def minPermDistLong(X1, X2, max_permutations=10000):
    Minimize the distance between two clusters.  The following symmetries will be accounted for
    Translational symmetry

    Global rotational symmetry

    Permutational symmetry
    This routine is deterministic, but ludicrously slow.  Use the minPermDistStochastic instead
    print "This routine is deterministic, but ludicrously slow.  Use the minPermDistStochastic instead"

    X2in = np.copy(X2)

    X2min = np.copy(X2)
    dmin = np.linalg.norm(X2 - X1)

    nsites = len(X1) / 3
    #this is a really dumb way to do this
    nperm = math.factorial(nsites)
    print nperm, "permutations in total. Stopping at ", max_permutations
    count = 0
    for perm in itertools.permutations(range(nsites)):
        #print perm
        X2 = permuteArray(X2in, perm)

        dist, X1, X2 = minDist(X1, X2)

        if dist < dmin:
            dmin = dist
            X2min = np.copy(X2)
            #print dist, np.linalg.norm(X1-X2)
            if dmin < 1e-6:
                print "found exact match (to accuracy 1e-6)"

        count += 1
        if count % 1000 == 0:
            print "finished", count, "permutations out of", min(
                max_permutations), " mindist is", dmin, "last try was", dist

        if count == max_permutations:
            print "reached maximum number of perterbations (", max_permutations, ")."

            use_hungarian = True
            if use_hungarian:
                print "will now fix alignment and calculate the best permutation using the Hungarian algorithm"
                #print "dist before hungarian algorithm", dmin
                ret = findBestPermutation(X1, X2min)
                if ret != None:
                    dmin, X1, X2min = findBestPermutation(X1, X2min)
                #print "dist after hungarian algorithm", dmin


    return dmin, X1, X2min
    def check_match(self, x1, x2, rot, inverse):
        """ Make a more detailed comparison if the 2 structures match
        x1: np.array
            coordinates of structure 1
        x2: np.array
            coordinates of structure 2
        rot: np.array, 3x3
            guessed rotation based on reference atoms         
        inverse: double
            -1.0 if do match for inverted coordinates, 1.0 otherwise
        returns: boolean
            True or False for match
        # apply the rotation
        x1_trial = np.dot(rot, x1.transpose()).transpose()
        # make a copy since findBestPermutation will mess up order
        x2_trial = x2.copy()
        # get the best permutation
        dist, x1n, x2n = findBestPermutation(x1_trial.flatten(), x2_trial.flatten())
        x1n = x1n.reshape([-1, 3])
        x2n = x2n.reshape([-1, 3])

        # x1n = x1_trial
        # x2n = x2_trial
        # now find best rotational alignment, this is more reliable than just
        # aligning the 2 reference atoms
        rot2 = rmsfit.findrotation_kabsch(x1n, x2n)
        x1n = np.dot(rot2, x1n.transpose()).transpose()

        # use the maximum distance, not rms as cutoff criterion
        max_dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((x1n - x2n) * (x1n - x2n), axis=1)).max()
        if max_dist < self.accuracy:
            self.best_rotation = np.dot(rot2, rot)
            return True
        return False
def _optimizePermRot(X1, X2, niter, permlist, verbose=False, use_quench=True):
    if use_quench:
        pot = MinPermDistPotential(X1, X2.copy(), permlist=permlist)

    distbest = getDistxyz(X1, X2)
    mxbest = np.identity(3)
    X20 = X2.copy()
    for i in range(niter):
        #get and apply a random rotation
        aa = random_aa()
        if not use_quench:
            mx = aa2mx(aa)
            mxtot = mx
            #print "X2.shape", X2.shape
            #optimize the rotation using a permutationally invariand distance metric
            ret = defaults.quenchRoutine(aa, pot.getEnergyGradient, tol=0.01)
            aa1 = ret[0]
            mx1 = aa2mx(aa1)
            mxtot = mx1
        X2 = applyRotation(mxtot, X20)

        #optimize the permutations
        dist, X1, X2 = findBestPermutation(X1, X2, permlist)
        if verbose:
            print "dist", dist, "distbest", distbest
        #print "X2.shape", X2.shape

        #optimize the rotation
        dist, Q2 = getAlignRotation(X1, X2)
        #        print "dist", dist, "Q2", Q2
        mx2 = q2mx(Q2)
        mxtot = np.dot(mx2, mxtot)

        if dist < distbest:
            distbest = dist
            mxbest = mxtot
    return distbest, mxbest
def _optimizePermRot(X1, X2, niter, permlist, verbose=False, use_quench=True):
    if use_quench:
        pot = MinPermDistPotential(X1, X2.copy(), permlist=permlist)

    distbest = getDistxyz(X1, X2)
    mxbest = np.identity(3)
    X20 = X2.copy()
    for i in range(niter):
        #get and apply a random rotation
        aa = random_aa()
        if not use_quench:
            mx = aa2mx(aa)
            mxtot = mx
            #print "X2.shape", X2.shape
            #optimize the rotation using a permutationally invariand distance metric
            ret = defaults.quenchRoutine(aa, pot.getEnergyGradient, tol=0.01)
            aa1 = ret[0]
            mx1 = aa2mx(aa1)
            mxtot = mx1
        X2 = applyRotation(mxtot, X20)
        #optimize the permutations
        dist, X1, X2 = findBestPermutation(X1, X2, permlist)
        if verbose:
            print "dist", dist, "distbest", distbest
        #print "X2.shape", X2.shape
        #optimize the rotation
        dist, Q2 = getAlignRotation(X1, X2)
#        print "dist", dist, "Q2", Q2
        mx2 = q2mx(Q2)
        mxtot = np.dot(mx2, mxtot)
        if dist < distbest:
            distbest = dist
            mxbest = mxtot
    return distbest, mxbest
def minPermDistStochastic(X1,
    Minimize the distance between two clusters.  
    X1, X2 : 
        the structures to align.  X2 will be aligned with X1, both
        the center of masses will be shifted to the origin
    niter : int
        the number of basinhopping iterations to perform
    permlist : a list of lists of atoms 
        A list of lists of atoms which are interchangable.
        e.g. if all the atoms are interchangable
            permlist = [range(natoms)]
        For a 50/50 binary mixture, 
            permlist = [range(1,natoms/2), range(natoms/2,natoms)]
    verbose : 
        whether to print status information
    accuracy : 
        accuracy for determining if the structures are identical
    check_inversion :
        if true, account for point inversion symmetry
    use_quench : 
        for each step of the iteration, minimize a permutationally invariant
        distance metric.  This slows the algorithm, but can potentially make
        it more accurate.


    The following symmetries will be accounted for::
    1. Translational symmetry
    #. Global rotational symmetry
    #. Permutational symmetry
    #. Point inversion symmetry

    The algorithm here to find the best distance is
    for i in range(niter):    
    natoms = len(X1) / 3
    if permlist is None:
        permlist = [range(natoms)]

    X1init = X1
    X2init = X2
    X1 = np.copy(X1)
    X2 = np.copy(X2)

    #first check for exact match
    exactmatch = ExactMatchCluster(accuracy=accuracy, permlist=permlist)
    if exactmatch(X1, X2):
        #this is kind of cheating, I would prefer to return
        #X2 in best alignment and the actual (small) distance
        return 0.0, X1, X1.copy()

    #bring center of mass of x1 and x2 to the origin
    #save the center of mass of X1 for later
    X1com = X1.reshape([-1, 3]).sum(0) / natoms
    X1 = CoMToOrigin(X1)
    X2 = CoMToOrigin(X2)
    #print "X2.shape", X2.shape

    #find the best rotation stochastically
    X20 = X2.copy()
    distbest, mxbest = _optimizePermRot(X1,
    use_inversion = False
    if check_inversion:
        X20i = -X20.copy()
        X2 = X20i.copy()
        distbest1, mxbest1 = _optimizePermRot(X1,
        if distbest1 < distbest:
            if verbose:
                print "using inversion in minpermdist"
            use_inversion = True
            distbest = distbest1
            mxbest = mxbest1

    #now we know the best rotation
    if use_inversion: X20 = X20i
    X2 = applyRotation(mxbest, X20)
    dist, X1, X2 = findBestPermutation(X1, X2, permlist)
    dist, X2 = alignRotation(X1, X2)
    if dist > distbest + 0.001:
        print "ERROR: minPermDistRanRot: dist is different from distbest %f %f" % (
            dist, distbest)
    if verbose:
        print "finaldist", dist, "distmin", distbest

    #add back in the center of mass of X1
    X1 = X1.reshape([-1, 3])
    X2 = X2.reshape([-1, 3])
    X1 += X1com
    X2 += X1com
    X1 = X1.reshape(-1)
    X2 = X2.reshape(-1)

    return dist, X1, X2
def minPermDistStochastic(X1, X2, niter=100, permlist=None, verbose=False, accuracy=0.01,
                      check_inversion=True, use_quench=False):
    Minimize the distance between two clusters.  
    X1, X2 : 
        the structures to align.  X2 will be aligned with X1, both
        the center of masses will be shifted to the origin
    niter : int
        the number of basinhopping iterations to perform
    permlist : a list of lists of atoms 
        A list of lists of atoms which are interchangable.
        e.g. if all the atoms are interchangable
            permlist = [range(natoms)]
        For a 50/50 binary mixture, 
            permlist = [range(1,natoms/2), range(natoms/2,natoms)]
    verbose : 
        whether to print status information
    accuracy : 
        accuracy for determining if the structures are identical
    check_inversion :
        if true, account for point inversion symmetry
    use_quench : 
        for each step of the iteration, minimize a permutationally invariant
        distance metric.  This slows the algorithm, but can potentially make
        it more accurate.


    The following symmetries will be accounted for::
    1. Translational symmetry
    #. Global rotational symmetry
    #. Permutational symmetry
    #. Point inversion symmetry

    The algorithm here to find the best distance is
    for i in range(niter):    
    natoms = len(X1) / 3
    if permlist is None:
        permlist = [range(natoms)]

    X1init = X1
    X2init = X2
    X1 = np.copy(X1)
    X2 = np.copy(X2)

    #first check for exact match
    exactmatch = ExactMatchCluster(accuracy=accuracy, permlist=permlist)
    if exactmatch(X1, X2):
        #this is kind of cheating, I would prefer to return
        #X2 in best alignment and the actual (small) distance
        return 0.0, X1, X1.copy() 
    #bring center of mass of x1 and x2 to the origin
    #save the center of mass of X1 for later
    X1com = X1.reshape([-1,3]).sum(0) / natoms
    X1 = CoMToOrigin(X1)
    X2 = CoMToOrigin(X2)
    #print "X2.shape", X2.shape
    #find the best rotation stochastically
    X20 = X2.copy()
    distbest, mxbest = _optimizePermRot(X1, X2, niter, permlist, verbose=verbose, use_quench=use_quench)
    use_inversion = False
    if check_inversion:
        X20i = -X20.copy()
        X2 = X20i.copy()
        distbest1, mxbest1 = _optimizePermRot(X1, X2, niter, permlist, verbose=verbose, use_quench=use_quench)
        if distbest1 < distbest:
            if verbose:
                print "using inversion in minpermdist"
            use_inversion = True
            distbest = distbest1
            mxbest = mxbest1

    #now we know the best rotation
    if use_inversion: X20 = X20i
    X2 = applyRotation(mxbest, X20)
    dist, X1, X2 = findBestPermutation(X1, X2, permlist)
    dist, X2 = alignRotation(X1, X2)
    if dist > distbest+0.001:
        print "ERROR: minPermDistRanRot: dist is different from distbest %f %f" % (dist, distbest)
    if verbose:
        print "finaldist", dist, "distmin", distbest
    #add back in the center of mass of X1
    X1 = X1.reshape([-1,3])
    X2 = X2.reshape([-1,3])
    X1 += X1com
    X2 += X1com
    X1 = X1.reshape(-1)
    X2 = X2.reshape(-1)
    return dist, X1, X2
def minPermDistLong(X1, X2, max_permutations = 10000):
    Minimize the distance between two clusters.  The following symmetries will be accounted for
    Translational symmetry

    Global rotational symmetry

    Permutational symmetry
    This routine is deterministic, but ludicrously slow.  Use the minPermDistStochastic instead
    print "This routine is deterministic, but ludicrously slow.  Use the minPermDistStochastic instead"

    X2in = np.copy(X2)

    X2min = np.copy(X2)
    dmin = np.linalg.norm( X2-X1 )

    nsites = len(X1) / 3
    #this is a really dumb way to do this
    nperm = math.factorial(nsites)
    print nperm, "permutations in total. Stopping at ", max_permutations
    count = 0
    for perm in itertools.permutations(range(nsites)):
        #print perm
        X2 = permuteArray( X2in, perm)

        dist, X1, X2 = minDist(X1, X2)

        if dist < dmin:
            dmin = dist
            X2min = np.copy(X2)
            #print dist, np.linalg.norm(X1-X2)
            if dmin < 1e-6:
                print "found exact match (to accuracy 1e-6)"

        count += 1
        if count % 1000 == 0:
            print "finished", count, "permutations out of", min(nperm, max_permutations), " mindist is", dmin, "last try was", dist

        if count == max_permutations:
            print "reached maximum number of perterbations (", max_permutations, ")."  

            use_hungarian = True
            if use_hungarian:
                print "will now fix alignment and calculate the best permutation using the Hungarian algorithm"
                #print "dist before hungarian algorithm", dmin
                ret = findBestPermutation( X1, X2min )
                if ret != None:
                    dmin, X1, X2min = findBestPermutation( X1, X2min )
                #print "dist after hungarian algorithm", dmin


    return dmin, X1, X2min