def checkBadLoopCollect(code): """ Look for bad loop like 'for i in range(len(list))' Documentation: """ sequence = [(Token.Keyword, '^for$'), (Token.Name, '^\w+$'), (Token.Operator.Word, '^in$'), (Token.Name.Builtin, '^range$|^xrange$'), (Token.Punctuation, '^\($'), (Token.Name.Builtin, '^len$'), (Token.Punctuation, '^\($'), (Token.Name, '^\w+$')] lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter('tokenmerge') tokens = pygments.lex(code, lexer) badLoopCollectIdiom = PythonIdiom('badLoop') lineNumber = 1 while True: lineAux = _findSeqInTokens(sequence, tokens) if lineAux < 0: break lineNumber += lineAux -1 badLoopCollectIdiom.addNew(lineNumber) log("badLoopCollect found in lines {0}".format(badLoopCollectIdiom.getLines())) return badLoopCollectIdiom
def findDocstring(code): """Find the use of documentation in the functions, classes or script Documentation: """ lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter('tokenmerge') classDefToken = (Token.Keyword, '^class$') functDefToken = (Token.Keyword, '^def$') tokens = pygments.lex(code, lexer) docIdiom = PythonIdiom('docstring') docstringFound = defaultdict(int) typeDoc = 'module' lineNumber = 1 for ttype, word in tokens: if _sameToken((ttype, word), classDefToken): typeDoc = 'class' elif _sameToken((ttype, word), functDefToken): typeDoc = 'function' elif ttype == Token.Literal.String.Doc: docstringFound[typeDoc] += 1 docIdiom.addNew(lineNumber) lineNumber += _getNewLines((ttype, word)) for typeDoc in docstringFound: log("type %s: %d found" % (typeDoc, docstringFound[typeDoc])) log('DocString found in lines: ' + str(docIdiom.getLines())) return docIdiom
def checkNotRange(code): """ Check if there is: for xx in [0,1,2] instead of for xxx in (x)range Documentation: """ sequence = [(Token.Keyword, '^for$'), (Token.Name, '^\w+$'), (Token.Operator.Word, '^in$'), (Token.Punctuation, '^\[$'), (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, '^\d$')] lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter('tokenmerge') tokens = pygments.lex(code, lexer) notRangeIdiom = PythonIdiom('notRange') lineNumber = 1 while True: lineAux = _findSeqInTokens(sequence, tokens) if lineAux < 0: break lineNumber += lineAux -1 notRangeIdiom.addNew(lineNumber) log("badForIn found in lines {0}".format(notRangeIdiom.getLines())) return notRangeIdiom
def basicStructure(code): sequence = [] lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter('tokenmerge') tokens = pygments.lex(code, lexer) for token in tokens: print token
def findBadUseImport(code): """ Find when use from foo import * Documentation: """ sequence = [(Token.Keyword.Namespace, '^from$'), (Token.Name.Namespace, '.*'), (Token.Keyword.Namespace, '^import$'), (Token.Operator, '\*')] lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter('tokenmerge') tokens = pygments.lex(code, lexer) badUseImport = PythonIdiom('badImport') lineNumber = 1 while True: lineAux = _findSeqInTokens(sequence, tokens) if lineAux < 0: break lineNumber += lineAux -1 badUseImport.addNew(lineNumber) log("badUseImport found in lines {0}".format(badUseImport.getLines())) return badUseImport
def redent(s): """ Shamelessly stolen from infobob(#python bot) code """ lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter(_RedentFilter()) return highlight(s, lexer, NullFormatter())
def python_prettify(code, style): lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter(VisibleWhitespaceFilter(spaces=" ")) pretty_code = highlight( code, lexer, HtmlFormatter( linenos=style, linenostart=0)) # print(pretty_code) return format_html('{}', mark_safe(pretty_code))
def findUseMapFilterReduce(code): """ Find the use of map, filter and reduce builtins in the code. A better option is the use of generators and list comprehensions Documentation: Fluent Python page 142 """ filterToken = (Token.Name.Builtin, '^filter$') mapToken = (Token.Name.Builtin, '^map$') reduceToken = (Token.Name.Builtin, '^reduce$') tokensFound = {'filter': 0, 'map': 0, 'reduce': 0} lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter('tokenmerge') tokens = pygments.lex(code, lexer) lineNumber = 1 mapIdiom = PythonIdiom('map') filterIdiom = PythonIdiom('filter') reduceIdiom = PythonIdiom('reduce') for token in tokens: lineNumber += _getNewLines(token) if _sameToken(token, filterToken): tokensFound['filter'] += 1 filterIdiom.addNew(lineNumber) elif _sameToken(token, reduceToken): tokensFound['reduce'] += 1 reduceIdiom.addNew(lineNumber) elif _sameToken(token, mapToken): tokensFound['map'] += 1 mapIdiom.addNew(lineNumber) log('filter found in lines: ' + str(filterIdiom.getLines())) log('map found in lines: ' + str(mapIdiom.getLines())) log('reduce found in lines: ' + str(reduceIdiom.getLines())) return [mapIdiom, filterIdiom, reduceIdiom]
code = """ for i in range(1, 11): print("Hello world!") if x and y: print("yes") if x or y: print("dunno") globalVariable = 42 def helloWorld(): print("Hello world!") helloWorld() print(globalVariable) """ print(highlight(code, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())) print("-----------------------") lexer = PythonLexer() # pridani filtru lexer.add_filter(to_snake_case()) print(highlight(code, lexer, TerminalFormatter()))
if (not indents) and seen_def: yield token.Text, "\n" decorator_started = False for t, v in indents: yield t, v indents = [] seen_def = True # print leading new lines if def_started or decorator_started: yield ttype, value if (ttype is token.Punctuation) and (value == ':'): def_started = False if __name__ == "__main__": from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import NullFormatter lex = PythonLexer() lex.add_filter(PythonAPIFilter()) for f in [__file__, "../", '../']: code = open(f, 'r').read() print "---------- %s ----------" % f print highlight(code, lex, NullFormatter())
def generate_plots(results_filename, plot_filename, github_url): with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'plot.tmpl.html')) as f: html_template = Template( with open(results_filename, 'r') as f: results = json.load(f) name = results['name'] xlabel = results['xlabel'] baseline = results['baseline'] sections = [ layouts.row(Div(text='''<h1>Example: %s</h1> <p><b>Description</b>: %s</p>''' % \ (results['name'], markdown.render(results['description'])), width=WIDTH)), ] # Implementations sections.append( layouts.row(Div(text='<h2>Implementations</h2>', width=WIDTH))) source_tabs = [] for impl in results['implementations']: lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter('codetagify', codetags=['NOTE', 'SPEEDTIP']) highlighted = highlight(impl['source'], lexer, HtmlFormatter()) source_tabs.append((impl['name'], Div(text=markdown.render(impl['description']), width=WIDTH), Div(text=highlighted, width=WIDTH))) tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ Panel(child=layouts.column(st[1], st[2]), title=st[0]) for st in source_tabs ], width=WIDTH) sections.append(layouts.row(tabs)) # Benchmarks sections.append(layouts.row(Div(text='<h2>Benchmarks</h2>'))) for category_results in results['results']: category = category_results['category'] del category_results['category'] plot_title = name + ': ' + ', '.join(category) speedup_p = make_plot(category_results, title=plot_title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel='Speedup over %s' % baseline, baseline=baseline, ycolname='speedup', yaxis_format='%1.1f') throughput_p = make_plot(category_results, title=plot_title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel='%s / sec' % xlabel, baseline=baseline, ycolname='throughput', yaxis_format='%1.0e') raw_p = make_plot(category_results, title=plot_title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel='Execution time (usec)', baseline=baseline, ycolname='times', yaxis_format='%1.0f') tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ Panel(child=speedup_p, title='Speedup'), Panel(child=throughput_p, title='Throughput'), Panel(child=raw_p, title='Raw times') ], width=WIDTH) sections.append(layouts.row(tabs)) html = file_html( layouts.column(sections), resources=CDN, title='Example: %s' % results['name'], template=html_template, template_variables=dict( pygments_css=HtmlFormatter().get_style_defs('.highlight'), github_url=github_url)) with open(plot_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(html) return results
code = """ for i in range(1, 11): print("Hello world!") if x and y: print("yes") if x or y: print("dunno") globalVariable = 42 def helloWorld(): print("Hello world!") helloWorld() print(globalVariable) """ print(highlight(code, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())) print("-----------------------") lexer = PythonLexer() # pridani filtru lexer.add_filter(CamelCaseFilter()) print(highlight(code, lexer, TerminalFormatter()))
from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter from pygments.filters import NameHighlightFilter code = """ for i in range(1, 11): print("Hello world!") if x and y: print("yes") if x or y: print("dunno") if x xor y: print("different") goto 10 """ print(highlight(code, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())) print("-----------------------") lexer = PythonLexer() # pridani filtru lexer.add_filter(NameHighlightFilter(names=['xor', 'goto'])) print(highlight(code, lexer, TerminalFormatter()))
# a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'alabaster' html_theme_options = { 'description': 'Structural Optimization with FEniCS and dolfin-adjoint', 'fixed_sidebar': True, 'font_family': '-apple-system,system-ui,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif', 'code_font_size': '0.85em', # 'caption_font_size': 0.5, # 'font_size': '05' # 'pre_bg': '#444444' 'page_width': '60%' } pygments_style = 'pastie' # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". # html_static_path = ['_static'] from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer l = PythonLexer() l.add_filter('whitespace', tabs=" ") latex_elements = {'preamble': r''' \usepackage{relsize}'''}
from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter from pygments.filters import NameHighlightFilter code = """ for i in range(1, 11): print("Hello world!") if x and y: print("yes") if x or y: print("dunno") if x xor y: print("different") goto 10 """ print(highlight(code, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())) print("-----------------------") lexer = PythonLexer() # pridani filtru lexer.add_filter(NameHighlightFilter(names=["xor", "goto"])) print(highlight(code, lexer, TerminalFormatter()))
def initWithURL_(_self, _sel, _url): from objc_util import ObjCInstance import os from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name import re global search_term self = ObjCInstance(_self) # PA2QuickHelpContentViewController url = ObjCInstance(_url) if 'myfile://' in str(url): t = str(url) i = t.find('myfile://') t = t[i + 2:] url = nsurl(t) # file:///... tx = '/Pythonista3/Documents/' i = t.find(tx) + len(tx) j = t.find('#') path = t[i:j] path = path.replace('~', ' ') self.setTitle_(path) fpath = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents/' + path) with open(fpath, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as fil: code = # Syntax-highlight code # from omz code at html_formatter = HtmlFormatter(style='colorful') l = PythonLexer() l.add_filter('whitespace', tabs=' ', tabsize=2) highlighted_code = highlight(code, l, html_formatter) styles = html_formatter.get_style_defs() # change html code to highlight searched term with yellow background styles = styles + '\n' + '.search { background-color: #ffff00 } /* search term */' highlighted_code = highlighted_code.replace( search_term, '</span><span class="search">' + search_term + '</span>') # add class to searched term independantly of case src_str = re.compile('(' + search_term + ')', re.IGNORECASE) # @Olaf: use \1 to refer to matched text grouped by () in the regex highlighted_code = src_str.sub( r'</span><span class="search">\1</span>', highlighted_code) # meta tag UTF-8 is needed to display emojis if present in a script html = '<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><style>%s</style></head><body> %s </body></html>' % ( styles, highlighted_code) fpath = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents/find_in_files_via_help.html') # segmentation error crash if write file in text mode #with open(fpath, mode='wb') as fil: # fil.write(html.encode()) with open(fpath, mode='wt', encoding='utf8') as fil: fil.write(html) url = nsurl('file://' + fpath) rtnval = self.originalinitWithURL_(url) return rtnval.ptr
from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter from pygments.filters import VisibleWhitespaceFilter code = """ for i in range(1, 11): \tprint("Hello world!") if x and y: print("yes") if x or y: \tprint("dunno") """ print(highlight(code, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())) print("-----------------------") lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter(VisibleWhitespaceFilter(tabs=True)) print(highlight(code, lexer, TerminalFormatter()))
def helloWorld(): print("Hello world!") helloWorld() print(globalVariable) """ print(highlight(code, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())) input() print("-----------------------") lexer = PythonLexer() # pridani filtru lexer.add_filter(to_snake_case()) print(highlight(code, lexer, TerminalFormatter())) input() print("-----------------------") lexer = PythonLexer() # pridani filtru lexer.add_filter(to_snake_case(convert_all_names=True)) print(highlight(code, lexer, TerminalFormatter()))
def redent(s): lexer = PythonLexer() lexer.add_filter(_RedentFilter()) return highlight(s, lexer, NullFormatter())