def scalar_validation_statistics(results, groups): """ plot absolute z transformation of p_theta values, grouped by dictionary groups Parameters ---------- results : pandas.DataFrame with row called 'z' groups : list of lists of columns of results """ pl.figure() width = max(pl.absolute(results.ix['z'])) for row, (g_name, g) in enumerate(reversed(groups)): z = pl.absolute(results.ix['z', g].__array__()) pl.plot([pl.mean(z)], [row], 'o', color='k', mec='k', mew=1) pl.plot(z, [row] * len(z), 'o', color='none', mec='k', mew=1) msg = 'p: %s' % ', '.join( ['%.3f' % p for p in sorted(results.ix['p', g] * len(g))]) #msg += 'MAE: %s' % str( pl.text(1.1 * width, row, msg, va='center', fontsize='small') pl.yticks(range(len(groups)), ['%s %d' % (g_name, len(g)) for (g_name, g) in reversed(groups)], fontsize='large') pl.axis([-.05 * width, width * 1.05, -.5, len(groups) - .5]) pl.xlabel(r'Absolute $z$-score of $p_\theta$ values', fontsize='large') pl.subplots_adjust(right=.5)
def update_design(self): ax = ax.cla() ax2 = self.ax2 ax2.cla() wp = self.wp ws = gpass = self.gpass gstop = self.gstop b, a = ss.iirdesign(wp, ws, gpass, gstop, ftype=self.ftype, output='ba') self.a = a self.b = b #b = [1,2]; a = [1,2] #Print this on command line so we can use it in our programs print 'b = ', pylab.array_repr(b) print 'a = ', pylab.array_repr(a) my_w = pylab.logspace(pylab.log10(.1*[0]), 0.0, num=512) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=my_w*pylab.pi) gp = 10**(-gpass/20.)#Go from db to regular gs = 10**(-gstop/20.) self.design_line, = ax.plot([.1*[0],[0], wp[0], wp[1], ws[1], 1.0], [gs, gs, gp, gp, gs, gs], 'ko:', lw=2, picker=5) ax.semilogx(w/pylab.pi, pylab.absolute(h),lw=2) ax.text(.5,1.0, '{:d}/{:d}'.format(len(b), len(a))) pylab.setp(ax, 'xlim', [.1*[0], 1.2], 'ylim', [-.1, max(1.1,1.1*pylab.absolute(h).max())], 'xticklabels', []) ax2.semilogx(w/pylab.pi, pylab.unwrap(pylab.angle(h)),lw=2) pylab.setp(ax2, 'xlim', [.1*[0], 1.2]) ax2.set_xlabel('Normalized frequency') pylab.draw()
def plot_thresholds(rawdata, scan_values, plane='horizontal', xlabel='turns', ylabel='intensity [particles]', zlabel='normalized emittance', xlimits=((0.,8192)), ylimits=((0.,7.1e11)), zlimits=((0., 10.))): # Prepare input data. # x axis t = rawdata[0,:,:] turns = plt.ones(t.shape).T * plt.arange(len(t)) turns = turns.T # z axis epsn_abs = {} epsn_abs['horizontal'] = plt.absolute(rawdata[11,:,:]) epsn_abs['vertical'] = plt.absolute(rawdata[12,:,:]) # Prepare plot environment. ax11, ax13 = _create_axes(xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, xlimits, ylimits, zlimits) cmap ='jet', 2) ax11.patch.set_facecolor(cmap(range(2))[-1]) cmap ='jet') x, y = plt.meshgrid(turns[:,0], scan_values) z = epsn_abs[plane] threshold_plot = ax11.contourf(x, y, z.T, levels=plt.linspace(zlimits[0], zlimits[1], 201), vmin=zlimits[0], vmax=zlimits[1], cmap=cmap) cb = plt.colorbar(threshold_plot, ax13, orientation='vertical') cb.set_label(zlabel) plt.tight_layout()
def rank_by_distance_bhatt(self, qkeys, ikeys, rkeys, dists): """ :: Reduce timbre-channel distances to ranks list by ground-truth key indices Bhattacharyya distance on timbre-channel probabilities and Kullback distances """ # timbre-channel search using pre-computed distances ranks_list = [] t_keys, t_lens = self.get_adb_lists(0) rdists=pylab.ones(len(t_keys))*float('inf') qk = self._get_probs_tc(qkeys) for i in range(len(ikeys[0])): # number of include keys ikey=[] dk = pylab.zeros(self.timbre_channels) for t_chan in range(self.timbre_channels): # timbre channels ikey.append(ikeys[t_chan][i]) try: # find dist of key i for query i_idx = rkeys[t_chan].index( ikey[t_chan] ) # dataset include-key match # the reduced distance function in include_keys order # distance is Bhattacharyya distance on probs and dists dk[t_chan] = dists[t_chan][i_idx] except: print("Key not found in result list: ", ikey, "for query:", qkeys[t_chan]) raise error.BregmanError() rk = self._get_probs_tc(ikey) a_idx = t_keys.index( ikey[0] ) # audiodb include-key index rdists[a_idx] = distance.bhatt(pylab.sqrt(pylab.absolute(dk)), pylab.sqrt(pylab.absolute(qk*rk))) #search for the index of the relevant keys rdists = pylab.absolute(rdists) sort_idx = pylab.argsort(rdists) # Sort fields into database order for r in self.ground_truth: # relevant keys ranks_list.append(pylab.where(sort_idx==r)[0][0]) # Rank of the relevant key return ranks_list, rdists
def add_to_results(model, name): df = getattr(model, name) model.results['param'].append(name) model.results['bias'].append(df['abs_err'].mean()) model.results['mae'].append((pl.median(pl.absolute(df['abs_err'].dropna())))) model.results['mare'].append(pl.median(pl.absolute(df['rel_err'].dropna()))) model.results['pc'].append(df['covered?'].mean())
def rank_by_distance_bhatt(self, qkeys, ikeys, rkeys, dists): """ :: Reduce timbre-channel distances to ranks list by ground-truth key indices Bhattacharyya distance on timbre-channel probabilities and Kullback distances """ # timbre-channel search using pre-computed distances ranks_list = [] t_keys, t_lens = self.get_adb_lists(0) rdists=pylab.ones(len(t_keys))*float('inf') qk = self._get_probs_tc(qkeys) for i in range(len(ikeys[0])): # number of include keys ikey=[] dk = pylab.zeros(self.timbre_channels) for t_chan in range(self.timbre_channels): # timbre channels ikey.append(ikeys[t_chan][i]) try: # find dist of key i for query i_idx = rkeys[t_chan].index( ikey[t_chan] ) # dataset include-key match # the reduced distance function in include_keys order # distance is Bhattacharyya distance on probs and dists dk[t_chan] = dists[t_chan][i_idx] except: print "Key not found in result list: ", ikey, "for query:", qkeys[t_chan] raise error.BregmanError() rk = self._get_probs_tc(ikey) a_idx = t_keys.index( ikey[0] ) # audiodb include-key index rdists[a_idx] = distance.bhatt(pylab.sqrt(pylab.absolute(dk)), pylab.sqrt(pylab.absolute(qk*rk))) #search for the index of the relevant keys rdists = pylab.absolute(rdists) sort_idx = pylab.argsort(rdists) # Sort fields into database order for r in self.ground_truth: # relevant keys ranks_list.append(pylab.where(sort_idx==r)[0][0]) # Rank of the relevant key return ranks_list, rdists
def scalar_validation_statistics(results, groups): """ plot absolute z transformation of p_theta values, grouped by dictionary groups Parameters ---------- results : pandas.DataFrame with row called 'z' groups : list of lists of columns of results """ pl.figure() width = max(pl.absolute(results.ix['z'])) for row, (g_name, g) in enumerate(reversed(groups)): z = pl.absolute(results.ix['z', g].__array__()) pl.plot([pl.mean(z)], [row], 'o', color='k', mec='k', mew=1) pl.plot(z, [row]*len(z), 'o', color='none', mec='k', mew=1) msg = 'p: %s' % ', '.join(['%.3f'%p for p in sorted(results.ix['p', g]*len(g))]) #msg += 'MAE: %s' % str( pl.text(1.1*width, row, msg, va='center', fontsize='small') pl.yticks(range(len(groups)), ['%s %d' % (g_name, len(g)) for (g_name, g) in reversed(groups)], fontsize='large') pl.axis([-.05*width, width*1.05, -.5, len(groups)-.5]) pl.xlabel(r'Absolute $z$-score of $p_\theta$ values', fontsize='large') pl.subplots_adjust(right=.5)
def boxForcing(bMin, bMax, radius, c, angle): #confines the particles inside the sample x = pl.uniform(bMin, bMax) y = pl.uniform(bMin, bMax) if x < (bMin + c * radius): x = x + (radius) * (1 + c * pl.absolute(pl.sin(pl.radians(angle)))) if x > (bMax - c * radius): x = bMin + c * radius if x > (bMax - c * radius): x = x - (radius) * (1 + c * pl.absolute(pl.sin(pl.radians(angle)))) if x < (bMin + c * radius): x = bMax - c * radius if y > (bMax - c * radius): y = y - (radius) * (1 + c * pl.absolute(pl.cos(pl.radians(angle)))) if y < (bMin + c * radius): y = bMax - c * radius if y < (bMin + c * radius): y = y + (radius) * (1 + c * pl.absolute(pl.cos(pl.radians(angle)))) if y > (bMax - c * radius): y = bMin + c * radius center = [] center.append([x, y]) return center
def fwhm(x, y): hm = pl.amax(y/2.0); y_diff = pl.absolute(y-hm); y_diff_sorted = pl.sort(y_diff); i1 = pl.where(y_diff==y_diff_sorted[0]); i2 = pl.where(y_diff==y_diff_sorted[1]); fwhm = pl.absolute(x[i1]-x[i2]); return hm, fwhm
def add_to_results(model, name): df = getattr(model, name) model.results['param'].append(name) model.results['bias'].append(df['abs_err'].mean()) model.results['mae'].append( (pl.median(pl.absolute(df['abs_err'].dropna())))) model.results['mare'].append(pl.median(pl.absolute( df['rel_err'].dropna()))) model.results['pc'].append(df['covered?'].mean())
def MaxV(n, m, v, w, chi, phi, a): """Returns velocity at which the difference between right-handed and left-handed photons is maximal.""" D = lambda V: -py.absolute(PlusMinDiff(n, m, V, w, chi, 0, a) / V) F = lambda V: -py.absolute(PlusMinDiff(n, m, V, w, chi, py.pi, a) / V) optD = optimize.minimize_scalar(D, method='bounded', bounds=(1 / n, 1)) optF = optimize.minimize_scalar(F, method='bounded', bounds=(1 / n, 1)) if < return float(optD.x) else: return float(optF.x)
def fwhm_2gauss(x, y, dx=0.001): ''' Finds the FWHM for the profile y(x), with accuracy dx=0.001 Uses a 2-Gauss 1D fit. ''' popt, pcov = curve_fit(gauss2, x, y); xx = pl.arange(pl.amin(x), pl.amax(x)+dx, dx); ym = gauss2(xx, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4], popt[5]) hm = pl.amax(ym/2.0); y_diff = pl.absolute(ym-hm); y_diff_sorted = pl.sort(y_diff); i1 = pl.where(y_diff==y_diff_sorted[0]); i2 = pl.where(y_diff==y_diff_sorted[1]); fwhm = pl.absolute(xx[i1]-xx[i2]); return hm, fwhm, xx, ym
def fresnelSingleTransformVW(self,d) : # compute new window x2 = self.nx*pl.absolute(d)*self.wl/(self.endx-self.startx) y2 = self.ny*pl.absolute(d)*self.wl/(self.endy-self.starty) # create new intensity object i2 = Intensity2D(self.nx,-x2/2,x2/2, self.ny,-y2/2,y2/2, self.wl) # compute intensity u1p = self.i*pl.exp(-1j*pl.pi/(d*self.wl)*(self.xgrid**2+self.ygrid**2)) ftu1p = pl.fftshift(pl.fft2(pl.fftshift(u1p))) i2.i = ftu1p*1j/(d*i2.wl)*pl.exp(-1j*pl.pi/(d*i2.wl)*(i2.xgrid**2+i2.ygrid**2)) return i2
def LoadEnvCond(arg, dirname, files): for file in files: Grand_mean = p.nan filepath = os.path.join(dirname, file) if filepath == os.path.join(dirname, 'GeneralData.dat'): data = p.genfromtxt(filepath) if data[-1, 4] != 0.0: grand_mean = data[:, 1].mean() frame_scaling = 1.0 / (data[1, 0] - data[0, 0]) filepath_turb = os.path.join(dirname, 'ModelParams.dat') l = re.split(" ", ln.getline(filepath_turb, 6)) turb_param = float(l[6]) l = re.split(" ", ln.getline(filepath_turb, 29)) rand_death_factor = float(l[6]) frame_half_size = p.rint((1.0 / (data[:, 11] \ / data[:, 4]).mean() ) * 0.5 * frame_scaling) mean_turbul = p.zeros((data.shape[0]-(2.0 \ * frame_half_size), 2)) mean_turbul[:,0] = data[frame_half_size : \ - frame_half_size][:, 0].copy() k = frame_half_size for j in range(mean_turbul.shape[0]): mean_turbul[j, 1] = p.absolute(data[k \ - frame_half_size : k + frame_half_size, 1].mean() \ - grand_mean) k = k + 1 Grand_mean = mean_turbul[:, 1].mean() arg.append((Grand_mean, turb_param, rand_death_factor)) else: break
def merge_data_csvs(id): df = pandas.DataFrame() dir = dismod3.settings.JOB_WORKING_DIR % id #print dir for f in sorted(glob.glob('%s/posterior/data-*.csv' % dir)): #print 'merging %s' % f df2 = pandas.read_csv(f, index_col=None) df2.index = df2['index'] df = df.drop(set(df.index) & set(df2.index)).append(df2) df['residual'] = df['value'] - df['mu_pred'] df['scaled_residual'] = df['residual'] / pl.sqrt( df['value'] * (1 - df['value']) / df['effective_sample_size']) #df['scaled_residual'] = df['residual'] * pl.sqrt(df['effective_sample_size']) # including df['abs_scaled_residual'] = pl.absolute(df['scaled_residual']) d = .005 # TODO: save delta in these files, use negative binomial to calc logp df['logp'] = [ mc.negative_binomial_like(x * n, (p + 1e-3) * n, d * (p + 1e-3) * n) for x, p, n in zip(df['value'], df['mu_pred'], df['effective_sample_size']) ] df['logp'][df['data_type'] == 'rr'] = df['scaled_residual'][df['data_type'] == 'rr'] df = df.sort('logp') #print df.filter('data_type area age_start age_end year_start sex effective_sample_size value residual logp'.split())[:25] return df
def fresnelSingleTransformVW(self, d): # compute new window x2 = self.nx * pl.absolute(d) * self.wl / (self.endx - self.startx) y2 = self.ny * pl.absolute(d) * self.wl / (self.endy - self.starty) # create new intensity object i2 = Intensity2D(self.nx, -x2 / 2, x2 / 2, self.ny, -y2 / 2, y2 / 2, self.wl) # compute intensity u1p = self.i * pl.exp(-1j * pl.pi / (d * self.wl) * (self.xgrid**2 + self.ygrid**2)) ftu1p = pl.fftshift(pl.fft2(pl.fftshift(u1p))) i2.i = ftu1p * 1j / (d * i2.wl) * pl.exp(-1j * pl.pi / (d * i2.wl) * (i2.xgrid**2 + i2.ygrid**2)) return i2
def rank_by_distance_avg(self, qkeys, ikeys, rkeys, dists): """ :: Reduce timbre-channel distances to ranks list by ground-truth key indices Kullback distances """ # timbre-channel search using pre-computed distances ranks_list = [] t_keys, t_lens = self.get_adb_lists(0) rdists=pylab.ones(len(t_keys))*float('inf') for t_chan in range(self.timbre_channels): # timbre channels t_keys, t_lens = self.get_adb_lists(t_chan) for i, ikey in enumerate(ikeys[t_chan]): # include keys, results try: # find dist of key i for query i_idx = rkeys[t_chan].index( ikey ) # lower_bounded include-key index a_idx = t_keys.index( ikey ) # audiodb include-key index # the reduced distance function in include_keys order # distance is the sum for now if t_chan: rdists[a_idx] += dists[t_chan][i_idx] else: rdists[a_idx] = dists[t_chan][i_idx] except: print("Key not found in result list: ", ikey, "for query:", qkeys[t_chan]) raise error.BregmanError() #search for the index of the relevant keys rdists = pylab.absolute(rdists) sort_idx = pylab.argsort(rdists) # Sort fields into database order for r in self.ground_truth: # relevant keys ranks_list.append(pylab.where(sort_idx==r)[0][0]) # Rank of the relevant key return ranks_list, rdists
def deriv_sign_rate(f=rate, age_indices=age_indices, tau=1.e14, deriv=deriv, sign=sign): df = pl.diff(f[age_indices], deriv) return mc.normal_like(pl.absolute(df) * (sign * df < 0), 0., tau)
def rank_by_distance_avg(self, qkeys, ikeys, rkeys, dists): """ :: Reduce timbre-channel distances to ranks list by ground-truth key indices Kullback distances """ # timbre-channel search using pre-computed distances ranks_list = [] t_keys, t_lens = self.get_adb_lists(0) rdists=pylab.ones(len(t_keys))*float('inf') for t_chan in range(self.timbre_channels): # timbre channels t_keys, t_lens = self.get_adb_lists(t_chan) for i, ikey in enumerate(ikeys[t_chan]): # include keys, results try: # find dist of key i for query i_idx = rkeys[t_chan].index( ikey ) # lower_bounded include-key index a_idx = t_keys.index( ikey ) # audiodb include-key index # the reduced distance function in include_keys order # distance is the sum for now if t_chan: rdists[a_idx] += dists[t_chan][i_idx] else: rdists[a_idx] = dists[t_chan][i_idx] except: print "Key not found in result list: ", ikey, "for query:", qkeys[t_chan] raise error.BregmanError() #search for the index of the relevant keys rdists = pylab.absolute(rdists) sort_idx = pylab.argsort(rdists) # Sort fields into database order for r in self.ground_truth: # relevant keys ranks_list.append(pylab.where(sort_idx==r)[0][0]) # Rank of the relevant key return ranks_list, rdists
def determineCuts(spec2d, dCutFactor = 4.0, dAddPix = 10, bPlot = True) : vproj = spec2d.sum(1) dvproj = vproj-pylab.roll(vproj,1)#derivitive index = pylab.arange(0,len(vproj),1) index1 = index[dvproj > dvproj.max()/dCutFactor] start = index1[0] end = index1[-1] startWide = start-dAddPix endWide = end+dAddPix if bPlot : pylab.figure(12) pylab.clf() pylab.subplot(2,2,1) pylab.plot(vproj) pylab.subplot(2,2,2) pylab.plot(pylab.absolute(dvproj)) pylab.axhline(dvproj.max()/dCutFactor) pylab.subplot(2,2,3) pylab.plot(vproj) pylab.axvline(start) pylab.axvline(end) pylab.axvline(startWide) pylab.axvline(endWide) return [startWide, endWide]
def merge_data_csvs(id): df = pandas.DataFrame() dir = dismod3.settings.JOB_WORKING_DIR % id #print dir for f in sorted(glob.glob('%s/posterior/data-*.csv'%dir)): #print 'merging %s' % f df2 = pandas.read_csv(f, index_col=None) df2.index = df2['index'] df = df.drop(set(df.index)&set(df2.index)).append(df2) df['residual'] = df['value'] - df['mu_pred'] df['scaled_residual'] = df['residual'] / pl.sqrt(df['value'] * (1 - df['value']) / df['effective_sample_size']) #df['scaled_residual'] = df['residual'] * pl.sqrt(df['effective_sample_size']) # including df['abs_scaled_residual'] = pl.absolute(df['scaled_residual']) d = .005 # TODO: save delta in these files, use negative binomial to calc logp df['logp'] = [mc.negative_binomial_like(x*n, (p+1e-3)*n, d*(p+1e-3)*n) for x,p,n in zip(df['value'], df['mu_pred'], df['effective_sample_size'])] df['logp'][df['data_type'] == 'rr'] = df['scaled_residual'][df['data_type'] == 'rr'] df = df.sort('logp') #print df.filter('data_type area age_start age_end year_start sex effective_sample_size value residual logp'.split())[:25] return df
def calcAUC(data, y0, lag, mgr, asym, time): """ Calculate the area under the curve of the logistic function using its integrated formula [ A( [A-y0] log[ exp( [4m(l-t)/A]+2 )+1 ]) / 4m ] + At """ # First check that max growth rate is not zero # If so, calculate using the data instead of the equation if mgr == 0: auc = calcAUCData(data, time) else: timeS = time[0] timeE = time[-1] t1 = asym - y0 #try: t2_s = py.log(py.exp((4 * mgr * (lag - timeS) / asym) + 2) + 1) t2_e = py.log(py.exp((4 * mgr * (lag - timeE) / asym) + 2) + 1) #except RuntimeWarning as rw: # Exponent is too large, setting to 10^3 # newexp = 1000 # t2_s = py.log(newexp + 1) # t2_e = py.log(newexp + 1) t3 = 4 * mgr t4_s = asym * timeS t4_e = asym * timeE start = (asym * (t1 * t2_s) / t3) + t4_s end = (asym * (t1 * t2_e) / t3) + t4_e auc = end - start if py.absolute(auc) == float('Inf'): x = py.diff(time) auc = py.sum(x * data[1:]) return auc
def unimodal_rate(f=rate, age_indices=age_indices, tau=1.e5): df = pl.diff(f[age_indices]) sign_changes = pl.find((df[:-1] > NEARLY_ZERO) & (df[1:] < -NEARLY_ZERO)) sign = pl.ones(len(age_indices)-2) if len(sign_changes) > 0: change_age = sign_changes[len(sign_changes)/2] sign[change_age:] = -1. return -tau*[:-1]), (sign * df[:-1] < 0))
def _calculate_spectra_sussix(sx, sy, Q_x, Q_y, Q_s, n_lines): n_turns, n_files = sx.shape # Allocate memory for output. oxx, axx = plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)), plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)) oyy, ayy = plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)), plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)) # Initialise Sussix object. SX = PySussix.Sussix() x, xp, y, yp = sx.real, sx.imag, sy.real, sy.imag for file_i in xrange(n_files): SX.sussix_inp(nt1=1, nt2=n_turns, idam=2, ir=0, tunex=Q_x[file_i] % 1, tuney=Q_y[file_i] % 1) SX.sussix(x[:,file_i], xp[:,file_i], y[:,file_i], yp[:,file_i], sx[:,file_i], sx[:,file_i]) # Amplitude normalisation /= plt.amax( SX.ay /= plt.amax(SX.ay) # Tunes SX.ox = plt.absolute(SX.ox) SX.oy = plt.absolute(SX.oy) if file_i==0: tunexsx = SX.ox[plt.argmax(] tuneysx = SX.oy[plt.argmax(SX.ay)] print "\n*** Tunes from Sussix" print " tunex", tunexsx, ", tuney", tuneysx, "\n" # Tune normalisation SX.ox = (SX.ox - (Q_x[file_i] % 1)) / Q_s[file_i] SX.oy = (SX.oy - (Q_y[file_i] % 1)) / Q_s[file_i] # Sort CX = plt.rec.fromarrays([SX.ox,], names='ox, ax') CX.sort(order='ax') CY = plt.rec.fromarrays([SX.oy, SX.ay], names='oy, ay') CY.sort(order='ay') ox, ax, oy, ay = CX.ox,, CY.oy, CY.ay oxx[:,file_i], axx[:,file_i], oyy[:,file_i], ayy[:,file_i] = ox, ax, oy, ay spectra = {} spectra['horizontal'] = (oxx, axx) spectra['vertical'] = (oyy, ayy) return spectra
def store_results(dm, area, sex, year): types_to_plot = 'p i r rr'.split() graphics.plot_convergence_diag(dm.vars) pl.clf() for i, t in enumerate(types_to_plot): pl.subplot(len(types_to_plot), 1, i + 1) graphics.plot_data_bars(dm.model.get_data(t)) pl.plot(range(101), dm.emp_priors[t, 'mu'], linestyle='dashed', color='grey', label='Emp. Prior', linewidth=3) pl.plot(range(101), dm.true[t], 'b-', label='Truth', linewidth=3) pl.plot(range(101), dm.posteriors[t].mean(0), 'r-', label='Estimate', linewidth=3) pl.errorbar(range(101), dm.posteriors[t].mean(0), yerr=1.96 * dm.posteriors[t].std(0), fmt='r-', linewidth=1, capsize=0) pl.ylabel(t) graphics.expand_axis() pl.legend(loc=(0., -.95), fancybox=True, shadow=True) pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, left=.1, right=.95, bottom=.2, top=.95) pl.xlabel('Age (Years)') model = dm = pandas.DataFrame() for t in types_to_plot: = dict(true=dm.true[t], mu_pred=dm.posteriors[t].mean(0), sigma_pred=dm.posteriors[t].std(0))), ignore_index=True) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( print '\nparam prediction bias: %.5f, MARE: %.3f, coverage: %.2f' % (['abs_err'].mean(), pl.median(pl.absolute(['rel_err'].dropna())),['covered?'].mean()) print data_simulation.initialize_results(model) data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'mu') data_simulation.finalize_results(model) print model.results return model
def Concurrence(n, m, v, w, chi, phi, a): """Returns two times the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix of scattering amplitudes. Used as a measure of entanglement.""" om = AmpOneMin(n, m, v, w, chi, phi, a) op = AmpOnePlus(n, m, v, w, chi, phi, a) tm = AmpTwoMin(n, m, v, w, chi, phi, a) tp = AmpTwoPlus(n, m, v, w, chi, phi, a) return 2 * py.absolute(op * tm - om * tp) / AmpTotSq(n, m, v, w)
def update(self, data): blue=pl.less(data,0.) # Fill in True where less than 0.0 red=~blue # Reverse of the above #Blue self.image[...,2][blue]=pl.minimum(pl.absolute(pl.divide(data[blue],255.)),1.) #Red -- Max 40C, so we increase the intensity of the red color 6 times self.image[...,0][red]=pl.minimum(1.,pl.divide(pl.multiply(data[red],6.),255.)) pl.imshow(self.image) pl.draw()
def xyamb(xytab,qu,xyout=''): mytb=taskinit.tbtool() if not isinstance(qu,tuple): raise Exception,'qu must be a tuple: (Q,U)' if xyout=='': xyout=xytab if xyout!=xytab: os.system('cp -r '+xytab+' '+xyout) QUexp=complex(qu[0],qu[1]) print 'Expected QU = ',qu # , ' (',pl.angle(QUexp)*180/pi,')',nomodify=False) QU=mytb.getkeyword('QU')['QU'] P=pl.sqrt(QU[0,:]**2+QU[1,:]**2) nspw=P.shape[0] for ispw in range(nspw): st=mytb.query('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID=='+str(ispw)) if (st.nrows()>0): q=QU[0,ispw] u=QU[1,ispw] qufound=complex(q,u) c=st.getcol('CPARAM') fl=st.getcol('FLAG') xyph0=pl.angle(pl.mean(c[0,:,:][pl.logical_not(fl[0,:,:])]),True) print 'Spw = '+str(ispw)+': Found QU = '+str(QU[:,ispw]) # +' ('+str(pl.angle(qufound)*180/pi)+')' #if ( (abs(q)>0.0 and abs(qu[0])>0.0 and (q/qu[0])<0.0) or # (abs(u)>0.0 and abs(qu[1])>0.0 and (u/qu[1])<0.0) ): if ( pl.absolute(pl.angle(qufound/QUexp)*180/pi)>90.0 ): c[0,:,:]*=-1.0 xyph1=pl.angle(pl.mean(c[0,:,:][pl.logical_not(fl[0,:,:])]),True) st.putcol('CPARAM',c) QU[:,ispw]*=-1 print ' ...CONVERTING X-Y phase from '+str(xyph0)+' to '+str(xyph1)+' deg' else: print ' ...KEEPING X-Y phase '+str(xyph0)+' deg' st.close() QUr={} QUr['QU']=QU mytb.putkeyword('QU',QUr) mytb.close() QUm=pl.mean(QU[:,P>0],1) QUe=pl.std(QU[:,P>0],1) Pm=pl.sqrt(QUm[0]**2+QUm[1]**2) Xm=0.5*atan2(QUm[1],QUm[0])*180/pi print 'Ambiguity resolved (spw mean): Q=',QUm[0],'U=',QUm[1],'(rms=',QUe[0],QUe[1],')','P=',Pm,'X=',Xm stokes=[1.0,QUm[0],QUm[1],0.0] print 'Returning the following Stokes vector: '+str(stokes) return stokes
def _power(self): if not self._have_stft: if not self._stft(): return False fp = self._check_feature_params() self.POWER=(pylab.absolute(self.STFT)**2).sum(0) self._have_power=True if fp['verbosity']: print "Extracted POWER" return True
def unimodal_rate(f=rate, age_indices=age_indices, tau=1.e5): df = pl.diff(f[age_indices]) sign_changes = pl.find((df[:-1] > NEARLY_ZERO) & (df[1:] < -NEARLY_ZERO)) sign = pl.ones(len(age_indices) - 2) if len(sign_changes) > 0: change_age = sign_changes[len(sign_changes) / 2] sign[change_age:] = -1. return -tau *[:-1]), (sign * df[:-1] < 0))
def AmpOnePlusSq(n, m, v, w, chi, phi, a): """Returns squared amplitude of the ( 1 -> 1,+ ) process.""" E = Gamma(v) * m p = Gamma(v) * m * v B = 2 * E + 2 * m - w dot = p * py.cos(a) * SinCh(n, m, v, w) cross = ACrossPlusThree(n, m, v, w, chi, phi, a) amp = dot * B + 1j * cross fac = 4 * E**2 * (E + m) * (E + m - w) return py.absolute(amp)**2 / fac
def _power(self): if not self._stft(): return False fp = self._check_feature_params() self.POWER=(P.absolute(self.STFT)**2).sum(0) self._have_power=True if self.verbosity: print "Extracted POWER" self.X=self.POWER return True
def _power(self): if not self._stft(): return False fp = self._check_feature_params() self.POWER = (P.absolute(self.STFT)**2).sum(0) self._have_power = True if self.verbosity: print("Extracted POWER") self.X = self.POWER return True
def plot_risetimes(a, b, **kwargs): # plt.ion() # if kwargs is not None: # for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): # if key == 'file_list': # file_list = value # if key == 'scan_line': # scan_line = value # varray = plt.array(get_value_from_cfg(file_list, scan_line)) n_files = a.shape[-1] cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') c = [cmap(i) for i in plt.linspace(0, 1, n_files)] fig1, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10)) [ax.set_color_cycle(c) for ax in (ax1, ax2)] r = [] for i in xrange(n_files): x, y = a[:,i], b[:,i] # xo, yo = x, y #, get_envelope(x, y) xo, yo = get_envelope(x, y) p = plt.polyfit(xo, np.log(yo), 1) # Right way to fit... a la Nicolas - the fit expert! l = ax1.plot(x, plt.log(plt.absolute(y))) lcolor = l[-1].get_color() ax1.plot(xo, plt.log(yo), color=lcolor, marker='o', mec=None) ax1.plot(x, p[1] + x * p[0], color=lcolor, ls='--', lw=3) l = ax2.plot(x, y) lcolor = l[-1].get_color() ax2.plot(xo, yo, 'o', color=lcolor) xi = plt.linspace(plt.amin(x), plt.amax(x)) yi = plt.exp(p[1] + p[0] * xi) ax2.plot(xi, yi, color=lcolor, ls='--', lw=3) print p[1], p[0], 1 / p[0] # plt.draw() # ax1.cla() # ax2.cla() r.append(1/p[0]) ax2.set_ylim(0, 1000) plt.figure(2) plt.plot(r, lw=3, c='purple') # plt.gca().set_ylim(0, 10000) # ax3 = plt.subplot(111) # ax3.semilogy(x, y) # ax3.semilogy(xo, yo) return r
def _corrIntensity(self, laserNum, intensity, dist): #iScale = self.calib.maxIntensity - self.calib.minIntensity focalOffset = 256 * (1 - self.calib.caliParams[laserNum].focalDist/13100)**2 corrIntensity = intensity + self.calib.caliParams[laserNum].focalSlope * pl.absolute(focalOffset - 256*(1-dist/65535)**2) if corrIntensity<self.calib.minIntensity: corrIntensity = self.calib.minIntensity if corrIntensity>self.calib.maxIntensity: corrIntensity = self.calib.maxIntensity corrIntensity = (corrIntensity-self.calib.minIntensity)/self.calib.maxIntensity return corrIntensity
def _calculate_sussix_spectrum(self, turn, window_width): # Initialise Sussix object SX = PySussix.Sussix() SX.sussix_inp(nt1=1, nt2=window_width, idam=2, ir=0, tunex=self.q_x, tuney=self.q_y) tunes_x = plt.zeros(self.n_particles_to_analyse) tunes_y = plt.zeros(self.n_particles_to_analyse) n_particles_to_analyse_10th = int(self.n_particles_to_analyse/10) print 'Running SUSSIX analysis ...' for i in xrange(self.n_particles_to_analyse): if not i%n_particles_to_analyse_10th: print ' Particle', i SX.sussix(self.x[i,turn:turn+window_width], self.xp[i,turn:turn+window_width], self.y[i,turn:turn+window_width], self.yp[i,turn:turn+window_width], self.x[i,turn:turn+window_width], self.xp[i,turn:turn+window_width]) # this line is not used by sussix! tunes_x[i] = plt.absolute(SX.ox[plt.argmax(]) tunes_y[i] = plt.absolute(SX.oy[plt.argmax(SX.ay)]) return tunes_x, tunes_y
def mare(id): df = upload_fits.merge_data_csvs(id) df['are'] = pl.absolute((df['value'] - df['mu_pred']) / df['value']) print 'mare by type:' print pl.sort(df.groupby('data_type')['are'].median()) print print 'overall mare: %.3f' % df['are'].median() return df['are'].median()
def _calculate_spectra_fft(sx, sy, Q_x, Q_y, Q_s, n_lines): n_turns, n_files = sx.shape # Allocate memory for output. oxx, axx = plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)), plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)) oyy, ayy = plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)), plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)) for file_i in xrange(n_files): t = plt.linspace(0, 1, n_turns) ax = plt.absolute(plt.fft(sx[:, file_i])) ay = plt.absolute(plt.fft(sy[:, file_i])) # Amplitude normalisation ax /= plt.amax(ax, axis=0) ay /= plt.amax(ay, axis=0) # Tunes if file_i==0: tunexfft = t[plt.argmax(ax[:n_turns/2], axis=0)] tuneyfft = t[plt.argmax(ay[:n_turns/2], axis=0)] print "\n*** Tunes from FFT" print " tunex:", tunexfft, ", tuney:", tuneyfft, "\n" # Tune normalisation ox = (t - (Q_x[file_i] % 1)) / Q_s[file_i] oy = (t - (Q_y[file_i] % 1)) / Q_s[file_i] # Sort CX = plt.rec.fromarrays([ox, ax], names='ox, ax') CX.sort(order='ax') CY = plt.rec.fromarrays([oy, ay], names='oy, ay') CY.sort(order='ay') ox, ax, oy, ay = CX.ox[-n_lines:],[-n_lines:], CY.oy[-n_lines:], CY.ay[-n_lines:] oxx[:,file_i], axx[:,file_i], oyy[:,file_i], ayy[:,file_i] = ox, ax, oy, ay spectra = {} spectra['horizontal'] = (oxx, axx) spectra['vertical'] = (oyy, ayy) return spectra
def img_transition(file1, file2, map_array, blk_siz=2, n=50): I = file2gray(file1) J = file2gray(file2) d = absolute(I - J) steps = linspace(d.min(), d.max(), n+1) for i, step in enumerate(steps): K = I * (d>step) + J * (d<step) # do something with K im_name = os.path.join(".", "output", "%s-%s-%02d.png" %(file1, file2, i)) imsave(im_name, K, cmap=cm.gray)
def plot_cascade(cascade, model): weights = [] thresholds = [] for i, stage in enumerate(cascade.stages): #print("stage:" , i) if stage.feature_type == stage.Level2DecisionTree: weights.append(stage.weight) thresholds.append(stage.cascade_threshold) elif stage.feature_type == stage.Stumps: weights.append(stage.weight) thresholds.append(stage.cascade_threshold) else: raise Exception("Received an unhandled stage.feature_type") # end of "for each stage" for i, stage in enumerate(cascade.stages): #print("stage %i cascade threshold:" % i , stage.cascade_threshold) #print("stage %i weight:" % i , weights[i]) pass if thresholds[0] < -1E5: print("The provided model seems not have a soft cascade, " \ "skipping plot_cascade") return # create new figure #fig = pylab.figure() pylab.clf() # clear the figure pylab.gcf().set_facecolor("w") # set white background pylab.grid(True) #pylab.spectral() # set the default color map # draw the figure max_scores = pylab.cumsum(pylab.absolute(weights)) pylab.plot(max_scores, label="maximum possible score") pylab.plot(thresholds, label="cascade threshold") pylab.legend(loc ="upper left", fancybox=True) pylab.xlabel("Cascade stage") pylab.ylabel("Detection score") title = "Soft cascade" if model: title = "Soft cascade for model '%s' over '%s' dataset" \ % (model.detector_name, model.training_dataset_name) pylab.title(title) pylab.draw() return
def plot_cascade(cascade, model): weights = [] thresholds = [] for i, stage in enumerate(cascade.stages): #print("stage:" , i) if stage.feature_type == stage.Level2DecisionTree: weights.append(stage.weight) thresholds.append(stage.cascade_threshold) elif stage.feature_type == stage.Stumps: weights.append(stage.weight) thresholds.append(stage.cascade_threshold) else: raise Exception("Received an unhandled stage.feature_type") # end of "for each stage" for i, stage in enumerate(cascade.stages): #print("stage %i cascade threshold:" % i , stage.cascade_threshold) #print("stage %i weight:" % i , weights[i]) pass if thresholds[0] < -1E5: print("The provided model seems not have a soft cascade, " \ "skipping plot_cascade") return # create new figure #fig = pylab.figure() pylab.clf() # clear the figure pylab.gcf().set_facecolor("w") # set white background pylab.grid(True) #pylab.spectral() # set the default color map # draw the figure max_scores = pylab.cumsum(pylab.absolute(weights)) pylab.plot(max_scores, label="maximum possible score") pylab.plot(thresholds, label="cascade threshold") pylab.legend(loc="upper left", fancybox=True) pylab.xlabel("Cascade stage") pylab.ylabel("Detection score") title = "Soft cascade" if model: title = "Soft cascade for model '%s' over '%s' dataset" \ % (model.detector_name, model.training_dataset_name) pylab.title(title) pylab.draw() return
def calcaV(W,method = "ratio"): """Calculate aV""" if method == "ratio": return pl.log(pl.absolute(W/pl.roll(W,-1,axis=1))) else: aVs = pl.zeros(pl.shape(W)) n = pl.arange(1,pl.size(W,axis=1)+1) f = lambda b,t,W: W - b[0] * pl.exp(-b[1] * t) for i in xrange(pl.size(W,axis=0)): params,result = optimize.leastsq(f,[1.,1.],args=(n,W[i])) aVs[i] = params[1] * pl.ones(pl.shape(W[i])) return aVs
def calc_quality_metrics(true_cf, true_std, std_bias, preds): """ Calculate the CSMF accuracy, absolute error, and relative error for the provided true and predicted CSMFs. """ T, J = pl.array(true_cf).shape pred_cf = pl.array(preds.mean(0)) true_cf = pl.array(true_cf) if len(true_std)==1 and len(true_cf)>1: true_std = [true_std[0] for i in range(len(true_cf))] csmf_accuracy = 1. - pl.absolute(pred_cf-true_cf).sum(1) / (2*(1-true_cf.min(1))) abs_err = pl.absolute(pred_cf-true_cf) rel_err = pl.absolute(pred_cf-true_cf)/true_cf coverage = calc_coverage(true_cf, preds) all =[true_cf.ravel(), pl.array(true_std).ravel(), (pl.ones([T,J])*pl.array(std_bias)).ravel(), abs_err.ravel(), rel_err.ravel(), pl.array([[i for j in range(J)] for i in csmf_accuracy]).ravel(), coverage.ravel(), pl.array([[j for j in range(J)] for t in range(T)]).ravel(), pl.array([[t for j in range(J)] for t in range(T)]).ravel()], names=['true_cf','true_std','std_bias','abs_err','rel_err','csmf_accuracy','coverage','cause','time']) return all
def main(): x = pylab.randn(100) t0 = time.clock() y1 = ks_loop(x, 0.9, 10) t_loop = time.clock() - t0 t0 = time.clock() y2 = ks(x, 0.9, 10) t_matrix = time.clock() - t0 print("Loop method took %g seconds." % t_loop) print("Matrix method took %g seconds." % t_matrix) # Make sure y1 and y2 are same within very small numeric # error. assert(pylab.sum(pylab.absolute(y1 - y2)) < 1e-10) # Plot x and y pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(211) pylab.stem(x) pylab.ylabel('x') pylab.subplot(212) pylab.stem(y2) pylab.ylabel('y') pylab.xlabel('samples') print("Generating the opening chord of Hard day's night by The Beatles ...") Fs, T, chord = generate_cord() pylab.figure() pylab.plot(pylab.arange(0.0, T, 1.0/Fs), chord) pylab.xlabel('time (sec)') pylab.title('First Chord of Hard Days Night') print("Writing the chord to chord.wav ...") C = max(pylab.absolute(chord))"chord.wav", Fs, pylab.int16((2**15 - 1) * chord / C)) print("Done.")
def calc_quality_metrics(true_cf, true_std, std_bias, preds): """ Calculate the CSMF accuracy, absolute error, and relative error for the provided true and predicted CSMFs. """ T, J = pl.array(true_cf).shape pred_cf = pl.array(preds.mean(0)) true_cf = pl.array(true_cf) if len(true_std) == 1 and len(true_cf) > 1: true_std = [true_std[0] for i in range(len(true_cf))] csmf_accuracy = 1. - pl.absolute(pred_cf - true_cf).sum(1) / (2 * (1 - true_cf.min(1))) abs_err = pl.absolute(pred_cf - true_cf) rel_err = pl.absolute(pred_cf - true_cf) / true_cf coverage = calc_coverage(true_cf, preds) all =[ true_cf.ravel(), pl.array(true_std).ravel(), (pl.ones([T, J]) * pl.array(std_bias)).ravel(), abs_err.ravel(), rel_err.ravel(), pl.array([[i for j in range(J)] for i in csmf_accuracy]).ravel(), coverage.ravel(), pl.array([[j for j in range(J)] for t in range(T)]).ravel(), pl.array([[t for j in range(J)] for t in range(T)]).ravel() ], names=[ 'true_cf', 'true_std', 'std_bias', 'abs_err', 'rel_err', 'csmf_accuracy', 'coverage', 'cause', 'time' ]) return all
def validate_age_group(model, replicate): # set random seed for reproducibility + replicate) N = 30 delta_true = 5.0 pi_true = true_rate_function m = simulate_age_group_data(N=N, delta_true=delta_true, pi_true=pi_true) if model == "midpoint_covariate": fit_midpoint_covariate_model(m) if model == "alt_midpoint_covariate": fit_alt_midpoint_covariate_model(m) elif model == "age_standardizing": fit_age_standardizing_model(m) elif model == "age_integrating": fit_age_integrating_model(m) elif model == "midpoint_model": fit_midpoint_model(m) elif model == "disaggregation_model": fit_disaggregation_model(m) else: raise TypeError, 'Unknown model type: "%s"' % model # compare estimate to ground truth import data_simulation = pandas.DataFrame( dict( true=[pi_true(a) for a in range(101)], mu_pred=m.vars["mu_age"].stats()["mean"], sigma_pred=m.vars["mu_age"].stats()["standard deviation"], ) ) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( print "\nparam prediction bias: %.5f, MARE: %.3f, coverage: %.2f" % (["abs_err"].mean(), pl.median(pl.absolute(["rel_err"].dropna())),["covered?"].mean(), ) print data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( data_simulation.initialize_results(m) data_simulation.add_to_results(m, "mu") data_simulation.finalize_results(m) return m
def amptime(uv, baseline="0_1", pol="xx", applycal=False): ''' Plots Amp vs Time for a single baseline. ''' fig = pl.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) aipy.scripting.uv_selector(uv, baseline, pol) for preamble, data, flags in uv.all(raw=True): uvw, t, (i, j) = preamble ax.plot(t, pl.average(pl.absolute(data)), 'ks', mec='None', alpha=0.2, ms=5) hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m/%d %H:%M') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.HourLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) ax.set_ylim(bottom = 0) pl.xticks(rotation='vertical')
def fit(model): emp_priors = model.emp_priors ## Then fit the model and compare the estimates to the truth model.vars = {} model.vars['p'] = data_model.data_model('p', model, 'p', 'all', 'total', 'all', None, emp_priors['p', 'mu'], emp_priors['p', 'sigma']), model.mcmc = fit_model.fit_data_model(model.vars['p'], iter=5000, burn=2000, thin=25, tune_interval=100), model.mcmc = fit_model.fit_data_model(model.vars['p'], iter=101, burn=0, thin=1, tune_interval=100) #graphics.plot_one_ppc(model.vars['p'], 'p') #graphics.plot_convergence_diag(model.vars) graphics.plot_one_type(model, model.vars['p'], emp_priors, 'p') pl.plot(model.a, model.pi_age_true, 'b--', linewidth=3, alpha=.5, label='Truth') pl.legend(fancybox=True, shadow=True, loc='upper left') pl.title('Heterogeneity %s'%model.parameters['p']['heterogeneity']) model.input_data['mu_pred'] = model.vars['p']['p_pred'].stats()['mean'] model.input_data['sigma_pred'] = model.vars['p']['p_pred'].stats()['standard deviation'] data_simulation.add_quality_metrics(model.input_data) = pandas.DataFrame(dict(true=[model.delta_true]))['mu_pred'] = pl.exp(model.vars['p']['eta'].trace()).mean()['sigma_pred'] = pl.exp(model.vars['p']['eta'].trace()).std() data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( print 'delta' print print '\ndata prediction bias: %.5f, MARE: %.3f, coverage: %.2f' % (model.input_data['abs_err'].mean(), pl.median(pl.absolute(model.input_data['rel_err'].dropna())), model.input_data['covered?'].mean()) = pandas.DataFrame(dict(true=model.pi_age_true, mu_pred=model.vars['p']['mu_age'].stats()['mean'], sigma_pred=model.vars['p']['mu_age'].stats()['standard deviation'])) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( data_simulation.initialize_results(model) data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'delta') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'mu') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'input_data') data_simulation.finalize_results(model) print model.results
def _corrIntensity(self, laserNum, intensity, dist): #iScale = self.calib.maxIntensity - self.calib.minIntensity focalOffset = 256 * ( 1 - self.calib.caliParams[laserNum].focalDist / 13100)**2 corrIntensity = intensity + self.calib.caliParams[ laserNum].focalSlope * pl.absolute(focalOffset - 256 * (1 - dist / 65535)**2) if corrIntensity < self.calib.minIntensity: corrIntensity = self.calib.minIntensity if corrIntensity > self.calib.maxIntensity: corrIntensity = self.calib.maxIntensity corrIntensity = (corrIntensity - self.calib.minIntensity) / self.calib.maxIntensity return corrIntensity
def calculate_1d_sussix_spectrum(turn, window_width, x, xp, qx): macroparticlenumber = len(x) tunes = plt.zeros(macroparticlenumber) # Initialise Sussix object SX = PySussix.Sussix() SX.sussix_inp(nt1=1, nt2=window_width, idam=1, ir=0, tunex=qx) n_particles_to_analyse_10th = int(macroparticlenumber/10) print 'Running SUSSIX analysis ...' for i in xrange(macroparticlenumber): if not i%n_particles_to_analyse_10th: print ' Particle', i SX.sussix(x[i,turn:turn+window_width], xp[i,turn:turn+window_width], x[i,turn:turn+window_width], xp[i,turn:turn+window_width], x[i,turn:turn+window_width], xp[i,turn:turn+window_width]) # this line is not used by sussix! tunes[i] = plt.absolute(SX.ox[plt.argmax(]) return tunes
def validate_age_group(model, replicate): # set random seed for reproducibility + replicate) N = 30 delta_true = 5. pi_true = true_rate_function m = simulate_age_group_data(N=N, delta_true=delta_true, pi_true=pi_true) if model == 'midpoint_covariate': fit_midpoint_covariate_model(m) if model == 'alt_midpoint_covariate': fit_alt_midpoint_covariate_model(m) elif model == 'age_standardizing': fit_age_standardizing_model(m) elif model == 'age_integrating': fit_age_integrating_model(m) elif model == 'midpoint_model': fit_midpoint_model(m) elif model == 'disaggregation_model': fit_disaggregation_model(m) else: raise TypeError, 'Unknown model type: "%s"' % model # compare estimate to ground truth import data_simulation = pandas.DataFrame( dict(true=[pi_true(a) for a in range(101)], mu_pred=m.vars['mu_age'].stats()['mean'], sigma_pred=m.vars['mu_age'].stats()['standard deviation'])) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( print '\nparam prediction bias: %.5f, MARE: %.3f, coverage: %.2f' % (['abs_err'].mean(), pl.median(pl.absolute(['rel_err'].dropna())),['covered?'].mean()) print data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( data_simulation.initialize_results(m) data_simulation.add_to_results(m, 'mu') data_simulation.finalize_results(m) return m
def validate_age_group(model, replicate): # set random seed for reproducibility N = 30 delta_true = 5. pi_true = true_rate_function m = simulate_age_group_data(N=N, delta_true=delta_true, pi_true=pi_true) if model == 'midpoint_covariate': fit_midpoint_covariate_model(m) elif model == 'age_standardizing': fit_age_standardizing_model(m) elif model == 'age_integrating': fit_age_integrating_model(m) elif model == 'midpoint_model': fit_midpoint_model(m) elif model == 'disaggregation_model': fit_disaggregation_model(m) else: raise TypeError, 'Unknown model type: "%s"' % model # compare estimate to ground truth import data_simulation = pandas.DataFrame(dict(true=[pi_true(a) for a in range(101)], mu_pred=m.vars['mu_age'].stats()['mean'], lb_pred=m.vars['mu_age'].stats()['95% HPD interval'][:,0], ub_pred=m.vars['mu_age'].stats()['95% HPD interval'][:,1])) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( print '\nparam prediction bias: %.5f, MARE: %.3f, coverage: %.2f' % (['abs_err'].mean(), pl.median(pl.absolute(['rel_err'].dropna())),['covered?'].mean()) print data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( data_simulation.initialize_results(m) data_simulation.add_to_results(m, 'mu') data_simulation.finalize_results(m) return m
def filter_cosmic_rays(spectrum, error_thr=10., filter_size=5): """ Filters out cosmic rays from a 1D spectrum (simple spike detection algorithm). Args: spectrum (numpy array): a 1D numpy array with spectrum data error_thr (float, optional): spike detection threshold. If the distance from smoothened spectrum to real spectrum is greater than error_thr, data will be replaced by smoothened spectrum. filter_size (int, optional): number of pixels of the smoothening window. Returns: numpy array: the spectrum corrected (spikes removed). """ spectrum_smooth = scipy.signal.medfilt(spectrum, filter_size) bad_pixels = pl.absolute(spectrum - spectrum_smooth) > float(error_thr) spectrum_corr = spectrum.copy() spectrum_corr[bad_pixels] = spectrum_smooth[bad_pixels] return spectrum_corr
def _cqft_intensified(self): """ :: Constant-Q Fourier transform using only max abs(STFT) value in each band """ if not self._have_stft: if not self._stft(): return False self._make_log_freq_map() r,b=self.Q.shape b,c=self.STFT.shape self.CQFT=P.zeros((r,c)) for i in P.arange(r): for j in P.arange(c): self.CQFT[i,j] = (self.Q[i,:]*P.absolute(self.STFT[:,j])).max() self._have_cqft=True self._is_intensified=True self.inverse=self.icqft self.X=self.CQFT return True
def start(self): self.format_data() self.y_data = gen(self.shape_cb.currentText()) * pl.absolute( self.real_high - self.real_low) / 2 + self.real_off self.x_data = pl.linspace(0, 1 / self.real_freq, pl.size(self.y_data)) * 1000, self.y_data) print len(self.x_data) print len(self.y_data) self.canvas.draw() if mode == 'has_visa': self.inst.write('source1:function:shape ' + self.shape_cb.currentText()) self.inst.write('source1:frequency:fixed ' + self.freq_text.text() + self.freq_cb.currentText()) self.inst.write('source1:voltage:level:immediate:high ' + self.high_text.text() + self.high_cb.currentText()) self.inst.write('source1:voltage:level:immediate:low ' + self.low_text.text() + self.low_cb.currentText()) self.inst.write('source1:voltage:level:immediate:offset ' + self.off_text.text() + self.off_cb.currentText())
def _cqft(self): """ :: Constant-Q Fourier transform. """ if not self._power(): return False fp = self._check_feature_params() if self.intensify: self._cqft_intensified() else: self._make_log_freq_map() self.CQFT=P.sqrt(P.array(P.mat(self.Q)*P.mat(P.absolute(self.STFT)**2))) self._is_intensified=False self._have_cqft=True if self.verbosity: print "Extracted CQFT: intensified=%d" %self._is_intensified self.inverse=self.icqft self.X=self.CQFT return True
def CalculateGrowthInternal(self, times, levels): res_mat = self.CalculateRates(times, levels) max_i = self.FindMaximumGrowthRate(res_mat) t_mat = pylab.matrix(times).T count_matrix = pylab.matrix(levels).T norm_counts = count_matrix - min(levels) abs_res_mat = pylab.array(res_mat) abs_res_mat[:, 0] = pylab.absolute(res_mat[:, 0]) order = abs_res_mat[:, 0].argsort(axis=0) stationary_indices = filter(lambda x: x >= max_i, order) stationary_indices = pylab.array( filter(lambda x: res_mat[x, 3] > 0, stationary_indices)) stationary_level = 0.0 if stationary_indices.any(): stationary_level = res_mat[stationary_indices[0], 3] pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(times, norm_counts) pylab.plot(times, res_mat[:, 0]) pylab.plot([0, times.max()], [self.minimum_level, self.minimum_level], 'r--') pylab.plot([0, times.max()], [self.maximum_level, self.maximum_level], 'r--') i_range = range(max_i, max_i + self.window_size) x = pylab.hstack([t_mat[i_range, 0], pylab.ones((len(i_range), 1))]) y = x * pylab.matrix(res_mat[max_i, 0:2]).T pylab.plot(x[:, 0], pylab.exp(y), 'k:', linewidth=4) #pylab.plot([0, max(times)], [stationary_level, stationary_level], 'k-') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.legend(['OD', 'growth rate', 'threshold', 'fit']) #, 'stationary']) return res_mat[max_i, 0], stationary_level