def CARtoSPH(x, y, z, dx=None, dy=None, dz=None): """ convert cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) to spherical (phi,theta,rho) - if 3 inputs, convert position vectors - if 6 inputs, convert directional vectors """ if dx == None or dy == None or dz == None: if dx == None and dy == None and dz == None: ## transform position vectors iSPHtoCAR = -1 ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method: ## Note: vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed ## optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written ## to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013 ## #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08(0.,0.,0.,x,y,z, iSPHtoCAR) v_gp08 = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08) output = v_gp08(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iSPHtoCAR) ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013 return (tuple(p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[2::-1]) if (p.isscalar(x) and p.isscalar(y) and p.isscalar(z)) else (output[2], output[1], output[0])) else: raise Exception, 'SPHtoCAR requires exactly 3 or 6 inputs' else: iSPHtoCAR = -1 ## transform local directional vectors ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method: ## Note: vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed ## optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written ## to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013 ## #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08(0.,0.,0.,x,y,z, iSPHtoCAR) v_gp08a = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08) rho, theta, phi, _, _, _, _ = v_gp08a(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iSPHtoCAR) #dx,dy,dz = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.bspcar_08(theta,phi,drho,dtheta,dphi) v_gp08b = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.bcarsp_08) drho, dtheta, dphi = v_gp08b(x, y, z, dx, dy, dz) ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013 return (tuple( p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in (phi, theta, rho, dphi, dtheta, drho)) if (p.isscalar(x) and p.isscalar(y) and p.isscalar(z) and p.isscalar(dx) and p.isscalar(dy) and p.isscalar(dz)) else (phi, theta, rho, dphi, dtheta, drho))
def SPHtoCAR(phi, theta, rho, dphi=None, dtheta=None, drho=None): """ convert spherical coordinates (phi,theta,rho) to cartesian (x,y,z) - if 3 inputs, convert position vectors - if 6 inputs, convert directional vectors """ if dphi == None or dtheta == None or drho == None: if dphi == None and dtheta == None and drho == None: ## transform position vectors iSPHtoCAR = 1 ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method: ## Note: vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed ## optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written ## to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013 ## #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08(rho,theta,phi,0.,0.,0., iSPHtoCAR) v_gp08 = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08) output = v_gp08(rho, theta, phi, 0., 0., 0., iSPHtoCAR) ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013 return (tuple(p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[3:6]) if (p.isscalar(phi) and p.isscalar(theta) and p.isscalar(rho)) else (output[3], output[4], output[5])) else: raise Exception, 'SPHtoCAR requires exactly 3 or 6 inputs' else: iSPHtoCAR = 1 ## transform local directional vectors ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method: ## Note: vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed ## optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written ## to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013 ## #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08(rho,theta,phi,0.,0.,0., iSPHtoCAR) v_gp08a = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08) _, _, _, x, y, z, _ = v_gp08a(rho, theta, phi, 0., 0., 0., iSPHtoCAR) #dx,dy,dz = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.bspcar_08(theta,phi,drho,dtheta,dphi) v_gp08b = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.bspcar_08) dx, dy, dz = v_gp08b(theta, phi, drho, dtheta, dphi) ## if all scalar inputs, return scalar outputs, otherwise ndarrays -EJR 10/2013 return (tuple(p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in (x, y, z, dx, dy, dz)) if (p.isscalar(phi) and p.isscalar(theta) and p.isscalar(rho) and p.isscalar(dphi) and p.isscalar(dtheta) and p.isscalar(drho)) else (x, y, z, dx, dy, dz))
def bin_confint(pc, nsamp, ci=.05, bootstraps=2000): """Shortcut to computing confidence intervals on bernoulli trials (like percent correct). Inputs: pc - array (get back several cis) or single value (get back one ci) of percent corrects nsamp - number of trials used to obtain each pc ci - confidence level (e.g. 0.01, 0.05) bootstraps - number of bootstraps to use Output: 3xN array - first row is median (should be approximately same as pc) last two rows are lower and upper ci as expected by pylab.errorbar """ def one_ci(pc, nsamp, ci, bootstraps): booted_p = boot_p(pc, nsamp, bootstraps) booted_p.sort() p = pylab.median(booted_p) idx_lo = int(bootstraps * ci / 2.0) idx_hi = int(bootstraps * (1.0 - ci / 2)) return p, p - booted_p[idx_lo], booted_p[idx_hi] - p #Need to make it user friendly here to handle array/single numbers intelligently if pylab.isscalar(pc): pc = pylab.array([pc]) nsamp = pylab.array([nsamp]) return pylab.array( [one_ci(p, ns, ci, bootstraps) for p, ns in zip(pc, nsamp)]).T
def bin_confint_lookup(pc, nsamp, ci=.05): """Return the confidence interval from the lookup table. Inputs: pc - array (get back several cis) or single value (get back one ci) of percent corrects nsamp - number of trials used to obtain each pc ci - confidence level (e.g. 0.01, 0.05) bootstraps - number of bootstraps to use use_table - if true then use a precomputed table instead of doing the bootstraps Output: 3xN array - first row is pc last two rows are lower and upper ci as expected by pylab.errorbar """ points = ci_table['points'] values_lo = ci_table['values_lo'] values_high = ci_table['values_high'] from scipy.interpolate import griddata if pylab.isscalar(pc): pc = pylab.array([pc]) nsamp = pylab.array([nsamp]) ci_a = pylab.ones(pc.size) * ci xi = pylab.array((pc, nsamp, ci_a)).T low_ci = griddata(points, values_lo, xi, method='linear') high_ci = griddata(points, values_high, xi, method='linear') return pylab.array((pc, low_ci, high_ci))
def get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window): """ 使用 replication padding 从图像中获得子窗口。子窗口以 [y, x] 为坐标中心,大小为 [height, width]. 如果子窗口超过图像边界,则复制图像的边界像素值。获得的子窗口将使用余弦窗口标准化到 [-0.5, 0.5] :param im: 输入图像 :param pos: 子窗口中心点坐标 [y, x] :param sz: 子窗口大小 [height, width] :param cos_window: 余弦子窗口矩阵 :return: 返回经过余弦子窗口截取的图像矩形框部分 """ # 如果不是高、宽组成的数组,而是一个一维数值,则转化为一个数组 # 目标是子窗矩形化 if pylab.isscalar(sz): # square sub-window sz = [sz, sz] # 以 pos 为中心,以 sz 为窗口大小建立子窗 ys = pylab.floor(pos[0]) + pylab.arange(sz[0], dtype=int) - pylab.floor( sz[0] / 2) xs = pylab.floor(pos[1]) + pylab.arange(sz[1], dtype=int) - pylab.floor( sz[1] / 2) ys = ys.astype(int) xs = xs.astype(int) # 如果子窗超过坐标,则设置为边界值 ys[ys < 0] = 0 ys[ys >= im.shape[0]] = im.shape[0] - 1 xs[xs < 0] = 0 xs[xs >= im.shape[1]] = im.shape[1] - 1 # 提取子窗剪切的图像块 out = im[pylab.ix_(ys, xs)] # 将图像像素值从 [0, 1] 平移到 [-0.5, 0.5] out = out.astype(pylab.float64) - 0.5 # 余弦窗口化,论文公式 (18) return pylab.multiply(cos_window, out)
def bin_confint(pc, nsamp, ci = .05, bootstraps=2000): """Shortcut to computing confidence intervals on bernoulli trials (like percent correct). Inputs: pc - array (get back several cis) or single value (get back one ci) of percent corrects nsamp - number of trials used to obtain each pc ci - confidence level (e.g. 0.01, 0.05) bootstraps - number of bootstraps to use Output: 3xN array - first row is median (should be approximately same as pc) last two rows are lower and upper ci as expected by pylab.errorbar """ def one_ci(pc, nsamp, ci, bootstraps): booted_p = boot_p(pc, nsamp, bootstraps) booted_p.sort() p = pylab.median(booted_p) idx_lo = int(bootstraps * ci/2.0) idx_hi = int(bootstraps * (1.0-ci/2)) return p, p-booted_p[idx_lo], booted_p[idx_hi]-p #Need to make it user friendly here to handle array/single numbers intelligently if pylab.isscalar(pc): pc = pylab.array([pc]) nsamp = pylab.array([nsamp]) return pylab.array([one_ci(p, ns, ci, bootstraps) for p,ns in zip(pc, nsamp)]).T
def bin_confint_lookup(pc, nsamp, ci = .05): """Return the confidence interval from the lookup table. Inputs: pc - array (get back several cis) or single value (get back one ci) of percent corrects nsamp - number of trials used to obtain each pc ci - confidence level (e.g. 0.01, 0.05) bootstraps - number of bootstraps to use use_table - if true then use a precomputed table instead of doing the bootstraps Output: 3xN array - first row is pc last two rows are lower and upper ci as expected by pylab.errorbar """ points = ci_table['points'] values_lo = ci_table['values_lo'] values_high = ci_table['values_high'] from scipy.interpolate import griddata if pylab.isscalar(pc): pc = pylab.array([pc]) nsamp = pylab.array([nsamp]) ci_a = pylab.ones(pc.size)*ci xi = pylab.array((pc,nsamp,ci_a)).T low_ci = griddata(points, values_lo, xi, method='linear') high_ci = griddata(points, values_high, xi, method='linear') return pylab.array((pc,low_ci,high_ci))
def get_subwindow(self, im, pos, sz): """ Obtain sub-window from image, with replication-padding. Returns sub-window of image IM centered at POS ([y, x] coordinates), with size SZ ([height, width]). If any pixels are outside of the image, they will replicate the values at the borders. The subwindow is also normalized to range -0.5 .. 0.5, and the given cosine window COS_WINDOW is applied (though this part could be omitted to make the function more general). """ if pylab.isscalar(sz): # square sub-window sz = [sz, sz] ys = pylab.floor(pos[0]) \ + pylab.arange(sz[0], dtype=int) - pylab.floor(sz[0]/2) xs = pylab.floor(pos[1]) \ + pylab.arange(sz[1], dtype=int) - pylab.floor(sz[1]/2) ys = ys.astype(int) xs = xs.astype(int) # check for out-of-bounds coordinates, # and set them to the values at the borders ys[ys < 0] = 0 ys[ys >= im.shape[0]] = im.shape[0] - 1 xs[xs < 0] = 0 xs[xs >= im.shape[1]] = im.shape[1] - 1 #zs = range(im.shape[2]) # extract image #out = im[pylab.ix_(ys, xs, zs)] out = im[pylab.ix_(ys, xs)] out = cv2.resize(out, dsize = (int(self.window_sz[1]), int(self.window_sz[0])), fx=0, fy=0) #cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(sz[0]), pylab.hanning(sz[1])) if debug: print("Out max/min value==", out.max(), "/", out.min()) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(out, pylab.title("cropped subwindow") #pre-process window -- # normalize to range -0.5 .. 0.5 # pixels are already in range 0 to 1 out = out.astype(pylab.float64) - 0.5 # apply cosine window #out = pylab.multiply(cos_window, out) out = pylab.multiply(self.cos_window, out) return out
def get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window): """ Obtain sub-window from image, with replication-padding. Returns sub-window of image IM centered at POS ([y, x] coordinates), with size SZ ([height, width]). If any pixels are outside of the image, they will replicate the values at the borders. The subwindow is also normalized to range -0.5 .. 0.5, and the given cosine window COS_WINDOW is applied (though this part could be omitted to make the function more general). """ if pylab.isscalar(sz): # square sub-window sz = [sz, sz] ys = pylab.floor(pos[0]) \ + pylab.arange(sz[0], dtype=int) - pylab.floor(sz[0]/2) xs = pylab.floor(pos[1]) \ + pylab.arange(sz[1], dtype=int) - pylab.floor(sz[1]/2) ys = ys.astype(int) xs = xs.astype(int) # check for out-of-bounds coordinates, # and set them to the values at the borders ys[ys < 0] = 0 ys[ys >= im.shape[0]] = im.shape[0] - 1 xs[xs < 0] = 0 xs[xs >= im.shape[1]] = im.shape[1] - 1 #zs = range(im.shape[2]) # extract image #out = im[pylab.ix_(ys, xs, zs)] out = im[pylab.ix_(ys, xs)] if debug: print("Out max/min value==", out.max(), "/", out.min()) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(out, pylab.title("cropped subwindow") #pre-process window -- # normalize to range -0.5 .. 0.5 # pixels are already in range 0 to 1 out = out.astype(pylab.float64) / 255 - 0.5 # apply cosine window out = pylab.multiply(cos_window, out) return out
def __init__(self, space, w, b=0., name=""): """ ------ This class defines a linear projection f(x) = <w,x>+b as an algebraic object to compute basis, nullspace and various operations/properties ------ space: (Space instance) used to port the axes_names and the dimension w : (list or array) must be of length space.dimension. Defines the linear hyperplane coefficients b : (real or vector) the bias of the hyperplane. If a vector it represent the direction in which to push the linear hyperplane\ of coefficients w. If a scalar then it is assumed that\ the bias vector is made of 0 and b for the last dimension ------""" self.ambiant_dimension = space.dimension + 1 self.input_dimension = space.dimension self.dim = space.dimension = name if name is not "" else "hyperplane" # Setting bias if pl.isscalar(b): self.bias = pl.zeros(self.ambiant_dimension) self.bias[-1] = b else: if len(b) < self.input_dimension: raise ValueError("Hyperplane class\ init: given len(b)<ambiant dimension\ ({}<{})".format(len(b), self.ambiant_dimension)) self.biasias = b # Setting the slope if len(w) < self.input_dimension: raise ValueError("Hyperplane class init: given len(w)<\ ambiant dimension ({}<{})".format(len(w), self.input_dimension)) self.slope = w # Generate current basis # it is a sparse matrix of shape (ambiant_dim,dim) self.basis = self._generate_basis() print("Initialization of Hyperplane:\n\ \tName : {}\n\ \tAmbiant Dimension : {}\n\ \tInput Dimension : {}\n\ \tw : {}\n\ \tb : {}" .format(,self.ambiant_dimension,\ self.input_dimension,self.slope,self.bias))
def __doplot(self, dO, xa, ya, style, kind, ax, fnc_x, fnc_y, label): from pylab import isscalar if and x = (dO.getData(xa)) y = (dO.getData(ya)) try: if isscalar(label): lab = '%s=%g' % (label, dO.getHeader(label)) else: lab = '' for l in label: lab += '%s=%g, ' % (l, dO.getHeader(l)) lab = lab[:-2] except: lab = None if x is not None and y is not None: args = [ fnc_x(x, *(self.__fnc_params(dO, fnc_x))), fnc_y(y, *(self.__fnc_params(dO, fnc_y))) ] kwargs = dict(label=lab, linestyle=style[0], linewidth=style[2], marker=style[1], markersize=style[3], markeredgecolor=None) if kind == 'semilogy': ax.semilogy(*args, **kwargs) elif kind == 'loglog': ax.loglog(*args, **kwargs) elif kind == 'semilogx': ax.semilogx(*args, **kwargs) elif kind == 'plot': ax.plot(*args, **kwargs)
def errorfill(x, y, yerr, lw=1, elinewidth=1, color=None, alpha_fill=0.2, ax=None): ax = ax if ax is not None else gca() if color is None: color = if isscalar(yerr) or len(yerr) == len(y): ymin = y - yerr ymax = y + yerr elif len(yerr) == 2: ymin, ymax = yerr ax.plot(x, y, color=color, lw=lw) ax.fill_between(x, ymax, ymin, color=color, lw=elinewidth, alpha=alpha_fill)
def window_spike_train(timestamps, start_time=0, zero_times=0, end_time=None, window_len=1, subwindow_len=None): """Break up a spike train into windows and subwindows marching outwards from zero_time. * = zero | = window boundary - = subwindow --|----|----|*|----|----|----|----|-- Inputs: Note: 1. All time units should be in the same units as the timestamp time units 2. The zero_times should be in ascending order, otherwise the results will be wrong. The algorithm is made efficient by marching along the timestamps sequentially. timestamps - timestamps of the spikes start_time - time rel to zero_time we end our windows (needs to be <= 0). If zero, means no pre windows. If None, means prewindows stretch to begining of data The start_time is extended to include an integer number of windows zero_times - reference time. Can be a zx1 array, in which case will give us an array of windows. If scalar will only give one set of windows. end_time - time rel to zero_time we end our windows (needs to >= 0) If zero, means no post-windows If None, means post-windows stretch to end of data The end_time is extended to include an integer number of windows window_len - Length of each window. subwindow_len - There can be multiple subwindows within a window If subwindow_len is none, subwindow_len is made the same as window_len Output: window_edges - (w + 1 ) array of times, where w is the number of windows windows - (z x w x 2) array of times. z - number of epochs (size of zero_time array) w - number of windows 0 - start idx of timestamps 1 - end idx of timestamps If zero_time is a scalar, windows is 2D sub_windows - (z x w x s x 2) array of times. s - number of sub windows If zero_time is a scalar, sub_windows is 3D """ from math import ceil def march(timestamps, zero_time, start_idx, window_edges, subwindow_len, n_windows, n_sub_windows): """Repeatedly finding indexes from the same array that fit within the current window would be criminally inefficient. We make things a little less time consuming by keeping a running index. """ window_edges_abs = window_edges + zero_time windows = pylab.ones((n_windows, 2)) * -1 subwindows = pylab.ones((n_windows, n_sub_windows, 2)) * -1 while timestamps[start_idx] <= window_edges_abs[0]: start_idx += 1 if start_idx == timestamps.size: break end_idx = start_idx for widx in xrange(n_windows): if start_idx == timestamps.size: break window_start = window_edges_abs[widx] window_end = window_edges_abs[widx + 1] twst = start_idx for swidx in xrange(n_sub_windows): if end_idx == timestamps.size: break subwindow_end = window_start + subwindow_len * (swidx + 1) subwindow_end = min( window_end, subwindow_end ) #This is needed so we synchronise the end of subwindows and windows while timestamps[end_idx] <= subwindow_end: end_idx += 1 if end_idx == timestamps.size: break subwindows[widx, swidx, :] = [twst, end_idx] twst = end_idx windows[widx, :] = [start_idx, end_idx] start_idx = end_idx return window_edges, windows, subwindows, end_idx if subwindow_len is None: subwindow_len = window_len if pylab.isscalar(zero_times): zero_times = [zero_times] if start_time is None: start_time = timestamps[0] - max(zero_times) if end_time is None: end_time = timestamps[-1] - min(zero_times) n_pre_windows = int(ceil(-start_time / float(window_len))) n_post_windows = int(ceil(end_time / float(window_len))) n_windows = n_pre_windows + n_post_windows n_sub_windows = int(ceil(window_len / float(subwindow_len))) window_edges = (pylab.arange(n_windows + 1) - n_pre_windows) * window_len all_windows = [] all_subwindows = [] start_idx = 0 for this_zero_time in zero_times: window_edges, windows, subwindows, start_idx = march( timestamps, this_zero_time, start_idx, window_edges, subwindow_len, n_windows, n_sub_windows) all_windows.append(windows) all_subwindows.append(subwindows) all_windows = pylab.array(all_windows) all_subwindows = pylab.array(all_subwindows) return window_edges, all_windows, all_subwindows
def window_spike_train(timestamps, start_time=0, zero_times=0, end_time=None, window_len=1, subwindow_len=None): """Break up a spike train into windows and subwindows marching outwards from zero_time. * = zero | = window boundary - = subwindow --|----|----|*|----|----|----|----|-- Inputs: Note: 1. All time units should be in the same units as the timestamp time units 2. The zero_times should be in ascending order, otherwise the results will be wrong. The algorithm is made efficient by marching along the timestamps sequentially. timestamps - timestamps of the spikes start_time - time rel to zero_time we end our windows (needs to be <= 0). If zero, means no pre windows. If None, means prewindows stretch to begining of data The start_time is extended to include an integer number of windows zero_times - reference time. Can be a zx1 array, in which case will give us an array of windows. If scalar will only give one set of windows. end_time - time rel to zero_time we end our windows (needs to >= 0) If zero, means no post-windows If None, means post-windows stretch to end of data The end_time is extended to include an integer number of windows window_len - Length of each window. subwindow_len - There can be multiple subwindows within a window If subwindow_len is none, subwindow_len is made the same as window_len Output: window_edges - (w + 1 ) array of times, where w is the number of windows windows - (z x w x 2) array of times. z - number of epochs (size of zero_time array) w - number of windows 0 - start idx of timestamps 1 - end idx of timestamps If zero_time is a scalar, windows is 2D sub_windows - (z x w x s x 2) array of times. s - number of sub windows If zero_time is a scalar, sub_windows is 3D """ from math import ceil def march(timestamps, zero_time, start_idx, window_edges, subwindow_len, n_windows, n_sub_windows): """Repeatedly finding indexes from the same array that fit within the current window would be criminally inefficient. We make things a little less time consuming by keeping a running index. """ window_edges_abs = window_edges + zero_time windows = pylab.ones((n_windows,2)) * -1 subwindows = pylab.ones((n_windows,n_sub_windows,2)) * -1 while timestamps[start_idx] <= window_edges_abs[0]: start_idx += 1 if start_idx == timestamps.size: break end_idx = start_idx for widx in xrange(n_windows): if start_idx == timestamps.size: break window_start = window_edges_abs[widx] window_end = window_edges_abs[widx+1] twst = start_idx for swidx in xrange(n_sub_windows): if end_idx == timestamps.size: break subwindow_end = window_start + subwindow_len*(swidx+1) subwindow_end = min(window_end, subwindow_end) #This is needed so we synchronise the end of subwindows and windows while timestamps[end_idx] <= subwindow_end: end_idx += 1 if end_idx == timestamps.size: break subwindows[widx, swidx, :] = [twst, end_idx] twst = end_idx windows[widx,:] = [start_idx,end_idx] start_idx = end_idx return window_edges, windows, subwindows, end_idx if subwindow_len is None: subwindow_len = window_len if pylab.isscalar(zero_times): zero_times = [zero_times] if start_time is None: start_time = timestamps[0] - max(zero_times) if end_time is None: end_time = timestamps[-1] - min(zero_times) n_pre_windows = int(ceil(-start_time / float(window_len))) n_post_windows = int(ceil(end_time / float(window_len))) n_windows = n_pre_windows + n_post_windows n_sub_windows = int(ceil(window_len / float(subwindow_len))) window_edges = (pylab.arange(n_windows+1) - n_pre_windows) * window_len all_windows = [] all_subwindows = [] start_idx = 0 for this_zero_time in zero_times: window_edges, windows, subwindows, start_idx = march(timestamps, this_zero_time, start_idx, window_edges, subwindow_len, n_windows, n_sub_windows) all_windows.append(windows) all_subwindows.append(subwindows) all_windows = pylab.array(all_windows) all_subwindows = pylab.array(all_subwindows) return window_edges, all_windows, all_subwindows