def test_calculate_heading_longpath_edge_cases(self): assert abs(calculate_heading_longpath("JN48QM", "JN48QM") - 180 ) < 1
async def qrzLookup(origcall, config): '''Lookup call @QRZ''' my_lookuplib = LookupLib(lookuptype="qrz", username=config['']['username'], pwd=config['']['password']) cic = Callinfo(my_lookuplib) origcall = origcall.upper() try: call = cic.get_homecall(origcall) lookup = await qrzRedisLookup(call) except ValueError: callsign = None lookup = {} #dict() print("Not Found") return {'origcallsign': origcall, 'callsign': callsign} if lookup is False: try: lookup = cic.get_all(call) callsign = lookup['callsign'] redis.set('qrz' + call.upper(), json.dumps(lookup, default=str)) redis.expire('qrz' + call.upper(), 2629743000) redis.sadd('qrzCALLS', call.upper()) calls.append(call.upper()) except ValueError: callsign = None lookup = {} #dict() print("Not Found") return {'origcallsign': origcall, 'callsign': callsign} except KeyError: callsign = call lookup = {} #dict() print("Not Found") return {'origcallsign': origcall, 'callsign': callsign} else: callsign = lookup['callsign'] if callsign and 'aliases' in lookup: print( fg('blue') + '-=' + fg('turquoise_4') + attr('bold') + callsign + attr('reset') + fg('blue') + '=-' + attr('reset') + " (" + ','.join(lookup['aliases']) + ')') else: print( fg('blue') + '-=' + fg('turquoise_4') + attr('bold') + callsign + fg('blue') + '=-') print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'QTH: ', end="") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, '#a4a24f', 'fname', False) await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, '#a4a24f', 'name', False, ", ") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'navajo_white_3', 'addr1', False, ", ") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'navajo_white_3', 'zipcode', False) await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'navajo_white_3', 'addr2', False, ", ") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'navajo_white_3', 'country') print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'Grid square: ', end="") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'dark_sea_green_3b', 'locator', False) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'Latitude: ', end="") latitude = await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'dark_sea_green_3b', 'latitude', False) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'Longitude: ', end="") longitude = await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'dark_sea_green_3b', 'longitude') print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'CCode: ', end="") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'dark_sea_green_3b', 'ccode', False) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'CQZone: ', end="") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'dark_sea_green_3b', 'cqz', False) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'ITUZone: ', end="") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'dark_sea_green_3b', 'ituz') print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'QSL: ', end="") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'navajo_white_3', 'qslmgr', False) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'eQSL: ', end="") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'navajo_white_3', 'eqsl', False) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'lotw: ', end="") await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'navajo_white_3', 'lotw') print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'E-Mail: ', end="") email = await dictLookupAndPrint(lookup, 'navajo_white_3', 'email', True) locator1 = latlong_to_locator(cfg['qth']['latitude'], cfg['qth']['longitude']) locator2 = latlong_to_locator(latitude, longitude) heading = calculate_heading(locator1, locator2) longpath = calculate_heading_longpath(locator1, locator2) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'Heading: ', end="") print(fg('navajo_white_3') + "%.1f°" % heading, end="") print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + ' Longpath: ', end="") print(fg('navajo_white_3') + "%.1f°" % longpath, end="") print(attr('reset')) return { 'origcallsign': origcall, 'callsign': callsign, 'email': email, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'heading': heading, 'longpath': longpath }
def test_calculate_heading_longpath(self): assert abs(calculate_heading_longpath("JN48QM", "FN44AB") - 118) < 1 assert abs(calculate_heading_longpath("FN44AB", "JN48QM") - 234) < 1 assert abs(calculate_heading_longpath("JN48QM", "QF67BF") - 254) < 1 assert abs(calculate_heading_longpath("QF67BF", "JN48QM") - 130) < 1
configdir = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/ham-tools') with open(configdir + '/config.yaml') as f: cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) address = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="ON3URE_hamtools") try: location = geolocator.geocode(address) locator1 = latlong_to_locator(cfg['qth']['latitude'], cfg['qth']['longitude']) locator2 = latlong_to_locator(location.latitude, location.longitude) heading = calculate_heading(locator1, locator2) longpath = calculate_heading_longpath(locator1, locator2) maidenhead = mh.to_maiden(location.latitude, location.longitude) print( fg('blue') + '-=' + fg('turquoise_4') + attr('bold') + "QTE: Bearing lookup" + attr('reset') + fg('blue') + '=-' + attr('reset')) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'Address: ', end="") print(fg('dark_sea_green_3b') + location.address) print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + 'Latitude: ', end="") print(fg('dark_sea_green_3b') + "%.1f°" % location.latitude, end="") print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + ' Longitude: ', end="") print(fg('dark_sea_green_3b') + "%.1f°" % location.longitude, end="") print(fg('#884444') + attr('bold') + ' Grid square: ', end="") print(fg('dark_sea_green_3b') + maidenhead) print()