def add_defs(self, deftxt='', getcol=False, lmod=None): """ Add geophysical definitions and make them editable""" if lmod is not None: self.islmod1 = False else: lmod = self.lmod1 self.islmod1 = True if not lmod.lith_list: self.max_lith_index = -1 else: lmod.update_lith_list_reverse() self.max_lith_index = max(lmod.lith_list_reverse.keys()) defnum = self.lw_param_defs.count() if deftxt == '': deftxt = 'Generic ' + str(defnum) lmod.lith_list[deftxt] = grvmag3d.GeoData(self.parent, lmod.numx, lmod.numy, lmod.numz, lmod.dxy, lmod.d_z, lmod.mht, lmod.ght) litho = lmod.lith_list['Background'] lithn = lmod.lith_list[deftxt] lithn.hintn = litho.hintn lithn.finc = litho.finc lithn.fdec = litho.fdec lithn.zobsm = litho.zobsm lithn.bdensity = litho.bdensity lithn.zobsg = litho.zobsg self.max_lith_index += 1 lithn.lith_index = self.max_lith_index if deftxt == 'Background': lithn.susc = 0 lithn.density = lithn.bdensity if getcol is True: col = QtWidgets.QColorDialog.getColor() lmod.mlut[lithn.lith_index] = [,,] # setup list widgets misc.update_lith_lw(self.lmod1, self.lw_param_defs) if defnum == 0: lithn.susc = 0 lithn.density = lithn.bdensity self.lw_index_change()
def add_defs(self, deftxt='', getcol=False, lmod=None): """ Add geophysical definitions and make them editable. Parameters ---------- deftxt : str, optional Definition text. The default is ''. getcol : bool, optional Get column. The default is False. lmod : LithModel, optional 3D model. The default is None. Returns ------- None. """ if lmod is not None: self.islmod1 = False else: lmod = self.lmod1 self.islmod1 = True new_lith_index = 0 if lmod.lith_list: lmod.update_lith_list_reverse() new_lith_index = max(lmod.lith_list_reverse.keys())+1 defnum = self.lw_param_defs.count() if deftxt == '': deftxt = 'Generic '+str(defnum) lmod.lith_list[deftxt] = grvmag3d.GeoData( self.parent, lmod.numx, lmod.numy, lmod.numz, lmod.dxy, lmod.d_z, lmod.mht, lmod.ght) litho = lmod.lith_list['Background'] lithn = lmod.lith_list[deftxt] lithn.hintn = litho.hintn lithn.finc = litho.finc lithn.fdec = litho.fdec lithn.zobsm = litho.zobsm lithn.bdensity = litho.bdensity lithn.zobsg = litho.zobsg lithn.lith_index = new_lith_index if deftxt == 'Background': lithn.susc = 0 lithn.density = lithn.bdensity if getcol is True: col = QtWidgets.QColorDialog.getColor(parent=self.parent) lmod.mlut[lithn.lith_index] = [,,] # setup list widgets misc.update_lith_lw(self.lmod1, self.lw_param_defs) if defnum == 0: lithn.susc = 0 lithn.density = lithn.bdensity self.lw_index_change()
def import_ascii_xyz_model(self, filename): """ Use to import ASCII XYZ Models of the form x,y,z,label. Parameters ---------- filename : str Input filename. Returns ------- None. """ if filename.find('.csv') > -1: tmp = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', dtype=np.str) else: tmp = np.genfromtxt(filename, dtype=np.str) x = tmp[:, 0].astype(np.float) y = tmp[:, 1].astype(np.float) z = tmp[:, 2].astype(np.float) label = tmp[:, 3] labelu = np.unique(label) idx = np.unique(x, return_index=True)[1] x_u = x[np.sort(idx)] dx_u = np.diff(x_u) idx = np.unique(y, return_index=True)[1] y_u = y[np.sort(idx)] dy_u = np.diff(y_u) idx = np.unique(z, return_index=True)[1] z_u = z[np.sort(idx)] dz_u = np.diff(z_u) if dx_u[0] < 0: dx_u *= -1 if dy_u[0] < 0: dy_u *= -1 if dz_u[0] < 0: dz_u *= -1 xcell = np.max(dx_u) ycell = np.max(dy_u) zcell = np.max(dz_u) lmod = self.lmod lmod.dxy = min(xcell, ycell) lmod.d_z = zcell lmod.xrange = [x_u.min() - lmod.dxy / 2., x_u.max() + lmod.dxy / 2.] lmod.yrange = [y_u.min() - lmod.dxy / 2., y_u.max() + lmod.dxy / 2.] lmod.zrange = [z_u.min() - lmod.d_z / 2., z_u.max() + lmod.d_z / 2.] lmod.numx = int(np.ptp(lmod.xrange) / lmod.dxy + 1) lmod.numy = int(np.ptp(lmod.yrange) / lmod.dxy + 1) lmod.numz = int(np.ptp(lmod.zrange) / lmod.d_z + 1) # Section to load lithologies. if 'Generic 1' in lmod.lith_list: lmod.lith_list.pop('Generic 1') lindx = 0 for itxt in labelu: lindx += 1 lmod.mlut[lindx] = [ np.random.randint(0, 255), np.random.randint(0, 255), np.random.randint(0, 255) ] lmod.lith_list[itxt] = grvmag3d.GeoData(self.parent, ncols=lmod.numx, nrows=lmod.numy, numz=lmod.numz, dxy=lmod.dxy, d_z=lmod.d_z) lmod.lith_list[itxt].lith_index = lindx lmod.lith_list[itxt].modified = True lmod.lith_list[itxt].set_xyz12() lmod.lith_index = None lmod.update(lmod.numx, lmod.numy, lmod.numz, lmod.xrange[0], lmod.yrange[1], lmod.zrange[1], lmod.dxy, lmod.d_z) lmod.update_lith_list_reverse() for i, xi in enumerate(x): col = int((xi - lmod.xrange[0]) / lmod.dxy) row = int((lmod.yrange[1] - y[i]) / lmod.dxy) layer = int((lmod.zrange[1] - z[i]) / lmod.d_z) lmod.lith_index[col, row, layer] = \ lmod.lith_list[label[i]].lith_index
def dict2lmod(self, indict, pre=''): """ Convert a dictionary to a LithModel Parameters ---------- indict : dictionary Imported dictionary. pre : str, optional Text. The default is ''. Returns ------- None. """ lithkeys = indict[pre + 'lithkeys'] lmod = self.lmod lmod.gregional = indict[pre + 'gregional'] lmod.ght = indict[pre + 'ght'] lmod.mht = indict[pre + 'mht'] lmod.numx = indict[pre + 'numx'] lmod.numy = indict[pre + 'numy'] lmod.numz = indict[pre + 'numz'] lmod.dxy = indict[pre + 'dxy'] lmod.d_z = indict[pre + 'd_z'] lmod.lith_index = indict[pre + 'lith_index'] lmod.xrange = np.array(indict[pre + 'xrange']).tolist() lmod.yrange = np.array(indict[pre + 'yrange']).tolist() lmod.zrange = np.array(indict[pre + 'zrange']).tolist() if pre + 'custprofx' in indict: lmod.custprofx = indict[pre + 'custprofx'].item() else: lmod.custprofx = {0: (lmod.xrange[0], lmod.xrange[1])} if pre + 'custprofy' in indict: lmod.custprofy = indict[pre + 'custprofy'].item() else: lmod.custprofy = {0: (lmod.yrange[0], lmod.yrange[0])} lmod.mlut = indict[pre + 'mlut'].item() lmod.init_calc_grids() lmod.griddata = indict[pre + 'griddata'].item() for i in lmod.griddata: lmod.griddata[i].data =[i].data) # This gets rid of a legacy variable name for i in lmod.griddata: if not hasattr(lmod.griddata[i], 'dataid'): lmod.griddata[i].dataid = '' if hasattr(lmod.griddata[i], 'bandid'): if lmod.griddata[i].dataid == '': lmod.griddata[i].dataid = lmod.griddata[i].bandid del lmod.griddata[i].bandid if not hasattr(lmod.griddata[i], 'extent'): rows, cols = lmod.griddata[i].data.shape xmin = lmod.griddata[i].tlx ymax = lmod.griddata[i].tly ymin = ymax - rows * lmod.griddata[i].ydim xmax = xmin + cols * lmod.griddata[i].xdim lmod.griddata[i].extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] del lmod.griddata[i].tlx del lmod.griddata[i].tly wktfin = None for i in lmod.griddata: wkt = lmod.griddata[i].wkt if wkt != '' and wkt is not None: wktfin = wkt if wktfin is not None: for i in lmod.griddata: wkt = lmod.griddata[i].wkt if wkt == '' or wkt is None: lmod.griddata[i].wkt = wktfin # Section to load lithologies. lmod.lith_list['Background'] = grvmag3d.GeoData(self.parent) for itxt in lithkeys: if itxt != 'Background': lmod.lith_list[itxt] = grvmag3d.GeoData(self.parent) lmod.lith_list[itxt].hintn = indict[pre + itxt + '_hintn'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].finc = indict[pre + itxt + '_finc'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].fdec = indict[pre + itxt + '_fdec'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].zobsm = indict[pre + itxt + '_zobsm'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].susc = indict[pre + itxt + '_susc'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].mstrength = indict[pre + itxt + '_mstrength'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].qratio = indict[pre + itxt + '_qratio'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].minc = indict[pre + itxt + '_minc'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].mdec = indict[pre + itxt + '_mdec'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].density = indict[pre + itxt + '_density'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].bdensity = indict[pre + itxt + '_bdensity'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].lith_index = indict[pre + itxt + '_lith_index'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].g_cols = indict[pre + itxt + '_numx'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].g_rows = indict[pre + itxt + '_numy'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].numz = indict[pre + itxt + '_numz'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].g_dxy = indict[pre + itxt + '_dxy'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].dxy = indict[pre + itxt + '_dxy'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].d_z = indict[pre + itxt + '_d_z'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].zobsm = indict[pre + itxt + '_zobsm'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].zobsg = indict[pre + itxt + '_zobsg'].item() if pre + itxt + '_lithcode' in indict: lmod.lith_list[itxt].lithcode = indict[pre + itxt + '_lithcode'].item() if pre + itxt + '_lithnotes' in indict: lmod.lith_list[itxt].lithnotes = indict[pre + itxt + '_lithnotes'].item() lmod.lith_list[itxt].modified = True lmod.lith_list[itxt].set_xyz12()
def import_leapfrog_csv(self, filename): """ Imports leapfrog csv block models. Parameters ---------- filename : str Input filename. Returns ------- None. """ piter = self.pbars.iter with open(filename) as fno: tmp = fno.readlines() while tmp[0][0] == '#': tmp.pop(0) if not tmp: return header = tmp.pop(0).split(',') header = header[7:] mtmp = MessageCombo(header) mtmp.exec_() datindx = mtmp.master.currentIndex() x = [] y = [] z = [] label = [] xcell = float(tmp[0].split(',')[3]) ycell = float(tmp[0].split(',')[4]) zcell = float(tmp[0].split(',')[5]) for i in piter(tmp): i2 = i.split(',') x.append(float(i2[0])) y.append(float(i2[1])) z.append(float(i2[2])) label.append(i2[7 + datindx]) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) z = np.array(z) x_u = np.unique(x) y_u = np.unique(y) z_u = np.unique(z) labelu = np.unique(label) labelu[labelu == 'blank'] = 'Background' lmod = self.lmod lmod.numx = x_u.shape[0] lmod.numy = y_u.shape[0] lmod.numz = z_u.shape[0] lmod.dxy = max(xcell, ycell) lmod.d_z = zcell lmod.xrange = [x_u.min() - lmod.dxy / 2., x_u.max() + lmod.dxy / 2.] lmod.yrange = [y_u.min() - lmod.dxy / 2., y_u.max() + lmod.dxy / 2.] lmod.zrange = [z_u.min() - lmod.d_z / 2., z_u.max() + lmod.d_z / 2.] lindx = 0 for itxt in labelu: lindx += 1 if itxt == 'Background': lmod.lith_list[itxt] = grvmag3d.GeoData(self.parent, ncols=lmod.numx, nrows=lmod.numy, numz=lmod.numz, dxy=lmod.dxy, d_z=lmod.d_z) lmod.lith_list[itxt].lith_index = 0 lmod.mlut[0] = [ np.random.randint(0, 255), np.random.randint(0, 255), np.random.randint(0, 255) ] else: lmod.lith_list[itxt] = grvmag3d.GeoData(self.parent, ncols=lmod.numx, nrows=lmod.numy, numz=lmod.numz, dxy=lmod.dxy, d_z=lmod.d_z) lmod.lith_list[itxt].lith_index = lindx lmod.mlut[lindx] = [ np.random.randint(0, 255), np.random.randint(0, 255), np.random.randint(0, 255) ] lmod.lith_list[itxt].modified = True lmod.lith_list[itxt].set_xyz12() lmod.lith_index = None lmod.update(lmod.numx, lmod.numy, lmod.numz, lmod.xrange[0], lmod.yrange[1], lmod.zrange[1], lmod.dxy, lmod.d_z, usedtm=True) lmod.update_lith_list_reverse() for i in piter(range(len(x))): xi = x[i] col = int((xi - lmod.xrange[0]) / lmod.dxy) row = int((lmod.yrange[1] - y[i]) / lmod.dxy) layer = int((lmod.zrange[1] - z[i]) / lmod.d_z) if label[i] == 'blank': lmod.lith_index[col, row, layer] = \ lmod.lith_list['Background'].lith_index else: lmod.lith_index[col, row, layer] = \ lmod.lith_list[label[i]].lith_index