    def _get_arb_pixel_format_matching_configs(self, canvas):
        '''Get configs using the WGL_ARB_pixel_format extension.
        This method assumes a (dummy) GL context is already created.'''
        # Check for required extensions        
        if self.sample_buffers or self.samples:
            if not gl_info.have_extension('GL_ARB_multisample'):
                return []

        # Construct array of attributes
        attrs = []
        for name, value in self.get_gl_attributes():
            attr = Win32CanvasConfigARB.attribute_ids.get(name, None)
            if attr and value is not None:
                attrs.extend([attr, int(value)])
        attrs = (c_int * len(attrs))(*attrs)

        pformats = (c_int * 16)()
        nformats = c_uint(16)
        wglext_arb.wglChoosePixelFormatARB(canvas.hdc, attrs, None, 
                                           nformats, pformats, nformats)

        formats = [Win32CanvasConfigARB(canvas, pf, self) \
                   for pf in pformats[:nformats.value]]
        return formats
    def _get_arb_pixel_format_matching_configs(self, canvas):
        '''Get configs using the WGL_ARB_pixel_format extension.
        This method assumes a (dummy) GL context is already created.'''

        # Check for required extensions
        if self.sample_buffers or self.samples:
            if not gl_info.have_extension('GL_ARB_multisample'):
                return []

        # Construct array of attributes
        attrs = []
        for name, value in self.get_gl_attributes():
            attr = Win32CanvasConfigARB.attribute_ids.get(name, None)
            if attr and value is not None:
                attrs.extend([attr, int(value)])
        attrs = (c_int * len(attrs))(*attrs)

        pformats = (c_int * 16)()
        nformats = c_uint(16)
        wglext_arb.wglChoosePixelFormatARB(canvas.hdc, attrs, None, nformats,
                                           pformats, nformats)

        formats = [Win32CanvasConfigARB(canvas, pf, self) \
                   for pf in pformats[:nformats.value]]
        return formats