    def takeStep(self, coords, **kwargs):
        # easy access to coordinates
        ca = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords.size/6, coords = coords)

         # random rotation for angle-axis vectors
        for j in xrange(ca.nrigid):
            # choose bond to rotate around, index is first bead that changes
            index = np.random.randint(1, ca.nrigid)
            # determine backbone beads
            a1 = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[index-1]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
            a2 = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[index]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
            x1 = ca.posRigid[index-1] - 0.4*a1 # backbone bead
            x2 = ca.posRigid[index]   - 0.4*a2 # backbone bead
            # get bond vector as axis of rotation + random magnitude
            p = x2 - x1
            p /= np.linalg.norm(p)
            p *= np.random.random()*self.stepsize
            # convert random rotation to a matrix
            mx = rotations.aa2mx(p)
            # center of rotation is in middle of backbone bond
            center = 0.5*(x1 + x2)
            # apply rotation to positions and orientations
            for i in xrange(index, ca.nrigid):
                a = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[i]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
                ca.rotRigid[i] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, ca.rotRigid[i])
                x = ca.posRigid[i] - 0.4*a
                ca.posRigid[i] = np.dot(mx, x - center) + center
                a = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[i]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
文件: tip4p.py 项目: js850/PyGMIN
def align(system, coords1, coords2):
    c1 = system.coords_adapter(coords1)
    c2 = system.coords_adapter(coords2)
    R = findrotation_kabsch(c2.posRigid, c1.posRigid)
    #R = rotations.aa2mx(p)
    for x, p in zip(c2.posRigid, c2.rotRigid):
        x[:] = np.dot(R, x)
        p[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, rotations.mx2aa(R))
    # now account for symmetry in water
    for p1, p2 in zip(c1.rotRigid,c2.rotRigid):
        theta1 = np.linalg.norm(rotations.rotate_aa(p2,-p1))
        p2n = rotations.rotate_aa(np.array([0., 0., pi]), p2)
        theta2 = np.linalg.norm(rotations.rotate_aa(p2n,-p1))
        theta1 -= int(theta1/2./pi)*2.*pi
        theta2 -= int(theta2/2./pi)*2.*pi
        if(theta2 < theta1): 
def align(system, coords1, coords2):
    c1 = system.coords_adapter(coords1)
    c2 = system.coords_adapter(coords2)
    R = findrotation_kabsch(c2.posRigid, c1.posRigid)
    #R = rotations.aa2mx(p)
    for x, p in zip(c2.posRigid, c2.rotRigid):
        x[:] = np.dot(R, x)
        p[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, rotations.mx2aa(R))

    # now account for symmetry in water
    for p1, p2 in zip(c1.rotRigid, c2.rotRigid):
        theta1 = np.linalg.norm(rotations.rotate_aa(p2, -p1))
        p2n = rotations.rotate_aa(np.array([0., 0., pi]), p2)
        theta2 = np.linalg.norm(rotations.rotate_aa(p2n, -p1))
        theta1 -= int(theta1 / 2. / pi) * 2. * pi
        theta2 -= int(theta2 / 2. / pi) * 2. * pi
        if (theta2 < theta1):
            p2[:] = p2n
    def rotate(self, X, mx):
        ca = self.topology.coords_adapter(X)
        if(ca.nrigid > 0):
            ca.posRigid[:] = np.dot(mx, ca.posRigid.transpose()).transpose()
            dp = rotations.mx2aa(mx)
            for p in ca.rotRigid:
                p[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, dp)

        if(ca.natoms > 0):
            ca.posAtom[:] = np.dot(mx, ca.posAtom.transpose()).transpose()
def coordsApplyRotation(coordsin, aa):
    coords = coordsin.copy()
    nmol = len(coords) / 3 / 2
    rmat = rot.aa2mx(aa)
    #rotate center of mass coords
    for imol in range(nmol):
        k = imol * 3
        coords[k:k + 3] = np.dot(rmat, coords[k:k + 3])
    #update aa coords
    for imol in range(nmol):
        k = nmol * 3 + imol * 3
        coords[k:k + 3] = rot.rotate_aa(coords[k:k + 3], aa)
    return coords
def coordsApplyRotation(coordsin, aa):
    coords = coordsin.copy()
    nmol = len(coords) / 3 / 2
    rmat = rot.aa2mx(aa)
    #rotate center of mass coords
    for imol in range(nmol):
        k = imol*3
        coords[k : k + 3] = np.dot(rmat, coords[k : k + 3])
    #update aa coords
    for imol in range(nmol):
        k = nmol*3 + imol*3
        coords[k : k + 3] = rot.rotate_aa(coords[k : k + 3], aa)
    return coords
文件: oxdna.py 项目: wwwtyro/PyGMIN
 def takeStep(self, coords, **kwargs):
     # easy access to coordinates
     ca = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords.size/6, coords = coords)
     # random displacement for positions
     ca.posRigid[:] += 2.*self.displace*(np.random.random(ca.posRigid.shape)-0.5)
     # determine backbone beads
     for com, p in zip(ca.posRigid, ca.rotRigid):
         p_rnd = rotations.small_random_aa(self.rotate)
         # adjust center of mass
             a1 = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(p), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
             x1 = com - 0.4*a1
             mx = rotations.aa2mx(p_rnd) 
             com[:] = np.dot(mx, com - x1) + x1
                         # random rotation for angle-axis vectors
         p[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, p_rnd)
 def align(self, coords1, coords2):
     c1 = self.topology.coords_adapter(coords1)
     c2 = self.topology.coords_adapter(coords2)
     # now account for symmetry in water
     for p1, p2, site in zip(c1.rotRigid,c2.rotRigid, self.topology.sites):
         theta_min = 10.
         mx2 = rotations.aa2mx(p2)
         mx1 = rotations.aa2mx(p1).transpose()
         mx =  np.dot(mx1, mx2)
         for rot in site.symmetries:
             mx_diff = np.dot(mx, rot)
             theta = np.linalg.norm(rotations.mx2aa(mx_diff))
             theta -= int(theta/2./pi)*2.*pi
             if(theta < theta_min): 
                 theta_min = theta
                 rot_best = rot
         p2[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(rotations.mx2aa(rot_best), p2)
 def getSymmetries(self, com, aa):
     a generator which iteratively returns the absolute xyz coordinates
     of the molecule subject to it's symmetries  
     com: the center of mass coords of the molecule
     aa: the orientation of the molecule in angle-axis  
     com = np.array(com)
     rmat = rot.aa2mx(aa)  #rotation matrix
     #first yield the unaltered molecule
     xyz = self.getxyz_rmat(rmat, com=com)
     yield xyz, aa
     #now loop through the symmetries
     for p in self.symmetrylist_rot:
         #combine the two rotations into one
         rmat_comb = np.dot(rmat, rot.aa2mx(p))
         xyz = self.getxyz_rmat(rmat_comb, com=com)
         newaa = rot.rotate_aa(p, aa)
         #print rmat_comb
         #print rot.aa2mx( newaa)
         yield xyz, newaa
文件: molecule.py 项目: js850/PyGMIN
 def getSymmetries(self, com, aa ):
     a generator which iteratively returns the absolute xyz coordinates
     of the molecule subject to it's symmetries  
     com: the center of mass coords of the molecule
     aa: the orientation of the molecule in angle-axis  
     com = np.array(com)
     rmat = rot.aa2mx(aa) #rotation matrix
     #first yield the unaltered molecule
     xyz = self.getxyz_rmat(rmat, com=com)
     yield xyz, aa
     #now loop through the symmetries
     for p in self.symmetrylist_rot:
         #combine the two rotations into one
         rmat_comb = np.dot( rmat, rot.aa2mx(p) )
         xyz = self.getxyz_rmat(rmat_comb, com=com)
         newaa = rot.rotate_aa(p, aa)
         #print rmat_comb
         #print rot.aa2mx( newaa)
         yield xyz, newaa
def test_molecule():
    otp = setupLWOTP()

    xyz = otp.getxyz()
    from pygmin.printing.print_atoms_xyz import printAtomsXYZ as printxyz
    import sys
    #with open("out.xyz", "w") as fout:
    printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz)

    aa = np.array([.2, .3, .4])
    for xyz, aanew in otp.getSymmetries(np.zeros(3), aa):
        printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz, line2="symmetry")
        xyz = otp.getxyz(aa=aanew)
        printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz, line2="symmetry from returned aa")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    aa1 = rot.random_aa()
    aa2 = rot.random_aa()
    rmat1 = rot.aa2mx(aa1)
    rmat2 = rot.aa2mx(aa2)

    rmat21 = np.dot(rmat2, rmat1)
    aa21 = rot.rotate_aa(aa1, aa2)
    rmat21aa = rot.aa2mx(aa21)
    print rmat21
    print rmat21aa
    print abs(rmat21 - rmat21aa) < 1e-12
文件: path.py 项目: wwwtyro/PyGMIN

for i in xrange(1):
    for i in xrange(len(path)-1):
        c1 = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=13, coords = path[i])
        c2 = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=13, coords = path[i+1])
        com1 = np.sum(c1.posRigid,axis=0) / float(13)
        com2 = np.sum(c1.posRigid,axis=0) / float(13)
        mx = findrotation_kabsch(c2.posRigid, c1.posRigid)
        #print mx
        c2.posRigid[:] = np.dot(mx, c2.posRigid.transpose()).transpose()
        for p in c2.rotRigid:
            p[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, rotations.mx2aa(mx))
        for p1,p2 in zip(c1.rotRigid, c2.rotRigid):
            n2 = p2/np.linalg.norm(p2)*2.*pi
            while True:
                p2n = p2+n2
                if(np.linalg.norm(p2n - p1) > np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)):
            while True:
                p2n = p2-n2
                if(np.linalg.norm(p2n - p1) > np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)):
 def invert(self, X):
     ca = self.topology.coords_adapter(X)
     ca.posRigid[:] = - ca.posRigid 
     for p, site in zip(ca.rotRigid, self.topology.sites):
         p[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(rotations.mx2aa(site.inversion), p)
文件: molecule.py 项目: js850/PyGMIN
    xyz = otp.getxyz()
    from pygmin.printing.print_atoms_xyz import printAtomsXYZ as printxyz
    import sys
    #with open("out.xyz", "w") as fout:
    printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz)
    aa = np.array([.2, .3, .4])
    for xyz, aanew in otp.getSymmetries( np.zeros(3), aa):
        printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz, line2="symmetry")
        xyz = otp.getxyz(aa = aanew)
        printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz, line2="symmetry from returned aa")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    aa1 = rot.random_aa()
    aa2 = rot.random_aa()
    rmat1 = rot.aa2mx(aa1)
    rmat2 = rot.aa2mx(aa2)
    rmat21 = np.dot(rmat2, rmat1)
    aa21 = rot.rotate_aa(aa1, aa2)
    rmat21aa = rot.aa2mx(aa21)
    print rmat21
    print rmat21aa
    print abs(rmat21 - rmat21aa) < 1e-12

for i in xrange(1):
    for i in xrange(len(path) - 1):
        e1.append(pot.getEnergy(path[i + 1]))
        c1 = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=13, coords=path[i])
        c2 = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=13, coords=path[i + 1])
        com1 = np.sum(c1.posRigid, axis=0) / float(13)
        com2 = np.sum(c1.posRigid, axis=0) / float(13)
        c1.posRigid -= com1
        c2.posRigid -= com2
        mx = findrotation_kabsch(c2.posRigid, c1.posRigid)
        #print mx
        c2.posRigid[:] = np.dot(mx, c2.posRigid.transpose()).transpose()
        for p in c2.rotRigid:
            p[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, rotations.mx2aa(mx))
        e2.append(pot.getEnergy(path[i + 1]))

        for p1, p2 in zip(c1.rotRigid, c2.rotRigid):
            n2 = p2 / np.linalg.norm(p2) * 2. * pi

            while True:
                p2n = p2 + n2
                if (np.linalg.norm(p2n - p1) > np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)):
                p2[:] = p2n

            while True:
                p2n = p2 - n2
                if (np.linalg.norm(p2n - p1) > np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)):