# evapotranspiration time series; let's make an instance to use

calculator = ETCalculator()

# the ETCalculator makes use of hourly and daily time series that must be
# supplied externally as:
#   1. time series type (temperature, dewpoint, humidity, wind, solar, etc)
#   2. time step step ("daily", "hourly", or size in minutes, e.g., 60, 1440)
#   3. start time
#   4. list of data values
# note these are the same formats used by the PyHSPF HSPFModel class
# so now we can add the daily timeseries from above

calculator.add_timeseries('tmin', 'daily', start, tmin)
calculator.add_timeseries('tmax', 'daily', start, tmax)
calculator.add_timeseries('dewpoint', 'daily', start, dewt)
calculator.add_timeseries('wind', 'daily', start, wind)
calculator.add_timeseries('solar', 'daily', start, dsolar)

# the temperature and dewpoint are assumed to be in C, wind speed in m/s, and
# solar radiation in W/m2; these are the units supplied by the other classes
# in PyHSPF already so no manipulation is needed

# some of the parameters in the Penman-Monteith Equation depend on the
# geographic location so let's use the information in the shapefile to
# provide the average longitude, latitude, and elevation

sf = Reader(filename)
ys = [r[fields.index('CenY') - 1] for r in sf.records()]
zs = [r[fields.index('AvgElevM') - 1] for r in sf.records()]

# get the areal-weighted averages

lon = sum([a * x for a, x in zip(areas, xs)]) / sum(areas)
lat = sum([a * y for a, y in zip(areas, ys)]) / sum(areas)
elev = sum([a * z for a, z in zip(areas, zs)]) / sum(areas)

# add the information to the calculator

calculator.add_location(lon, lat, elev)

# add the daily time series to the calculator

calculator.add_timeseries('tmin', 'daily', start, tmin)
calculator.add_timeseries('tmax', 'daily', start, tmax)
calculator.add_timeseries('dewpoint', 'daily', start, dewt)
calculator.add_timeseries('wind', 'daily', start, wind)
calculator.add_timeseries('solar', 'daily', start, solar)

# calculate the reference evapotranspiration (RET) time series from the daily
# Penman-Monteith Equation

calculator.penman_daily(start, end)

# save the time series for later (i.e., to add to an HSPF Model)

RET = [e for e in calculator.daily['RET'][1]]

data = start, 1440, RET
ys = [r[fields.index("CenY") - 1] for r in sf.records()]
zs = [r[fields.index("AvgElevM") - 1] for r in sf.records()]

# get the areal-weighted averages

lon = sum([a * x for a, x in zip(areas, xs)]) / sum(areas)
lat = sum([a * y for a, y in zip(areas, ys)]) / sum(areas)
elev = sum([a * z for a, z in zip(areas, zs)]) / sum(areas)

# add the information to the calculator

calculator.add_location(lon, lat, elev)

# use the daily tmin and tmax time series to the calculator to get hourly temps

calculator.add_timeseries("tmin", "daily", start, tmin)
calculator.add_timeseries("tmax", "daily", start, tmax)

# calculate the hourly temperature time series

hourlytemps = calculator.interpolate_temperatures(start, end)

# assume the values for wind speed and dewpoint are constant throughout the day

hdewt = [v for v in dewt for i in range(24)]
hwind = [v for v in wind for i in range(24)]

# now add the hourly time series to the calculator

calculator.add_timeseries("temperature", "hourly", start, hourlytemps)
calculator.add_timeseries("dewpoint", "hourly", start, hdewt)
# evapotranspiration time series; let's make an instance to use

calculator = ETCalculator()

# the ETCalculator makes use of hourly and daily time series that must be
# supplied externally as:
#   1. time series type (temperature, dewpoint, humidity, wind, solar, etc)
#   2. time step step ("daily", "hourly", or size in minutes, e.g., 60, 1440)
#   3. start time
#   4. list of data values
# note these are the same formats used by the PyHSPF HSPFModel class
# so now we can add the daily timeseries from above

calculator.add_timeseries('tmin',     'daily', start, tmin)
calculator.add_timeseries('tmax',     'daily', start, tmax)
calculator.add_timeseries('dewpoint', 'daily', start, dewt)
calculator.add_timeseries('wind',     'daily', start, wind)
calculator.add_timeseries('solar',    'daily', start, solar)

# the temperature and dewpoint are assumed to be in C, wind speed in m/s, and
# solar radiation in W/m2; these are the units supplied by the other classes
# in PyHSPF already so no manipulation is needed

# some of the parameters in the Penman-Monteith Equation depend on the 
# geographic location so let's use the information in the shapefile to 
# provide the average longitude, latitude, and elevation

sf = Reader(filename)
ys    = [r[fields.index('CenY')     - 1] for r in sf.records()]
zs    = [r[fields.index('AvgElevM') - 1] for r in sf.records()]

# get the areal-weighted averages

lon  = sum([a * x for a, x in zip(areas, xs)]) / sum(areas)
lat  = sum([a * y for a, y in zip(areas, ys)]) / sum(areas)
elev = sum([a * z for a, z in zip(areas, zs)]) / sum(areas)

# add the information to the calculator

calculator.add_location(lon, lat, elev)

# add the daily time series to the calculator for plotting

calculator.add_timeseries('tmin',     'daily', start, tmin)
calculator.add_timeseries('tmax',     'daily', start, tmax)
calculator.add_timeseries('dewpoint', 'daily', start, dewt)
calculator.add_timeseries('wind',     'daily', start, wind)
calculator.add_timeseries('solar',    'daily', start, dsolar)

# calculate the hourly temperature time series

hourlytemps = calculator.interpolate_temperatures(start, end)

# assume the values for wind speed and dewpoint are constant throughout the day

hdewt = [v for v in dewt for i in range(24)]
hwind = [v for v in wind for i in range(24)]

# now add the hourly time series to the calculator