def testGars(self, LL): # Karney's geographiclib/1.49/examples/example-GARS.cpp # <> g = Garef('57.64911, 10.40744', precision=2) self.test('Garef', g, '381NH45') self.test('Garef', repr(g), "Garef('381NH45')") self.test('Garef.precision', g.precision, 2) self.testCopy(g) self.test('Garef.latlon', fStr(g.latlon, prec=5), '57.64911, 10.40744') t = g.toLatLon(LL) self.test('Garef.toLatLon', repr(t), 'LatLon(57°38′56.8″N, 010°24′26.78″E)') self.testCodec3(g, '57.625, 10.375, 2.0', prec=4) t = Garef(t, precision=2, name='self') self.test('Garef(LatLon)', t, g) self.testCopy(t) for t in range(-1, 4): r = gars.resolution(t) p = gars.precision(r) self.test('precision', t, p, known=t < 0 or t > 2) b = degDMS(r, prec=0, s_D='', s_S='') # only S_MIN x = ('30' + S_MIN) if p < 1 else (('15' + S_MIN) if p < 2 else ('5' + S_MIN)) self.test('resolution', b, x) # also to test degDMS
def testGeoref(self, LL): # Karney's geographiclib/1.49/examples/example-Georef.cpp # <> g = Georef('57.64911, 10.40744', precision=6) self.test('Georef', g, 'NKLN2444638946') self.test('Georef', repr(g), "Georef('NKLN2444638946')") self.test('Georef.latlon', fStr(g.latlon, prec=5), '57.64911, 10.40744') t = g.toLatLon(LL) self.test('Georef.toLatLon', repr(t), 'LatLon(57°38′56.8″N, 010°24′26.78″E)') self.testCodec3(g, '57.64911, 10.40744, 6.0', prec=5) # <> g = Georef('38.286108, -76.4291704', precision=6) self.test('Georef', g, 'GJPJ3424917166') self.test('Georef', repr(g), "Georef('GJPJ3424917166')") self.test('Georef.latlon', fStr(g.latlon, prec=6), '38.286108, -76.42917') t = g.toLatLon(LL) self.test('Georef.toLatLon', repr(t), 'LatLon(38°17′09.99″N, 076°25′45.01″W)') self.testCodec3(g, '38.286108, -76.429175, 6.0', prec=6) # <> self.testCodec3('MKPG1204', '51.075, -1.7917, 3.0', prec=4) # <> self.testCodec3('WJKG1503', '36.0583, 129.2583, 3.0', prec=4) # <> self.testCodec5('GJPJ4103R5', '38.0583, -76.3083, 3.0, None, 9260.0', prec=4) self.testCodec5('GJPJ4103H17', '38.0583, -76.3083, 3.0, 5181.6, None', prec=4) self.testCodec5('GJPJ4103R5H17', '38.0583, -76.3083, 3.0, 5181.6, 9260.0', prec=4) for t in range(-1, 13): r = wgrs.resolution(t) p = wgrs.precision(r) self.test('precision', t, p, known=t < 0 or t > 11) b = degDMS(r, prec=t if r < 1 else 0, s_S='') # no S_SEC x = ('15' + S_DEG) if p < 1 else (('1' + S_DEG) if p < 2 else ('0.%s1%s' % ('0' * (p - 2), S_MIN))) self.test('resolution', b, x) # also to test degDMS
def testUps(self, LL): u = Ups(0, 'N', 448251, 5411932.0001) self.test('Ups', u.toStr(4), '00 N 448251.0 5411932.0001') u = Ups(0, 'N', 448251.795, 5411932.678, falsed=False) self.test('Ups', u, '00 N 448252 5411933') self.test('Ups', u.toStr(prec=3), '00 N 448251.795 5411932.678') self.test('Ups', u.toStr(prec=1, B=True, cs=True), '00Z N 448251.8 5411932.7 n/a n/a') self.test('Ups2', u.toRepr(), '[Z:00, H:N, E:448252, N:5411933]') self.test('Ups2', u.toStr2(), '[Z:00, H:N, E:448252, N:5411933]') ll = u.toLatLon(LL, unfalse=False) # UTM 48.85820000°N, 002.29450000°E self.test('Ups.toLatLon', ll, '43.684097°N, 175.265195°E') self.test('Ups.toLatLon', ll.toStr(form=F_DMS), '43°41′02.75″N, 175°15′54.7″E') # u = ll.toUps(falsed=False) # UTM N 448251.795205746 5411932.67761691 # self.test('LL.toUps', u, 'N 448252 5411933') # self.test('LL.toUps', u.toStr(prec=3), 'N 448251.795 5411932.678') # self.test('LL.toUps', u.toStr2(B=True, cs=True), '[Z:00Z P:N E:448252 N:5411933 C:+175.26519494° S:1.17547892]') m = u.toMgrs() self.test('Ups.toMgrs', m, '60T UP 60176 38249') t = u.toUps() self.test('Ups.toUps', t, '00 N 448252 5411933') t = u.toUtm( self.test('Ups.toUtm', t, '60 N 360177 4838249') # TM8358-2 pg 3-7 ID 1 u = toUps8('84 17 14.042N', '132 14 52.761W') # -132.247988889 self.test('toUpsID1', u.toStr(prec=2, cs=True), '00 N 1530125.78 2426773.6 -132.24798917° 0.99647445') # TM8358-2 pg 3-7 ID 2 u = toUtmUps8( '73N', '44E' ) # Karney 38n 467368 8100752 (73°00'00.0"N 044°00'00.0"E) MGRS 38XMG6736700752 self.test('toUtmUps8ID2', u.toStr(prec=2, cs=True), '38 N 3320416.75 632668.43 +44.0° 1.01619505', known=True) u = toUps8('73N', '44E', strict=False) # allow lat outside UPS range self.test('toUtmUps8ID2', u.toStr(prec=2, cs=True), '00 N 3320416.75 632668.43 +44.0° 1.01619505') # TM8358-2 pg 3-7 ID 3 u = toUps8('87 17 14.4S', '132 14 52.303E', pole='S') # -132.247861111 self.test('toUpsID3', u.toStr(prec=2, cs=True), '00 S 2222979.47 1797474.9 -132.24786194° 0.99455723') # TM8358-2 pg 3-7 ID 4 u = Ups(0, 'N', '1530125.78', '2426773.6') ll = u.toLatLon(LL) self.test('Ups.toLatLonID4', ll.toStr(form=F_DMS), '84°17′14.04″N, 132°14′52.76″W') self.test('Ups.toLatLonID4', ll, '84.287234°N, 132.247989°W') # TM8358-2 pg 3-7 ID 5 u = Ups(0, 'N', '3320416.75', '632668.43') ll = u.toLatLon(LL) self.test('Ups.toLatLonID5', ll.toStr(form=F_DMS), '73°00′00.0″N, 044°00′00.0″E') # '72°59′60.0″N, ... self.test('Ups.toLatLonID5', ll, '73.0°N, 044.0°E') # TM8358-2 pg 3-7 ID 6 u = Ups(0, 'S', '2222979.47', '1797474.9') ll = u.toLatLon(LL) self.test('Ups.toLatLonID6', ll.toStr(form=F_DMS), '87°17′14.4″S, 132°14′52.3″E') self.test('Ups.toLatLonID6', ll, '87.287333°S, 132.247861°E') # <> ll = LL(84, 84) self.test('latlon', ll, ll) u = toUps8( ll ) # n 2663075 1930308 (84°00'00.0"N 084°00'00.0"E) MGRS ZJG6307530307 self.test('toUps', u, '00 N 2663075 1930308') self.test('toUps', u.toStr(prec=6, cs=True), '00 N 2663075.299562 1930307.977716 +84.0° 0.99673') # self.test('toMgrs5', u.toMgrs(), 'Z JG 63075 30307') t = ' '.join(toUps8(ll, Ups=None).toStr(prec=6).split()[:5] + ['...)']) self.test('toUps(None)', t, "(0, 'N', 2663075.299562, 1930307.977716, 'Z', ...)", known=True) # coverage self.test('.scale0', u.scale0, '0.994000', fmt='%.6f') u.rescale0(84, 1.0) self.test('rescale0', u.scale0, '0.997261', fmt='%.6f') # <> # 10.2 Examples of computng {x, y, sigma, gamma}, given {lambda, phi, Z} page 41 # replaced with Karney's results from <> # 8: lat lon 83 90 UTM/UPS 46n 459200.256323 9217519.441609 MGRS 46X DT 5920025632317519441609 # 9: lat lon 82 91 UTM/UPS 46n 468930.934996 9105366.008486 MGRS 46X DS 6893093499605366008486 # 10: lat lon 81 179 UTM/UPS 60n 534921.971582 8993806.415149 MGRS 60X WQ 3492197158193806415148 # 11: lat lon 80 180 UTM/UPS 01n 441867.784867 8883084.955948 MGRS 01X DJ 4186778486783084955948 # 12: lat lon 40 0 UTM/UPS 31n 243900.352030 4432069.056899 MGRS 31T BE 4390035202932069056898 # 13: lat lon 3 -179 UTM/UPS 01n 277707.830749 331796.291679 MGRS 01N BD 7770783074931796291678 # 14: lat lon 2 -90 UTM/UPS 16n 166223.907623 221366.166030 MGRS 16N AH 6622390762321366166030 # 15: lat lon 1 -1 UTM/UPS 30n 722561.736479 110597.972524 MGRS 30N YG 2256173647810597972523 # 16: lat lon 0 0 UTM/UPS 31n 166021.443081 0.000000 MGRS 31N AA 6602144308000000000000 # 17: lat lon -1 1 UTM/UPS 31s 277438.263521 9889402.027476 MGRS 31M BU 7743826352189402027476 # 18: lat lon -2 90 UTM/UPS 46s 166223.907623 9778633.833970 MGRS 46M AC 6622390762378633833969 # 19: lat lon -3 179 UTM/UPS 60s 722292.169251 9668203.708321 MGRS 60M YB 2229216925068203708321 # 20: lat lon -4 180 UTM/UPS 01s 166831.065275 9557263.747314 MGRS 01M AR 6683106527557263747313 for t in ( '1 -0 90 N 2000000.0 2000000.0 0.994 -0', '2 -179 89 N 1998062.320046 2111009.610243 0.994076 -179', '3 -90 88 N 1777930.731071 2000000.0 0.994303 -90', '4 -1 87 N 1994185.827038 1666906.254073 0.994682 -1', '5 0 86 N 2000000.0 1555731.570643 0.995212 0', '6 1 85 N 2009694.068153 1444627.207468 0.995895 1', '7 89 84 N 2666626.157825 1988363.997132 0.996730 89', # '8 90 83 N 2778095.750322 2000000.0 0.997718 90', '8 90 83 N 459200.256323 9217519.441609 0.997718 -2.97767886', # '9 91 82 N 2889442.490749 2015525.276426 0.998860 91', '9 91 82 N 468930.934996 9105366.008486 0.998860 -1.98055172', # '10 179 81 N 2017473.190606 3001038.419357 1.000156 179', '10 179 81 N 534921.971582 8993806.415149 1.000156 +1.97539632', # '11 180 80 N 2000000.0 3112951.136955 1.001608 180', '11 180 80 N 441867.784867 8883084.955948 1.001608 -2.95450468', # '12 0 40 N 2000000.0 -3918313.984953 1.209619 0', '12 0 40 N 243900.35203 4432069.056899 1.0004075 -1.92940969', # '13 -179 3 N 1790630.987261 13994742.706481 1.883453 -179', '13 -179 3 N 277707.830749 331796.291679 1.00021172 -0.1047151895', # '14 -90 2 N -10206568.118587 2000000.0 1.914973 -90', '14 -90 2 N 166223.907623 221366.16603 1.00097936 -0.104796101', # '15 -1 1 N 1783239.204558 -10418217.653909 1.947589 -1', '15 -1 1 N 722561.736479 110597.972524 1.00021322 0.03491928033333334', # '16 0 0 N 2000000.0 -10637318.498257 1.981349 0', '16 0 0 N 166021.443081 0.0 1.00098106 0', # '17 1 -1 N 2224408.737826 -10856367.979638 2.016305 1', '17 1 -1 S 277438.263521 9889402.027476 1.00021322 0.03491928033333334', # '18 90 -2 N 15083269.373905 2000000.0 2.052510 90', '18 90 -2 S 166223.907623 9778633.83397 1.00097936 0.104796101', # '19 179 -3 N 2232331.498720 15310262.647286 2.090020 179', '19 179 -3 S 722292.169251 9668203.708321 1.00021172 -0.1047151895', # '20 180 -4 N 2000000.0 15545537.944524 2.128897 180', '20 180 -4 S 166831.065275 9557263.747314 1.00097428 0.209463796167', ): i, lon, lat, p, e, n, s, c = t.split() u = toUtmUps8(lat, lon) z = '%02d' % (, ) x = ' '.join((z, p, e, n, degDMS(float(c), prec=8, pos='+'), s)) t = u.toStr(prec=6, cs=True) if abs(float(s) - u.scale) < 1e-2: t = ' '.join(t.split()[:-1] + [s]) self.test('NGA-10.2-' + i, t, x) # <> # 10.3 Examples of computing {lambda, phi}, given {Z, x, y} page 41 for t in ('1 S 0 0 -135.0 -64.9164123332', '2 S 1000000 0 -153.4349488229 -70.0552944014', '3 S 2000000 0 -180.0 -72.1263610163', '4 S 3000000 0 153.4349488229 -70.0552944014', '5 S 4000000 0 135.0 -64.9164123332', '6 S 0 1000000 -116.5650511771 -70.0552944014', '7 S 1000000 1000000 -135.0 -77.3120791908', '8 S 2000000 1000000 180.0 -81.0106632645', '9 S 3000000 1000000 135.0 -77.3120791908', '10 S 4000000 1000000 116.5650511771 -70.0552944014', '11 S 0 2000000 -90.0 -72.1263610163', '12 S 1000000 2000000 -90.0 -81.0106632645', '13 S 2000000 2000000 0.0 -90.0', '14 S 3000000 2000000 90.0 -81.0106632645', '15 S 4000000 2000000 90.0 -72.1263610163', '16 S 0 3000000 -63.4349488229 -70.0552944014', '17 S 1000000 3000000 -45.0 -77.3120791908', '18 S 2000000 3000000 0.0 -81.0106632645', '19 S 3000000 3000000 45.0 -77.3120791908', '20 S 4000000 3000000 63.4349488229 -70.0552944014', '21 S 0 4000000 -45.0 -64.9164123332', '22 S 1000000 4000000 -26.5650511771 -70.0552944014', '23 S 2000000 4000000 0.0 -72.1263610163', '24 S 3000000 4000000 26.5650511771 -70.0552944014', '25 S 4000000 4000000 45.0 -64.9164123332'): i, p, e, n, lon, lat = t.split() x = lat + ' ' + lon u = parseUTMUPS5(' '.join(('00', p, e, n))) ll = u.toLatLon(LL) t = ' '.join(strs(ll.latlon, prec=10)) self.test('NGA-10.3-' + i, t, x, known=i == '3')
def testDms(self): # MCCABE 14 for t in ('0.0°', '0°', '''000°00'00"''', '''000°00'00.0"''', '''000° 00'00"''', '''000°00 ' 00.0"''', '''000° 00' 00.0'''): self.test("parseDMS('%s')" % (t, ), parseDMS(t), '0.0') t = '000°-00′-00.0"' self.test("parseDMS('%s')" % (t, ), parseDMS(t, sep='-'), '0.0') _X = '' for t, X, x in ((1, '1.0', _X), (12, '12.0', _X), (123, '123.0', _X), (1234, '12.567', '1234.0'), (12345, '123.75', '12345.0'), (123456, '12.582', '123456.0'), (1234567, '123.769', '1234567.0'), (12345678, '1234.955', '12345678.0'), (.1, 0.1, _X), (1.2, 1.2, _X), (12.3, 12.3, _X), (123.4, 123.4, _X), (1234.5, 12.575, 1234.5), (12345.6, 123.76, 12345.6), (123456.7, 12.582, 123456.7), ('1N', '1.0', _X), ('12S', '-12.0', _X), ('012.3W', '-12.3', _X), ('123E', '123.0', _X), ('1234N', '12.567', '1234.0'), ('12345E', '123.75', '12345.0'), ('1234.5S', '-12.575', '-1234.5'), ('12345.6E', '123.76', '12345.6'), ('123456.7S', '-12.582', '-123456.7'), ('1234567.8W', '-123.769', '-1234567.8'), ('12345678E', '12345678.0', _X)): self.test('parseDDDMMSS(%r)' % (t, ), fstr(parseDDDMMSS(t), prec=3), X) self.test('parseDMS(%r)' % (t, ), fstr(parseDMS(t), prec=3), x or X) t = 345.0 self.test('parseDDDMMSS(%r, NS)' % (t, ), fstr(parseDDDMMSS(t, suffix='NS'), prec=3), '3.75') self.test('parseDDDMMSS(%r, EW)' % (t, ), fstr(parseDDDMMSS(t, suffix='EW'), prec=3), '345.0') t = 5430.0 self.test('parseDDDMMSS(%r, NS)' % (t, ), fstr(parseDDDMMSS(t, suffix='NS'), prec=3), '54.5') self.test('parseDDDMMSS(%r, EW)' % (t, ), fstr(parseDDDMMSS(t, suffix='EW'), prec=3), '54.5') for t, x in (('12E', '12.0'), ('012.3S', '-12.3'), ('123N', '123.0'), ('1234E', '1234.0'), ('12345N', '12345.0'), ('1234.5W', '-1234.5'), ('123456E', '123456.0'), ('1234567S', '-1234567.0')): try: self.test('parseDDDMMSS(%r)' % (t, ), parseDDDMMSS(t), ParseError.__name__) except ParseError as X: self.test('parseDDDMMSS(%r)' % (t, ), repr(X), repr(X)) self.test('parseDMS(%r)' % (t, ), fstr(parseDMS(t), prec=5), x) r = rangerrors(True) try: self.test('parseDMS', parseDMS(181, clip=180), RangeError.__name__) except RangeError as x: self.test('parseDMS', str(x), str(x)) rangerrors(False) try: self.test('parseDMS', parseDMS(-91, clip=90), RangeError.__name__) except RangeError as x: self.test('parseDMS', str(x), str(x)) rangerrors(r) x = parse3llh('000° 00′ 05.31″W, 51° 28′ 40.12″ N') self.test('parse3llh', fstr(x, prec=6), '51.477811, -0.001475, 0.0') t = 'toDMS(%s)' % ('', ) self.test(t, toDMS(45.99999, F_DM, prec=1), '46°00.0′') # not 45°60.0′ self.test(t, toDMS(45.99999, F_DM, prec=2), '46°00.0′') self.test(t, toDMS(45.9999, F_DM, prec=2), '45°59.99′') self.test(t, toDMS(45.99999, F_DM, prec=3), '45°59.999′') self.test(t, toDMS(45.99999, F_DMS, prec=1), '46°00′00.0″') self.test(t, toDMS(45.99999, F_DMS, prec=2), '45°59′59.96″') self.test(t, toDMS(45.99999, F_DMS, prec=3), '45°59′59.964″') self.test(t, toDMS(45.76260), '45°45′45.36″') for F, p, x in ((F_D, None, '45.7626°'), (F_DM, None, "45°45.756'"), (F_DMS, None, '''45°45'45.36"'''), (F_DEG, None, '45.7626'), (F_MIN, None, '4545.756'), (F_SEC, None, '454545.36'), (F_RAD, None, '0.79871'), (F_D, 6, '45.7626°'), (F_DM, -4, "45°45.7560'"), (F_DMS, 2, '''45°45'45.36"'''), (F_DEG, -6, '45.762600'), (F_MIN, -5, '4545.75600'), (F_SEC, -3, '454545.360'), (F_RAD, -6, '0.798708'), (F_D_, 6, '45.7626°'), (F_DM_, -4, "45°45.7560'"), (F_DMS_, 2, '''45°45'45.36"'''), (F_DEG_, -6, '45.762600'), (F_MIN_, -5, '4545.75600'), (F_SEC_, -3, '454545.360'), (F_RAD_, -6, '0.798708')): t = 'toDMS(%s)' % (F, ) self.test(t, toDMS(45.76260, F, prec=p), x) self.test(t, toDMS(-45.76260, F, prec=p), '-' + x) for F, p, x in ((F_D__, 6, '45.7626°'), (F_DM__, -4, "45°45.7560'"), (F_DMS__, 2, '''45°45'45.36"'''), (F_DEG__, -6, '45.762600'), (F_MIN__, -5, '4545.75600'), (F_SEC__, -3, '454545.360'), (F_RAD__, -6, '0.798708')): t = 'toDMS(%s)' % (F, ) self.test(t, toDMS(45.76260, F, prec=p), '+' + x) self.test(t, toDMS(-45.76260, F, prec=p), '-' + x) # <> for a, x in ( ((1, ), 'N'), ((0, ), 'N'), ((-1, ), 'N'), ((359, ), 'N'), ((24, ), 'NNE'), ((24, 1), 'N'), ((24, 2), 'NE'), ((24, 3), 'NNE'), ((226, ), 'SW'), ((226, 1), 'W'), ((226, 2), 'SW'), ((226, 3), 'SW'), ((237, ), 'WSW'), ((237, 1), 'W'), ((237, 2), 'SW'), ((237, 3), 'WSW'), # Martin Schultz ((11.25, ), 'NNE'), ((11.249, ), 'N'), ((-11.25, ), 'N'), ((348.749, ), 'NNW'), ((45, 1), 'E'), ((44.99, 1), 'N'), ((45, 2), 'NE'), ((44.99, 2), 'NE'), ((45, 3), 'NE'), ((44.99, 3), 'NE'), ((45, 4), 'NE'), ((44.99, 4), 'NE'), # XXX ((22.5, 1), 'N'), ((22.49, 1), 'N'), ((22.5, 2), 'NE'), ((22.49, 2), 'N'), ((22.5, 3), 'NNE'), ((22.49, 3), 'NNE'), ((22.5, 4), 'NNE'), ((22.49, 4), 'NNE'), # XXX ((11.25, 1), 'N'), ((11.249, 1), 'N'), ((11.25, 2), 'N'), ((11.249, 2), 'N'), ((11.25, 3), 'NNE'), ((11.249, 3), 'N'), ((11.25, 4), 'NbE'), ((11.249, 4), 'NbE'), # XXX # examples ((24, 1), 'N'), ((24, 2), 'NE'), ((24, 3), 'NNE'), ((24, ), 'NNE'), ((18, 3), 'NNE'), ((11, 4), 'NbE'), ((30, 4), 'NEbN')): self.test('compassPoint%s' % (a, ), compassPoint(*a), x) for a, x in enumerate( ('NbE', 'NEbN', 'NEbE', 'EbN', 'EbS', 'SEbE', 'SEbS', 'SbE', 'SbW', 'SWbS', 'SWbW', 'WbS', 'WbN', 'NWbW', 'NWbN', 'NbW')): a = 11.25 + a * 22.5 self.test('compassPoint(%s)' % (a, ), compassPoint(a, 4), x) t = degDMS(1.0101, prec=5, s_D='', pos='+') # coverage self.test('_DEG', t, '+1.0101') t = degDMS(0.0101, prec=5, s_S='', pos='+') self.test('_MIN', t, "+0.606'") t = degDMS(0.0101, prec=5, s_M='', pos='+') self.test('_SEC', t, '+36.36"')
def testDms(self): # dms module tests for i, t in enumerate( ('0.0°', '0°', '''000°00'00"''', '''000°00'00.0"''', '''000° 00'00"''', '''000°00 ' 00.0"''', '''000° 00' 00.0''')): self.test('parseDMS' + str(i + 1), parseDMS(t), '0.0') self.test('parseDMS' + str(i + 2), parseDMS('000°-00′-00.0"', sep='-'), '0.0') r = rangerrors(True) try: self.test('parseDMS', parseDMS(181, clip=180), 'ValueError') except ValueError as x: self.test('parseDMS', str(x), '181.0 beyond 180 degrees') rangerrors(False) try: self.test('parseDMS', parseDMS(-91, clip=90), -90) except ValueError as x: self.test('parseDMS', str(x), '-90') rangerrors(r) x = parse3llh('000° 00′ 05.31″W, 51° 28′ 40.12″ N') self.test('parse3llh', fStr(x, prec=6), '51.477811, -0.001475, 0.0') for a, x in (((), '''45°45'45.36"'''), ((F_D, None), '45.7626°'), ((F_DM, None), "45°45.756'"), ((F_DMS, None), '''45°45'45.36"'''), ((F_DEG, None), '45.7626'), ((F_MIN, None), '4545.756'), ((F_SEC, None), '454545.36'), ((F_RAD, None), '0.79871'), ((F_D, 6), '45.7626°'), ((F_DM, -4), "45°45.7560'"), ((F_DMS, 2), '''45°45'45.36"'''), ((F_DEG, -6), '45.762600'), ((F_MIN, -5), '4545.75600'), ((F_SEC, -3), '454545.360'), ((F_RAD, -6), '0.798708')): t = 'toDMS(%s)' % (a[:1] or '') self.test(t, toDMS(45.76260, *a), x) for a, x in (((F_D_, 6), '45.7626°'), ((F_DM_, -4), "45°45.7560'"), ((F_DMS_, 2), '''45°45'45.36"'''), ((F_DEG_, -6), '45.762600'), ((F_MIN_, -5), '4545.75600'), ((F_SEC_, -3), '454545.360'), ((F_RAD_, -6), '0.798708')): t = 'toDMS(%s)' % (a[:1] or '') self.test(t, toDMS(45.76260, *a), x) self.test(t, toDMS(-45.76260, *a), '-' + x) for a, x in (((F_D__, 6), '45.7626°'), ((F_DM__, -4), "45°45.7560'"), ((F_DMS__, 2), '''45°45'45.36"'''), ((F_DEG__, -6), '45.762600'), ((F_MIN__, -5), '4545.75600'), ((F_SEC__, -3), '454545.360'), ((F_RAD__, -6), '0.798708')): t = 'toDMS(%s)' % (a[:1] or '') self.test(t, toDMS(45.76260, *a), '+' + x) self.test(t, toDMS(-45.76260, *a), '-' + x) # <> for a, x in ( ((1, ), 'N'), ((0, ), 'N'), ((-1, ), 'N'), ((359, ), 'N'), ((24, ), 'NNE'), ((24, 1), 'N'), ((24, 2), 'NE'), ((24, 3), 'NNE'), ((226, ), 'SW'), ((226, 1), 'W'), ((226, 2), 'SW'), ((226, 3), 'SW'), ((237, ), 'WSW'), ((237, 1), 'W'), ((237, 2), 'SW'), ((237, 3), 'WSW'), # Martin Schultz ((11.25, ), 'NNE'), ((11.249, ), 'N'), ((-11.25, ), 'N'), ((348.749, ), 'NNW'), ((45, 1), 'E'), ((44.99, 1), 'N'), ((45, 2), 'NE'), ((44.99, 2), 'NE'), ((45, 3), 'NE'), ((44.99, 3), 'NE'), ((45, 4), 'NE'), ((44.99, 4), 'NE'), # XXX ((22.5, 1), 'N'), ((22.49, 1), 'N'), ((22.5, 2), 'NE'), ((22.49, 2), 'N'), ((22.5, 3), 'NNE'), ((22.49, 3), 'NNE'), ((22.5, 4), 'NNE'), ((22.49, 4), 'NNE'), # XXX ((11.25, 1), 'N'), ((11.249, 1), 'N'), ((11.25, 2), 'N'), ((11.249, 2), 'N'), ((11.25, 3), 'NNE'), ((11.249, 3), 'N'), ((11.25, 4), 'NbE'), ((11.249, 4), 'NbE'), # XXX # examples ((24, 1), 'N'), ((24, 2), 'NE'), ((24, 3), 'NNE'), ((24, ), 'NNE'), ((18, 3), 'NNE'), ((11, 4), 'NbE'), ((30, 4), 'NEbN')): self.test('compassPoint%s' % (a, ), compassPoint(*a), x) for a, x in enumerate( ('NbE', 'NEbN', 'NEbE', 'EbN', 'EbS', 'SEbE', 'SEbS', 'SbE', 'SbW', 'SWbS', 'SWbW', 'WbS', 'WbN', 'NWbW', 'NWbN', 'NbW')): a = 11.25 + a * 22.5 self.test('compassPoint(%s)' % (a, ), compassPoint(a, 4), x) t = degDMS(1.0101, prec=5, s_D='', pos='+') # coverage self.test('_DEG', t, '+1.0101') t = degDMS(0.0101, prec=5, s_S='', pos='+') self.test('_MIN', t, "+0.606'") t = degDMS(0.0101, prec=5, s_M='', pos='+') self.test('_SEC', t, '+36.36"')