    def toNvector(self, **Nvector_datum_kwds):  # PYCHOK Datums.WGS84
        '''Convert this cartesian to L{Nvector} components,
           I{including height}.

           @kwarg Nvector_datum_kwds: Optional L{Nvector}, B{C{datum}} and
                                      other keyword arguments, ignored if
                                      B{C{Nvector=None}}.  Use
                                      B{C{Nvector=...}} to override this
                                      L{Nvector} class or specify

           @return: The C{n-vector} components (L{Nvector}) or a
                    L{Vector4Tuple}C{(x, y, z, h)} if B{C{Nvector=None}}.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{Nvector}}, B{C{datum}} or other


           >>> from ellipsoidalNvector import LatLon
           >>> c = Cartesian(3980581, 97, 4966825)
           >>> n = c.toNvector()  # (0.62282, 0.000002, 0.78237, +0.24)
        kwds = _xkwds(Nvector_datum_kwds, Nvector=Nvector, datum=self.datum)
        return CartesianEllipsoidalBase.toNvector(self, **kwds)
    def toLatLon(self, **kwds):  # PYCHOK LatLon=LatLon, datum=None
        '''Convert this cartesian point to an C{Nvector}-based
           geodetic point.

           @keyword kwds: Optional, additional B{C{LatLon}} keyword
                          arguments, ignored if C{B{LatLon}=None}.
                          Specify C{LatLon=...} to override this
                          L{LatLon} class or set C{B{LatLon}=None}.

           @return: The B{C{LatLon}} point (L{LatLon}) or when
                    C{B{LatLon}=None}, an L{Ecef9Tuple}C{(x, y, z,
                    lat, lon, height, C, M, datum)} with C{C} and
                    C{M} if available.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{LatLon}} or B{C{kwds}}.
        kwds = _2kwds(kwds, LatLon=LatLon, datum=self.datum)
        return CartesianEllipsoidalBase.toLatLon(self, **kwds)
    def toLatLon(self,
                 **LatLon_datum_kwds):  # PYCHOK LatLon=LatLon, datum=None
        '''Convert this cartesian point to a C{Karney}-based
           geodetic point.

           @kwarg LatLon_datum_kwds: Optional L{LatLon}, B{C{datum}} and
                  other keyword arguments, ignored if B{C{LatLon=None}}.
                  Use B{C{LatLon=...}} to override this L{LatLon} class
                  or specify B{C{LatLon=None}}.

           @return: The geodetic point (L{LatLon}) or if B{C{LatLon}}
                    is C{None}, an L{Ecef9Tuple}C{(x, y, z, lat, lon,
                    height, C, M, datum)} with C{C} and C{M} if available.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{LatLon}}, B{C{datum}} or other
        kwds = _xkwds(LatLon_datum_kwds, LatLon=LatLon, datum=self.datum)
        return CartesianEllipsoidalBase.toLatLon(self, **kwds)
    def toNvector(self, **kwds):  # PYCHOK Datums.WGS84
        '''Convert this cartesian to L{Nvector} components,
           I{including height}.

           @keyword kwds: Optional, additional B{C{Nvector}} keyword
                          arguments, ignored if C{B{Nvector}=None}.
                          Specify C{Nvector=...} to override this
                          L{Nvector} class or set C{B{Nvector}=None}.

           @return: The B{C{Nvector}} components (L{Nvector}) or a
                    L{Vector4Tuple}C{(x, y, z, h)} if C{B{Nvector}=None}.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{Nvector}} or B{C{kwds}}.


           >>> from ellipsoidalNvector import LatLon
           >>> c = Cartesian(3980581, 97, 4966825)
           >>> n = c.toNvector()  # (0.62282, 0.000002, 0.78237, +0.24)
        kwds = _2kwds(kwds, Nvector=Nvector, datum=self.datum)
        return CartesianEllipsoidalBase.toNvector(self, **kwds)