def model_to_grid_thickness(): """ loads in a model """ tmp = pio3d.ImportMod3D(None) tmp.ifile = r'C:\Work\Programming\pygmi\data\7-BC_57km_StagChamOnly_NEW.npz' ofile = r'C:\Work\Programming\pygmi\data\7-BC_57km_StagChamOnly_NEW.tif' # Reset Variables tmp.lmod.griddata.clear() tmp.lmod.lith_list.clear() # load model indict = np.load(tmp.ifile) tmp.dict2lmod(indict) lith_index = tmp.lmod.lith_index lith_index[lith_index == -1] = 0 lith_index[lith_index > 0] = 1 dz = tmp.lmod.d_z out = lith_index.sum(2) * dz gout = tmp.lmod.griddata['Calculated Gravity'] = out.T =[::-1] gout.nullvalue = 0. =, 0.) tmp = pio.ExportData(None) tmp.ifile = ofile tmp.export_gdal([gout], 'GTiff') pdb.set_trace()
def test_io_xyz(smalldata): """Tests IO for xyz files.""" ofile = tempfile.gettempdir() + '\\' tmp = iodefs.ExportData(None) tmp.ifile = ofile tmp.export_ascii_xyz([smalldata]) dat2 = iodefs.get_raster(ofile) # Cleanup files for i in glob.glob(tempfile.gettempdir() + '\\iotest*'): os.unlink(i) np.testing.assert_array_equal(, dat2[0].data)
def test_io_gdal(smalldata, ext, drv): """Tests IO for gdal files.""" ofile = tempfile.gettempdir() + '\\iotest' + ext tmp = iodefs.ExportData(None) tmp.ifile = ofile tmp.export_gdal([smalldata], drv) dat2 = iodefs.get_raster(ofile) # Cleanup files for i in glob.glob(tempfile.gettempdir() + '\\iotest*'): os.unlink(i) np.testing.assert_array_equal(, dat2[0].data)
def model_to_lith_depth(): """ loads in a model """ tmp = pio3d.ImportMod3D(None) tmp.ifile = r'C:\Work\Programming\pygmi\data\StagCham_Youssof_ALTComplexMantleLC_ds_extended.npz' ofile = r'C:\Work\Programming\pygmi\data\hope.tif' # Reset Variables tmp.lmod.griddata.clear() tmp.lmod.lith_list.clear() # load model indict = np.load(tmp.ifile) tmp.dict2lmod(indict) tmp.lmod.update_lith_list_reverse() print('These are the lithologies and their codes:') pprint.pprint(tmp.lmod.lith_list_reverse) print('') lithcode = int(input("what lithology code do you wish? ")) lith_index = tmp.lmod.lith_index dz = tmp.lmod.d_z dtm = (lith_index == -1).sum(2)*dz lith = (lith_index == lithcode) xxx, yyy, zzz = lith.shape out = np.zeros((xxx, yyy))-1. for i in range(xxx): for j in range(yyy): if True in lith[i, j]: out[i, j] = np.nonzero(lith[i, j])[0][0]*dz - dtm[i, j] gout = tmp.lmod.griddata['Calculated Gravity'] = out.T =[::-1] gout.nullvalue = -1. =, -1.) tmp = pio.ExportData(None) tmp.ifile = ofile tmp.export_gdal([gout], 'GTiff')
def grid(): """ First 2 columns must be x and y """ filename = r'C:\Work\Programming\pygmi\data\sue\filt_magdata.csv' ofile = r'C:\Work\Programming\pygmi\data\magdata.tif' srows = 0 dlim = None xcol = 0 ycol = 1 zcol = 2 dxy = 15 # This bit reads in the first line to see if it is a header pntfile = open(filename) ltmp = pntfile.readline() pntfile.close() ltmp = ltmp.lower() isheader = any(c.isalpha() for c in ltmp) # Check for comma delimiting if ',' in ltmp: dlim = ',' # Set skip rows if isheader: srows = 1 # Now read in data datatmp = np.genfromtxt(filename, unpack=True, delimiter=dlim, skip_header=srows, usemask=False) # Now we interpolate xdata = datatmp[xcol] ydata = datatmp[ycol] zdata = datatmp[zcol] points = datatmp[:2].T newxdata = np.arange(xdata.min(), xdata.max(), dxy) newydata = np.arange(ydata.min(), ydata.max(), dxy) newpoints = np.meshgrid(newxdata, newydata) newpoints = (newpoints[0].flatten(), newpoints[1].flatten()) grid = si.griddata(points, zdata, newpoints, method='cubic') grid.shape = (newydata.shape[0], newxdata.shape[0]) grid = grid[::-1] # export data odat = Data() odat.dataid = '' odat.tlx = newxdata.min() odat.tly = newydata.max() odat.xdim = dxy odat.ydim = dxy odat.nrofbands = 1 odat.nullvalue = 1e+20 odat.rows, odat.cols = grid.shape = tmp = pio.ExportData(None) tmp.ifile = ofile # tmp.export_ascii_xyz([odat]) # tmp.export_gdal([odat], 'ENVI') tmp.export_gdal([odat], 'GTiff') # Plotting section # dataex = (newxdata.min(), newxdata.max(), newydata.min(), newydata.max()) # plt.imshow(grid, cmap =, extent=dataex, origin='upper') plt.tricontourf(xdata, ydata, zdata, 40, # plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '.') plt.colorbar() pdb.set_trace()