ulonglong}

  # Create the file
  if version == 3:
    ret = lib.nc_create (filename.encode('ascii'), 0, byref(fileid))
    if ret != 0: raise IOError(lib.nc_strerror(ret))
  elif version == 4:
    ret = lib.nc_create (filename.encode('ascii'), 0x1000, byref(fileid))  # 0x1000 = NC_NETCDF4
    if ret != 0: raise IOError(lib.nc_strerror(ret))
  else: raise Exception

    # Define the dimensions
    dimids = [None] * len(axes)
    for i,a in enumerate(axes):
      dimids[i] = c_int()
      if unlimited == a.name:
        ret = lib.nc_def_dim (fileid, a.name.encode('ascii'), c_long(0), byref(dimids[i]))
        ret = lib.nc_def_dim (fileid, a.name.encode('ascii'), c_long(len(a)), byref(dimids[i]))
      assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)

    # Define the variables (including axes)
    chunks = [None] * len(vars)
    varids = [None] * len(vars)
    for i, var in enumerate(vars):
      t = nc_type[version][var.dtype.name]
      # Generate the array of dimension ids for this var
      d = [dimids[list(axes).index(a)] for a in var.axes]
      # Make it C-compatible
      d = (c_int * var.naxes)(*d)
      varids[i] = c_int()
      ret = lib.nc_def_var (fileid, var.name.encode('ascii'), t, var.naxes, d, byref(varids[i]))
      assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)
      # Compress the data? (only works for netcdf4 or (higher?))
      if compress:
        ret = lib.nc_def_var_deflate (fileid, varids[i], 1, 1, 2)
        assert ret == 0, lib.nc_strerror(ret)

    # Write the attributes

    # global attributes
    put_attributes (fileid, -1, dataset.atts, version)

    # variable attributes
    for i, var in enumerate(vars):
      # modify axes to be netcdf friendly (CF-compliant, etc.)
      put_attributes (fileid, varids[i], var.atts, version)

    # Don't pre-fill the file
    oldmode = c_int()
    ret = lib.nc_set_fill (fileid, 256, byref(oldmode))
    assert ret == 0, "Can't set fill mode: %s (error %d)" % (lib.nc_strerror(ret), ret)
    # Finished defining the variables, about to start writing the values
    ret = lib.nc_enddef (fileid)
    assert ret == 0, "Error leaving define mode: %s (error %d)" % (lib.nc_strerror(ret), ret)

    # Relative progress of each variable
    sizes = [v.size for v in vars]
    prog = np.cumsum([0.]+sizes) / np.sum(sizes) * 100

  #  print "Saving '%s':"%filename
    pbar = PBar(message="Saving '%s':"%filename)
  #  pbar = FakePBar()
    # Write the data
    for i, var in enumerate(vars):
      t = nc_type[version][var.dtype.name]
      dtype = numpy_type[t]

  #    print 'writing', var.name

      # number of actual variables (non-axes) for determining our progress
      N = len([v for v in vars if not isinstance(v,Axis)])
      varpbar = pbar.subset(prog[i], prog[i+1])

      views = list(View(var.axes).loop_mem())
      for j,v in enumerate(views):

        vpbar = varpbar.part(j, len(views))
  #      print '???', repr(str(v))

        # Should always be slices (since we're looping over whole thing contiguously?)
        for sl in v.slices: assert isinstance(sl, slice)
        for sl in v.slices: assert sl.step in (1,None)

        start = [sl.start for sl in v.slices]
        count = [sl.stop - sl.start for sl in v.slices]

        start = (c_long*var.naxes)(*start)
        count = (c_long*var.naxes)(*count)

        if isinstance(var, Axis):
          assert len(start) == len(count) == 1
          data = var.values
          data = data[start[0]:start[0]+count[0]] # the above gives us the *whole* axis,
                                                  # but under extreme conditions we may be looping over smaller pieces
        else: data = v.get(var, pbar=vpbar)

        # Ensure the data is stored contiguously in memory
        data = np.ascontiguousarray(data, dtype=dtype)
        ret = chunkf[t](fileid, varids[i], start, count, point(data))
        assert ret == 0, "Error writing var '%s' to netcdf: %s (error %d)" % (var.name, lib.nc_strerror(ret), ret)

    # Finished