def is_gate_this_standard_unitary(gate_unitary, standard_gate_name): """ Whether a unitary is, up to a phase, the standard gate specified by the name `standard_gate_name`. The correspondence between the standard names and unitaries is w.r.t the internally-used gatenames (see internal_gate_unitaries()). For example, one use of this function is to check whether some gate specifed by a user with the name 'Ghadamard' is the Hadamard gate, denoted internally by 'H'. Parameters ---------- gate_unitary : complex np.array The unitary to test. standard_gate_name : str The standard gatename to check whether the unitary `gate_unitary` is (e.g., 'CNOT'). Returns ------- bool True if the `gate_unitary` is, up to phase, the unitary specified `standard_gate_name`. False otherwise. """ std_unitaries = internal_gate_unitaries() if _np.shape(gate_unitary) != _np.shape(std_unitaries[standard_gate_name]): return False else: pm_input = _ot.unitary_to_pauligate(gate_unitary) pm_std = _ot.unitary_to_pauligate(std_unitaries[standard_gate_name]) equal = _np.allclose(pm_input, pm_std) return equal
def test_unitary_to_pauligate(self): theta = np.pi sigmax = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) ex = 1j * theta * sigmax / 2 U = scipy.linalg.expm(ex) # U is 2x2 unitary matrix operating on single qubit in [0,1] basis (X(pi) rotation) op = ot.unitary_to_pauligate(U) op_ans = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., -1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., -1.]], 'd') self.assertArraysAlmostEqual(op, op_ans) U_2Q = np.identity(4, 'complex') U_2Q[2:, 2:] = U # U_2Q is 4x4 unitary matrix operating on isolated two-qubit space (CX(pi) rotation) op_2Q = ot.unitary_to_pauligate(U_2Q)
def setUpClass(cls): super(RBTheoryZrotModelTester, cls).setUpClass() cls.target_model = std1Q_XY.target_model() cls.mdl = cls.target_model.copy() Zrot_unitary = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., np.exp(-1j * 0.01)]]) Zrot_channel = ot.unitary_to_pauligate(Zrot_unitary) for key in cls.target_model.operations.keys(): cls.mdl.operations[key] =, cls.target_model.operations[key])
def test_densitymx_svterm_cterm(self): std_unitaries = itgs.standard_gatename_unitaries() for evotype in ['default']: # 'densitymx', 'svterm', 'cterm' for name, U in std_unitaries.items(): if callable(U): continue # skip unitary functions (create factories) dmop = op.StaticStandardOp(name, 'pp', evotype, state_space=None) self.assertArraysAlmostEqual( dmop._rep.to_dense('HilbertSchmidt'), gt.unitary_to_pauligate(U))
def test_internalgate_definitions(self): # TODO is this test needed? self.skipTest( "RB analysis is known to be broken. Skip tests until it gets fixed." ) std_unitaries = internalgates.get_standard_gatename_unitaries() std_quil = internalgates.get_standard_gatenames_quil_conversions() std_quil = internalgates.get_standard_gatenames_openqasm_conversions() # Checks the standard Clifford gate unitaries agree with the Clifford group unitaries. group = for key in group.labels: self.assertLess( np.sum( abs( np.array(group.get_matrix(key)) - ot.unitary_to_pauligate(std_unitaries[key]))), 10**-10)
def qasm_u3(theta, phi, lamb, output='unitary'): """ The u3 1-qubit gate of QASM, returned as a unitary. if output = 'unitary' and as a processmatrix in the Pauli basis if out = 'superoperator.' Parameters ---------- theta : float The theta parameter of the u3 gate. phi : float The phi parameter of the u3 gate. lamb : float The lambda parameter of the u3 gate. output : {'unitary', 'superoperator'} Whether the returned value is a unitary matrix or the Pauli-transfer-matrix superoperator representing that unitary action. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ u3_unitary = _np.array( [[_np.cos(theta / 2), -1 * _np.exp(1j * lamb) * _np.sin(theta / 2)], [ _np.exp(1j * phi) * _np.sin(theta / 2), _np.exp(1j * (lamb + phi)) * _np.cos(theta / 2) ]]) if output == 'unitary': return u3_unitary elif output == 'superoperator': u3_superoperator = _ot.unitary_to_pauligate(u3_unitary) return u3_superoperator else: raise ValueError("The `output` string is invalid!")