    def csd(self,xstr,ystr,nfft=256,noverlap=0,coarsable=False):
        """Return CSD(cross spectral density) of the time-series.

        Positional parameters:
        xstr -- string naming one observable, either 'A' or 'E'
        ystr -- string naming one observable, either 'A' or 'E'

        Keyword parameters:
        nfft -- length of fast fourier transform(fft) (default 256)
        noverlap -- number of data points overlapping between segments (default 0)
        coarsable -- return the CSD as a Coarsable object (default False)

        f -- frequencies
        P -- CSD

        The CPSD is calculated using pl.csd() with an additional factor of dt in the normalisation.
        If xstr='A' and ystr='E', then the CSD between A and E is returned.

        x = getattr(self,xstr)
        y = getattr(self,ystr)
        fs = 1. / x.Cadence1
        P , f = pl.csd( x.data , y.data , nfft , fs , noverlap=noverlap )
        P = P / fs
        if coarsable:
            scale = {'Offset1' : f[0] ,
                     'Cadence1': f[1] - f[0] }
            f = ASI.Coarsable( f , **scale )
            P = ASI.Coarsable( P , **scale )
        return f , P
    def csd(self, xstr, ystr, nfft=256, noverlap=0, coarsable=False):
        """Return CSD(cross spectral density) of the time-series.

        Positional parameters:
        xstr -- string naming one observable, either 'A' or 'E'
        ystr -- string naming one observable, either 'A' or 'E'

        Keyword parameters:
        nfft -- length of fast fourier transform(fft) (default 256)
        noverlap -- number of data points overlapping between segments (default 0)
        coarsable -- return the CSD as a Coarsable object (default False)

        f -- frequencies
        P -- CSD

        The CPSD is calculated using pl.csd() with an additional factor of dt in the normalisation.
        If xstr='A' and ystr='E', then the CSD between A and E is returned.

        x = getattr(self, xstr)
        y = getattr(self, ystr)
        fs = 1. / x.Cadence1
        P, f = pl.csd(x.data, y.data, nfft, fs, noverlap=noverlap)
        P = P / fs
        if coarsable:
            scale = {'Offset1': f[0], 'Cadence1': f[1] - f[0]}
            f = ASI.Coarsable(f, **scale)
            P = ASI.Coarsable(P, **scale)
        return f, P
    power_max = 3
    Nsegs = 10**np.arange( power_max + 1 )
    P12s = [] ; P12s_legend = [] ; C12s = [] ; C12s_legend = []
    P13s = [] ; P13s_legend = [] ; C13s = [] ; C13s_legend = []
    P23s = [] ; P23s_legend = [] ; C23s = [] ; C23s_legend = []
    for i , Nseg in enumerate( Nsegs ) :
        print "Taking %d averages to esimate spectral densities ... " % ( 2*Nseg )
        nfft = int( np.round( N / Nseg ) )
        noverlap = nfft / 2

        P11 , f = pl.psd( n1 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )
        P22 , f = pl.psd( n2 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )
        P33 , f = pl.psd( n3 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )

        P12 , f = pl.csd( n1 , n2 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )
        P23 , f = pl.csd( n2 , n3 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )
        P13 , f = pl.csd( n1 , n3 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )

        C12 = np.abs( P12 )**2 / ( P11*P22 )
        C23 = np.abs( P23 )**2 / ( P22*P33 )
        C13 = np.abs( P13 )**2 / ( P11*P33 )
        for k in range( C12.shape[0] ) :
            if C12[k] < 0 :
                print 'C12[%d] < 0' % k
        P12s += [ f , np.abs( P12 ) ] ; C12s += [ f , C12 ] ; C12s_legend += [ '%d' % Nseg ]
        P23s += [ f , np.abs( P23 ) ] ; C23s += [ f , C23 ] ; C23s_legend += [ '%d' % Nseg ]
        P13s += [ f , np.abs( P13 ) ] ; C13s += [ f , C13 ] ; C13s_legend += [ '%d' % Nseg ]
        print 'done'
    print 'C12'
    f = csddict['f'].data
    P12 = csddict['AE'].data
    P13 = csddict['AT'].data
    P23 = csddict['ET'].data

    print 'Estimating power spectral densities from some simulated time-series...'
    tsdirz = '/gpfs1/JC0311443/workhere/stochasGW/Mapp/runs/EccenctricInclined_eta0_0_xi0_0_sw_1_t0_0/output/signal/point_sources/lon_263_lat_-35_plus_P00_GWslope_0/TDI/Michelson/G2/AET/noise/TDI/Michelson/G2/AET/simulation/by_me/stime_1.0_N_86400_for_days/data/'
    tspathz = tsdirz + 'd%03d.pkl' % day
    file = open( tspathz , 'rb' ) ; tsdictz = cpkl.load( file ) ; file.close()
    tz = tsdictz['t'].data
    s1z , s2z , s3z = tsdictz['1'].data , tsdictz['2'].data , tsdictz['3'].data
    stimez = tz[1] - tz[0] ; inittimez = tz[0] ; Nz = tz.shape[0]
    nfftz = int( np.round( Nz / 100 ) )
    noverlapz = nfftz / 2
    fsz = 1. / stimez
    P12z , fz = pl.csd( s1z , s2z , nfftz , fsz , noverlap=noverlapz )
    P13z , fz = pl.csd( s1z , s3z , nfftz , fsz , noverlap=noverlapz )
    P23z , fz = pl.csd( s2z , s3z , nfftz , fsz , noverlap=noverlapz )
    print 'done'

    fig = plt.figure()
    fig.suptitle( 'Cross Spectral Densities' )
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
    ax1.plot( fz , np.real( P12z ) , fz , np.imag( P12z ) , f , np.real( P12 ) , f , np.imag( P12 ) , 'y' )
#    ax1.plot( f , np.real( P12 ) , f , np.imag( P12 ) , 'y' )
#    ax1.plot( fz , np.real( P12z ) , fz , np.imag( P12z ) )
    ax1.legend( ( 'real' , 'imag' ) )
    ax1.set_ylabel( 'P12' )
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)
    ax2.plot( fz , np.real( P13z ) , fz , np.imag( P13z ) , f , np.real( P13 ) , f , np.imag( P13 ) , 'y' )
#    ax2.plot( f , np.real( P13 ) , f , np.imag( P13 ) , 'y' )
    tspath = tsdir + 'd%03d.pkl' % day

    file = open( tspath , 'rb' )
    tsdict = cpkl.load( file ) ; file.close()

    t = tsdict['t'].data
    n1 , n2 , n3 = tsdict['1'].data , tsdict['2'].data , tsdict['3'].data

    stime = t[1] - t[0] ; inittime = t[0] ; N = t.shape[0]

    print "Taking %d averages to estimate spectral densities ... " % ( 2*Nseg )
    nfft = int( np.round( N / Nseg ) )
    noverlap = nfft / 2
    fs = 1. / stime

    P12 , f = pl.csd( n1 , n2 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )
    P13 , f = pl.csd( n1 , n3 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )
    P23 , f = pl.csd( n2 , n3 , nfft , fs , noverlap = noverlap )

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot( 311 )
    ax.plot( f , np.real( P12 ) , f , np.imag( P12 ) )
    ax.legend( ( 'real' , 'imag' ) )
    ax.set_ylabel( 'P12' )
    ax.set_title( 'Day %d' % day )
    ax = fig.add_subplot( 312 )
    ax.plot( f , np.real( P13 ) , f , np.imag( P13 ) )
    ax.legend( ( 'real' , 'imag' ) )
    ax.set_ylabel( 'P13' )
    ax = fig.add_subplot( 313 )
    ax.plot( f , np.real( P23 ) , f , np.imag( P23 ) )