def save(self, node, key, val, type='data'): ''' obj_key The variable that points to the object being stored obj_type The type of the object being stored id The configuration number being used keys The variables in the object vals and their values ''' # If a groupname is supplied, open/create it and enter that group if type == 'group' and pl.is_string_like(key): try: node = self.h5f.getNode(node, key) except: node = self.h5f.createGroup(node, key, filters=self.FILTERS) # If an id is supplied, make a group for it and enter that group elif type == 'id' and pl.is_numlike(key): try: node = self.h5f.getNode(node, "i%d" % key) except: node = self.h5f.createGroup(node, "i%d" % key, filters=self.FILTERS) # When data is supplied, add it (and overwrite any data that was there before) elif type == 'data': if key == None: key = 'None' elif not pl.is_string_like(key): error(self, 'This should not happen...') try: self.h5f.removeNode(node, key) except: pass if issubclass(val.__class__, np.ndarray): # Empty tuples not supported by pytables. Fix by reshaping to (1,) if val.shape == (): val = val.reshape((1, )) atom = tb.Atom.from_dtype(val.dtype) new_node = self.h5f.createCArray(node, key, atom, val.shape, filters=self.FILTERS) new_node[:] = val[:] else: self.h5f.createArray(node, key, val) else: error(self, 'Hmm? Either \'type\' or \'key\' is of shitty format.') node = self.h5f.root return node
def save(self, node, key, val, type='data'): ''' obj_key The variable that points to the object being stored obj_type The type of the object being stored id The configuration number being used keys The variables in the object vals and their values ''' # If a groupname is supplied, open/create it and enter that group if type=='group' and pl.is_string_like(key): try: node = self.h5f.getNode(node, key) except: node = self.h5f.createGroup(node, key, filters=self.FILTERS) # If an id is supplied, make a group for it and enter that group elif type=='id' and pl.is_numlike(key): try: node = self.h5f.getNode(node, "i%d"%key) except: node = self.h5f.createGroup(node, "i%d"%key, filters=self.FILTERS) # When data is supplied, add it (and overwrite any data that was there before) elif type=='data': if key == None: key = 'None' elif not pl.is_string_like(key): error(self, 'This should not happen...') try: self.h5f.removeNode(node, key) except: pass if issubclass(val.__class__, np.ndarray): # Empty tuples not supported by pytables. Fix by reshaping to (1,) if val.shape == (): val = val.reshape((1,)) atom = tb.Atom.from_dtype(val.dtype) new_node = self.h5f.createCArray(node, key, atom, val.shape, filters=self.FILTERS) new_node[:] = val[:] else: self.h5f.createArray(node, key, val) else: error(self, 'Hmm? Either \'type\' or \'key\' is of shitty format.') node = self.h5f.root return node
def read_text_pyfusion(files, target='^Shot .*', ph_dtype=None, plot=pl.isinteractive(), ms=100, hold=0, debug=0, quiet=1, exception = Exception): """ Accepts a file or a list of files, returns a list of structured arrays See merge ds_list to merge and convert types (float -> pyfusion.prec_med """ st = seconds(); last_update=seconds() file_list = files if len(np.shape(files)) == 0: file_list = [file_list] f='f8' if ph_dtype == None: ph_dtype = [('p12',f),('p23',f),('p34',f),('p45',f),('p56',f)] #ph_dtype = [('p12',f)] ds_list =[] comment_list =[] count = 0 for (i,filename) in enumerate(file_list): if seconds() - last_update > 30: last_update = seconds() print('reading {n}/{t}: {f}' .format(f=filename, n=i, t=len(file_list))) try: if pl.is_string_like(target): skip = 1+find_data(filename, target,debug=debug) else: skip = target if quiet == 0: print('{t:.1f} sec, loading data from line {s} of {f}' .format(t = seconds()-st, s=skip, f=filename)) # this little bit to determine layout of data # very inefficient to read twice, but in a hurry! txt = np.loadtxt(fname=filename, skiprows=skip-1, dtype=str, delimiter='FOOBARWOOBAR') header_toks = txt[0].split() # is the first character of the 2nd last a digit? if header_toks[-2][0] in '0123456789': if pyfusion.VERBOSE > 0: print('found new header including number of phases') n_phases = int(header_toks[-2]) ph_dtype = [('p{n}{np1}'.format(n=n,np1=n+1), f) for n in range(n_phases)] if 'frlow' in header_toks: # add the two extra fields fs_dtype= [ ('shot','i8'), ('t_mid','f8'), ('_binary_svs','i8'), ('freq','f8'), ('amp', 'f8'), ('a12','f8'), ('p', 'f8'), ('H','f8'), ('frlow','f8'), ('frhigh', 'f8'),('phases',ph_dtype)] else: fs_dtype= [ ('shot','i8'), ('t_mid','f8'), ('_binary_svs','i8'), ('freq','f8'), ('amp', 'f8'), ('a12','f8'), ('p', 'f8'), ('H','f8'), ('phases',ph_dtype)] ds_list.append( np.loadtxt(fname=filename, skiprows = skip, dtype= fs_dtype) ) count += 1 comment_list.append(filename) except ValueError, info: print('Conversion error while reading {f} with loadtxt - {info}'.format(f=filename, info=info))
def save_nodes(self,filename,path='./results/'): """Saves the contents of a Nodes instance to a npz file.""" attribute = dir(self[0]) save_str = [] #Determine which attributes to be saved for attribute in dir(self[0]): if attribute[0]=='_': continue elif is_numlike(getattr(self[0],attribute)) or is_string_like(getattr(self[0],attribute)): save_str.append(attribute + '=' + 'np.array([self[i].'+attribute+' for i in np.arange(len(self))])') #Write save file eval('np.savez(path+filename,'+','.join(save_str)+')') print 'Saved nodes to file: ', path+filename sys.stdout.flush()
def scatter_classic(x, y, s=None, c='b'): """ SCATTER_CLASSIC(x, y, s=None, c='b') Make a scatter plot of x versus y. s is a size (in data coords) and can be either a scalar or an array of the same length as x or y. c is a color and can be a single color format string or an length(x) array of intensities which will be mapped by the colormap jet. If size is None a default size will be used Copied from older version of matplotlib -- removed in version 0.9.1 for whatever reason. """ self = gca() if not self._hold: self.cla() if is_string_like(c): c = [c] * len(x) elif not iterable(c): c = [c] * len(x) else: norm = normalize() norm(c) c = cm.jet(c) if s is None: s = [abs(0.015 * (amax(y) - amin(y)))] * len(x) elif not iterable(s): s = [s] * len(x) if len(c) != len(x): raise ValueError, 'c and x are not equal lengths' if len(s) != len(x): raise ValueError, 's and x are not equal lengths' patches = [] for thisX, thisY, thisS, thisC in zip(x, y, s, c): circ = Circle( (thisX, thisY), radius=thisS, ) circ.set_facecolor(thisC) self.add_patch(circ) patches.append(circ) self.autoscale_view() return patches
def save_nodes(self, filename, path="./results/"): """Saves the contents of a Nodes instance to a npz file.""" attribute = dir(self[0]) save_str = [] # Determine which attributes to be saved for attribute in dir(self[0]): if attribute[0] == "_": continue elif is_numlike(getattr(self[0], attribute)) or is_string_like(getattr(self[0], attribute)): save_str.append(attribute + "=" + "array([self[i]." + attribute + " for i in arange(len(self))])") # Write save file eval("np.savez(path+filename," + ",".join(save_str) + ")") print "Saved nodes to file: ", path + filename sys.stdout.flush()
def scatter_classic(x, y, s=None, c='b'): """ SCATTER_CLASSIC(x, y, s=None, c='b') Make a scatter plot of x versus y. s is a size (in data coords) and can be either a scalar or an array of the same length as x or y. c is a color and can be a single color format string or an length(x) array of intensities which will be mapped by the colormap jet. If size is None a default size will be used Copied from older version of matplotlib -- removed in version 0.9.1 for whatever reason. """ self = gca() if not self._hold: self.cla() if is_string_like(c): c = [c]*len(x) elif not iterable(c): c = [c]*len(x) else: norm = normalize() norm(c) c = cm.jet(c) if s is None: s = [abs(0.015*(amax(y)-amin(y)))]*len(x) elif not iterable(s): s = [s]*len(x) if len(c)!=len(x): raise ValueError, 'c and x are not equal lengths' if len(s)!=len(x): raise ValueError, 's and x are not equal lengths' patches = [] for thisX, thisY, thisS, thisC in zip(x,y,s,c): circ = Circle( (thisX, thisY), radius=thisS, ) circ.set_facecolor(thisC) self.add_patch(circ) patches.append(circ) self.autoscale_view() return patches
def plot_complex_image(image, plot_title='', textsize=18, scale=False): limit = 6 * median(abs(image)) clf() if is_string_like(plot_title): figtext(0.5, 0.95, plot_title, size=1.5 * textsize, horizontalalignment='center') pass subplot(221) title("Real") if scale: imshow(image.real, interpolation='nearest', vmin=image.imag.min(), vmax=image.imag.max()) else: imshow(image.real, interpolation='nearest') pass colorbar() subplot(222) title("Imag") imshow(image.imag, interpolation='nearest') colorbar() subplot(223) title("Abs") if scale: imshow(abs(image), interpolation='nearest', vmax=image.imag.max()) else: imshow(abs(image), interpolation='nearest') pass colorbar() subplot(224) title("Phase") imshow(angle(image), interpolation='nearest') colorbar() pass
_var_defaults=""" shot_range=[27233] plot=True exception=Exception diag_name='HMP01' dev_name="LHD" """ exec(_var_defaults) from pyfusion.utils import process_cmd_line_args exec(process_cmd_line_args()) if pl.is_string_like(shot_range): print('loading from file %s ' %(shot_range)) shot_range = np.loadtxt(shot_range) device = pyfusion.getDevice(dev_name) for shot in shot_range: try: data = device.acq.getdata(shot, diag_name) #data = pyfusion.load_channel(shot,chan_name) sig=data.signal sigac=sig-np.average(sig*np.blackman(len(sig))) fs = abs(np.fft.fft(sigac*np.blackman(len(sig)))) if plot: pl.semilogy(fs[0:2000],hold=0) pl.title('shot %d, %s' % (shot, diag_name))
_var_defaults = """ shot_range=[27233] plot=True exception=Exception diag_name='HMP01' dev_name="LHD" """ exec(_var_defaults) from pyfusion.utils import process_cmd_line_args exec(process_cmd_line_args()) if pl.is_string_like(shot_range): print('loading from file %s ' % (shot_range)) shot_range = np.loadtxt(shot_range) device = pyfusion.getDevice(dev_name) for shot in shot_range: try: data = device.acq.getdata(shot, diag_name) #data = pyfusion.load_channel(shot,chan_name) sig = data.signal sigac = sig - np.average(sig * np.blackman(len(sig))) fs = abs(np.fft.fft(sigac * np.blackman(len(sig)))) if plot: pl.semilogy(fs[0:2000], hold=0) pl.title('shot %d, %s' % (shot, diag_name))
def extract(self, dictionary = False, varnames=None, inds = None, limit=None,strict=0, debug=0): """ extract the listed variables into the dictionary (local by default) selecting those at indices <inds> (all be default variables must be strings, either an array, or separated by commas if the dictionary is False, return them in a tuple instead Note: returning a list requires you to make the order consistent if varnames is None - extract all. e.g. if da is a dictionary or arrays da = DA('mydata.npz') da.extract('shot,beta') plot(shot,beta) (shot,beta,n_e) = da.extract(['shot','beta','n_e'], \ inds=np.where(da['beta']>3)[0]) # makes a tuple of 3 arrays of data for high beta. Note syntax of where()! It is evaluted in your variable space. to extract one var, need trailing "," (tuple notation) e.g. (allbeta,) = D54.extract('beta',locals()) which can be abbreviated to allbeta, = D54.extract('beta',locals()) """ start_mem = report_mem(msg='extract') if debug == 0: debug = self.debug if varnames == None: varnames = self.da.keys() # all variables if pl.is_string_like(varnames): varlist = varnames.split(',') else: varlist = varnames val_tuple = () if inds == None: inds = np.arange(self.len) if (len(np.shape(inds))==2): inds = inds[0] # trick to catch when you forget [0] on where if limit != None and len(inds)> abs(limit): if limit<0: print('repeatably' ), np.random.seed(0) # if positive, should be random # negative will repeat the sequence else: print('randomly'), print('decimating from sample of {n} and'.format(n=len(inds))), ir = np.where(np.random.random(len(inds)) < float(abs(limit))/len(inds))[0] inds = inds[ir] if len(inds)<500: print('*** {n} is a very small number to extract????' .format(n=len(inds))) if self.verbose>0: print('extracting a sample of {n} '.format(n=len(inds))) for k in varlist: if k in self.keys: debug_(debug,key='extract') if hasattr(self.da[k],'keys'): allvals = self.da[k] else: allvals = np.array(self.da[k]) if len(np.shape(allvals)) == 0: sel_vals = allvals else: sel_vals = allvals[inds] if dictionary == False: val_tuple += (sel_vals,) else: dictionary.update({k: sel_vals}) else: print('variable {k} not found in {ks}'. format(k=k, ks = np.sort(self.da.keys()))) report_mem(start_mem) if dictionary == False: return(val_tuple)
def sp(ds, x=None, y=None, sz=None, col=None, decimate=0, ind = None, nomode=None, size_scale=None, dot_size=30, hold=0, seed=None, colorbar=None, legend=True, marker='o'): """ Scatter plot front end, size_scale x, y, sz, col can be keys or variables (of matching size to ds) decimate = 0.1 selects 10% of the input, -0.1 uses a fixed key. """ def size_val(marker_size): if size_scale<0: return(-size_scale*np.exp(np.sqrt(marker_size/(dot_size/20)))) else: return(size_scale*(np.sqrt(marker_size/dot_size))) if type(ds) == type({}): keys = np.sort(ds.keys()) elif type(ds) == np.ndarray: keys = np.sort(ds.dtype.names) else: raise ValueError( 'First argument must be a dictionary of arrays or an ' 'array read from loadtxt') if x == None: x = keys[0] if y == None: y = keys[1] if col == None: col = keys[2] # deal with the indices first, so we can consider indexing x,y earlier if ind == None: if pl.is_string_like(x): lenx = len(ds[x]) else: lenx = len(x) ind = np.arange(lenx) if seed != None: np.random.seed(seed) if decimate != 0: if decimate<0: np.random.seed(0) # fixed seed for decimate<0 ind = ind[(np.where(np.random.rand(len(ind))<abs(decimate)))[0]] else: # decimate if very long array and decimate == 0 if (len(ind) > 2e4): # 2e5 for scatter, 1e5 for plot print('Decimating automatically as data length too long [{0}]' .format(len(ind))) ind = ind[np.where(np.random.rand(len(ind))<(2e4/len(ind)))[0]] if pl.is_string_like(x): x_string = x x = ds[x] else: x_string = '' if pl.is_string_like(y): y_string = y y = ds[y] else: y_string = '' size_string = '<size>' color_string = '<color>' if pl.is_string_like(col): if np.any(np.array(keys)== col): color_string = col col=ds[col][ind] else: col = col # colour is hardwired else: if col == None: col='b' else: col = np.array(col)[ind] color_string = '' if nomode == None: if hasattr(col, 'dtype'): col_dtype = col.dtype minint = np.iinfo(col_dtype).min nomode = minint else: if len(col) != 0: nomode = dp.iinfo(col[0]).min else: nomode = dp.iinfo(col).min w_not_nomode = np.where(nomode != col)[0] # shrink ind further to avoid displaying unidentified modes ind = ind[w_not_nomode] col = col[w_not_nomode] if sz == None: sz=20 * np.ones(len(x)) if pl.is_string_like(sz): size_string = sz # size scale is the value giving a dot size of dot_size sz=ds[sz] else: # must be a number or an array sz = np.array(sz) if size_scale==None: size_scale = max(sz[ind]) if size_scale<0: # negative is a log scale sz=dot_size/20*(np.log(sz[ind]/-size_scale))**2 else: sz=dot_size*(sz[ind]/size_scale) # squarung may make sense, but too big if max(sz)>1000: if pl.isinteractive(): inp=raw_input('huge circles, radius~ {szm:.3g}, Y/y to continue' .format(szm = max(sz.astype(float)))) # bug! shouldn't need asfloat if inp.upper() != 'Y': raise ValueError else: warn('reducing symbol size') sz=200/max(sz) * sz debug_(debug,3) if hold==0: pl.clf() coll = pl.scatter(x[ind],y[ind],sz,col, hold=hold,marker=marker,label='') # pl.legend(coll # can't select an element out of a CircleCollection sizes = coll.get_sizes() max_size=max(sizes) big=matplotlib.collections.CircleCollection([max_size]) med=matplotlib.collections.CircleCollection([max_size/10]) sml=matplotlib.collections.CircleCollection([max_size/100]) if legend == True: pl.legend([big,med,sml], [("%s=%.3g" % (size_string,size_val(max_size))), ("%.3g" % (size_val(max_size/10))), ("%.3g" % (size_val(max_size/100)))]) pl.xlabel(x_string) pl.ylabel(y_string) pl.title('size=%s, colour=%s' % (size_string, color_string)) if colorbar == None and len(col) > 1: colorbar = True if colorbar: pl.colorbar()
def sp(ds, x=None, y=None, sz=None, col=None, decimate=0, ind=None, nomode=None, size_scale=None, dot_size=30, hold=0, seed=None, colorbar=None, legend=True, marker='o'): """ Scatter plot front end, size_scale x, y, sz, col can be keys or variables (of matching size to ds) decimate = 0.1 selects 10% of the input, -0.1 uses a fixed key. """ def size_val(marker_size): if size_scale < 0: return (-size_scale * np.exp(np.sqrt(marker_size / (dot_size / 20)))) else: return (size_scale * (np.sqrt(marker_size / dot_size))) if type(ds) == type({}): keys = np.sort(ds.keys()) elif type(ds) == np.ndarray: keys = np.sort(ds.dtype.names) else: raise ValueError('First argument must be a dictionary of arrays or an ' 'array read from loadtxt') if x == None: x = keys[0] if y == None: y = keys[1] if col == None: col = keys[2] # deal with the indices first, so we can consider indexing x,y earlier if ind == None: if pl.is_string_like(x): lenx = len(ds[x]) else: lenx = len(x) ind = np.arange(lenx) if seed != None: np.random.seed(seed) if decimate != 0: if decimate < 0: np.random.seed(0) # fixed seed for decimate<0 ind = ind[(np.where(np.random.rand(len(ind)) < abs(decimate)))[0]] else: # decimate if very long array and decimate == 0 if (len(ind) > 2e4): # 2e5 for scatter, 1e5 for plot print('Decimating automatically as data length too long [{0}]'. format(len(ind))) ind = ind[np.where(np.random.rand(len(ind)) < (2e4 / len(ind)))[0]] if pl.is_string_like(x): x_string = x x = ds[x] else: x_string = '' if pl.is_string_like(y): y_string = y y = ds[y] else: y_string = '' size_string = '<size>' color_string = '<color>' if pl.is_string_like(col): if np.any(np.array(keys) == col): color_string = col col = ds[col][ind] else: col = col # colour is hardwired else: if col == None: col = 'b' else: col = np.array(col)[ind] color_string = '' if nomode == None: if hasattr(col, 'dtype'): col_dtype = col.dtype minint = np.iinfo(col_dtype).min nomode = minint else: if len(col) != 0: nomode = dp.iinfo(col[0]).min else: nomode = dp.iinfo(col).min w_not_nomode = np.where(nomode != col)[0] # shrink ind further to avoid displaying unidentified modes ind = ind[w_not_nomode] col = col[w_not_nomode] if sz == None: sz = 20 * np.ones(len(x)) if pl.is_string_like(sz): size_string = sz # size scale is the value giving a dot size of dot_size sz = ds[sz] else: # must be a number or an array sz = np.array(sz) if size_scale == None: size_scale = max(sz[ind]) if size_scale < 0: # negative is a log scale sz = dot_size / 20 * (np.log(sz[ind] / -size_scale))**2 else: sz = dot_size * (sz[ind] / size_scale ) # squarung may make sense, but too big if max(sz) > 1000: if pl.isinteractive(): inp = raw_input( 'huge circles, radius~ {szm:.3g}, Y/y to continue'.format( szm=max(sz.astype(float)))) # bug! shouldn't need asfloat if inp.upper() != 'Y': raise ValueError else: warn('reducing symbol size') sz = 200 / max(sz) * sz debug_(debug, 3) if hold == 0: pl.clf() coll = pl.scatter(x[ind], y[ind], sz, col, hold=hold, marker=marker, label='') # pl.legend(coll # can't select an element out of a CircleCollection sizes = coll.get_sizes() max_size = max(sizes) big = matplotlib.collections.CircleCollection([max_size]) med = matplotlib.collections.CircleCollection([max_size / 10]) sml = matplotlib.collections.CircleCollection([max_size / 100]) if legend == True: pl.legend([big, med, sml], [("%s=%.3g" % (size_string, size_val(max_size))), ("%.3g" % (size_val(max_size / 10))), ("%.3g" % (size_val(max_size / 100)))]) pl.xlabel(x_string) pl.ylabel(y_string) pl.title('size=%s, colour=%s' % (size_string, color_string)) if colorbar == None and len(col) > 1: colorbar = True if colorbar: pl.colorbar()
def __save__(self, root_node, self_key, conf, new_conf): ''' self_key The variable in the calling class that points to self db The database depth The recursive level''' import mynumpy as np from gfuncs import is_builtin_type, is_np_type # Process the optional arguments # opts = {'is_subclass':False} # opts = processArgs(args, opts) db = Configurable.__db__ # Start by adding the key for this class, if supplied. if self_key != None and pl.is_string_like(self_key): new_conf[self_key] = {} new_conf = new_conf[self_key] new_conf['class_type'] = self.__class__ class_node =, self.__class__.__name__, None, type='group') if conf != None: conf = conf[self_key] # Then add the configuration number # Check if the data already exists (in which case a new slot is not needed) # If this is the first configuration, we'll __save__ the data at the first slot # If one or more configurations exist, and the 'is_new' flag is given, we # select a slot with equal contents, if such a slot exists. If not, a new # slot is created and the data is saved there. # To ensure that no data is stored twice, this search must be performed # each time. was_equal, id = self.__find_new_slot__(root_node, conf) new_conf['id'] = id new_conf['class_attr'] = {} new_conf = new_conf['class_attr'] id_node =, id, None, type='id') # Iterate over all class instance variables for key, val in self.__dict__.iteritems(): vc = val.__class__ # print key #if key=='Xd': # print 'hello' # Skip empty types if val == None: pass # If the variable is another configurable class, call its __save__() if issubclass(val.__class__, Configurable): if vc == np.Ndarray:, key, val, type='data') if key not in new_conf: new_conf[key] = val.__class__ else: val.__save__(root_node, key, conf, new_conf) # Save normal datatypes to the database if is_builtin_type(vc) or is_np_type(vc): if key == None: key = 'None', key, val, type='data') if key not in new_conf: new_conf[key] = val.__class__ # NOTE: Be careful with this one. Prolly try to avoid these types elif type(val) == tuple or type(val) == list: if type(val) == tuple: tw = TupleWrapper() else: tw = ListWrapper() tw.len = val.__len__() for i in range(0, tw.len): if val[i] == None: val[i] = 'None' setattr(tw, 'i%d' % i, val[i]) tw.__save__(root_node, key, conf, new_conf) elif type(val) == dict: dw = DictWrapper() for subkey in val: if subkey == None: setattr(dw, 'None', val[subkey]) else: setattr(dw, subkey, val[subkey]) dw.__save__(root_node, key, conf, new_conf)
def extract(self, dictionary=False, varnames=None, inds=None, limit=None, strict=0, debug=0): """ extract the listed variables into the dictionary (local by default) selecting those at indices <inds> (all be default variables must be strings, either an array, or separated by commas if the dictionary is False, return them in a tuple instead Note: returning a list requires you to make the order consistent if varnames is None - extract all. e.g. if da is a dictionary or arrays da = DA('mydata.npz') da.extract('shot,beta') plot(shot,beta) (shot,beta,n_e) = da.extract(['shot','beta','n_e'], \ inds=np.where(da['beta']>3)[0]) # makes a tuple of 3 arrays of data for high beta. Note syntax of where()! It is evaluted in your variable space. to extract one var, need trailing "," (tuple notation) e.g. (allbeta,) = D54.extract('beta',locals()) which can be abbreviated to allbeta, = D54.extract('beta',locals()) """ start_mem = report_mem(msg='extract') if debug == 0: debug = self.debug if varnames == None: varnames = self.da.keys() # all variables if pl.is_string_like(varnames): varlist = varnames.split(',') else: varlist = varnames val_tuple = () if inds == None: inds = np.arange(self.len) if (len(np.shape(inds)) == 2): inds = inds[0] # trick to catch when you forget [0] on where if limit != None and len(inds) > abs(limit): if limit < 0: print('repeatably'), np.random.seed(0) # if positive, should be random # negative will repeat the sequence else: print('randomly'), print('decimating from sample of {n} and'.format(n=len(inds))), ir = np.where( np.random.random(len(inds)) < float(abs(limit)) / len(inds))[0] inds = inds[ir] if len(inds) < 500: print('*** {n} is a very small number to extract????'.format( n=len(inds))) if self.verbose > 0: print('extracting a sample of {n} '.format(n=len(inds))) for k in varlist: if k in self.keys: debug_(debug, key='extract') if hasattr(self.da[k], 'keys'): allvals = self.da[k] else: allvals = np.array(self.da[k]) if len(np.shape(allvals)) == 0: sel_vals = allvals else: sel_vals = allvals[inds] if dictionary == False: val_tuple += (sel_vals, ) else: dictionary.update({k: sel_vals}) else: print('variable {k} not found in {ks}'.format( k=k, ks=np.sort(self.da.keys()))) report_mem(start_mem) if dictionary == False: return (val_tuple)
def __save__(self, root_node, self_key, conf, new_conf): ''' self_key The variable in the calling class that points to self db The database depth The recursive level''' import mynumpy as np from gfuncs import is_builtin_type, is_np_type # Process the optional arguments # opts = {'is_subclass':False} # opts = processArgs(args, opts) db = Configurable.__db__ # Start by adding the key for this class, if supplied. if self_key != None and pl.is_string_like(self_key): new_conf[self_key] = {} new_conf = new_conf[self_key] new_conf['class_type'] = self.__class__ class_node =, self.__class__.__name__, None, type='group') if conf != None: conf = conf[self_key] # Then add the configuration number # Check if the data already exists (in which case a new slot is not needed) # If this is the first configuration, we'll __save__ the data at the first slot # If one or more configurations exist, and the 'is_new' flag is given, we # select a slot with equal contents, if such a slot exists. If not, a new # slot is created and the data is saved there. # To ensure that no data is stored twice, this search must be performed # each time. was_equal, id = self.__find_new_slot__(root_node, conf) new_conf['id'] = id new_conf['class_attr'] = {} new_conf = new_conf['class_attr'] id_node =, id, None, type='id') # Iterate over all class instance variables for key,val in self.__dict__.iteritems(): vc = val.__class__ # print key #if key=='Xd': # print 'hello' # Skip empty types if val == None: pass # If the variable is another configurable class, call its __save__() if issubclass(val.__class__, Configurable): if vc == np.Ndarray:, key, val, type='data') if key not in new_conf: new_conf[key] = val.__class__ else: val.__save__(root_node, key, conf, new_conf) # Save normal datatypes to the database if is_builtin_type(vc) or is_np_type(vc): if key == None: key = 'None', key, val, type='data') if key not in new_conf: new_conf[key] = val.__class__ # NOTE: Be careful with this one. Prolly try to avoid these types elif type(val) == tuple or type(val) == list: if type(val) == tuple: tw = TupleWrapper() else: tw = ListWrapper() tw.len = val.__len__() for i in range(0,tw.len): if val[i] == None: val[i] = 'None' setattr(tw, 'i%d'%i, val[i]) tw.__save__(root_node, key, conf, new_conf) elif type(val) == dict: dw = DictWrapper() for subkey in val: if subkey == None: setattr(dw, 'None', val[subkey]) else: setattr(dw, subkey, val[subkey]) dw.__save__(root_node, key, conf, new_conf)
def read_text_pyfusion(files, target='^Shot .*', ph_dtype=None, plot=pl.isinteractive(), ms=100, hold=0, debug=0, quiet=1, exception=Exception): """ Accepts a file or a list of files, returns a list of structured arrays See merge ds_list to merge and convert types (float -> pyfusion.prec_med """ st = seconds() last_update = seconds() file_list = files if len(np.shape(files)) == 0: file_list = [file_list] f = 'f8' if ph_dtype == None: ph_dtype = [('p12', f), ('p23', f), ('p34', f), ('p45', f), ('p56', f)] #ph_dtype = [('p12',f)] ds_list = [] comment_list = [] count = 0 for (i, filename) in enumerate(file_list): if seconds() - last_update > 30: last_update = seconds() print('reading {n}/{t}: {f}'.format(f=filename, n=i, t=len(file_list))) try: if pl.is_string_like(target): skip = 1 + find_data(filename, target, debug=debug) else: skip = target if quiet == 0: print('{t:.1f} sec, loading data from line {s} of {f}'.format( t=seconds() - st, s=skip, f=filename)) # this little bit to determine layout of data # very inefficient to read twice, but in a hurry! txt = np.loadtxt(fname=filename, skiprows=skip - 1, dtype=str, delimiter='FOOBARWOOBAR') header_toks = txt[0].split() # is the first character of the 2nd last a digit? if header_toks[-2][0] in '0123456789': if pyfusion.VERBOSE > 0: print('found new header including number of phases') n_phases = int(header_toks[-2]) ph_dtype = [('p{n}{np1}'.format(n=n, np1=n + 1), f) for n in range(n_phases)] if 'frlow' in header_toks: # add the two extra fields fs_dtype = [('shot', 'i8'), ('t_mid', 'f8'), ('_binary_svs', 'i8'), ('freq', 'f8'), ('amp', 'f8'), ('a12', 'f8'), ('p', 'f8'), ('H', 'f8'), ('frlow', 'f8'), ('frhigh', 'f8'), ('phases', ph_dtype)] else: fs_dtype = [('shot', 'i8'), ('t_mid', 'f8'), ('_binary_svs', 'i8'), ('freq', 'f8'), ('amp', 'f8'), ('a12', 'f8'), ('p', 'f8'), ('H', 'f8'), ('phases', ph_dtype)] ds_list.append( np.loadtxt(fname=filename, skiprows=skip, dtype=fs_dtype)) count += 1 comment_list.append(filename) except ValueError, info: print('Conversion error while reading {f} with loadtxt - {info}'. format(f=filename, info=info))