def get_wann2csh(nbmax, corbs_list):
    get transformation from wannier basis to complex spherical harmonics basis.
    # basis transformation matrix which merges the corelated orbitals
    # to the first places, followed by the uncorrelated orbitals.
    ubasis = np.zeros((nbmax, nbmax), dtype=np.complex)
    # the spin-orbital index remapping accordingly.
    orbs_map = []
    for i, corbs in enumerate(corbs_list):
        norbs = len(corbs)
        for j1 in range(norbs):
    # appending the uncorrelated orbitals
    for i in range(nbmax):
        if i not in orbs_map:
    # ubasis: <original basis | correlated orbs-first basis>
    for i in range(nbmax):
        ubasis[orbs_map[i], i] = 1.

    # Unitary transformation from complex Harmonics to wannier.
    u_csh2wan_list = get_u_csh2wan_all([len(corbs) for corbs in corbs_list])
    # get the transformation from wannier basis to correlated
    # orbital-ordered complex spherical Harmonics basis.
    u_csh2wan = block_diag(*u_csh2wan_list)
    ncorbs = u_csh2wan.shape[0]
    u_wan2csh = ubasis.copy()
    u_wan2csh[:, :ncorbs] = ubasis[:, :ncorbs].dot(u_csh2wan.T.conj())
    return u_wan2csh
def get_h1e_list_wannier(gwannier, corbs_list):
    # List of one-body parts of Hamiltonian.
    h1e_list = [[]]
    for i, corbs in enumerate(corbs_list):
        norbs = len(corbs)
        h1e_list[0].append(np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex))
        for j1 in range(norbs):
            _j1 = corbs[j1]
            for j2 in range(norbs):
                _j2 = corbs[j2]
                h1e_list[0][-1][j1,j2] = gwannier.ham_r[(0,0,0)]["h"][_j1,_j2]\
    # Unitary transformation from complex Harmonics to wannier.
    u_csh2wan_list = get_u_csh2wan_all([len(corbs) for corbs in corbs_list])

    for i, u_csh2wan in enumerate(u_csh2wan_list):
        h1e_list[0][i] = u_csh2wan.dot(h1e_list[0][i]).dot(u_csh2wan.T.conj())
    return h1e_list