class MisspellingCorrector:
    def __init__(self, infile, dict_file, needTraining=False):
        print "**************************************"
        self.needTraining = needTraining
        self.dictionary = sorted(cPickle.load(open(dict_file, 'rb')))
        self.infile = infile

    def train(self):
        # Training
        self.fe = StringPairFeatureExtractor(match=True,
        if self.needTraining:
            lines = open(self.infile, 'r').readlines()
            # Generate Positive Correction Pair
            ppairs = []
            ppairs = [
                line.split('\t')[1].strip().split(' | ') for line in lines
            ppairs = [(pair[0], pair[i]) for pair in ppairs
                      for i in xrange(1, len(pair))]

            # Generate Positive Training Correction Pairs and Testing Correction Pairs
            ppairs_train, ppairs_test = train_test_split(ppairs,
            self.ppairs_train = [
                tuple(ppair_train) for ppair_train in ppairs_train
            self.ppairs_test = [
                tuple(ppair_test) for ppair_test in ppairs_test

            # Generate Negative Training Correction Pairs
            incorrect = list(zip(*ppairs_train)[0])
            correct = list(zip(*ppairs_train)[1])
            npairs_train = zip(incorrect, correct)

            # Raw training set
            x_raw = ppairs_train + npairs_train
            # Label of the training set
            self.y_train = [0] * len(ppairs_train) + [1] * len(npairs_train)

            # Extract Features from the raw training set
            self.x_train = x_orig = self.fe.fit_transform(x_raw)
            #x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_orig, y_orig, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
            self.m = Hacrf(l2_regularization=10.0,
                           optimizer_kwargs={'maxfun': 45},
  , self.y_train, verbosity=20)
            cPickle.dump(self.m, open('Corrector.pkl', 'wb'))
            print "start training"
            self.m = cPickle.load(open('Corrector.pkl', 'rb'))
            print "finish training"

    def test(self):
        count = 0
        for incorrect, correct in self.ppairs_test:
            # Get the top 100 candidats with smallest levenshtein distance
            test_pairs = [
                (incorrect, candidate) for candidate in heapq.nsmallest(
                    key=lambda x: levenshtein.levenshtein(incorrect, x))
            gx_test = self.fe.transform(test_pairs)
            # Pr is a list of probability, corresponding to each correction pair in test_pairs
            pr = self.m.predict_proba(gx_test)
            cr = zip(pr, test_pairs)
            # We use the one with largest probability as the correction of the incorrect word
            cr = max(cr, key=lambda x: x[0][0])
            if cr[1][1] == correct:
                count += 1
                print(incorrect, correct),
                print cr[1][1]
        print count / float(len(self.ppairs_test))

    def correct(self, incorrect):
        test_pairs = [(incorrect, candidate) for candidate in heapq.nsmallest(
            key=lambda x: levenshtein.levenshtein(incorrect, x))]
        gx_test = self.fe.transform(test_pairs)
        # Pr is a list of probability, corresponding to each correction pair in test_pairs
        pr = self.m.predict_proba(gx_test)
        print pr
        cr = zip(pr, test_pairs)
        print cr
        # We use the one with largest probability as the correction of the incorrect word
        cr = max(cr, key=lambda x: x[0][0])
        if levenshtein.levenshtein(incorrect, cr[1][1]) > 2:
            return 'gopdebate'
            return cr[1][1]
class MisspellingCorrection:
    def __init__(self, infile):
        lines = open(infile, 'r').readlines()
        # Generate Positive Correction Pair
        ppairs = []
        ppairs = [line.split('\t')[1].strip().split(' | ') for line in lines]
        ppairs = [(pair[0], pair[i]) for pair in ppairs for i in xrange(1, len(pair))]
        self.dictionary = [pair[i] for pair in ppairs for i in xrange(1, len(pair))]
        # Generate Positive Training Correction Pairs and Testing Correction Pairs
        ppairs_train, ppairs_test = train_test_split(ppairs, test_size=200, random_state=1)
        self.ppairs_train = [tuple(ppair_train) for ppair_train in ppairs_train]
        self.ppairs_test = [tuple(ppair_test) for ppair_test in ppairs_test]

        # Generate Negative Training Correction Pairs
        incorrect = list(zip(*ppairs_train)[0])
        correct = list(zip(*ppairs_train)[1])
        npairs_train = zip(incorrect, correct)
        # Raw training set
        x_raw = ppairs_train + npairs_train
        # Label of the training set
        self.y_train = [0] * len(ppairs_train) + [1] * len(npairs_train)

        # Extract Features from the raw training set
        self.fe = StringPairFeatureExtractor(match=True, numeric=True, transition=True)
        self.x_train = x_orig = self.fe.fit_transform(x_raw)
        #x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_orig, y_orig, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
    def train(self):
        # Training
        self.m = Hacrf(l2_regularization=10.0, optimizer=fmin_l_bfgs_b, optimizer_kwargs={'maxfun': 45}, state_machine=None), self.y_train, verbosity=20)
    def test(self):
        count = 0
        for incorrect, correct in self.ppairs_test:
            # Get the top 100 candidats with smallest levenshtein distance
            test_pairs = [(incorrect, candidate) for candidate in 
                          heapq.nsmallest(100, self.dictionary, key=lambda x: levenshtein.levenshtein(incorrect, x))]
            gx_test = self.fe.transform(test_pairs)
            # Pr is a list of probability, corresponding to each correction pair in test_pairs 
            pr = self.m.predict_proba(gx_test)
            cr = zip(pr, test_pairs)
            # We use the one with largest probability as the correction of the incorrect word
            cr = max(cr, key=lambda x: x[0][0])
            if cr[1][1] == correct:
                count += 1
                print (incorrect, correct),
                print cr[1][1]
        print count/float(len(self.ppairs_test))
    def correct(self, incorrect):
        test_pairs = [(incorrect, candidate) for candidate in 
                      heapq.nsmallest(100, self.dictionary, key=lambda x: levenshtein.levenshtein(incorrect, x))]
        gx_test = self.fe.transform(test_pairs)
        # Pr is a list of probability, corresponding to each correction pair in test_pairs 
        pr = self.m.predict_proba(gx_test)
        cr = zip(pr, test_pairs)
        # We use the one with largest probability as the correction of the incorrect word
        cr = max(cr, key=lambda x: x[0][0])
        return cr[1][1]