def step3(udropscat, galfitcat, outputcat): # Now merge the GALFIT results with original U-dropout catalog # Both catalogs should be FITS tables # Output catalog should if os.path.exists(outputcat): os.remove(outputcat) c1 = Ftable( udropscat ) # the U-dropout catalog with the same column as the GOODS-S MW catalog c2 = Ftable(galfitcat) # the merged GALFIT catalog colnames = c1.Columns + c2.Columns[1:] # bypass c2.objectid (redundant) formats = c1.d.formats + c2.d.formats[1:] # Find matching indices #i1 = N.arange(len(c1.d),'int') # indices in c1 i2 = N.ones(len(c1.d), 'int') * ( -1) # to store indices in c2 corresponding to i1 # e.g., c2.objectid[i2[0]] = c1.id_1[0] for i1 in range(len(c1.d)): j = N.arange(len(c2.d))[c2.objectid == c1.id_1[i1]] if len(j) > 0: i2[i1] = j[0] # Now initialize the arrays arrays = {} # First collect all columns from c1 for col in c1.Columns: arrays[col] = getattr(c1, col) for i in range(len(c2.Columns)): if c2.Columns[i] == 'objectid': pass elif c2.d.formats[i] == 'D': arrays[c2.Columns[i]] = N.ones(len(c1.d), 'float') * (-99.0) else: arrays[c2.Columns[i]] = N.ones(len(c1.d), 'int') * (-1) print arrays.keys() # Now copy the arrays in c2 for i1 in range(len(c1.d)): if i2[i1] >= 0: for col in c2.Columns[1:]: arrays[col][i1] = getattr(c2, col)[i2[i1]] # Now convert arrays into a list arrays2 = [] allcolumns = [] for col in colnames: arrays2 += [arrays[col]] # Now construct pyfits.ColDefs allcolumns = [] for i in range(len(colnames)): allcolumns += [ pyfits.Column(name=colnames[i], format=formats[i], array=arrays2[i]) ] allcols = pyfits.ColDefs(allcolumns) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(allcols) tbhdu.writeto(outputcat)
def plot_RLdist_udrops(cat=catdir+'/udrops/udrops_goodss_ubvy_130517_vflags_galfit.fits', markers=['^','o'], ax=None, ms=8**2, colors=[pms.Bright_Blue,pms.Bright_Red]): c = Ftable(cat) mag_array1 = c.f606w_magout_gf[(c.udf_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=27.5)] re_array1 = c.f606w_reout_gf[(c.udf_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=27.5)] n_array1 = c.f606w_nout_gf[(c.udf_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=27.5)] mag_array2 = c.f606w_magout_gf[(c.deep_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] re_array2 = c.f606w_reout_gf[(c.deep_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] n_array2 = c.f606w_nout_gf[(c.deep_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] mag_array3 = c.f606w_magout_gf[(c.ers_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] re_array3 = c.f606w_reout_gf[(c.ers_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] n_array3 = c.f606w_nout_gf[(c.ers_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] mag_array4 = c.f606w_magout_gf[(c.wide_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] re_array4 = c.f606w_reout_gf[(c.wide_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] n_array4 = c.f606w_nout_gf[(c.wide_fit==True)&(c.f606w_magout_gf<=26.5)] mag_array = np.concatenate([mag_array1,mag_array2,mag_array3,mag_array4]) re_array = np.concatenate([re_array1,re_array2,re_array3,re_array4]) n_array = np.concatenate([n_array1,n_array2,n_array3,n_array4]) plot_RLdist(mag_array, re_array, n_array, 'U-dropouts', colors=colors, markers=markers, ax=ax, ms=ms, gfband='F606W')
def use_catalog(self, catalog, objid='id', ra='ra', dec='dec', format='fits'): if format.lower() == 'fits': self.c = Ftable(catalog) self.Nc = len(self.c.d) else: self.c = sextractor(catalog) self.Nc = len(self.c) self.objid = getattr(self.c, objid) self.ra = getattr(self.c, ra) self.dec = getattr(self.c, dec)
def plot_RLdist_vdrops(logR0, beta, cat1=catdir + '/vdrops/vdrops_gf_v3.fits', cat2=catdir + '/vdrops/vdrops_udf_gf_v3.fits', marker='o', ax=None, ms=8**2, color=pms.Bright_Blue, bootstrap=False, nsamp=10000): c1 = Ftable(cat1) c2 = Ftable(cat2) mcz = bl.mconvert('kcorr/M1500_to_f850lp_omega_m_0.3.txt') mean_kcorr = mcz(5.0) gfcrit1 = (c1.f850lp_gfflag == True) & (c1.magout <= 26.5) gfcrit2 = (c2.f850lp_gfflag == True) & (c2.magout <= 28.5) mag_array1 = c1.magout[gfcrit1] re_array1 = c1.reout[gfcrit1] n_array1 = c1.nout[gfcrit1] mag_array2 = c2.magout[gfcrit2] re_array2 = c2.reout[gfcrit2] n_array2 = c2.nout[gfcrit2] mag_array = np.concatenate([mag_array1, mag_array2]) re_array = np.concatenate([re_array1, re_array2]) n_array = np.concatenate([n_array1, n_array2]) plot_RLdist(mag_array, re_array, 'V-dropouts', logR0, beta, mean_kcorr, color=color, marker=marker, ax=ax, ms=ms, gfband='F850LP') if bootstrap == True: p_array = bootstrap_error(mag_array, np.log10(re_array), nsamp=nsamp) return p_array else: return 0
def __init__(self, catalog): # matplotlib keyword arguments self.c = Ftable(catalog) # Dropout catalog as a FITS table self.histkw = {'histtype': 'step', 'lw': 1.5} self.errorbarkw = { 'ms': 6, 'capsize': 6, 'mec': 'blue', 'ecolor': 'blue' }
def plot_RLdist_vdrops(cat1=catdir+'/vdrops/vdrops_gf_v3.fits', cat2=catdir+'/vdrops/vdrops_udf_gf_v3.fits', markers=['^','o'], ax=None, ms=8**2, colors=[pms.Bright_Blue,pms.Bright_Red]): c1 = Ftable(cat1) c2 = Ftable(cat2) gfcrit1 = (c1.f850lp_gfflag==True)&(c1.magout<=26.5) gfcrit2 = (c2.f850lp_gfflag==True)&(c2.magout<=28.5) mag_array1 = c1.magout[gfcrit1] re_array1 = c1.reout[gfcrit1] n_array1 = c1.nout[gfcrit1] mag_array2 = c2.magout[gfcrit2] re_array2 = c2.reout[gfcrit2] n_array2 = c2.nout[gfcrit2] mag_array = np.concatenate([mag_array1, mag_array2]) re_array = np.concatenate([re_array1, re_array2]) n_array = np.concatenate([n_array1, n_array2]) plot_RLdist(mag_array, re_array, n_array, 'V-dropouts', colors=colors, markers=markers, ax=ax, ms=ms, gfband='F850LP')
def mergeoutput_gfsim(root,bands,output_root='merged_gfsim', exclude_columns=['filename']): """ Make one merged catalog for each band. exclude_columns: a kludge to skip certain columns that do not exist in all runs. This should not have happened in the first place... """ timestr = time.strftime('%y%m%d') for b in bands: broot = root+'_'+b # the directory of the given band mcats = glob.glob(broot+'/gfit*_matched.fits') # print "mcats[0]", mcats[0] c0 = Ftable(mcats[0]) colnames = c0.Columns # colnames = c0._colnames for col in colnames: if col in exclude_columns: colnames.remove(col) colformats = c0.d.formats colarrays_dic = {} # initialize colarrays for i in range(len(colnames)): col = colnames[i] colarrays_dic[col] = getattr(c0,col) # Now concatenate columns from all catalogs for i in range(1,len(mcats)): # we already added the first one ci = Ftable(mcats[i]) # print mcats[i] for col in colnames: # print len(colarrays_dic[col]), len(getattr(ci, col)), col colarrays_dic[col] = N.concatenate([colarrays_dic[col],getattr(ci,col)]) # Now write the output catalog outname = output_root+'_'+b+'_'+timestr+'.fits' columns = [] for i in range(len(colnames)): columns += [pyfits.Column(name=colnames[i],format=colformats[i], array=colarrays_dic[colnames[i]])] ColDefs = pyfits.ColDefs(columns) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(ColDefs) tbhdu.writeto(outname) print "%s done." % outname
def __call__(self,simcatalog,field,plot_diag=False,ktest=None, bands=['acs_f435w','acs_f606w','acs_f775w','acs_f850lp'], sn_lolim={'acs_f850lp':5.0}, sn_hilim={}, interpolate=False,dznew=0.1): """ simcatalog --- the simulation catalog as a FITS table. """ # Initialize i-dropout color criteria self.lcc = lcc.colorcrit(lib=lcc.cc_library) self.lcc = self.lcc('b','g04') # Use Giavalisco et al. 2004 criteria c = Ftable(simcatalog) # Now initialize the attributes for b in bands: bs = filter_dic[b] # short name of filter b flux_iso = getattr(c,'%s_flux_iso'%bs) fluxerr_iso = getattr(c,'%s_fluxerr_iso'%bs) mag_iso = getattr(c,'%s_mag_iso'%bs) # calculate 1-sigma upper limits on sources with S/N < 1 mag_iso = N.where(flux_iso/fluxerr_iso>1.0,mag_iso,zeropoints[b]-2.5*N.log10(fluxerr_iso)) setattr(self,b+'_mag',mag_iso) # MAG_ISO --> for color calculation setattr(self,b+'_flux',getattr(c,'%s_flux_auto'%bs)) # FLUX_AUTO setattr(self,b+'_fluxerr',getattr(c,'%s_fluxerr_auto'%bs)) # FLUXERR_AUTO setattr(self,b+'_sn', getattr(self,'%s_flux'%b)/getattr(self,'%s_fluxerr'%b)) # S/N calculated using FLUX_AUTO # Now construct S/N criteria self.sncrit = N.ones(len(c.d),'bool') for b in sn_lolim.keys(): # enforce S/N lower limits self.sncrit = self.sncrit & (getattr(self,b+'_sn')>=sn_lolim[b]) for b in sn_hilim.keys(): # enforce S/N upper limits (veto bands) self.sncrit = self.sncrit & (getattr(self,b+'_sn')<sn_hilim[b]) print "Total number of objects satisfying the S/N criteria:", \ sum(self.sncrit) print "Do selections..." self.color1 = self.acs_f435w_mag-self.acs_f606w_mag self.color2 = self.acs_f606w_mag-self.acs_f850lp_mag,self.color2) # do color selection! self.lcc.crit = self.lcc.crit & self.sncrit # enforce S/N criteria self.dropcrit = self.lcc.crit & (c.detect==True) # just in case self.detect = c.detect.copy() print "Selection done." print "Total number of objects in the catalog: %d" % len(c.d) print "Total number selected as B-dropouts: %d" % (sum(self.dropcrit)) # Now invoke zdist.zdgrid.__call__ to calculate P(z) zdist.zdgrid.__call__(self,c,interpolate=interpolate,dznew=dznew, plot_diag=plot_diag,ktest=ktest)
def add_filternames(self, f): # prepend the FITS table columns by filter name print "Adding filter names to the columns..." c = Ftable(self.sex_fitstable[f]) old_colnames = [] new_colnames = [] for col in c.Columns: if col.lower() in self.fixcols: pass else: old_colnames += [col] new_colnames += ['%s_%s' % (f, col)] fitsutil.change_column_names(self.sex_fitstable[f], old_colnames, new_colnames)
def __init__(self, catalog, field, filtername, z0, maglimits, logrlimits, good_vflags=[0, 1, 2, 3, 12], colnames=colnames_default, re_err_lim=0.6, chi2nu_lim=5.0, sexmaglimit=None): self.c = Ftable(catalog) self.field = field self.z0 = z0 self.colnames = colnames self.re_err_lim = re_err_lim self.chi2nu_lim = chi2nu_lim self.filtername = filtername self.maglimits = maglimits # if sexmaglimit != None, we will include galaxies fainter than the # magnitude limit where GALFIT is still reliable... we include these # faint galaxies in order to better constrain the faint-end slope. This # is desirable when the GALFIT magnitude limit is not much fainter than # L*, e.g., for i-dropouts. In this case, we do not use the size # information at all for these faint galaxies. self.sexmaglimit = sexmaglimit self.logrlimits = logrlimits self.gfsample = np.logical_and(self.check_goodfit(), self.check_within()) self.gfsample = np.logical_and(self.gfsample, self.check_vflag(good_vflags)) # self.mag, self.logr only include those well-fit by GALFIT and those # within maglimits and logrlimits self.mag = self.get_col('mag')[self.gfsample] self.logr = np.log10(self.get_col('re')[self.gfsample]) if sexmaglimit == None: self.sexsample = np.zeros(len(self.c.d), 'bool') self.mag_auto = np.array([]) else: self.sexsample = self.check_within( magcol='mag_auto', recol='r_hl', maglimits=[maglimits[1], sexmaglimit]) self.mag_auto = self.get_col('mag_auto')[self.sexsample] = np.array([self.mag, self.logr]).T # it is an N by 2 array
def __init__(self, catalog, column_names=colnames_default, disk=0, diskfrac=0.7, re_err_lim=re_err_lim, chi2nu_lim=5.0, shape='gaussian', expand=[0.2, 0.1], dx=0.02, dy=0.02, xmax=2.56, ymax=2.56, xunit='dmag', yunit='dlogR', xname=r'$\Delta$ mag', yname=r'$\Delta\log R$', Ntot=None): # More of a template; don't expect to call this constructor directly # dx, dy: pixel size of the kernels (in kernel units) # xmax, ymax: extent of kernel assert catalog.endswith('.fits'), "Please provide a FITS table as the catalog." self.c = Ftable(catalog) self.catalog = catalog self.column_names = column_names self.re_err_lim = re_err_lim self.chi2nu_lim = chi2nu_lim self.shape = shape assert shape in KPDF_func.keys(), "Kernel shape should be either 'gaussian' or 'epanechnikov'." self.expand = expand print "self.expand = ", self.expand assert disk in [0, 1], "disk should be either 0 or 1." self.disk = disk if disk == 0: self.devauc = 1 else: self.devauc = 0 self.diskfrac = diskfrac # self.Ntot will be the total number of galaxies used from the simulation # catalog, after drawing a specified fraction of disks if Ntot==None: self.Ntot = len(self.c.d) self.outindex = np.arange(len(self.c.d)) else: self.Ntot = Ntot self.outindex = self.draw_diskfrac() print "self.outindex = ", self.outindex # Below are some basic kernel properties self.dx = dx # pixel size for kernels, NOT bin width self.dy = dy self.xlimits = [-xmax/2., xmax/2.] # limtis of each kernel, centered around zero self.ylimits = [-ymax/2., ymax/2.] self.xunit = xunit self.yunit = yunit self.xname = xname # include LaTex syntax for use in plots self.yname = yname self._check_goodfit = False self.goodfit = self.check_goodfit()
def __init__(self, catalog): self.c = Ftable(catalog) self.gfmeasure = (self.c.recovered_galfit == 1) & ( self.c.re_out_err / self.c.re_out <= 0.6) & (self.c.mag_auto < 99.0) & (self.c.magerr_auto > 0.) self.dmag = (self.c.mag_out - self.c.mag_in)[self.gfmeasure] self.dlogRe = (N.log10(self.c.re_out) - N.log10(self.c.re_in))[self.gfmeasure] self.mag_auto = self.c.mag_auto[self.gfmeasure] self.magerr_auto = self.c.magerr_auto[self.gfmeasure] self.SN_auto = (1.0857 / self.c.magerr_auto)[self.gfmeasure] self.mag_in = (self.c.mag_in)[self.gfmeasure] self.re_in = (self.c.re_in)[self.gfmeasure] self.mag_out = (self.c.mag_out)[self.gfmeasure] self.re_out = (self.c.re_out)[self.gfmeasure] self.robust = False self.fig = None = None
def calc_sex_transfunc_1d(simcat, kgridname, limits=limits, field='udf', logre_lims=[0.0, 1.5], dm=0.5): """ Calculate the magnitude transfer functions for each apparent magnitude bin for the faint-end of i-dropouts. logre_lims are the limits of log(Re) (in pixels) that are used from the simulation catalog. This is to match the observed range of log(Re) of i-dropouts at the faint-end in UDF. """ # Read simulation catalog c = Ftable(simcatdir + '/' + simcat) y_mag_auto = c.y_mag_auto y_mag_in = c.y_mag_in kw = {'logre_lims': logre_lims, 'm0_arr': m0_arr} kgrid = kernelgrid_1d(limits, dm, pixdx=pixdx, xmax=xmax, **kw) kgrid.grid1d = np.arange(-xmax / 2., xmax / 2. + pixdx, pixdx) logre_crit = (np.log10(c.y_flux_radius_1)>=logre_lims[0]) & \ (np.log10(c.y_flux_radius_1)<logre_lims[1]) & \ (c.detect==True) for m in m0_arr: print "m=", m, m + kgrid.binwidth bincrit = (y_mag_in >= m) & (y_mag_in < (m + kgrid.binwidth)) y_mag_in_bin = y_mag_in[(bincrit == True) & (logre_crit == True)] y_mag_auto_bin = y_mag_auto[(bincrit == True) & (logre_crit == True)] dmag = y_mag_auto_bin - y_mag_in_bin h = KPDF.UPDFOptimumBandwidth(dmag) pdf = KPDF.UPDFEpanechnikov(dmag, kgrid.grid1d, h) pdf = pdf / sum(pdf) # normalize to 1.0 kgrid.kernels['%.1f' % m] = kernel1d(m, m + kgrid.binwidth, pdf, xmax=xmax, pixdx=pixdx) # Write kgrid into a pickled file f = open(kgridname, 'wb') cPickle.dump(kgrid, f, 2) f.close()
def drawUMag(self): # Draw U-band magnitude from probability distribution functions calculated # using TFIT simulation catalogs in VIMOS U-band. # In princple, we draw an output U-band magnitude given U-band input # magnitudes to simulate photometric errors. We do it this way because # running enough simulations with TFIT is prohibitively expensive. cu = Ftable(tfitsim_cat[self.field]) # mag0 = 22.0 umag_in = cu.uvimos_mag_in[cu.uvimos_fitquerr > 0.] print "Repeat the drawing process %d times" % self.n_repeat vimos_u_mag = uu.draw_umag(np.tile(self.c.u_mag_in, self.n_repeat), self.umag_kpdf, mag0=self.mag0) vimos_u_mag_1sig = uu.draw_ulimmag( self.n_repeat * len(self.c.u_mag_in), self.umag_1sig_kpdf) # If the drawn U-band 1-sigma limit mag is brighter than the drawn # U-band magnitude, use the 1-sigma limit magnitude as the measured # U-band magnitude. self._drawn_umag = True return np.minimum(vimos_u_mag, vimos_u_mag_1sig)
def calc_umag_pdf(tfitsimcatalog, umag_array=arange(21., 35.0, 0.5), pdfname='uvimos_mag_pdf.p', b_snlim=3.0): """ Calculate the PDF of output magnitude around input value of U-band magnitudes when S/N>=1 in U-band. """ c = Ftable(tfitsimcatalog) include = (c.uvimos_mag_out>0.)&(c.detect==True)&(c.uvimos_mag_out<99.)&\ (c.f435w_magerr_iso < (1.0857/b_snlim)) & \ (c.uvimos_fitqty > 0.) print "sum(include)=", sum(include) umag_in = c.uvimos_mag_in[include == True] umag_out = c.uvimos_mag_out[include == True] dmag_array = arange(-10., 6.05, 0.05) # x-coordinates of the PDF dumag = umag_array[1] - umag_array[ 0] # the bin width of U-band input magnitude kpdf_umag = {} kpdf_umag['h'] = {} kpdf_umag['dmag_array'] = dmag_array for umag in umag_array[:-1]: mag0 = umag mag1 = mag0 + dumag print mag0, mag1 bincrit = (umag_in >= mag0) & (umag_in < mag1) mag_in_bin = umag_in[bincrit] mag_out_bin = umag_out[bincrit] if sum(bincrit) >= 5: h = KPDF.UPDFOptimumBandwidth(mag_out_bin) kpdf_umag['h']['%.1f' % mag0] = h pdf = KPDF.UPDFEpanechnikov((mag_out_bin - mag_in_bin), dmag_array, h) else: pdf = ones(len(dmag_array)) pdf = pdf / sum(pdf) kpdf_umag['%.1f' % mag0] = pdf f = open(pdfname, 'wb') cPickle.dump(kpdf_umag, f, 2) f.close()
def __init__(self, catalog, column_names=colnames_sex_default, disk=0, diskfrac=0.7, expand=0.0, dx=0.02, xmax=2.56, xunit='dmag', xname=r'$\Delta$ mag', Ntot=None): assert catalog.endswith( '.fits'), "Please provide a FITS table as the catalog." self.c = Ftable(catalog) self.catalog = catalog self.column_names = column_names assert disk in [0, 1], "disk should be either 0 or 1." self.disk = disk if disk == 0: self.devauc = 1 else: self.devauc = 0 self.diskfrac = diskfrac self.expand = expand # self.Ntot will be the total number of galaxies used from the simulation # catalog, after drawing a specified fraction of disks if Ntot == None: self.Ntot = len(self.c.d) else: self.Ntot = Ntot self.outindex = self.draw_diskfrac() # Below are some basic kernel properties self.dx = dx # pixel size for kernels, NOT bin width self.xlimits = [-xmax / 2., xmax / 2. ] # limtis of each kernel, centered around zero self.xunit = xunit self.xname = xname # include LaTex syntax for use in plots
def __init__(self, catalog, z0, zlo, zhi, dz=0.1, interpolate=True, interp_dz=0.02, n_repeat=1, expand=[0., 0.], cosmo=cosmo_default, mag_in='m1500_in', re_in='re_in_arcsec', zeropoints=zeropoints): # More of a template; don't expect to call this constructor directly assert catalog.endswith( '.fits'), "Please provide a FITS table as the catalog." self.c = Ftable(catalog) self.mag_in_col = mag_in self.re_in_col = re_in self.zeropoints = zeropoints assert hasattr(self.c, self.mag_in_col), "Column M1500_in not in catalog." assert hasattr( self.c, self.re_in_col), "Column %s not in catalog." % self.re_in_col self.z0 = z0 # the nominal redshift of the LBG sample self.zlimits = [zlo, zhi] = dz self.Nz = int(round((zhi - zlo) / dz)) self.interpolate = interpolate self.interp_dz = interp_dz self.n_repeat = n_repeat self.expand = expand self.cosmo = cosmo self.bands = [] # will be defined by subclass
def calc_ulimmag_pdf(tfitsimcatalog, pdfname, limmag_array=arange(26., 31., 0.02)): c = Ftable(tfitsimcatalog) uvimos_1sig_mag = uvimos_magzero - 2.5 * log10(c.uvimos_fitquerr) umag_crit = uvimos_1sig_mag > 0 uvimos_1sig_mag = uvimos_1sig_mag[umag_crit] kpdf_ulimmag = {} kpdf_ulimmag['dmag_array'] = limmag_array h = KPDF.UPDFOptimumBandwidth(uvimos_1sig_mag) kpdf_ulimmag['h'] = h pdf = KPDF.UPDFEpanechnikov(uvimos_1sig_mag, limmag_array, h) kpdf_ulimmag['pdf'] = pdf # Also calculate the fraction that have S/N < 1 dlimmag = limmag_array[1] - limmag_array[0] limmag_bins = concatenate([limmag_array, [limmag_array[-1] + dlimmag]]) uvimos_ston = (c.uvimos_fitqty / c.uvimos_fitquerr)[umag_crit] # n1 = histogram(uvimos_1sig_mag[uvimos_ston<1.], limmag_bins)[0] # n2 = histogram(uvimos_1sig_mag, limmag_bins)[0] # limfrac = n1.astype('float') / maximum(1.,n2.astype('float')) # kpdf_ulimmag['limfrac'] = limfrac f = open(pdfname, 'wb') cPickle.dump(kpdf_ulimmag, f, 2) f.close()
def __init__(self, simcatalog): self.c = Ftable(simcatalog)
def __call__(self, simcatalog, field, plot_diag=False, ktest=None, bands=def_bands, key='Hua13', sn_lolim={ 'wfc3_f160w': 5.0, 'wfc3_f125w': 3.5, 'acs_f850lp': 2.0 }, sn_hilim={'acs_f435w': 2.0}, interpolate=False, dznew=0.1, expand=[0, 0]): """ simcatalog --- the simulation catalog as a FITS table. """ # Initialize i-dropout color criteria print "dznew=", dznew print "interpolate?", interpolate self.lcc = lcc.colorcrit() self.lcc = self.lcc('f775w_drop', key) c = Ftable(simcatalog) # Now initialize the attributes for b in bands: bs = filter_dic[b] # short name of filter b flux_iso = getattr(c, '%s_flux_iso' % bs) fluxerr_iso = getattr(c, '%s_fluxerr_iso' % bs) mag_iso = getattr(c, '%s_mag_iso' % bs) # calculate 1-sigma upper limits on sources with S/N < 1 mag_iso = N.where(flux_iso / fluxerr_iso > 1.0, mag_iso, zeropoints[b] - 2.5 * N.log10(fluxerr_iso)) setattr(self, b + '_mag', mag_iso) # MAG_ISO --> for color calculation setattr(self, b + '_flux', getattr(c, '%s_flux_auto' % bs)) # FLUX_AUTO setattr(self, b + '_flux_aper', getattr(c, '%s_flux_aper_2' % bs)) # Aperture flux within 0.18" aperture (2.94 pixels) setattr(self, b + '_fluxerr', getattr(c, '%s_fluxerr_auto' % bs)) # FLUXERR_AUTO setattr(self, b + '_fluxerr_aper', getattr(c, '%s_fluxerr_aper_2' % bs)) # Aperture flux errors within 0.18" aperture setattr( self, b + '_sn', getattr(self, '%s_flux' % b) / getattr(self, '%s_fluxerr' % b)) # S/N calculated using AUTO APERTURE setattr( self, b + '_sn_aper', getattr(self, '%s_flux_aper' % b) / getattr(self, '%s_fluxerr_aper' % b)) # S/N calculated using 0.18" APERTURE # Now construct S/N criteria #self.sncrit = N.ones(len(c.d),'bool') self.sn_lolim_crit = N.ones(len(c.d), 'bool') self.sn_hilim_crit = N.ones(len(c.d), 'bool') for b in sn_lolim.keys(): # enforce S/N lower limits self.sn_lolim_crit = self.sn_lolim_crit & \ (getattr(self,b+'_sn')>=sn_lolim[b]) for b in sn_hilim.keys(): # enforce S/N upper limits (veto bands) # but use fixed aperture S/N self.sn_hilim_crit = self.sn_hilim_crit & \ (getattr(self,b+'_sn_aper')<sn_hilim[b]) print "Total number of objects satisfying the S/N criteria:", \ sum((self.sn_hilim_crit)&(self.sn_lolim_crit)) self.sncrit = (self.sn_hilim_crit == True) & (self.sn_lolim_crit == True) print "Do selections..." self.color1 = self.acs_f775w_mag - self.acs_f850lp_mag self.color2 = self.acs_f850lp_mag - self.wfc3_f125w_mag, self.color2) # do color selection! self.colorcrit = self.lcc.crit.copy() self.lcc.crit = self.lcc.crit & self.sncrit # enforce S/N criteria self.dropcrit = self.lcc.crit & (c.detect == True) # just in case self.detect = c.detect.copy() print "Selection done." print "Total number of objects in the catalog: %d" % len(c.d) print "Total number selected as i-dropouts: %d" % (sum(self.dropcrit)) # Now invoke zdist.zdgrid.__call__ to calculate P(z) zdist.zdgrid.__call__(self, c, interpolate=interpolate, dznew=dznew, plot_diag=plot_diag, ktest=ktest, expand=expand)
def __call__(self, simcatalog, bands=def_bands, key='Hua13', sn_lolim={ 'wfc3_f160w': 5.0, 'wfc3_f125w': 3.5, 'acs_f850lp': 2.0 }, sn_hilim={'acs_f435w': 2.0}, expand=[0., 0.]): ## Most stuff is the same as the 2D case: self.lcc = lcc.colorcrit() self.lcc = self.lcc('f775w_drop', key) c = Ftable(simcatalog) # Now initialize the attributes for b in bands: bs = filter_dic[b] # short name of filter b flux_iso = getattr(c, '%s_flux_iso' % bs) fluxerr_iso = getattr(c, '%s_fluxerr_iso' % bs) mag_iso = getattr(c, '%s_mag_iso' % bs) # calculate 1-sigma upper limits on sources with S/N < 1 mag_iso = N.where(flux_iso / fluxerr_iso > 1.0, mag_iso, zeropoints[b] - 2.5 * N.log10(fluxerr_iso)) setattr(self, b + '_mag', mag_iso) # MAG_ISO --> for color calculation setattr(self, b + '_flux', getattr(c, '%s_flux_auto' % bs)) # FLUX_AUTO setattr(self, b + '_flux_aper', getattr(c, '%s_flux_aper_2' % bs)) # Aperture flux within 0.18" aperture (2.94 pixels) setattr(self, b + '_fluxerr', getattr(c, '%s_fluxerr_auto' % bs)) # FLUXERR_AUTO setattr(self, b + '_fluxerr_aper', getattr(c, '%s_fluxerr_aper_2' % bs)) # Aperture flux errors within 0.18" aperture setattr( self, b + '_sn', getattr(self, '%s_flux' % b) / getattr(self, '%s_fluxerr' % b)) # S/N calculated using AUTO APERTURE setattr( self, b + '_sn_aper', getattr(self, '%s_flux_aper' % b) / getattr(self, '%s_fluxerr_aper' % b)) # S/N calculated using 0.18" APERTURE # Now construct S/N criteria #self.sncrit = N.ones(len(c.d),'bool') self.sn_lolim_crit = N.ones(len(c.d), 'bool') self.sn_hilim_crit = N.ones(len(c.d), 'bool') for b in sn_lolim.keys(): # enforce S/N lower limits self.sn_lolim_crit = self.sn_lolim_crit & \ (getattr(self,b+'_sn')>=sn_lolim[b]) for b in sn_hilim.keys(): # enforce S/N upper limits (veto bands) # but use fixed aperture S/N self.sn_hilim_crit = self.sn_hilim_crit & \ (getattr(self,b+'_sn_aper')<sn_hilim[b]) print "Total number of objects satisfying the S/N criteria:", \ sum((self.sn_hilim_crit)&(self.sn_lolim_crit)) self.sncrit = (self.sn_hilim_crit == True) & (self.sn_lolim_crit == True) print "Do selections..." self.color1 = self.acs_f775w_mag - self.acs_f850lp_mag self.color2 = self.acs_f850lp_mag - self.wfc3_f125w_mag, self.color2) # do color selection! self.colorcrit = self.lcc.crit.copy() self.lcc.crit = self.lcc.crit & self.sncrit # enforce S/N criteria self.dropcrit = self.lcc.crit & (c.detect == True) # just in case self.detect = c.detect.copy() print "Selection done." print "Total number of objects in the catalog: %d" % len(c.d) print "Total number selected as i-dropouts: %d" % (sum(self.dropcrit)) for M in self.M1500arr: # For each magnitude bin, calculate completeness P(z) bincrit = (c.m1500_in >= M) & (c.m1500_in < (M + self.dM)) z_in_bin = c.z_in[bincrit == True] z_in_bin_detect = c.z_in[(bincrit == True) & (c.detect == True)] zhist_bin_input = N.histogram(z_in_bin, self.zarr_edges)[0] zhist_bin_detect = N.histogram(z_in_bin_detect, self.zarr_edges)[0] self.zdist['%.1f'%M] = zhist_bin_detect.astype('float') / \ N.maximum(zhist_bin_input.astype('float'), 1.0) self.zdist['%.1f' % M] = self.zdist['%.1f' % M]
#!/usr/bin/env python from numpy import * import udropsim_uflux as uu from pygoods import Ftable import fitsutil import os rootdir = '/Users/khuang/Dropbox/Research/bivariate/udrops_fitting' rootcat = rootdir + 'udropsim_run2m_goodss_deep_130505.fits' c = Ftable(rootcat) def draw_umags(niter=1): for i in range(niter): vimos_u_mag = uu.draw_umag(c.u_mag_in, 'simcatalogs/udrops/uvimos_mag_pdf.p') vimos_u_mag_1sig = uu.draw_umag( c.u_mag_in, 'simcatalogs/udrops/uvimos_mag_1sigma_pdf.p', onesigma=True) vimos_u_mag = minimum(vimos_u_mag, vimos_u_mag_1sig) os.system('cp %s udropsim_umag_drawn_%d.fits' % (rootcat, i)) fitsutil.add_columns('udropsim_umag_drawn_%d.fits' % i, ['vimos_u_mag_out'], [vimos_u_mag], ['D'])
def __call__(self, simcatalog, field, plot_diag=False, ktest=None, n_repeat=1, sn_lolim={ 'wfc3_f160w': 5.0, 'wfc3_f105w': 5.0, 'acs_f435w': 3.0 }, mode='ubvy', interpolate=False, dznew=0.1, redraw=False, drawnflux=None, testumag=False, testdraw=False, mag0=22.0, expand=[0., 0.], mag_in_col='m1500_in', re_in_col='re_in'): """ simcatalog --- the simulation catalog as a FITS table. Because the U-band magnitudes are randomly drawn from each object, we would like to repeat the magnitude drawing process for a few times to average out any statistical anomalies. mode --- the bands to use for selection (uby v.s. ubvy) """ # Initialize U-dropout color criteria print "n_repeat", n_repeat print "dznew", dznew print "interpolate?", interpolate print "Redraw?", redraw self.lcc = lcc.colorcrit() if mode == 'uby': if field == 'ers': self.lcc = self.lcc('uvimos_drop', 'UBY098') else: self.lcc = self.lcc('uvimos_drop', 'UBY105') elif mode == 'ubvy': if field == 'ers': self.lcc = self.lcc('uvimos_drop', 'UBVY098') else: self.lcc = self.lcc('uvimos_drop', 'UBVY105') c = Ftable(simcatalog) #self.c = c ## First: draw U-band magnitudes, and initialize correct attributes of c ## Tile the arrays by `n_repeat` times if field == 'ers': bands = ['acs_f435w', 'acs_f606w', 'wfc3_f098m', 'wfc3_f160w'] # HST bands only else: bands = ['acs_f435w', 'acs_f606w', 'wfc3_f105w', 'wfc3_f160w'] for b in bands: bs = filter_dic[b] # short name of filter b flux_iso = getattr(c, '%s_flux_iso' % bs) fluxerr_iso = getattr(c, '%s_fluxerr_iso' % bs) mag_iso = getattr(c, '%s_mag_iso' % bs) # calculate 1-sigma upper limits on sources with S/N < 1 mag_iso = N.where((flux_iso / fluxerr_iso) > 1.0, mag_iso, zeropoints[b] - 2.5 * N.log10(fluxerr_iso)) setattr(self, b + '_mag', N.tile(mag_iso, n_repeat)) # MAG_ISO --> for color calculation # setattr(self,b + '_flux', # N.tile(getattr(c, '%s_flux_auto'%bs),n_repeat)) setattr(self, b + '_flux', N.tile(getattr(c, '%s_flux_iso' % bs), n_repeat)) # FLUX_AUTO # setattr(self, b + '_fluxerr', # N.tile(getattr(c,'%s_fluxerr_auto'%bs),n_repeat)) setattr(self, b + '_fluxerr', N.tile(getattr(c, '%s_fluxerr_iso' % bs), n_repeat)) # FLUXERR_AUTO setattr( self, b + '_sn', getattr(self, '%s_flux' % b) / getattr(self, '%s_fluxerr' % b)) # S/N calculated using FLUX_ISO print "Step 1: draw U-band magnitudes and 1-sigma limits from files \ %s and %s" % (self.umag_kpdf, self.umag_1sig_kpdf) # Draw U-band magnitude # Calculate the fraction that have U-band S/N >= 1 if field == 'udf': cu = Ftable( '/Users/khuang/Dropbox/Research/bivariate/bivariate_fit/udrops_fitting/simcatalogs/run1_udf_130625.fits' ) umag_bins = N.arange(25., 38.5, 0.5) else: cu = Ftable( '/Users/khuang/Dropbox/Research/bivariate/bivariate_fit/udrops_fitting/simcatalogs/run2_tfitsim_130322.fits' ) umag_bins = N.arange(25., 38.5, 0.5) umag_in = cu.uvimos_mag_in[cu.uvimos_fitquerr > 0.] u_ston = (cu.uvimos_fitqty / cu.uvimos_fitquerr)[cu.uvimos_fitquerr > 0.] n1 = N.histogram(umag_in[u_ston >= 1.], umag_bins)[0] n2 = N.histogram(umag_in, umag_bins)[0] u_detect_frac = n1.astype('float') / N.maximum(1., n2.astype('float')) if testumag == False: # If not testing anything... if redraw == True: print "Repeat the drawing process %d times" % n_repeat self.vimos_u_mag = uu.draw_umag(N.tile(c.u_mag_in, n_repeat), self.umag_kpdf, mag0=mag0) self.vimos_u_mag_1sig = uu.draw_ulimmag( n_repeat * len(c.u_mag_in), self.umag_1sig_kpdf) # Draw 1-sigma magnitude upper limit # Now replace U-band magnitude with 1-sigma upper limit by using # the S/N > 1 fraction # index_detfrac = (c.u_mag_in - c.u_mag_in.min()) - (c.u_mag_in % 0.5) # index_detfrac = N.minimum(len(u_detect_frac)-1, index_detfrac) # detfrac = u_detect_frac.take(index_detfrac.astype('int')) # # Now randomly draws a reference level to compare with the detection # # fraction # rdn_level = N.random.uniform(0., 1., size=len(c.d)) # self.vimos_u_mag = N.where(detfrac>=rdn_level, self.vimos_u_mag, # self.vimos_u_mag_1sig) self.vimos_u_mag = N.minimum(self.vimos_u_mag, self.vimos_u_mag_1sig) else: print "Read U-band magnitudes from %s." % drawnflux # Read the drawn U-band magnitudes from file drawnflux df = cPickle.load(open(drawnflux)) self.vimos_u_mag_1sig = df.vimos_u_mag_1sig self.vimos_u_mag = df.vimos_u_mag else: self.vimos_u_mag = c.u_mag_in self.vimos_u_mag_1sig = c.u_mag_in # Now construct S/N criteria #self.sncrit = N.ones(len(c.d)*n_repeat,'bool') self.sn_lolim_crit = N.ones(len(c.d) * n_repeat, 'bool') self.detect = c.detect.copy() #print len(self.sncrit), len(self.acs_f435w_sn) if len(sn_lolim.keys()) > 0: print "sn_lolim", sn_lolim for b in sn_lolim.keys(): self.sn_lolim_crit = self.sn_lolim_crit & \ (getattr(self,b+'_sn')>=sn_lolim[b]) #self.sncrit = self.sncrit & (getattr(self,'%s_sn'%b)>=sn_lolim[b]) self.sncrit = (self.sn_lolim_crit == True) ## Second: calculate dropcrit (do color selection) #import select_udrops_uby as suu print "Do selections..." if field == 'ers': self.color1 = self.vimos_u_mag - self.acs_f435w_mag if mode == 'uby': self.color2 = self.acs_f435w_mag - self.wfc3_f098m_mag elif mode == 'ubvy': self.color2 = self.acs_f606w_mag - self.wfc3_f098m_mag, self.color2) else: self.color1 = self.vimos_u_mag - self.acs_f435w_mag if mode == 'uby': self.color2 = self.acs_f435w_mag - self.wfc3_f105w_mag elif mode == 'ubvy': self.color2 = self.acs_f606w_mag - self.wfc3_f105w_mag, self.color2) self.colorcrit = self.lcc.crit.copy() self.lcc.crit = self.lcc.crit & self.sncrit # Fold in S/N criteria #if field=='ers': # self.udrops = suu.udrops_ubvy098(self.c, # bands=['acs_f435w','acs_f606w','wfc3_f098m','wfc3_f160w'], # sn_lolim={'wfc3_f160w':5.0,'acs_f435w':3.0,'wfc3_f098m':5.0}) #else: # self.udrops = suu.udrops_ubvy105(self.c, # bands=['acs_f435w','acs_f606w','wfc3_f105w','wfc3_f160w'], # sn_lolim={'wfc3_f160w':5.0,'acs_f435w':3.0,'wfc3_f105w':5.0}) #dropcrit = self.udrops.crit # the dropout-selection array dropcrit = self.lcc.crit & (N.tile(c.detect, n_repeat) == True) #self.dropcrit = dropcrit[:len(c.d)] self.dropcrit = dropcrit self.detect = c.detect.copy() print "Selections done." print "Total number of objects in the catalog: %d" % len(c.d) print "Total number selected as U-dropouts: %d" % (sum(dropcrit) / float(n_repeat)) ## Third: call make_Pz to calculate P(z) if not testdraw: # Now invoke zdist.zdgrid.__call__ to calculate P(z) zdist.zdgrid.__call__(self, c, interpolate=interpolate, dznew=dznew, plot_diag=plot_diag, ktest=ktest, n_repeat=n_repeat, expand=expand, mag_in_col=mag_in_col, re_in_col=re_in_col) if self.n_repeat > 30: delattr(self, 'color1') delattr(self, 'color2') delattr(self, 'sncrit')
def __init__(self, paramfile, filtername, **kwargs): # Additional keyword arguments goes to GalaxySample. p = yaml.load(open(paramfile)) self.filtername = filtername # The surveyed comoving volume in each field will be factored into the # respective dropout-selection kernels, so no need to include them here. self.guess = p['GUESS'] (self.alpha, self.mstar, self.logr0, self.sigma, self.beta) = p['GUESS'] self.phistar = 0. self.fields = p['FIELDS'] self.z0 = p['Z0'] # nominal redshift of the galaxy sample # pixel scales of the image on which the sizes are measured self.pixscales = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], p['PIXSCALES'])) self.datafiles = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], p['DATAFILES'])) self.maglimits = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], p['MAGLIMITS'])) self.logrlimits = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], p['LOGRLIMITS'])) if p.has_key('SEXMAGLIMITS'): self.sexmaglimits = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], p['SEXMAGLIMITS'])) self.sex_kgrids = dict( zip(p['FIELDS'], map(pu.load_pickle, p['SEX_KGRIDS']))) else: self.sexmaglimits = dict( zip(p['FIELDS'], [None] * len(self.fields))) self.sex_kgrids = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], [None] * len(self.fields))) self.galfit_kgrids = dict( zip(p['FIELDS'], map(pu.load_pickle, p['GALFIT_KGRIDS']))) self.re_err_lim = p['RE_ERR_LIM'] self.chi2nu_lim = p['CHI2NU_LIM'] self.technique = p['TECHNIQUE'] self.magconvert = RLDist.MagConvert(p['MCFILE']) self.dropout_kgrids = dict( zip(p['FIELDS'], map(pu.load_pickle, p['DROPOUT_KGRIDS']))) if p['NPROC_MODEL'] > 0: self.nproc_model = p['NPROC_MODEL'] else: self.nproc_model = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # interloper fraction parameters self.add_interloper = p['ADD_INTERLOPER'] # self.sdfiles = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], p['SDFILES'])) self.size_catalog = p['SIZE_CATALOG'] self.mag_size_catalog = p['MAG_SIZE_CATALOG'] self.re_size_catalog = p['RE_SIZE_CATALOG'] self.intfracfiles = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], p['INTFRACFILES'])) self.mag_lolims = dict(zip(p['FIELDS'], p['MAG_LOLIMS'])) self.goodflags = p['GOOD_VFLAGS'] if self.add_interloper: # Calculate the *multiplicative* interloper fractions in the RL plane = {} self.intfrac = {} c = Ftable(self.size_catalog) mag = getattr(c, self.mag_size_catalog) re = getattr(c, self.re_size_catalog) for f in self.fields: # first calculate the size distribution for all sources sd_f = ID.InterloperSizeDist(self.maglimits[f], self.logrlimits[f], 0.02, 0.02, 0.5, 0.2, f) x = sd_f.compute(mag, re)[f] = sd_f # then calculate the multiplicative interloper distribution intdist = ID.InterloperRLDist(self.maglimits[f], self.logrlimits[f], 0.02, 0.02, f, mag_lolim=self.mag_lolims[f]) intfrac = Ftable(self.intfracfiles[f]) x = intdist.compute(intfrac, sd_f) self.intfrac[f] = intdist ### MCMC parameters? ### Define a separate class for MCMC stuff... self.galaxy_samples = {} self.p = p # define galaxy samples for f in p['FIELDS']: self.galaxy_samples[f] = GalaxySample( self.datafiles[f], f, self.filtername, self.z0, self.maglimits[f], self.logrlimits[f], re_err_lim=self.re_err_lim, chi2nu_lim=self.chi2nu_lim, good_vflags=self.goodflags, sexmaglimit=self.sexmaglimits[f], **kwargs) print "Total number of galaxies in %s used in likelihood calculation: %d" % ( f, len(self.galaxy_samples[f].mag)) mag, logr = self.combine_samples( flist=self.fields) # to record attributes self.mag, self.logr self.mag = mag self.logr = logr self.Ntot = len(self.mag) # Now builds RLDist factories self.RLDist_factories = {} factory = RLDist.RLDistributionFactory # build RL Distribution factories for each field for f in self.fields: if self.sexmaglimits[f] == None: maglimits = self.maglimits[f] else: maglimits = [self.maglimits[f][0], self.sexmaglimits[f]] self.RLDist_factories[f] = factory(maglimits, self.logrlimits[f], self.magconvert)
def plot_RLdist_idrops(logR0, beta, cat=catdir + '/idrops/idrops_goodss_130623_vflags_galfit.fits', marker='o', ax=None, ms=8**2, color=pms.Bright_Blue, bootstrap=False, nsamp=10000): c = Ftable(cat) mcy = bl.mconvert('kcorr/M1500_to_f105w_omega_m_0.3.txt') mean_kcorr = mcy(6.0) mag_array1 = c.f105w_magout_gf[(c.udf_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 27.5)] re_array1 = c.f105w_reout_gf[(c.udf_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 27.5)] n_array1 = c.f105w_nout_gf[(c.udf_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 27.5)] mag_array2 = c.f105w_magout_gf[(c.deep_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 26.5)] re_array2 = c.f105w_reout_gf[(c.deep_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 26.5)] n_array2 = c.f105w_nout_gf[(c.deep_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 26.5)] mag_array3 = c.f098m_magout_gf[(c.ers_fit == True) & (c.f098m_magout_gf <= 26.5)] re_array3 = c.f098m_reout_gf[(c.ers_fit == True) & (c.f098m_magout_gf <= 26.5)] n_array3 = c.f098m_nout_gf[(c.ers_fit == True) & (c.f098m_magout_gf <= 26.5)] mag_array4 = c.f105w_magout_gf[(c.wide_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 26.5)] re_array4 = c.f105w_reout_gf[(c.wide_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 26.5)] n_array4 = c.f105w_nout_gf[(c.wide_fit == True) & (c.f105w_magout_gf <= 26.5)] mag_array = np.concatenate( [mag_array1, mag_array2, mag_array3, mag_array4]) re_array = np.concatenate([re_array1, re_array2, re_array3, re_array4]) n_array = np.concatenate([n_array1, n_array2, n_array3, n_array4]) plot_RLdist(mag_array, re_array, 'i-dropouts', logR0, beta, mean_kcorr, color=color, marker=marker, ax=ax, ms=ms, gfband='F105W/F098M') if bootstrap == True: p_array = bootstrap_error(mag_array, np.log10(re_array), nsamp=nsamp) return p_array else: return 0
def __init__(self, id2fit, sexcat, sci_image, rms_image, seg_image, sexcatfmt='fits', idcol='id_1', racol='ra_1', deccol='dec_1', magcol='mag_auto', recol='flux_radius_2', axratiocol='axratio', thetacol='theta_image', isoareacol='isoarea_image', root='images', pixscale=0.06, psffile="", constraint_file="constraints3", magzpt=25.96, cbox=160): """ id2fit: array of ID numbers to run GALFIT on. sexcat: the SExtractor catalog where the object IDs are specified. NOTE: sexcat needs to contain ALL objects in the field, not just the objects to be fit by GALFIT!! sci_image: the science (drizzled) mosaic rms_image: the RMS image seg_image: the segmentation map racol: column name that contains RA deccol: column name that contains DEC magcol: column name that contains magnitude (default to MAG_AUTO) recol: column name for Re (half-light radius) axratiocol: column name for axis ratio thetacol: column name for position angle (theta) root: the directory name for all the GALFIT cutouts and output images pixscale: the pixel scale in arcsec """ self.id2fit = id2fit if sexcatfmt == 'fits': self.sexcat = Ftable(sexcat) self.nobj_all = len(self.sexcat.d) else: self.sexcat = sextractor(sexcat) self.nobj_all = len(self.sexcat) if not os.path.exists(root): os.mkdir(root) elif not os.path.isdir(root): raise OSError, "%s already exists and is not a directory." % root self.ra_array = getattr(self.sexcat, racol) self.dec_array = getattr(self.sexcat, deccol) self.id_array = getattr(self.sexcat, idcol) self.mag_array = getattr(self.sexcat, magcol) self.Re_array = getattr(self.sexcat, recol) self.axratio_array = getattr(self.sexcat, axratiocol) self.theta_array = getattr(self.sexcat, thetacol) self.isoarea_array = getattr(self.sexcat, isoareacol) self.sci_image = sci_image self.rms_image = rms_image self.seg_image = seg_image # figure out the WCS hdr = pyfits.getheader(self.sci_image) self.wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr) # figure out the X, Y positions of each source... will need later skycrd = N.array([self.ra_array, self.dec_array]) skycrd = skycrd.swapaxes(0, 1) pixcrd = self.wcs.wcs_sky2pix(skycrd, 1) # pixel coordinate starts at 1 pixcrd = pixcrd.swapaxes(0, 1) self.x_array = pixcrd[0] self.y_array = pixcrd[1] self.crashes = "galfit.crashes" self.fitted = "galfit.fitted" self.root = root # a directory containing all the cutouts self.xscale = pixscale self.yscale = pixscale self.psffile = psffile self.constraint_file = constraint_file self.magzpt = magzpt self.cbox = cbox # convolution box size --- should be comparable to the PSF image size?
def merge_sexcats(self): """ Assume that files self.sex_catalog exist. """ # Match & merge photometry into one master catalog # Note: update all magnitude errors with the scaled flux errors merged_columns = [] for f in self.filters: c = Ftable(self.sex_fitstable[f]) skyrms_factor = self.c['skyrms_factor'][f] if f == self.detectband: merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='number', array=c.number, format='I') ] merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='x_image', array=c.x_image, format='D') ] merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='y_image', array=c.y_image, format='D') ] merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='alpha_j2000', array=c.alpha_j2000, format='D') ] merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='delta_j2000', array=c.delta_j2000, format='D') ] flux_iso = c.__getitem__('%s_flux_iso' % f) fluxerr_iso = c.__getitem__('%s_fluxerr_iso' % f) print "Scaling fluxerr_iso..." fluxerr_iso_scaled = fluxerr_iso * skyrms_factor # sn_iso = flux_iso / fluxerr_iso sn_iso = flux_iso / fluxerr_iso_scaled flux_auto = c.__getitem__('%s_flux_auto' % f) fluxerr_auto = c.__getitem__('%s_fluxerr_auto' % f) sn_auto = flux_auto / fluxerr_auto print "Scaling fluxerr_auto..." fluxerr_auto_scaled = fluxerr_auto * skyrms_factor for i in range(len(c.Columns)): colname = c.Columns[i] if colname in self.fixcols: continue else: merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name=colname, array=c.__getitem__(colname), format=c.d.formats[i]) ] if colname == '%s_fluxerr_iso' % f: # also add the scaled fluxerr merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='%s_fluxerr_iso_scaled' % f, array=fluxerr_iso_scaled, format='D') ] magerr_iso_scaled = magerr_from_sn(sn_iso) if colname == '%s_fluxerr_auto' % f: merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='%s_fluxerr_auto_scaled' % f, array=fluxerr_auto_scaled, format='D') ] magerr_auto_scaled = magerr_from_sn(sn_auto) if colname.startswith('%s_fluxerr_aper' % f): fluxerr_aper_n = getattr(c, colname) print "Scaling %s..." % colname fluxerr_aper_n_scaled = fluxerr_aper_n * skyrms_factor flux_aper_n = getattr(c, '%s_flux_aper' % f) sn_aper = flux_aper_n / fluxerr_aper_n_scaled merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='%s_scaled' % colname, array=fluxerr_aper_n_scaled, format='D') ] # Now update MAG_ISO: MAG_ISO=99.0 if S/N < 1 and MAGERR_ISO becomes # the 1-sigma magnitude limit; MAG_ISO=-99.0 if object is not detected if colname == '%s_mag_iso' % f: mag_iso = np.where(sn_iso >= 1., c.__getitem__('%s_mag_iso' % f), 99.0) mag_iso = np.where(fluxerr_iso == 0, -99.0, mag_iso) merged_columns[-1].array = mag_iso # update the array if colname == '%s_magerr_iso' % f: magerr_iso = np.where(fluxerr_iso_scaled == 0, 0., 2.5 * np.log10(1. + 1. / sn_iso)) # if S/N <= 1., use the 1-sigma magnitude limit as magerr_iso magerr_iso = np.where( sn_iso >= 1., magerr_iso, self.zeropoints[f] - 2.5 * np.log10(fluxerr_iso_scaled)) merged_columns[-1].array = magerr_iso # Write the 1-sigma MAG_ISO for ease of color selection if colname == '%s_mag_auto' % f: mag_auto = np.where(sn_auto >= 1., c.__getitem__('%s_mag_auto' % f), 99.0) mag_auto = np.where(fluxerr_auto == 0., -99.0, mag_auto) merged_columns[-1].array = mag_auto if colname == '%s_magerr_auto' % f: magerr_auto = np.where( fluxerr_auto_scaled == 0, 0., 2.5 * np.log10(1. + 1. / sn_auto)) magerr_auto = np.where( sn_auto >= 1., magerr_auto, self.zeropoints[f] - 2.5 * np.log10(fluxerr_auto_scaled)) mag_iso_1sig = np.where(sn_iso >= 1.0, mag_iso, magerr_iso) merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='%s_mag_iso_1sig' % f, array=mag_iso_1sig, format='D') ] mag_auto_1sig = np.where(sn_auto >= 1.0, mag_auto, magerr_auto) merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='%s_mag_auto_1sig' % f, array=mag_auto_1sig, format='D') ] naper = 0 flux_aper = c.__getitem__('%s_flux_aper' % f) fluxerr_aper = c.__getitem__('%s_fluxerr_aper' % f) print "Scaling fluxerr_aper..." fluxerr_aper_scaled = fluxerr_aper * skyrms_factor # sn_aper = flux_aper / fluxerr_aper sn_aper = flux_aper / fluxerr_aper_scaled for i in range(len(merged_columns)): if merged_columns[i].name == '%s_mag_aper' % f: mag_aper = np.where(sn_aper >= 1., c.__getitem__('%s_mag_aper' % f), 99.0) mag_aper = np.where(fluxerr_aper == 0, -99.0, mag_aper) merged_columns[i].array = mag_aper if merged_columns[i].name == '%s_magerr_aper' % f: # magerr_aper = np.where(fluxerr_aper==0, 0., # c.__getitem__('%s_magerr_aper'%f)) # magerr_aper = np.where(sn_aper>=1., magerr_aper, # self.zeropoints[f]-2.5*np.log10(fluxerr_aper)) magerr_aper = magerr_from_sn(sn_aper) magerr_aper = np.where(fluxerr_aper_scaled == 0., 0., 2.5 * np.log10(1. + 1. / sn_aper)) # update magerr_aper with 1-sigma magnitude limit magerr_aper = np.where( sn_aper >= 1., magerr_aper, self.zeropoints[f] - 2.5 * np.log10(fluxerr_aper_scaled)) merged_columns[i].array = magerr_aper if merged_columns[i].name.startswith('%s_mag_aper_' % f): naper = merged_columns[i].name.split('_')[-1] naper = int(naper) flux_aper_n = c.__getitem__('%s_flux_aper_%d' % (f, naper)) fluxerr_aper_n = c.__getitem__('%s_fluxerr_aper_%d' % (f, naper)) fluxerr_aper_n_scaled = fluxerr_aper_n * skyrms_factor # sn_aper_n = flux_aper_n / fluxerr_aper_n sn_aper_n = flux_aper_n / fluxerr_aper_n_scaled mag_aper_n = np.where( sn_aper_n >= 1., c.__getitem__('%s_mag_aper_%d' % (f, naper)), 99.0) mag_aper_n = np.where(fluxerr_aper_n == 0, -99.0, mag_aper_n) merged_columns[i].array = mag_aper_n if merged_columns[i].name.startswith('%s_magerr_aper_' % f): naper = merged_columns[i].name.split('_')[-1] naper = int(naper) flux_aper_n = c.__getitem__('%s_flux_aper_%d' % (f, naper)) fluxerr_aper_n = c.__getitem__('%s_fluxerr_aper_%d' % (f, naper)) fluxerr_aper_n_scaled = fluxerr_aper_n * skyrms_factor # sn_aper_n = flux_aper_n / fluxerr_aper_n sn_aper_n = flux_aper_n / fluxerr_aper_n_scaled # magerr_aper_n = np.where(fluxerr_aper_n==0, 0., # c.__getitem__('%s_magerr_aper_%d' % (f,naper))) # magerr_aper_n = np.where(sn_aper_n>=1., magerr_aper_n, # self.zeropoints[f]-2.5*np.log10(fluxerr_aper_n)) magerr_aper_n = np.where( fluxerr_aper_n == 0., 0., 2.5 * np.log10(1. + 1. / sn_aper_n)) magerr_aper_n = np.where( sn_aper >= 1., magerr_aper, self.zeropoints[f] - 2.5 * np.log10(fluxerr_aper_n_scaled)) merged_columns[i].array = magerr_aper_n # OK, special treatment for mag_aper_1, which should be 0.4 arcsec # diameter aperture for i in range(len(merged_columns)): if merged_columns[i].name == '%s_mag_aper_1' % f: j_mag_aper_1 = i elif merged_columns[i].name == '%s_magerr_aper_1' % f: j_magerr_aper_1 = i elif merged_columns[i].name == '%s_mag_aper_3' % f: j_mag_aper_3 = i elif merged_columns[i].name == '%s_magerr_aper_3' % f: j_magerr_aper_3 = i flux_aper_1 = c.__getitem__('%s_flux_aper_1' % f) fluxerr_aper_1 = c.__getitem__('%s_fluxerr_aper_1' % f) fluxerr_aper_1_scaled = fluxerr_aper_1 * skyrms_factor # sn_aper_1 = flux_aper_1 / fluxerr_aper_1 sn_aper_1 = flux_aper_1 / fluxerr_aper_1_scaled mag_aper_1_1sig = np.where(sn_aper_1 >= 1., merged_columns[j_mag_aper_1].array, merged_columns[j_magerr_aper_1].array) merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='%s_mag_aper_1_1sig' % f, array=mag_aper_1_1sig, format='D') ] flux_aper_3 = c.__getitem__('%s_flux_aper_3' % f) fluxerr_aper_3 = c.__getitem__('%s_fluxerr_aper_3' % f) fluxerr_aper_3_scaled = fluxerr_aper_3 * skyrms_factor # sn_aper_3 = flux_aper_3 / fluxerr_aper_3 sn_aper_3 = flux_aper_3 / fluxerr_aper_3_scaled mag_aper_3_1sig = np.where(sn_aper_3 >= 1., merged_columns[j_mag_aper_3].array, merged_columns[j_magerr_aper_3].array) merged_columns += [ pyfits.Column(name='%s_mag_aper_3_1sig' % f, array=mag_aper_3_1sig, format='D') ] print "len(merged_columns)", len(merged_columns) assert len( merged_columns ) <= 999, "Warning: maximum number of columns allowed in a FITS table is 999!" coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(merged_columns) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs) tbhdu.header['PARAMS'] = self.paramfile merged_table = os.path.join(self.homedir, self.merged_table) print merged_table if os.path.exists(merged_table): os.remove(merged_table) tbhdu.writeto(merged_table)
def __init__(self, catalog, bands=['H']): Ftable.__init__(self, catalog) # read the FITS table self.bands = bands self.catalog = catalog