def link_level_bars(levels, usages, quantiles, scheme, direction, color, nnames, lnames, admat=None): """ Bar plots of nodes' link usage of links at different levels. """ if not admat: admat = np.genfromtxt('./settings/eadmat.txt') if color == 'solar': cmap = Oranges_cmap elif color == 'wind': cmap = Blues_cmap elif color == 'backup': cmap = 'Greys' nodes, links = usages.shape usageLevels = np.zeros((nodes, levels)) usageLevelsNorm = np.zeros((nodes, levels)) for node in range(nodes): nl = neighbor_levels(node, levels, admat) for lvl in range(levels): ll = link_level(nl, lvl, nnames, lnames) ll = np.array(ll, dtype='int') usageSum = sum(usages[node, ll]) linkSum = sum(quantiles[ll]) usageLevels[node, lvl] = usageSum / linkSum if lvl == 0: usageLevelsNorm[node, lvl] = usageSum else: usageLevelsNorm[node, lvl] = usageSum / usageLevelsNorm[node, 0] usageLevelsNorm[:, 0] = 1 # plot all nodes usages = usageLevels.transpose() plt.figure(figsize=(11, 3)) ax = plt.subplot() plt.pcolormesh(usages[:, loadOrder], cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar().set_label(label=r'$U_n^{(l)}$', size=11) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(.5, levels - .5, levels)) ax.set_yticklabels(range(1, levels + 1)) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(1, nodes, nodes)) ax.set_xticklabels(loadNames, rotation=60, ha="right", va="top", fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Link level') plt.savefig(figPath + '/levels/' + str(scheme) + '/' + 'total' + '_' + str(direction) + '_' + color + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() # plot all nodes normalised to usage of first level usages = usageLevelsNorm.transpose() plt.figure(figsize=(11, 3)) ax = plt.subplot() plt.pcolormesh(usages[:, loadOrder], cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar().set_label(label=r'$U_n^{(l)}$', size=11) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(.5, levels - .5, levels)) ax.set_yticklabels(range(1, levels + 1)) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(1, nodes, nodes)) ax.set_xticklabels(loadNames, rotation=60, ha="right", va="top", fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Link level') plt.savefig(figPath + '/levels/' + str(scheme) + '/' + 'total_norm_cont_' + str(direction) + '_' + color + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def _plot(self): p = plt.pcolor(self.matrix, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax) plt.colorbar(p) plt.xlim((0, self.matrix.shape[0])) plt.ylim((0, self.matrix.shape[1])) if self.labels is not None: plt.xticks(numpy.arange(0.5, len(self.labels) + 0.5), self.labels, fontsize=self.fontsize, rotation=90) plt.yticks(numpy.arange(0.5, len(self.labels) + 0.5), self.labels, fontsize=self.fontsize)
def plot_mat(self, mat, fn): plt.matshow(asarray(mat.todense())) plt.axis('equal') sh = mat.shape plt.gca().set_yticks(range(0, sh[0])) plt.gca().set_xticks(range(0, sh[1])) plt.grid('on') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(join(self.outs_dir, fn)) plt.close()
def plot_mat(self, mat, fn): plt.matshow(asarray(mat.todense())) plt.axis('equal') sh = mat.shape plt.gca().set_yticks(range(0,sh[0])) plt.gca().set_xticks(range(0,sh[1])) plt.grid('on') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(join(self.outs_dir, fn)) plt.close()
def show_melspectrogram(conf, mels, title='Log-frequency power spectrogram'): librosa.display.specshow(mels, x_axis='time', y_axis='mel', sr=conf.sampling_rate, hop_length=conf.hop_length, fmin=conf.fmin, fmax=conf.fmax) plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB') plt.title(title)
def main(): r = compute() fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1 / 21) im = ax.imshow(r, origin="upper", extent=[0, 1, 1, 0], plt.colorbar(im) ax.set_ylabel("Proportion of beach seen") ax.set_xlabel("Position") plt.savefig("{}/a_priori_x_vs_r_{}.pdf".format(folder, mode))
def main(): r = compute() fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1 / 21) im = ax.imshow(r, origin="lower", extent=[0, 1, 0, 1], plt.colorbar(im) plt.title( cond.replace("_", " ").capitalize() + ", p={}, mode='{}'".format(fov, mode.replace("_", " "))) ax.set_xlabel("x2") ax.set_ylabel("x1") plt.savefig("../data/figures/a_priori_x_vs_x_{}_{}_{}.pdf".format( cond, fov * 100, mode))
def plot_slip(self, m, cmap=None, clim=None, zorder=0, cb_shrink = 0.8, cb_pad = 0.2 ): self.pcolor_on_fault(m, cmap = cmap, zorder=zorder) cb = plt.colorbar(shrink=cb_shrink, pad=cb_pad) plt.clim(clim) cb.set_label('slip(m)')
def convert_all_to_png(vis_path, out_dir="maps_png", size=None): units = { 'gas_density': 'Gas Density [g/cm$^3$]', 'Tm': 'Temperature [K]', 'Tew': 'Temperature [K]', 'S': 'Entropy []', 'dm': 'DM Density [g/cm$^3$]', 'v': 'Velocity [km/s]' } log_list = ['gas_density'] for vis_file in os.listdir(vis_path): if ".dat" not in vis_file: continue print "converting %s" % vis_file map_type ='sigma_(.*)_[xyz]', vis_file).group(1) (image, pixel_size, axis_values) = read_visualization_data(vis_path + "/" + vis_file, size) print "image width in Mpc/h: ", axis_values[-1] * 2.0 x, y = np.meshgrid(axis_values, axis_values) cmap_max = image.max() cmap_min = image.min() ''' plotting ''' plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) if map_type in log_list: plt.pcolor(x, y, image, norm=LogNorm(vmax=cmap_max, vmin=cmap_min)) else: plt.pcolor(x, y, image, vmax=cmap_max, vmin=cmap_min) cbar = plt.colorbar() if map_type in units.keys():[map_type]) plt.axis( [axis_values[0], axis_values[-1], axis_values[0], axis_values[-1]]) del image plt.xlabel(r"$Mpc/h$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r"$Mpc/h$", fontsize=18) out_file = vis_file.replace("dat", "png") plt.savefig(out_dir + "/" + out_file, dpi=150) plt.close() plt.clf()
def convert_all_to_png(vis_path, out_dir = "maps_png", size = None) : units = { 'gas_density' : 'Gas Density [g/cm$^3$]', 'Tm' : 'Temperature [K]', 'Tew' : 'Temperature [K]', 'S' : 'Entropy []', 'dm' : 'DM Density [g/cm$^3$]', 'v' : 'Velocity [km/s]' } log_list = ['gas_density'] for vis_file in os.listdir(vis_path) : if ".dat" not in vis_file : continue print "converting %s" % vis_file map_type ='sigma_(.*)_[xyz]', vis_file).group(1) (image, pixel_size, axis_values) = read_visualization_data(vis_path+"/"+vis_file, size) print "image width in Mpc/h: ", axis_values[-1]*2.0 x, y = np.meshgrid( axis_values, axis_values ) cmap_max = image.max() cmap_min = image.min() ''' plotting ''' plt.figure(figsize=(5,4)) if map_type in log_list: plt.pcolor(x,y,image, norm=LogNorm(vmax=cmap_max, vmin=cmap_min)) else : plt.pcolor(x,y,image, vmax=cmap_max, vmin=cmap_min) cbar = plt.colorbar() if map_type in units.keys() :[map_type]) plt.axis([axis_values[0], axis_values[-1],axis_values[0], axis_values[-1]]) del image plt.xlabel(r"$Mpc/h$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r"$Mpc/h$", fontsize=18) out_file = vis_file.replace("dat", "png") plt.savefig(out_dir+"/"+out_file, dpi=150 ) plt.close() plt.clf()
def _plot(self): (binsX, binsY) = (self.bins, self.bins) if isinstance(self.bins, int) else self.bins X, Y = H, ex, ey = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=(binsX, binsY)) x_center = numpy.diff(ex) / 2 + ex[0:-1] x_digit = numpy.digitize(X, ex) y_center = numpy.empty(binsY) y_std = numpy.empty(binsY) for i in range(binsX): y_pop = Y[numpy.where(x_digit == i + 1)[0]] y_center[i] = numpy.mean(y_pop) y_std[i] = numpy.std(y_pop) plt.hexbin(X, Y, bins='log') plt.errorbar(x_center, y_center, y_std, fmt='r-') cb = plt.colorbar() plt.xlim(ex[0], ex[-1]) cb.set_label('log10(N)')
def runAnalysis( caseDir , backbone , timeFactor ): # Retrieve info on the peptide resNames = backbone.resnames() # Go through each residue connection for i in range( 1, len(resNames) ): # User info print "Plotting dihedrals for residue: "+str(i) # Paths for the two files psiPath = caseDir+"/analysis/data/psi_"+str(i) phiPath = caseDir+"/analysis/data/phi_"+str(i) # Common Plot command myPlot.plotData( caseDir+"/analysis/plots" , "Dihedral Angles. Res ID: "+str(i)+", Residue name: "+str(resNames[i]), ["$\Psi_"+str(i)+"$","$\Phi_"+str(i)+"$"], [ psiPath , phiPath ] , "Angle (Degrees)", xFactor = timeFactor, scatter = True , skipLines = 1, legendFrame = 1, legendAlpha = 1 ) # Create a Ramachandran plot ############################ # User info print "Creating a Ramachandran plot for residue: "+str(i) # Get the components components = [] for path in [ phiPath, psiPath ]: components.append([]) index = len(components)-1 with open(path, "r") as fi: lines = fi.readlines() for line in lines: temp = line.split() try: components[ index ].append( float( temp[1] ) ) except ValueError: print "Reading Header: ",line # Set to numpy np_arrays = [ np.array( component ) for component in components ] # Do the plotting title = "Ramachandran Plot. Res ID: "+str(i)+", Residue name: "+str(resNames[i]) pp = PdfPages( caseDir+"/analysis/plots/"+title+".pdf" ) fig = plt.figure() #figsize=(8,6) ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel("$\Phi_"+str(i)+"$", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("$\Psi_"+str(i)+"$", fontsize=12) # Create the histogram without plotting, so we can set the units properly boltzman = 0.0019872041 temperature = 300 H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(np_arrays[1], np_arrays[0], bins=100 ) H_normalized = H/len(np_arrays[0]) H = -1 * boltzman * temperature * (np.log( H_normalized )-np.log(np.max(H_normalized))) # Now plot the 2d histogram img = ax.imshow(H, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',extent=[yedges[0], yedges[-1],xedges[0], xedges[-1]] , rasterized=True ) colorbar = plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax) colorbar.set_label("Kcal / mol") # For normal histogram plot #plt.hist2d(np_arrays[0], np_arrays[1], bins=100) #plt.colorbar() plt.ylim([-180,180]) plt.xlim([-180,180]) plt.title( title ) plt.savefig(pp, format="pdf",dpi=150) pp.close()
def _plot(self): colormap = plt.pcolor(self.x, self.y, self.z, cmap=self.cmap) cb = plt.colorbar(colormap) cb.set_label('value')
def show_plots(self): fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=[20, 20]) ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.imshow(self.imdata) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormatter)) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormatter)) fig1.savefig( os.path.join(self.subdir, "figure" + str(9999999999999999999999) + ".tif")) fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10]) ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111) ax2.imshow(self.im_out) ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormatter)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormatter)) fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10]) ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(111) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormattera)) ax3.set_xlabel("Emitters density $(1/ \mu m ^2)$") if showlog: ax3.set_xscale('log') ax3.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0]) ax3a = ax3.twinx() if self.runs == 1: ax3.plot(self.em_nr, self.corr[0], ls="-", color="green", marker="None", label="correlation") ax3.plot(self.em_nr, self.binary[0], ls="-", color="red", marker="None", label="binary agreement") ax3a.plot(self.em_nr, self.l2_norms[0], ls="-", color="blue", marker="None", label="L2 norm") = numpy.array([ numpy.multiply(1.0e-12 / self.area, self.em_nr), self.corr[0], self.binary[0], self.l2_norms[0] ]).transpose() else: ax3.plot(self.em_nr, numpy.mean(self.corr, axis=0), ls="-", color="green", marker="None", label="correlation") ax3.plot(self.em_nr, numpy.mean(self.binary, axis=0), ls="-", color="red", marker="None", label="binary agreement") ax3a.plot(self.em_nr, numpy.mean(self.l2_norms, axis=0), ls="-", color="blue", marker="None", label="L2 norm") ax3.errorbar(self.em_nr, numpy.mean(self.corr, axis=0), numpy.std(self.corr, axis=0), color="green") ax3.errorbar(self.em_nr, numpy.mean(self.binary, axis=0), numpy.std(self.binary, axis=0), color="red") ax3a.errorbar(self.em_nr, numpy.mean(self.l2_norms, axis=0), numpy.std(self.binary, axis=0), color="blue") = numpy.array([ numpy.multiply(1.0e-12 / self.area, self.em_nr), numpy.mean(self.corr, axis=0), numpy.std(self.corr, axis=0), numpy.mean(self.binary, axis=0), numpy.std(self.binary, axis=0), numpy.mean(self.l2_norms, axis=0), numpy.std(self.l2_norms, axis=0) ]).transpose() ax3.grid("on") ax3.legend(loc="upper left") ax3a.legend() fig5 = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10]) ax5 = fig5.add_subplot(111) ax5.imshow(self.diff[1], cmap=self.cmapr, alpha=0.8) ax5.imshow(self.diff[0], cmap=self.cmapb, alpha=0.6) ax5.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormatter)) ax5.yaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormatter)) fig3.savefig(os.path.join(self.subdir, "qmeasures.tif")) if runs_nr == 1: fig6 = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 14]) ax6 = fig6.add_subplot(111) self.ft_data = numpy.array(self.ft_data) self.ftfactor = self.maxfreq / (self.ft_data.shape[1]) cax6 = ax6.imshow(self.ft_data.transpose(), vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) ax6.set_xticks( numpy.arange( -0.5, self.ft_data.shape[0] + 0.5 * self.ft_data.shape[0] / 10, self.ft_data.shape[0] / 10)) ax6.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormatterb)) ax6.yaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(self.mjrFormatterc)) ax6.set_xlabel("Emitters density $[1000/ \mu m ^2]$") ax6.set_ylabel("Spatial frequency $[1/m]$") ax6ylims = ax6.get_ylim() #print ax6.get_xlim() ax6.set_ylim([ ax6ylims[0] - 0.65 * (ax6ylims[0] - ax6ylims[1]), ax6ylims[1] ]) fig6.autofmt_xdate(rotation=90) fig6.savefig(os.path.join(self.subdir, "transfunc.tif")) plt.colorbar(cax6) transfunc_output = os.path.join(self.subdir, "transfunc.txt") numpy.savetxt(transfunc_output, self.ft_data.transpose(), delimiter=",") #fig4 = plt.figure(figsize=[10,10]) #ax4a = fig4.add_subplot(211) #ax4b = fig4.add_subplot(212) #ax4a.hist(self.imdata.flatten(),bins=10) #ax4b.hist(self.im_out.flatten(),bins=10) #ax5a.imshow(diff,cmap='jet') self.save_results()
def example(tess='I',base=[2,2,2],nLevels=1, zero_v_across_bdry=[True]*3, vol_preserve=False, nRows=100, nCols=100,nSlices=100, use_mayavi=False, eval_v=False, eval_cell_idx=False): tw = TransformWrapper(nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, nSlices=nSlices, nLevels=nLevels, base=base, zero_v_across_bdry=zero_v_across_bdry, tess=tess, valid_outside=False, only_local=False, vol_preserve=vol_preserve) print_iterable( print tw # create some fake 3D image. img = np.zeros((nCols,nRows,nSlices),dtype=np.float64) # img[:]=np.random.random_integers(0,255,img.shape) # Fill the image with the x coordinates as fake values img[:]=tw.pts_src_dense.cpu[:,0].reshape(img.shape) img0 = CpuGpuArray(img.copy().astype(np.float64)) img_wrapped_fwd= CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img0) img_wrapped_inv= CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img0) seed=0 np.random.seed(seed) ms_Avees=tw.get_zeros_PA_all_levels() ms_theta=tw.get_zeros_theta_all_levels() if tess == 'II' : for level in range( cpa_space =[level] Avees = ms_Avees[level] # 1/0 if level==0: tw.sample_gaussian(level,ms_Avees[level],ms_theta[level],mu=None)# zero mean # ms_theta[level].fill(0) # ms_theta[level][-4]=10 cpa_space.theta2Avees(theta=ms_theta[level],Avees=Avees) else: tw.sample_from_the_ms_prior_coarse2fine_one_level(ms_Avees,ms_theta, level_fine=level) else: # For tess='I' in 3D, I have yet to implement the coarse-to-fine sampling. for level in range( cpa_space =[level] velTess = cpa_space.zeros_velTess() ms_Avees[level].fill(0) Avees = ms_Avees[level] tw.sample_gaussian_velTess(level,Avees,velTess,mu=None) print 'img shape:',img0.shape # You don't have use these. You can use any 2d array # that has 3 columns (regardless of the number of rows). pts_src = tw.pts_src_dense pts_src=CpuGpuArray(pts_src.cpu[::1].copy()) # Create a buffer for the output pts_fwd = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) pts_inv = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) for level in range( tw.update_pat_from_Avees(ms_Avees[level],level) if eval_v: # Evaluating the velocity field. # You don't have to do it in unless you want to visualize v. # (when evaluting the treansformation, v will be internally # evaluated anyway -- but its result won't be stored) tw.calc_v(level=level) print 'level',level print print 'number of points:',len(pts_src) print 'number of cells:',[level].nC # optional, if you want to time it timer_gpu_T_fwd = GpuTimer() # Simply calling # tic = time.clock() # and then # tic = time.clock() # won't work. # In fact, most likely you will get that toc-tic is zero. # You need to use the GpuTimer object. When you do that, # one side effect is that suddenly the toc-tic from above will # give you a more realistic result. tic = time.clock() timer_gpu_T_fwd.tic() tw.calc_T_fwd(pts_src,pts_fwd,level=level) timer_gpu_T_fwd.toc() toc = time.clock() print 'Time, in sec, for computing T_fwd:' print timer_gpu_T_fwd.secs print toc-tic # likely to be 0, unless you also used the GpuTimer. # You can also time the inv of course. Results will be similar. tw.calc_T_inv(pts_src,pts_inv,level=level) if eval_cell_idx: # cell_idx is computed here just for display. cell_idx = CpuGpuArray.zeros(len(pts_src),dtype=np.int32) tw.calc_cell_idx(pts_src,cell_idx,level) tw.remap_fwd(pts_inv,img0,img_wrapped_fwd) tw.remap_inv(pts_fwd,img0,img_wrapped_inv) # For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer print "For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer" if eval_cell_idx: cell_idx.gpu2cpu() if eval_v: tw.v_dense.gpu2cpu() pts_fwd.gpu2cpu() pts_inv.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_fwd.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_inv.gpu2cpu() if use_mayavi: ds=1 # downsampling factor i= 17 pts_src_grid = pts_src.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols,-1,3) pts_src_ds=pts_src_grid[::ds,::ds,i].reshape(-1,3) pts_fwd_grid = pts_fwd.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols,-1,3) pts_fwd_ds=pts_fwd_grid[::ds,::ds,i].reshape(-1,3) pts_inv_grid = pts_inv.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols,-1,3) pts_inv_ds=pts_inv_grid[::ds,::ds,i].reshape(-1,3) from of.my_mayavi import * mayavi_mlab_close_all() mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('src') x,y,z=pts_src_ds.T mayavi_mlab_plot3d(x,y,z) mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('fwd') x,y,z=pts_fwd_ds.T mayavi_mlab_plot3d(x,y,z) figsize = (12,12) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) i= 17 # some slice plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(img0.cpu[:,:,i].astype(np.uint8),interpolation="Nearest") plt.title('slice from img') plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_fwd.cpu[:,:,i].astype(np.uint8),interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.title('slice from fwd(img)') plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_inv.cpu[:,:,i].astype(np.uint8),interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.title('slice from inv(img)') if 0: # debug[level] if eval_v: vx=tw.v_dense.cpu[:,0].reshape(cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) vy=tw.v_dense.cpu[:,1].reshape(cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) vz=tw.v_dense.cpu[:,2].reshape(cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) plt.figure() plt.imshow(vz[:,:,17],interpolation="Nearest");plt.colorbar() plt.title('vz in some slice') return tw
disp0 = np.asarray([ii[1] for ii in tp]).flatten() us0 = disp0[2::3] ep = vj.EpochalDisplacement('cumu_post_with_seafloor.h5', filter_sites=sites) disp1 = ep[0] us1 = disp1[2::3] plt.subplot(121) bm = vj.MyBasemap(region_code='near') mplt = vj.MapPlotDisplacement(basemap=bm) mplt.plot_scalor(us0, sites, cmap='RdBu') mplt = vj.MapPlotSlab(basemap=bm) mplt.plot_top() plt.clim([-1., 1.]) plt.subplot(122) bm = vj.MyBasemap(region_code='near') mplt = vj.MapPlotDisplacement(basemap=bm) im = mplt.plot_scalor(us1, sites, cmap='RdBu') mplt = vj.MapPlotSlab(basemap=bm) mplt.plot_top() plt.clim([-1., 1.]) divider = make_axes_locatable(plt.gca()) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) plt.savefig('compare.pdf')
def train(n_epochs, _batch_size, start_epoch=0): """ train with fixed batch_size for given epochs make some example plots and save model after each epoch """ global batch_size batch_size = _batch_size # create a dataqueue with the keras facilities. this allows # to prepare the data in parallel to the training sample_dataqueue = GeneratorEnqueuer(generate_real_samples(batch_size), use_multiprocessing=True) sample_dataqueue.start(workers=2, max_queue_size=10) sample_gen = sample_dataqueue.get() # targets for loss function gan_sample_dataqueue = GeneratorEnqueuer( generate_latent_points_as_generator(batch_size), use_multiprocessing=True) gan_sample_dataqueue.start(workers=2, max_queue_size=10) gan_sample_gen = gan_sample_dataqueue.get() # targets for loss function valid = -np.ones((batch_size, 1)) fake = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) dummy = np.zeros((batch_size, 1)) # Dummy gt for gradient penalty bat_per_epo = int(n_samples / batch_size) # we need to call the discriminator once in order # to initialize the input shapes [X_real, cond_real] = next(sample_gen) latent = np.random.normal(size=(batch_size, latent_dim)) critic_model.predict([X_real, cond_real, latent]) for i in trange(n_epochs): epoch = 1 + i + start_epoch # enumerate batches over the training set for j in trange(bat_per_epo): for _ in range(n_disc): # fetch a batch from the queue [X_real, cond_real] = next(sample_gen) latent = np.random.normal(size=(batch_size, latent_dim)) d_loss = critic_model.train_on_batch( [X_real, cond_real, latent], [valid, fake, dummy]) # we get for losses back here. average, valid, fake, and gradient_penalty # we want the average of valid and fake d_loss = np.mean([d_loss[1], d_loss[2]]) # train generator # prepare points in latent space as input for the generator [latent, cond] = next(gan_sample_gen) # update the generator via the discriminator's error g_loss = generator_model.train_on_batch([latent, cond], valid) # summarize loss on this batch print(f'{epoch}, {j + 1}/{bat_per_epo}, d_loss {d_loss}' + \ f' g:{g_loss} ') # , d_fake:{d_loss_fake} d_real:{d_loss_real}') if np.isnan(g_loss) or np.isnan(d_loss): raise ValueError('encountered nan in g_loss and/or d_loss') hist['d_loss'].append(d_loss) hist['g_loss'].append(g_loss) # plot generated examples plt.figure(figsize=(25, 25)) n_plot = 30 X_fake, cond_fake = generate_fake_samples(n_plot) for iplot in range(n_plot): plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, iplot * 25 + 1) plt.imshow(cond_fake[iplot, :, :].squeeze(),, norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.01, vmax=1)) plt.axis('off') for jplot in range(1, 24): plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, iplot * 25 + jplot + 1) plt.imshow(X_fake[iplot, jplot, :, :].squeeze(), vmin=0, vmax=1, plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar() plt.suptitle(f'epoch {epoch:04d}') plt.savefig( f'{plotdir}/fake_samples_{params}_{epoch:04d}_{j:06d}.{plot_format}' ) # plot loss plt.figure() plt.plot(hist['d_loss'], label='d_loss') plt.plot(hist['g_loss'], label='g_loss') plt.ylabel('batch') plt.legend() plt.savefig(f'{plotdir}/training_loss_{params}.{plot_format}') pd.DataFrame(hist).to_csv('hist.csv') plt.close('all')'{outdir}/gen_{params}_{epoch:04d}.h5')'{outdir}/disc_{params}_{epoch:04d}.h5')
def plotPCA( self, plotTitleIdentifier, dataDir, eigenVectorFile , eigenValueFile = False , eigenVectorCount = 4, plotDistibution = True, limits = False ): # If this is the first plot, create grid if self.subPlots == 0: self.createPdfPage() # User info print "Doing principal component analysis" # Do the four principal vectors frames = [] # Principal components pcs = [] for i in range( 0, eigenVectorCount ): pcs.append([]) # Go through analysis file and get eigenvalues if eigenValueFile != False: eigenValues = [] eigenValueTotal = 0 with open(dataDir+eigenValueFile,"r") as f: for line in f: temp = line.split() eigenValueTotal += float(temp[1]) eigenValues.append(float(temp[1])) eigenValues = (np.array(eigenValues) / eigenValueTotal) * 100 # Get the file with all the projection data pcaFile = open(dataDir+eigenVectorFile,"r") n = 0 for aline in pcaFile: if n > 1 and aline: values = aline.split() # Add frames frames.append( int(values[0]) ) # If requesting more vectors than present if eigenVectorCount > len(values): raise Exception("CPPTRAJ has not projected "+str(eigenVectorCount)+" vectors") # Add to vectors for i in range( 0, eigenVectorCount ): pcs[i].append( float(values[i+1]) ) n = n + 1 # Create numpy arrays frames = np.array( frames ) self.np_arrays = [ np.array( pc ) for pc in pcs ] # Set the plotting font and default size 'family' : 'Arial', font = { 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 10} # Do a plot for each PCA for component in range( 1, len(self.np_arrays) ): # User Info print "Plotting component 1 vs. "+str(component) # Normalize the data DeltaG = -kb T * [ ln( P(v1,v2) ) - ln Pmax ] boltzman = 0.0019872041 temperature = 300 # Plot both distribution & Energy Landscape for plotType in [ "energy", "distribution" ] if plotDistibution else [ "energy" ]: # New subplot ax = self.getActiveAx() # Increase subplot counter self.subPlots += 1 # Do the plotting if plotType == "energy": # Create the histogram without plotting, so we can set the units properly H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(self.np_arrays[component], self.np_arrays[0], bins=100 ) H_normalized = H/len(self.np_arrays[0]) H = -1 * boltzman * temperature * (np.log( H_normalized )-np.log(np.max(H_normalized))) # Set max energy for vec in H: for val in vec: if not np.isinf(val) and val > self.latestMax: self.latestMax = val # Now plot the 2d histogram img = ax.imshow(H, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',extent=[yedges[0], yedges[-1],xedges[0], xedges[-1]] , rasterized=True ) # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # Create colorbar colorbar = plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax, cax = cax) colorbar.set_label("Kcal / mol") self.colorBars.append(colorbar) elif plotType == "distribution": # Directly do the 2d histogram of matplotlib _, _, _, img = ax.hist2d(self.np_arrays[0], self.np_arrays[component], bins=100 , rasterized=True, norm=LogNorm() ) colorbar = plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax) colorbar.set_label("Occurances") self.colorBars.append(colorbar) # Set limits if they are not specified if limits == False: print "Calculating plot limits based on data" mini = np.abs(np.min( [np.min(self.np_arrays[0]), np.min(self.np_arrays[component])] )) maxi = np.abs(np.max( [np.max(self.np_arrays[0]), np.max(self.np_arrays[component])] )) limits = int(math.ceil(np.max( [mini,maxi] ))) print "Setting plot limits to: ",limits ax.set_ylim([-limits,limits]) ax.set_xlim([-limits,limits]) # Save the limits for the component with open(dataDir+"pca_limits_"+str(component), "w") as fo: fo.write( str(limits) ) # Set title, labels etc plt.legend() if eigenValueFile != False: ax.set_xlabel("PC1 ({0:.2f}%)".format(eigenValues[0]), fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("PC"+str(component+1)+" ({0:.2f}%)".format(eigenValues[component]), fontsize=12) else: ax.set_xlabel("PC1", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("PC"+str(component+1), fontsize=12) ax.set_title( "PCA. "+plotTitleIdentifier ) plt.rc('font', **font) # Save pdf page if it's filled if self.subPlots >= (self.rows*self.columns): print "Now saving to PDF. Number of plots: ",self.subPlots self.savePdfPage() self.subPlots = 0
signals = extract_activity_signals(activity, resample='existing') power = signals['power'] balance = signals['left_right_balance'] time = signals['time'] PAvgBalance = sum(power * balance) / sum(power) # get session info records = activity.get_records_by_type('session') for record in records: valid_field_names = record.get_valid_field_names() # plotting CrossPlotFig = plt.figure() sc = plt.scatter(power, balance, s=5, c=time, cmap=plt.get_cmap('brg'), edgecolors='face') plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') plt.title('Balance Vs Power over Time (sec)\n' \ + 'power-weighted average = %4.1f' % (PAvgBalance) ) plt.xlabel('Power (w)') plt.ylabel('Right Balance (%)') plt.grid(b=True, which='major', axis='both') ax = plt.gca() grids = arange(10, 100, 10) # force a gride at 50 ax.set_yticks(grids, minor=False) ax.grid(True)
def link_level_hour(levels, usages, quantiles, scheme, direction, color, nnames, lnames, admat=None): """ Make a color mesh of a node's average hourly usage of links at different levels. """ if not admat: admat = np.genfromtxt('./settings/eadmat.txt') if color == 'solar': cmap = Oranges_cmap elif color == 'wind': cmap = Blues_cmap elif color == 'backup': cmap = 'Greys' links, nodes, lapse = usages.shape usages = np.reshape(usages, (links, nodes, lapse / 24, 24)) totalHour = np.zeros((levels, 24)) totalNormed = np.zeros((levels, 24)) for node in range(nodes): nl = neighbor_levels(node, levels, admat) hourSums = np.zeros((levels, 24)) for lvl in range(levels): ll = link_level(nl, lvl, nnames, lnames) ll = np.array(ll, dtype='int') meanSum = np.sum(np.mean(usages[ll, node], axis=1), axis=0) linkSum = sum(quantiles[ll]) hourSums[lvl] = meanSum / linkSum totalHour += hourSums plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3)) ax = plt.subplot() plt.pcolormesh(hourSums, cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar().set_label(label=r'$U_n^{(l)}$', size=11) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(.5, levels - .5, levels)) ax.set_yticklabels(range(1, levels + 1)) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(.5, 23.5, 24)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.array(np.linspace(1, 24, 24), dtype='int'), ha="center", va="top", fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Link level') plt.axis([0, 24, 0, levels]) plt.title(nnames[node] + ' ' + direction + ' ' + color) plt.savefig(figPath + '/hourly/' + str(scheme) + '/' + str(node) + '_' + color + '_' + direction + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() hourSums = hourSums / np.sum(hourSums, axis=1)[:, None] totalNormed += hourSums plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3)) ax = plt.subplot() plt.pcolormesh(hourSums, cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar().set_label(label=r'$U_n^{(l)}$', size=11) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(.5, levels - .5, levels)) ax.set_yticklabels(range(1, levels + 1)) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(.5, 23.5, 24)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.array(np.linspace(1, 24, 24), dtype='int'), ha="center", va="top", fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Link level') plt.axis([0, 24, 0, levels]) plt.title(nnames[node] + ' ' + direction + ' ' + color) plt.savefig(figPath + '/hourly/' + str(scheme) + '/normed/' + str(node) + '_' + color + '_' + direction + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() # Plot average hourly usage totalHour /= nodes plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3)) ax = plt.subplot() plt.pcolormesh(totalHour, cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar().set_label(label=r'$U_n^{(l)}$', size=11) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(.5, levels - .5, levels)) ax.set_yticklabels(range(1, levels + 1)) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(.5, 23.5, 24)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.array(np.linspace(1, 24, 24), dtype='int'), ha="center", va="top", fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Link level') plt.axis([0, 24, 0, levels]) plt.savefig(figPath + '/hourly/' + str(scheme) + '/total_' + color + '_' + direction + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() totalNormed /= nodes plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3)) ax = plt.subplot() plt.pcolormesh(totalNormed, cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar().set_label(label=r'$U_n^{(l)}$', size=11) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(.5, levels - .5, levels)) ax.set_yticklabels(range(1, levels + 1)) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=0) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(.5, 23.5, 24)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.array(np.linspace(1, 24, 24), dtype='int'), ha="center", va="top", fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Link level') plt.axis([0, 24, 0, levels]) plt.savefig(figPath + '/hourly/' + str(scheme) + '/normed/total_' + color + '_' + direction + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
mpl_dates[:10] # In[20]: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.scatter(dax['PCA_5'], dax['^GDAXI'], c=mpl_dates) lin_reg = np.polyval(np.polyfit(dax['PCA_5'], dax['^GDAXI'], 1), dax['PCA_5']) plt.plot(dax['PCA_5'], lin_reg, 'r', lw=3) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('PCA_5') plt.ylabel('^GDAXI') plt.colorbar(ticks=mpl.dates.DayLocator(interval=250), format=mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%d %b %y')) # tag: pca_3 # title: DAX return values against PCA return values with linear regression # In[21]: cut_date = '2017-3-1' early_pca = dax[dax.index < cut_date]['PCA_5'] early_reg = np.polyval(np.polyfit(early_pca, dax['^GDAXI'][dax.index < cut_date], 1), early_pca) # In[22]:
ax1.legend(legend, loc='upper left') ax1.set_title('5Y5Y X-Market') # Correlation Plot #ax2 = sns.heatmap(df_5y5y.corr(), xticklabels=legend, yticklabels=legend, cmap='RdYlGn', center=0, annot=True) spread = df['PLN 5Y X 5Y Fwd Swap Rate'] - avg_5y5y ax2.plot(spread) # Decorations #ax2.title('Historical Correlations', fontsize=22) #ax2.xticks(fontsize=8) #ax2.yticks(fontsize=4) print(df_5y5y.corr()) x1 = avg_5y5y y1 = df_5y5y['PLN 5Y X 5Y Fwd Swap Rate'] ax4 = sns.regplot(x=x1, y=y1, marker="+") colors = np.linspace(0.1, 1, len(df_5y5y)) mymap = plt.get_cmap("winter") ax3 = ax3.scatter(x1, y1, c=colors, cmap=mymap, lw=0) cb = plt.colorbar(ax3) #plt.subplot(x1[-1],y1[-1],'ro') [str( for p in df_5y5y[::len(df_5y5y) // 10].index]) fig.tight_layout()
def plot_variable(u, name, direc, cmap=cmaps.parula, scale='lin', numLvls=100, umin=None, umax=None, \ tp=False, \ tpAlpha=1.0, show=False, hide_ax_tick_labels=False, label_axes=True, title='', use_colorbar=True, hide_axis=False, colorbar_loc='right'): """ show -- whether to show the plot on the screen tp -- show triangle cmap -- colors: gist_yarg - grey gnuplot, hsv, gist_ncar jet - typical colors """ mesh = u.function_space().mesh() v = u.compute_vertex_values(mesh) x = mesh.coordinates()[:,0] y = mesh.coordinates()[:,1] t = mesh.cells() if not os.path.isdir( direc ): os.makedirs(direc) full_path = os.path.join(direc, name) if umin != None: vmin = umin else: vmin = v.min() if umax != None: vmax = umax else: vmax = v.max() # countour levels : if scale == 'log': v[v < vmin] = vmin + 1e-12 v[v > vmax] = vmax - 1e-12 from matplotlib.ticker import LogFormatter levels = np.logspace(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax), numLvls) tick_numLvls = min( numLvls, 8 ) tick_levels = np.logspace(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax), tick_numLvls) formatter = LogFormatter(10, labelOnlyBase=False) norm = colors.LogNorm() elif scale == 'lin': v[v < vmin] = vmin + 1e-12 v[v > vmax] = vmax - 1e-12 from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, numLvls) tick_numLvls = min( numLvls, 8 ) tick_levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, tick_numLvls) formatter = ScalarFormatter() norm = None elif scale == 'bool': from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter levels = [0, 1, 2] formatter = ScalarFormatter() norm = None fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) c = ax.tricontourf(x, y, t, v, levels=levels, norm=norm, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap)) plt.axis('equal') if tp == True: p = ax.triplot(x, y, t, '-', lw=0.2, alpha=tpAlpha) ax.set_xlim([x.min(), x.max()]) ax.set_ylim([y.min(), y.max()]) if label_axes: ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$') if hide_ax_tick_labels: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) if hide_axis: plt.axis('off') # include colorbar : if scale != 'bool' and use_colorbar: divider = make_axes_locatable(plt.gca()) cax = divider.append_axes(colorbar_loc, "5%", pad="3%") cbar = plt.colorbar(c, cax=cax, format=formatter, ticks=tick_levels) tit = plt.title(title) if use_colorbar: plt.tight_layout(rect=[.03,.03,0.97,0.97]) else: plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( full_path + '.eps', dpi=300) if show: plt.close(fig)
def plot_feature_space(self, m=0, n=1, c=None, r=300, hold=False, xlim=None, ylim=None, xtpl='MNF %d', ytpl='MNF %d', alpha=0.5, stitle='MNF Feature Space: Axes %d and %d', interact=False): ''' Create a 2D projection of the feature space and display it. ''' self.__dims__ = (m, n, c) # Remember these indices # Create a new figure of size 9x9 points, using 72 dots per inch fig = figure(figsize=self.size, dpi=self.dpi) = fig.add_subplot(111) defaults = { 'linewidths': (0, ), 's': (30, ), 'cmap': 'YlGnBu', 'alpha': alpha } if self.__raveled__: if c is not None:[:, m], self.rfeatures[:, n], c=self.rfeatures[:, c], **defaults) else:[:, m], self.rfeatures[:, n], **defaults) else: i = j = r # Select square subsets if c is not None: # Plot the data; if a third dimension in color is requested...[0:i, 0:j, m], self.rfeatures[0:i, 0:j, n], c=self.rfeatures[0:i, 0:j, c], **defaults) else:[0:i, 0:j, m], self.rfeatures[0:i, 0:j, n], **defaults) if c is not None: plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') t = '2D Projection with Axis %d in Color' % (c + 1) else: t = '2D Projection' # Allow users to change the x- and y-axis limits axes = plt.gca() if xlim is not None: axes.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: axes.set_ylim(ylim) plt.xlabel(xtpl % (m + 1), fontsize=14) plt.ylabel(ytpl % (n + 1), fontsize=14) plt.suptitle(stitle % (m + 1, n + 1), fontsize=18, fontweight='bold') plt.title(t, fontsize=16) if not hold: if not hold and interact: self.on_reset()'button_press_event', self.on_press) return
def plot_culture(self): # plt.figure() plt.matshow(self.get_matrix_of_agents_culture()) plt.colorbar() plt.clim(0, 1) # Sets the min/max limits of colorbar plt.title("Culture")
n_plot = 30 [X_real, cond_real] = next(generate_real_samples(n_plot)) for i in range(n_plot): plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, i * 25 + 1) plt.imshow(cond_real[i, :, :].squeeze(),, norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.01, vmax=1)) plt.axis('off') for j in range(1, 24): plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, i * 25 + j + 1) plt.imshow(X_real[i, j, :, :].squeeze(), vmin=0, vmax=1, plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(f'{plotdir}/real_samples.{plot_format}') hist = {'d_loss': [], 'g_loss': []} print(f'start training on {n_samples} samples') def train(n_epochs, _batch_size, start_epoch=0): """ train with fixed batch_size for given epochs make some example plots and save model after each epoch """ global batch_size batch_size = _batch_size # create a dataqueue with the keras facilities. this allows # to prepare the data in parallel to the training
def example(tess='I', base=[2, 2, 2], nLevels=1, zero_v_across_bdry=[True] * 3, vol_preserve=False, nRows=100, nCols=100, nSlices=100, use_mayavi=False, eval_v=False, eval_cell_idx=False): tw = TransformWrapper(nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, nSlices=nSlices, nLevels=nLevels, base=base, zero_v_across_bdry=zero_v_across_bdry, tess=tess, valid_outside=False, only_local=False, vol_preserve=vol_preserve) print_iterable( print tw # create some fake 3D image. img = np.zeros((nCols, nRows, nSlices), dtype=np.float64) # img[:]=np.random.random_integers(0,255,img.shape) # Fill the image with the x coordinates as fake values img[:] = tw.pts_src_dense.cpu[:, 0].reshape(img.shape) img0 = CpuGpuArray(img.copy().astype(np.float64)) img_wrapped_fwd = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img0) img_wrapped_inv = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img0) seed = 0 np.random.seed(seed) ms_Avees = tw.get_zeros_PA_all_levels() ms_theta = tw.get_zeros_theta_all_levels() if tess == 'II': for level in range( cpa_space =[level] Avees = ms_Avees[level] # 1/0 if level == 0: tw.sample_gaussian(level, ms_Avees[level], ms_theta[level], mu=None) # zero mean # ms_theta[level].fill(0) # ms_theta[level][-4]=10 cpa_space.theta2Avees(theta=ms_theta[level], Avees=Avees) else: tw.sample_from_the_ms_prior_coarse2fine_one_level( ms_Avees, ms_theta, level_fine=level) else: # For tess='I' in 3D, I have yet to implement the coarse-to-fine sampling. for level in range( cpa_space =[level] velTess = cpa_space.zeros_velTess() ms_Avees[level].fill(0) Avees = ms_Avees[level] tw.sample_gaussian_velTess(level, Avees, velTess, mu=None) print 'img shape:', img0.shape # You don't have use these. You can use any 2d array # that has 3 columns (regardless of the number of rows). pts_src = tw.pts_src_dense pts_src = CpuGpuArray(pts_src.cpu[::1].copy()) # Create a buffer for the output pts_fwd = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) pts_inv = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) for level in range( tw.update_pat_from_Avees(ms_Avees[level], level) if eval_v: # Evaluating the velocity field. # You don't have to do it in unless you want to visualize v. # (when evaluting the treansformation, v will be internally # evaluated anyway -- but its result won't be stored) tw.calc_v(level=level) print 'level', level print print 'number of points:', len(pts_src) print 'number of cells:',[level].nC # optional, if you want to time it timer_gpu_T_fwd = GpuTimer() # Simply calling # tic = time.clock() # and then # tic = time.clock() # won't work. # In fact, most likely you will get that toc-tic is zero. # You need to use the GpuTimer object. When you do that, # one side effect is that suddenly the toc-tic from above will # give you a more realistic result. tic = time.clock() timer_gpu_T_fwd.tic() tw.calc_T_fwd(pts_src, pts_fwd, level=level) timer_gpu_T_fwd.toc() toc = time.clock() print 'Time, in sec, for computing T_fwd:' print timer_gpu_T_fwd.secs print toc - tic # likely to be 0, unless you also used the GpuTimer. # You can also time the inv of course. Results will be similar. tw.calc_T_inv(pts_src, pts_inv, level=level) if eval_cell_idx: # cell_idx is computed here just for display. cell_idx = CpuGpuArray.zeros(len(pts_src), dtype=np.int32) tw.calc_cell_idx(pts_src, cell_idx, level) tw.remap_fwd(pts_inv, img0, img_wrapped_fwd) tw.remap_inv(pts_fwd, img0, img_wrapped_inv) # For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer print "For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer" if eval_cell_idx: cell_idx.gpu2cpu() if eval_v: tw.v_dense.gpu2cpu() pts_fwd.gpu2cpu() pts_inv.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_fwd.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_inv.gpu2cpu() if use_mayavi: ds = 1 # downsampling factor i = 17 pts_src_grid = pts_src.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows, tw.nCols, -1, 3) pts_src_ds = pts_src_grid[::ds, ::ds, i].reshape(-1, 3) pts_fwd_grid = pts_fwd.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows, tw.nCols, -1, 3) pts_fwd_ds = pts_fwd_grid[::ds, ::ds, i].reshape(-1, 3) pts_inv_grid = pts_inv.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows, tw.nCols, -1, 3) pts_inv_ds = pts_inv_grid[::ds, ::ds, i].reshape(-1, 3) from of.my_mayavi import * mayavi_mlab_close_all() mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('src') x, y, z = pts_src_ds.T mayavi_mlab_plot3d(x, y, z) mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('fwd') x, y, z = pts_fwd_ds.T mayavi_mlab_plot3d(x, y, z) figsize = (12, 12) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) i = 17 # some slice plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(img0.cpu[:, :, i].astype(np.uint8), interpolation="Nearest") plt.title('slice from img') plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_fwd.cpu[:, :, i].astype(np.uint8), interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.title('slice from fwd(img)') plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_inv.cpu[:, :, i].astype(np.uint8), interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.title('slice from inv(img)') if 0: # debug cpa_space =[level] if eval_v: vx = tw.v_dense.cpu[:, 0].reshape( cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) vy = tw.v_dense.cpu[:, 1].reshape( cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) vz = tw.v_dense.cpu[:, 2].reshape( cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) plt.figure() plt.imshow(vz[:, :, 17], interpolation="Nearest") plt.colorbar() plt.title('vz in some slice') return tw
def plot_const(u, name , direc): if not os.path.isdir( direc ): os.makedirs(direc) full_path = os.path.join(direc, name) full_mesh = os.path.join(direc, 'mesh.svg') mesh = u.function_space().mesh() v = u.compute_vertex_values(mesh) x = mesh.coordinates()[:,0] y = mesh.coordinates()[:,1] t = mesh.cells() vmin = v.min() vmax = v.max() v[v < vmin] = vmin + 1e-12 v[v > vmax] = vmax - 1e-12 numLvls=100 from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, numLvls) tick_numLvls = min( numLvls, 8 ) tick_levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, tick_numLvls) formatter = ScalarFormatter() norm = None n = mesh.num_vertices() d = mesh.geometry().dim() # Create the triangulation mesh_coordinates = mesh.coordinates().reshape((n, d)) triangles = np.asarray([cell.entities(0) for cell in cells(mesh)]) triangulation = tri.Triangulation(mesh_coordinates[:, 0], mesh_coordinates[:, 1], triangles) # Plot the mesh # plt.figure() # plt.triplot(triangulation) # plt.savefig( full_mesh ) # Plot of scalar field V = u.function_space() #FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2) #f_exp = Expression('sin(2*pi*(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]))') #f = interpolate(f_exp, V) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Get the z values for each vertex # cmap = cmap = cmaps.parula c = ax.tricontourf(x, y, t, v, levels=levels, norm=norm, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap)) plt.ioff() #fig = plt.figure() z = np.asarray([u(point) for point in mesh_coordinates]) plt.tripcolor(triangulation, z, cmap=cmap) # alt plt.tricontourf(...) plt.colorbar() # plt.savefig( full_path, bbox_inches='tight' ) plt.savefig( full_path + '.eps', dpi=300) plt.close( fig )
sub = df.query('hour==@hour') _, p = scipy.stats.ks_2samp( sub.query('cond==1')['fraction'], sub.query('cond==2')['fraction']) pvals_per_hour.append(p) np.savetxt( f'{plotdir}/check_conditional_dist_samenoise_KSpval{params}_{epoch:04d}_{isample:04d}.txt', pvals_per_hour) for showfliers in (True, False): fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(6, 4.8)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) im = ax1.imshow(cond1.squeeze(), cmap=cmap, norm=plotnorm) plt.title('cond 1') plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar(im) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) im = ax2.imshow(cond2.squeeze(), cmap=cmap, norm=plotnorm) plt.title('cond 2') plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar(im) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :]) sns.boxplot('hour', 'fraction', hue='cond', data=df, ax=ax3, showfliers=showfliers) sns.despine() plt.savefig( f'{plotdir}/check_conditional_dist_samenoise_showfliers{showfliers}_{params}_{epoch:04d}_{isample:04d}.svg'
sites = [ii[0] for ii in tp] disp0 = np.asarray([ii[1] for ii in tp]).flatten() us0 = disp0[2::3] ep = vj.EpochalDisplacement('cumu_post_with_seafloor.h5', filter_sites=sites) disp1 = ep[0] us1 = disp1[2::3] plt.subplot(121) bm = vj.MyBasemap(region_code='near') mplt = vj.MapPlotDisplacement(basemap=bm) mplt.plot_scalor(us0, sites, cmap='RdBu') mplt = vj.MapPlotSlab(basemap=bm) mplt.plot_top() plt.clim([-1., 1.]) plt.subplot(122) bm = vj.MyBasemap(region_code='near') mplt = vj.MapPlotDisplacement(basemap=bm) im = mplt.plot_scalor(us1, sites, cmap='RdBu') mplt = vj.MapPlotSlab(basemap=bm) mplt.plot_top() plt.clim([-1., 1.]) divider = make_axes_locatable(plt.gca()) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) plt.savefig('compare.pdf')
def runAnalysis( caseDirs , resultsDir , noReweight = False): # Do a reference for each one for refDir in caseDirs: # ID of reference case refID = refDir.split("/")[-1] # User info print "Doing PCA analysis with "+refDir+" as reference" # Get the PCA limits of component 1-2 plot limit = 10 with open(refDir+"/analysis/data/pca_limits_1", "r") as fi: limit = int(float( limit += 0.01 # Go through the case dirs to plot for caseDir in caseDirs: print "Using "+caseDir+" as case" # ID of case caseID = caseDir.split("/")[-1] ## PCA PLOTTING ON REF DIR PCA COMPONENTS ######################################### # Create & run cpptraj for plotting all cases on the axes of the first eigenvector # Good URLs for PCA in CPPTRAJ: # # PCA plotter pcaHandler = pcaFuncs.PCA( resultsDir+"/plots/pcaComparison/PCA_"+caseID+"_on_"+refID+".pdf" ) # Create new submission file TEMPLATE = open( caseDir+"/ccptraj_analysis_pca.ptraj", 'r') TEMP ="[PCAREFERENCE]", refDir ) TEMPLATE.close() # Write the submission file FILE = open(caseDir+"/ccptraj_analysis_pca.ptraj","w"); FILE.write( TEMP ); FILE.close(); # Run the cpptraj utility os.system( "$AMBERHOME/bin/cpptraj -p "+caseDir+"/md-files/peptide_nowat.prmtop -i "+caseDir+"/ccptraj_analysis_pca.ptraj" ) # Do the plots of energy landscapes & distributions pcaHandler.plotPCA( "Case: "+caseID+". Ref case: "+refID, # Plot Title caseDir+"/analysis/data/" , # Data Dir "global_pca", # Eigenvector file eigenVectorCount = 2, # Only plot two plotDistibution = False, # Do not plot the distribution limits = limit ) # Save the plot pcaHandler.savePlot() ## REWEIGHTING OF PCA PLOTS ON RED DIR PCA COMPONENTS ##################################################### # Check if we should do a reweighted version if noReweight == False: if os.path.isfile( caseDir+"/md-logs/weights.dat" ): # User info print "aMD weights found. Now attempting 2D reweighting" # Prepare input file numLines = 0 with open(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca", "r") as fi: with open(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn", "w") as fo: next(fi) for line in fi: numLines += 1 fo.write( line.split()[1]+"\t"+line.split()[2]+"\n" ) # Set the discretization reqBins = 100 discretization = (2*limit) / reqBins # Get the max value of normal plot maxValue = math.ceil(pcaHandler.getLatestMax()) # Run the reweighting procedure command = "python $PLMDHOME/src/PyReweighting/ \ -input "+caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn \ -name "+caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted \ -Xdim -"+str(limit)+" "+str(limit)+" \ -Ydim -"+str(limit)+" "+str(limit)+" \ -discX "+str(discretization)+" \ -discY "+str(discretization)+" \ -cutoff 10 \ -Emax "+str(maxValue)+" \ -job amdweight_CE \ -weight "+refDir+"/md-logs/weights.dat | tee -a reweight_variable.log" print "Running command:", command os.system( command ) # Create long file for PCA module with open(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_reweightedDone", "w") as fo: with open(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted-pmf-c2.dat", "r") as fi: frame = 0 for line in fi: temp = line.split() entries = int(float(temp[2])*10) for i in range(0,entries): fo.write( str(frame) + "\t" + temp[0] + "\t" + temp[1] +"\n" ) frame += 1 # Print block analysis 'family' : 'Arial', fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8), nrows=1, ncols=1 ) font = {'weight' : 'normal','size' : 10} plt.rc('font', **font) # Now plot the 2d histogram hist = np.load(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted_c2EnergyHist.npy") xedges = np.load(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted_c2edgesX.npy") yedges = np.load(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted_c2edgesY.npy") # Remove points above limit for jy in range(len(hist[0,:])): for jx in range(len(hist[:,0])): if hist[jx,jy] >= maxValue: hist[jx,jy] = float("inf") # Do plot img = plt.imshow(hist.transpose(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',extent=[yedges[0], yedges[-1],xedges[0], xedges[-1]] , rasterized=True ) # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # Create colorbar colorbar = plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax, cax = cax) colorbar.set_label("Kcal / mol") # Set title, labels etc plt.legend() ax.set_xlabel("PC1", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("PC2", fontsize=12) ax.set_title( "PCA. Case: "+caseID+" Reweighted. Ref case: "+refID ) plt.rc('font', **font) # Save figure fig.savefig(resultsDir+"/plots/pcaComparison/PCA_"+caseID+"_on_"+refID+"_reweighted.pdf") ## CLUSTER PLOTS ON PCA COMPONENTS ################################## # Do both hier and dbscan for clusterType in ["dbscan","hier"]: # Instantiate the class if os.path.isfile(caseDir+"/analysis/data/cluster_"+clusterType+"_out"): print "Doing the "+clusterType+" cluster equivalent of the PCA plot" # Start the cluster handler. Load the file declaring cluster for each frame clusterHandler = cluster.clusterBase( caseDir+"/analysis/data/cluster_"+clusterType+"_out" ) # Separate the dataset. # global_pca is the projection file for this case on the ref modes numPCAdataSets = clusterHandler.separateDataSet( caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca", # Input file caseDir+"/analysis/data/cluster_"+clusterType+"_pca_", # Output files xColumn = 1 ) # Create lists of labels and files for plotting clusterLabels = [] clusterFiles = [] offset = 1 if clusterType == "hier" else 0 for i in range( 0+offset, numPCAdataSets+offset): clusterLabels.append( "Cluster "+str(i) ) clusterFiles.append( caseDir+"/analysis/data/cluster_"+clusterType+"_pca_d2_c"+str(i) ) # First one is noise if offset == 0: clusterLabels[0] = "Noise" myPlot.plotData( resultsDir+"/plots/pcaComparison/" , clusterType+"_"+caseID+"_on_"+refID, clusterLabels, clusterFiles , "PC2", xUnit = "PC1", scatter = True, legendLoc = 4, figWidth = 8, figHeight = 8, tightXlimits = False, legendFrame = 1, legendAlpha = 1, xLimits = [-limit,limit], yLimits = [-limit,limit] )
def plot_convictions(self): # plt.figure() plt.matshow(self.get_matrix_of_agents_convictions()) plt.colorbar() plt.clim(-1, 1) # Sets the min/max limits of colorbar plt.title("Convictions")
w = np.random.random((1000, len(symbols))) w = (w.T / w.sum(axis=1)).T w[:5] pvr = [(port_volatility(rets[symbols], weights), port_return(rets[symbols], weights)) for weights in w] pvr = np.array(pvr) psr = pvr[:, 1] / pvr[:, 0] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) fig = plt.scatter(pvr[:, 0], pvr[:, 1], c=psr, cmap='coolwarm') cb = plt.colorbar(fig) cb.set_label('Sharpe ratio') plt.xlabel('expected volatility') plt.ylabel('expected return') plt.title(' | '.join(symbols)) # Import libraries from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Creating dataset z = pvr[:, 0] x = pvr[:, 1] y = psr
def plot_variable(u, name, direc, cmap='gist_yarg', scale='lin', numLvls=12, umin=None, umax=None, tp=False, tpAlpha=0.5, show=True, hide_ax_tick_labels=False, label_axes=True, title='', use_colorbar=True, hide_axis=False, colorbar_loc='right'): """ """ mesh = u.function_space().mesh() v = u.compute_vertex_values(mesh) x = mesh.coordinates()[:, 0] y = mesh.coordinates()[:, 1] t = mesh.cells() d = os.path.dirname(direc) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) if umin != None: vmin = umin else: vmin = v.min() if umax != None: vmax = umax else: vmax = v.max() # countour levels : if scale == 'log': v[v < vmin] = vmin + 1e-12 v[v > vmax] = vmax - 1e-12 from matplotlib.ticker import LogFormatter levels = np.logspace(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax), numLvls) formatter = LogFormatter(10, labelOnlyBase=False) norm = colors.LogNorm() elif scale == 'lin': v[v < vmin] = vmin + 1e-12 v[v > vmax] = vmax - 1e-12 from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, numLvls) formatter = ScalarFormatter() norm = None elif scale == 'bool': from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter levels = [0, 1, 2] formatter = ScalarFormatter() norm = None fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) c = ax.tricontourf(x, y, t, v, levels=levels, norm=norm, cmap=pl.get_cmap(cmap)) plt.axis('equal') if tp == True: p = ax.triplot(x, y, t, 'k-', lw=0.25, alpha=tpAlpha) ax.set_xlim([x.min(), x.max()]) ax.set_ylim([y.min(), y.max()]) if label_axes: ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$') if hide_ax_tick_labels: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) if hide_axis: plt.axis('off') # include colorbar : if scale != 'bool' and use_colorbar: divider = make_axes_locatable(plt.gca()) cax = divider.append_axes(colorbar_loc, "5%", pad="3%") cbar = plt.colorbar(c, cax=cax, format=formatter, ticks=levels) pl.mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 'small' tit = plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout() d = os.path.dirname(direc) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) plt.savefig(direc + name + '.pdf') if show: plt.close(fig)
plt.imshow(cell_idx.cpu.reshape(grid_shape)) plt.subplot(231) scale=[2*30,1.5*4][vol_preserve] cpa_space.quiver(pts_grid,v_dense,scale, ds=16/2) config_plt() plt.subplot(232) plt.imshow(v_dense.cpu[:,0].reshape(grid_shape),interpolation='Nearest', vmin=v_dense.cpu[:,:].min(),vmax=v_dense.cpu[:,:].max());plt.colorbar() # cpa_space.plot_cells() config_plt() plt.subplot(233) plt.imshow(v_dense.cpu[:,1].reshape(grid_shape),interpolation='Nearest', vmin=v_dense.cpu[:,:].min(),vmax=v_dense.cpu[:,:].max());plt.colorbar() # cpa_space.plot_cells() config_plt() plt.subplot(235) plt.imshow(v_dense.cpu[:,0].reshape(grid_shape),interpolation='Nearest', vmin=v_dense.cpu[:,:].min(),vmax=v_dense.cpu[:,:].max());plt.colorbar() cpa_space.plot_cells(color='k') config_plt() plt.subplot(236) plt.imshow(v_dense.cpu[:,1].reshape(grid_shape),interpolation='Nearest',
# In[46]: def port_vol(weights): return np.sqrt(, * 252, weights))) # In[47]: prets = [] pvols = [] for p in range(2500): weights = np.random.random(noa) weights /= np.sum(weights) prets.append(port_ret(weights)) pvols.append(port_vol(weights)) prets = np.array(prets) pvols = np.array(pvols) # In[48]: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.scatter(pvols, prets, c=prets / pvols, marker='o', cmap='coolwarm') plt.xlabel('Expected Volatility') plt.ylabel('Expected Return') plt.title( 'Expected Return and Volatility for Random Portfolio Weights (SPY, AAPL, MSFT, GLD)' ) plt.colorbar(label='Sharpe Ratio')
stdx = 9 stdy = 3 sint = positionToIntensityUncertainty(img, stdx, stdy) # CASE2: variable position uncertainty: # x,y 0...15 stdx2 = np.fromfunction(lambda x, y: x * y, img.shape) stdx2 /= stdx2[-1, -1] / 9 stdy2 = np.fromfunction(lambda x, y: x * y, img.shape) stdy2 /= stdy2[-1, -1] / 9 stdy2 = stdy2[::-1, ::-1] # flip content twice sint2 = positionToIntensityUncertainty(img, stdx2, stdy2, 21) if 'no_window' not in sys.argv: plt.figure('input') plt.imshow(img) plt.colorbar() plt.figure('output for const. position uncertainty (x%s,y%s)' % (stdx, stdy)) plt.imshow(sint) plt.colorbar() plt.figure('output for var. position uncertainty 0...15') plt.imshow(sint2) plt.colorbar()