def __init__(self, text, color, x, y, width): win_width, win_height = get_size() self.batch = Batch() self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style( 0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(255, 255, 255, 255), font_name='minecraftia')) font = self._doc.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent pad = 2 self._outline = Rectangle(x - pad, y - pad, width + pad, height + pad, color=color[:3]) self._outline.opacity = color[-1] self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, width, height, multiline=False, batch=self.batch) self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = y self._focus = False self._press = False super().__init__(x, y, width, height) self.last_char = ''
def __init__(self, x=0, y=None, batch=None): self.cleared = False y = y or random.choice( range(self.GAP_HEIGHT, Grid.rows - self.GAP_HEIGHT)) pos_x = Grid.width + Grid.x(x) gap_y = Grid.y(y) gap_h = Grid.x(self.GAP_HEIGHT) width = Grid.y(self.WIDTH) self.lower = Rectangle( pos_x, 0, width, gap_y, color=self.COLOR, batch=batch, ) self.upper = Rectangle( pos_x, gap_y + gap_h, width, Grid.height - gap_y - gap_h, color=self.COLOR, batch=batch, ) self.rects = [self.lower, self.upper]
def aabb_with_result(a: Rectangle, b: Rectangle, result: Rectangle) -> bool: """ Does Axis Aligned Bounding Box collision detection between two rectangles a and b. Also calculates the intersection rectangle. :param a: :param b: :param result: :return: """ # Horizontal amin = a.x amax = a.x + a.width bmin = b.x bmax = b.x + b.width if bmin > amin: amin = bmin result.x = amin if bmax < amax: amax = bmax result.width = amax - amin # Vertical amin = a.y amax = a.y + a.height bmin = b.y bmax = b.y + b.height if bmin > amin: amin = bmin result.y = amin if bmax < amax: amax = bmax result.height = amax - amin return not utils.rect_empty(result)
class Button: def __init__(self, width, height, x, y, x_shift, y_shift, text, color, font_color): self.width = width self.height = height self.x = x self.y = y self.text = text self.org_color = color self.org_font_color = font_color self.color = color self.font_color = font_color self.x_shift = width / x_shift self.y_shift = height / y_shift def draw(self): self.rect = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, self.color) self.rect.draw() self.description = Label(self.text, self.x + self.x_shift, self.y + self.y_shift, self.font_color) self.description.draw() def hovered(self): self.inverse_colors() self.draw() def not_hovered(self): self.color = self.org_color self.font_color = self.org_font_color self.draw() def inverse_colors(self): self.color = (self.org_font_color[0], self.org_font_color[1], self.org_font_color[2]) self.font_color = (self.org_color[0], self.org_color[1], self.org_color[2], 255)
def init(self, **kwargs): self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, height=self.height, width=self.width, color=self.color, batch=self.batch)
class Wall(Entity): defaults = { 'width': config.block_width, 'height': config.block_height, 'collidable': True } attributes = {'color': RGB(255, 255, 255)} def init(self, **kwargs): self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, height=self.height, width=self.width, color=self.color, batch=self.batch) def on_collision(self, obj): pass def take_damage(self, source, damage): pass def update(self): pass def draw(self): self.shape.draw()
def __init__(self): win_width, win_height = get_size() self.batch = Batch() self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument('') self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(255, 255, 255, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() self.text_height = font.ascent - font.descent self.pad = 2 self._outline = Rectangle(5, 5 + self.pad, get_size()[0] - self.pad - 10, self.text_height + self.pad, color=(0, 0, 0)) self._outline.opacity = 150 self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, get_size()[0] - 14, self.text_height, multiline=False, batch=self.batch) self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = 5 self._layout.y = 5 + self.pad self._focus = False self._press = False self.last_press = [0, 0] super().__init__(5, 5 + self.pad, get_size()[0] - self.pad - 10, self.text_height + self.pad)
def center_rect_in_rect(center_rect: Rectangle, outer_rect: Rectangle): """ Aligns a rectangle in center of another rectangle. """ center_rect.x = (outer_rect.x + outer_rect.width // 2) - center_rect.width // 2 center_rect.y = (outer_rect.y + outer_rect.height // 2) - center_rect.height // 2
def set_rect(rect: Rectangle, x, y, w, h): """ Sets the rectangle dimensions to different ones. """ rect.x = x rect.y = y rect.width = w rect.height = h
def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, frame: Frame, grid: Grid, renderbox: RenderBox, name: str = 'Player1', batch: Batch = None, debug: bool = False): # Player Sprite Select Related self.player_res_list = [ PlayerImages.p1, PlayerImages.p2, PlayerImages.p3 ] self.player_select = 0 self.player_res = self.player_res_list[self.player_select] # Initialize Base Class super().__init__(x=x, y=y, res=self.player_res.jump_right, frame=frame, grid=grid, renderbox=renderbox, name=name, batch=batch, usage='dynamic', is_anchor_x_centered=True) # Movement Related self.BASE_WALKING_SPEED = 200 self.BASE_JUMPING_SPEED = 300 self.vx = 0.0 self.vy = 0.0 self.facing = 'right' self.status = 'jumping' self.arrow_key_buffer = ArrowKeyBuffer() # Grid Related self.up_contact_obj_list = cast(List[GridObject], []) self.down_contact_obj_list = cast(List[GridObject], []) self.left_contact_obj_list = cast(List[GridObject], []) self.right_contact_obj_list = cast(List[GridObject], []) # Debug self.debug = debug self.ref_point = Circle(x=self.camera_x, y=self.camera_y, radius=5, color=(255, 0, 0)) self.ref_rect = Rectangle(x=self.camera_x, y=self.camera_y, width=self.width, height=self.height, color=(0, 0, 255)) self.ref_rect.anchor_x = self.ref_rect.width // 2
def __init__(self, x, y, index=None): y = get_size()[1] - y super().__init__(x, y, 32, 32) self._index = index self._on = False self._item = self._item_name = None self._state = {'set': True, 'get': True} self._rect = Rectangle(self.x, get_size()[1] - self.y - 32, 32, 32, color=(255, ) * 3) self._rect.opacity = 100
def __init__(self): self.batch = Batch() self.background = Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) self.window = Window() self.window.push_handlers(self) self.on_resize(self.window.width, self.window.height) clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1 / 60) clock.schedule_interval(self.log, 1) self.sounds = { 'fail': media.load('resources/failure.mp3', streaming=False), 'jump': media.load('resources/jump.wav', streaming=False), 'score': media.load('resources/score.wav', streaming=False), } self.reset()
def __init__(self, batch, groups, on_click, on_enter, on_motion, on_search): # create document self.document = FormattedDocument(' ') self.document.set_style( 0, 1, dict(font_name=FONT_NAME, font_size=FONT_SIZE, color=FONT_COLOR)) # calculate font height and margin font = self.document.get_font(0) self.font_height = font.ascent - font.descent self.margin = self.font_height * TEXT_INPUT_MARGIN # create text input self.input = IncrementalTextLayout(self.document, 100, self.font_height, batch=batch, group=groups[1]) self.input.x = 100 self.input.y = 100 # creating a caret and push it to window handlers self.caret = Caret(self.input, FONT_COLOR[:3], on_click, on_enter, on_motion, on_search) self.clear_text() # create background rectangle self.rect = Rectangle(0, 0, 100, self.font_height + 2 * self.margin, color=TEXT_INPUT_COLOR, batch=batch, group=groups[0])
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height): self._element = {} self._element['seq'] = Rectangle(x, y, width, height, color=(200, 200, 200))
def to_drawable(self, x, y, batch, square_size, color): r = Rectangle(x, y, square_size, square_size, color=(10, 10, 10), batch=batch) return r
class EndScreen: def __init__(self, window_width, window_height, score, kill_count, total_enemies): self.win_width = window_width self.win_height = window_height self.score = score self.kill_count = kill_count self.button_width = 300 self.button_height = 50 self.x = (self.win_width / 2) - (self.button_width / 2) self.y = (self.win_height / 2) - (self.button_height / 2) self.pop_up = Rectangle(self.x - 100, self.y - 300, 500, 800, (50, 50, 50)) self.title = Label('G A M E O V E R!', self.x + 5, self.y + 90, (150, 1, 1, 255)) self.info_label_score = Label(f'SCORE: {self.score}', self.x + 50, self.y, (60, 135, 50, 255)) self.info_label_kills = Label( f'KILLS: {self.kill_count} / {total_enemies}', self.x + 15, self.y - 50, (60, 135, 50, 255)) self.menu_button = Button(self.button_width, self.button_height, self.x, self.y - 150, 3.4, 5, 'M E N U', (1, 1, 1), (60, 235, 50, 255)) def draw(self): self.pop_up.draw() self.info_label_score.draw() self.info_label_kills.draw() self.menu_button.draw() self.title.draw() def button_was_clicked(self, x, y, button): if (x >= int(button.x)) and (x <= int(button.x) + (self.button_width)): if (y >= int(button.y)) and (y <= int(button.y) + (self.button_height)): return True return False def button_was_touched(self, x, y, button): if (x >= int(button.x)) and (x <= int(button.x) + (self.button_width)): if (y >= int(button.y)) and (y <= int(button.y) + (self.button_height)): return True return False
def __init__(self): width, height = get_size() GUI.__init__(self, width, height) self._element = {} self._element['panel'] = Rectangle(x=(width - 600) / 2, y=(height - 400) / 2, width=600, height=400, color=(0, 0, 0)) self._element['panel'].opacity = 200
def to_drawable(self, x, y, batch, square_size, color): """A city is represented as square containing a smaller square. """ shapes = [] r = super().to_drawable(x, y, batch, square_size, color) shapes.append(r) w = h = square_size * .4 offset = square_size * .5 r_inner = Rectangle(x + offset, y + offset, w, h, color=(0, 0, 0), batch=batch) r_inner.anchor_position = (w * .5, h * .5) r_inner.opacity = 128 shapes.append(r_inner) return shapes
def to_drawable(self, x, y, batch, square_size, color): """Return a drawable 2D representation of the piece as a pyglet supported object. Defaults to a square. :param x: x position that the piece should be drawn at. :param y: y position that the piece should be drawn at. :param batch: pyglet Batch that the drawable should be added to. :param square_size: size of a square on the grid that the piece will be drawn on. :param color: color the piece should have. :return: a drawable pyglet object that holds a reference/was added to `batch`. """ r = Rectangle(x, y, square_size, square_size, color=color, batch=batch) return r
def __init__(self, window_width, window_height, score, kill_count, total_enemies): self.win_width = window_width self.win_height = window_height self.score = score self.kill_count = kill_count self.button_width = 300 self.button_height = 50 self.x = (self.win_width / 2) - (self.button_width / 2) self.y = (self.win_height / 2) - (self.button_height / 2) self.pop_up = Rectangle(self.x - 100, self.y - 300, 500, 800, (50, 50, 50)) self.title = Label('G A M E O V E R!', self.x + 5, self.y + 90, (150, 1, 1, 255)) self.info_label_score = Label(f'SCORE: {self.score}', self.x + 50, self.y, (60, 135, 50, 255)) self.info_label_kills = Label( f'KILLS: {self.kill_count} / {total_enemies}', self.x + 15, self.y - 50, (60, 135, 50, 255)) self.menu_button = Button(self.button_width, self.button_height, self.x, self.y - 150, 3.4, 5, 'M E N U', (1, 1, 1), (60, 235, 50, 255))
def __init__(self, items, box, batch, groups): super().__init__(items) = box self.rect = Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1, color=DRAWER_COLOR, batch=batch, group=groups[1]) self.handle = batch.add(TRIANGLE_COUNT * 3, GL_TRIANGLES, groups[2], 'v2f', 'c3B') self.handle.colors = HANDLE_COLOR * TRIANGLE_COUNT * 3
def _rebuild_hotbar(self): self._hotbar_sprites = [] self.hotbar_background.x = self.hotbar_x self.hotbar_background.y = self.hotbar_y self.hotbar_background.width = self.size_x self.hotbar_background.height = self.size_y for i in range(HOTBAR_SIZE): slot_x = ((self.size_x / HOTBAR_SIZE) * i) + self.hotbar_x if len(self._hotbar) <= i: empty_slot = Rectangle(slot_x, self.hotbar_y, PREVIEW_SIZE, PREVIEW_SIZE, (200, 200, 200), batch=self._hotbar_batch, group=self.hud_group) empty_slot.opacity = 100 self._hotbar_sprites.append(empty_slot) else: self._draw_inventory_slot(slot_x, self.hotbar_y, self._hotbar[i].get_block_image(), self._hotbar_batch, self._hotbar_sprites)
def __init__(self, font_height, batch, groups): self.font_height = font_height self.margin = font_height * TEXT_INPUT_MARGIN self.line_height = self.font_height + 2 * self.margin # create document self.text_box = Label('', FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, width=1, multiline=True, anchor_y='top', color=ITEM_FONT_COLOR, batch=batch, group=groups[2]) # create background rectangle self.rect = Rectangle(0, 0, 100, self.line_height, color=ITEM_LIST_COLOR, batch=batch, group=groups[0]) # create select rectangle self.select_rect = Rectangle(0, 0, 100, self.line_height, color=ITEM_SELECT_COLOR, batch=batch, group=groups[1]) self.select_rect.visible = False # initialze member variables self.lines = 0 self.select_num = 0 self.items = [] self.max_h = 1 self.y = 0
def draw_cursors(self): """Draw the cursors of each player. """ rects = [] for player in cursor = tuple(player.cursor) x, y = self._get_canvas_pos(*cursor) color = self._get_player_color(player) color = self.brighten(color, 50) r = Rectangle(y, x, self.square_size, self.square_size, color=color, batch=self.batch) rects.append(r) self.batch.draw()
def render_tiles(self): # The colors of each square light_square = (0, 122, 4) dark_square = (128, 255, 132) alternating_count = 1 # Create a 2D array of rectangles to represent the squares on the board for rank in range(9): for file in range(9): # Generate a tile x, y = self.rank_file_to_xy(rank, file) rect = Rectangle( x=x, y=y, width=self.tile_width, height=self.tile_height, # Use alternating_count to keep track of tile colorx color=dark_square if alternating_count % 2 == 0 else light_square, batch=self.tile_batch ) alternating_count += 1 self.tile_list.append(rect)
def __init__(self, organizer, batch, groups): # draw organizer background self.rect = Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100, color=BOX_COLOR, batch=batch, group=groups[0]) # create list of BoxGUI objects from boxes boxes_gui = [] for box in organizer.subelems: boxes_gui.append( BoxGUI(box.subelems, box.x, box.y, box.w, box.h, batch, groups)) # intialize parent class with newly created drawers_gui super().__init__(boxes_gui) self.w = organizer.w self.h = organizer.h
def render_pawn_promotion(self): promoted_piece = self.board.get_promoting_piece() if promoted_piece is not None: self.pawn_promotion = [] background = foreground = rank, file = promoted_piece.rank, promoted_piece.file x, y = self.rank_file_to_xy(rank, file) self.promotion_menu_pos = x, y # Draw the four possible piece promotions at 1/4 the scale of each piece queen_image = src.constants.get_image(Queen(0, 0, promoted_piece.color)) queen = Sprite(queen_image, x=x, y=y, batch=self.pawn_promotion_batch, group=foreground) queen.scale = (0.5 * self.tile_width) / queen_image.width self.pawn_promotion.append(queen) rook_image = src.constants.get_image(Rook(0, 0, promoted_piece.color)) rook = Sprite(rook_image, x=x + (0.5 * self.tile_width), y=y, batch=self.pawn_promotion_batch, group=foreground) rook.scale = (0.5 * self.tile_width) / rook_image.width self.pawn_promotion.append(rook) knight_image = src.constants.get_image(Knight(0, 0, promoted_piece.color)) knight = Sprite(knight_image, x=x, y=y + (0.5 * self.tile_width), batch=self.pawn_promotion_batch, group=foreground) knight.scale = (0.5 * self.tile_width) / knight_image.width self.pawn_promotion.append(knight) bishop_image = src.constants.get_image(Bishop(0, 0, promoted_piece.color)) bishop = Sprite(bishop_image, x=x + (0.5 * self.tile_width) , y=y + (0.5 * self.tile_width), batch=self.pawn_promotion_batch, group=foreground) bishop.scale = (0.5 * self.tile_width) / bishop_image.width self.pawn_promotion.append(bishop) # Draw a grey box on the square as a background for the promotion menu rect = Rectangle( x=x, y=y, width=self.tile_width, height=self.tile_height, color=(127, 127, 127), batch=self.pawn_promotion_batch, group=background ) self.pawn_promotion.append(rect)
def test_rect_functions(): rect = Rectangle(20, -10, 20, 5) utils.add_vector_to_rect(rect, (6, 8)) assert rect.x == 26 and rect.y == -2 and rect.width == 20 and rect.height == 5 rect = Rectangle(20, -10, 20, 5) utils.add_vector_to_rect(rect, (-5, -13)) assert rect.x == 15 and rect.y == -23 and rect.width == 20 and rect.height == 5 rect = Rectangle(20, -10, 20, 5) utils.add_vector_to_rect(rect, (45, 100)) assert rect.x == 65 and rect.y == 90 and rect.width == 20 and rect.height == 5 rect = Rectangle(10, 20, 50, 50) rect2 = Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 30) utils.center_rect_in_rect(rect2, rect) assert rect2.x == 20 and rect2.y == 30 and rect2.width == 30 and rect2.height == 30 assert rect.x == 10 and rect.y == 20 and rect.width == 50 and rect.height == 50 rect = Rectangle(10, 20, 50, 50) rect2 = Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 30) utils.center_rect_in_rect(rect, rect2) assert rect.x == -10 and rect.y == -10 and rect.width == 50 and rect.height == 50 assert rect2.x == 0 and rect2.y == 0 and rect2.width == 30 and rect2.height == 30 rect = Rectangle(10, 20, 50, 50) rect2 = Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 30) assert not utils.rect_empty(rect) and not utils.rect_empty(rect2) assert utils.rect_empty(Rectangle(10, 10, 1, 0)) assert utils.rect_empty(Rectangle(10, 10, -0, 5)) assert utils.rect_empty(Rectangle(10, 10, 43, -2)) assert utils.rect_empty(Rectangle(10, 10, 0, 0)) assert not utils.rect_empty(Rectangle(10, 10, 1, 1)) assert not utils.rect_equal(rect, rect2) rect2.x = rect.x rect2.y = rect.y assert not utils.rect_equal(rect, rect2) rect2.width = rect.width rect2.height = rect.height assert utils.rect_equal(rect, rect2) assert utils.rect_in_rect(rect, rect2) rect2.x += 1 assert not utils.rect_in_rect(rect, rect2) rect2.height = 10 rect2.width = 10 assert utils.rect_in_rect(rect2, rect) assert utils.point_in_rect((25, 25), rect) assert utils.point_in_rect((rect.x, 25), rect) assert utils.point_in_rect((rect.x + rect.width, rect.y), rect) assert not utils.point_in_rect((rect.x + rect.width + 1, 25), rect) rect = Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10) utils.set_rect(rect, 4, -2, 22, 6) assert rect.x == 4 and rect.y == -2 and rect.width == 22 and rect.height == 6 assert utils.get_center_of_rect(rect) == (15, 1)
def draw(self): self.rect = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, self.color) self.rect.draw() self.description = Label(self.text, self.x + self.x_shift, self.y + self.y_shift, self.font_color) self.description.draw()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Window, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # 窗口是否捕获鼠标 self.exclusive = False # 玩家状态: 是否潜行, 是否飞行... self.player = {} self.player['stealing'] = False self.player['flying'] = False self.player['running'] = False self.player['die'] = False self.player['in_hud'] = False self.player['press_e'] = False # Strafing is moving lateral to the direction you are facing, # e.g. moving to the left or right while continuing to face forward. # # First element is -1 when moving forward, 1 when moving back, and 0 # otherwise. The second element is -1 when moving left, 1 when moving # right, and 0 otherwise. self.player['strafe'] = [0, 0] # 玩家在世界中的位置 (x, y, z) self.player['position'] = (0, 4, 0) self.player['respawn_position'] = (0, 4, 0) # 拓展功能 self.ext = {} self.ext['debug'] = False self.ext['open'] = False self.ext['position'] = False self.ext['running'] = False # First element is rotation of the player in the x-z plane (ground # plane) measured from the z-axis down. The second is the rotation # angle from the ground plane up. Rotation is in degrees. # # The vertical plane rotation ranges from -90 (looking straight down) to # 90 (looking straight up). The horizontal rotation range is unbounded. self.rotation = (0, 0) # Which sector the player is currently in. self.sector = None # 这个十字在屏幕中央 self.reticle = None # Velocity in the y (upward) direction. self.dy = 0 # 玩家可以放置的方块, 使用数字键切换 self.inventory = [ 'grass', 'dirt', 'sand', 'stone', 'log', 'leaf', 'brick', 'plank', 'craft_table' ] # 玩家手持的方块 self.block = self.inventory[0] # 数字键列表 self.num_keys = [ key._1, key._2, key._3, key._4, key._5, key._6, key._7, key._8, key._9, key._0 ] # 这个标签在画布的上方显示 self.label = {} self.label['top'] = pyglet.text.DocumentLabel(decode_attributed(''), x=0, y=self.height - 30, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='center') self.is_init = True # 这个标签在画布正中偏上显示 self.label['center'] = pyglet.text.DocumentLabel(decode_attributed(''), x=self.width // 2, y=self.height // 2 + 50, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center') # 这个标签在画布正中偏下显示 self.label['actionbar'] = pyglet.text.DocumentLabel( decode_attributed(''), x=self.width // 2, y=self.height // 2 - 100, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center') # 加载用图片 self.loading_image = image.load( os.path.join(path['texture'], 'loading.png')) self.loading_image.height = self.height self.loading_image.width = self.width # 覆盖屏幕的矩形 self.full_screen = Rectangle(0, 0, self.width, self.height) # 聊天区 self.dialogue = Dialogue(self.width, self.height) # 将 self.upgrade() 方法每 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SEC 调用一次, 它是游戏的主事件循环 pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SEC) # 检测玩家是否应该死亡 pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.check_die, 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SEC) # 每10秒更新一次方块数据 pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update_status, 10.0) # 每60秒保存一次进度 pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(, 30.0) log_info('welcome %s(id: %s)' % (player['name'], player['id']))