def LonProfile(self): """ Longitude Profile """ if self.verbose: print('LONGITUDE PROFILE') print( ' quiet disturbed total') print( ' glon mer zon mer zon mer zon') self.glonbins = arange(self.glonlim[0], self.glonlim[1] + self.glonstp, self.glonstp) for glon in self.glonbins: wqt = hwm14.hwm14( self.iyd, self.sec, self.alt, self.glat, glon, -1, \ self.f107a, self.f107, self.apqt ) wdt = hwm14.dwm07(self.iyd, self.sec, self.alt, self.glat, glon, self.ap) w = hwm14.hwm14( self.iyd, self.sec, self.alt, self.glat, glon, -1, \ self.f107a, self.f107, self.ap ) if self.verbose: print( ' %5.1f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f' % \ ( glon, wqt[0], wqt[1], wdt[0], wdt[1], w[0], w[1] ) ) self.Uwind.append(w[1]) self.Vwind.append(w[0])
def HeiProfile(self): """ Height Profile """ if self.verbose: print('HEIGHT PROFILE') print(' quiet disturbed total') print(' alt mer zon mer zon mer zon') self.altbins = arange(self.altlim[0], self.altlim[1] + self.altstp, self.altstp) for alt in self.altbins: wqt = hwm14.hwm14( self.iyd, self.sec, alt, self.glat, self.glon, self.stl, \ self.f107a, self.f107, self.apqt ) wdt = hwm14.dwm07(self.iyd, self.sec, alt, self.glat, self.glon, self.ap) w = hwm14.hwm14( self.iyd, self.sec, alt, self.glat, self.glon, self.stl, \ self.f107a, self.f107, self.ap ) if self.verbose: print( ' %3i %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f' % \ ( alt, wqt[0], wqt[1], wdt[0], wdt[1], w[0], w[1] ) ) self.Uwind.append(w[1]) self.Vwind.append(w[0])
def GMTProfile(self): """ GMT Profile """ if self.verbose: print('GMT PROFILE') print( ' quiet disturbed total') print( ' stl mer zon mer zon mer zon') self.utbins = arange(self.utlim[0], self.utlim[1] + self.utstp, self.utstp) self.mltbins = [] for ut in self.utbins: if True: self.toMLT(ut) self.mltbins.append(self.mlt) sec = ut * 3600 wqt = hwm14.hwm14( self.iyd, sec, self.alt, self.glat, self.glon, -1, \ self.f107a, self.f107, self.apqt ) wdt = hwm14.dwm07(self.iyd, sec, self.alt, self.glat, self.glon, self.ap) w = hwm14.hwm14( self.iyd, sec, self.alt, self.glat, self.glon, -1, \ self.f107a, self.f107, self.ap ) if self.verbose: print( ' %5.1f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f' % \ ( ut, wqt[0], wqt[1], wdt[0], wdt[1], w[0], w[1] ) ) self.Uwind.append(w[1]) self.Vwind.append(w[0])
from pyhwm2014 import hwm14 ut, stl, glon, alt, glat, f107a, f107, ap = 12, 17, -77.76, 130., -11.95, 90, 90, [ 2, 2 ] iyd = 95150 sec = ut * 3600. sec = (stl - glon / 15.) * 3600. w = hwm14.hwm14(iyd, sec, alt, glat, glon, stl, f107a, f107, ap) print(w) ############################################################################################################# # from pyhwm2014.pyhwm14 import HWM14, HWM14Plot # # Single Height profile # #hwm14Obj = HWM14( option=1, ut=12, verbose=False ) # hwm14Obj = HWM14( altlim=[50,200], altstp=10, option=1, ut=5, verbose=False ) # hwm14Gbj = HWM14Plot( profObj=hwm14Obj ) ############################################################################################################# # from pyhwm2014.pyhwm14 import HWM142D, HWM142DPlot # # # Height vs LT array # # hwm14Obj = HWM142D( altlim=[90,200], altstp=2, option=1, sltlim=[0.,23.75], sltstp=.25, verbose=False ) # # hwm14Gbj = HWM142DPlot( profObj=hwm14Obj ) # Latitude vs Height array # hwm14Obj = HWM142D( altlim=[90., 200.], altstp=10., glatlim=[-40., 40.], glatstp=5., # option=2, verbose=False )
def LatVsFL(self, date=[2003, 11, 21], time=[23, 15, 0], gc=[-77.76, -11.95], hlim=[80., 200.], hstp=1., mlatlim=[-10., 10.], mlatstp=.1): # # INPUTS # # Date year, month, day = date self.year, self.month, = year, month, day # Time hour, minute, second = time self.hour, self.minute, self.second = hour, minute, second # Geog. Coord. dlon, dlat = gc self.dlon, self.dlat = dlon, dlat # hlim -> Height range at equator, in km # hstp -> height resolution at equator, in km # mlatlim -> Geom. latitude range, in degrees # mlatstp -> Geom. latitude resolution, in degrees # ### self.hlim = hlim self.doy = TimeUtilities().CalcDOY(year, month, day) date = year + self.doy / (365 + 1 if TimeUtilities().IsLeapYear else 0) self.coordl = [] for h in arange(hlim[0], hlim[1] + hstp, hstp): gc, qc = pyapex.ApexFL().getFL(date=date, dlon=dlon, dlat=dlat, hateq=h, mlatRange=mlatlim, mlatSTP=mlatstp) self.coordl.append([gc['lon'], gc['alt'], gc['lat']]) self.coordl = asarray(self.coordl) # nfl -> No. of field-line (or height) # nc -> No. of coord. (0 -> lon, 1 -> alt, 2 -> lat) # np -> No. of points per field-line nfl, nc, np = self.coordl.shape self.Uwind, self.Vwind = tile(nan, (np, nfl)), tile(nan, (np, nfl)) iyd = int((year - (2000 if year >= 2000 else 1900)) * 1e3) + self.doy sec = (hour + minute / 60 + second / 3600) * 3600 stl, f107a, f107, ap = 17., 90, 90, [2, 2] self.stl, self.f107a, self.f107, ap = stl, f107a, f107, ap for fl in range(nfl): curr_coordl = transpose(self.coordl[fl, :, :]) ind = where(curr_coordl[:, 1] >= hlim[0]) if len(ind[0]) > 0: ns, dummy = curr_coordl[ind[0], :].shape for s in range(ns): glon, alt, glat = curr_coordl[ind[0][s], :] w = hwm14.hwm14(iyd, sec, alt, glat, glon, stl, f107a, f107, ap) self.Uwind[ind[0][s], fl] = w[1] self.Vwind[ind[0][s], fl] = w[0]