def zhemv(alpha, A, X, beta, Y, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns y'
    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    sum \M{y' = S{alpha} A x + S{beta} y} for the hermitian matrix A. Since the
    matrix A is hermitian only its upper half or lower half need to be
    stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal
    of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle
    and diagonal of A are used. The imaginary elements of the diagonal
    are automatically assumed to be zero and are not referenced. 
    yn = array_typed_copy(Y, get_typecode(A))
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zhemv(Uplo, alpha, A, X, beta, yn)
    return yn
def zhemv(alpha, A, X, beta, Y, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns y'
    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    sum \M{y' = S{alpha} A x + S{beta} y} for the hermitian matrix A. Since the
    matrix A is hermitian only its upper half or lower half need to be
    stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal
    of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle
    and diagonal of A are used. The imaginary elements of the diagonal
    are automatically assumed to be zero and are not referenced. 
    yn = array_typed_copy(Y, get_typecode(A))
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zhemv(Uplo, alpha, A, X, beta, yn)
    return yn