def ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(IC):
    converts from IC in euklidean space to IC in circle parameters (rotational invariant).
    The formats are:
    IC_euklid: [x, y, z, vx, vy, vz]
    IC_circle: [y, vy, |v|, |l|, phiv], where |v| is the magnitude of CoM velocity, |l| 
        is the distance from leg1 (assumed to be at [0,0,0]) to CoM, and phiv the angle
        of the velocity in horizontal plane wrt x-axis
    *NOTE* for re-conversion, the leg position is additionally required
        IC (6x float): the initial conditions in euklidean space

        IC (5x float): the initial conditions in circular coordinates
    x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = IC
    v = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2)
    l = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    #phiv = arctan2(vz, vx)
    #phiv = arctan2(-vz, vx)
    phiv = -arctan2(-vz, vx)
    #phix = arctan2(-z, -x)
    phix = arctan2(z, -x)
    # warnings.warn('TODO: fix phi_x (add)')
    # print "phix:", phix * 180 / pi
    return [y, vy, v, l, phiv + phix]
def haversine (latlong1, latlong2, r):

    deltaLatlong = latlong1 - latlong2
    dLat = deltaLatlong[0]
    dLon = deltaLatlong[1]

    lat1 = latlong1[0]
    lat2 = latlong2[0]

    a = (sin (dLat/2) * sin (dLat/2) +
         sin (dLon/2) * sin (dLon/2) * cos (lat1) * cos (lat2))
    c = 2 * arctan2 (sqrt (a), sqrt (1-a))
    d = r * c

    # initial bearing
    y = sin (dLon) * cos (lat2)
    x = (cos (lat1)*sin (lat2) -
         sin (lat1)*cos (lat2)*cos (dLon))
    b1 = arctan2 (y, x);

    # final bearing
    dLon = -dLon
    dLat = -dLat
    tmp = lat1
    lat1 = lat2
    lat2 = tmp
    y = sin (dLon) * cos (lat2)
    x = (cos (lat1) * sin (lat2) - 
         sin (lat1) * cos (lat2) * cos (dLon))
    b2 = arctan2 (y, x)
    b2 = mod ((b2 + pi), 2*pi)

    return (d, b1, b2)
文件: bslip.py 项目: MMaus/mutils
def ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(IC):
    converts from IC in euklidean space to IC in circle parameters (rotational invariant).
    The formats are:
    IC_euklid: [x, y, z, vx, vy, vz]
    IC_circle: [y, vy, |v|, |l|, phiv], where |v| is the magnitude of CoM velocity, |l| 
        is the distance from leg1 (assumed to be at [0,0,0]) to CoM, and phiv the angle
        of the velocity in horizontal plane wrt x-axis
    *NOTE* for re-conversion, the leg position is additionally required
        IC (6x float): the initial conditions in euklidean space

        IC (5x float): the initial conditions in circular coordinates
    x,y,z,vx,vy,vz = IC
    v = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2)
    l = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    #phiv = arctan2(vz, vx)
    #phiv = arctan2(-vz, vx)
    phiv = -arctan2(-vz, vx)
    #phix = arctan2(-z, -x)
    phix = arctan2(z, -x)
    # warnings.warn('TODO: fix phi_x (add)')
    # print "phix:", phix * 180 / pi
    return [y, vy, v, l, phiv + phix]
def haversine(latlong1, latlong2, r):

    deltaLatlong = latlong1 - latlong2

    dLat = deltaLatlong[0]
    dLon = deltaLatlong[1]

    lat1 = latlong1[0]
    lat2 = latlong2[0]

    a = (sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) +
         sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * cos(lat1) * cos(lat2))
    c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
    d = r * c

    # initial bearing
    y = sin(dLon) * cos(lat2)
    x = (cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(dLon))
    b1 = arctan2(y, x)

    # final bearing
    dLon = -dLon
    dLat = -dLat
    tmp = lat1
    lat1 = lat2
    lat2 = tmp
    y = sin(dLon) * cos(lat2)
    x = (cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(dLon))
    b2 = arctan2(y, x)
    b2 = mod((b2 + pi), 2 * pi)

    return (d, b1, b2)
def eq_to_hor_wikipedia(ra, dec, lat, lst):
    H = lst - ra
    sin_a = sin(lat) * sin(dec) + cos(lat) * cos(dec) * cos(H)
    cos_A_cos_a = cos(lat) * sin(dec) - sin(lat) * cos(dec) * cos(H)
    sin_A_cos_a = -cos(dec) * sin(H)
    az = arctan2(sin_A_cos_a, cos_A_cos_a)
    r = sqrt(sin_A_cos_a**2 + cos_A_cos_a**2)
    el = arctan2(sin_a, r)
    return az, el
 def pos2angles(self, armPos, armLen):
     x = armPos[0]
     y = armPos[1]
     l1 = armLen[0]
     l2 = armLen[1]
     elang = abs(2*arctan(sqrt(((l1 + l2)**2 - (x**2 + y**2))/((x**2 + y**2) - (l1 - l2)**2)))); 
     phi = arctan2(y,x); 
     psi = arctan2(l2 * sin(elang), l1 + (l2 * cos(elang)));
     shang = phi - psi; 
     return [shang,elang]
def haversine(location1, location2=None):  # calculates great circle distance
    __doc__ = """Returns the great circle distance of the given
    INPUT:  location1 = ((lat1, lon1), ..., n(lat1, lon1))
           *location2 = ((lat2, lon2), ..., n(lat2, lon2))
           *if location2 is not given a square matrix of distances
             for location1 will be put out
    OUTPUT: distance in km
            (dist1  ...  ndist
              :            : 
             ndist1 ...  ndist)
            shape will depend on the input
    METHOD: a = sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) + 
                sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * 
                cos(lat1) * cos(lat2)
            c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
            d = R * c
            where R is the earth's radius (6371 km)
            and d is the distance in km"""
    from itertools import product, combinations
    from pylab import   deg2rad, sin, cos, arctan2, \
                        meshgrid, sqrt, array, arange
    if location2: 
        location1 = array(location1, ndmin=2)
        location2 = array(location2, ndmin=2)
    elif location2 is None:
        location1 = array(location1, ndmin=2)
        location2 = location1.copy()
    # get all combinations using indicies
    ind1 = arange(location1.shape[0])
    ind2 = arange(location2.shape[0])
    ind  = array(list(product(ind1, ind2)))
    # using combination inds to get lats and lons
    lat1, lon1 = location1[ind[:,0]].T
    lat2, lon2 = location2[ind[:,1]].T
    # setting up variables for haversine
    R = 6371.
    dLat = deg2rad(lat2 - lat1)
    dLon = deg2rad(lon2 - lon1)
    lat1 = deg2rad(lat1)
    lat2 = deg2rad(lat2)
    # haversine formula
    a = sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) + \
        sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * \
        cos(lat1) * cos(lat2)
    c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
    d = R * c
    # reshape accodring to the input
    D = d.reshape(location1.shape[0], location2.shape[0])
    return D
def haversine(location1, location2=None):  # calculates great circle distance
    __doc__ = """Returns the great circle distance of the given
    INPUT:  location1 = ((lat1, lon1), ..., n(lat1, lon1))
           *location2 = ((lat2, lon2), ..., n(lat2, lon2))
           *if location2 is not given a square matrix of distances
             for location1 will be put out
    OUTPUT: distance in km
            (dist1  ...  ndist
              :            : 
             ndist1 ...  ndist)
            shape will depend on the input
    METHOD: a = sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) + 
                sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * 
                cos(lat1) * cos(lat2)
            c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
            d = R * c
            where R is the earth's radius (6371 km)
            and d is the distance in km"""

    from itertools import product, combinations
    from pylab import   deg2rad, sin, cos, arctan2, \
                        meshgrid, sqrt, array, arange

    if location2:
        location1 = array(location1, ndmin=2)
        location2 = array(location2, ndmin=2)
    elif location2 is None:
        location1 = array(location1, ndmin=2)
        location2 = location1.copy()

    # get all combinations using indicies
    ind1 = arange(location1.shape[0])
    ind2 = arange(location2.shape[0])
    ind = array(list(product(ind1, ind2)))

    # using combination inds to get lats and lons
    lat1, lon1 = location1[ind[:, 0]].T
    lat2, lon2 = location2[ind[:, 1]].T

    # setting up variables for haversine
    R = 6371.
    dLat = deg2rad(lat2 - lat1)
    dLon = deg2rad(lon2 - lon1)
    lat1 = deg2rad(lat1)
    lat2 = deg2rad(lat2)

    # haversine formula
    a = sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) + \
        sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * \
        cos(lat1) * cos(lat2)
    c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
    d = R * c

    # reshape accodring to the input
    D = d.reshape(location1.shape[0], location2.shape[0])

    return D
def anamorphosis(Im, r_in):

    dpi = 72
    r_cylinder = int(r_in * dpi)
    (sy, sx) = Im.shape
    Im = np.pad(Im, (0, r_cylinder), mode="constant")[:, :sx]
    (sy, sx) = Im.shape

    th_range = (pyl.pi) * 2
    max_r = sy
    fy = 2 * max_r
    fx = 2 * max_r
    ys = fy / 2 - pyl.arange(fy)
    xs = fx / 2 - pyl.arange(fx)

    xq, yq = np.meshgrid(ys, xs)
    rs = pyl.sqrt(yq * yq + xq * xq)
    rsmx = rs < max_r
    ths = pyl.arctan2(yq, xq)
    thsmx = ths < th_range
    inx = abs(sx - ths * (sx / th_range)) % (sx - 1)
    inx[~thsmx] = sx * 2
    iny = abs(sy - rs)
    iny[~rsmx] = sy * 2
    X = np.vstack((iny.flatten(), inx.flatten()))
    Final = ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(Im, X).reshape(fy,
                                                                 fx)[::-1, :]

    return Final
    def get_touchdown(self, t, y, params):
        Compute the touchdown position of the leg w.r.t. CoM velocity
            t (float): time
            y (6x float): state of the CoM
            params (4x float): leg parameter: stiffness, l0, alpha, beta
            [xFoot, yFoot, zFoot] the position of the leg tip
        k, l0, alpha, beta = params
        vx, vz = y[3], y[5]

        a_v_com = -arctan2(vz, vx)  # correct with our coordinate system
        #for debugging
        #print "v_com_angle:", a_v_com * 180. / pi

        xf = y[0] + l0 * cos(alpha) * cos(beta + a_v_com)
        yf = y[1] - l0 * sin(alpha)
        zf = y[2] - l0 * cos(alpha) * sin(beta + a_v_com)

        #for debugging
        #print "foot: %2.3f,%2.3f,%2.3f," % ( xf,yf, zf)

        return array([xf, yf, zf])
文件: bslip.py 项目: MMaus/mutils
    def get_touchdown(self, t, y, params):
        Compute the touchdown position of the leg w.r.t. CoM velocity
            t (float): time
            y (6x float): state of the CoM
            params (4x float): leg parameter: stiffness, l0, alpha, beta
            [xFoot, yFoot, zFoot] the position of the leg tip
        k, l0, alpha, beta = params
        vx, vz = y[3], y[5]
        a_v_com = -arctan2(vz, vx) # correct with our coordinate system
        #for debugging
        #print "v_com_angle:", a_v_com * 180. / pi
        xf = y[0] + l0 * cos(alpha) * cos(beta + a_v_com)
        yf = y[1] - l0 * sin(alpha)
        zf = y[2] - l0 * cos(alpha) * sin(beta + a_v_com)

        #for debugging
        #print "foot: %2.3f,%2.3f,%2.3f," % ( xf,yf, zf)
        return array([xf, yf, zf])
def angular_distance(ra0, dec0, ra1, dec1):
    dra = ra1 - ra0
    numerator = sqrt(
        pow(cos(dec1) * sin(dra), 2.0) +
        pow(cos(dec0) * sin(dec1) - sin(dec0) * cos(dec1) * cos(dra), 2.0))
    denomenator = sin(dec0) * sin(dec1) + cos(dec0) * cos(dec1) * cos(dra)
    return arctan2(numerator, denomenator)
def hillshade(data,scale=10.0,azdeg=165.0,altdeg=45.0):
    This code thanks to Ran Novitsky Nof
  Repeated here to make my cyclopean uk_map code prettier.

  convert data to hillshade based on matplotlib.colors.LightSource class.
         data - a 2-d array of data
         scale - scaling value of the data. higher number = lower gradient
         azdeg - where the light comes from: 0 south ; 90 east ; 180 north ;
                      270 west
         altdeg - where the light comes from: 0 horison ; 90 zenith
    output: a 2-d array of normalized hilshade
  from pylab import pi, gradient, arctan, hypot, arctan2, sin, cos
  # convert alt, az to radians
  az = azdeg*pi/180.0
  alt = altdeg*pi/180.0
  # gradient in x and y directions
  dx, dy = gradient(data/float(scale))
  slope = 0.5*pi - arctan(hypot(dx, dy))
  aspect = arctan2(dx, dy)
  intensity = sin(alt)*sin(slope) + cos(alt)*cos(slope)*cos(-az - aspect - 0.5*pi)
  intensity = (intensity - intensity.min())/(intensity.max() - intensity.min())
  return intensity
def D(c,f,X):
    The derived elastica energy as in sharon
    E= a**2 etc.
    # either c or f can be an array! not both
    # c: current bar orientation
    # f: flanker orientation
    # x: relative flanker distance and position orientation             
    x = X[0]
    y = X[1]

    ## 'Affinity' D
    # D = Ba^2 + Bb^2 -BaBb
    # Here Ba is the angle of the flanker with the line connecting it with the center
    # and Bb is the reverse for the center
    # See figure 5 in Leung & Malik (1998) for intuitive figure

    # flanker positional angles
    theta = pl.arctan2(x,y)
#        if theta > pi/2: theta-=pi   
#        if theta < -pi/2: theta+=pi

    # B values normalized within -pi to pi
    Ba = pl.arctan(pl.tan(0.5*(-f+theta)))*2     
    Bb = pl.arctan(pl.tan(0.5*(c-theta)))*2

    D = 4*(Ba**2 + Bb**2 - Ba*Bb)
    return D
    def loop(self):

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            # update TF
            if self.tl.canTransform('base_link', 'tool0', rospy.Time(0)):
                tr = self.tl.lookupTransform('base_link', 'tool0',
                d = False

                # angle-axis from quaternion
                s2 = pl.sqrt(tr[1][0]**2 + tr[1][1]**2 + tr[1][2]**2)
                tu = [0, 0, 0]
                if s2 > 1e-6:
                    t = pl.arctan2(s2, tr[1][3]) * 2
                    if t > pl.pi:
                        t -= 2 * pl.pi
                    tu = [t * tr[1][i] / s2 for i in range(3)]

                if len(self.des_pose):
                    d = self.lin_ax.update(tr[0], self.des_pose[:3])
                    self.ang_ax.update(tu, self.des_pose[3:])
                    d = self.lin_ax.update(tr[0])
                if d:

    def mfreqz(self, b,a=1):
        plotting freqz of filter , like matlab representation.
        :param b: nominator
        :param a: denominator
        default: a = 1
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        from pylab import unwrap, arctan2, imag, real, log10

        w, h = signal.freqz(b,a)
        h_dB = 20 * log10(abs(h))
        plt.plot(w/max(w), h_dB)
        plt.ylim(-150, 5)
        plt.ylabel('Magnitude (db)')
        plt.xlabel(r'Normalized Frequency (x$\pi$rad/sample)')
        plt.title(r'Frequency response')
        h_Phase = unwrap(arctan2(imag(h),real(h)))
        plt.ylabel('Phase (radians)')
        plt.xlabel(r'Normalized Frequency (x$\pi$rad/sample)')
        plt.title(r'Phase response')
def hillshade(data, scale=10.0, azdeg=165.0, altdeg=45.0):
    Convert data to hillshade based on matplotlib.colors.LightSource class.

        data - a 2-d array of data
        scale - scaling value of the data. higher number = lower gradient
        azdeg - where the light comes from: 0 south ; 90 east ; 180 north ;
                        270 west
        altdeg - where the light comes from: 0 horison ; 90 zenith

        a 2-d array of normalized hilshade
    # convert alt, az to radians
    az = azdeg*pi/180.0
    alt = altdeg*pi/180.0
    # gradient in x and y directions
    dx, dy = gradient(data/float(scale))
    slope = 0.5*pi - arctan(hypot(dx, dy))
    aspect = arctan2(dx, dy)
    az = -az - aspect - 0.5*pi
    intensity = sin(alt)*sin(slope) + cos(alt)*cos(slope)*cos(az)
    mi, ma = intensity.min(), intensity.max()
    intensity = (intensity - mi)/(ma - mi)
    return intensity
def rot2rph (R):

    Decompose a 3x3 rotation matrix R into roll, pitch, and yaw angles

    h = arctan2 (R[1,0], R[0,0])

    ch = cos (h)
    sh = sin (h)

    p = arctan2 (-R[2,0], R[0,0]*ch + R[1,0]*sh)

    r = arctan2 (R[0,2]*sh - R[1,2]*ch, -R[0,1]*sh + R[1,1]*ch);

    return array ([r,p,h])
 def _matrix2State(self, R, T):
     calculate euler angle from rotation matrix
     and form the vector state from angle and w_T_L
     if R[2,0]!=1 or R[2,0]!=-1:
         pitch=-pl.arcsin(R[2,0])#another solution is pi-pitch
         roll=pl.arctan2(R[2,1]/cos(pitch), R[2,2]/cos(pitch))
         yaw=pl.arctan2(R[1,0]/cos(pitch), R[0,0]/cos(pitch))
         if R[2,0]==-1:
     state = pl.array([T[0],T[1],T[2],roll*RAD2DEG,pitch*RAD2DEG,yaw*RAD2DEG])
     return state
文件: fircalc.py 项目: ivanovev/alt
 def plot_upd_mfreqz(self, fig, taps, a=1):
     if not signal:
     ax1, ax2 = fig.get_axes()
     w, h = signal.freqz(taps, a)
     if sum(abs(h)) == 0:
     h_dB = 20 * pylab.log10(abs(h))
     ax1.plot(w / max(w), h_dB)
     h_Phase = pylab.unwrap(pylab.arctan2(pylab.imag(h), pylab.real(h)))
     ax2.plot(w / max(w), h_Phase)
def scatter_1():
    count = 5
    for x in range(count):
        x = plb.rand(1, 2, 1500)
        y = plb.rand(1, 2, 1500)
        plb.axes([0.075, 0.075, .88, .88])

        plb.scatter(x, y, s=65, alpha=.75, linewidths=.125, c=plb.arctan2(x, y))

        plb.xlim(-0.085, 1.085), plb.ylim(-0.085, 1.085)
def AnglesFromRot(R):
    # Hypothesis 1
    h2a = arcsin(R[0, 2])
    cos2 = cos(h2a)
    if abs(cos2) < 1e-8:
        cos2 += 1e-8
    h1a = arctan2(-R[1, 2] / cos2, R[2, 2] / cos2)
    h3a = arctan2(-R[0, 1] / cos2, R[0, 0] / cos2)
    # Hypothesis 2
    h2b = pi - h2a
    cos2 = cos(h2b)
    if abs(cos2) < 1e-8:
        cos2 += 1e-8
    h1b = arctan2(-R[1, 2] / cos2, R[2, 2] / cos2)
    h3b = arctan2(-R[0, 1] / cos2, R[0, 0] / cos2)
    # Testing
    resa = abs(sum(R - RotFromAngles([h1a, h2a, h3a])))
    resb = abs(sum(R - RotFromAngles([h1b, h2b, h3b])))
    if resa < resb:
        return [h1a, h2a, h3a]
        return [h1b, h2b, h3b]
def AnglesFromRot(R):
    # Hypothesis 1
    h2a = arcsin(R[0, 2])
    cos2 = cos(h2a)
    if abs(cos2) < 1e-8:
        cos2 += 1e-8
    h1a = arctan2(-R[1, 2] / cos2, R[2, 2] / cos2)
    h3a = arctan2(-R[0, 1] / cos2, R[0, 0] / cos2)
    # Hypothesis 2
    h2b = pi - h2a
    cos2 = cos(h2b)
    if abs(cos2) < 1e-8:
        cos2 += 1e-8
    h1b = arctan2(-R[1, 2] / cos2, R[2, 2] / cos2)
    h3b = arctan2(-R[0, 1] / cos2, R[0, 0] / cos2)
    # Testing
    resa = abs(sum(R - RotFromAngles([h1a, h2a, h3a])))
    resb = abs(sum(R - RotFromAngles([h1b, h2b, h3b])))
    if resa < resb:
        return [h1a, h2a, h3a]
        return [h1b, h2b, h3b]
def det_rotationangles2(cell, segment1, segment2):
    '''return rotationangles around x- and y-axis, so the line between two
    chosen segments is aligned in parallell to the z-axis, corrected to soma.'''
    R = pl.sqrt((cell.xmid[segment1]-cell.xmid[segment2])**2 \
            + (cell.ymid[segment1]-cell.ymid[segment2])**2 \
            + (cell.zmid[segment1]-cell.zmid[segment2])**2)

    rot_x = pl.pi+pl.arctan2(cell.ymid[segment1]-cell.ymid[segment2],\
    rot_y = -pl.pi + pl.arcsin((cell.xmid[segment1] - cell.xmid[segment2]) / R)

    rotation = {'x': rot_x, 'y': rot_y}
    return rotation
    def _matrix2State(self, R, T):
        calculate euler angle from rotation matrix
        and form the vector state from angle and w_T_L
        if R[2, 0] != 1 or R[2, 0] != -1:
            pitch = -pl.arcsin(R[2, 0])  #another solution is pi-pitch
            roll = pl.arctan2(R[2, 1] / cos(pitch), R[2, 2] / cos(pitch))
            yaw = pl.arctan2(R[1, 0] / cos(pitch), R[0, 0] / cos(pitch))
            yaw = 0
            if R[2, 0] == -1:
                pitch = pi / 2
                roll = yaw + pl.arctan2(R[0, 1], R[0, 2])
                pitch = -pi / 2
                roll = -yaw + pl.arctan2(-R[0, 1], -R[0, 2])

        state = pl.array(
            [T[0], T[1], T[2], roll * RAD2DEG, pitch * RAD2DEG, yaw * RAD2DEG])

        return state
def angles(h,k,l):
    if h is not 0:
        phi = pylab.arctan2(k,h)*180/numpy.pi
    elif k<0:
        phi = -90
    elif k>0:
        phi = 90
    elif k==0:
        phi = 0

    theta = numpy.arccos(l/numpy.sqrt(h**2+k**2+l**2))*180/numpy.pi

    return phi, theta
def det_rotationangles2(cell, segment1, segment2):
    """return rotationangles around x- and y-axis, so the line between two
    chosen segments is aligned in parallell to the z-axis, corrected to soma."""
    R = pl.sqrt(
        (cell.xmid[segment1] - cell.xmid[segment2]) ** 2
        + (cell.ymid[segment1] - cell.ymid[segment2]) ** 2
        + (cell.zmid[segment1] - cell.zmid[segment2]) ** 2

    rot_x = pl.pi + pl.arctan2(cell.ymid[segment1] - cell.ymid[segment2], cell.zmid[segment1] - cell.zmid[segment2])
    rot_y = -pl.pi + pl.arcsin((cell.xmid[segment1] - cell.xmid[segment2]) / R)

    rotation = {"x": rot_x, "y": rot_y}
    return rotation
def GetOrientation(CentralMoments):
    # Corrige le cadrant et permet d'avoir l'orientation de l'ellipse !
    mu = CentralMoments

    a = mu[2, 0] / mu[0, 0]
    b = mu[1, 1] / mu[0, 0]
    c = mu[0, 2] / mu[0, 0]

    if a - c == 0:
        Orientation = m.pi / 2.0
        Orientation = -0.5 * m.arctan2(2 * b, (a - c))

    return Orientation
def eq_to_gal(ra, dec):
    expects dec between -pi/2 and pi/2
    compares to pyephem within 0.45 arcsec
    returns lon, lat in radians
    alpha = galactic_north_equatorial[0]
    delta = galactic_north_equatorial[1]
    la = angles.from_degrees(122.932 - 90.0)
    b = arcsin(sin(dec) * sin(delta) + cos(dec) * cos(delta) * cos(ra - alpha))
    l = arctan2(
        sin(dec) * cos(delta) - cos(dec) * sin(delta) * cos(ra - alpha),
        cos(dec) * sin(ra - alpha)) + la
    l += 2.0 * pylab.pi * (l < 0)
    l = l % (2.0 * pylab.pi)
    return l, b
    def popvec(self,X):
        ''' Population vector for the set of responses X, with each value in 
        the vector X corresponding to an angle in self.ang
        X is a 1D vector of length len(self.ang)
        Returns the angle of the population vector.
        # define vector coordinates
        v = pl.zeros((2,self.N))
        v[0,:] = cos(2*self.ang)
        v[1,:] = sin(2*self.ang)

        # find population vector
        vest0 = pl.sum(((X-min(X))/max(X))*v,1)
        # return the angle of the population vector
        return 0.5*pl.arctan2(vest0[1],vest0[0])
def on_key(event):
    #print 'you pressed', event.key, event.xdata, event.ydata
    if   (event.key == 'q'):
    elif (event.key == 'w'):
    elif (event.key == 'd'):
        print "##############################################################"
        print "Please click two points to get the distance and slope."
        from matplotlib.widgets import Cursor
        cursor = Cursor(event.inaxes, useblit=False, color='red', linewidth=1)
        points = pylab.ginput(n=2, show_clicks=True, timeout=0)
        xs  = pylab.array([points[0][0], points[1][0]])
        ys  = pylab.array([points[0][1], points[1][1]])
        dx = xs[1] - xs[0]
        dy = ys[1] - ys[0]
        dy_log = pylab.log10(ys[0]) - pylab.log10(ys[1])
        dy_ln = pylab.log(ys[0]) - pylab.log(ys[1])
        angle = pylab.arctan2(dy, dx)
        print "points = ", points
        print "distance (x) =", dx
        print "distance (y) =", dy
        print "distance =", pylab.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 )
        print "Ratio: x0/x1 =", xs[0] / xs[1], "   x1/x0 =", xs[1] / xs[0], "  y0/y1 =", ys[0] / ys[1], "  y1/y0 =", ys[1] / ys[0]
        print "dy/y0 = ", dy/ys[0]
        print "dx/x0 = ", dx/xs[0]
        print "Angle: theta = atan2(y/x) =", angle, "rad =", angle*180.0/pylab.pi, "deg"
        print "Slope: ", dy/dx, "  1/slope =", dx/dy
        print "Slope (log10 scale):", dy_log/dx
        print "Slope (ln scale):",    dy_ln/dx
        event.inaxes.plot([points[0][0], points[1][0]], [points[0][1], points[1][1]], '--r', lw=1.0)
        event.inaxes.plot([points[0][0], points[1][0]], [points[0][1], points[1][1]],  '+r', lw=1.0)
    elif (event.key == 'a'):
        print "##############################################################"
        print "Please click a point to get the position."
        from matplotlib.widgets import Cursor
        cursor = Cursor(event.inaxes, useblit=False, color='red', linewidth=1)
        point = pylab.ginput(n=1, show_clicks=False, timeout=0)
        print "point = ", point
        event.inaxes.plot(point[0][0], point[0][1],  '+r', lw=1.0)
def test(x_offset, y_offset, angle, min_distance = 0.25, max_distance = 3.6):
    max_dist = (max_distance*scale) ** 2
    min_dist = (min_distance*scale) ** 2

    xs = Xs - x_offset
    ys = Ys - y_offset

    angles = pylab.arctan2( xs, ys )
    angles =  (angles - radians(angle)) % (2*pi)
    angles -= 2*pi * (angles > pi)

    evidence = wide_angle_function(angles)

    dist = xs**2 + ys**2

    evidence *= pylab.logical_and( dist < max_dist, dist > min_dist)

    return evidence
def test(x_offset, y_offset, angle, min_distance=0.25, max_distance=3.6):
    max_dist = (max_distance * scale)**2
    min_dist = (min_distance * scale)**2

    xs = Xs - x_offset
    ys = Ys - y_offset

    angles = pylab.arctan2(xs, ys)
    angles = (angles - radians(angle)) % (2 * pi)
    angles -= 2 * pi * (angles > pi)

    evidence = wide_angle_function(angles)

    dist = xs**2 + ys**2

    evidence *= pylab.logical_and(dist < max_dist, dist > min_dist)

    return evidence
def gal_to_eq(l, b):
        l: galactic longitude
        b: galactic latitude
        ra, dec
    compares to pyephem within 0.45 arcsec
    alpha = galactic_north_equatorial[0]
    delta = galactic_north_equatorial[1]
    la = angles.from_degrees(122.932 - 90.0)
    dec = arcsin(sin(b) * sin(delta) + cos(b) * cos(delta) * sin(l - la))
    ra = arctan2(
        cos(b) * cos(l - la),
        sin(b) * cos(delta) - cos(b) * sin(delta) * sin(l - la)) + alpha
    ra += 2.0 * pylab.pi * (ra < 0)
    ra = ra % (2.0 * pylab.pi)
    return ra, dec
    def run_one_bolo(self, bolo, boresight_pointing, maps, times):
		Function: run_one_bolo
		Purpose: runs simulation for one bolometer at a time, in the event that multiple bolos are
			used. The number of bolos can be accessed/changed in default_settings. 
		This function: 	* uses the boresight pointing (generated by new_pointing file)
				* rotates it according to the number of bolos
				* converts to lat/lon
				* reads healpy map and gets corresponding I, Q, and U values
				* demodulates the signal
				* adds noise/non-linearity/HWPSS 
				* plots the signal
				* can also make and write a healpy map if developed further.
		-> bolo (int): bolometer number
		-> boresight_pointing (float): array of coordinates in ra/dec
		-> maps (healpy map): map being used. This can be accessed/changed in default_settings.
		-> times (float): array of times
		Outputs: none

        detector_pointing = self.rotate_boresight_pointing(
            boresight_pointing, bolo)
        lat, lon = coordinates.eq_to_gal(detector_pointing[0],
        bolo_i = healpy.get_interp_val(maps[0], pl.pi / 2.0 - lat, lon)
        bolo_q = healpy.get_interp_val(maps[1], pl.pi / 2.0 - lat, lon)
        bolo_u = healpy.get_interp_val(maps[2], pl.pi / 2.0 - lat, lon)
        bolo_alpha = 1 / 2. * pl.arctan2(bolo_u, bolo_q)
        bolo_p = pl.sqrt(bolo_q**2 + bolo_u**2) / bolo_i
        #hwp_angle = np.sin(2*pl.pi * self.settings.f_hwp * self.hwp_angles)
        #hwp_angle = 2*pl.pi * self.settings.f_hwp * self.hwp_rotation()
        data = 1 / 2. * (
            bolo_i + bolo_p * pl.cos(4 * self.hwp_rotation() - 2 * bolo_alpha))
        data = self.add_hwpss(times, data, self.hwp_rotation())
        #data = self.add_nonlinearity(data)
        #data = self.add_noise(data, self.settings.add_white_noise, self.settings.add_1f_noise)
        self.plot_data(times, data)
def rotateData(names, pos, name='Poz', name2='fWAR', vbose=0):

    flipX = flipY = +1

    for i, v in enumerate(names):
        if v==name:
            xpos, ypos = pos[i][:]
            theta = pylab.arctan2(xpos, ypos)

    for i, v in enumerate(names):
        xpos, ypos = pos[i][:]

        nxpos = xpos*pylab.cos(theta) - ypos*pylab.sin(theta)
        nypos = xpos*pylab.sin(theta) + ypos*pylab.cos(theta)        

        pos[i][0] = nxpos
        pos[i][1] = nypos

        if vbose>=1:
            print v, 'oldpos', xpos, ypos, 'newpos(rota)', nxpos, nypos

    for i, v in enumerate(names):
        if v==name2:
            x2, y2 = pos[i][:]
            if x2<0:
                flipX = -1
            if y2>0:
                flixY = -1

    for i, v in enumerate(names):
        xpos, ypos = pos[i][:]
        nxpos = xpos*flipX
        nypos = ypos*flipY
        pos[i][0] = nxpos
        pos[i][1] = nypos
        if vbose>=1:
            print v, 'oldpos', xpos, ypos, 'newpos(flip)', nxpos, nypos

def _xy2pt(x,y,oh=False):
   Convert x,y coordinates to phi,theta, assuming a spherical surface with
     radius equal to 1. 
   x,y are assumed to have been rotated to be consistent with the desired/
    expected POV. However, there still exists the issue of whether x,y are
    for the nearer hemisphere, or the "opposite hemisphere". If oh==True,
    adjust theta accordingly.
   In actuality, floating point round-off error leads to a grid of phi,theta
     that is not regular (i.e., it is not a perfect meshgrid). This error does
     not hurt numerics much, but can cause issues with plotting algorithms, so
     we choose to enforce a regular meshgrid in phi,theta based on the first
   phis = p.arctan2(y[:,-1],x[:,-1])
   phis[phis<0] = phis[phis<0] + 2*p.pi
   if oh:
     phis[0] = 2*p.pi
     phis[-1] = 0
     phis[0] = 0
     phis[-1] = 2*p.pi
   thetas = p.arcsin(x[0,:]) # assumes x[0,:] corresponds to y==0
   phi,theta = p.meshgrid(phis, thetas, indexing='ij')
   if oh:
      theta = p.pi - theta
   return (phi, theta)
def gradient(image):
    ''' Given an image, this computes its gradient using
    sobel filters::

             [-1 0 1]        [ -1 -2 -1 ]
        Dx = [-2 0 2]   Dy = [  0  0  0 ]
             [-1 0 1]        [  1  2  1 ]

    The prewitt filters can also be used::

             [-1 0 1]        [ -1 -1 -1 ]
        Dx = [-1 0 1]   Dy = [  0  0  0 ]
             [-1 0 1]        [  1  1  1 ]
    im_x = pl.zeros(image.shape)
    im_y = pl.zeros(image.shape)

    filters.sobel(image, 1, im_x)
    filters.sobel(image, 0, im_y)
    magnitude = pl.sqrt(im_x**2 + im_y**2)
    angle = pl.arctan2(im_y, im_x)
    return magnitude, angle
def on_key(event):
    #print 'you pressed', event.key, event.xdata, event.ydata
    if   (event.key == 'q'):
    elif (event.key == 'w'):
    elif (event.key == 'd'):
        print "##############################################################"
        print "Please click two points to get the distance and slope."
        points = pylab.ginput(n=2, show_clicks=True, timeout=0)
        dx = points[1][0] - points[0][0]
        dy = points[1][1] - points[0][1]
        dy_log = pylab.log10(points[0][1]) - pylab.log10(points[1][1])
        dy_ln = pylab.log(points[0][1]) - pylab.log(points[1][1])
        angle = pylab.arctan2(dy,dx)
        print "points = ", points
        print "distance (x) =", dx
        print "distance (y) =", dy
        print "distance =", pylab.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 )
        print "Angle: theta = atan2(y/x) =", angle, "rad =", angle*180.0/pylab.pi, "deg"
        print "Slope: ", dy/dx, "  1/slope =", dx/dy
        print "Slope (log10 scale):", dy_log/dx
        print "Slope (ln scale):",    dy_ln/dx
        pylab.plot([points[0][0], points[1][0]], [points[0][1], points[1][1]], '--r', lw=1.0)
        pylab.plot([points[0][0], points[1][0]], [points[0][1], points[1][1]],  '+r', lw=1.0)
    elif (event.key == 'a'):
        print "##############################################################"
        print "Please click a point to get the position."
        #from matplotlib.widgets import Cursor
        #cursor = Cursor(pylab.gca(), useblit=True, color='red', linewidth=2 )
        point = pylab.ginput(n=1, show_clicks=False, timeout=0)
        print "point = ", point
        pylab.gca().plot(point[0][0], point[0][1],  '+r', lw=1.0)
    def findE(self,c,f,X):
        ''' find E, the approximated sharon energy
        - c: current bar orientation, relative to the vertical (can be double or array, if array D returns an array of D values)
        - f: flanker orientation, relative to the vertical  (double)
        - X: flanker position, relative to the current bar (x,y)

	So, as examples...
	findE(0,0,[0,1]) would be two vertical bars, positioned vertically in a line. 
	findE(pi/2,pi/2,[1,0]) would be two horizontal bars, positioned horizontally in a line.        
        # define x and y 
        x = X[0]
        y = X[1]      
        # flanker positional angle
        theta = pl.arctan2(x,y)
        # find and return D
        Ba = pl.arctan(tan(0.5*(-f+theta)))*2     
        Bb = pl.arctan(tan(0.5*(c-theta)))*2
        return  4*(Ba**2 + Bb**2 - Ba*Bb)
def calc_transform():
    # this transforms x -> theta, and y -> r, and gives you then new image
        global pngName, r_in, Im
        print "calculating..."
        # loading the image
        Orig = pyl.asarray(Image.open(pngName))
        Im = Image.fromarray(Orig, 'RGB')
        # checking the dpi
            dpi = Im.info["dpi"]
            print "dpi = ", dpi
            dpi = 72
            print "couldn't find dpi, using default dpi = 72"
        print "calculating, please wait..."
                             text="Calculating, may take several mins...")
        # getting the size of the original image.  sy is the number of pixels in the y dimension, sx in the x direction, and sc is the number of colors (usually 3 for RGB or 4 if it also includes alpha)
        (sy, sx, sc) = (Orig.shape[0], Orig.shape[1], Orig.shape[2])
        # calculates the radius in pixels
        r_cylinder = int(r_in * dpi)
        # sets theta to be between 0 and pi (maybe user should be able to set this?)
        th_range = (pyl.pi)
        # sets the maximum radius (in pixels) as the radius of the cylinder plus the height of the original image.  Maybe the user should be able to set this, but then we'd have to interpolate to resize the image.
        max_r = r_cylinder + sy
        # the final image has dimensions 2*max_r x 2*max_r, because this is the widest that a circle with radius max_r will be
        fy = 2 * max_r
        fx = 2 * max_r
        # initialize the final image to 255s (white background)
        Final = 255 * pyl.ones((fy, fx, sc), dtype=pyl.uint8)
        for y in range(fy):
            # x and y index into the final image
            # xc and yc are centered versions of x and y, so the origin is in the middle
            yc = fy / 2 - y
            for x in range(fx):
                xc = fx / 2 - x
                # calculate r from xc and yc
                r = pyl.sqrt(xc * xc + yc * yc)
                # calculate theta with arctan2, which works even for angles that are bigger than 90
                th = (pyl.arctan2(1. * yc, (1. * xc)))
                # check if r and theta are within range
                if ((th < th_range) & (th > 0)):
                    if ((r > r_cylinder) & (r < (max_r))):
                        # x_orig and y_orig are the indices you want for the original image
                        x_orig = int(th * sx / th_range)
                        y_orig = int(r - r_cylinder)
                        # assign the appropriate pixels of the final image based on the original image, flipping up down and left right (mirror image)
                        Final[y, x, :] = Orig[sy - y_orig - 1,
                                              sx - x_orig - 1, :]
        # make an image out of the array, and set the dpi
        Im = Image.fromarray(Final)
        Im.info["dpi"] = dpi
            "text", text="calculated, view and/or save the anamorphic image")
            "text", text="Sorry, there was an error.  Please check .png")
文件: fixSACM211.py 项目: SDK/sacm
    ra = float(groups[groups['target'] ==True]['ra'].unique()[0])
    if ra < 0:
        ra = ra * -1.
    dec = float(groups[groups['target'] ==True]['dec'].unique()[0])

    for i in pointing.query('go == "%s"'%name).rowNum.values:
        row  = rows[i]
        dRA,dDec = [[p[0].get(),p[1].get()] for p in row.sourceOffset() ][row.numSample()/2]
    #    if dRA == 0. or dDec == 0.:
    #        print "no Offset positions in the Pointing Table"
    #        print "Is this EB a MultiSource?"
    #        sys.exit(1)
        Pl = [pl.cos(dRA)*pl.cos(dDec), pl.sin(dRA)*pl.cos(dDec), pl.sin(dDec)]
        Ps = rot(Pl, ra, dec)
        correctedList.append((pl.arctan2(Ps[1], Ps[0]) % (2.*pl.pi),  pl.arcsin(Ps[2]), i))

correctedAll = pd.DataFrame(correctedList, columns=['ra','dec', 'row'])
corrected = correctedAll[['ra','dec']]
corrected['series'] = 'Corrected (Pointing.bin)'
corrected = corrected.drop_duplicates()
corrected = corrected.reset_index(drop=True)

observed = field[field['target'] == True][['fieldId','ra','dec']]
observed.ra = observed.ra.astype(float)
observed.dec = observed.dec.astype(float)
observed['ra'] = observed.apply(lambda x: x['ra']*-1. if x['ra'] < 0.0 else x['ra'], axis = 1)
observed = observed.loc[observed['fieldId'].isin(fullbar) ]
observed = observed.reset_index(drop=True)
observed['series'] = 'Field.xml'
文件: canny.py 项目: JaykeMeijer/UvA
def canny(F, s, high_threshold, low_threshold):
    '''Apply a canny edge detector to the image.'''
    blurred = gD(F, s, 0, 0)

    filt = gauss1(1.4, f1_1)
    Gx = convolve1d(blurred, filt, axis=0, mode='nearest')
    Gy = convolve1d(blurred, filt, axis=1, mode='nearest')
    G = zeros(F.shape)
    angle = zeros(F.shape, dtype='int')
    after_nm = zeros(F.shape)
    # Finding intensity grade
    for x in xrange(len(G[0])):
        for y in xrange(len(G)):
            G[x][y] = sqrt(Gx[x][y] ** 2 + Gy[x][y] ** 2)
            angle[x][y] = int( \
                    round(arctan2(Gx[x][y], Gy[x][y]) * 4 / pi + 1)) % 4
    # Non-maximum suppression
    for x in xrange(len(G[0])):
        for y in xrange(len(G)):
            if angle[x][y] == 0:
                side_one = G[x+1][y] if inImage(G, x+1, y) else 0
                side_two = G[x-1][y] if inImage(G, x-1, y) else 0
            elif angle[x][y] == 1:
                side_one = G[x-1][y-1] if inImage(G, x-1, y-1) else 0
                side_two = G[x+1][y+1] if inImage(G, x+1, y+1) else 0
            elif angle[x][y] == 2:
                side_one = G[x][y+1] if inImage(G, x, y+1) else 0
                side_two = G[x][y-1] if inImage(G, x, y-1) else 0
            elif angle[x][y] == 3:
                side_one = G[x-1][y+1] if inImage(G, x-1, y+1) else 0
                side_two = G[x+1][y-1] if inImage(G, x+1, y-1) else 0
            if not (G[x][y] > side_one and G[x][y] > side_two):
                after_nm[x][y] = 0
                after_nm[x][y] = G[x][y]
    # Hysteresis thresholding
    high_threshold *= (after_nm.max() - after_nm.min()) / 255
    low_threshold *= (after_nm.max() - after_nm.min()) / 255
    after_threshold = zeros(after_nm.shape, dtype = int)
    def follow_edge(x, y):
        """Follow an edge by recursively checking if the neighbours are in 
        after_threshold[x][y] = 1

        for x in xrange(-1, 2):
            for y in xrange(-1, 2):
                if (not x or not y):
                    if after_nm[x][y] >= low_threshold and not after_threshold:
                        follow_edge(x, y)
    # Make border pixels zero
    for i in xrange(len(after_nm[0])):
        after_nm[i][0] = 0
        after_nm[i][len(after_nm) - 1] = 0
    for i in xrange(len(after_nm) - 1):
        after_nm[0][i] = 0
        after_nm[len(after_nm[0]) - 1][i] = 0
    # Follow each line
    for x in xrange(len(after_nm[0])):
        for y in xrange(len(after_nm)):
            if after_nm[x][y] >= high_threshold and not after_threshold[x][y]:
                follow_edge(x, y)
    return after_threshold
    def plot(self):


        r_range = P.array([1e-6, 4.0], dtype=fdtype)
        z_range = P.array([-1.5, 1.5], dtype=fdtype)
        r_dim = 100
        z_dim = 100

        # resistivity of Cu (Ohm-m)
        eta_Cu = 16.8e-9

        # coil resistances
        R_b_coils = eta_Cu * 2 * pi * self.coil_set.r_coils / \
            self.coil_set.r_widths / self.coil_set.z_widths

        # minor radius
        a = 1.0

        # major radius
        r_0 = 1.5

        # radius of vacuum vessel (from r_0), plus blanket if present
        blanket_width = 0.0
        r_vv0 = a + blanket_width

        # radius of flux conserver to Uberplate feature
        a_u = 0.242

        # width of Uberplate
        w_u = 0.35

        # width of injector
        w_i = 0.28

        # r location of Uberplate (injector feature is perpendicular
        #  to Uberplate and tangent to the FC)
        r_u = r_0 + P.sqrt((2 * a - w_u) * a_u - w_u**2 / 4 + a**2)
        # angle of mating point of FC and Uberplate feature
        theta_u = P.arctan2(0.5 * w_u + a_u, a + a_u)

        # center of upper FC to Uberplate feature arc
        r_u_1 = r_u
        z_u_1 = w_u / 2 + a_u

        # center of lower FC to Uberplate feature arc
        r_u_2 = r_u
        z_u_2 = -(w_u / 2 + a_u)

        # meshes for contour plots
        r_arr, z_arr = P.meshgrid(P.linspace(r_range[0], r_range[1], r_dim),
                                  P.linspace(z_range[0], z_range[1], z_dim))

        def pcoils(r_coils=self.coil_set.r_coils,
            # plots rectangular coils
            r_sq = P.array([0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
            z_sq = P.array([0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5])
            for r_coil, r_width, z_coil, z_width in zip(
                    r_coils, r_widths, z_coils, z_widths):
                r = r_coil + r_sq * r_width
                z = z_coil + z_sq * z_width
                P.plot(r, z, color='b', lw=lw)
                # optional to plot coil on left side

        #        if plot_left_side:
        #            P.plot(-r, z, color='b')

        # FC parameters
        # inner midplane gap half-angle
        delta_deg = 2
        delta = delta_deg * pi / 180.0

        # number of points for arcs, etc.
        npts = 101

        # FC arc from midplane gap to outside injector feature
        theta_1 = P.linspace(pi + delta, 2 * pi - theta_u, npts)
        theta_2 = P.linspace(theta_u, pi - delta, npts)

        # outline of the FC, in two parts
        r_FC_1 = r_0 + a * P.cos(theta_1)
        z_FC_1 = a * P.sin(theta_1)
        r_FC_2 = r_0 + a * P.cos(theta_2)
        z_FC_2 = a * P.sin(theta_2)

        # injector feature angles
        theta_inj_1 = P.linspace(pi + theta_u, 1.5 * pi, npts)
        theta_inj_2 = P.linspace(0.5 * pi, pi - theta_u, npts)

        # outline of the injector feature, in two parts
        r_inj_1 = r_u_1 + a_u * P.cos(theta_inj_1)
        z_inj_1 = z_u_1 + a_u * P.sin(theta_inj_1)
        r_inj_2 = r_u_2 + a_u * P.cos(theta_inj_2)
        z_inj_2 = z_u_2 + a_u * P.sin(theta_inj_2)

        l_inj = 0.67 - 0.5 * w_i

        #smaller curve feature from Uberplate to injector
        r_tran = z_u_1 - a_u - 0.5 * w_i

        theta_tran_1 = P.linspace(pi, 1.5 * pi, npts)
        r_tran_1 = r_u + r_tran + r_tran * P.cos(theta_tran_1)
        z_tran_1 = 0.5 * w_i + r_tran + r_tran * P.sin(theta_tran_1)

        # default linewidth
        lw = 2

        # flux conserver color
        FC_col = 'r'

        # plot FC sections and injector transition
        P.plot(r_FC_1, z_FC_1, r_FC_2, z_FC_2, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot(-r_FC_1, z_FC_1, -r_FC_2, z_FC_2, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot(r_inj_1, z_inj_1, -r_inj_1, z_inj_1, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot(r_inj_2, z_inj_2, -r_inj_2, z_inj_2, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot(r_inj_1, z_inj_1, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot(r_inj_2, z_inj_2, color=FC_col, lw=lw)

        # injector to Uberplate transition feature
        P.plot(r_tran_1, z_tran_1, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot(r_tran_1, -z_tran_1, color=FC_col, lw=lw)

        # sides of injector
        #P.plot([r_u, r_u + l_inj],
        #       [0.5 * w_u, 0.5 * w_u], color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot([r_u, r_u + l_inj],
        #       [-0.5 * w_u, -0.5 * w_u], color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot([r_u + r_tran, r_u + l_inj], [0.5 * w_i, 0.5 * w_i],
        P.plot([r_u + r_tran, r_u + l_inj], [-0.5 * w_i, -0.5 * w_i],
        #P.plot([-(r_0 + 0.5 * w_u), -(r_0 + 0.5 * w_u)],
        #       [z_u, z_u + 0.4], color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot([-(r_0 - 0.5 * w_u), -(r_0 - 0.5 * w_u)],
        #       [z_u, z_u + 0.4], color=FC_col, lw=lw)

        # end of injector
        th = P.linspace(-0.5 * pi, 0.5 * pi, npts)
        #rs = r_u + l_inj + 0.5 * w_u * P.cos(th)
        rs = r_u + l_inj + 0.5 * w_i * P.cos(th)
        #zs = 0.5 * w_u * P.sin(th)
        zs = 0.5 * w_i * P.sin(th)
        P.plot(rs, zs, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot(-rs, zs, color=FC_col, lw=lw)

        delta2_deg = 0.0
        delta2 = delta2_deg * pi / 180.0

        r_bs = r_u + l_inj
        a_bs = self.coil_set.r_coils[-3] - 0.5 * \
            self.coil_set.r_widths[-3] - (r_u + l_inj)

        a_b = 0.7

        #r_m = 0.5 / r_bs * (a_b ** 2 - a_bs ** 2 + \
        #    (r_bs + r_0) ** 2 - r_0 ** 2)
        #z_m = P.sqrt(a_b ** 2 - (r_m - r_0) ** 2)
        #theta_m = P.arctan2(z_m, r_m)

        #thm = P.linspace(-theta_m, theta_m, npts)

        # shield for midplane coil
        #delta_m = 17.4 * pi / 180.0
        delta_m = -5.0 * pi / 180.0
        thm = P.linspace(-0.5 * pi + delta_m, 0.5 * pi - delta_m, npts)

        #P.plot(r_bs + a_bs * P.cos(thm), a_bs * P.sin(thm), color='k', lw=lw)

        # angle to meet shield at midplane coil
        #delta_b = 6.8 * pi / 180.0
        delta_b = 11.5 * pi / 180.0

        theta2 = P.linspace(-0.5 * pi, -delta_b, npts)
        r_vv = r_0 + r_vv0 * P.cos(theta2)
        z_vv = r_vv0 * P.sin(theta2)

        #P.plot(r_vv, z_vv, color='k', lw=lw)
        theta2 = P.linspace(delta_b, 0.5 * pi, npts)
        r_vv = r_0 + r_vv0 * P.cos(theta2)
        z_vv = r_vv0 * P.sin(theta2)

        #P.plot(r_vv, z_vv, color='k', lw=lw)
        #P.plot(-r_vv, z_vv, color='k', lw=lw)

        #P.plot([0, r_vv[-1]], [z_vv[-1], z_vv[-1]], color='k', lw=lw)
        #P.plot([0, r_vv[-1]], [-z_vv[-1], -z_vv[-1]], color='k', lw=lw)

        #tripcolor(r_pr, z_pr, p_pr)

        #levels = linspace(psi_mod.min(), psi_mod.max(), 30)
        #levels = P.arange(-15.0, 15.0 + 0.5, 0.5) * i_fact
        #delta_psi = 10.0
        #psi_min = -20.0
        #psi_max = 100.0
        #levels = arange(psi_min, psi_max + delta_psi, delta_psi)

        #P.contour(r_arr, z_arr, psi, levels=levels)
        #P.contour(-r_arr, z_arr, psi, levels=levels)

        delta_psi = 0.5
        psi_min = -15.0
        psi_max = 30.0


        levels = P.arange(1.0, psi_max + delta_psi, delta_psi) * self.i_fact
        P.contour(r_arr, z_arr, self.psi, levels=levels, colors='w')

        levels = P.arange(psi_min, 1.0 + delta_psi, delta_psi) * self.i_fact
        P.matplotlib.rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid'
        P.contour(r_arr, z_arr, self.psi, levels=levels, colors='gray')

        # need to plot black contours on midplane coil
        #rsub = P.where(r_arr[0, :] >= 5.0)[0]
        #levels = P.arange(1.0, psi_max + delta_psi, delta_psi) * i_fact
        #P.contour(r_arr[:, rsub], z_arr[:, rsub], psi[:, rsub],
        #          levels=levels, colors='gray')

        P.plot(self.coil_set.r_floops, self.coil_set.z_floops, 'ro')
        #P.plot(-r_floops, z_floops, 'ro')

        #no_text = True
        no_text = False
        # whether to annotate in MA or MW
        show_MA = True

        if not no_text:
            # annotate coil powers
            for ii in xrange(self.coil_set.n_coils):
                if self.i_floops[ii] >= 0:
                    signum = '+'
                    signum = '-'
                if show_MA:
                    tdata = 1e-6 * self.i_floops[ii]
                    tdata = 1e-6 * self.i_floops[ii]**2 * R_b_coils[ii]
        #        P.text(r_b_coils[ii], z_b_coils[ii], '%s%3.2f' %
        #               (signum, 1e-6 * i_floops[ii] ** 2 * R_b_coils[ii]),
        #               ha='center', va='center', backgroundcolor='w')
                       '%s%3.2f' % (signum, tdata),

            if self.i_floops[-1] >= 0:
                signum = '+'
                signum = '-'

                   '%s%3.2f MA' % (signum, 1e-6 * self.i_floops[-1]),


        coil_power = (self.i_floops[:self.coil_set.n_coils]**2 *

        coil_current = abs(self.i_floops[:-1]).sum()

        if not no_text:
            P.title(r'Total Coil Power = %4.2f MW, Current %4.2f MA-turns' %
                    (1e-6 * coil_power, 1e-6 * coil_current))

        print r'Total Coil Power = %4.2f MW, Current %4.2f MA-turns' % \
              (1e-6 * coil_power, 1e-6 * coil_current)

        self.r_arr = r_arr
        self.z_arr = z_arr
        self.levels = levels
def twoDang(ang ):
    if isinstance(ang,p.ndarray): ang = p.arctan2(ang[1],ang[0])
    return ang
                                    ya - s,

                # plot unsorted vertices

                pl.plot(vert_uns[:, 0], vert_uns[:, 1], 'r--D', linewidth=1)

                # sort vertices counter-clockwise
                mid = pl.mean(vert, 0)

                    key=lambda p: pl.arctan2(p[1] - mid[1], p[0] - mid[0]))

                vert = pl.array(vert + [vert[0]])
                pl.plot(vert[:, 0], vert[:, 1], 'g', linewidth=2)

                # get center of gravity
                a = 0
                x = 0
                y = 0
                for i in xrange(vert.shape[0]):
                    v = vert[i - 1, 0] * vert[i, 1] - vert[i, 0] * vert[i - 1,
                    a += v
                    x += v * (vert[i, 0] + vert[i - 1, 0])
                    y += v * (vert[i, 1] + vert[i - 1, 1])
                a *= 0.5
    def plot(self):


        r_range = P.array([1e-6, 4.0], dtype=fdtype)
        z_range = P.array([-1.5, 1.5], dtype=fdtype)
        r_dim = 100
        z_dim = 100

        # resistivity of Cu (Ohm-m)
        eta_Cu = 16.8e-9

        # coil resistances
        R_b_coils = eta_Cu * 2 * pi * self.coil_set.r_coils / \
            self.coil_set.r_widths / self.coil_set.z_widths

        # minor radius
        a = 1.0

        # major radius
        r_0 = 1.5

        # radius of vacuum vessel (from r_0), plus blanket if present
        blanket_width = 0.0
        r_vv0 = a + blanket_width

        # radius of flux conserver to Uberplate feature
        a_u = 0.242

        # width of Uberplate
        w_u = 0.35

        # width of injector
        w_i = 0.28

        # r location of Uberplate (injector feature is perpendicular
        #  to Uberplate and tangent to the FC)
        r_u = r_0 + P.sqrt((2 * a - w_u) * a_u - w_u ** 2 / 4 + a ** 2)
        # angle of mating point of FC and Uberplate feature
        theta_u = P.arctan2(0.5 * w_u + a_u, a + a_u)

        # center of upper FC to Uberplate feature arc
        r_u_1 = r_u
        z_u_1 = w_u / 2 + a_u

        # center of lower FC to Uberplate feature arc
        r_u_2 = r_u
        z_u_2 = -(w_u / 2 + a_u)

        # meshes for contour plots
        r_arr, z_arr = P.meshgrid(P.linspace(r_range[0], r_range[1], r_dim),
                                  P.linspace(z_range[0], z_range[1], z_dim))

        def pcoils(r_coils=self.coil_set.r_coils,
                   z_widths=self.coil_set.z_widths, lw=2):
            # plots rectangular coils
            r_sq = P.array([0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
            z_sq = P.array([0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5])
            for r_coil, r_width, z_coil, z_width in zip(r_coils, r_widths,
                                                        z_coils, z_widths):
                r = r_coil + r_sq * r_width
                z = z_coil + z_sq * z_width
                P.plot(r, z, color='b', lw=lw)
                # optional to plot coil on left side
        #        if plot_left_side:
        #            P.plot(-r, z, color='b')

        # FC parameters
        # inner midplane gap half-angle
        delta_deg = 2
        delta = delta_deg * pi / 180.0

        # number of points for arcs, etc.
        npts = 101

        # FC arc from midplane gap to outside injector feature
        theta_1 = P.linspace(pi + delta, 2 * pi - theta_u, npts)
        theta_2 = P.linspace(theta_u, pi - delta, npts)

        # outline of the FC, in two parts
        r_FC_1 = r_0 + a * P.cos(theta_1)
        z_FC_1 = a * P.sin(theta_1)
        r_FC_2 = r_0 + a * P.cos(theta_2)
        z_FC_2 = a * P.sin(theta_2)

        # injector feature angles
        theta_inj_1 = P.linspace(pi + theta_u, 1.5 * pi, npts)
        theta_inj_2 = P.linspace(0.5 * pi, pi - theta_u, npts)

        # outline of the injector feature, in two parts
        r_inj_1 = r_u_1 + a_u * P.cos(theta_inj_1)
        z_inj_1 = z_u_1 + a_u * P.sin(theta_inj_1)
        r_inj_2 = r_u_2 + a_u * P.cos(theta_inj_2)
        z_inj_2 = z_u_2 + a_u * P.sin(theta_inj_2)

        l_inj = 0.67 - 0.5 * w_i

        #smaller curve feature from Uberplate to injector
        r_tran = z_u_1 - a_u - 0.5 * w_i

        theta_tran_1 = P.linspace(pi, 1.5 * pi, npts)
        r_tran_1 = r_u + r_tran + r_tran * P.cos(theta_tran_1)
        z_tran_1 = 0.5 * w_i + r_tran + r_tran * P.sin(theta_tran_1)

        # default linewidth
        lw = 2

        # flux conserver color
        FC_col = 'r'

        # plot FC sections and injector transition
        P.plot(r_FC_1, z_FC_1, r_FC_2, z_FC_2, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot(-r_FC_1, z_FC_1, -r_FC_2, z_FC_2, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot(r_inj_1, z_inj_1, -r_inj_1, z_inj_1, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot(r_inj_2, z_inj_2, -r_inj_2, z_inj_2, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot(r_inj_1, z_inj_1, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot(r_inj_2, z_inj_2, color=FC_col, lw=lw)

        # injector to Uberplate transition feature
        P.plot(r_tran_1, z_tran_1, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot(r_tran_1, -z_tran_1, color=FC_col, lw=lw)

        # sides of injector
        #P.plot([r_u, r_u + l_inj],
        #       [0.5 * w_u, 0.5 * w_u], color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot([r_u, r_u + l_inj],
        #       [-0.5 * w_u, -0.5 * w_u], color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot([r_u + r_tran, r_u + l_inj],
               [0.5 * w_i, 0.5 * w_i], color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        P.plot([r_u + r_tran, r_u + l_inj],
               [-0.5 * w_i, -0.5 * w_i], color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot([-(r_0 + 0.5 * w_u), -(r_0 + 0.5 * w_u)],
        #       [z_u, z_u + 0.4], color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot([-(r_0 - 0.5 * w_u), -(r_0 - 0.5 * w_u)],
        #       [z_u, z_u + 0.4], color=FC_col, lw=lw)

        # end of injector
        th = P.linspace(-0.5 * pi, 0.5 * pi, npts)
        #rs = r_u + l_inj + 0.5 * w_u * P.cos(th)
        rs = r_u + l_inj + 0.5 * w_i * P.cos(th)
        #zs = 0.5 * w_u * P.sin(th)
        zs = 0.5 * w_i * P.sin(th)
        P.plot(rs, zs, color=FC_col, lw=lw)
        #P.plot(-rs, zs, color=FC_col, lw=lw)

        delta2_deg = 0.0
        delta2 = delta2_deg * pi / 180.0

        r_bs = r_u + l_inj
        a_bs = self.coil_set.r_coils[-3] - 0.5 * \
            self.coil_set.r_widths[-3] - (r_u + l_inj)

        a_b = 0.7

        #r_m = 0.5 / r_bs * (a_b ** 2 - a_bs ** 2 + \
        #    (r_bs + r_0) ** 2 - r_0 ** 2)
        #z_m = P.sqrt(a_b ** 2 - (r_m - r_0) ** 2)
        #theta_m = P.arctan2(z_m, r_m)

        #thm = P.linspace(-theta_m, theta_m, npts)

        # shield for midplane coil
        #delta_m = 17.4 * pi / 180.0
        delta_m = -5.0 * pi / 180.0
        thm = P.linspace(-0.5 * pi + delta_m, 0.5 * pi - delta_m, npts)

        #P.plot(r_bs + a_bs * P.cos(thm), a_bs * P.sin(thm), color='k', lw=lw)

        # angle to meet shield at midplane coil
        #delta_b = 6.8 * pi / 180.0
        delta_b = 11.5 * pi / 180.0

        theta2 = P.linspace(-0.5 * pi, -delta_b, npts)
        r_vv = r_0 + r_vv0 * P.cos(theta2)
        z_vv = r_vv0 * P.sin(theta2)

        #P.plot(r_vv, z_vv, color='k', lw=lw)
        theta2 = P.linspace(delta_b, 0.5 * pi, npts)
        r_vv = r_0 + r_vv0 * P.cos(theta2)
        z_vv = r_vv0 * P.sin(theta2)

        #P.plot(r_vv, z_vv, color='k', lw=lw)
        #P.plot(-r_vv, z_vv, color='k', lw=lw)

        #P.plot([0, r_vv[-1]], [z_vv[-1], z_vv[-1]], color='k', lw=lw)
        #P.plot([0, r_vv[-1]], [-z_vv[-1], -z_vv[-1]], color='k', lw=lw)

        #tripcolor(r_pr, z_pr, p_pr)

        #levels = linspace(psi_mod.min(), psi_mod.max(), 30)
        #levels = P.arange(-15.0, 15.0 + 0.5, 0.5) * i_fact
        #delta_psi = 10.0
        #psi_min = -20.0
        #psi_max = 100.0
        #levels = arange(psi_min, psi_max + delta_psi, delta_psi)

        #P.contour(r_arr, z_arr, psi, levels=levels)
        #P.contour(-r_arr, z_arr, psi, levels=levels)

        delta_psi = 0.5
        psi_min = -15.0
        psi_max = 30.0


        levels = P.arange(1.0, psi_max + delta_psi, delta_psi) * self.i_fact
        P.contour(r_arr, z_arr, self.psi, levels=levels, colors='w')

        levels = P.arange(psi_min, 1.0 + delta_psi, delta_psi) * self.i_fact
        P.matplotlib.rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid'
        P.contour(r_arr, z_arr, self.psi, levels=levels, colors='gray')

        # need to plot black contours on midplane coil
        #rsub = P.where(r_arr[0, :] >= 5.0)[0]
        #levels = P.arange(1.0, psi_max + delta_psi, delta_psi) * i_fact
        #P.contour(r_arr[:, rsub], z_arr[:, rsub], psi[:, rsub],
        #          levels=levels, colors='gray')

        P.plot(self.coil_set.r_floops, self.coil_set.z_floops, 'ro')
        #P.plot(-r_floops, z_floops, 'ro')

        #no_text = True
        no_text = False
        # whether to annotate in MA or MW
        show_MA = True

        if not no_text:
            # annotate coil powers
            for ii in xrange(self.coil_set.n_coils):
                if self.i_floops[ii] >= 0:
                    signum = '+'
                    signum = '-'
                if show_MA:
                    tdata = 1e-6 * self.i_floops[ii]
                    tdata = 1e-6 * self.i_floops[ii] ** 2 * R_b_coils[ii]
        #        P.text(r_b_coils[ii], z_b_coils[ii], '%s%3.2f' %
        #               (signum, 1e-6 * i_floops[ii] ** 2 * R_b_coils[ii]),
        #               ha='center', va='center', backgroundcolor='w')
                P.text(self.coil_set.r_coils[ii], self.coil_set.z_coils[ii],
                       '%s%3.2f' % (signum, tdata),
                       ha='center', va='center', backgroundcolor='w')

            if self.i_floops[-1] >= 0:
                signum = '+'
                signum = '-'

            P.text(r_0, 0.0, '%s%3.2f MA' % (signum, 1e-6 * self.i_floops[-1]),
                   va='center', backgroundcolor='w')


        coil_power = (self.i_floops[:self.coil_set.n_coils] ** 2 *

        coil_current = abs(self.i_floops[:-1]).sum()

        if not no_text:
            P.title(r'Total Coil Power = %4.2f MW, Current %4.2f MA-turns' %
                    (1e-6 * coil_power, 1e-6 * coil_current))

        print r'Total Coil Power = %4.2f MW, Current %4.2f MA-turns' % \
              (1e-6 * coil_power, 1e-6 * coil_current)

        self.r_arr = r_arr
        self.z_arr = z_arr
        self.levels = levels
w_u = 0.35

# width of injector
w_i = 0.28

# r location of Uberplate (injector feature is perpendicular
#  to Uberplate and tangent to the FC)
r_u = r_0 + P.sqrt((2 * a - w_u) * a_u - w_u ** 2 / 4 + a ** 2)

# Alternative:
#  Could also specific height of Uberplate, z_u, and calculate a_u as:
#z_u = 1.95
#a_u = (w_u**2 / 4 + z_u**2 - a**2) / (2 * a - w_u)

# angle of mating point of FC and Uberplate feature
theta_u = P.arctan2(0.5 * w_u + a_u, a + a_u)

# center of upper FC to Uberplate feature arc
r_u_1 = r_u
z_u_1 = w_u / 2 + a_u

# center of lower FC to Uberplate feature arc
r_u_2 = r_u
z_u_2 = -(w_u / 2 + a_u)

# big coil parameters
b_coil_width = 0.1

b_coils_list = []
r_b_coils_list = []
z_b_coils_list = []
文件: bslip.py 项目: MMaus/mutils
    def do_step(self):
        Performs a step from the current state, using the current parameters.
        The simulation results are also stored in self.[y|t]_[s|d]s_seq, 
        the states and times of single and double support phases.

                - params (dict): model and leg function parameters
                - odd_step (bool): whether or not to trigger contact of leg2 (leg1 otherwise)
                - state (6x float): the  initial state

            t_ss, y_ss, t_ds, y_ds: time and simulation results for single stance and double stance 

            TypeError - invalid IC or parameter
            SimulationError - if the simulation fails.
        # test initial conditions.

        # test wether there is a current state and current parameters
        if self.params is None:
            raise TypeError("parameters not set")
        if self.state is None:
            raise TypeError("state (initial condition) not set")
        if self.failed:
            raise SimulationError("Simulation failed previously.")
#demo_p_reduced = [13100, 12900, 68.5 * pi / 180., -.05] # [k1, k2, alpha, beta]
#demo_p = { 'foot1' : [0, 0, 0],
#     'foot2' : [-1.5, 0, 0],
#     'm' : 80,
#     'g' : [0, -9.81, 0],
#     'lp1' : [13100, 1, 68.5 * pi / 180, -0.05],  # leg params: stiffness, l0, alpha, beta
#     'lp2' : [12900, 1, 68.5 * pi / 180, 0.1],
#     'delta_beta' : .05
#     }
        p = self.params # shortcut
        leadingleg = 1. if self.odd_step else 2.
        pars = [p['lp1'][0],

        # maximal time for simulation of single stance or double stance (each)
        max_T = 1. 

        # run single stance
        self.buf[0, 1:] = array(self.state) #.copy()
        N = self.odess.odeOnce(self.buf, self.t + max_T, dt=1e-3, pars = pars)
        self.state = self.buf[N,1:].copy()

        self.y_ss_seq.append(self.buf[:N+1, 1:].copy())
# quick sanity check: simulation time not exceeded?
        if self.buf[N,0] - self.t >= max_T - 1e-2:
            print "N=", N
            raise SimulationError("Maximal simulation time (single stance) reached!")
        self.t = self.buf[N,0]

# touchdown detected:
# update foot parameters
# (1) foot2 = foot1
# (2) foot1 = [NEW]
# (3) leading_leg = ~leading_leg
# update leg positions; change trailing leg

        y = self.state # shortcut
        vx, vz = y[3], y[5]
        a_v_com = -arctan2(vz, vx) # correct with our coordinate system

        pars[13] = pars[10]
        pars[15] = pars[12]
        if pars[16] == 1.:
# stance leg is leg 1 -> update leg 2 params
            pars[10] = y[0] + cos(pars[3]) * cos(pars[7] + a_v_com) * pars[5]
            pars[12] = y[2] - cos(pars[3]) * sin(pars[7] + a_v_com) * pars[5]

            #pars[13] = res[N, 1] + cos(pars[3])*cos(pars[7])*pars[5]
            #pars[15] = res[N, 3] + cos(pars[3])*sin(pars[7])*pars[5]
            pars[16] = 2.;
            pars[10] = y[0] + cos(pars[2]) * cos(pars[6] + a_v_com) * pars[4]
            pars[12] = y[2] - cos(pars[2]) * sin(pars[6] + a_v_com) * pars[4]

            #pars[10] = res[N, 1] + cos(pars[2])*cos(pars[6])*pars[4]
            #pars[12] = res[N, 3] + cos(pars[2])*sin(pars[6])*pars[4]
            pars[16] = 1.;

        self.params['foot1'] = pars[10:13][:]
        self.params['foot2'] = pars[13:16][:]

        # run double stance
        self.buf[0, 1:] = array(self.state) #.copy()
        N = self.odeds.odeOnce(self.buf, self.t + max_T, dt=1e-3, pars = pars)
        self.state = self.buf[N,1:].copy()
        self.y_ds_seq.append(self.buf[:N+1, 1:].copy())
# quick sanity check: simulation time not exceeded?
        if self.buf[N,0] - self.t >= max_T - 1e-2:
            raise SimulationError("Maximal simulation time (double stance) reached!")
        self.t = self.buf[N,0]


        self.odd_step = not self.odd_step

        return self.t_ss_seq[-1], self.y_ss_seq[-1], self.t_ds_seq[-1], self.y_ds_seq[-1]

        if self.odd_step:            
            td_pars = self.params['lp2'][1:] + [ground, ] # set touchdown parameters
            td_pars_2 = self.params['lp2'] # another format of touchdown parameters (for get_touchdown)
            newfoot = 'foot2' # which foot position to update?
            to_evt_fun = self.legfunc1 # force generation for takeoff trigger in double support
            to_evt_ds_refine = self.legfunc1 # function for refinement of DS
            self.odd_step = False # next step is "even": leg "2" in single stance on ground
            td_pars = self.params['lp1'][1:] + [ground, ] # set touchdown parameters
            td_pars_2 = self.params['lp1'] # another format of touchdown parameters (for get_touchdown)
            newfoot = 'foot1' # which foot position to update?            
            to_evt_fun = self.legfunc2 # force generation for takeoff trigger in double support
            to_evt_ds_refine = self.legfunc2 # function for refinement of DS
            self.odd_step = True # next step is "odd": leg "1" in single stance on ground
        # stage 1a: simulate until vy=0
        self.singleStance = True
        self.ode.event = self.evt_vy0
        if self.state[4] <= 0:
            self.failed = True
            self.ErrMsg = ("initial vertical velocity < 0: single " +
            "stance apex cannot be reached!")
        t0 = self.t
        tE = t0 + max_T
        t_a, y_a = self.ode(self.state, t0, tE, dt=self.dt)
        #d_pars_l2 = self.params['lp2'][1:] + [ground, ]
        if self.DEBUG:
            print "finished stage 1 (raw)"
        if t_a[-1] >= tE:
            self.failed = True
            self.ErrMsg = ("max. simulation time exceeded - " + 
             "this often indicates simulation failure")
            tt1, yy1 = self.ode.refine(lambda tf, yf: yf[4])
            if self.DEBUG:
                print "finished stage 1 (fine)"
            self.state = yy1
            # compute forces
        if not self.skip_forces:
            forces_ss = [self.dy_Stance(xt, xy, self.params, return_force=True) for
                xt, xy in zip(t_a, y_a)]

        t = []  # dummy, if next step is not executed
        y = array([[]])
        if not self.failed:
            # stage 1b: simulate until touchdown of leading leg
            # touchdown event of leading leg
            self.ode.event = lambda t,states,traj,p: self.touchdown_event(t, states, traj, td_pars)
            t0 = tt1
            tE = t0 + max_T
            t, y = self.ode(self.state, t0, tE, dt=self.dt)
            if self.DEBUG:
                print "finished stage 2 (raw)"
            if t[-1] >= tE:
                self.failed = True
                self.ErrMsg = ("max. sim time exceeded in single stance - no "
                        + "touchdown occurred")
                #d_pars_l2 = self.params['lp2'][1:] + [ground, ]
                tt, yy = self.ode.refine(lambda tf, yf: self.touchdown_event_refine(tf, yf, td_pars))
                if self.DEBUG:
                    print "finished stage 2 (fine)"
                self.state = yy
            forces_ss.extend([self.dy_Stance(xt, xy, self.params, return_force=True) for
                xt, xy in zip(t[1:], y[1:, :])])
            if not self.skip_forces:
        if not self.failed:
            # allow application of control law        
            self.t_td = tt
            self.singleStance = False
        # accumulate results from stage 1a and stage 1b
        if not self.failed:
            t = hstack([t_a, t[1:]])
            y = vstack([y_a, y[1:, :]])
        # stage 2: double support
        # compute leg 2 touchdown position        
        t2_a = []
        y2_a = array([[]])
        if not self.failed:
            xf, yf, zf = self.get_touchdown(tt, yy, td_pars_2)
            self.params[newfoot] = [xf, yf, zf]
            # stage 2a: simulate until vy=0
            self.ode.event = self.evt_vy0
            t0 = tt
            tE = t0 + max_T
            t2_a, y2_a = self.ode(self.state, t0, tE, dt=self.dt)
            if t2_a[-1] >= tE:
                self.failed = True
                self.ErrMsg = ("max. sim time exceeded - no nadir event " +
                "detected in double stance")
                if self.DEBUG:
                    print "finished stage 3 (raw)"
                tt2, yy2 = self.ode.refine(lambda tf, yf: yf[4])
                if self.DEBUG:
                    print "finished stage 3 (fine)"
                self.state = yy2
            if not self.skip_forces:
                forces_ds = [self.dy_Stance(xt, xy, self.params, return_force=True) for
                    xt, xy in zip(t2_a, y2_a)]

        if not self.failed:
            # allow application of control law
        # stage 2b: double stance - simulate until takeoff of trailing leg
        # define and solve double stance ode
        #ode = integro.odeDP5(self.dy_Stance, pars=self.params)
        # event is takeoff of leg 1
        t2_b = []
        y2_b = array([[]])
        if not self.failed:
            self.ode.event = lambda t,states,traj,p: self.takeoff_event(t,
                    states, traj, p, legfun=to_evt_fun)
            t0 = tt2
            tE = t0 + max_T
            t2_b, y2_b = self.ode(self.state, t0, tE, dt=self.dt)
            if t2_b[-1] >= tE:
                self.failed = True
                self.ErrMsg = ("sim. time exeeded - takeoff of trailing leg " + 
                        "not detected")
                if self.DEBUG:
                    print "finished stage 4 (raw)"
        # refinement: force reaches zero
                tt, yy = self.ode.refine(lambda tf, yf: to_evt_ds_refine(tf, yf, self.params))
                if self.DEBUG:
                    print "finished stage 4 (fine)"
                self.state = yy

            if not self.skip_forces:
                forces_ds.extend([self.dy_Stance(xt, xy, self.params, return_force=True) for
                    xt, xy in zip(t2_b[1:], y2_b[1:, :])])

            # allow application of control law
            self.t_to = tt
            self.singleStance = True
        # accumulate results from stage 1a and stage 1b
        if not self.failed:
            t2 = hstack([t2_a, t2_b[1:]])
            y2 = vstack([y2_a, y2_b[1:, :]])
        #store simulation results
        if not self.failed:
        if not self.failed:
            if len(t2) > 0:
                self.t = t2[-1]

        if self.failed:
            raise SimulationError(self.ErrMsg)

        return t, y, t2, y2
def lmcextinct(ra, dec, **kw):
    """Use the Zaritsky & Harris (ZH) map to get A_V extinction in the LMC.

       ra  -- decimal degrees of right ascension
       dec -- decimal degrees of declination

       method='griddata'  /'nearest'  -- interpolation method
       map='both' /'hot'/'cool'       -- Which ZH map to use
       hot='lmc_hotav.fits'           -- filename of hot map
       cool='lmc_coolav.fits'         -- filename of cool map
       null=0.0                       -- "no data" value in map
       verbose=False / True           -- print out some spam and eggs

       ra = hms('05:51:56.6')
       dec = dms('-66:25:08.5')
       lmcextinct(ra, dec)
    If their map returns null, interpolate from the surroundings.

    Note that these calculations are definitely _not_ optimized.

       hms, dms"""

    # 2009-02-15 22:11 IJC: Created and tested.

        from astropy.io import fits as pyfits
        import pyfits
    from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
    from pylab import meshgrid, arange, array, sqrt, cos, sin, arctan2, arcsin

    ra = array([ra]).copy().ravel()
    dec = array([dec]).copy().ravel()

    defaults = dict(method='griddata', map='hot', hot='lmc_hotav_clean2.fits', 
                    cool='lmc_coolav.fits', null=0.0, verbose=False)

    for key in defaults:
        if (not kw.has_key(key)):
            kw[key] = defaults[key]
    if kw['map']=='both':
        kw['map'] = 'hot'
        ret1 = lmcextinct(ra, dec, **kw)
        kw['map'] = 'cool'
        ret2 = lmcextinct(ra, dec, **kw)
        return (ret1, ret2)
        map = kw[kw['map']]

    verbose = kw['verbose']

    avmap = pyfits.getdata(map)
    avhdr = pyfits.getheader(map)
    nx = avhdr['naxis1']
    ny = avhdr['naxis2']
    cx = avhdr['crpix1']
    cy = avhdr['crpix2']
    x0 = avhdr['crval1']
    y0 = avhdr['crval2']
    dx = avhdr['cd1_1']
    dy = avhdr['cd2_2']

    xx,yy = meshgrid(arange(nx),arange(ny))
    goodind = (avmap<>kw['null'])

    # I don't know how the following WCS calculation works, but it
    # does -- thank you, Calabretta & Greisen 2002!
    d2r = pi/180.

    phi = arctan2( xx-cx+1, yy-cy+1) + pi
    theta = arctan2(1./(d2r*dy), sqrt((yy-cy)**2 + (xx-cx)**2))
    mapdec = arcsin(sin(theta)*sin(y0*d2r) - cos(theta)*cos(phi)*cos(y0*d2r))/d2r
    mapra = arcsin(cos(theta) * sin(phi) / cos(mapdec*d2r))/d2r + x0

    if kw['method']=='griddata':
        ragood = mapra[goodind]
        decgood = mapdec[goodind]
        avgood = avmap[goodind]

    if verbose>0:
        print 'ra.shape>>' + str(ra.shape)
    # TBD: Vectorize this calculation; an interpolative solution
    # should exist.
    avlist = []
    for ii in range(len(ra)):
        if verbose>0:
            print 'ra, dec>>' + str((ra[ii], dec[ii]))
        if kw['method']=='nearest':
            distmap = (mapra-ra[ii])**2 + (mapdec-dec[ii])**2
            # If multiple values are equally near, average them:
            val = avmap[distmap==distmap.min()].mean()
        elif kw['method']=='griddata':
            avlist.append(griddata(ragood, decgood, avgood, array([ra[ii]]), array([dec[ii]])))
            print "Invalid method specified!"
    return avlist
    def eph2D(self,epoch):
        if self.ref == None:
            return ([0,0,0],[0,0,0])
        dt = epoch-self.epoch  
        #print "dT",dt
        # Step 1 - Determine mean anomaly at epoch
        if self.e == 0:
            M = self.M0 + dt * sqrt(self.ref.mu / self.a**3)
            M %= PI2
            E = M
            ta = E
            r3 = (self.h**2/self.ref.mu)
            rv = r3 * array([cos(ta),sin(ta),0])
            v3 = self.ref.mu / self.h
            vv = v3 * array([-sin(ta),self.e+cos(ta),0])
            return (rv,vv)
        if self.e < 1:
            if epoch == self.epoch:
                M = self.M0
                M = self.M0 + dt * sqrt(self.ref.mu / self.a**3)
                M %= PI2
             # Step 2a - Eccentric anomaly
                E = so.newton(lambda x: x-self.e * sin(x) - M,M)
            except RuntimeError: # Debugging a bug here, disregard
                print "Eccentric anomaly failed for",self.obj.name
                print "On epoch",epoch
                print "Made error available at self.ERROR"
                self.ERROR = [lambda x: x-self.e * sin(x) - M,M]
            # Step 3a - True anomaly, method 1
            ta = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(1+self.e)*sin(E/2.0), sqrt(1-self.e)*cos(E/2.0))
            #print "Ta:",ta
            # Method b is faster
            cosE = cos(E)
            ta2 = arccos((cosE - self.e) / (1-self.e*cosE))
            #print "e",self.e
            #print "M",M
            #print "E",E
            #print "TA:",ta
            #print "T2:",ta2
            # Step 4a - distance to central body (eccentric anomaly).
            r = self.a*(1-self.e * cos(E))
            # Alternative (true anomaly)
            r2 = (self.a*(1-self.e**2) / (1.0 + self.e * cos(ta)))
            # Things get crazy
            #h = sqrt(self.a*self.ref.mu*(1-self.e**2))
            r3 = (self.h**2/self.ref.mu)*(1.0/(1.0+self.e*cos(ta)))
            #print "R1:",r
            #print "R2:",r2
            #print "R3:",r3
            rv = r3 * array([cos(ta),sin(ta),0])
            #v1 = sqrt(self.ref.mu * (2.0/r - 1.0/self.a))
            #v2 = sqrt(self.ref.mu * self.a) / r
            v3 = self.ref.mu / self.h
            #meanmotion = sqrt(self.ref.mu / self.a**3)
            #v2 = sqrt(self.ref.mu * self.a)/r
            #print "v1",v1
            #print "v2",v2
            #print "v3",v3
            #print "mm",meanmotion
            # Velocity can be calculated from the eccentric anomaly            
            #vv = v1 * array([-sin(E),sqrt(1-self.e**2) * cos(E),0])
            # Or from the true anomaly (this one has an error..)
            #vv = sqrt(self.ref.mu * self.a)/r * array([-sin(ta),self.e+cos(ta),0])
            vv = v3 * array([-sin(ta),self.e+cos(ta),0])
            #print "rv",rv
            #print "vv",vv
            #print "check",E,-sin(E),v1*-sin(E)
            #print "V1:",vv
            #print "V2:",vv2

            return (rv,vv)
        elif self.e > 1:
            # Hyperbolic orbits
            # Reference: Stephen Kemble: Interplanetary Mission Analysis and Design, Pg 220-221
            M = self.M0 + dt * sqrt(-(self.ref.mu / self.a**3))
            #print "M0",self.M0
            #print "M",M
            #print "M",M
            #print "M0",self.M0
            # Step 2b - Hyperbolic eccentric anomaly
            #print "Hyperbolic mean anomaly:",M
            F = so.newton(lambda x: self.e * sinh(x) - x - M,M,maxiter=1000)
            #F = -F
            H = M / (self.e-1)
            #print "AAAA"*10
            #print "F:",F
            #print "H:",H
            #print "Hyperbolic eccentric anomaly:",F
            # Step 3b - Hyperbolic true anomaly?
            # This is wrong prooobably            
            #hta = arccos((cosh(F) - self.e) / (1-self.e*cosh(F)))
            #hta = arccos((self.e-cosh(F)) / (self.e*cosh(F) - 1))
            # TÄSSÄ ON BUGI
            hta = arccos((cosh(F) - self.e) / (1 - self.e*cosh(F)))
            hta2 = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(self.e+1)*sinh(F/2.0),sqrt(self.e-1)*cosh(F/2.0))
            hta3 = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(1+self.e)*sinh(F/2.0),sqrt(self.e-1)*cosh(F/2.0))
            hta4 = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(self.e-1)*cosh(F/2.0),sqrt(1+self.e)*sinh(F/2.0))
            #print "Hyperbolic true anomaly:",degrees(hta)
            # This is wrong too            
            #hta2 = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(1+self.e)*sin(F/2.0), sqrt(1-self.e)*cos(F/2.0))
            if M == self.M0:
                print "HTA1:",degrees(hta)
                print "HTA2:",degrees(hta2)
                print "HTA3:",degrees(hta3)
                print "HTA4:",degrees(hta4)
            # According to http://mmae.iit.edu/~mpeet/Classes/MMAE441/Spacecraft/441Lecture17.pdf
            # this is right..
            hta = hta2
            #print cos(hta)
            #print cosh(hta)
            #####hta = arctan(sqrt((self.e-1.0)/self.e+1.0) * tanh(F/2.0)) / 2.0
            #print "Mean anomaly:",M
            #print "Hyperbolic eccentric anomaly:",F
            #print "HTA:",hta
            # Step 4b - Distance from central body?
            # Can calculate it from hyperbolic true anomaly..
            #p = self.a*(1-self.e**2)
            #r = p / (1+self.e * cos(hta))
            r3 = (self.h**2/self.ref.mu)*(1.0/(1.0+self.e*cos(hta)))
            v3 = self.ref.mu / self.h
            # But it's faster to calculate from eccentric anomaly
            #r = self.a*(1-self.e * cos(F))
            #print "Hyper r1:",r
            #print "Hyper r2:",r2
            rv = r3 * array([cos(hta),sin(hta),0])
            #rv = array([ r * sin(hta),-self.a*self.e + r * cos(hta), 0])
            #sinhta = sin(hta)
            #coshta = cos(hta)
            #print self.ref.mu,r,self.a,hta
            #vv = sqrt(self.ref.mu *(2.0/r - 1.0/self.a)) * array([-sin(hta),self.e+cos(hta),0])
            vv = v3 * array([-sin(hta),self.e+cos(hta),0])
            return (rv,vv)
文件: sacm211.py 项目: SDK/sacm
dec = float(source[source['target'] ==True]['dec'].unique()[0])

geo = pd.merge(antenna,station, left_on='stationId', right_on = 'stationId', how = 'inner')
geo['pos'] = geo.apply(lambda x: arrayParser(x['position'],1) , axis = 1 )
geo['lat'], geo['lon'], geo['alt'] = zip(*geo.apply(lambda x: gh.turn_xyz_into_llh(float(x.pos[0]),float(x.pos[1]),float(x.pos[2]), 'wgs84'),axis=1))
field['ra'],field['dec'] = zip(*field.apply(lambda x: arrayParser(x['referenceDir'],2)[0], axis = 1))

correctedList = list()
for i in pointing.query('go == True').rowNum.values:
    row  = rows[i]
    dRA,dDec = [[float(str(p[0]).replace('rad','').replace(',','.')),float(str(p[1]).replace('rad','').replace(',','.'))] for p in row.sourceOffset() ][row.numSample()/2]
    Pl = [pl.cos(dRA)*pl.cos(dDec), pl.sin(dRA)*pl.cos(dDec), pl.sin(dDec)]
    Ps = rot(Pl, ra, dec)
    correctedList.append((pl.arctan2(Ps[1], Ps[0]) % (2.*pl.pi),  pl.arcsin(Ps[2]), i))

correctedAll = pd.DataFrame(correctedList, columns=['ra','dec', 'row'])
corrected = correctedAll[['ra','dec']]
corrected['series'] = 'Corrected (Pointing)'

observed = field[field['target'] == True][['fieldId','ra','dec']]
observed.ra = observed.ra.astype(float)
observed.dec = observed.dec.astype(float)
observed = observed.loc[observed['fieldId'].isin(bar) ]
observed = observed.reset_index(drop=True)
corrected = corrected.drop_duplicates()
corrected = corrected.reset_index(drop=True)
cat = SkyCoord(observed.ra.values * u.rad, observed.dec.values * u.rad, frame='icrs')
cat2 = SkyCoord(corrected.ra.values * u.rad, corrected.dec.values *u.rad, frame='icrs')
match, separ, dist = cat2.match_to_catalog_sky(cat)
    data, nn = getData(ifile, minRank=minRank, maxRank=maxRank)

    NPOZ = addPoz(data, minRank=minRank, maxRank=maxRank)

    ans = doMds(data, atype, minRank, maxRank, vbose=vbose, NPOZ=NPOZ, ishow=True)

    ofile = 'poz100_%d.csv' % minRank
    ofp = open(ofile, 'w')

    for i, v in enumerate(ans):
        name = v[0]
        xpos, ypos = v[1][:]
        if name=='fivetwentyone':
            theta = pylab.arctan2(xpos, ypos)
    for i, v in enumerate(ans):
        name = v[0]
        xpos, ypos = v[1][:]
        if name=='Poz' and minRank<42:
            xpos = -1.0
            ypos = +1.0
        ofp.write('%s,%.4f,%.4f\n' % (name, xpos, ypos))

#    doDendro(names, dissim, vbose=0,cmetric = 'euclidean')

    if ishow:
def deconvolve_gauss(
        meas_maj,  # measured major axis
        meas_min,  # measured minor axis
        meas_pa,  # measured position angle
        beam_maj,  # beam major axis
        beam_min,  # beam minor axis
        beam_pa):  # beam position angle

    #  ADAPTED FROM gaupar.for in MIRIAD via K. Sandstrom
    #  IO in radians
    meas_theta = meas_pa
    beam_theta = beam_pa

    import pylab as pl
    alpha = \
        (meas_maj*pl.cos(meas_theta))**2 + (meas_min*pl.sin(meas_theta))**2 - \
        (beam_maj*pl.cos(beam_theta))**2 - (beam_min*pl.sin(beam_theta))**2

    beta = \
        (meas_maj*pl.sin(meas_theta))**2 + (meas_min*pl.cos(meas_theta))**2 - \
        (beam_maj*pl.sin(beam_theta))**2 - (beam_min*pl.cos(beam_theta))**2

    gamma = \
        2.*((meas_min**2-meas_maj**2)*pl.sin(meas_theta)*pl.cos(meas_theta) -

    s = alpha + beta
    t = pl.sqrt((alpha - beta)**2 + gamma**2)

    limit = pl.array([meas_min, meas_maj, beam_maj, beam_min]).min()
    limit = 0.1 * limit * limit

    src_maj = pl.nan
    src_min = pl.nan
    src_pa = pl.nan

    if (alpha < 0 or beta < 0):
        # complete failure - alpha, beta are squares:
        worked = False

        #    ... CLOSE TO A POINT SOURCE
        if (0.5 * (s - t) < limit and alpha > -1 * limit
                and beta > -1 * limit):
            point = True
            src_maj = 0.
            src_min = 0.
            src_pa = pl.nan
            point = False

        src_maj = pl.sqrt(0.5 * (s + t))
        #        if (pl.absolute(gamma)+pl.absolute(alpha-beta) == 0):
        #            src_pa = 0
        #        else:
        src_pa = 0.5 * pl.arctan2(-1 * gamma, alpha - beta)

        if (s < t):
            # soft failure - de_maj may still be ok, but still call it failed
            #            print alpha,beta,s,t
            worked = False
            point = False
            src_min = 0.
            #... SUCCESS
            src_min = pl.sqrt(0.5 * (s - t))
            worked = True
            point = False

    return src_maj, src_min, src_pa, point, worked
def ellfit(x, y, wt=None):
    import pylab as pl
    # Calculate the best fit ellipse for an X and Y distribution, allowing
    # for weighting.
    # OUTPUTS:
    #   MAJOR - major axis in same units as x and y
    #   MINOR - minor axis in same units as x and y
    #   POSANG - the position angle CCW from the X=0 line of the coordinates
    #   Adam: The intensity weighted major and minor values are equal to the
    #   second moment.
    #   For equal weighting by pixel (of the sort that
    #   might be done for blob analysis) the ellipse fit to the
    #   half-maximum area will have semimajor axis equal to 1./1.69536 the
    #   second moment. For the quarter maximum surface this is 1./1.19755.
    #   i.e. if you run this with x,y down to zero intensity (like integrating
    #   to infinity), and wt=intensity, you get the second moments sig_major,
    #   sig_minor back
    #   if you run this with x,y down to half-intensity, and wt=None, you get
    #   sigx/1.6986 back  (not sure why my integra differs from his slightly)
    #   but adam did not have the factor of 4 to turn eigenval into major axis
    #   translation: if we run this with intensity weight, we get
    #   the second moment back (a sigma).  for flat weights i think he means
    #   the halfmax contour semimajor axis

    if type(wt) == type(None):
        wt = x * 0.0 + 1.0

    tot_wt = wt.sum()

    x_ctr = (wt * x).sum() / tot_wt
    y_ctr = (wt * y).sum() / tot_wt

    i11 = (wt * (x - x_ctr)**2).sum() / tot_wt
    i22 = (wt * (y - y_ctr)**2).sum() / tot_wt
    i12 = (wt * (x - x_ctr) * (y - y_ctr)).sum() / tot_wt
    mat = [[i11, i12], [i12, i22]]

    if pl.det(mat) == 0:
        return pl.nan, pl.nan, pl.nan

    if pl.any(pl.isnan(mat)):
        return pl.nan, pl.nan, pl.nan

    evals, evec = pl.eig(mat)

    absvals = pl.absolute(evals)
    major = absvals.max()
    maj_ind = pl.where(absvals == major)[0][0]
    major_vec = evec[maj_ind]
    min_ind = 1 - maj_ind

    posang = pl.arctan2(major_vec[1], major_vec[0])

    # compared to the original idl code, this code is returning
    # pi-the desired angle, so:
    #    posang=pl.pi-posang

    #    if posang<0: posang = posang+pl.pi

    # turn into real half-max major/minor axis
    major = pl.sqrt(evals[maj_ind]) * 4.
    minor = pl.sqrt(evals[min_ind]) * 4.

    return major, minor, posang