def __init__(self, baseConfig) : self.basecolors = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'black', 'cyan', 'magenta'] self.basemarkers = ['D', 'o', 'v', '+', 's', 'p', 'x'] self.figsize = baseConfig.get('figsize', None) self.axis = baseConfig.get('axis', None) self.title = baseConfig.get('title', 'NoName') self.xlabel = baseConfig.get('xlabel', 'NoName') self.ylabel = baseConfig.get('ylabel', 'NoName') self.grid = baseConfig.get('grid', False) self.xaxis_locator = baseConfig.get('xaxis_locator', None) self.yaxis_locator = baseConfig.get('yaxis_locator', None) self.legend_loc = baseConfig.get('legend_loc', 0) if self.figsize != None : pylab.figure(figsize=self.figsize) if self.axis != None : pylab.axis(self.axis) pylab.title(self.title) pylab.xlabel(self.xlabel) pylab.ylabel(self.ylabel) ax = pylab.gca() pylab.grid(self.grid) if self.xaxis_locator != None : ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(self.xaxis_locator)) if self.yaxis_locator != None : ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(self.yaxis_locator)) self.lineList = [] = 1
def __init__(self, xLim=[0, 10], yLim=[0, 10], figsize=(6, 8), title='hello title', left=None, xlabel='hello xlabel', ylabel='hello ylabel', xticks=None, yticks=None, isGrid=True, xaxis_locator=1, yaxis_locator=1, legend_loc='best'): super(barhPlot, self).__init__() self.barhList = [] self.barhId = 0 self.plotBarhList = [] self.legendLoc = legend_loc # 重新另起一幅图 pylab.figure(figsize=figsize) # 画幅--figure的基本配置,left 是y轴整体的位置,表示Barh底的开始位置x=? self.left = left pylab.xlim(xLim) pylab.ylim(yLim) pylab.title(title, fontsize=50) pylab.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=30) pylab.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=30) pylab.grid(isGrid) ax = pylab.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(xaxis_locator)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(yaxis_locator)) self.yticks = yticks
def __init__(self, baseConfig) : self.figsize = baseConfig.get('figsize',None) self.axis = baseConfig.get('axis',None) self.title = unicode(baseConfig.get('title','NoName'), 'utf-8') self.ylabel = unicode(baseConfig.get('ylabel','NoName'), 'utf-8') self.grid = baseConfig.get('grid',False) self.xaxis_locator = baseConfig.get('xaxis_locator',None) self.yaxis_locator = baseConfig.get('yaxis_locator',None) self.legend_loc = baseConfig.get('legend_loc',0) if 'xticks' in baseConfig : xticks_conf = baseConfig.get('xticks') print xticks_conf _rotation = int(xticks_conf.get('ticks_rotation', 0)) x_idx = xticks_conf.get('x_idx',[]) x_lable = xticks_conf.get('x_lable', []) if len(x_idx) > 0 and len(x_idx) == len(x_lable) : pylab.xticks(x_idx, x_lable, rotation=_rotation) if self.figsize != None : pylab.figure(figsize = self.figsize) if self.axis != None : pylab.axis(self.axis) pylab.title(self.title) pylab.ylabel(self.ylabel) ax = pylab.gca() pylab.grid(self.grid) if self.xaxis_locator != None : ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( pylab.MultipleLocator(self.xaxis_locator) ) if self.yaxis_locator != None : ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( pylab.MultipleLocator(self.yaxis_locator) ) self.lineList = [] = 1
def __init__(self, baseConfig) : self.figsize = baseConfig.get('figsize',None) self.axis = baseConfig.get('axis',None) self.title = baseConfig.get('title','NoName') self.ylabel = baseConfig.get('ylabel','NoName') self.grid = baseConfig.get('grid',False) self.xaxis_locator = baseConfig.get('xaxis_locator',None) self.yaxis_locator = baseConfig.get('yaxis_locator',None) self.legend_loc = baseConfig.get('legend_loc',0) if self.figsize != None : pylab.figure(figsize = self.figsize) if self.axis != None : pylab.axis(self.axis) pylab.title(self.title) pylab.ylabel(self.ylabel) ax = pylab.gca() pylab.grid(self.grid) if self.xaxis_locator != None : ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( pylab.MultipleLocator(self.xaxis_locator) ) if self.yaxis_locator != None : ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( pylab.MultipleLocator(self.yaxis_locator) ) self.lineList = [] = 1
def setArcFormat(self): self.subplot.xaxis.set_major_formatter(PL.FuncFormatter(self.arcsec_format)) self.subplot.xaxis.set_major_locator(PL.MultipleLocator(self.parent.M/10)) self.subplot.yaxis.set_major_formatter(PL.FuncFormatter(self.arcsec_format)) self.subplot.yaxis.set_major_locator(PL.MultipleLocator(self.parent.M/10)) self.subplot.set_xlim(200., 400.) self.subplot.set_ylim(200., 400.)
def show(self, title=None, figsize=None, **params): if params.get('show') == False: # keep call chaining return self'===============showing image============') info = self.getInfo() assert info['width'] and info['height'], 'img shape error!' params = dict(self.imshow_params, **params)'{title or self.title}:') if self.isColor(): if params['cmap'] == 'hsv': logger.warn('HSV format should covert back to RGB!') img = if self.CHANNELS_ORDER == ('b', 'g', 'r'): img = img[..., ::-1] # swap B and R channels for plt show else: if params['cmap'] == 'viridis': logger.warn( "Single channel image, set cmap to default 'Grey_r'") params['cmap'] = 'Greys_r' img = self.gray().org() else: img = fig = pylab.figure(figsize=figsize or FIGSIZE) x_major_locator = int(img.shape[1] / 10) x_minor_locator = x_major_locator / 4 ax = plt.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(x_major_locator)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(x_minor_locator)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(x_minor_locator)) pylab.imshow(img, **params) return self
def setticks(ax, xlog=False, ylog=False, xmajor=5, xminor=1, ymajor=2, yminor=0.5): if not xlog: xmajorLocator = pylab.MultipleLocator(xmajor) xmajorFormatter = pylab.FormatStrFormatter('%d') xminorLocator = pylab.MultipleLocator(xminor) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xmajorLocator) #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xmajorFormatter) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(xminorLocator) if not ylog: ymajorLocator = pylab.MultipleLocator(ymajor) ymajorFormatter = pylab.FormatStrFormatter('%d') yminorLocator = pylab.MultipleLocator(yminor) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ymajorLocator) #ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ymajorFormatter) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(yminorLocator) ax.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(which='both', direction='out') ax.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(which='both', direction='out') for tick in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines(): tick.set_markersize(3.25) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_ticklines(): tick.set_markersize(3.25) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True): tick.set_markersize(2.75) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True): tick.set_markersize(2.75)
def __init__(self, xLim=[0, 10], yLim=[0, 10], figsize=(6, 8), title='hello title', xlabel='hello xlabel', ylabel='hello ylabel', isGrid=True, xaxis_locator=1, yaxis_locator=1, legend_loc='best'): super(curvePlot, self).__init__() self.curveList = [] self.curveId = 0 self.legendLoc = legend_loc # 重新另起一幅图 pylab.figure(figsize=figsize) # 画幅--figure的基本配置 pylab.xlim(xLim) pylab.ylim(yLim) pylab.title(title, fontsize=50) pylab.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=30) pylab.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=30) pylab.grid(isGrid) ax = pylab.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(xaxis_locator)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(yaxis_locator)) # 曲线的可选选项 self.curveColorsList = ['r', 'g', 'y', 'b', 'k', 'c', 'm'] self.lineStyleList = ['-', '--', '-.', ':', '.', ' ', ''] self.makerStyleList = ['s', 'p', '*', 'h', 'H', '+', 'x', 'D', 'd']
def setUvFormat(self): self.subplot.xaxis.set_major_formatter(PL.FuncFormatter(self.uv_format)) self.subplot.xaxis.set_major_locator(PL.MultipleLocator(self.parent.M/6)) self.subplot.yaxis.set_major_formatter(PL.FuncFormatter(self.uv_format)) self.subplot.yaxis.set_major_locator(PL.MultipleLocator(self.parent.M/6)) self.subplot.set_xlim(100., 500.) self.subplot.set_ylim(100., 500.)
def demo_grid(): ax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.025, 0.95, 0.95]) ax.set_xlim(0, 4) ax.set_ylim(0, 3) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.0)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.0)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) ax.grid(which='major', axis='x', linewidth=0.75, linestyle='-', color='0.75') ax.grid(which='minor', axis='x', linewidth=0.25, linestyle='-', color='0.75') ax.grid(which='major', axis='y', linewidth=0.75, linestyle='-', color='0.75') ax.grid(which='minor', axis='y', linewidth=0.25, linestyle='-', color='0.75') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) # savefig('../figures/grid_ex.png',dpi=48)
def __init__(self, xLim=[0, 10], yLim=[0, 10], figsize=(6, 8), title='hello title', xlabel='hello xlabel', ylabel='hello ylabel', isGrid=True, xaxis_locator=1, yaxis_locator=1, legend_loc='best'): super(scatterPlot, self).__init__() self.scatterList = [] self.scatterId = 0 self.plotScatterList = [] self.legendLoc = legend_loc # 重新另起一幅图 pylab.figure(figsize=figsize) # 画幅--figure的基本配置 pylab.xlim(xLim) pylab.ylim(yLim) pylab.title(title, fontsize=50) pylab.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=30) pylab.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=30) pylab.grid(isGrid) ax = pylab.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(xaxis_locator)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(yaxis_locator))
def _initFig(self): w, h = self.media_info['width'], self.media_info['height'] tip_h = 300 fig = pylab.figure() fig.set_figwidth(9) # 12.8 fig.set_figheight(9 * (h + tip_h) / w) left_margin, bottom_margin, width = 0.05, 0.02, 0.9 ax_main = pylab.axes([ left_margin, bottom_margin + 0.9 * tip_h / (tip_h + h), width, 0.9 * h / (tip_h + h) ]) ax_main.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') ax_main.set_xlim((0, w)) ax_main.set_ylim((h, 0)) ax_main.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(100)) ax_main.xaxis.set_minor_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(20)) ax_main.yaxis.set_minor_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(20)) ax_tip = pylab.axes( [left_margin, bottom_margin, width, 0.9 * tip_h / (tip_h + h)]) ax_tip.set_xlim((0, w)) ax_tip.set_ylim((tip_h, 0)) ax_tip.set_xticks([]) ax_tip.set_yticks([]) ax_tip.set_facecolor('#ebe6eb') pylab.close() self.fig = fig self.ax_main = ax_main self.ax_tip = ax_tip
def plotTrans(root): """ Plot the fractional change in plate scale and PA over many different starlists that have been aligned. You can either give align results for many different epochs or align results for many different cleaned frames in a single epoch. root - align output """ tab = + '.trans') a0 = tab[3].tonumarray() a0e = tab[4].tonumarray() a1 = tab[5].tonumarray() a1e = tab[6].tonumarray() a2 = tab[7].tonumarray() a2e = tab[8].tonumarray() b0 = tab[9].tonumarray() b0e = tab[10].tonumarray() b1 = tab[11].tonumarray() b1e = tab[12].tonumarray() b2 = tab[13].tonumarray() b2e = tab[14].tonumarray() trans = [] for ff in range(len(a0)): tt = objects.Transform() tt.a = [a0[ff], a1[ff], a2[ff]] tt.b = [b0[ff], b1[ff], b2[ff]] tt.aerr = [a0e[ff], a1e[ff], a2e[ff]] tt.berr = [b0e[ff], b1e[ff], b2e[ff]] tt.linearToSpherical(override=False) trans.append(tt) # Read epochs dateTab = + '.date') numEpochs = dateTab.ncols years = [dateTab[i][0] for i in range(numEpochs)] p.clf() p.subplot(211) p.plot(scale - 1.0, 'ko') p.ylabel('Fract. Plate Scale Difference') if (years[0] != years[1]): thePlot = p.gca() thePlot.get_xaxis().set_major_locator(p.MultipleLocator(0.1)) thePlot.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(p.FormatStrFormatter('%8.3f')) p.subplot(212) p.plot(angle, 'ko') p.ylabel('Position Angle') if (years[0] != years[1]): thePlot = p.gca() thePlot.get_xaxis().set_major_locator(p.MultipleLocator(0.1)) thePlot.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(p.FormatStrFormatter('%8.3f'))
def set_xtick(major, minor, axes=None): """Satt *major* och *minor* tick-marks pa x-axeln """ if axes is None: axes = pylab.gca() if not isinstance(axes, (list, tuple)): axes = [axes] for ax in axes: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(major)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(minor))
def BaryonicTullyFisher(self, G): print 'Plotting the baryonic TF relationship' seed(2222) plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure # w = np.where((G.Type == 0) & (G.StellarMass + G.ColdGas > 0.0) & (G.Vmax > 0.0))[0] w = np.where((G.Type == 0) & (G.StellarMass + G.ColdGas > 0.0) & ( (G.ClassicalBulgeMass + G.SecularBulgeMass) / G.StellarMass > 0.1) & ((G.ClassicalBulgeMass + G.SecularBulgeMass) / G.StellarMass < 0.5))[0] if (len(w) > dilute): w = sample(w, dilute) mass = np.log10( (G.StellarMass[w] + G.ColdGas[w]) * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) vel = np.log10(G.Vmax[w]) plt.scatter(vel, mass, marker='o', s=1, c='k', alpha=0.5, label='Model Sb/c galaxies') # overplot Stark, McGaugh & Swatters 2009 (assumes h=0.75? ... what IMF?) w = np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 0.5) TF = 3.94 * w + 1.79 plt.plot(w, TF, 'b-', lw=2.0, label='Stark, McGaugh \& Swatters 2009') plt.ylabel( r'$\log_{10}\ M_{\mathrm{bar}}\ (M_{\odot})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10}V_{max}\ (km/s)$') # and the x-axis labels # Set the x and y axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) plt.axis([1.4, 2.6, 8.0, 12.0]) leg = plt.legend(loc='lower right') leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '4.BaryonicTullyFisher' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print 'Saved file to', outputFile plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def BlackHoleBulgeRelationship(self, G): print 'Plotting the black hole-bulge relationship' seed(2222) plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure w = np.where(((G.ClassicalBulgeMass + G.SecularBulgeMass) > 0.01) & (G.BlackHoleMass > 0.00001))[0] if (len(w) > dilute): w = sample(w, dilute) bh = np.log10(G.BlackHoleMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) bulge = np.log10((G.ClassicalBulgeMass[w] + G.SecularBulgeMass[w]) * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) plt.scatter(bulge, bh, marker='o', s=1, c='k', alpha=0.5, label='Model galaxies') # overplot Haring & Rix 2004 w = 10.**np.arange(20) BHdata = 10.**(8.2 + 1.12 * np.log10(w / 1.0e11)) plt.plot(np.log10(w), np.log10(BHdata), 'b-', label="Haring \& Rix 2004") plt.ylabel(r'$\log\ M_{\mathrm{BH}}\ (M_{\odot})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log\ M_{\mathrm{bulge}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels # Set the x and y axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) plt.axis([8.0, 12.0, 6.0, 10.0]) leg = plt.legend(loc='upper left') leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '8.BlackHoleBulgeRelationship' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print 'Saved file to', outputFile plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def xAxis(): ax = pylab.subplot(111) majLoc = pylab.MultipleLocator(0.02) majFmat = pylab.FormatStrFormatter( '%f') # or some other format - this puts the numbers on ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majLoc) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majFmat) minLoc = pylab.MultipleLocator(0.01) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( minLoc) #for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter
def yAxis(): ay = pylab.subplot(111) majLoc = pylab.MultipleLocator(50) majFmat = pylab.FormatStrFormatter( '%d') # or some other format - this puts the numbers on ay.yaxis.set_major_locator(majLoc) ay.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majFmat) minLoc = pylab.MultipleLocator(10) ay.yaxis.set_minor_locator( minLoc) #for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter
def SpecificStarFormationRate(self, G): print 'Plotting the specific SFR' seed(2222) plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure w = np.where(G.StellarMass > 0.01)[0] if (len(w) > dilute): w = sample(w, dilute) mass = np.log10(G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) sSFR = np.log10((G.SfrDisk[w] + G.SfrBulge[w]) / (G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h)) plt.scatter(mass, sSFR, marker='o', s=1, c='k', alpha=0.5, label='Model galaxies') # overplot dividing line between SF and passive w = np.arange(7.0, 13.0, 1.0) plt.plot(w, w / w * sSFRcut, 'b:', lw=2.0) plt.ylabel( r'$\log_{10}\ s\mathrm{SFR}\ (\mathrm{yr^{-1}})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels # Set the x and y axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) plt.axis([8.0, 12.0, -16.0, -8.0]) leg = plt.legend(loc='lower right') leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '5.SpecificStarFormationRate' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print 'Saved file to', outputFile plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def GasFraction(self, G): print 'Plotting the gas fractions' seed(2222) plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure w = np.where((G.Type == 0) & (G.StellarMass + G.ColdGas > 0.0) & ( (G.ClassicalBulgeMass + G.SecularBulgeMass) / G.StellarMass > 0.1) & ((G.ClassicalBulgeMass + G.SecularBulgeMass) / G.StellarMass < 0.5))[0] if (len(w) > dilute): w = sample(w, dilute) mass = np.log10(G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) fraction = G.ColdGas[w] / (G.StellarMass[w] + G.ColdGas[w]) plt.scatter(mass, fraction, marker='o', s=1, c='k', alpha=0.5, label='Model Sb/c galaxies') plt.ylabel( r'$\mathrm{Cold\ Mass\ /\ (Cold+Stellar\ Mass)}$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels # Set the x and y axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) plt.axis([8.0, 12.0, 0.0, 1.0]) leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right') leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '6.GasFraction' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print 'Saved file to', outputFile plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def rstyle(ax, pres=False): """ Styles x,y axes to appear like ggplot2 Must be called after all plot and axis manipulation operations have been carried out (needs to know final tick spacing) """ #Set the style of the major and minor grid lines, filled blocks if pres: ax.grid(True, 'major', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.7) ax.grid(True, 'minor', color='0.99', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.4) else: ax.grid(True, 'major', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=1.4) ax.grid(True, 'minor', color='0.99', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.7) ax.patch.set_facecolor('0.90') ax.set_axisbelow(True) #Set minor tick spacing to 1/2 of the major ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator((pylab.MultipleLocator( (plt.xticks()[0][1] - plt.xticks()[0][0]) / 2.0))) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator((pylab.MultipleLocator( (plt.yticks()[0][1] - plt.yticks()[0][0]) / 2.0))) #Remove axis border for child in ax.get_children(): if isinstance(child, matplotlib.spines.Spine): child.set_alpha(0) #Restyle the tick lines for line in ax.get_xticklines() + ax.get_yticklines(): if pres: line.set_markersize(4) line.set_color("gray") line.set_markeredgewidth(.8) else: line.set_markersize(5) line.set_color("gray") line.set_markeredgewidth(1.4) #Remove the minor tick lines for line in (ax.xaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True) + ax.yaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True)): line.set_markersize(0) #Only show bottom left ticks, pointing out of axis plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out' plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out' ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')
def barGraph(data, **kw): """Draws a bar graph for the given data""" from pylab import bar kw.setdefault('barw', 0.5) kw.setdefault('log', 0) kw.setdefault('color', 'blue') xs = [i + 1 for i, row in enumerate(data)] names, ys = zip(*data) names = [n.replace('_', '\n') for n in names] #print 'got xs %s, ys %s, names %s' % (xs, ys, names) bar(xs, ys, width=kw['barw'], color=kw['color'], align='center', log=kw['log']) ax = pylab.gca() def f(x, pos=None): n = int(x) - 1 if n + 1 != x: return '' if n < 0: return '' try: return names[n] except IndexError: return '' ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.FuncFormatter(f)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.set_xlim(0.5, len(names) + 0.5) for l in ax.get_xticklabels(): pylab.setp(l, rotation=90) start = 0.08, 0.18 pos = (start[0], start[1], 0.99 - start[0], 0.95 - start[1]) ax.set_position(pos)
def plotAllRaw(dic): """This function plots the raw variables (current and voltage) in dic. It will plot fields that have more than 1 y variable but less than 20,""" count = 1 for key in dic.keys(): # print key # figure(count) arr = dic[key] if (type(arr) == type(np.eye(1))): numX = arr.shape[1] # print numX ml = p.MultipleLocator(100000) if (numX < 20 and numX > 1): if (key == 'TaggingInfo'): break fig = p.figure() fig.suptitle(key) nrows = math.ceil(numX / 3) ncols = numX if nrows == 1 else 3 # print nrows, ncols for i in range(numX): sp = p.subplot(nrows, ncols, i + 1) pl = p.plot(abs(arr[:, i]))[0] if (sp.is_last_row()): p.xlabel("Time in milliseconds") if (sp.is_first_col()): p.ylabel(key) pl.axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(ml) count = count + 1
def rstyle(ax): '''Styles x,y axes to appear like ggplot2 Must be called after all plot and axis manipulation operations have been carried out (needs to know final tick spacing) From: ''' import pylab import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Set the style of the major and minor grid lines, filled blocks ax.grid(True, 'major', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=1.4) ax.grid(True, 'minor', color='0.99', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.7) ax.patch.set_facecolor('0.90') ax.set_axisbelow(True) #Set minor tick spacing to 1/2 of the major ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator((pylab.MultipleLocator( (plt.xticks()[0][1] - plt.xticks()[0][0]) / 2.0))) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator((pylab.MultipleLocator( (plt.yticks()[0][1] - plt.yticks()[0][0]) / 2.0))) #Remove axis border for child in ax.get_children(): if isinstance(child, matplotlib.spines.Spine): child.set_alpha(0) #Restyle the tick lines for line in ax.get_xticklines() + ax.get_yticklines(): line.set_markersize(5) line.set_color("gray") line.set_markeredgewidth(1.4) #Remove the minor tick lines for line in (ax.xaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True) + ax.yaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True)): line.set_markersize(0) #Only show bottom left ticks, pointing out of axis plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out' plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out' ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')
def plot_setticks(x=True, y=True): pl.minorticks_on() ax = pl.gca() if x: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pl.AutoLocator()) x_major = ax.xaxis.get_majorticklocs() dx_minor = (x_major[-1] - x_major[0]) / (len(x_major) - 1) / 5. ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(pl.MultipleLocator(dx_minor)) else: pl.minorticks_off() if y: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pl.AutoLocator()) y_major = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() dy_minor = (y_major[-1] - y_major[0]) / (len(y_major) - 1) / 5. ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(pl.MultipleLocator(dy_minor)) else: pl.minorticks_off()
def ggplot(ax): """Styles an axes to appear like ggplot2 Must be called after all plot and axis manipulation operations have been carried out (needs to know final tick spacing) """ #set the style of the major and minor grid lines, filled blocks ax.grid(True, 'major', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=1.4) ax.grid(True, 'minor', color='0.92', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.7) ax.patch.set_facecolor('0.85') ax.set_axisbelow(True) #set minor tick spacing to 1/2 of the major ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( pl.MultipleLocator((pl.xticks()[0][1] - pl.xticks()[0][0]) / 2.0)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( pl.MultipleLocator((pl.yticks()[0][1] - pl.yticks()[0][0]) / 2.0)) #remove axis border for child in ax.get_children(): if isinstance(child, spines.Spine): child.set_alpha(0) #restyle the tick lines for line in ax.get_xticklines() + ax.get_yticklines(): line.set_markersize(5) line.set_color("gray") line.set_markeredgewidth(1.4) #remove the minor tick lines for line in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True) + ax.yaxis.get_ticklines( minor=True): line.set_markersize(0) #only show bottom left ticks, pointing out of axis rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out' rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out' ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') if ax.legend_ <> None: lg = ax.legend_ lg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0) lg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
def sigmoidplot(): x = plt.linspace(-10, 10, 5) y = plt.linspace(-10, 10, 10) z = plt.linspace(-10, 10, 100) plt.plot(x, sigmoid(x), 'r', label='linspace(-10,10,5)') plt.plot(y, sigmoid(y), 'b', label='linspace(-10,10,10)') plt.plot(z, sigmoid(z), 'y', label='linspace(-10,10,100)') plt.title('Sigmoid Function') plt.suptitle('Math') plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.text(-9, 0.8, r'$\sigma(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$', fontsize=15) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(2)) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plt.xlabel('X Axis') plt.ylabel('Y Axis')
def visualplot(size, step_size): """Takes size of required field and step size as input and initializes a plot""" fig = pylab.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) pylab.ylim(size / -2, size / 2) pylab.xlim(size / -2, size / 2) loc = pylab.MultipleLocator( base=step_size) # this locator puts ticks at regular intervals ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(loc) pylab.grid()
def imshow_cube_image(image, header=None, compass=True, blackhole=True, cmap=None): """ Call imshow() to plot a cube image. Make sure it is already masked. Also pass in the header to do the compass rose calculations. """ # Setup axis info (x is the 2nd axis) xcube = (np.arange(image.shape[1]) - m31pos[0]) * 0.05 ycube = (np.arange(image.shape[0]) - m31pos[1]) * 0.05 xtickLoc = py.MultipleLocator(0.4) if cmap is None: cmap = # Plot the image. py.imshow(image, extent=[xcube[0], xcube[-1], ycube[0], ycube[-1]], cmap=cmap) py.gca().get_xaxis().set_major_locator(xtickLoc) py.xlabel('X (arcsec)') py.ylabel('Y (arcsec)') # Get the spectrograph position angle for compass rose if compass is True: if header is None: pa = paSpec else: pa = header['PA_SPEC'] # Make a compass rose cosSin = np.array([ math.cos(math.radians(pa)), math.sin(math.radians(pa)) ]) arr_base = np.array([ xcube[-1]-0.5, ycube[-1]-0.6 ]) arr_n = cosSin * 0.2 arr_w = cosSin[::-1] * 0.2 py.arrow(arr_base[0], arr_base[1], arr_n[0], arr_n[1], edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', width=0.03, head_width=0.08) py.arrow(arr_base[0], arr_base[1], -arr_w[0], arr_w[1], edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', width=0.03, head_width=0.08) py.text(arr_base[0]+arr_n[0]+0.1, arr_base[1]+arr_n[1]+0.1, 'N', color='white', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom') py.text(arr_base[0]-arr_w[0]-0.15, arr_base[1]+arr_w[1]+0.1, 'E', color='white', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') if blackhole is True: py.plot([0], [0], 'ko') py.xlim([-0.5, 0.6]) py.ylim([-2.0, 1.8])
def smart_locate(ax, n_max, bases=[1, 2, 5]): x0, x1 = ax.get_view_interval() if x1 == x0: return delta = (x1 - x0) / (n_max - 1) # Find smallest base and p such delta < base*10^p log_spacing = min([ np.ceil(np.log10(delta) - np.log10(b)) + np.log10(b) for b in bases ]) loc = pl.MultipleLocator(10**log_spacing) ax.set_major_locator(loc)