    def computeTravelTimes(self, slowness, allSensors=True):
        """Compute the travel times and fill data and time matrix
        for later use of response and Jacobian, respectively.
        For response only active sources are needed, for Jacobian we need all.
        # mesh = self.mesh()  # better but for now input mesh
        mesh = self.mesh_
        data = self.data_
        param_markers = np.unique(mesh.cellMarkers())
        param_count = len(param_markers)
        if len(slowness) == mesh.cellCount():
        elif len(slowness) == param_count:
            # map the regions in the mesh to slowness
            slow_map = pg.stdMapF_F()
            min_reg_num = min(param_markers)
            for i, si in enumerate(slowness):
                slow_map.insert(float(i + min_reg_num), si)

            raise ValueError("Wrong no of parameters. Mesh size: {}, no "
                             "of regions: {}, and number of slowness values:"
                             "{}".format(self.mesh().cellCount(), param_count,

        times = pg.RVector(self.nNodes, 0.)
        upTags = np.zeros(self.nNodes)
        downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())
        for iSource in range(self.nSensors):
            # initial condition (reset vectors)
            times *= 0.0
            upTags *= 0
            downwind = set()
            source = self.data_.sensorPosition(iSource)
            cell = self.mesh_.findCell(source)
            # fill in nodes around source using local smoothness
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
                upTags[n.id()] = 1
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
                for nn in tmpNodes:
                    if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                        downTags[nn.id()] = 1

            while len(downwind) > 0:  # start fast marching
                fastMarch(self.mesh_, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

            self.dataMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh, times,
            self.timeMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh, times,

            sensor_idx = data("g")[data("s") == iSource]
    def computeTravelTimes(self, slowness, allSensors=True):
        """Compute the travel times and fill data and time matrix
        for later use of response and Jacobian, respectively.
        For response only active sources are needed, for Jacobian we need all.
        # mesh = self.mesh()  # better but for now input mesh
        mesh = self.mesh_
        data = self.data_
        param_markers = np.unique(mesh.cellMarkers())
        param_count = len(param_markers)
        if len(slowness) == mesh.cellCount():
        elif len(slowness) == param_count:
            # map the regions in the mesh to slowness
            slow_map = pg.stdMapF_F()
            min_reg_num = min(param_markers)
            for i, si in enumerate(slowness):
                slow_map.insert(float(i+min_reg_num), si)

            raise ValueError("Wrong no of parameters. Mesh size: {}, no "
                             "of regions: {}, and number of slowness values:"
                             "{}".format(self.mesh().cellCount(), param_count,

        times = pg.RVector(self.nNodes, 0.)
        upTags = np.zeros(self.nNodes)
        downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())
        for iSource in range(self.nSensors):
            # initial condition (reset vectors)
            times *= 0.0
            upTags *= 0
            downwind = set()
            source = self.data_.sensorPosition(iSource)
            cell = self.mesh_.findCell(source)
            # fill in nodes around source using local smoothness
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
                upTags[n.id()] = 1
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
                for nn in tmpNodes:
                    if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                        downTags[nn.id()] = 1

            while len(downwind) > 0:  # start fast marching
                fastMarch(self.mesh_, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

            self.dataMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh, times,
            self.timeMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh, times,

            sensor_idx = data("g")[data("s") == iSource]
cell = mesh.findCell(source)
for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
    times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
    upTags[n.id()] = 1
for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
    tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
    for nn in tmpNodes:
        if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
            downTags[nn.id()] = 1

# Then we start marching until all fields are filled.
tic = time.time()
while len(downwind) > 0:
    fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

print(time.time() - tic, "s")

# First, we plot the traveltime field and streamlines
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
drawMesh(ax, mesh)
ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
drawField(ax, mesh, times, cmap='Spectral', fillContour=True)
drawStreamLines(ax, mesh, -times, nx=50, ny=50)

# We compare the result with the analytical solution along the x axis
x = np.arange(0., 140., 0.5)
cell = mesh.findCell(source)
for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
    times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
    upTags[n.id()] = 1
for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
    tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
    for nn in tmpNodes:
        if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
            downTags[nn.id()] = 1

# Then we start marching until all fields are filled.
tic = time.time()
while len(downwind) > 0:
    fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

print(time.time() - tic, "s")

# First, we plot the traveltime field and streamlines
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
drawMesh(ax, mesh)
ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
pg.show(mesh, times, cMap='Spectral', fillContour=True, ax=ax)
drawStreamLines(ax, mesh, -times, nx=50, ny=50)

# We compare the result with the analytical solution along the x axis
x = np.arange(0., 140., 0.5)