 def get_time_zone(self):
     if self.code:
         tz_name = pygeoip_tz.time_zone_by_country_and_region(
             self.country.code, self.code)
         if tz_name is None:
         return pytz_tz(tz_name)
         return self.country.get_time_zone()
    def _get_record(self, ipnum):
        Populate location dict for converted IP.
        Returns dict with numerous location properties.

        :arg ipnum: Result of ip2long conversion
        seek_country = self._seek_country(ipnum)
        if seek_country == self._databaseSegments:
            return {}

        read_length = (2 * self._recordLength - 1) * self._databaseSegments
            self._fp.seek(seek_country + read_length, os.SEEK_SET)
            buf = self._fp.read(const.FULL_RECORD_LENGTH)

        if PY3 and type(buf) is bytes:
            buf = buf.decode(ENCODING)

        record = {
            'dma_code': 0,
            'area_code': 0,
            'metro_code': None,
            'postal_code': None

        latitude = 0
        longitude = 0

        char = ord(buf[0])
        record['country_code'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES[char]
        record['country_code3'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES3[char]
        record['country_name'] = const.COUNTRY_NAMES[char]
        record['continent'] = const.CONTINENT_NAMES[char]

        def read_data(buf, pos):
            cur = pos
            while buf[cur] != '\0':
                cur += 1
            return cur, buf[pos:cur] if cur > pos else None

        offset, record['region_code'] = read_data(buf, 1)
        offset, record['city'] = read_data(buf, offset + 1)
        offset, record['postal_code'] = read_data(buf, offset + 1)
        offset = offset + 1

        for j in range(3):
            latitude += (ord(buf[offset + j]) << (j * 8))

        for j in range(3):
            longitude += (ord(buf[offset + j + 3]) << (j * 8))

        record['latitude'] = (latitude / 10000.0) - 180.0
        record['longitude'] = (longitude / 10000.0) - 180.0

        if self._databaseType in (const.CITY_EDITION_REV1, const.CITY_EDITION_REV1_V6):
            if record['country_code'] == 'US':
                dma_area = 0
                for j in range(3):
                    dma_area += ord(buf[offset + j + 6]) << (j * 8)

                record['dma_code'] = int(floor(dma_area / 1000))
                record['area_code'] = dma_area % 1000
                record['metro_code'] = const.DMA_MAP.get(record['dma_code'])

        params = (record['country_code'], record['region_code'])
        record['time_zone'] = time_zone_by_country_and_region(*params)

        return record
    def _get_record(self, ipnum):
        Populate location dict for converted IP.

        @param ipnum: converted IP address
        @type ipnum: int
        @return: dict with country_code, country_code3, country_name,
            region, city, postal_code, latitude, longitude,
            dma_code, metro_code, area_code, region_name, time_zone
        @rtype: dict
        seek_country = self._seek_country(ipnum)
        if seek_country == self._databaseSegments:
            return None

        record_pointer = seek_country + (2 * self._recordLength -
                                         1) * self._databaseSegments

        self._filehandle.seek(record_pointer, os.SEEK_SET)
        record_buf = self._filehandle.read(const.FULL_RECORD_LENGTH)

        record = {}

        record_buf_pos = 0
        char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
        record['country_code'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES[char]
        record['country_code3'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES3[char]
        record['country_name'] = const.COUNTRY_NAMES[char]
        record_buf_pos += 1
        str_length = 0

        # get region
        char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos + str_length])
        while (char != 0):
            str_length += 1
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos + str_length])

        if str_length > 0:
            record['region_name'] = record_buf[record_buf_pos:record_buf_pos +

        record_buf_pos += str_length + 1
        str_length = 0

        # get city
        char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos + str_length])
        while (char != 0):
            str_length += 1
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos + str_length])

        if str_length > 0:
            record['city'] = record_buf[record_buf_pos:record_buf_pos +
            record['city'] = ''

        record_buf_pos += str_length + 1
        str_length = 0

        # get the postal code
        char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos + str_length])
        while (char != 0):
            str_length += 1
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos + str_length])

        if str_length > 0:
            record['postal_code'] = record_buf[record_buf_pos:record_buf_pos +
            record['postal_code'] = None

        record_buf_pos += str_length + 1
        str_length = 0

        latitude = 0
        longitude = 0
        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
            record_buf_pos += 1
            latitude += (char << (j * 8))

        record['latitude'] = (latitude / 10000.0) - 180.0

        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
            record_buf_pos += 1
            longitude += (char << (j * 8))

        record['longitude'] = (longitude / 10000.0) - 180.0

        if self._databaseType == const.CITY_EDITION_REV1:
            dmaarea_combo = 0
            if record['country_code'] == 'US':
                for j in range(3):
                    char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
                    record_buf_pos += 1
                    dmaarea_combo += (char << (j * 8))

                record['dma_code'] = int(math.floor(dmaarea_combo / 1000))
                record['area_code'] = dmaarea_combo % 1000
            record['dma_code'] = 0
            record['area_code'] = 0

        if 'dma_code' in record and record['dma_code'] in const.DMA_MAP:
            record['metro_code'] = const.DMA_MAP[record['dma_code']]
            record['metro_code'] = ''

        if 'country_code' in record:
            record['time_zone'] = time_zone_by_country_and_region(
                record['country_code'], record.get('region_name')) or ''
            record['time_zone'] = ''

        return record
    def _get_record(self, ipnum):
        Populate location dict for converted IP.

        @param ipnum: Converted IP address
        @type ipnum: int
        @return: dict with country_code, country_code3, country_name,
            region, city, postal_code, latitude, longitude,
            dma_code, metro_code, area_code, region_name, time_zone
        @rtype: dict
        seek_country = self._seek_country(ipnum)
        if seek_country == self._databaseSegments:
            return None

        read_length = (2 * self._recordLength - 1) * self._databaseSegments
        self._filehandle.seek(seek_country + read_length, os.SEEK_SET)
        buf = self._filehandle.read(const.FULL_RECORD_LENGTH)

        if PY3 and type(buf) is bytes:
            buf = buf.decode(ENCODING)

        record = {
            'dma_code': 0,
            'area_code': 0,
            'metro_code': '',
            'postal_code': ''

        latitude = 0
        longitude = 0
        buf_pos = 0

        # Get country
        char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
        record['country_code'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES[char]
        record['country_code3'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES3[char]
        record['country_name'] = const.COUNTRY_NAMES[char]
        buf_pos += 1

        def get_data(buf, buf_pos):
            offset = buf_pos
            char = ord(buf[offset])
            while (char != 0):
                offset += 1
                char = ord(buf[offset])
            if offset > buf_pos:
                return (offset, buf[buf_pos:offset])
            return (offset, '')

        offset, record['region_name'] = get_data(buf, buf_pos)
        offset, record['city'] = get_data(buf, offset + 1)
        offset, record['postal_code'] = get_data(buf, offset + 1)
        buf_pos = offset + 1

        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
            buf_pos += 1
            latitude += (char << (j * 8))

        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
            buf_pos += 1
            longitude += (char << (j * 8))

        record['latitude'] = (latitude / 10000.0) - 180.0
        record['longitude'] = (longitude / 10000.0) - 180.0

        if self._databaseType == const.CITY_EDITION_REV1:
            dmaarea_combo = 0
            if record['country_code'] == 'US':
                for j in range(3):
                    char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
                    dmaarea_combo += (char << (j * 8))
                    buf_pos += 1

                record['dma_code'] = int(math.floor(dmaarea_combo / 1000))
                record['area_code'] = dmaarea_combo % 1000

        if record['dma_code'] in const.DMA_MAP:
            record['metro_code'] = const.DMA_MAP[record['dma_code']]

        params = (record['country_code'], record['region_name'])
        record['time_zone'] = time_zone_by_country_and_region(*params)

        return record
文件: __init__.py 项目: Khan/pygeoip
    def _get_record(self, ipnum):
        Populate location dict for converted IP.

        @param ipnum: Converted IP address
        @type ipnum: int
        @return: dict with country_code, country_code3, country_name,
            region, city, postal_code, latitude, longitude,
            dma_code, metro_code, area_code, region_name, time_zone
        @rtype: dict
        seek_country = self._seek_country(ipnum)
        if seek_country == self._databaseSegments:
            return {}

        read_length = (2 * self._recordLength - 1) * self._databaseSegments
        self._filehandle.seek(seek_country + read_length, os.SEEK_SET)
        buf = self._filehandle.read(const.FULL_RECORD_LENGTH)

        if PY3 and type(buf) is bytes:
            buf = buf.decode(ENCODING)

        record = {
            'dma_code': 0,
            'area_code': 0,
            'metro_code': '',
            'postal_code': ''

        latitude = 0
        longitude = 0
        buf_pos = 0

        # Get country
        char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
        record['country_code'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES[char]
        record['country_code3'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES3[char]
        record['country_name'] = const.COUNTRY_NAMES[char]
        record['continent'] = const.CONTINENT_NAMES[char]

        buf_pos += 1
        def get_data(buf, buf_pos):
            offset = buf_pos
            char = ord(buf[offset])
            while (char != 0):
                offset += 1
                char = ord(buf[offset])
            if offset > buf_pos:
                return (offset, buf[buf_pos:offset])
            return (offset, '')

        offset, record['region_name'] = get_data(buf, buf_pos)
        offset, record['city'] = get_data(buf, offset + 1)
        offset, record['postal_code'] = get_data(buf, offset + 1)
        buf_pos = offset + 1

        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
            buf_pos += 1
            latitude += (char << (j * 8))

        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
            buf_pos += 1
            longitude += (char << (j * 8))

        record['latitude'] = (latitude / 10000.0) - 180.0
        record['longitude'] = (longitude / 10000.0) - 180.0

        if self._databaseType in (const.CITY_EDITION_REV1, const.CITY_EDITION_REV1_V6):
            dmaarea_combo = 0
            if record['country_code'] == 'US':
                for j in range(3):
                    char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
                    dmaarea_combo += (char << (j * 8))
                    buf_pos += 1

                record['dma_code'] = int(math.floor(dmaarea_combo / 1000))
                record['area_code'] = dmaarea_combo % 1000

        record['metro_code'] = const.DMA_MAP.get(record['dma_code'])
        params = (record['country_code'], record['region_name'])
        record['time_zone'] = time_zone_by_country_and_region(*params)

        return record
文件: __init__.py 项目: emf/pygeoip
    def _get_record(self, ipnum):
        Populate location dict for converted IP.

        @param ipnum: converted IP address
        @type ipnum: int
        @return: dict with country_code, country_code3, country_name,
            region, city, postal_code, latitude, longitude,
            dma_code, metro_code, area_code, region_name, time_zone
        @rtype: dict
        seek_country = self._seek_country(ipnum)
        if seek_country == self._databaseSegments:
            return None

        record_pointer = seek_country + (2 * self._recordLength - 1) * self._databaseSegments

        self._filehandle.seek(record_pointer, os.SEEK_SET)
        record_buf = self._filehandle.read(const.FULL_RECORD_LENGTH)

        record = {}

        record_buf_pos = 0
        char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
        #char = record_buf[record_buf_pos] if six.PY3 else ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
        record['country_code'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES[char]
        record['country_code3'] = const.COUNTRY_CODES3[char]
        record['country_name'] = const.COUNTRY_NAMES[char]
        if const.CONTINENT_MAP.has_key(record['country_name']):
            record['continent'] = const.CONTINENT_MAP[record['country_name']]
        record_buf_pos += 1
        str_length = 0

        # get region
        char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos+str_length])
        while (char != 0):
            str_length += 1
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos+str_length])

        if str_length > 0:
            record['region_name'] = record_buf[record_buf_pos:record_buf_pos+str_length]

        record_buf_pos += str_length + 1
        str_length = 0

        # get city
        char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos+str_length])
        while (char != 0):
            str_length += 1
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos+str_length])

        if str_length > 0:
            record['city'] = record_buf[record_buf_pos:record_buf_pos+str_length]
            record['city'] = ''

        record_buf_pos += str_length + 1
        str_length = 0

        # get the postal code
        char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos+str_length])
        while (char != 0):
            str_length += 1
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos+str_length])

        if str_length > 0:
            record['postal_code'] = record_buf[record_buf_pos:record_buf_pos+str_length]
            record['postal_code'] = None

        record_buf_pos += str_length + 1
        str_length = 0

        latitude = 0
        longitude = 0
        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
            record_buf_pos += 1
            latitude += (char << (j * 8))

        record['latitude'] = (latitude/10000.0) - 180.0

        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
            record_buf_pos += 1
            longitude += (char << (j * 8))

        record['longitude'] = (longitude/10000.0) - 180.0

        if self._databaseType == const.CITY_EDITION_REV1:
            dmaarea_combo = 0
            if record['country_code'] == 'US':
                for j in range(3):
                    char = ord(record_buf[record_buf_pos])
                    record_buf_pos += 1
                    dmaarea_combo += (char << (j*8))

                record['dma_code'] = int(math.floor(dmaarea_combo/1000))
                record['area_code'] = dmaarea_combo%1000
            record['dma_code'] = 0
            record['area_code'] = 0

        if 'dma_code' in record and record['dma_code'] in const.DMA_MAP:
            record['metro_code'] = const.DMA_MAP[record['dma_code']]
            record['metro_code'] = ''

        if 'country_code' in record:
            record['time_zone'] = time_zone_by_country_and_region(
                record['country_code'], record.get('region_name')) or ''
            record['time_zone'] = ''

        return record
    def _get_record(self, ipnum):
        Populate location dict for converted IP.

        @param ipnum: Converted IP address
        @type ipnum: int
        @return: dict with country_code, country_code3, country_name,
            region, city, postal_code, latitude, longitude,
            dma_code, metro_code, area_code, region_name, time_zone
        @rtype: dict
        seek_country = self._seek_country(ipnum)
        if seek_country == self._databaseSegments:
            return None

        read_length = (2 * self._recordLength - 1) * self._databaseSegments
        self._filehandle.seek(seek_country + read_length, os.SEEK_SET)
        buf = self._filehandle.read(const.FULL_RECORD_LENGTH)

        if PY3 and type(buf) is bytes:
            buf = buf.decode(ENCODING)

        record = {"dma_code": 0, "area_code": 0, "metro_code": "", "postal_code": ""}

        latitude = 0
        longitude = 0
        buf_pos = 0

        # Get country
        char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
        record["country_code"] = const.COUNTRY_CODES[char]
        record["country_code3"] = const.COUNTRY_CODES3[char]
        record["country_name"] = const.COUNTRY_NAMES[char]
        buf_pos += 1

        def get_data(buf, buf_pos):
            offset = buf_pos
            char = ord(buf[offset])
            while char != 0:
                offset += 1
                char = ord(buf[offset])
            if offset > buf_pos:
                return (offset, buf[buf_pos:offset])
            return (offset, "")

        offset, record["region_name"] = get_data(buf, buf_pos)
        offset, record["city"] = get_data(buf, offset + 1)
        offset, record["postal_code"] = get_data(buf, offset + 1)
        buf_pos = offset + 1

        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
            buf_pos += 1
            latitude += char << (j * 8)

        for j in range(3):
            char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
            buf_pos += 1
            longitude += char << (j * 8)

        record["latitude"] = (latitude / 10000.0) - 180.0
        record["longitude"] = (longitude / 10000.0) - 180.0

        if self._databaseType == const.CITY_EDITION_REV1:
            dmaarea_combo = 0
            if record["country_code"] == "US":
                for j in range(3):
                    char = ord(buf[buf_pos])
                    dmaarea_combo += char << (j * 8)
                    buf_pos += 1

                record["dma_code"] = int(math.floor(dmaarea_combo / 1000))
                record["area_code"] = dmaarea_combo % 1000

        if record["dma_code"] in const.DMA_MAP:
            record["metro_code"] = const.DMA_MAP[record["dma_code"]]

        params = (record["country_code"], record["region_name"])
        record["time_zone"] = time_zone_by_country_and_region(*params)

        return record