def main(): """Go Main Go""" pgconn = get_dbconn('postgis') cursor = pgconn.cursor() cursor2 = pgconn.cursor() table = "sbw_%s" % (sys.argv[1],) cursor.execute("""SET TIME ZONE 'UTC'""") cursor.execute(""" SELECT report, expire from """+table+""" where status = 'CAN' and polygon_end != expire and phenomena in ('TO', 'SV') """) for row in cursor: prod = parser(row[0]) if not prod.is_single_action(): continue vtec = prod.segments[0].vtec[0] cursor2.execute("""UPDATE """ + table + """ SET expire = %s where %s <= expire and wfo = %s and phenomena = %s and significance = %s and eventid = %s """, (prod.valid, prod.valid,, vtec.phenomena, vtec.significance, vtec.etn)) print("%s -> %s rows:%s" % (row[1], prod.valid, cursor2.rowcount)) print('%s Processed %s rows' % (sys.argv[1], cursor.rowcount)) cursor2.close() pgconn.commit() pgconn.close()
def main(): """Go Main Go""" data = open('flood_emergency_filtered_2019.txt', 'rb').read().decode('ascii') rows = [] etn = 9000 for report in data.split("\003"): if report == "": continue v = parser(report) data = { 'link': ('' 'p.php?pid=%s') % (v.get_product_id(), ), 'utc_valid': v.valid.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), 'source': v.source, 'phenomena': 'FF', 'significance': 'W', 'eventid': etn, 'expire': '', 'size': 0, 'year': v.valid.year } if v.segments[0].vtec: vt = v.segments[0].vtec[0] if vt.action == 'CAN': print("False Positive?!") pos = report.find("FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY") print(report[pos-50:pos+50]) continue data['eventid'] = vt.etn data['expire'] = v.segments[0].vtec[0].endts.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") data['size'] = transform(project, v.segments[0].sbw).area / 1e6 else: etn += 1 rows.append(data) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) df.to_csv('flood_emergencies_2019.csv')
table = "warnings_%s" % (sys.argv[1],) cursor.execute(""" SELECT oid, report, fcster, issue, phenomena, ugc from """+table+""" where init_expire = issue """) running = 0 lastugc = None for row in cursor: oid = row[0] report = row[1] issue = row[3] try: prod = parser(report) except Exception, exp: print 'ERROR, oid: %s exp: %s' % (oid, exp) continue for seg in prod.segments: found = False for ugc in seg.ugcs: if str(ugc) == row[5]: found = True if not found: continue for vtec in seg.vtec: if vtec.phenomena == row[4]: print 'HERE!', vtec, vtec.endts if vtec.endts is None: if vtec.begints is None:
def main(argv): """go""" pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='postgis', host='localhost', port=5555) cursor = pgconn.cursor() cursor2 = pgconn.cursor() table = "warnings_%s" % (argv[1],) cursor.execute(""" SELECT oid, ugc, issue at time zone 'UTC', expire at time zone 'UTC', init_expire at time zone 'UTC', report, svs, phenomena, eventid, significance from """+table+""" where issue is null ORDER by oid ASC """) print("Found %s entries to process..." % (cursor.rowcount, )) for row in cursor: oid = row[0] ugc = row[1] report = row[5] if row[6] is None: svss = [] else: svss = row[6].split("__") phenomena = row[7] eventid = row[8] significance = row[9] issue0 = row[2].replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) if row[2] is not None else None expire0 = row[3].replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) if row[3] is not None else None init_expire0 = row[4].replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) if row[4] is not None else None svss.insert(0, report) expire1 = None issue1 = None init_expire1 = None msg = [] print(" Found %s svss to process through" % (len(svss), )) for i, svs in enumerate(svss): if svs.strip() == '': continue try: prod = parser(noaaport_text(svs)) except Exception, exp: print("%s %s" % (oid, exp)) if i == 0: print("FATAL ABORT as first product failed") break continue for segment in prod.segments: found = False print(segment.ugcs) for this_ugc in segment.ugcs: if str(this_ugc) == ugc: found = True if not found: print("Did not find %s in segment" % (ugc, )) continue for vtec in segment.vtec: if (vtec.phenomena != phenomena or vtec.etn != eventid or vtec.significance != significance): print("skipping segment as it does not match") continue # if (vtec.etn != eventid and # vtec.significance == 'W' and # vtec.phenomena in ('SV', 'TO')): # print(("Updating eventid! old: %s new: %s" # ) % (eventid, vtec.etn)) # cursor2.execute(""" # UPDATE """+table+""" SET eventid = %s WHERE oid = %s # """, (vtec.etn, oid)) if i == 0: init_expire1 = (vtec.endts if vtec.endts is not None else prod.valid + datetime.timedelta(hours=144)) expire1 = init_expire1 issue1 = (vtec.begints if vtec.begints is not None else prod.valid) if vtec.begints is not None: if vtec.begints != issue1: msg.append(("%s %s %s %s %s" ) % ('I', i, ugc, vtec.action, p(vtec.begints))) issue1 = vtec.begints if vtec.endts is not None: if vtec.endts != expire1: msg.append(("%s %s %s %s %s" ) % ('E', i, ugc, vtec.action, p(vtec.endts))) expire1 = vtec.endts if vtec.action in ['EXA', 'EXB']: issue1 = (prod.valid if vtec.begints is None else vtec.begints) if vtec.action in ['UPG', 'CAN']: expire1 = prod.valid if issue0 != issue1 or expire0 != expire1: print("\n".join(msg)) if issue0 != issue1: print(("%s %s.%s.%s Issue0: %s Issue1: %s" ) % (ugc, phenomena, significance, eventid, p(issue0), p(issue1))) cursor2.execute("""UPDATE """+table+""" SET issue = %s WHERE oid = %s """, (issue1, oid)) if expire0 != expire1: print(("%s %s.%s.%s Expire0: %s Expire1: %s" ) % (ugc, phenomena, significance, eventid, p(expire0), p(expire1))) cursor2.execute("""UPDATE """+table+""" SET expire = %s WHERE oid = %s """, (expire1, oid)) if init_expire0 != init_expire1: print(("%s %s.%s.%s Init_Expire0: %s Init_Expire1: %s" ) % (ugc, phenomena, significance, eventid, p(init_expire0), p(init_expire1))) cursor2.execute(""" UPDATE """+table+""" SET init_expire = %s WHERE oid = %s """, (init_expire1, oid))
issue0 = row[2].replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) if row[2] is not None else None expire0 = row[3].replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) if row[3] is not None else None init_expire0 = row[4].replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) if row[4] is not None else None svss.insert(0, report) expire1 = None issue1 = None msg = [] for i, svs in enumerate(svss): if svs.strip() == '': continue try: prod = parser(svs) except Exception, exp: print oid, exp continue for segment in prod.segments: found = False for this_ugc in segment.ugcs: if str(this_ugc) == ugc: found = True if not found: continue for vtec in segment.vtec: if (vtec.phenomena == phenomena and vtec.ETN == eventid and vtec.significance == significance): if i == 0: