文件: scenarios.py 项目: pyhrf/pyhrf
def create_3Dlabels_Potts(condition_defs, beta, dims, mask):
    labels = []
    graph = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask3D_6n, toroidal=True)
    for c in condition_defs:
        tmp = genPotts(graph, beta, 2)
        tmp = np.reshape(tmp, dims)
    return np.array(labels)
def create_3Dlabels_Potts(condition_defs, beta, dims, mask):
    labels = []
    graph = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask3D_6n, toroidal=True)
    for c in condition_defs:
        tmp = genPotts(graph, beta, 2)
        tmp = np.reshape(tmp, dims)
    return np.array(labels)
def create_labels_Potts(condition_defs, beta, nb_voxels):
    labels = []
    nb_voxels = nb_voxels**.5  # assume square shape
    shape = (nb_voxels, nb_voxels)
    mask = np.ones(shape, dtype=int)
    graph = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask2D_4n, toroidal=True)
    shape = (1, nb_voxels, nb_voxels)
    for c in condition_defs:
        tmp = genPotts(graph, beta, 2)
        tmp = np.reshape(tmp, shape)
    return np.array(labels)
文件: scenarios.py 项目: pyhrf/pyhrf
def create_labels_Potts(condition_defs, beta, nb_voxels):
    labels = []
    nb_voxels = nb_voxels ** 0.5  # assume square shape
    shape = (nb_voxels, nb_voxels)
    mask = np.ones(shape, dtype=int)
    graph = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask2D_4n, toroidal=True)
    shape = (1, nb_voxels, nb_voxels)
    for c in condition_defs:
        tmp = genPotts(graph, beta, 2)
        tmp = np.reshape(tmp, shape)
    return np.array(labels)
 def test_single_PFPS_ML(self):
     """PF estimation method : path sampling. ML on p(label|beta).
     # generate a field:
     beta = 0.4
     nbClasses = 2
     print 'generating potts ..., beta =', beta
     labels = genPotts(self.g, beta, nbClasses)
     # partition function estimation
     gridLnz = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph(self.g, nbClasses)
     gridPace = gridLnz[1][1] - gridLnz[1][0]
     # beta estimation
     be, pb = beta_estim_obs_field(self.g, labels, gridLnz, 'ML')
     print 'betaML:', be
     assert abs(be-beta) <= gridPace
    def test_beta_estim_jde_mcmc(self):

        nbCond = 2

        betaMax = 1.2
        dBeta = .1
        betas = np.arange(0, betaMax, dBeta)

        height = 20
        width = 20
        graph = graph_from_lattice(np.ones((height,width),dtype=int),

        gridLnZ = cached_eval(Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph, (graph, 2))
        nbIt = 3

        bolds = []
        outputs = []
        for beta in betas:
            labels = [genPotts(graph, beta).reshape((height,width))
                      for i in range(nbCond)]
            b = simulate_bold_from_labels(labels)

            p = {'data':b.to_fmri_data(np.ones((height,width),dtype=int)), 
            #outs = cached_eval(runEstimationBetaEstim, (p,))

        #view_results(bolds, outputs, betas)
        scm = "0;0;0.333333;1;0.651282;0;1;1#" \
            "0;0;0.333333;1;0.661538;0;1;0#"   \
        cm = cmstring_to_mpl_cmap(scm)
        import plt
        for output, beta in zip(outputs,betas):
            lmap = output['pm_Labels_marked'].data[0,:,:,0]
            img = plt.matshow(lmap, cmap=cm)
            sbeta = ('%1.2f'%beta).replace('.','_')
 def test_obs_field_ML(self):
     """ Test estimation of beta with an observed field: a small 2D case.
     Partition function estimation method : extrapolation scheme.
     Use the ML  on p(label|beta). PF estimation: Onsager
     shape = (6, 6)
     mask = _np.ones(shape, dtype=int)  # full mask
     g = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask2D_4n, toroidal=True)
     # generate a field:
     beta = 0.4
     nbClasses = 2
     labels = genPotts(g, beta, nbClasses)
     # partition function estimation
     dbeta = 0.05
     betaGrid = _np.arange(0, 1.5, dbeta)
     lpf = logpf_ising_onsager(labels.size, betaGrid)
     betaML = beta_estim_obs_field(g, labels, (lpf, betaGrid), 'ML')
 def test_obs_3Dfield_MAP(self):
     """ Test estimation of beta with an observed field: a small 3D case.
     Partition function estimation method : extrapolation scheme.
     Use the MAP on p(beta|label).
     shape = (5, 5, 5)
     mask = _np.ones(shape, dtype=int)  # full mask
     g = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask3D_6n)
     # generate a field:
     beta = 0.4
     nbClasses = 2
     labels = genPotts(g, beta, nbClasses)
     # partition function estimation
     gridLnz = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph(g, nbClasses)
     gridPace = gridLnz[1][1] - gridLnz[1][0]
     # beta estimation
     be, pb = beta_estim_obs_field(g, labels, gridLnz)
 def test_single_Onsager_MAP(self):
     """PF method: Onsager. MAP on p(label|beta).
     # generate a field:
     beta = 0.4
     nbClasses = 2
     print 'generating potts ..., beta =', beta
     labels = genPotts(self.g, beta, nbClasses)
     # partition function estimation
     dbeta = 0.05
     betaGrid = np.arange(0, 1.5, dbeta)
     lpf = logpf_ising_onsager(labels.size, betaGrid)
     #lpf, betaGrid = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph(g, nbClasses)
     print 'lpf:'
     print lpf
     betaMAP = beta_estim_obs_field(self.g, labels, (lpf, betaGrid), 'MAP')
     print 'betaMAP:', betaMAP
 def test_obs_field_ML(self):
     """ Test estimation of beta with an observed field: a small 2D case.
     Partition function estimation method : extrapolation scheme.
     Use the ML  on p(label|beta). PF estimation: Onsager
     shape = (6, 6)
     mask = _np.ones(shape, dtype=int)  # full mask
     g = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask2D_4n, toroidal=True)
     # generate a field:
     beta = 0.4
     nbClasses = 2
     labels = genPotts(g, beta, nbClasses)
     # partition function estimation
     dbeta = 0.05
     betaGrid = _np.arange(0, 1.5, dbeta)
     lpf = logpf_ising_onsager(labels.size, betaGrid)
     betaML = beta_estim_obs_field(g, labels, (lpf, betaGrid), 'ML')
 def test_obs_3Dfield_MAP(self):
     """ Test estimation of beta with an observed field: a small 3D case.
     Partition function estimation method : extrapolation scheme.
     Use the MAP on p(beta|label).
     shape = (5, 5, 5)
     mask = _np.ones(shape, dtype=int)  # full mask
     g = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask3D_6n)
     # generate a field:
     beta = 0.4
     nbClasses = 2
     labels = genPotts(g, beta, nbClasses)
     # partition function estimation
     gridLnz = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph(g, nbClasses)
     gridPace = gridLnz[1][1] - gridLnz[1][0]
     # beta estimation
     be, pb = beta_estim_obs_field(g, labels, gridLnz)
 def test_obs_2Dfield_MAP(self):
     """ Test estimation of beta with an observed 2D field.
     Partition function estimation method : extrapolation scheme.
     Use the MAP on p(beta|label).
     shape = (6, 6)
     mask = _np.ones(shape, dtype=int)  # full mask
     g = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask2D_4n)
     # generate a field:
     beta = 0.4
     nbClasses = 2
     labels = genPotts(g, beta, nbClasses)
     # partition function estimation
     old_settings = np.seterr('raise')
     gridLnz = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph(g, nbClasses)
     gridPace = gridLnz[1][1] - gridLnz[1][0]
     # beta estimation
     be, pb = beta_estim_obs_field(g, labels, gridLnz)
 def test_obs_2Dfield_MAP(self):
     """ Test estimation of beta with an observed 2D field.
     Partition function estimation method : extrapolation scheme.
     Use the MAP on p(beta|label).
     shape = (6, 6)
     mask = _np.ones(shape, dtype=int)  # full mask
     g = graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=kerMask2D_4n)
     # generate a field:
     beta = 0.4
     nbClasses = 2
     labels = genPotts(g, beta, nbClasses)
     # partition function estimation
     old_settings = np.seterr('raise')
     gridLnz = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph(g, nbClasses)
     gridPace = gridLnz[1][1] - gridLnz[1][0]
     # beta estimation
     be, pb = beta_estim_obs_field(g, labels, gridLnz)
    def test_single_PFES_MAP(self):
        """PF estimation method : extrapolation scheme. MAP on p(beta|label).
        # generate a field:
        beta = 0.4
        nbClasses = 2
	nbTests = 30
	#print 'g:', self.g
	# partition function estimation
        gridLnz = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph_fast3(self.g, nbClasses)
        gridPace = gridLnz[1][1] - gridLnz[1][0]
	#print 'generating potts ..., beta =', beta
	bes = np.zeros(nbTests)
        for t in xrange(nbTests):
	    labels = genPotts(self.g, beta, nbClasses)
	    # beta estimation
	    be, pb = beta_estim_obs_field(self.g, labels, gridLnz, 'MAP')
	    print 'betaMAP:', be
	    bes[t] = be
	print 'mean betaMAP:', bes.mean(), bes.std()
        assert abs(bes.mean()-beta) <= gridPace
    def test_single_surface_PFPS_ML(self):
        """PF estimation method : path sampling. ML on p(label|beta).
        topology from a surfacic RDI
        # generate a field:
        beta = 0.4
        nbClasses = 2
        print 'generating potts ..., beta =', beta

        # grab surfacic data:
        from pyhrf.graph import graph_from_mesh, sub_graph, graph_is_sane
        from pyhrf.tools._io.tio import Texture
        from soma import aims
        print 'import done'
        roiId = 20
        mfn = pyhrf.get_data_file_name('right_hemisphere.mesh')
        print 'mesh file:', mfn
        mesh = aims.read(mfn)
        print 'mesh read'
        triangles = [t.arraydata() for t in mesh.polygon().list()]
        print 'building graph ... '
        wholeGraph = graph_from_mesh(triangles)
        roiMaskFile = pyhrf.get_data_file_name('roimask_gyrii_tuned.tex')
        roiMask = Texture.read(roiMaskFile).data.astype(int)
        mroi = np.where(roiMask==roiId)
        g, nm = sub_graph(wholeGraph, mroi[0])
        print "g:", len(g), len(g[0])

        nnodes = len(g)
        points = np.vstack([v.arraydata() for v in mesh.vertex().list()])
        weights = [[1./dist(points[j],points[k]) for k in g[j]]
                   for j in xrange(nnodes)]
        print "weights:", len(weights), len(weights[0])
        if 1:
            for j in xrange(nnodes):
                s = sum(weights[j]) * 1.
                for k in xrange(len(weights[j])):
                    weights[j][k] = weights[j][k]/s * len(weights[j])

        labels = genPotts(g, beta, nbClasses, weights=weights)
        print labels
        # partition function estimation
        gridLnz = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph(g, nbClasses, 

        print 'gridLnz with weights:'
        print gridLnz

        # beta estimation
        be, pb = beta_estim_obs_field(g, labels, gridLnz, 'ML', weights)
        print 'betaML:', be

        weights = None
        gridLnz = Cpt_Vec_Estim_lnZ_Graph(g, nbClasses, 

        print 'gridLnz without weights:'
        print gridLnz

        # beta estimation
        be, pb = beta_estim_obs_field(g, labels, gridLnz, 'ML', weights)
        print 'betaML:', be

        gridPace = gridLnz[1][1] - gridLnz[1][0]
        assert abs(be-beta) <= gridPace